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Fandom [IC]The Veil To Spurn: A Digimon Survivor Tale

Eliam looked at the flaming purple ball for a moment before he glanced towards Salamon. The fact that this thing plan to kill them both while talking like it would be that easy. Eliam was not sure what kind of Digimon this thing was, but he knew that there was no way that he was going to let himself die before returning to his sister. The moment he heard the voice, Salamon caught his eyes, before he started to rush to the side. He moved left as Salamon started to move to his right, she rushed over before she slid against the ground. As she did, Salamon blasted a light toward the purple creature, Holy Shoot.

As she did, Eliam slid down, kneeling as she slowed down and his right palm hit the ground, as he pushed himself to change angle. “Salamon, be careful.”

Salamon nodded before she followed her attack, Sledge Crush shouted as the light exploded. She might not be able to catch him, but with some luck, the light would give enough time for Salamon to catch the little killer.

Eliam stood up as he watched, switching the blade in his hand with a plain one, he had in his jacket. He had not memorized the whole pattern just yet. He hadn’t had time to look at it longer than a few seconds, so he was going to do his best not to give it up. For now, he had a shuriken ready to defend himself.
Medical Team: Ace Damage Report

Clinical Evaluation Team:
Scatterbrain Scatterbrain (Ace/Unimon) Pumpkid Pumpkid (Ruth/Terriermon/Impmon)

Main Objective:
All Mission Complete

Side Objective: Updated
All Missions Complete

Though its sight was gone, Cyclomon's ears still worked; thus, hearing Ace's words made it realize it was in danger, but it wasn't that alone. It could feel like something... consequential was happening. The energy emitted from Ace Digivice was pure digital noise to those nearby as he pumped raw emotional power into Unimon through his united will with the goal of the horse Digimon. Cyclomon swung its arms violently and without a target, unable to know what was coming.

With Ace's command, Cyclomon, in sheer panic, unleashed one last Heat Wave, attempting to swat away any opponent who neared, but the beam whiffed past Unimon as it charged forward, leaping in the air past another thrown claw, missing the horse as the collision of raw power from the honor impacted right into Cyclomons head. In what could only be described as one of the wildest headbutts in history, the oni's brown visor shattered to pieces along with both the Cyclop's eye and its only horn. Ice and Armor fragments flew past behind the beast as it started to fall backward.

The ribbon attached originally flew away past a roof that a visible Shamamon barely caught as he watched his mentor, his brother... crash into the earth, spasming with a massive chunk of their head gone... it wasn't a pretty site by any means. The green goblin's eyes violently dilated as it turned its attention to Ace, the one who commanded the slaying of that which was held so holy to the digital monster. Frothing at the mouth with unadulterated rage, the creature spoke but was interrupted.




"I will hunt you... until the ends of time... to the ends of the Earth. DO YOU HEAR ME....," Before the rant of madness could continue, the ribbon of clothes held glowed as Shamamons whole existence stretched out unnaturally until, like a flash, they were gone up into the sky. All that was left was Cyclomon, but not for long as a massively yellow glow all around it exploded with an intense nine-string intensity of coding shooting out in many directions, with one immediately getting absorbed into Ace Digivice with a message following Unimon as its slayer.

The Satellite alarmingly spoke out at Ruth and Ace, with no time given to the victory that had just been achieved; a massively red eye appeared on the old-school screen, piercing like a camera lens. As it spun around, an imposing will would be felt, a thousand leagues above the sheer power or terror of anything prior to the two skyfallers experience thus far. From the image alone, nothing but the red eye was shown. It didn't acknowledge Ruth, Ace, or any of the digimons around existence, seemingly looking for something else in particular.

"... Initiate self-recall," a very robotically emotionless voice commanded before the video call ended. Without warning and with any parts of the satellite spiraling, the two skyfallers would be pushed away by a powerful force wave as the Satellite rockets out into the sky quickly out of sight and out of mind. Before they could finally breathe, another tremor kicked off, but this time, it was followed by a massive shadow overtaking them all high above the sky.

The Groundramon thrown by Palamon X earlier could seen. At first, it would no doubt inspire a feeling of terror until one of two things came to mind: one, Groundramon didn't have wings to fly, and two huge chunks of the ultimate were missing, with one of its large arm claws completely missing. In the middle jet ramming into it with full force... was... a ... pink... sheep. The sight would quickly leave their eyes as the two Digimon would go for the crash course all the way to the other side of the base.

"Are you two alright? Dr. Tanaki's status report,"
Gabriel came running up to Ruth, and Ace immediately offered the boy a hand to get him back up before offering to Ruth as well. The doctor with Syakomon still in hand ran up to them, taken aback by what the two skyfallers had accomplished.

"Well, everyone ran for the security bunker as practice, and honestly, if it wasn't for these five... they would not have gotten away safely as they did. It seems the enemies are in full retreat," the good Doctor smiled, placing a confirming hand on Ruth's shoulder for her part in it all. At first, Gabriel was surprised, but then he seemed to register Unimons's existence with a lack of a particular pink bunny's presence. It didn't take him long to put two and two together.

"Ya kicked their butts out right," Syakomon added with a nodding chime of accomplishment.

"A Skyfaller... triggering a digi-evolution not even 7 months in... let alone before digitization... that's unheard of," Gabriel admitted in complete honesty under his breath, definitely taken aback as his tired eyes had a moment of revitalized energy following an open-eyed look at the Ace. Before anything else could be said a bellowing horn could be heard off in the distance.

"It seems your recon friends have returned perfectly on time... do as you desire. We can talk about this later," Gabriel offered if the duo wanted to look for their friends as he himself gave some directions for the good doctor. He would need a damage report asap and to check with all the guards for any wounds or worse. Though it was evident that they wanted to talk with him, he was open to it as he started to walk after where his partner had hauled their opponent.
Vibing In the Forest Faction Team:

Lounging Team:
galvanismgal galvanismgal (Mei/Black Gabumon), Twist Twist (Kimi/Tentomon/Bushi Agumon)


All Main Missions Complete

Side Objective:
All Side Objectives Completed...

The three-horned T-rex felt the situation shift as Gryzmon, Tortomon, Mei, Black Gabumon, Bushi Agumon, and Kimi started to circle it. Slowly, it released a growl like a hiss, but with little pause, it took a step back. Even with it being more prominent and more brutally equipped to fight, the champion Digimon realized the odds had gone out of its favor. Along with the retreat of its allies... it didn't have the bite to back up facing so many at once like at the start.

As the gates dropped wide open, Gazimon watched with abated breath... this wasn't a common tactic, and more bizarrely, it was being pushed by a human, of all things. This was a big gamble letting something dangerous go like this, but the virus decided to stick a full gun to the decision made, waiting to see if it would work out as he held firmly onto the chains and the level that controlled the emergency drop.

Gryzmon himself was at full height, claws emitting small lunar particles from its crescent abilities, deciding to step forward as Kimi patted his paw, wanting to give no further time for last-minute attempts. Between it all, the Green Saurian was most intimidated by the bear and the tortoise, and both were split between its sides, giving it no room to attack the smaller ones. As the party moved as one, the dinosaur took another step back no longer threatening them as it was more so waiting... waiting for the one that would strike, but as it never came the creature's nerves started to accumulate... it was now no longer in a dominant stance, but was being cornered into a fight or flight decision.

That is when it noticed the fellow orange Saurian hand on the blade handled on the corner at first, a growl of opportunity but was halted as Tortomon released a metallic screech with a firm stop, killing the idea quickly as it realized the down electrical lines and a massive hole surrounded it. The party had led it to only one option. The open gate was right behind it, yet it seemed to desire defiance until the end, or that was the case until one of the older females shifted her posture into a notable commanding presence as she directed one word to it.


Tuskmon stared at Mei for a minute, but the flames engulfing its fist burned out into a wisp. The authority of her voice was not a request or even a command. It was a territorial statement. The language of beasts in the echelon of might was correct. Tuskmon stopped taking singular steps and started to walk at more of a pace backward before turning around with an empty express... one of defeat as it ran out the gate. The moment it passed the walls of the gate, a notable flux of its ribbon tied between its horns was triggered as, just like with Gladimon, its whole body started to expand before it warped out into the sky in the blink of an eye.

Gryzmon and Gazimon were shocked by this as, much like Kimi, they had thought the creature had been forgotten by its party, but something felt different about the timing. Though neither could put their finger on it.

"Well, regardless of the follow-up. You got your "Bear" result. You were able to handle this via a peaceful finisher," Gryzmon bellowed a chuckle, its shoulders easing up as it sat on the ground, praising Kimi for sticking to her decisions. Gazimon got down, running up to Tortomon, rather shocked by the new form of the originally insectile tendon.

"You alright? You kicked some heavy ass out of their gal... I mean, you handled that expertly, milady," realizing his more hick accent had escaped his lips, he quickly corrected himself with a cough before saying that sounded even more out of sync with his personality, causing his mentor to give another grizzly laugh as he shook his head. That was when a tremor took place, and for a moment, the skies darkened.

The Groundramon thrown by Palamon X earlier could seen high in the sky. At first, it would no doubt inspire a feeling of terror until one of two things came to mind: one, Groundramon didn't have wings to fly, and two huge chunks of the ultimate were missing, with one of its large arm claws completely missing. In the middle jet ramming into it with full force... was... a ... pink... sheep. The sight would quickly leave their eyes as the two crashed, with earth rattling thud and a massive explosion of data as their digivices went off.

Digivice Link: Sheepmon

With Groundramon obliterated, the sheep was quick to hop back into the base, immediately coming up the group as it jumped in multiple directions, seemingly looking for something else to destroy. When it seemed no more hostiles remained, it turned to the group with blank, emotionless eyes as the missile pack on its back jiggled around for a moment with its fur. Asking them very similar to another deadpan plant they had meant not so long ago.

"All is clear?"

The question hung in the air as a horn could be heard bellowing out in the distance beyond the gate near the hillside something fast, and red could be seen with two specks one of metallic grey, and another unidentifiable entity could see.

Scout Party Rescue/Search Team

Search Team:

ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon (Arii), Azurian Dream Azurian Dream (Raven/Witchmon) RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun (Ji-Su/Sealsdramon) Anorgos Anorgos (Roisin/Lopmon) Matreania Matreania (Eliam/Salamon)

All Main Missions Complete

Side Mission:
All Side Missions Completed

Right as Kougamon rushed for the dog in a foolish decision, history quickly repeated itself as Salamon clearly calculated the way Kougamon straight shouted like last time, blasted straight forward head shooting the ninja mid attack canceling the move as the pinball Digimon was sent into brutal roll against the ground.

Cursing loudly as Eliam moved out of harm's way quickly back to the dog. These two were disturbingly in sync... no, it wasn't that... the human was clearly experienced. He was using his Digimon to gauge his movement. The Ninja hissed at the unfortunate setup... if this fight lasted long , even with just a rookie, it could turn bad fast... Kougamon wasn't much for stamina... he was a glass cannon in a straight-on fight.

Slamming into the cliff run-off mounds of dirt, Kougamon was quickly set upon by an explosive blast, which he dodged by burrowing into the mound. Unfortunately, the mound did last, and he was quickly revealed as the pup followed up, this time with a headbutt strike. Kougamon blocked the puppy with his blade, pushing her back as he jumped away... wait... was the human planning to join the fight???

Before Kougamon could laugh at that, something changed the situation as suddenly he went from confident to fearful. Out of view behind Salamon and Eliam was a massive white and blue light... Dark Knightmon had left...time was up. Kougamon sheathed his blade with a hesitant scowl, looking at the human.

"We will pick this up another time, it seems,"
Kougamon took out a small back and triggered a smoke bomb, leaving no trace of how or where he left it as the dust settled with nothing left for Eliam or Salamon to handle.


Raven's eyes went wide as far out in the distance; she had just watched a dragon get slain by what appeared to be a pink dot far out in the distance... whatever had happened at the fort seemed to have finished up as upon their pathway, they noticed numerous strange colored lights shooting up into the sky. Witchmon had lost most of her speed, causing Sealsdramon and Arii to catch up somewhat as she could see them far behind her. However, there was something much further out before they had reentered the forest section of the hill, which Raven had hoped was Eliam.

Her head was heavy with thoughts... those things they served, the thing that dragged them here. They believed it was apparently some god, but the humans they had met gave no such inkling to that suggestion. Was it a made-up religion obsessed with the phenomena, or was there something to this whole sin talk? Raven looked to Witchmon, hesitation of thought at the memory Witchmon reminded her of.

As the party made it to the gate, a horned sound of singling the fort of arrivals, none hostile it seemed, as the gate guard motioned them to quickly get in.
"The tanks out, stubborn ass... you'll have to take it from here... though before you call on me again, make sure to have yourself figured out, I won't answer or deal with hesitation and half ass'ness again like that," that was the only warning Raven would get from Witchmon as they passed the gate as Witchmon turned into a golden light before bursting out of existence right back into an unconscious Wormmon. Raven barely caught the burnt-out bug as she and Roisin hit the ground a bit hard.

A small yelp escaped her as her ass hit the cold ground, with Roisin falling onto her lap painfully... a girl was heavier than expected. Raven could see Mei, and Kimi just as warned out, out in the distance, surrounded by digimon she didn't recognize, along with a pink sheep... a bear... a stuffed grey thingy, and some copycat Agumon that looked like edge samurai designs were its thing.

"Well, that's a new one for the fairy tales: a dragon slain by a sheep," Raven grew as she let herself fall flat, laying on the ground,d cradling Wormmon. They had made it. At least they had accomplished their goals, but it seemed like they had speculated something terrible had happened at the fort. Raven stared at the sky momentarily, clear as day with naught a cloud in sight.

They had won, but honestly, it felt like they had barely made an acceptable cross past the finish line...

Time Skip 1 Hour later


"Free Period" SkyFaller Group

ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon (Arii), Azurian Dream Azurian Dream (Raven/Wormmon), Matreania Matreania (Eliam/Salamon), Anorgos Anorgos (Roisin/Lopmon), RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun (Ji-Su/Commandramon), galvanismgal galvanismgal (Mei/Black Gabumon), Twist Twist (Kimi/Tentomon/Bushi Agumon), Scatterbrain Scatterbrain (Ace/Cutemon), Pumpkid Pumpkid (Ruth/Terriermon/Impmon)

Explore, Interact...

Raven stared through the rag on her face, bleached in cold water, to rest her worries away. She was currently lying on a bench across the shopping district, not thinking about anything, as she petted a sleeping silky Wormmon on her lap. Thankfully, her partner had not been driven to a breakpoint, and the shoulder phantom pain wound from earlier had subsided completely.

Roisin had been taken to Dr. Tanaki's medical tent, but it was hard to say for the rest of the team. Everyone needed their own ways to handle it all... as Chel had expressed, they hadn't experienced a typical day in this place yet, and now that she had... Raven could see why people broke so fast... maybe Arii was onto something.
A strange laugh escaped Raven's lips on that thought, but it died down quickly as she stayed there lazily relaxing while she could. Eventually, she would need to talk to Gabriel about those supplies and transportation options to the Factory Desert biome, but the very thought of leaving these walls made her sick to her stomach with what was out there waiting for them.

Ancient Sphinxmon, Dark Knightmon... those who had given Raven a much-unwanted walkup call to the reality of big fish out of the small pond they had experienced, and from what she could gather, there were potentially worse things out there if not equal to them. When Wormmon had digivolved, Raven had thought they had gained the edge to surviving, but really, it was just a hook holding onto dear life made short work of from just one strike by Dark Knightmon.


Digital codes gained: Mushmon grunt code x1(Impmon), Mushmon Leader code x1(Sealsdramon), Shamamon grunt code x1(Unimon), Shamamon grunt Code x1(Unimon), Firamon Deacon Code(Witchmon), Cyclomon Priest code(Unimon),

Battle Log:

Medical Team Enemies

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x2 Shamamon (Rookies) x1 Shamamon Variant

Shamma Hammer: Runs forward and hits the foe several times with its club.
Shama Strike: Hits balls of fire at the foe with its club.
Mad Twist: Shoots a series of purple energy rings from its club.
Dancing Bone: Throws a bone at the enemy.
Iwa Tobashi: Summons a large boulder and throws it.
Shama Bomb: Shoots a large, explosive fireball.

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Cyclomon x1

Hyper Heat: Fires an ultra-high-temperature beam from its mouth that can melt anything.
Strength Arm: Uses stronger arm to heavy pummel


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Homuradama: Manifests fireballs from its tail and manipulates them at will.
Jaenryu: Manifests a dragon of blazing red flames from its tail.


HP Bars

Shamamon A(The Laity Rank)
HP Tracker: 20
HP 00/20

Damage/Actions Taken: Sends a Shama Strike at Cutemon, 3 direct damage from Water shot(Syakomon), 2 indirect damage from slipping on mud, Temp lose of club to ace, indirectly attacking Ace via abuse of the stolen club, 5 damage from Ultrasonic Song(Cutemon), gets blinded by faulty Shama Strike, Mad Twist to create muddy rain smoke screen, Dancing Bone thrown at Unimons front leg, 10 direct damage from Aerial Attack, DELETION TRIGGERED...

Shamamon B(The Laity Rank)
HP Tracker: 20
HP -06/20

Damage/Actions Taken: Sends a Shama Strike at Cutemon, 3 direct damage from Bunny Blast, 2 indirect damage for painfully twisted neck muscled and being made to eat dirt, 8 direct damage from lazy tail bitch slap + through a hut damage(Youkomon), 3 Direct Damage from Water Strike(Syakomon) causing faulty Shama Strike, 10 Direct damage from Javelin Thrust(Unimon), DELETION TRIGGERED...

Shamamon C(Variant Case/The Laity Rank)
HP Tracker: 35
HP 20/35

Damage/Actions Taken: Shama Strike sent at Ruth, Shama Strike negated by Cutemon, Sends a Shama Strike at Cutemon, Dancing Bone sent at Cutemon, Iwa Tobashi sent at Cutemon, force grips Cutemon to watch Ace get hurt, 3 shotgun reverb damage from holding Cutemon During Ultrasonic Song, 1 indirect damage from hitting the ground hard, Mad Twist to create muddy rain smoke screen, Dancing Bone threw at Unimons head, Jumps on Unimons back, Shama Hammers at Unimons Head, 3 damage from gold evolution orb throwing them back, 8 damage from falling off Unimon mid-flight into a hut, BANISHED from the fight by Cyclomon TO BE CONTINUED... DUN DUN DUN

Cyclomon(Boss/ Priest Rank)
HP Tracker: 80
HP 00/80

Damage/Actions Taken: Hyperheated at the Fort denizens, destroying huts and sending humans flying, 8 multi-hit damage from x4 Bunney Blaster volley shots(Terriermon basically two damage a shot), Hyper Heat Trail after Terriermon, thrown shrapnel at Unimon, Strength Arm at Unimon, Hyper Heat at Unimon, 6 damage from teleportation head slam(Impmon), 9 blocked damage from Aerial Attack(Unimon), Strength Armed Unimon, 8 Direct Damage from Badda boom, 6 direct damage from three shot Bunny Blast(Terriermon), 4 Direct damage from Water Shot(Shakomon), 4 direct damage from Terrier Punch(Terriermon) 15 CRITICAL HIT DIRECT DAMAGE + 7 indirect damage from frozen eyeball/sensory damage from Bada Chill(Impmon), 20 CRITICAL SYNERGY DIRECT DAMAGE Javelin Thrust(Unimon), DELETION TRIGGERED...

Youkomon(Optional Sub Boss Level)
HP Tracker: 60
HP 60/60

Damage/Actions Taken: Watching Ruth, tail bitch slapped Shamamon A through a hut, is satisfied on the curiosity she has on Ruth from her answer, and leaves the battlefield after giving Ruth advice. TO BE CONTINUED DUN DUN DUN


Vibing in the Forest Fort Team

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Kotemon x3: 1 Turncoat / 1 Variant Teleported away / 1 normal teleported away...

Fire Man: Wreathes its Shinai in flames and aims for the opponent's head.
Thunder Kote: Strikes at the enemy's arms with an electrified attack.
Ryusei-Giri: An overhead slash that hits multiple places simultaneously.
Inazuma-Giri: An electrified slash.


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Gladimon x1

Wheel Rush: Performs a spinning slash with the rapier's in its hands
Sword Dancer: Minces the enemy with its long arms as if it were dancing.

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Tuskmon x1

Panzer Knuckle: Punches the foe with a flaming fist.
Horn Driver: Skewers the foe with glowing horns.
Bayonet Lance: Shoots an energy lance from its horns.

HP Bars

Kotemon A
HP Tracker: 20
HP 10/20

Damage/Actions Taken: First Attack blocked by Gazimon, 3 direct damage Bubble Breath(Bushi Agumon), paralysis from Electric Stun Blast(Gazimon), 4 direct damage from Gazimon Claw(Gazimon), 1 indirect damage from being slammed into Variant Kotemon(Gazimon), 2 damage from headbutt(Bushi Agumon), lost in the chaos, TO BE CONTINUED DUN DUN DUN...

Kotemon B
HP Tracker: 20
HP 05/20

Damage/Actions Taken: Chases after Gladimon/Black Gabumon/Mei, swing strike aimed at Meis leg, successful Mei-nipulation, 10 damage from impalement from thrown rapier + falling off the scaffold(Gladimon), successful persuasion, Meteor Slash on Gladimon protecting Mei, 5 indirect damage from Gladimon pulling its sword back out from torso, TURNCOATED...

Kotemon C(Variant Case)
HP Tracker: 45
HP 15/45

Damage/Actions Taken: Charges Kimi with a Ryusei-Giri, 2 indirect damage taken from spike block of Ryusei-Giri by Tentomon's spikey shell, 5 damage direct hit Rolling Guard(Tentomon), Catches Bushi Agumon by the neck with ribbon, hits Bushi Agumon with Thunder Kote, Kicks Bushi Agumon, sends Izanami-Giri at Tentomon, 6 direct damage Electrical Discharge punch to the chin(Tentomon), 1 indirect damage from thrown Kotemon slamming into him(Gazimon), 2 blocked damage from Bubble Breath(Bushi Agumon), catches Tentomon by the throat with ball and chain ribbon, 4 indirect damage through barreling through a hut with Tentomon, Flaming Bamboo at Tentomon, gets rocket tackled out of the way by Tentomon, 5 blocked damage with Thunder Kote from Chouteisoku Ichimonjigiri(Bushi Agumon), Izanami Giri at Bushi Agumon, five direct damage from headbutt(Bushi Agumon), Forced Teleported from the scene by Ruth/Satellite Relic... TO BE CONTINUED...

HP Tracker: 100
HP 38/100

Damage/Actions Taken: Stalemate grapples with Gryzmon, 3 direct damage from chain(Coat) to left eye(Kimi), 10 direct damage from point blank Crescent Dawn(Gryzmon), 4 direct damage from crash cart bombardment (Gryzmon), 4 indirect damage from bouldering through a hut(Tuskmon), 7 indirect damage from ramming into three buildings caused by letting loose wooden pulls out into the projected path(Tentomon), Panzer Knuckle at Tentomon, 10 environmental damage from bell strike from Gryzmon, Secondary Panzer Knuckle at Tentomon, 8 spike jab effect damage for foolishly hitting a spiky shell lol(Tortomon), Horn Driver counter-attack to Grand Dash(Tortomon), 6 shrapnel damage from Grand Dash(Tortomon), Bayonet Lance at Tortomon, 16 critical direct damage from Spinning Attack(Tuskmon), preps Panzer Knuckle, Territorial scared off by Team Forrest Vibe... TO BE CONTINUED???

Gladimon(Sub Boss)
HP Tracker: 60
HP 10/60

Damage/Actions Taken: Directs Wheel Rush at Mei, Wheel Rush dodged by running Mei/Black Gabumon, 5 indirect ramming into multiple objects over a long distance chasing Mei, aims two kicks at Black Gabumon, 4 direct/indirect damage from scolding steam strategy(Black Gabumon), delivered two strikes from Wheel Rush on Black Gabumon, Skewers Kotemon with a Rapier thrown, 9 Critical Direct Damage from Little Horn(Black Gabumon), 2 direct damage from Mei magical girl heel midair stomp XD(Mei), took sword back from Kotemons gut, 6 damage from Meteor Strike(Kotemon), 5 indirect damage from block breaking Little Horn(Black Gabumon), 5 damage from Flame Man(Kotemon), 10 critical self impalement of own sword + icicle environment damage (Mei/Black Gabumon), 4 self harm damage from pulling sword out of oneself(Self), Satellite REMOVED FROM BATTLE by Ruth/Ace effort... TO BE CONTINUED DUN DUN DUN...


Recon Scout Recovery Team

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Mushmon x4

Poison S-Mush: Releases its tiny mushroom bombs all at once.
Rough S-Much: Punches the enemy
Hakai no Kinoko Bakudan: Throws explosive grenades in the shape of mushrooms.

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Firamon x1

Flame Dive: Cloaks its entire body in flames and attacks by diving down from the air.
Fira Claw: Tears the enemy apart with its powerful, flame-covered front limbs.
Fira Bomb: Concentrates all of its energy into its forehead, and fires a flaming bomb.


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Ancient Sphinxmon... Willing Left Upon an unknown Conversation.

Necro Eclipse: An ultimate annihilation technique enveloping the enemy in death's darkness.
Dark Blast: A laser beam fired with a roar.


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Dark Knightmon

Twin Spear: Stabs with its "Twin Spear"
Shoulder Blade: Attacks the enemy with the axe blade on its shoulder.
Undead Soldier: Summons the spirits of dead Digimon to attack enemies.
Treason Vortex: Spins its "Twin Spear" to form a vortex of darkness.
Choujigen Axe: Slashes with an axe capable of breaking down the walls between dimensions.

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Kougamon x1

Kouga-Ryu Kage Bunshin: Forms clones of itself, which attack the enemy simultaneously.
Makibishi: Caltrops thrown out amongst the field.
Shadow Slash: Slashes the opponent with lightning speed.
Mushmon A(The Laity Rank)
HP Tracker: 20
HP -11/20

Damage/Actions Taken: Pulled up the bomb, Poison S-Mush(Dirt mound), Rough S-Much at Arii negated by counterattack(Commandramon), 4 indirect damage taken by side shrapnel from DCD Bomb(Commandramon), 1 direct damage taken from Arii punt, 1 indirect damage from hitting tree from said Arii punt, Disorientation status effected, 10 combo damage from slime ignited Bada Boom(Impmon), 15 direct damage from Fira Bomb(Firamon). DELETION TRIGGERED...

Mushmon B(The Laity Rank)
HP Tracker: 20
HP -04/20

Damage/Actions Taken: Pulled up the bomb, Poison S-Mush(Dirt mound), Rough S-Much at Commandramon negated by counterattack(Commandramon), 4 indirect damage taken by side shrapnel from DCD Bomb(Commandramon), 6 direct damage from Bada Chill(Impmon), Disorientation+slow status effected, Rough S-Much at Impmon, 4 Direct damage from Worm Wheel(Wormmon), 10 combo damage from slime ignited Bada Boom(Impmon). DELETION TRIGGERED...

Muchmon C(Leader of Mushmon Brothers/The Laity Rank)
HP Tracker: 25
HP 0/25

Damage/Actions Taken: Hakai no Kinoko Bakudan Arii point blank negated by slime coverage, Poison S-Mush(Dirt mound), taunted by Ji-Su & Impmon, 6 direct damage from point blank self-destruction of his own Poison S-Mush while still in his hands(Wormmons Silk Thread), 10 combo damage from slime ignited Bada Boom(Impmon), rushes Ji-Su with Poison S-Mush, 18 damage from Death Behind+Monoeye(Sealsdramon), DELETION TRIGGERED...

Mushmon D(Variant Case: Big one/The Laity Rank)
HP Tracker: 45
HP 08/45

Damage/Actions Taken: Pulled up the bomb, Poison S-Mush(Dirt mound), 5 Damage taken from blocking M16 Assassin(Commandramon), 2 Indirect blocked damage Bada Chill(Impmon), Minor chill effect(Impmon), Tackles Commandramon to ram him into a tree, 10 damage from tail whip shattering an icey chunk of their mushroom cap(Commandramon), 7 damage from M16 Rifle Assualt(Commandramon), counter negates DCD Bomb with Hakai no Kinoko Bakudan, 5 indirect damage from using Hakai no Kinoko Bakudan to Commandramons face like a punch bomb, 15 direct damage from Fira Bomb(Firamon), sent flying out of the field. REMOVED FROM THE FIGHT...TO BE CONTINUED DUN DUN DUN

Firamon(Sub Boss/Commander of the Mushmon/Deacon Rank)
HP Tracker: 75
HP 00/80

Damage/Actions Taken: Flame Dived the bomb, sending everyone flying; Fira Bombed Mushmon(Deleted) & Variant Brute Mushmon off the field, 10 Direct distance damage from Gale Baluluna(Witchmon), Fira Claw at Sealsdramon, 12 direct damage Aquare Pressure(Witchmon), Struggle match with Sealdramon, 5 direct damage from spikey boot to center mass(Sealsdramon), 5 direct damage from ground slam(Sealsdramon), 10 direct Distance damage from Baluluna Gale, 5 direct damage from flying impact(Sealsdramon), 11 damage from Death Behind(Sealsdramon), 18 LIMB LOSS DAMAGE left wing sliced off(Sealsdramon), Fira claw at Sealsdramon, Ragged doll Sealsdramon, threw Sealsdramon at Impmon, FIra bomb at Arii, 10 direct point blank damage from Baluluna Gale(Witchmon), DELETION TRIGGERED...

Kougamon(Sub Boss/ Direct Subordinate of Ancient Sphinxmon/Deacon Rank)
HP Tracker: 65
HP 28/65

Damage/Actions Taken: Threatens Eliam with ninja stars, 15 direct damage from Cable Crusher+being sent through a tree(Wendigmon), Shadow Slashes at Eliam, 5 direct damage from Happy Paw to the face negating prior attack, 5 impact falling tree environmental damage(Salamon), Shadow Slash at Salamon, 5 Direct Damage + 5 Tumble negate Shadow Slash attack damage(Salamon), 2 blocked damage from Sledge Crash(Salamon), Self Retreat.... TO BE CONTINUED DUN DUN DUN...

Dark Knightmon(Boss: Archbishop Rank)
HP Tracker: ????
HP ????/????

Damage/Actions Taken: Aim to pierce Roisin halted by Ancient Sphinxmon, ?? damage from Cable Crusher(Wendigomon), Headbutts Wendigomon, ?? damage from under neck headbutt(Wendigomon), ?? hollow Volley damage(Wendigomon), ?? collapsing cliff fall damage, ?? direct damage from boulder style Cable Crusher(Wendigomon), Choujin Axe at the space between Witchmon & Sealsdramon, ? direct Damage from Baluluna Gale(Witchmon), Twin speared a chunk of Witchmon, Kicked swatted Sealsdramon, FORCED RECALLED... TO BE CONTINUED...DUN DUN DUN

Ancient Sphinxmon(Boss: Cardinal Rank)
HP Tracker: ???
HP ????/????

Damage/Actions Taken: Flame cage created, cursed Roisin, 0 Damage from Dark Twister(Lopmpn), ??? damage from blocking lance swing(Dark Knightmon) 0 Damage from Happy Paw(Salamon), 0 Damage from Cable Crusher(Wendigmon), Left of Own volition... TO BE CONTINUED... DUN DUN DUN


Party Damage:

Eliam: Falling shock damage(On dirt Mound), Tackles Roisin, slides down cliff side,
Salamon: Falling shock damage(On dirt Mound), headbutted into a guarding blade,

Roisin: Falling shock damage(On dirt Mound), Curse emotional damage XD, gets tackled by Eliam, digivolved lopmon to wendigomon, falls off cliff unconsciously with Wendigomon due to extreme mental trauma,
Lopmon: Falling shock damage(On dirt Mound), slams into Ancient Sphinxmon, Digivolved to :
Wendigmon: Headbutted by Dark Knightmon, falls of cliff, burns out from koed Roisin, Degenerated to:
Lopmon: Goes unconscious from Roisin being unconscious,

Arii: Concussive force damage(Mushmon), tasered by Raven, tackled by Raven, heat wave minor burns from jumping under Firamons wings, thrown but caught by Witchmon, concussion blasted from the wind pressure of Dark Knightmons Choujin Axe,

Impmon: Sliding mound ride inertia damage, socked with a Rough S-Much to the face, get thrown back by explosion, Eats dirt lol, Teleport slam dunk on Cyclomon, crash landing after teleport,

Ji-Su: Sliding mound ride inertia damage, knocked off her ass by concussive force from Fira Bomb, Digivolved Commandramon, concussion blasted from the wind pressure of Dark Knightmons Choujin Axe,
Commandramon: Sliding mound ride inertia damage, indirect minor shrapnel damage(Commandramon blocking own attack: DCD Bomb), Rammed into a tree, Hakai no Kinoko Bakudan to Commandramon's face like a punch bomb, tanks Poison S-Mush, Digivolves to:
Sealsdramon, Point blank Fira Bomb blast, spin Tussles with Firamon, Fira claws into legs, teeth grapple of forearm, rag-dolled/thrown by Firamon, concussion blasted from the wind pressure of Dark Knightmons Choujin Axe, Kick Swatted by Dark Knightmon,

Raven: Exhaustion from running to catch up with the bottom floor forest team, knocked off her ass by concussive force from Fira Bomb, tackled Arii, Digivolved Wormmon, concussion blasted from the wind pressure of Dark Knightmons Choujin Axe, extreme phantom pain from Witchmons left shoulder wound,
Wormmon: Blunt trauma from Worm Wheeling the Mushmon, almost blown away by concussive force from Fira Bomb, Digivolved into
Witchmon: tanks Fira Bomb protecting Arii, burns all around her body, concussion blasted from the wind pressure of Dark Knightmons Choujin Axe, Twin spear taking a literal chunk of her left shoulder,

Ace: Throws himself into the dirt to crab club, is kicked upward by Shamamon, is whacked around by the Shamamon bone against the club he's holding, causing emotional damage(Cripple edition), Digivolved Cutemon, falls after losing the Shamamon club, Phantom Pain from Unimon almost being crushed,
Cutemon: Blinded by Shama strike(Trio shot), bolder smashed by Iwa Todashi(Shamamon Variant), grappled by Shamamon Variant to watch Ace get beaten, Digivolves to
Unimon: Dancing bone to the face/front legs, Shama Strike to the helmet, Strength Armed into the ground by Cyclomon, being pressured into the ground excruciatingly by Cyclomon.

Mei: Run far away from the start of the fight, "Trips on scaffolding", jumps off scaffolding and trips on Gladimon upon rear landing,
Black Gabumon: Wheel Rushed in the left shoulder & right thigh,

Kimi: Thrown onto Gryzmons back, rodeo Gryzmon riding, Rodeoed onto the rooftops, Digivolves Tentomon to Tortomon, shock force of Panzer Knuckle,
Tentomon: Ryusei-Giri blocked with Shell, eating dirt, foot jabbed by wooden blade on fire, gets snatched by the through by ball and chain ribbon carrying Kotemon, barrels through a hut with variant Kotemon, gets three-wayed Panzer Knuckled by Tuskmon, Digivolves to
Tortomon: tanks Panzer Knuckle, damaged shell from Bayonet Lance from Tuskmon, thrown by Tuskmon,

Arii stayed collapsed in their little alcove for a long time, the rabbit-thing tucked close to their chest and under their jacket as they stared blankly at the shrub-darkened sky. Stars above, everything hurt. Hurt like teeth on bones and blades on skin. They gagged occasionally, when they breathed too deep and the bruises flared from a soft ache to agony. Why were they doing this again? At some point, they thought, it shouldn't be worth it. Not in any way that mattered. They were exhausted, they were injured, the whole party was made exclusively of middle schoolers or something—

They watched the sun filter through the leaves, forcing their brain blissfully blank and beating back the great granddaddy of all headaches with naught but willpower. "I hate you," they mumbled to the sky, voice hoarse. "I hate you so fucking much. Useless bastard."

They forced themself out of their hiding hole to their feet after probably thirty solid minutes of silence. Well, as much silence as they could get with a persistent ringing sharp in their skull. They eyed the slog through dense undergrowth with the kind of distaste that one acquired when they didn't particularly have much motivation to breathe, much less walk through burr-central.

You cannot leave the rabbit out in the woods alone, they ordered themself, taking a slow, measured step.

Everything hurt.

"Becoming a hermit if I ever get home. My next life? Fucking isolation. It'll be great. Fuckin' amazing." They kicked a stick out of their way, settling their head atop the rabbit's as they trudged. "Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid."

They slunk more than walked into the fort, keeping to the edges of the commotion. People didn't particularly notice them, too busy with repairs and whatnot. Besides, they were good at slipping by mostly unnoticed. Came with the territory of their entire existence. They'd even managed their way into and out of the medical tent without being spotted to deliver the rabbit. Its absence was simultaneously a relief and odd, a feeling they weren't sure they knew how to interpret.

So, they shook their head and continued their path.

Now just to find...


They spotted him through the gap between a pair of buildings, barely silhouetted by the remaining sun. Were it not for the way he held himself, Arii wouldn't have been able to tell one dark blob from another. He was in the middle of talking, but what patience they had was something like a hair's breadth thin, so they just... raised their voice some. "Oi," they said, and it came out a low, growling noise. They paused, just for a heartbeat, before they seemed to soften. "I need to talk to you." Better. Quieter, but less like bared-teeth and bloody lips. They stuffed their hands back into their pockets, twitching oddly when they brushed up against something metal-cold.

That's right, they still had Ruth's digivice.

They'd seen Impmon from a distance, so they could only assume he... respawned or something after being disintegrated. They hadn't walked over. It was too... odd. Too many things were happening all too fast, and they needed... time. Yes.

Now, they'd only get time if they could get through this conversation.
With things having came to a head and as quickly, disintegrating. The enemy was just gone, vanished in a beam of light. Teleportation likely. Concerning depending on how that worked, or so the two partners were reflecting. Ji-Su was less than pleased that it seemed injuries to Sealsdramon had been reflected to herself. Or the sensation of it at least If the reverse held true that would be a problem. Either way the other wounds while they did hurt, was not as bad as the kick when had thoroughly

Unlike Sealsdramon who was a Cyborg and had subsystems and portions of the brain modified, he could take the damage and continued moving with little qualms, Ji-Su did not have this and felt like a trainwreck. He had also yet to revert till they made their way to the camp proper, carrying Ji-Su during the speedy retreat before turning back into Commandramon. By this point Ji-Su was feeling a lot better and took to moving on her own. Now that he had turned back, no damage lingered within Commandramon as his eyes scanned over the walls and base, he spoke; "I believe some form action has taken place here in our absence."

Ji-Su also was in agreement with this fact, stretching on her own, she turned to the rest and then to Commandramon. "Well, I need to go see Gabe. He'll want this digivice, Commandramon, if you want help them with repairs, keeping watch, or just get some rest, I doubt we'll run into a problem too soon."

Splitting away from the party and ask around the fort, she had to report on Joe and all the rest.

With a bit of searching and asking she came upon him, regardless of if he were busy or not, she walk up to him directly and smiled thinly.

Interactions/Mentions: Azurian Dream Azurian Dream
"Free Period" SkyFaller Group

RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun (Ji-Su/Commandramon) ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon (Arii)

Explore, Interact...

(Before the Hour Skip)
After everything that had taken place, it was great to say that the fort's first legitimate battle had been a victory, but many problems with the victory plagued Gabriel's mind. With how things had gone, the guards, residence, and some passersby had handled the Kotemon units well enough. Yet the champions, the ones running those units, had all been handled by the Skyfallers. All of them were routed without casualty, only in wounded scenarios.

If it had not been for those Skyfallers the damages would have been way worse. Gabriel and Palamon X were unexpectedly routed hard as the dragon they slayed dangerously kept close to the south wall... clearly knowing their fighting style, forcing them to hold back. They had been studied somehow or maybe better yet researched in their past. Yet a particular detail that bothered him even more... was people saying they saw ribbons of the tendrils that nabbed them years ago.

To top that off, from all accounts, numerous member in that group had triggered Digi Evolutions not even three days into their new life. The staggering fact of that alone left Gabriel's mind with questions. If Chel had been here, he would have for once been seeking out conversation with her, even at the risk of her questions about the past being used against him. His hand tapped furiously against the planner he held, where he quickly gained a pile of papers as damage reports returned. It had only been a few minutes, but Gabriel had requested the short answer of it all to start designating the repair teams to the more critical sections.

That was when he noticed a shadow coming toward him, causing him to look up from his planner and notice Ji-Su walking toward him with a noticeable thin smile. It didn't take long to guess he was about to get a damage report of a different kind.

"Ah, you're the second to arrive back, I believe. It's good to know you all made it out with your heads on... now we're just missing the solo party, Arii... I believe. Raven, her name was? The one with the green beenie arrived with the more imposing woman not too long ago and dropped her off at the medical hut. She wasn't able to look me in the eye... looked like she had been sent heavy through the thick of whatever happened," Gabriel expressed, making long talk, making it clear to anyone watching his stoic face that he knew what was to be of what he needed to ask, but first he motioned for her to follow as he grabbed her a glass of water handing it to her as no doubt she was famished like the others.

"... Mind telling me what you found out there?"


(After The Hour Skip)
After Ji-Su had left, Gabriel had done nothing but stare at the broken device in his hands... the emotions plaguing him were all to familiar, all too real, like clockwork as they passed his mind. A heavy, disheartened sigh escaped his lips as his blank expression weakened for a moment before tightening right back up... he had done this song and dance many a time..., and this time was no different.

A few more direct notes had been brought to his attention over some structural graces. The three buildings Tuskmon had ripped to were stable enough to be patched rather than torn apart; though the power lines and construction sight were rattled hard, they only had to cut power to the north side for now. Some scaffolding had been lost during the Gladimon tyrant, and per Cyclomon, much of the south area's groundwork was riddled with laser-focused hole lines, and a good chunk of the residential huts had been obliterated.

The fort walls had been minorly damaged, with Tuskmon halted in its plan, which was still in one piece. Some of the metal holdings behind the wooden beams were bent or wrecked out of an attempt by the Kotemons to break a part of it before they were set upon by the people Ruth and Ace had covered for.

The three buildings were more like the smithwork forge, the lumber mill, and the rest of the building where the bell had apparently been gutted out of by a bear. As Gabriel distracted himself, a voice spoke up, causing him to flinch at the suddenness of Arii near him... Gabriel stared at the youth momentarily, another unfavorable thought of reminded stemming in his mind as he sighed.

"You are quite the stealthy one, Master Arii. One of your colleagues happened to fill me in on what happened, But I assess that's not all you want to transcribe in chatter. Please drink something," Gabriel noted the look in Arii's weak visage they had been just as equally sent through the grinder as the rest, it seemed. Though there was a different look of want on the youth's face, telling Gabriel questions was more the likely topic than giving information as Gabriel offered Arii a glass of water.
"Just Arii."

The words were out of their mouth before they'd processed it, and they made... a complicated face. Something to the left of an embarrassed cringe as they sifted through the back of their hair, blood flaking down around their shoulders. "Please."

The man whose body said grief and loss even though they thought he didn't want it to handed them a glass of water, and they took it with limbs that still shook like shattered trees. They watched the ripples form in the surface for a heartbeat before, quietly. "I'm sorry."

A close knit community felt loss everywhere. Anyone. Everyone. Like family.

It was their own longing that pooled the words behind their teeth, an ache like they were missing something. To some extent, they thought it was because they were, even though they were technically the one who was missing. "It wasn't fair." The both of them knew that, Arii thought, but they had to say it. They swirled the glass more. "I'm sorry. I wish we could have recovered more for you and your community." A pause as they took a thin breath. It wasn't their place to offer anything more than sympathies. They moved on "I don't know how much the others told you, but something's hunting people. Really hunting people. Not like animals, not for food, territory. The ones we met went on about 'sin' and goddesses." They clacked their teeth audibly. "They know where you are. They've been watching."

They tore their eyes from the water to look around at the fort. "I don't know how to run a civilization. That's all I can give you." The walls were all-but destroyed. If there were fewer people, perhaps they would have advised leaving. Finding somewhere to go aground.

But it was increasingly obvious that they didn't know how this world worked.

"Is there anything aside from digimon that can do real damage to things here?"
Not missing a beat, Ji-Su did not see a reason to blunt the impact or to dance around with the man, there was no good way to say what they found, there was no good end in it at all. Reaching into her right breast pocket, Ji-Su pulls out the damaged device.

"Listen to it later if you want. All of your scouts, well, they didn't make it. We ran into as bad of things as you guys seemed to. But we likely got more answers, and that isn't saying much." Motioning to the destruction around them she continued.

"We found a cult, well, a cult is what it strikes me as. There were several digimon, two of which were powerful enough to wipe us all out if they wished it. A Ancient Sphinxmon and a Knightmon. They were part of a religious order, which upheld a goddess. Went on about sins, forced an evolution out of one of us, the mons that is.

Two others were there and tried to kill us, to assure their place within the order, they used Christian ranks, bishop, deacon, you get the idea. A Mushmon mob I think it was and a Firamon, we managed to kill all four of those, or was it five? Either way they were responsible for an ambush on at least part of the scout force... The rest well, there is no pretty way to dress this up, the Sphinxmon and Knightmon delt with the other two, in a brutal fashion. The recording on the digivice will explain it all. If you rather I spare you that then I can tell you what happened.

Long story short, they were all deemed sinners and killed. I'm not sure if what happened here ties into it or not, but I suspect otherwise. Also, the woman that dragged us all here is their goddess, or so I've concluded."

Interactions/Mentions: Azurian Dream Azurian Dream
Interactions: Twist Twist Sheepmon/ NPCs Azurian Dream Azurian Dream

(before time skip)
And end chapter~ As expected Kimi’s heroine power along with her new friends were enough to chase off Tuskmon ending the last threat to the village. Hopefully it was scared for life since it did the weird stretch and vanish Gladimon did. Wherever it went was not digiheaven at least.

Oh? Tentomon was getting hit on? Well Kimi seemed to be the type who would be fine with that.

Before Mei could offer a retort on it the sky darkened…well considering she was wearing sunglasses it was already dark to her but glancing upwards to ensure a safe or some other cartoon object wasn’t going to fall on the group revealed that someone was playing with their food so to speak. Judging how the pink blob spoke Ex-palmon was now Ex-palmon in more ways than one.

“Ara? Maybe not,” Mei said in response to Sheepmon squinting out the gate at the smear of color that sped towards the fort. Everything would be fine so she assumed everyone that left the fort would return in once piece so it would be more efficient for Mei to go handle other things and leave the rest to the others since they would be better suited to it.

”Regardless these life risking events fall outside of the prior negotiations wouldn’t you say~. Don’t worry though while you finish up here, I will rectify the agreement since surely Gabriel wouldn’t go back on his word, we have an alliance after all. Do be a dear and thank Gabriel in advance for his generosity given the circumstances.”

With a small have fun with your friends wave to Kimi Mei set off at speed you would play eurobeat music over with Black Gabumon in tow. Bee lining it to the market area Mei only paused when she sensed someone in dire straits to make light of their misfortune. Her haughty words would bring attention to their unnoticed struggles so that those around could lend a hand while helping revive her credit as a villainess, her peeling OHOHO all but ensured it.

Speaking of credit, she was planning on extorting Gabriel for everything he was worth and with those 3 dollars unleash fiscal reckoning on their shambled economy.

With the presence of a tight budget housewife raising two kids that she begged her parents to look after for the day even though her husband had it off so she could make her way to the supermarket so she could be one of the first twenty shoppers in line to get the deal on the stake she otherwise couldn’t afford even with her coupons to make for a nice dinner for her husband in an effort to prevent him divorcing her which would be crashed by that the coworker he was cheating on her with since they pulled a woospy at work and forgot some papers that needed to be signed and the only thing preventing her husband from trying to find a pen in the broom closet with them was that




That would repair their marriage in ways conversation could not Mei got to work on her plan.

She would start by abusing the authority of his good name to put thing onto his tab. Then taking those goods, she would buy and sell enough to manipulate the market price further until she gained the amount of cash needed to proceed with her goals without needing to rely on credit alone to meet her goals.

In the long term the market would take a hit but, Mei could soften the blow short term at least until they left. Her first priority would be that the fort maintained a stock of essential supplies since while situated by the forest and close enough to the sea stock piling ready made goods and dried foods would allow them to focus on the recovery efforts without risky supply runs. If she didn’t act fast enough some of the merchants would leave without selling.

Choosing between taking a huge loss and safety shouldn’t be a choice the traveling merchants had to make so Mei would make it for them and have them just take a small loss so they had funds to complete their journey elsewhere.

While she had no trouble taking advantage of the chaos, she was not generous enough to allow others to do the same and take advantage of the crisis for their own gain. The scarcity of con-men would not be artificial as long as she had her way.

Predatory tactics weren’t everything and social currency was just as important as cold hard cash. Steal from the rich give to the poor was a motto for a reason so why shouldn’t she be the one to redistribute those funds? Her benevolence would know few bounds but it couldn’t be considered charity. Mei would allow everyone to save face and keep their feeble pride as a trader by carefully manipulating her profit line. Whether buying or selling the loss wasn’t on her tab after all ohohoho.

(post time skip)

“Ara? you’re selling it for this much,” Mei said apprising the sad little thing as Black Gabumon returned from running an errand,” How about this much~? You won’t be able to sell it to anyone else but if you insist, I’ll have to pass. Maybe I should just be done with shopping for the day...,” She finished casting a meaningful glance that there would be consequences if anyone did business with the trader and that they could blame him if her free flowing financial grace trickled to a stop.

“I won’t stand for this,” the trader grumbled giving in.

“Then kneel.”

Needless to say, Mei tried to make the best of the time she had.
Last edited:
Before time-skip...

Ace watched as Cyclomon crashed to the ground and exploded into data. They had won, somehow, Ace's digivice registering their victory confirmed it, but as soon as the adrenaline faded, he felt the crushing weight of exhaustion settle over him like a lead blanket. His limbs felt heavy and every ache and bruise from the battle came rushing to the forefront. As the satellite's departure sent literal shockwaves through the immediate vicinity, Ace, with his legs wobbling underneath him, was knocked to the ground with little resistance.

Unimon stood tall for a few moments longer, rearing on to their hind legs and kicking their front legs as they let out a victorious whinny, before being engulfed in a bright pulse of light and crumbling back into Cutemon. The fairy Digimon swayed on the spot, blinking dazedly, before falling on to their back with swirls in their eyes.

Ace barely registered Gabriel and Dr. Tanaka approaching until Gabriel’s hand was suddenly in front of him, offering to help him up. He looked at it, as if trying to remember what he was supposed to do but the effort of even that was too much and his head fell back into the dirt. "I think... I'm just... gonna stay here... for a sec..." Ace muttered.

He could hear the praise being lavished on him but he didn’t have the energy to respond. His body had reached its limit and the dull buzzing of voices around him was quickly fading into a haze. The last thing he felt before slipping into unconsciousness was the warmth of Cutemon’s small frame pressed against him, as they were both placed into a stretcher and taken to the medical tent to recuperate.

Pumpkid Pumpkid Azurian Dream Azurian Dream

Ruth Valentine

Tags: Azurian Dream Azurian Dream Scatterbrain Scatterbrain


Cyclomon’s final attempt to save himself fails miserably as Unimon’s headbutt lands, breaking their brown helmet shattered into smithereens thanks to Impmon and Terriermon’s help. What Ruth barely noticed is a white ribbon that once wrapped around Cyclomon resembled the veil that had dragged them to the digital world or created the fakemon. Memories of that day reminded her how she fell in hell. She held herself for a moment shuddering at the thought only to be broken as the soul surviving Shamanmon vowed to hunt down Alex. Ruth watched in horror as they warped into the sky, and Cyclomon dispersed into binary coding absorbed by Alex’s digivice. The blonde’s jaw dropped, shocked at how painful a digimon’s death turns out minus the blood. She has seen the anime, but it was nothing compared to real life.

The eerie sound of a robotic voice had startled Ruth causing her to hide behind an injured Alex despite his state. He was big and had muscles to fight even if his legs weren’t working. ”What is that?” The relic fled from the area. Now Ruth wondered if it was alive to begin with. ”At least it’s over.” She told herself as her legs buckled and down she fell to her knees at a loss of words. Exhaustion seeping into her body from their battle. Ruth was not the only one. Alex had fallen, drained from an intense battle. Ruth kept him from hitting the ground, worried for his well-being. ”I’ve got you.” She assured him. No injuries were found on his body from her point of view.

Unimon had let out a victorious neigh before reverting to Cutemon. Impmon raced over to catch them. It was ironic how both Ruth and Impmon mirrored one another despite their differences. It was proof of their biological connection. There are remnants of her inside of him that have yet to surface. ”Ya did great, pinky. Take a long rest. Ya earned it.”

Terriermon plopped his butt on the ground once everyone was taken care of. A heavy sigh escapes his lips, relieved everything is over and done with. The moment was short-lived as the ground beneath began to rumble. ”Now what?” All eyes fell upon a shadow clouding over them. Ruth’s onyx eyes widened at the sight of Groundramon in the sky. They have just defeated Cyclomon and barely came out alive. Now they have to deal with them? Upon closer inspection, Ruth took notice of Groundramon’s appearance. A few assets were missing from when they first arrived. On top of that, they were not flying. In fact, something else was moving it. A pink ball. Ruth couldn’t see perfectly at such a distance, but she now felt certain they were no longer in danger with whatever is handling Groundramon. The crash had shaken the earth once more.

A voice called out in the distance. Gabriel had approached and offered to help them up. ”We’re fine, Thank you.” Ruth continued to be Alex’s balance as Dr. Tanaka came along and gave her report. Ruth was relieved their distraction was not in vain. People were evacuated and hiding safely in a bunker. It felt like a weight was lifted off her shoulders. The enemies had retreated, which meant there were other enemies running around the settlement while they handled Cyclomon and Shamamon. Gabriel seemed impressed with Alex’s ability to digivolve Unimon, whereas Ruth did no such thing. She couldn’t without her digivice, but in the back of her head it might not have worked regardless without a meaningful connection. That’s what had Cutemon digivolve in the first place. The way Unimon and Alex fought together near the end valiantly. Meanwhile, Ruth did nothing. She didn’t get to defeat a Shamamon, nor call Impmon on time. Instead she was fooling around with the satellite. On top of that, she didn’t even destroy the machinery like she was supposed to. Alex did all the work. Ruth hung her head, and bit her lower lip in disgrace. What would her parents think? She can imagine their remarks already. She was useless and that was the fact. She just had to do better.

The horn had broken Ruth out of her thoughts. Gabriel had explained to Raven and the others had returned. She had forgotten about them. Perhaps they were safer scouting the outskirts. Hopefully they don’t worry about those that were in the borders or blame themselves for that matter.

Impmon heard what Gabriel said with Cutemon in their arms and prayed the recon group was fine after things got serious with Dark Knightmon and Sphinxmon. He was relieved, that’s for sure. He was warped in the middle of an important confrontation. Sure, he was spared, but what if his leaving caused his friends to get hurt? As Alex collapsed, Ruth yelped, worried about her best friend. ”Alex! Alex, are you alright?” She shook the man, but had no reaction. She can surmise he had fainted due to fatigue. Quickly, he was placed on a stretcher and Impmon sat Cutemon on their chest to be looked at. Ruth followed behind Dr. Tanaka, ”Doctor, please let me assist you. If there are any injured, let me give you a hand.” She beckoned in hopes they would accept. One medic dealing with an entire fortress full of wounded people, Ruth can at least be of service with her medical knowledge and learn a thing or two from her. It would make up for sitting on the sidelines.

”Let me help too.” Impmon piped up.

”No.” Ruth declined.

”Why not?” He asked, confused by her rejection.

”You will only get in the way. You don’t even know what you’re doing. Just stay away.”

Impon stared at those dark eyes of hers. The way they scowled with disgust. Ruth didn’t know it, but she was projecting, mirroring her parents as they lashed out on her many times before.

Ruth carried on leaving Impmon behind. Terriermon watched the argument feeling sorry for Impmon. He couldn’t comprehend why were so cold to her partner. He never expected her to be that way as Ruth seemed like a sweet girl. Terriermon consoles him with a pat on the back. ”It’s okay. Maybe she’s stressed?” Now it was Impmon’s turn to scowl and shrug off Terriermon’s hand and march off to check on the recon group. ”Sheesh, those two have a lot of issues.”


Ruth had been preoccupied with helping those in need. She scrambled around fetching supplies and cleaning wounds. She did basic medical procedures while Tanaka did most of the diagnosing. Her responses were always “Yes ma’am” without hesitation like an obedient servant. In this case, a temporary nurse. Every now and then she would check up on Alex, but knew it was pointless. He just needed a good night’s rest to recover. At some point, she did notice Raven was admitted and taken care of. Nothing fatal, thankfully. She didn’t bother to ask her much as she was much too busy, but once things did ease up, she took notice of Raven laying down with an unconscious Wormmon. Whatever happened had also affected them similar to Alex and Cutemon.

The blonde sets the bucket of water down ready for use. She dampens the cloth and shyly taps Raven. ”Um, excuse me, Raven, right? I think this might help. Your rag looks a little dry.” She glances at the sleeping Wormmon and frowns. ”I’m glad you all made it in one piece.” She assumed. ”What exactly happened out there? You look a little roughed up.”


Impmon took a long stroll around the fort grumbling. He looks around the wreckage for any survivors in need of help. He noticed the damage done had him wondering what did it entail for the fort? He recalls what Arii said about an invasion happening at the same time as the ambush. They were correct. This was planned, waiting for the right time. Impmon hummed in thought, replaying the events prior. Why did Dark Knightmon and Sphyinxmon casually wait by the cliff and for how long? Did that mean they were targeting someone specific or any who cross their paths? If they were to return to the cliff, would they be there? Why attack the Fort? Is it for fun? Judging by how desperate the mushmon were to be recruited amongst their rank, the fort must have been an initiation and nothing more. The same could be said about them.

As for the recon group, they were thankfully in one piece. He never did greet them as he was too annoyed to even speak to any of them, no thanks to Ruth. He assumed the reunion meant something. He was wrong. He should have known the way she called him useless. Impmon grits his teeth and growls over her insensitive comment. He did a lot more than she ever did, and that was a fact. He threw himself in the fray and helped take down Cyclomon and mushmon. ”She’s such a brat.” He hangs his head in frustration. His eyes glossy as if ready to cry when really, he was hurt. ”Why doesn’t she want me?” He whispered.

He shook his head and stopped feeling sorry for himself. ”Humph! Who needs her? Crazy chick.” He continues wandering around.

(After skip)

Kimi sat in the medical tent alongside her partner and so many others. She had followed Raven here, alongside an injured Roisin who had been carried on a stretcher. As they had walked they were swiftly accompanied by Ruth and Ace, who was in much the same state as Roisin. She had wanted to say something to lighten the mood along the way, but her friends seemed preoccupied and distant so she consoled herself with their presence.

While Raven had taken vigil over Roisin, Kimi took it upon herself to keep watch over Ace and Cutemon. Tentomon looked up at her from time to time, obviously unsure what to do in such a situation. "Should we help?" she whispered.

Kimi shook her head "They know what they're doing. We just have to wait."

Tentomon pursed her mandibles "Can i talk to Wormmon?"

Kimi shook her head. "They need their rest Tentomon. We just have to wait."

Tentomon hushed. But only for a moment. "Can we play cards?"

Kimi turned to her partner who looked up at her with bright uncomprehending eyes. She didn't seem to understand the situation. Tentomon herself had been in the same state only an hour earlier, but for her now it was water off a ducks back. Though perhaps something like that was best forgotten. Kimi smiled softly "Maybe. But we'll do it outside, out of the way"

She took her partners hand in hers, and carefully made her way to the door. That is until Ruth broke the silence that sat ever so heavily over the room. After her hours labour, Ruth talked to her 'Bug Sister' and Kimi found herself taking pause. She took a step towards the two girls. "How are you two holding up?"

Azurian Dream Azurian Dream Pumpkid Pumpkid
"Free Period" SkyFaller Group

RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun (Ji-Su/Commandramon) ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon (Arii) Scatterbrain Scatterbrain (Ace/Cutemon) Pumpkid Pumpkid (Ruth/Terriermon/Impmon) Twist Twist (Kimi/Tentomon),

Explore, Interact...

Gabriel(Before Time Skip)

Gabriel eyed the device the moment it left Ji-Su's pocket. It was a dark blue and white digivice... it was Joey's without a doubt. The crack screen told Gabriel all he needed to know before the words left the Korean woman's mouth. Apparently, it had a message, meaning it was meant for Gabriel, more likely than not if it still was holding onto a charge. He took it silently as she continued on about how Sora didn't make it either... that one would be much rougher as she had a boyfriend at the fort.

"No, I agree with what words they were spouting out here. I think it goes without saying a cult mentality is at hand. Hilariously, I recognize the hierarchy they are using. It mimics Christian church rankings," Gabriel nodded in that analysis as he heard from Dr. Tanaki how prophetic the one Cyclomon speech was and that she had even heard the title of Priest given to him. There were also some people who heard words like Deacon and Laity, like titles given by the enemy. The next part caught Gabriel off guard as Gabriel's eyes went from a soft loss to an alerted immediate leader sharpness.

A Mega? A Mega in the forest biome was extremely rare. Atop that, they weren't of the caliber of species in the area. Insects, plants, or animals definitely, but a dark stone Elementalist. Gabriel's mind clearly spun into gear as he placed his clipboard on a table, turning back to Ji-Su as he collected his thoughts.

"The Forest Biome is the weakest of them all. Nothing aggressively tries to thrive here, and those that did, I took care of a while back... there are a ton of factions throughout the whole island... but a digital monster religion is not one of them... this is new even to me," he admitted. When she mentioned the goddess aspect, he remembered what he had heard about the clothes many were seen wearing.

"They seem to praise our captor, but I have never heard it had an existence... most of us chalked it up to being the island itself. Yet now I have many a feared folk saying they say those same snatching ribbons wrapped around our attackers, and now yours as well," Given the conditions, he assumed the one forced was Roisin given how banged up she and her Lopmon looked upon arrival by broomstick. To force out an evolution was also something Gabriel had never heard before. Yet there was a look on his face where a thought was clearly going more profound than he voiced as he was reminded of something from a long time ago; he pushed the thought away and sighed as Ji-Su confirmed they used the same ranks though the ones she mentioned were also near the top of that hierarchy system.

"No, I will hear Joe's last words. He deserves that, at least. When we get a chance, I'll free-lance some people to find Sora, Geoff, and Teal's digivices later. You have done more than enough for the matter. A mushmon mob? Interesting, they were wiped out of this area pretty early on by some poachers... we dealt with them, but not before they had wiped the species off the map... if there are some around, I wouldn't blame them for hating humans I heard the acts were pretty atrocious,"
Gabriel admitted yet the gaggle of different species she listed made it clear this was a group all over the place with mons from very different Biomes.

"They seem to be collecting strays for their numbers. That's what it sounds like: unity through shared belief of some sort... as per this Goddess, unless they know something we don't, it sounds like someone played off an impressive con. Yet, given how they acted, they were firm in believing it for some reason. They were willing to die for it, even to the point of desperation," Gabriel spoke. The last bit, in particular, worried Gabriel the most. Pulling strays had a dangerous edge to it... they had nothing in particular to live for.

"Sinner? Heh, that's interesting. Some people who can fit that bill come to mind, but many don't. Even myself, well... any sins I racked up were here rather than my old life," Gabriel laughed at the notion, but for a moment, when he spoke of his earlier time here, a flash of guilt momentarily twitched on his lips.

"With that said, though, they clearly have some dangerous chess pieces on their board. I must warn our human allies of this in the other biomes. Thankfully, we currently have quite a few travelers in the area," Gabriel mulled, quickly devising a message route to all who could be affected by this.

"Thank you and the others for giving us closure and fighting to return it. We owe you for that," Gabriel gave a tired but firm, appreciative smile. After all, a small victory was considered a large one in this place.

"Though I admit something feels off about this attack... we have a Kotemon behind bars, and when Palmon X spoke to him, he didn't seem so inclined of this attack being fully marked for approval. It was suddenly an opening of opportunity, a chance to join the ranks... they were recruited by the success of missions apparently... but this Mega stayed away from the fort. That is the part that confuses me... It's like they were told to stay away from the fort directly. I mean, the two you mentioned. Sorry, I doubt I am making much sense at the moment,"
Gabriel spoke, realizing his sleep depravity was catching up. He mulled over some other thoughts.

"Clearly, we're going to need to double down and upgrade the walls of the fort to digichrome... that was a cost I was hoping to avoid," Gabriel mumbled to himself before turning back to the woman of arms.

"I think you should get some rest, Master Ji-Su, for now unless there is something more I can help you with. I plan to get with you all tonight to go over your reward, so there is that for later,"
Gabriel mentioned, but they knew the woman might have had some other things to discuss or point out. For now, Gabriel could only label this new faction as a radical human-hating sect. Which made sense given the notions pushed.


Gabriel(After Time Skip)

"Ah, modesty, is it? No worries, I can respect that," Gabriel gave a gentle smile, noting Arii's embarrassment... or what maybe was supposed to be embarrassment come to the poor soul's face. However, as the smaller one took the glass from him, he could feel the shaken nature flowing through Arii's nerves, not helped by the evident ripples atop the cup's waves of content. Gabriel was genuinely patient with Arii, waiting for them to get to their desired topic, not pushing in the slightest.

"Much appreciated, Arii, I wish that could have been the case as well. Unfortunately, not much is left of someone when they die here. In fact, you're lucky to find even these intact,"
Gabriel explained, motioning to Joe's device in his hands. It was evident Arii wasn't use to expressing emotion, but they were trying. To Gabriel, that counted more than they could know. Gabriel offered a seat to Arii as he sat down on another, feeling the weight of the day catch up as the sun was soon setting. As Arii finale touched the topic Gabriel had been mulling on since Ji-Su left he felt another heavy sigh escape his lips.

"Indeed, in particular, I think they expected me to leave the fort to investigate the recon situation. Maybe they wanted me to break upon witnessing the fort collapsing at their hands. I heard what happened to Roisin recently from Palmon talking to Eliam about what went on the cliff... they did something unnatural to her, and that's saying something with all the things Digimon can do,"
Gabriel nodded if anything to himself, taking a big drink of water. His thoughts drifted as he swirled the contents of his cup for a moment.

"Worst off, I can't move these people. I'll have to double down on defense and start seeing what I can do to speed up the guards training and, more likely than not, see about getting some more potent Digimon to stay here. Most of these people aren't fighters, evident by how hard they had a time rounding up the Kotemon Brigade before they were whisked away,"
Gabriel mulled, rubbing the temple of his head... they should have had more Digimon to interrogate, and while the one they had was responsive, it was an outsider who was trying to join... very limited knowledge was there to be had.

"Well, I'll tell you one thing: running one is a draining effort. Don't recommend it, but if you want, you can have the position," Gabriel lightly joked. However, the joke waved off as Arii asked a question that Gabriel knew was coming from the partnerless Skyfall. Without missing a beat Gabriel answered.

"Technically, there are two answers. The first, though, is Digichrome. It's a metal native only to this place. Many more powerful forms of Digimon come equipped with it, but it's the only thing naturally you can find that can be made to hurt Digimon in a human's hand; anything else bounces or breaks against their unique skin qualities. That big hole over there...,"
Gabriel temporarily directed Arii's sight to where the battle with Tuskmon took place.

"We were going to build a more sophisticated forge to handle such metals. It takes a lot to melt it down and a heavy process to mold it. The only places it can be farmed from are the Ice and Fire Biomes all the way on the other half of the island. However, the Water, Sky, and Desert Biomes also have it in limited supplies. You could probably find something crafted there to your aid, but the likelihood of someone giving something like that up is low,"
Gabriel spoke honestly, but there was a notable oddity to the conversation. It felt scripted, almost like it was more something Gabriel had heard than was saying directly himself, with only the first bit of it sounding original from Gab's mouth. Gabriel was looking at Arii, and there was a notable sadness in his eyes, but it wasn't pity... nor, more oddly, not to Arii.

"Sorry, I was remembering a past way someone explained it... as per the second, well, survive long enough, and your digivice will give you the tool. Though... that one you will have to see for your own eyes to make sense... I'll discuss that more with you when I talk to you all later tonight,"
Gabriel finished his answer, though not entirely.

"Technically, there is a third answer... relics. Once in a blue moon, you'll hear about either a Digimon or a human having a strange device that does things that don't match reality. Case and point I am sure you heard about the satellite that your friends Ruth and Ace dealt with. It teleported the enemy to and fro without any logic... there are a few things like that, and some of them have weaponized capabilities... honestly, I would recommend staying away from those things, though... I have rarely heard of people who keep them living long after,"
Gabriel Ominously spoke, finishing his glass.

"I would offer you some, but I hadn't worked out the trading for such yet. Yet, If there is anything else you would like to ask, by all means,"
Gabriel spoke, offering to continue the conversation if it was in Arii's desire.


Dr. Tanaki(Before Time Skip)

"Onto the stretcher immediately,"
Dr. Tanaki was immediately directing her small team of helpers. As the chaos had subsided, one of their immediate patients was Ace and Cutemon. With a few crush pills and medicinal sprays, Cutemon was quickly taken care of, though for Ace, in his very human condition, it was more work than usual. Thankfully, the doctor's skills hadn't decayed in the new formal world. With some help from Ruth, it was easy enough, but then came the wave of after-the-fact people.

The hut and the small staff were quickly overwhelmed, and Ruth got first-hand experience with how medical sprays were the way healing worked. Ruth would quickly get a crash course in the oddity that was medicine in the digital world. Burn, electrical stun, freeze, and even poisons were handled by the literal assertion of floppy disk drives onto the actual wounds absorbed by the body, creating an almost instant healing salve. As per slowly closing wounds, medical spray and HP spray were the answers. Anything stamina-related was handled by something known as an SP spray, and while at first, it seemed like a simple process, the precision of nature and the signs were not.

Though, to Dr. Tanaki's surprise, Ruth quickly understood how it worked. However, when things started to get some breathing room, Dr. Tanaki decided to speak up. As things started to slow down

"Hey, I know you're under a lot of stress, and you have been nothing but an angel of help. Yet, you should have let Impmon help. As you are aware, our bio partners have our memories and knowledge... meaning any medical knows how you have Impmon does too, even if it's more a nature versus knowing way,"
She randomly spoke up on cleaning her hands as the constant introduction to the elements. Wounds trimmed some of it onto her own digital body. After thoroughly cleaning, she used a unique spray that washed all the conditions right off, like soap on oil.

"I understand the stem of your problems lies in his typing conflicting with a religious prospect, but eventually, you're going to learn you're going to have to look past how you used to see things to survive... he is a living thing just like you, and atop that, his only goal in life will be to help you... push him away to hard, and you are defenseless. Just think about it, okay?" Dr. Tanaki asked, not with a pleading look but with a knowing one. As she finished cleaning everything off, she sighed as another wave of people sought care, killing the conversation's ability to continue.

"Regardless, you're doing a great job. I've never met such a skilled nurse in the making. Round Two. Everyone on your toes." She immediately got to work on a woman she recognized as one of the other new sky fallers... Roisin. After an hour, Ace and Roisin were well-handled and on the road to recovery as things finally started to calm down.


Raven(After Time Skip)

"Huh... oh... hey Ruth,"
Raven felt a sudden unexpecting poke that caused her to jolt up for a moment, holding onto the still sound asleep Wormmon as she removed the clothes on her head. It had helped her get past whatever the hell she had experienced with Witchmon, though the phantom memory of it kept the pain fresh. She placed the virus on her lap, looking at the more timid girl with groggy eyes; however, Ruth's frown at the green insect didn't go unnoticed.

"Thanks," she spoke, unsure how to gauge that look, as she gave Ruth her old rag and placed the new one on her forehead, only this time. She gave a blank expression to the sky, thinking about the warning Witchmon had given her at the end before finally speaking.

"More than we were ready to handle... that's for sure. We got exploded... sent flying, nearly set on fire, and worse of all, fell apart near the end. We had a good front for a moment, and then it was stolen from us like we were toys. That Ancient Sphinxmon could have ended us whenever they wanted, but they didn't... apparently we humans are part of its experiments...for some glorious made-up religion... or at least I hope it made up," Raven grumbled to herself, suddenly feeling that pain mix with her anger as she punched the bench she was one immediately regretting it has she shaken her fist for a moment before calming down again after blowing on her knuckles for a moment. Thinking about the words all those Digimon used during the fight painted a dangerous picture of how they saw humans.

"I can definitely say we need to stay clear of them, that's for sure. I heard you guys had it pretty bad when Dr. Tanaka told me about your own dangers. I'm not going to lie; when Impmon disappeared, we feared something had happened and couldn't tell if it was you or him," Raven remembered the message left on Joe's device about how Sora had been killed, and it caused her Biyomon to go up in smoke basically...

"We failed miserably. I... don't want to be that thing again..." Wormmon finally opened its mouth, probably having woken up during Raven's speech. The dreadlocked girl was quick to pat her insectile buddy.

"No, don't act like that. You did a great job, we succeeded in doing what we promised everything that followed... was just unexpected chaos,"
Raven chimed with a motherly tone, patting the sad bug as the green insect buried itself in Raven's leg, clearly not happy with how things had gone or how she had acted as Witchmon. Raven wouldn't tackle that for now. It's best to let Wormmon have some time with her own thoughts. She turned back to Ruth with a curious noticed of something lackey.

"Speaking of which where is Impmon? He deserves some praise. He actually wrecked the enemy quite a bit with his quick thinking... though a bit insane at the same time, hehe," Raven laughed, remembering how Impmon had used the enemy advantage against them, blowing them up with their own slime, and bombs, for that matter.

"He's rather quick on his feet. I guess he gets that from you... you clearly worked your butt off helping the medical staff,"
Raven added, noticing how hard Ruth had been working while she was recovering. Though as she thought about it, Impmon was nowhere to be seen. However, she was quickly distracted by Kimi revealing herself along with Tentomon.

"Hey, look, it's our bug sisters,"
Raven chimed, getting Wormmom to look up with some enthusiasm as she waved to Tentomon before leaving Raven's lap. At first a bit uncertain, but with a soft push from Raven, the green insect went over to talk to her buddy.

"Well, I am good. I think Ruth is too, right," Raven asked more so, looking at Ruth for a second, realizing she hadn't checked on the girl caring for her currently. With her calm, mysterious smile returning, Raven then added in a chime.

"What about you? Heard you all became the town heroes within seconds. That includes you too, you know that, Ruth,"
Raven added, aiming to cheer them both up though she knew she had to answer Kimi's question.

"Well, we achieved our goal. Then we were wrecked pretty badly... seems to be the same group you all defended the fort from, too. Though we got the short end of the stick with two of their in-charge folk, it seems. Though I hear we might have Ruth to thank for their full retreat,"
Raven expressed as the cool water suppressed her heated thoughts. Instead of that, she decided to concentrate on what she heard from the other victims around.

"They seemed rather attached with whatever dragged us her claimed it was a goddess in fact," Raven added before she turned to the sound of excitement from Wormmon.

"I heard you turned into an enormous golden turtle that's so cool... what was it like to have only four limbs," Wormmon thankfully cheered up with the distraction questioning Tentomon. Though Raven thought to point out Wormmon should have known that turning into a humanoid woman again, she left it alone not wanting to remind Wormmon of her heated action. She didn't blame Wormmon or Witchmon. It was an instant of survival. Commandramon made it the most clear in a real situation that these just-born critters would protect their human over all else. It was programmed into them, but given Sealsdramon and Witchmon's willingness to hear things out, it was evident that programming could be altered a little at a time.

"Hey, did either of you notice personality changes upon Digi Evolution... with Cutemon and Tentomon," Raven asked Ruth and Kimi directly.

Post Time Skip

Everything was empty, dark. And yet Róisín knew she was looking through her eyes. That if a piece of light, or something, appeared in the blackness she'd know immediately. There was just nothing but silence and her own thoughts.

"I'm sorry, Bab..." She mumbled to herself, thoughts fading and fumbling away before snapping back to attention as a faint figure of someone was finally noticed ahead. Their back turned to Róisín, the young girl was probably half the height of the red haired woman. Long hair, knee length summer-like dress, the colour was washed out but the patterns on the clothes remained.


Róisín began to walk, and walk, and never really got closer. She just kept walking towards the young girl, her breathing getting quicker, rushed, as she found herself now running but never making it closer.


She ran. Róisín pushed and pushed and ran. Her body strained, her legs ached, instinct not stopping her but to mindlessly wipe away the sweat and tears beginning to cloud her eyes. And the youn....teenage girl still stood there, back to Róisín, hair just as long but braided, and still in her favourite dress and boots.

And Róisín still ran...reached out towards her...blood smeared on her hand and wrist...the cut up pieces of that dress blowing from some wind that would never reach Róisín. And as the young woman finally began to turn to face the rushing Róisín...

Róisín groaned loudly as sight started to come back for her. The bed/table/stretcher (whatever it was, was hard) was slightly padded to provide some kind of support, but definitely no more than that. Besides a couple of tears and dirt on her clothes, the pain and wounds had all but gone like some miracle.

She hadn't seen much of the fort before heading out, but did remember the talk of some kind of doctor clinic. The aches remained though, oh boy they did. Slowly propping herself, strength fell away again as she took the short tumble backwards, giving out another groan and eliciting a peak of a head from behind a flimsy curtain divider.

Trying again before she could be stopped, Róisín managed to steadily get herself sitting up, her breathing heavy as she looked at the clinic helper/volunteer and half heartedly gave a nod of her head.

"I'm oka- *hiss* I'm okay...okay..."

Shit. They didn't believe her. Their worried expression disappeared behind the curtain again and most likely going for the one in charge if they were free. Róisín just groaned annoyed at herself, closing her tired eyes again before she felt the soft rustling of something laying against her.

"Hey there..."

Lopmon seemed to be in better shape, physically that was. The way she moved, slow and clearly full of aches, showed she was in the same boat as her partner. Taking a moment to rub her eyes and look around the strange, new, environment, she finally turned to Róisín.

"Mmm...what happene..."

The long eared bunny was just gently scooped up by the red head before she could even finish.

"...Don't worry about it...just rest, okay...?"

They both just laid there. The volunteer returning briefly and apparently happy to see Róisín laying back down before they moved on again. There was talking going on from the other side. Raven, Ruth, Kimi, they were all discussing what went down in their respective areas, even their partners seemed to fall into their own conversation.

Taking the moment of distraction Róisín finally got herself sitting, standing, then found themselves taking a few steps outside of the clinic door for some fresh air. From the sounds of those around her it was a similar unprovoked ambush/attack for both sides and though those hurt were far and few, the damage to the fort was evidently huge.

"...I remember what happened..."

That froze Róisín. She got Lopmon into that no-win situation. She had no choice but to fight for her partner, to protect and survive and she'd hate Róisín for it and...

"...I know what I did..."

Realisation hit Róisín as she started to feel the upset shakes coming from Lopmon in her hold, face hiding against her partner's arms as the bunny got more and more teary.

"I'm sorry...Please don't hate me...!"
"I don't hate you...!"

That seemed to startle Lopmon a little, causing her to finally look up at the firm gaze of Róisín.

"You did nothing wrong...nothing! You protected me...you saved me..."

There was more that could be said, from both sides, but it was enough. They needed to know that neither blamed the other, everything else could come afterwards. Giving a little nod, Lopmon returned to resting in Róisín's arms as the red head turned and took a rest against the outside corrugated wall of the clinic. Just taking the moment to close her eyes, feel the sun, and decompress.

"It was so fuzzy...I felt so...sad...and angry...What do you think that means?"

The fear and anxiety she felt from Ancient Sphinxmon was like a distant memory, a dream, vague enough to know it had happened but now feeling as if it was years ago. She knew what they were doing to her had been terrible, torturous, but now so far removed from the moment that Róisín couldn't remember the events immediately leading to Lopmon's growth spurt.

"I don't know...but we'll figure it out...and be better..."

Getting a reassuring nod from Lopmon, Róisín peeled herself away from the wall with a slight wince, soon noticing the commotion further off down the road towards the market stalls. Curiosity got her, just like the growing onlookers, and as she got closer and heard the familiar ohohoho from beyond them, Lopmon seemed to have relaxed and returned to her usual hold by Róisín.

"Look Róisín, it's ohohoho!"
"Her name is Mei, Lop."
"Oh! Sorry...it's Mei ohohoho!"

The cheerfulness was back, like a mask, a switch, the pain and aches still there in Lopmon but pushed to the side. Approaching Mei and the trader... Who was giving a curtsy to her?...Róisín made herself known to the other woman and giving the trader a moment to embarrassingly return to the back of their stall.

"Yo...well...that was a bit of a mess..."
Gently placing Lopmon to the ground, who immediately made their way to Black Gabumon, Róisín tiredly rolled her shoulders as she stood by Mei to check out the stall.

"What's going on here anyway...?"

Mentions: Azurian Dream Azurian Dream Pumpkid Pumpkid Twist Twist galvanismgal galvanismgal

Ruth Valentine
Tags: Raven Azurian Dream Azurian Dream Kimi Twist Twist Alex Scatterbrain Scatterbrain

Raven's tone and blank expression was strange as for the past few days, they were grounded, calm, and collected. Whatever happened must have exerted them. The answer to Ruth's question was not something she expected. She assumed it would be a minor matter, instead the events that took place sound like a horror show for the entertainment of whatever they encountered. Ruth can hear hints of frustration within Raven. While there wasn't much anger exhibited, it sounded as though she was kicking herself. To be treated like pawns, yeah that's exactly how it felt during her fight too. They were just test subjects for the enemy to earn a place amongst their ranks.

Then came the mention of Impmon. They must have also fought to survive as well with no chance of digivolving. She hung her head, the feeling of guilt for leaving him behind after an argument. Despite her dislike for virus type, everyone, especially Dr. Tanaka, had been encouraging her to give Impmon a chance. Ruth now understood that to live she had to be in accordance with her partner. One could not live without the other, but in truth she would rather die than work with a virus type. The destruction they laid waste was proof of their barbaric nature. Who is to say Impmon wouldn't become one?

Bio-digimon are a piece of their human counterpart from what she was told. That also included memories, hobbies and the like. The problem was how is it possible for her to obtain a virus type when she has been good all of her life? There wasn't a single mean bone in her body. Dr. Tanaka claims virus types play an important role and help out more than one knows. Ruth still couldn't see it. They were bad, period, yet she will have to find an alternative as she owed both Alex and Arii. Until then, she can disband their partnership. ”That sounds terrible.”

As Wormmon interjected, Ruth jumped back and let out a squeak. She nearly forgot that some of the fallers held virus type and Wormmon was one of them. The way Raven treated Wormmon with compassion despite how disturbed they were, it had Ruth grip her arm wishing she had those praises back home. Maybe she wouldn't feel so insecure. Maybe she would show a bit of kindness to Impmon instead of trying to be a goody-two shoes. Ruth was aware of her behavior yet in complete denial to cope. She didn't think she was continuing the cycle of abusing someone as she felt disgusted around the virus for a reason. To bring about good fortune to others in hopes she may receive the same. However, she was failing in that department, bottling things up that would eventually blow up as a repercussion.

When asked about Impmon and given the praise she wanted, it did nothing to cheer her up. She averted her gaze and started organizing some of the supplies. ”Oh…I don't know but who cares, right? much too busy with stuff anyway.” Thankfully, the topic was diverted to someone else. Kimi, she nearly missed the red head. Ruth turned back around quizzically. Kimi was also in the fort at the time and judging by what Raven stated, they too were in battle. ”Huh? No way! I did nothing. I didn’t even get to fight nor digivolve Impmon, but everyone else…” Again, she dropped her gaze as the memory came flooding in. ”...they did it with ease. I was too focused on this computer that gave me random options. I was just pressing buttons when it gave me this.”

She pulls out a black key card from her back pocket. ”I don’t know what I did but it seems important. I will have to ask Gabriel about it.” She then realizes she will have to make time to see Gabriel later when everyone is settled and inform him about the card. ”Anyway, Alex did all the work. Him and Unimon saved the fortress in our area.” She looks over her shoulder where Alex rested alongside Cutemon.

Ruth jumped again as Wormmon began to talk, mentioning digivolution. It seems nearly everyone evolved the partners safe for her. Knowing that, Ruth felt like she was falling behind even as the topic continued about evolution. She felt as though she was imposing, and in truth, maybe she was better off contemplating in isolation right now. Though, before she could sneak off, Raven had to ask one more question. ”As a matter of fact…just a little bit. Cutemon is quiet and timid whereas Unimon was bold and quiet.” To Ruth, not much changed except the confidence gained in order to protect their partner.

Interactions: Anorgos Anorgos
Time: post time skip
Location: Market

Transaction and transgression completed Mei took a moment to look over the paper that Black Gabumon had returned with from their errand. She was in the middle of some mental math when Black Gabumon moved closer to her cluing her in that someone was approaching.

“Ara? Do they not have shopping in Ireland?” Mei said absent mindedly still calculating the transaction,” It is quaint here though, everyone keeps saying they wont stand for something while sitting.”

Handing the well written on sheet back to Black Gabumon they proceeded to move around Mei distancing themselves from Lopmon. They wanted to take a nap sooner rather than later and Lopmon gave off let’s play vibes. If they tried to make them exercise Black Gabumon could trick them into some stupid activity though or deflect using their status as a servant.

“I’ll take here to here,” Mei said pointing from the very left of the fabric stall to the very right of the stall,” Put it onto Gabriel’s tab but also charge him an extra ten percent your prices. Deliver half of these to that stall with the owner that looks like they lost all of their money betting a tadpole wouldn’t turn into a frog.”

Textile goods would do well for the fort with how versatile they could be from clothing to shelter and even medical use. Consdering the cost verse production time paying extra to ensure a steady supply was worth every penny of someone else's money. Touching one of the fabrics she looked to Róisín since it was rough around the edges just like her.

Since the day Róisín fell out of the sky she had proceeded to show unneeded concern and be miffed…well just vibes from fighting the noodle dog and making a cave drawing but Mei's impression of her had yet to be proven wrong. Her gaze shifted to the ever bundle of energy that was Lopmon to try and silently remind him to respect others personal space.

Rumors were going around about what the group that had left the fort had been up to and not only because Mei had been spreading them. Given the fact everyone returned alive she would get the actual details later since Raven would likely be on her soap box and rattle off everything everyone did like a teachers pet to Gabriel. Kimi would be either hanging out with her new friends or meeting up with the others. Ace was most likely somewhere being vulnerable with Ruth throwing some sort of tizzy either beside him or where ever Arii was. Impmon, Ji-su, and Eliam most likely gravitated to the closest authority figure in the fort for their own agendas given the fact Ruth probably chased the former away and the latter two had more of a connection to the village than the rest of them.

“Did you grow tired of the pity party everyone was throwing?” Mei said taking a guess of why Róisín was out and about on her own,” Not wanting to pretend your something you’re not?” She finished looking at Lopmon. She couldn’t imagine the squirt sitting still enough to learn the card game or having the attention span to pretend to be an insect. Cutemon probably could pretend...well egg groups never made sense so they could be an insect...Lopmon was green too...hm.

At least Mei knew Black Gabumon was a reptile.

“As they say the wind whispers what it will and unfortunately, I just haven’t found the time to investigate the claims everyone’s been making about what your group did,” Mei said flippantly ending her rapid fire responses so Róisín could feel free to say as little or as much as she wanted to about her situation. If she wanted to lie, she could lie and if she wanted to use the rumors as an excuse for something she could. After all, Róisín was a do-er so the fact it seemed she was not sent to stop Mei meant she was not doing anything which was slightly concerning. Also, the fact she approached Mei of all people…ara maybe she wanted to fight? Was all the groundwork Mei had laid as a villainess finally going to bear fruit?

While Mei waited if would Róisín to respond before Black Gabumon and herself set off to the next stall she held out a swatch of fabric to see what would look the cutest for their matching cloaks. The others could have some of the ones tossed on the fort floor by the invaders for all she cared like their idea of quality was probably clearance boxed wine.
Kimi smiled at Raven's use of their shared nickname, letting go of Tentomon's hand though the rookie looked up at her somewhat confused . "I thought I wasn't supposed to talk to Wormmon?" quizzed the little ladybug.

"It's okay. Go ahead"

Little more needed saying as Tentomon approached, rather quickly, her friend Wormmon. "Hi Wormmon! Wanna play?"

"Glad to hear it" replied Kimi to Raven, her voice soft as her face brightened to a shade of red with Raven's next words. Ruth however didn't welcome the uplifting sentiment. Kimi couldn't help but feel for the lovely lady. She too had thought what she was thinking at one time, in a moment of devastating confusion only an hour earlier.

When Ruth pulled out a strange black card, Kimi's mind instantly turned to her own cards. Kimi patted herself down for her and Tentomon's decks. She had hurriedly grabbed up her cards during the attack on the Fort, stuffing them in her pockets. The 'Cool Girl' worried at the state of her cards, her card sleeves not built to protect her cards from a real and physical battle. "A goddess?"

Kimi's thoughts stretched towards her card knowledge, an internal investigation to determine an identity for the Goddess. There was a few Digimon that invoked the status of a God. Her patting slowed gradually to a halt as she thought.

Tentomon giggled below. "Weird. I had my shell though! And i could put my head in it! It was dark but comfy... like a log! And i had a tail! SWISH!"

The 'Cool Girls' trail of thought was broken as Raven posed another question. "I didn't too be honest" she answered, looking down at Tentomon, who was shaking her bum "My mind was all over the place."

Kimi glanced at Ruth, sensing her continued vulnerability. "Well, if you don't mind my opinion Raven, all this couldn't have been as bad as you think... You're here now, as is everyone else. Though some of us have been hit worse"

She turned to Ruth, gazing at Ace in the short distance nearby. "We're still here. And now we're back together and stronger for it"

“Ruth, a wise woman once told me something. You don’t need powers to be a hero. You just have to care enough to help."

Kimi looked down at Tentomon, her partner trying to get Wormmon to play along with her Tortomon make believe. "And you Ruth are helping. So that makes you a hero in my book"

Listening to all that the man had to say, Ji-Su did not say a word till he was done, studying the expressions and hanging on each and every word. He wasn't lying at least, but it was odd, she heard the voice of the enemy's professed Goddess hadn't she? Had that never been a factor till now? If so, why them? He had mentioned the problems that happened here. Thinking back to those who were worthy in regard to the "test", was this also a test? Then there was the fact the enemy could just teleport. All of this kept getting more and more of a rotten deal by the minute.

She debated sharing this information with him, but good ole Gabe seemed very busy in the here and now as she reflected upon it. It could wait for later, a more detailed debriefing. She had left out a few other things now that she thought of it. But that could be handled later, right now there were a lot more pressing issues, such as their home for the night being defenseless. But one thing he had said did immediately catch the Army Officer's attention.

"Heh. No need to reward me, but if you are insistent, I would kill for an energy drink or iced coffee. I doubt we have either here, but if something has a bit of sweetness and caffeine to it, well I won't turn it down. Or oh! Yeah, that almost got me killed, but uh if it's possible can we change the clothes we have? I would like some boots or at least not office shoes to run around in out there." She did ponder also giving him another warning about the tape, but there was no point making sound worse than it was... As if someone being turned into digimon food, others being blown up and burned, and their last minutes being trivialized could be seen in a good light.

"I'm going to think on a few of those things you shared with me, I can tell you that the Mushmon for sure held a grudge over that, if the same has happened with the other camps, we may have just made our own insurgency. Either way, yeah, I'm going to go rest, I got thrown around a bit, after that I'll help with repairing things, what bit my limited skills allow."

And with that she gave a small wave, a salute in parting, having no more words for the here and now.


For her part there wasn't too much to note about now as she toured the "village" with Commandramon whom seemed no worse for the wear as he kept his rifle at the ready, aimed downwards as he always did. As the two carried out a brief discussion, paying no mind to anyone else as they did so;

"So, Commandramon, how is the defenses by your measurements, of what is an effective one by the D Brigade?"

Without hesitation he spoke; "Declaration. Insufficient. A determined attacker of the previous two enemies we faced would overrun the defenses."

Which caused her to chuckle a little. "Well, I'll admit I've seen better AI made defenses in Starcraft... Still, is there anything we can do?"

"Affirmative, maneuver warfare, move, strike, breakaway. Seek out Enemy commanders. Eliminate with Assassination Protocols."

"Fixed fortifications are a monument to the stupidity of man as an American General once said. But yeah, I'll keep that in mind, it would be fun if not for the pressing matter of death."

Interactions/Mentions: Azurian Dream Azurian Dream

Post Time Skip

Oh yeah, that's right, she'd been snotty since day yesterday. A small twinge of a smirk pulled at Róisín's mouth, as her resting arm just gently tightened its fist at the snarky remark by Mei. It throbbed a little from aches, telling the red head to cool it before placing her hands to her hips to look at the items that interested the 'heiress'.

"Yeah, you know us. All just cottages and potatoes, huh?" She replied sarcastically, better to just keep it at some kind of banter than escalate it to anger.

Though Mei acted quite aloof, from both how she spoke and carried herself, Róisín couldn't help but notice how meticulous she was with her dealings of the stalls. Yes she was using Gabriel's own finances, whatever that meant in this world, but the experience and knowledge she held as she upped the prices, split the stock to another seller, and all apparently pre-planned, was clear as day.

She wasn't just another stereotypical dumb mean rich girl, she knew what she was doing...and probably still a stereotypical mean rich girl...but no one here said they all had to get along with each other.

Strength in numbers? Sure.

Working towards the same goal? Great.

Some assemblance of respect to look out for one another? It'd be nice.

Would Róisín try and do whatever it takes to get anyone home? Of course.

Would she take any chance to just get herself home? Absolutely.

"Getting tired of everything, really." She said as she moved along with Mei, absentmindingly picking at the tear in her jacket as she looked over the fabrics on offer.

"They're young enough to keep pretending. If it keeps them moving forward, I don't really care what they do."

Lopmon tried to get Black Gabumon's attention with her ears. No luck. When that failed she tried to glance at the sheet of paper he had. No luck. Finally she took on a similar posture to the pelt-clad Digimon as all four slowly paced the stalls. And promptly grew bored.

She took a moment to look back up towards Róisín, her partner's fingers picking at a rather noticeable tear in her sleeve. There'd probably be some kind of needle and thread around she could get to patch things up, but if not, Lopmon knew she'd just leave it to get worse.

As Mei brought up the talk of rumors and whispers that were abound of the Forest Group, Róisín just gave a small huff as she leaned down to let Lopmon hop and climb back up to her arms.

"Doesn't matter. People can think what's true or not. Sooner or later it'll happen again, and I'd like to be far away from this place by then."

She wanted to get going as soon as possible. Get some rest, get any info out of Gabriel about some of the places Chel mentioned, and go find some way out and home. Róisín had a bit of a handle on some of the other Skyfallers motives. Raven was very much "Get Everyone Home or Not At All" mentality. Ruth and Ace seemed kind of content right in the moment. Arii could have no trouble at all surviving on their own if the need came. Kimi was probably in her dream world right now, minus the devastating attacks. But Mei...

"What's your deal, anyway?" Róisín found herself saying out loud before she could stop herself.

"Planning on staying put and make a monopoly or do you even want to get out of this place?"

Interactions: galvanismgal galvanismgal
Last edited:
"Free Period" SkyFaller Group

Pumpkid Pumpkid (Ruth/Terriermon/Impmon) Twist Twist (Kimi/Tentomon), RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun (Ji-Su/Commandramon), ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon (Arii),

Explore, Interact...

Raven(After Time Skip)
Pumpkid Pumpkid Twist Twist

"It was,"
Raven plainly responded to Ruth's reaction... what she wouldn't do for a cigarette or piece of gum about now. For a moment, she rolled her left shoulder blade, remembering the pain she had endured when Dark Knightmon had struck Witchmon it had been the worst experience in her life. raven had caught the odd sight of Ruth when she had given attention to Wormmon, and she was quickly reminded how Impmon had first met Ruth.

"I see," Raven mulled, watching Ruth as the purity girl rolled off the question like a kid at recess who was dodging interrogation about what boy they liked at school. Raven shared a look with Kimi on whether or not they should push, but Ruth spoke as if they had done nothing. From what they had heard, Ruth had pushed all the higher-level Digimon to a forced programmed retreat. Though it was weird cause it felt like Ruth had been reaching out for praise, and now she didn't want it?

Ruth pulled out a strange card before Raven could question if she was all right. She and Kimi gave it a look... it seemed to be a regular key card, all things considered. It had an older look with the punched-out Roman numeral one embedded into it, like something you would see in a NASA movie. That when Ruth mentioned Cutemon had been a bit different, rather wild and rebellious, in fact, it seemed.

"You don't say...," Raven murmured, thinking on that for a minute. Before Kimi rummaged through the deck, she pulled her attention back. It seemed Kimi was trying to go through her brain compendium of goddess Digimon, something Raven was hoping to strike a memory maybe, but it seemed to fall flat as no name escaped Kimi's lips.

"That is amazing. I turned into... a... a real jerk," Wormmon muttered halfway, filled with Tentomon's infectious happiness until Witchmon returned to her.

"Um... I had a human body, though it was interesting, and I had my own flying broom. I GOT TO FLY; IT WAS AMAZING," Raven was concerned for a second that it would go all downhill the moment the memory hit, but Wormmom thankfully latched onto something positive. The insects giggled as they took to a positive topic.

"No problem, I was just curious. I noticed some strange familiarity with Wormmon's transformation into Witchmon. Ya, you're right. I should think a little more positively. I mean, hell, we survived an Ultimate and a Mega today. That's something to brag about," Raven admitted to Kimi, as the girl couldn't recall if Tortamon had any personality changes. Raven could feel some of her own energy return as the two insects chattered. Kimi then added a very positive point to Ruth's viewpoint.

"Man, Kimi really is rubbing her heroic achievements and wisdom into our faces now, isn't she?" Raven finally cracked a joke, smiling at Ruth as she teased Kimi. Humorous Wormmom had made a silk hat and broom to mimic Witchmons pretending to fly over the kaiju-level imaginary Tento-Tortamon.

"Though the funny thing is I had those weird double chest lumps some of our human partners have... I didn't see their point; they didn't do anything. Honestly, they just made my back feel weird. Though maybe cause they were bigger than theirs all combined," Wormmom pointed at Ruth, Kimi, and Raven. Within seconds, Raven laughed at the shotgun blast comment to all three of them.

"Well fuck you too bitch, hahahahahahaha. Oh shit... ahahahahahaha nooooo she has my terrible sense of humor," Raven laughed hard, slapping her knee, having not expected the weird ass comment from her partner on human anatomy; she laughed a little too hard, though, as she fell backward right off the bench, still painfully laughing, all the way down to the thud. Wormmon was quickly confused as she turned to Tentomon.

"Did I say something weird?" Wormmon looked at Tento-Tortamon, for whom she had silk-threaded a tail in their game of make-believe. Raven kept laughing, having really needed that awkward moment for these past couple of days, especially with how silly-Adorable Wormmon and Tentomon looked as Wormmon made some more accessories to look like their champion forms... Though that would suck for Kimi later... that silk didn't come off easy. Raven turned her attention to Ruth, and Kimi curious about how they would take the low blow from that hilarious comment

"No, you said exactly what I needed to hear to get my mind out of the mud. Thank you, Ruth, Kimi, you gals straighten me out into a sucker punch," she smiled, staying on the ground as her current concerns floated away with the clouds in the sky. It was where she always looked her whole life.

"Fun fact, Kimi, your opponent at the card tournament? That was my brother. I was there chaperoning him. He has PPD, Paranoid Personality Disorder... he has had it his whole life. He couldn't trust anyone but me, along with Dad for most of his entire existence," she calmly spoke to the girls, her normal behavior returning as she watched the clouds drift away.

"Yet the moment he discovered that card game suddenly... he was able to make friends, have confidence, and generally start to have an everyday life of sorts. Minus the tournaments, he always got extremely nervous in such a massive crowd, so I would be there for him. This was to be the last one for me, though... after a life of taking care of him, I was going to start my own adventure into astronomy," there was more to it... a lot more... riddles and knots of a complicated life trying to keep a younger sibling safe from their own paranoia. She had gotten so far being the strong sister, but now all that hard work his, and her accomplishments were turned to dust in a moment of static.

"Funny how people say life can get flipped on its head... but I don't think they could imagine this. I don't plan to surrender to it either, though. Kimi is right, Ruth. Take stride in what you accomplish, even if it doesn't seem significant right now. Think about how it would have been had you not done what you had. I think your tampering with that device saved us out on the field..." Raven smiled at the meeker girl.

"Alright, I think I have been on the ground long enough; help a sister out, and let's grab some grub while we have the chance," Raven chimed, raising her hands to both girls to pull her up.


Gabriel(Before Time Skip)
RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun

"Actually, ice coffee is very much in the realm of possibility; Energy drinks not so much unless you get lucky and find a vending machine out in the wild. I'll have one ready for you tonight when I talk to the group in full. As for shoes, I'll get Palmon X on it I think we have some tactical boots that'll fit you if not we can get some rush ordered commissioned the least we can do,"
Gabriel seemingly joked, but it was clear he was serious about that last bit on the drinks. As per her clothing request, he was on it immediately.

He could tell she wanted to warn him about the last recording made by Joe, but he would have to listen to it regardless. It was his job, unfortunately. He nodded as she confirmed the Mushmon's grudge before speaking of rest. It was clear she needed it. Even an aloof person had limits. He respectfully gave her a proper bow in response to her salute as he watched her walk off. Any help at this point would be appreciated.

Though once she was gone, and he was alone for the moment, he sighed softly before motioning his own digivice to Joe's as the message was transferred, and what little energy the broken device flickered out as Gabriel pushed play. The message that followed was very haunting none of the enemy's voices were recognized, but there was a detail that stuck out. In it Joe mentioned Sora's partner just vanished, not burst into data, and the same had happened to Joe's partner.

That detail alone made him visibly concerned; however, before he could think on it for long, someone snuck up onto him, causing him to flinch for a moment as he turned to the source.

"You are quite the stealthy one, Master Arii. One of your colleagues happened to fill me in on what happened, But I assess that's not all you want to transcribe in chatter. Please drink something," Gabriel noted the look in Arii's weak visage they had been just as equally sent through the grinder as the rest, it seemed. Though there was a different look of want on the youth's face, telling Gabriel questions was more the likely topic than giving information as Gabriel offered Arii a glass of water...


Gryzmon/Gazimon (After Time Skip)
RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun

"The scenario is not as clear cut as that, though. Moving from here is equally a death march, unfortunately. Especially in a large grouping. Would you like a pineapple? Off course, there is also the issue of combative ability to move like that is not possessed by many in this group,"
A gruff voice called out to Ji-Su and Commandramon as the burly bear Gryzmon fixated and impressively implanted another replacement wood stake pole into the very ground as numerous people started to refill and pave the dirt around it.

A good chunk of the damaged wall had been fixed already, given it had been left alone for the most part and only attacked by Rookies. Only a pole or three had been indeed wrecked. However, it wasn't a repair operation. It was a fortification prep, as metal plating was mathematically planned for on a table a bit away.

It would take days for it to get anywhere, though, as Commandramon mentioned. Taking a small break with a pineapple in claw, the bear sat down, looking at the woman and the reptile with a curious brow.

"Hm two Agumon variants in one day. That's a record," the bear offered a slice to Ji-Su as Gazimon spoke up, climbing down from his perch with a hammer in his mouth. As he touched the ground, taking it out, he also noticed the woman and the Saurian.

"Though he is right on the other front of handling the enemy. Routing and cutting off the heads of groups like this would no doubt cause a collapse efficiently problem is you got to find out where they operate first," Gryzmon affirmed, nodding in approval of the strategy in mind by the blue saurian.
Before the Time Skip
Eliam and Salamon looked at each other for a moment as the little thing ran away and the only thing they could come up with was something else going on. Eliam looked in the direction the little ball looked before he vanished. He sighed as Salmon went to him, as he thought of what could be going on. “What?” Salamon asked.

“I don’t know, but something is going on.” he said before turning to her, with a smirk, “And I think that we just got our first clue.” He was going to figure this place out, and the first thing he had to do was to get information. If they didn’t finish them off, but still came for them, it had two reasons. They were on a mission with a time limit and annoying kids took a long time to deal with. Which he doubted. They had only been here for nearly a day, two at most, if you went by hours.

The other idea was that were rogue, and to avoid being found out, they could only be away for so long. Rogues are good, in his opinion, it means that their boss could be of us. He looked at Salamon and folded his knees, to bend down, his arms around his knees, as he smiled at her. “I need you to do something for me, okay?”

Salamon smiled, wagging her tail, “Anything!” she was excited to help out. Anything to get Eliam’s goal achieved.

Eliam smiled, patting her head, he reminded him of his little sister. There was going to be a time that he would be able to introduce the two, a time he looked forward to. But for now, Salamon was a tool, no matter how much Eliam hated to think like that again. This was a game. And no one could master a game like he could, that he has met. For now, he was going to play the best he could and see who was smarter. This was a way of business; the very thing he was raised and trained to be the best at. “Good girl.”

After Time Skip
Eliam looked up at the sky as he sat under a tree. He had Salamon on his lap as he thought of what he had learned. The plan was easy for now. He would collect the information. He had to get his hand on that puzzle box, but he first had to interact with the person who had it. But how was he going to get her to give him the puzzle? He didn’t trust her, he would not tell her why he wanted it and until he could get it, the key was secretly away from his knowledge.
Salamon yawned, as her eyes closed, she curled into his lap, as he thought of what was going to get them closer to the puzzle. She did her part and now, she got rewarded, as his hand scratched behind her ear softly. She was comfortable and at ease. Eliam didn’t trust any of the other humans, so Salamon would do her best to never leave his side. She wanted to find a Digimon to play with, but her current comfort level was a great upgrade to the walk back and the events of this morning.

Eliam looked out, he had to find Gabriel soon. He needed to have a conversation with him. But for now, he was working out a plan, with the information that he had collected from the trip. The area was quiet until they found the death area, so the area was concerning. When he thought of the Digimon that they had faced, he was sure it had more to do with them than with the camp. If they wanted to, the camp could be overwhelmed, making it dangerous and the perfect place to gather information. Since it hadn’t been attacked or affected by the surrounding fear. Arii had explained a concerning zombie type of Digimon, that made Eliam concerned. He had not seen this and from the way the group showed up, he was not sure that these types would stay far enough away that he wouldn’t have to be concerned about them yet.

The three Digimon they met, had stated their experiment and extended their parameters for said experiment. Meaning they didn’t have too much experience with humans, but they were not young Digimon, judging from the evolotional stages. He paused his thought, he needed someone who was an expert on Digimon and their levels. He needed to know more about the ones that they had faced.

He figured out that he would going to have to interact with them, he just had to be careful who and with what he shared. For now, even Gabriel was not trustworthy. He needed them to open up to him, if he was going to survive this, he was going to have to be his worst, which meant that everyone was a tool, until further notice. No one could be a friend and he had to be ready to dispose of them when the time came.

He took a deep breath, “Let’s begin.” he said, catching Salamon’s attention, as she sighed. She jumped off his lap, as he started to stand up. The experiment parameters now included him, he was going to have to change his qualifications, to stay away from the weakness in the experiment presented. Meaning that his next move was to train himself to be better and conquer his sin in a whole new way. But for now, he was going to find Gabriel and his expert, they would be a vital tool in surviving and figuring out a way out of this place and back to his sister to protect her from his fate.
Interactions: Anorgos Anorgos Anorgos Anorgos
Time: post time skip
Location: Market

She browsed the merchants’ wares as Róisín’s answered her whys. The hustle and bustle of the market, the sound of repairs, tension between Lopmon and Black Gabumon that you could cut with a knife. Joys only the living could experience and Mei enjoyed them fully.

Mei noticed Róisín fiddle with the hole in her jacket before picking up Lopmon. When Róisín let slip what was in her heart she couldn’t help but smile.

It was a cold predatory thing.

“Oh? Potatoes are nice but what about fairy tales like the white hound of the mountain or the wonderful tune? Historically it would be harder to say if whiskey or folklore was Ireland's largest export. Digimon even take inspiration from your country’s rich mythology. I’m sure you can convince Kimi’s Agumon to trade his katana for a spear…Are you one of those country bumpkins…that would explain a lot,” Mei said not bothering to look up from what she was doing. Róisín being from the countryside would explain her disposition and concern for strangers in the middle of a dog fight. She could have played along but if Róisín used the potato as a metaphor for herself it would just make her sad rather than angry.

“Ara? You make it sound like its wrong to be young at heart. Can you too not pretend? Do you no longer yearn? No longer dream? Maybe it would fix the weariness that sleep cannot,” Mei said as she continued onward. Her words were like a large shadow gracing the surface of the lake hinting even the shallowest waters could have a hidden depth. Róisín chose the wrong lie to tell herself the poor little thing since her action had been implying she did care.

But everything would be alright. Everyone could have their little happily ever after here.


Together on the stage of life.

“If you only pick at the issue it will continue to fray until the only option left is to patch it. Even if you cover it up the hole will always be there,” Mei moved to sit upon an empty stall to rest momentarily, If you don’t care what others think you’ll be surrounded by nothing,” she finished gesturing to either side of herself.

Black Gabumon stayed on the ground not wanting to put the effort into jumping up upon the stall nor wanting Mei to lift them up. Not that she couldn’t have. They heard Mei had a six pack. They heard Mei was shredded. Luckily Lopmon had grown boerd while walking aside them making the decision to pester his partner instead so the list was safe. Black Gabumon doubted the squirt could read Mei’s poor penmanship but the transaction math was on the scrap peace of paper she tried to come up with nicknames for everyone and some of them were…well they were...a choice.

Mei wondered how long Róisín would be able to cling to her anger to keep herself going. She seemed to have a healthier relationship with her partner than some of the others, a new part of herself that she could cling too instead if she chose to do so.

“Oh? I think monopoly is already invented here but I don’t think we should play it with the others,” Mei said making a face as she moved onward to a stall selling the lowest definition of food,” Arri would probably try and pull Ace into venturing off alone again the first time they landed on park place, maybe cluedo instead or there’s some abandoned pipes the children could play in? Regardless, we will be leaving here sooner rather than later so I agree going far far away suits you.”

Mei took a moment to ponder if would be easier for Róisín to be in Star Wars or some fairy tale since they both took place far far away. No matter which one it ended up being she would be a knight. She held off on adding any heroine points to her total though until someone explained what went on in the forest.

Black Gabumon grabbed some bread from the food stall in the meantime since it seemed like a good time for lunch if they were going to be playing games.

“Are you sure Left parentheses Black Right parentheses Gabumon? That seems a little Crêpey?” Mei looked at their choice doubting the French pastry would be filling enough,” I guess I’ll roll with it than,” she said grabbing a roll.jpg as her option. Róisín could just be Aladdin or that one guy from Les Misérables if she did not want to add to Gabriel’s tab.

While they waited for the market to shift having a picnic would be a good change of pace. Mei already had a nickname for Kimi with cool Kimi so she couldn’t do cool Róisín. Ró? Sín? Maybe is? Because she sure was.

Ah she almost forgot.

What she wanted from this place was clear to herself as the day she had jumped in, to make a precious memory but the only thing Mei said over her should back at Róisín as she set off again was simply,

“Ara~ You should respect other people’s privacy Rosey~”
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They cocked their head at the man who radiated exhaustion, an odd but sympathetic noise boiling in the back of their throat. "Rough situation," they mumbled, turning the idea of it all around. "If I happen across anymore information, I'll try to send back," they promised, and somehow the words flowed like water. They seemed to mean it. "Don't know what we'll find, but it doesn't seem like this party of jolly morons intends on stopping anytime soon." They didn't say that they'd be following. They didn't have to. It was a fact burned into their bones, one they only understood in vague strokes.

"Hm." Arii tapped their nails on the glass, considering. "If I brought raw digichrome, would you be able to refine and shape it?" They tapped the handle of their own knife, hand relaxed and posture loose just in case. They didn't want to give off the wrong impression. "A little more than needed for the time and skill required for it, of course. I..." A pause as they considered, tapping each finger of their offhand to their thumb individually. "I can't be useless on the field if they're going to insist on dragging the whole lot of us to the ends of the world, and I get the impression that you lot need all you can get of it. I just need to know what I'm looking for."

They scratched at the back of their neck more. The blood drying there was annoying. "I must say, I am curious about these relics, though. If only to avoid, or perhaps, bury them. How do you tell what's a relic and what's not? Known items?" Another stutter in their speech pattern. "If you'd be willing to part with the information, anyway."

Ruth Valentine
Tags: Azurian Dream Azurian Dream Twist Twist

Kimi's words of encouragement threw Ruth in for a loop. Both her and Raven support her and give her the confident boost she needs. Praises were things she strived for not for her ego, but to feel a sense of purpose. If they knew of her upbringing would they pity her? That was the last thing she wanted. She was in no danger and her parents are hard workers with a stressful job. Business requires strategy and that means the mistakes that come their way.

Kimi's words left an imprint somewhere deep inside of her soul tapping something she never felt, a twinge of self-worth. She should be proud of herself for helping even a little, but she felt like a caged bird wired into thinking she is not worthy unless her deeds were accomplished. She did not feel as though she succeeded, yet these people think otherwise. Ruth shut her eyes and bit her lip to stifle the tears from shedding and keep her lips from quivering. Quickly she took a deep breath bottling it in as best as she could.

Raven had said exactly what she was thinking. The teen definitely gave her a heroic aura. She was someone Ruth can eventually learn to trust if ever things go awry. The same could be said about Raven with her carefree spirit. The dazed demeanor changed to normal. Ruth gave a nod to both girls acknowledging their words. ”Thank you.” Her gaze drops to Wormon and Tentomon playing like pets or rather, children. They were minding their business, focused on their conversation. Even as she felt grossed out by virus type and their nature, she was slowly realizing they were not all bad. If she looks at it logically, they are simply attributes, but that doesn't make them all the same. Not all are evil, and while Impmon's evolution is unknown to her. Evolution lines vary and can branch off. Who is to say they might turn into an angel in the future or a celestial like Terriermon probably capable of doing that too.

Knowing this gave Ruth some comfort and a different perspective to try and compromise with Impmon. It will be hard, but she can't do this alone. She never wants to feel as useless as she did in battle. That also meant forcing herself to make a connection for them to evolve. A tough challenge but one that will help in the long run.

Wormmon's comment about how their evolution changed personality and figure had felt strange to them had Raven bursting out laughing. Ruth snorted trying to keep from laughing. Raven's laughter was too contagious; it had her laughing behind her hand. To think such lumps would be a noticeable issue for Wormmon out of everything. Wormmon's question was answered and along came Raven's thank you. Unexpected as Kimi's only this time, Ruth had accepted it. Maybe in time, these people can be called friends and Ruth can finally talk about personal things. ”Sure, no problem.”

Her glance turns over to Alex again. Friends would be nice and right now the person she can consider her real friend was Alex. She knew him online but in person is a different story. They don't seem as different outside of the screen. Raven's fall had Ruth worry and stand beside the bench. The fall sounded harsh, yet Raven continued to laugh. Perhaps there was nothing to worry about if she was still smiling. Then came the most random topic. The tournament. The spot where most if not some were kidnapped into the digital world.

”You have a brother?” She asked surprised as she continued to reveal what type of person they were. She has heard of such disorders, but wasn't as well versed with some ss she was barely a first year going onto two. Of course that's out the window if she can ever learn. Otherwise the pointers Dr. Tanaka gave her enough to get her by. Raven's brother sounded like a handful and could only sympathize. Again, Raven continued to advise Ruth that any effort is better than nothing.

Ruth helped Raven up, back on the bench.”What happened to you brother, if you don't mind me asking? If he was there with you, did he get snatched too? Why isn't he here with us?” Ruth should have surmised Raven didn't have the answer, but it did make her wonder if she was alright. This whole time she wasn't freaking out over someone with a disorder. Imagine being left alone? She would be frustrated, and determined to find him. Raven did the opposite and was calm about it.

Kimi took a subconscious step back, placing her hands in her coat pockets, a small smile tracing her lips. The 'Cool Girl' blushed at Wormmon's offhand comment soon after though her smile quickly turned to a frown at Raven's language as she fell to the floor in laughter.

Tentomon looked at her fellow rookie through her new spikey silk hair and shrugged. "I wish I had a broom" she squeaked forlornly.

Her attention however was easily diverted to her new tail. "Rrahh!" she squealed.

"Stalwart Commander" stated Kimi, nodding her head "Jaime.... Cl...Clow, I think it was? Your his brother?"

The question became rhetorical as Raven went on, her face softening as her bug sister explained his situation his start sounding so much like hers. "He sounds like a great guy. And you a great sister"

However Ruth proposed a very good question about her brothers whereabouts.... Raven was slow to answer, her hands grabbing at air as she hoped for a lift. Perhaps the question itself was unanswerable but Kimi herself may actually have been the last to see him on stage though the memory made her shudder. She helped Raven up carefully as Tentomon's play stretched towards the trio. "I know where we can get a Pineapple to share. Well i know someone who does" she admitted. "Maybe we could have a card game too?"

The 'Cool Girl' searched through her coat, remembering her hasty storage of her cards. In one motion she found both her Rose painted deck box and cards. She lifted the loose cards before her 'alluringly' as she looked at the girls, hoping to get a game "I know your really good Ruth. And I'm sure Raven has the knack"

Kimi's brow furrowed, her gaze swiftly falling on one of Mei's cards, a scribbled double of the woman herself. There was Blackgabumon too. Her stomach dropped. She patted her coat down vigorously but couldn't feel anything. Kimi reached for her pendant. She didn't leave them out on the street did she? No, no she couldn't have. Mei probably had them by mistake.... Or she was keeping them safe. Kimi chose the latter option to console herself but she had to go out and find her friend to make sure.

"Sorry. I need to go find Mei" she pronounced, taking a slight bow. "I'll catch up!"

She took off quickly to the door, zipping past Tentomon "Kimi?" asked her partner, who took off after her. "Bye Wormmon!"
"Free Period" SkyFaller Group

Pumpkid Pumpkid (Ruth/Terriermon/Impmon) Twist Twist (Kimi/Tentomon), ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon (Arii), Matreania Matreania (Eliam/Salamon), Scatterbrain Scatterbrain (Ace/Cutemon),

Explore, Interact...


Ruth seemed to mull things over as she and Kimi helped Raven up. She noticed the look the religious goodie two shoes gave to Ace, and that's when she noticed... Roisin had apparently snuck off. Raven gave a sigh at that. Roisin really should have laid down longer, given how she got the worst of it in their group.

"Ya Jaime Clow. I don't think so I would have heard him panicking, though I guess Kimi would know more about that... I will stay positive and Imagine he's still in the real world. Even though it was only a glimpse when I was being snatched, I did get a glance of the stage one last time, and he was motionless, and given how he is he wouldn't be silent with all that going on," Raven admitted very confident he hadn't been taken given from what she heard from some others on the snatch trip that everyone who had been around was turned colorless, and solid like stone statues. Her brother would not have been silent at all. Though now that Ruth questioned it, the worry came back, but for now, she would have to hope that was the case and that she was right.

"Well, I am his sister, Raven Clow," Raven teased as Kimi, seemingly distracted by something, had opted to call her a guy hilariously, though Raven found it more hilarious given what Wormmon had said previously.

"Thanks," Raven smiled genuinely at Kimi for the following compliment. "Though it wasn't always that way, it took me some time to earn the right to call myself a good sibling," she admitted, not explaining that further as she looked at Wormmon again. The first thing Witchmon had said upon her birth easily rent-free on repeat in her head.

"Pineapples and card games. Girl, if I didn't know any better, I think you would be just going for the card game alone," Raven chimed as Kimi added to the notion, making Raven not so sure anymore if Kimi would choose playing card games over handling starvation.

"You definitely have a strong passion. Ya, I am a little knowledgeable about the game. I know the basics at least," though before they could go on this food hunt, Kimi suddenly bolted like a wildebeest, leaving Ruth, Wormmon, and Raven to watch as Kimi ran away in somewhat of a panic.

"Well... wonder what that was about," Raven mulled, turning to Ruth to see if she had an idea as Wormmom climbed onto Raven's back, hanging on her left shoulder and waving to Tentomon.

"Bye, Tentomon," the green silkworm chimed back waving with all her extra legs.

"Maybe we should ask Gabriel about that card? What do you think? Want to check on your penpal first," Raven asked Ruth before motioning to Ace, who seemed to finally be moving a bit.


ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon Matreania Matreania

"Much obliged," Gabriel nodded appreciatively to Arii's offer to share info. He did give a soft laugh to Arii's thoughts of his fellow skyfallers. It wasn't uncommon for negative thoughts when forced into a group. In fact, very few groups actually stayed together once they experienced a few other human settlements. Watching Arii think meticulously made him remember who they reminded him of a friend long gone... in that nightmare once upon a foolish attempt of a dream.

"Given you give us about a month to finish the new forge, I definitely could do that for you. Basically, it is a silver-like ore. You can't miss it; it has a mirror-perfect reflection," Gabriel nodded, understanding that Arii wasn't trying to come off threatening, just overthinking probably a dozen things at once. They had a crash course of experiences that Sky fallers rarely ran through in their first few months, all in a matter of two days. No doubt they were at their own exhaustion limit and needed to decompress.

"You should try the bathhouse Arii. I think the heat would be good for your nerves," Gabriel commented, a bit out of place. He noticed the blood stains on Arii. It looked odd, as if nail marks were the cause. However, Arii quickly changed the conversation to the Relics, causing Gabriel to lose sight of the wounds.

"That is also rather easy. Look for anything that is an object that can do things it shouldn't. Like a satellite pole that can teleport things around. A Relic is anything that can slap reality in the face with an unnatural effect. Though, mind you, there are areas of terrain that look like they are relics but are not if they look like they belong to the landscape, you're safe," Gabriel explained as simply as possible.

"Believe me when I say we owe your group quite a bit. You skyfallers came in clutch, protecting the fort and discovering what happened to our scouts... even if it a tragic result, you gave us closure," Gabriel expressed a thankful smile small but noticeable on his lips.

"It's been a while since I have seen people with the will to push... quite a long while," Gabriel's thoughts went to a memory, but he shook it off before noticing someone who was clearly looking for another.

"Ah, Master Eliam, may I ask you who you and your delighted pup are looking for," Gabriel called out.



"Hmmm, is the pot calling the kettle black or, in this case, purple perhaps?"
an unnaturally soothing voice asked as a small wisp of purple mist passed Impmon's face. Before long, the gentle glow of orange flame illuminated the debris shadows around Impmon, revealing Youkomon in full to him lying about on the ground. He probably did not realize he had walked into a bit of a cave of debris; no one else could see her, just him as he had walked in.

"You must be the absent partner to that crystal bearer? So much familiar resentment in your scent," she chimed mysteriously, watching him as she tilted her head with a toothy grin.

"A need to feel want must be earned, you know. You are her reflection, so if you need to be wanted, she must be, too, right? If you feel unwanted, so must she, right,"
Youokomon asked, her orange flames wisping about

"Patience is a lesson you both should work on. There is so much assuming in both your hearts. Her hatred of things that look diabolical, and you know her more than anyone else; thus, you must know there is a reason for it,"
the purple fox mulled, amused by their faults; it seemed it was all just a joke, too her with how she teased and taunted in circles. Talking all high and knowing with her motherly voice.

"So tell me, are you going just to abandon her like she is willing to do you," the sly fox asked, now aiming to push buttons.
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