[IC Thread] Act 1, Scene 2 : Seas of Blue and Red... [Creation is your oyster]

"You are absolutely right, Captain." Misora snapped out of her perverted fantasies... Again... "I'm just excited for dinner. I haven't had much to eat today and all. So I'm looking forward to... Eating. You know?"

Gah... That sounded wrong on many levels. I'm such a terrible person. Hmmmm... I do wonder what is for dinner... And what she has planned for me~ Ohhhhh... I think she knows. Mmmmm... Massage...

"Ahh, I almost forgot... Yoran said something about maybe you wanting a massage..."
"I'm quite sure you are. Ayeka, the ship's cook, is quite skilled in her craft," Tsunami leaned back against the ship's railing. "But hunger is the best... num... seasoning. As for massages, perhaps I should ask your friend the fire aspect if he's good at it. I know this fire aspect masseur in the Eventide Conservatory who has the warmest touch and skill at making the stiffest muscles relax. Despite being an outcaste, his skills are without compare and highly recommended."
"Ummm... Yoran... Ummm... Wanted someone else to do the massage..." The captain's response was a bit of a let down, but... Well, Misora wouldn't give up! She's not a quitter... Most of the time. Oh Captain, you smell so fine~
"Really now, and would this... someone be skilled at massages?" the teasing lilt in Tsunami's words are there and did say that she was amused by Misora's fumbling.
"Maybe... I don't know yet... P-possibly..." Misora stuttered a bit. "He said something about a... S-special massage... That apparently I never knew about..." She gulped hard as she squeaked out, but just barely. "A full body... naked... Oily massage..."

I can't believe I just said that.
"Well..." The captain has an amused look on her face as she lightly caressed Misora's cheek. "You must be suffering, to have to repress your healthy... natural urges that you must ask for help like this..."
"I'm... Sorry... I'm terrible... It's just..." Misora looked down at her feet with a saddened expression. "I'm sorry... I shouldn't be doing this. I'm terrible..." She sighed and looked back up at Tsunami, obviously upset. It was obvious that Misora did, infact, think that she was a terrible person. I'm such an idiot...
"Don't be, it's perfectly natural to be attracted to other women, heavens know that the empress prefers women to the company of men," the smile from Tsunami isn't teasing now, but was more warm and friendly. "But you had to admit you were starting to sound like a school girl confessing to her crush."
"I... I'm sorry... I don't want to... Make you feel awkward, Captain..." There was an air of sadness and pain that surrounded Misora at the part about 'schoolgirl crush'. "I wouldn't know what that's like... I would have never been able to confess to my crush back in school. I would have just been hurt..."

And I still have to deal with her everyday, practically.
"There there," the sigh from Tsunami at the hurt look was accompanied by gentle petting on Misora's back. The sweet flowery scent hung around the pair as they spoke. "I'm sure it'll work out. Eventually."
"How will that work out? They... Will never like me the same way I like them. Strangely enough, everyone thinks that we're a couple. Due to the fact she likes to tease me like that. Saying all these inappropriate things, petting me. But she isn't serious about it. And I could never tell her how much it hurts me. I... Just don't want to ruin it. So I keep it all in. But... I think it's time for me to move on. I can't keep going after something unattainable forever." Misora told the story without shedding a single tear. It must be because she's expected to be proper all the time. It would be not proper to cry in public.
"Then... you make them like you," There is a certainty in Tsunami's tone of voice. Whether she meant by charismatic charm or Charms is unknown. "You are a dragonblooded. The power and majesty of the immaculate dragons flow in your blood, they have blessed you. But their gift is meaningless if you do not possess the will to use it."
"Make them like me? But..." Misora sighed in frustration. "That's easier said than done. I still don't want to ruin the friendship, and... Well... Let's say my family is already not happy with this person as a friend. They think she's a bad influence on me... And my reputation."
"Ah... family." the manner that she said it indicated that Tsunami knew all about that. "I'm surprised your parents or family elders haven't set you with some one else then."
"It's hard to find someone... Well, not hard to find, more like hard to sort out all my possible suitors. I am of impeccable breeding after all. They only want the best for me, even if it makes me unhappy. They have always had such high expectations, they always told me to be prim and proper... They always told me that I'd be severely punished if I did less than perfect in school. I guess it all made me painfully shy... I never really had many friends, except for her that is." The young Ledaal shifted a bit uncomfortably while talking about her upbringing. "And they don't like her."
Yoran did read through half of the book before his eyelids closed, leaving him snoring contently.


OOC: since Yoran's not been invited to partake of the fun, I suppose you don't need to wait for me :cry:


- you COULD post going on the deck and joining the conversation? For the sheer amusement factor?
With her personal manservant in tow, a rather pale Coriander rose from the depths of the ship, the night before their departure she abused massively of the fine alcohols available to her only in the Imperial City and so had to be carried to her cabin in the ship while she slept off her drunken ass.

Now however, her hunger was enough to force her to wake from her slumber and so there she stood at the door leading to the cabins near the brigs, rubbing her temple with a groan, still holding her emblematic kiseru "I can't believe I slept off the whole day..." she whined to herself, her manservant Manfred smiling indulgently at his mistress.

She approached the pair talking quietly amongst themselves, not remarking upon the slightly romantic nature of their dialogue as she smiled lazily, pulling poor little Misora to her without hesitation and holding her from behind "Good evening, my little Misora." she kept starring at the captain for a long time, she felt oddly familiar.

".... oh! Tsunami, right? I think we've met once back on the land..." she flashed a rather charming grin with practiced ease "So what's for dinner? I'm starving and I've already wasted enough time resting!"

Talk of the devil and here she rise from the dark as if beckoned by the stars rising from the horizon.
A loud squeak escaped Misora's mouth as Coriander grabbed her. Talk about timing... "Coriander!! You... You're actually awake... You slept ALL day! I told you not to drink so much!" The air was still awkward. Here, Misora was with the two Cynis she not-so-secretly lusted after. One she had just revealed plenty of secrets to, the other teasingly holding her close. Misora felt as if she'd die of embarrassment. "The Captain and I were just talking about dinner... I'm sure you won't be hungry for long, Coriander."

This is bad... Both of them. Taunting me. I hope the Captain doesn't say anything... I hope Coriander doesn't do anything else inappropriate.
Yoran chose this time to wake up, decide that he should get some fresh air, dress up and walk to the deck, where he could see the two Cynis flanking 'innocent' litte Misora. Now that he had forewarning of the Ledaal's inclinations, it was trivial to decipher the situation - Misora could see a nascent smile at the corner of the Mnemon's mouth...

My my, so much material!
"Well... I'm sure that you must be starving after binging yourself on alcohol, cousin," the dry tone of voice from Tsunami indicated that she might be slightly less than pleased by the appearance of Misora's companions, but she would work with what she had. A quiet murmur quietly that likely could only be heard by the poor air aspect. "just like the last time."
"Ah, so you two have met before, Captain? Coriander has been my friend for years." the young Ledaal said as she squirmed a bit in her friend's grasp. This was pretty embarrassing to her. Her face was flushed again, it had settled down during her heartfelt talk with the Captain, but Coriander just came and made her blush again. "Coriander, you slept through a nasty storm..."
"Oh yeah, we're cousins! I knew you were familiar." she said with a wry grin, completely unflappable as usual, she went at her own pace, the rest of the Great House be damned...

Letting go of her friend, she stood in front of Captain Tsunami, noting how she stood taller than herself, just like she remembered, they hadn't seen each other in almost a decade though, Tsunami enjoyed the sea so "Binging... how cold. Only enjoying the good things from the heartland before setting out for the savage Threshold, it's preparation!" she justified herself smoothly before going on "What have been up to anyway? Still working your way up the Navy for the Dynasty?"

Coriander lifted her kiseru toward her lips, her manservant lighting her smoking device with a match with his usual pose and efficiency even as she brought it to her lips, enjoying a long drag of the fine tobacco "I hope I can try some new herbs in the wild lands, that would be fantastic." even with her mild headache she could not help noticing her friend being so nervous.

"....." she kept smiling innocuously though she glanced at her, she seemed even more flustered than usual...
"Well... I'm not too surprised, after all it's not as if cousin Coriander hasn't been known to sleep through... other events," Tsunami smiled at Misora. "It's something she's famous for."
For some time there was an awkward silence until Coriander snickered softly, nodding "Famous now, is that it? I'm not sure about that, that sounds more like infamy to me, don't tell me if I'm wrong." she brush a hand through her own hair, sighing "I'll be sure to help should there be another storm, Captain, wouldn't want you to get... overwhelmed." she kept her usual charming smile.

"Anyway, I'll be up on the deck, just let me know when dinner's ready, don't want to impose on you girls any more." she noticed at last Misora's strange attitude and came to her own conclusions, silently moving away from them to the other side of the deck to enjoy some peaceful time alone with her pipe.

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