IC chat

Al'ar flew overhead, circling the top of the castle, each flap of his wings generating a light heat. He has returned to the land of his birth where he born from active volcanoes and lava pools. It's good to be back He thought, he never got over flying in the land. The wind was gentle and the sun was high in the sky, and was at it's brightest, giving Al'ar more energy then he expected.

Charles lounges in one of the drawing rooms of the castle. "Bored!" He complains loudly. The royal looks out the large, ornate window and sighs irritably.




Vivian had left the medical shop she was running to go picking for herbs. She passed by the castle as her blue eyes glanced up meeting Charles. She flashed him a smile, a brown woven basket hanging in her arm as a nice breeze blew past her . She was walking out towards the field outside of the village.



Al'ar dive bombed right in front of Charles though a close call he was careful not to hit Charles, he knew he was a part of the Royal family, before hitting the ground he extended his wings and glided overhead Vivian, flapping his wings every few minutes and a shadow passing right over her a trail of embers following behind him, his grace was impeccable and it is said if you happen to see a phoenix, good luck will ensue shortly afterwards.
@Kairikudo @TruPrimrose



Vivian looked up in awe as the Phoenix glided over the blondes head. She made sure that the embers didn't fall on her as she watched the beautiful creature. Her smile seemed to brighten a bit.

@Crysalisis @TruPrimrose
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Merlin studied in the small shed he was given to perform his wizardly deeds before hearing the commotion outside of the castle. He turned around, pushing the wooden doors of the shed he looked to his parrot Frederick with a smile before letting the nerd perch on his shoulder, making his way out to see the fiery Phoenix. "...By the gods..." He said looking up. He'd read about A'lar but never knew the prophecy was true. "Go Frederick, get me as much knowledge as you can." He said to the bird. "Yes Merlin." It said with a cock before pushing up into the sky, flapping it's wings as it neared the god.



Vivian watched until her eyes fell on Merlin's parrot Fredrick. 'Oh Merlin! He might want some herbs.'  she thought to herself before making her way to the small shed that Merlin was standing in front of, a warm smile on her lips as she spoke in a cheerful tone "Good morning Merlin."
Al'ar heard the girl looked back at the girl as he flew again, making a turn around to face her and hovering in place. Hello there my child. His voice penetrated her mind as spoke to her, although his beak didn't move to indicate that he was talking, It always makes me happy to see others happy, thank you, my child. He noticed Charles, Ah, young Charles. I have heard much about you. How is the Tamaki family? His thoughts now penetrated Charles' mind as he spoke to Charles. His voice sounded elegant and he knew much about the Tamaki Family, he sensed the presence of a smaller bird, Oh my, I didn't know I'd be this popular. It's true the legends about Phoenixes in general were all this well known, but to be this interesting, it kinda shocked him. My young avian friend, I can sense you, you wish knowledge don't' you? His thoughts could be heard by all in a type of telepathic way.

@Kairikudo @TruPrimrose @Nicholas Waldorth
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"Al'ar..." Charles bows immediately. "My family are well, I have not seen them in a while." Before he had bowed, he had seen Merlin. The new Royal Sorcerer, he seemed very interesting and potentially fun to play with.

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Merlin jumped as Vivian neared him. "Hey! Don't do that!" He exclaimed before settling down. "How're you?" He asked. "You look more ecstatic than usual? Selling more herbs?" He questioned. @Kairikudo

The parrot screeched. "Merlin needs knowledge! Merlin needs knowledge!" It exclaimed, it's green wings nothing compared to A'lar's.
Vivian let out a soft chuckle by the warlocks reaction to her saying hello. He was always easily startled. "my apologies Merlin." Her smile didn't seem to fade but a small hint of pink painted her cheeks when he pointed out how she seemed more ecstatic. "Do I? Well I've not opened shop up today. I was actually about to go pick some herbs to make new medicine and was wandering if you would like me to pick something for you to use in a potion"
Al'ar landed on the ground, but didn't burn it, it was odd, a bird of fire not burning grass. Folding his wings in, his stature stood at an amazing 7 feet tall, You do gathering, Vivian? He then thought, Oh! Here, I have a present for the court sorcerer, come, approach me child. He said to Merlin.

@Nicholas Waldorth @Kairikudo
Vivian turned her head to look at the seven foot fiery bird her bright smile returned as she answered him "Yes I do. I need herbs for the medicines I make."
Al'ar nodded to Vivian, Then I present a gift to you aswell. He held out his wing, Take one of my feathers. Don't worry it won't burn you. If she would take one, she would feel just how normal to a bird feather it was, My feathers are great for a healing tonic as well a fiery potion. Mix this with a bit of Dragons Tear and Nightshade, and you will get the strongest healing tonic on the planet. However, crush it with Purple Mountain Flowers and my Tears, and you'll get a potent fiery potion. He looked at the sorcerer, The gift I have for you is a feather from my tail. Keep this with you at all time and you'll find your magic will be greatly increased, however at a consequence, the longer you keep this feather with you, the more mana it'll drain. So take with you only when you need.

@Nicholas Waldorth @Kairikudo
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Vivian listened to Al'ar. She was a bit confused as to why he would pay a simple healer any attention, but she didn't complain, it made her happy actually. She was surprised to hear him offer her a feather and told her the ingredients to making a powerful healing tonic. She took a mental note of the ingredients needed "Thank you Al'ar!" She said with a sweet smile as she gently plucked a feather from him. She placed it in the woven basket she held before turning her heat towards Charles who was nearing them. "Good morning Charles." She said in her usual cheery tone.

@Crysalisis @TruPrimrose @Nicholas Waldorth
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Merlin shook his head, deep in thought about how this bird could possibly be real. But here it was messing with his mind. "Sorry Vivian, zoned out." He apologized before looking to Charles. "Hello sir, lovely day no?" He asked the man.
Merlom fiddled with his amulet ring and his fingers, staring up at Charles he felt a tad jealous since he had grown a 'crush' on Vivian. "You uhh... Probably met her before, sir. Maybe you forgot." He interrupted. "Is that all?" He asked, hoping Charles would say yes.
"Oh! My apologies. Please excuse my rude behavior. My name is Vivian." She said returning the smile as she gently took Charles hand. She was oblivious to the crush Merlin had on her. As she turned her head to face the warlock, a soft smile on her lips "If your busy Merlin I could return later with whatever herbs I find and you could just grab what you need."
Al'ar folded his wing back in and noticed how Merlin acted around Vivian, Ah, I see what's going on... you like Vivian, don't you? He said to Merlin alone, Don't worry, no-one else can hear me say that, i'm talking to you alone right now. He looked at Merlin then to Vivian, Ah, come on. He lowered himself, Hop on, young Vivian. You want to see the world from my perspective? He offered, it was odd of him to offer a ride, but he grew to like the bunch.

@TruPrimrose @Nicholas Waldorth @Kairikudo
Merlin sighed. "It's okay Viv--" Who's there? He thought as he began hearing voices. I like Vivian. I've loved her my whole life... Well most of it. He answered through his mind. A ride? What do I tell Charles? Or Vivian? As he thought all this it appeared as if he was just looking up, frowning and shaking his head as if he were talking to someone invisible.

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