[IC] Act 1.1 : Whisked Away... [In the Senate's Name...]

The darkness felt cool. Comfortable. Familiar. It also didn't exist. There was a certain lack of sensation there.

The barrier between here and there was clear. But it was as if an infinity stretched between, a boundary that said here I am.
Closing her eyes, if only to play her role wonderfully, she steps forward beyond the tangible barrier and into the great unknown. As the image of fear itself, she does not tolerate fear within herself. Yet still there is a certain thrill in it all.

For after all, is this not the very essence of what it is to take a journey?

Few could pretend to have experienced an experience anywhere near as pure as what she is going through in the here and now.
The darkness wash over Magdalene. Cool, comforting... and then came the sensation of movement.

As of falling helplessly within a tunnel of darkness.

Of eyes espying upon her.

And of greedy hands touching upon her form, mind, essence... touching and trying to grab hold. To tear away.
This is rather familiar, at first. Gentle darkness writhing and silently moaning around her, great beast of burden under her sway. But then the sensation of movement came, as if speeding through an incredibly large tunnel of darkness, cruel gusts of winds piercing through her armor with callous ease and stealing warmth and confidence with untold ease.

Countless eyes spying and looking and greedily wondering even as invisible hands attempt to rip her apart, to grab her and do to her what it is that minds beyond madness would do to form. No!

She resists valiantly, even as she still freefalls through it all, incapable of tolerating such vile defeat, such a violation of her being could never be, if only she could take an hold of the fabric of this unplace.

Yet there is nothing to manipulate here, nothing but her very own flesh.

The thunderous roar of indignation she unleashes would cause even this strange world pause. Her calm could not withstand this bizzare land, amusingly enough.
An eternity later, or was that but a moment of darkness. Of resisting the greedy, hungry darkness...

Magdalene found herself standing once more in a familiar office, a certainty that this was where she belonged.

There was the jarring absence of those who were summoned with her, as the staff floated before her serenely and uncaring. Hadn't she been summoned alone? Her memories said yes, and at the same time... no.

"Is something the matter, oh Mistress of the Darkness? Ringmaster of the Nightmare Circus?" Ah... well... there was the chancellor.

Turning around, the appearance of the chancellor was... certainly jarring, given that the Lord Serpentine had appeared human in her memory. Well, her memory of the world that was before the way treasure's... chiming.

The chancellor certainly appeared inhuman in his dragon aspect. One which he hadn't donned in Magdalene's memories of one world, while the other revealed that he had always appeared this way.



The medallion's inscripted scribe flows fluidly if looked at too long. And no, the angel in that image isn't present at the moment. :lol:
Truth be told, she felt the strangest of disorientation for the time being, almost as if the world had come into sight with a bang and a flash, through the whim of greater minds unseen even to the eyes of Mad Liar Kings.

The sights around her were oddly familiar, even as they diverged in places clearly from her memories. This left her almost hesitant as she heard the Chancellor's familiar voice behind her, yet still she didn't pause in her stride as she stylishly spined around to face the man.

Or at least, that is what she expected to see, yet here stood instead a strange lizardman. In different circumstances, shock and confusion might be appropriate, but perhaps for obscure reasons all his own the chancellor had chosen to give way to his old shape to instead don this new one. Yet she could feel no trace of the natural narrative magic of the Raksha, so even this felt more like conjecture and hypothesis to her than certainty...

Oddly familiar. Too odd even, almost as if strange cosmic forces conspired to force upon her falsehood. She would have none of it, her composure as unreadable and distant as ever as she spoke in her quiet yet ominous voice all too familiar to the ears of those close to her "No, of course not, but were not others also here but moments ago? Did they leave?" though some strange haze conspired to have her forget them, she distinctly remembered multiple presences.

Annoying ones.

Which she, on second thought, probably didn't miss. When her inquiry was met with apparently genuine ignorance, her lips merely presented a mysterious facade as she spoke "The last few minutes feel almost as if a blurr, remind me why I'm here again?" she figured that people would chalk up the strange request to a flighty whim of the moment.
"Others? Why would there be any others?" An eyebrow quirked upwards at her question, the chancellor's express was almost... puzzled. "You alone were summoned, for there are few outside the Realm who would dare contemplate facing you."
"Fair enough." she muttered to herself, noticing for the first time that she'd forgotten her puppet earlier in that forebodding place beyond time. Acting as if it were perfectly natural, she brought another one into shape with just the slightest whim for her to hold onto as she inquired firmly "I take it you haven't called me here only for my good company, yes?" she chuckles darkly, playing along this strange scenario with relative ease.

After all, she is one of the Raksha. This kind of madness is not entirely undesired.
"Of course not," He shook his head with a smile. "The objective I have for you is to seal a recently discovered 'That Which Must Never Be'. We suspect that it is one of the gates used by the Fallen Empress to field her original demon armies into Creation."

"However, there are... complications, the seers can not be sure that this gate isn't already open and that forces hostile to our Reality are not sallying into Creation. That and it is located in the domain of one who is slightly... antagonistic to the Realm."
She stares at him intently as she speaks, those bloody crimson eyes of her swirling in a spiral so slowly as to be imperceptible to mere human sight, as if another tribute to the bad blood the flows tranquil within her vein.

"Complications, or else you wouldn't have called for me..." she points out somewhat teasingly as she lightly and idly stroke the head of her animate doll "There's no reason for you to be coy, Chancellor. Tell me on whom's domain will I have to march. Or at least, pay a visit, as the case may be." she tilts her head slightly, expression still impenetrable.
"The territory which you would be venturing into belongs to Harborhead," he paused to let her work it out. "Yes, there was an incident not too long ago when certain members of House Nellens attempted to sway with martial force the Sultan into compliance with the Realm."

"That incident resulted in the Sultan's death, and his replacement holds a stance that is disrespectful of the Realm. She, however, has the aid of the Rain Princes and as such believe herself... safe from the Realm."

He smiled now. "For the moment, we were content to let her believe that. However, as you can see... things have changed."
"So the South this time." she comments dryly even as he keeps with what could only be described as an unusual and relaxed mission briefing "I've heard some words of that disaster, rather fitting if you ask me. Misunderstanding their positions, it spared us the trouble of putting them back in their place." her cold smile is cruel yet confident, she clearly holds no sympathy for the misfortunes of the downthrotten house.

"Now, last I've checked I'm no diplomat..." she snerks softly, brushing a strand of hair out of her pale inhuman face "In both sense of the term, admitedly." she humors for an instant that is gone as quickly as a flash of starlight "Do we march? Or is this perhaps the Senate requesting through you that I escort someone, mm?" she still remembered the mission that had previously been given her.

With all those pesky children out of her way, she felt confident that regardless of her actual mission she could make everyone dance to her own little tune. This place was spectacularly wrong on some level, but the adaptable and protean psyche of the insane Princes of the Wyld would hardly yield to such weak and inconsequential stress.

Perhaps she could enjoy this as some sort of impromptu vacation, yes? She'd figure a way back once she got bored with it.

Further, it just might lead her to further discoveries on the path that is hers.

New fear seldom comes her way anymore, after all.

Not half bad, for something she had no control over, kekeke.

Satisfied with that conclusion, she listened intently to the Chancellor's words on her actual 'official' mission, unless they expected to merely cut her way through Harborhead.

Now that she thought about it, was it Harborhead the last time too? Ah, she couldn't quite remember.

Slightly worrying...
"As you say," his responding smile could be deemed beautific and absolutely innocent as if he had not done a thing to House Nellens. And he hadn't, honestly and truly.

"As for you being a diplomat, as long as you don't simply ravage everything in your path, the Realm will not hold you accountable." Here his smile faded away. "Your secondary mission beyond ensuring that the... Gate stays shut and sealed away, would be to remind the Sultana of her place in Creation. It is entirely at your discretion, how and when."
"So limit the collateral damage. Methinks I can certainly make a token effort in that direction." she answers enigmatically as she lets go of the doll which lands gracefully on its feet and looks around quietly, even as she moves her hand to her chin pensively "Given the nature of my actual mission, I should be on my way as soon as possible. Will I be given any transport or escort?" she inquires succintly even as she already starts toward the door.

Not wasting any time, as expected given her reputation.
"In light of your mission, we have arranged for transport for you... you might find it... amusing," Here his expression went blank. "Think of it as a token of my esteem for you."
She doesn't respond to this, as the last word spring from his lips, she is already gone, the door open and her footsteps clicking against the floor as she directs herself to the closest launching spot. She figures that either one of the maids will give her directions or she'll find this 'surprise' right there and then.

She could already tell that it'd likely be something interesting, not that it mattered much as long as it could carry her there in a timely fashion.

Guided by one of the many dragonblooded maids in the Senate, Magdalene Farandole found herself stepping out into one of the myrid launching point for the Senate. Upon which rested a certain raksha, one whom Magdalene had worked with, even if it was at cross purposes.

Ciara Nami, in one of her more exotic alternate forms, at that.

Clearly, this was a jest worthy of a laugh... given what that Imperial Raksha had based herself on in terms of themes.
Following the young nervous maid, Magdalene soon found herself confronted with the one person she'd hoped against all odds not to have to deal with this time. Apparently she would have to deal with the fact that for some unthinkable reason, her story was interconnected with that of this woman.

She could already tell that this would be a very lengthy flight...

Credit where it's due, this form was suitably effective and awe-inspiring, not that her descretion allowed her to display it in the slightest.

For the record, she's not laughing.

Holding one hand forward, as if gesturing for the maid to leave them together, she makes sure they're alone before running one hand through her hair, severals doll coming out seemingly from her shadow to surround her almost like a creepy uncanny honor guard "Ciara Nami." she says dryly, her voice as sharp as the barb at the end of a scorpion's stinger.
"You." The hissing voice held absolute malice. Appropriate given the bestial form. As was the scornful glare that surely would have incinerated lesser beings.
"Missed me, sugar?" comes her derisive answer, meeting her scorn with the casual distance expected from one who held herself with superior standing to the immense creature towering over her. No matter how this may look to the casual observer, their clashing presences spoke volumes to what was actually at play. The fearsome angel of dread, at once beautiful and unspeakably addictive yet terrible and grotesque, she would not flinch even in the face of the Unconquered Sun. As far as she was concerned, such flighty and weak passion couldn't hold a flame to a candle.

"This kinda suits you really." she idly jabs with nothing but verve and verb knowing that the threatening ogre before her is nothing but a paper tiger with immense pride in her great beauty, elegance and social grace.

For her, this is likely practical but not entirely ideal. Then again considering the nature of Raksha, this might as well speak volume to the hidden violence within even the most charming of them.

If more inclined to describe her once partner, Magdalene would say that this infernal beast is the great icon of that woman's Sword.
"Miss you? Would that not imply that you are important enough for me to entangle in my story?" the proud look indicated that her pride was still quite intact.

Rearing up to gaze down upon the much smaller blond raksha, Ciara snorted. The crackling of lightning in her maw, and the scent of ozone, might be a hint of what she could do in this form. If she so desired. "Know this, this is strictly a one time affair. Nothing more, nothing less."

While she might hold much pride in her beauty, elegance and social grace, the Imperial Raksha was still one of the mighty and dreadful liar kings who battled the very souls of the long fallen Primordials on the day everything changed.
Quietly allowing Ciara this meaningless victory, the puppetmaster instead gathered her forces readily around her, every breath now as if the intoxicating exhilaration of the century's hunt, an admirable failing struggle from the quarry leading to inevitable darkness. Rising as if a lurching crescent moon in a dreadful cancerous night sky, she blinds with the heavy and ominous sentiments swirling around her like foreboding thick charcoal smoke.

Viscous to the point where movement itself would feel sluggish and clumsy even were the spirits of lightning witness to this, this great duel of wills took place over an eternity and was over in an instant.

"I hardly remember you being this cooperative before, perhaps this will give you time to reflect on the proper order of this world." she almost playfully chastise her 'friend' for her rude posturing, even as she herself blatantly takes part in it.

Hypocrites to the last of them.

Still, no matter how one felt about their personal might, it would be appropriate to remember that she wields a Sword unlike any other which strikes equal measure terror and devastation in the heart of man and god alike.

Of course, Ciara Nami is all too familiar with that. They've come to a point where this dance is almost more ritual than essential.

The Ringmaster of the Nightmare Circus, such as she is, approaches the tall monster with the crystal clear expectation that her transport would help her up.
With a dark look, the immense dragon knelt down before offering a hand for the puppetmaster to step on to.

Closer to Ciara, the air is cooler, almost as if caught in the chill of the month of ascending air, the hide of the dragon form more like solid darkness given the form of armour plating than of scales.
(19:44:55) Danakir Odeiron: The serene expression on Magdalene Farandole's visage laid bare and undisturbed even as this fearsome sight overtake her senses without even really trying, such is the sweeping grace and glory of the gossamer Princes of the Wyld.

Stepping on the extended clawed paw, she is as most would picture a mosquito when faced with a godly beast of legend, the kind of which mortals seldom dare even so much as dream of, for though delicious their imagination could not rival the works of ancient and alien creatures such as the present company.

She is not merely an immense draconic beast, she is THE draconic beast, imagery and fiction yet painfully real, it is a wonder that lesser minds could even grasp all the nuances.

She didn't ask whether Ciara Nami would only give her a ride or also act as a chaperon of sort, perhaps to avoid tempting fate. That cursed thing that should hold no law over her own, yet at present one could almost be left questioning such.


(19:56:17) Haku: The hand lifted the minute figure of Magdalene Farandole to a position upon the shoulders, just behind the neck. The implicit trust here that the dragon would not be physically attacked by the ringmaster of nightmares was quite obvious.

Not that the blond raksha would do such a thing, right? It wasn't as if she bore a weapon that could spell the death of any raksha. Why such a thing would be anathemic to a noble of good standing in the Realm.

The brief lowering of knees was but a prelude to the dragon pushing against Creation and lifting off with wings flapping.

"So... where to? Harborhead or to... the gate?" The question was as a roar of wind.


(20:03:28) Danakir Odeiron: "That's an excellent question." her expressionless face remains as if yet another mask of white jade, though darting eyes hint at something else beneath the comforting fabric of gossamer flesh and bone. The trust between these two is that of old rivals who do not recognize each other, of comrades in arms of another time and place and of old souls who in silence speak loudly where words would waste away in the tempest of chaos that is courtly existence in the Realm that was built on the ashes of their still shining glory.

"The Gate is certainly the kind of problem that requires my attention immediately, but can I afford the intrusion and interference of that foolish Sultana?" she sigh softly, though by mortal standards her mind is inhumanly keen, she is faced with clear hesitation.

"The Chancellor did request that I care for their rebellious disrespect toward the Holy Law of the Realm." she stares idly at her companion flying them through the air, though she likely cannot be seen it is more of a dramatic gesture of emphasis "We've no time to spare however, the Senate's ignorance is no excuse for this. Wouldn't you agree?" she often pondered if this accursed woman remembered as she did.

Perhaps not... perhaps not.

But she'd bet precious gossamer riches resplendent that she knows.


(20:06:04) Haku: "It is your prerogative as to which to handle first, but I'm sure that the sultana would not be able to pose much threat, at least not against you or I," the laughter in her voice could be sense more than heard as the dragon rose higher into the heavens as if daring the Unconquered Sun to strike them down.


(20:10:03) Danakir Odeiron: "The question is no of whether it is possible, it is of whether we can afford to waste precious time." she points out dryly, though the hint of the shadow of a smile gracing her features at the comment of her 'transport' "Let's take care of our actual objective, then we can have some fun." her usage of this particular pronoun said more about Magdalene than anything else she'd said up until now, though only the most attentive would likely be aware of such.

At this altitude, the harsh gusty winds would likely wound anything of an inferior nature, but they merely crash and break against the invulnerable wall of stone that is Magdalene's body, her hair dancing wildly around her despite it being short, every scarp of cloth hanging from her doing just the same.

As ever, she is fearless.


(20:21:56) Haku: It doesn't take long before Magdalene catches sight of the south eastern jungles. Surely not even hours have yet passed, before the dragon flies over the jungles where the relics of past ages lie hidden, where barbaric lunars cavort amidst their debased descendants and bestial monstrositys in mimicry of the behemoths commanded by the Realm.

The only question was where... where the gate lay exactly.


(20:22:15) Haku: ooc - may I have a lore or occult roll from you?

(20:22:26) Danakir Odeiron: (Certainly gimme a second)

(20:26:13) Danakir Odeiron: (8d10 → [7,7,2,3,9,10,5,1] = 5 successes)

(20:28:19) Haku: ooc - you did add intelligence and such yes?

(20:28:28) Danakir Odeiron: (Intelligence 6 + Lore 2)

(20:28:31) Danakir Odeiron: (Maggie isn't a scholar dear.)

(20:28:38) Haku: ooc - not going to stunt?

(20:28:49) Danakir Odeiron: (I don't know what I'm even rolling for!)

(20:30:53) Danakir Odeiron: ( ^_^ ; )


(20:38:49) Haku: Given the sea of greenery below them and the occasional island of stonework that rises above, ancient tombs and such from Creation that was, it is no wonder that one could have difficulty in locating a single gate.

Forged of the magical materials, in the form of a ring that a warstrider can walk through upright, it should be an imposing sight. It just belayed the thousands of miles that one had to search for it in.

A well hidden gate of heaven, this was...


(20:44:32) Danakir Odeiron: In another time, another place, her memory might have served her better and informed her clearly of where laid this particular gate, but she wrecked her mind to no avail. Only faint glimmers and flashes which proved entirely useless in context. She glared at the endless thick greenery, the rising humidity as if invisible scorching steam contrasting with the quiet wind "Mmmm, nothing" she points out calmly.

Odds were minimal that the Sultana would know the location of such a place, though it wasn't entirely impossible. This left her wondering why they sent her here of all place without any guidance...

She expected better of them, freaking useless bunch of hand-wrangglers. Sometimes she just wanted to twist their little necks and... calm down.

Yes, calm.

She stares at the gargantuan beast on whom's shoulder she stands "This is definitely not my kind of work, having to find something in particular... if at least there was some sort of trail to follow or some such..."


(20:44:54) Danakir Odeiron: (Dood, way to have the Chancellor look like an idiot xD )

(20:46:17) Haku: ooc - also please do make a perception + awareness roll... 2 stunt die

(20:47:48) Danakir Odeiron: (10d10 → [4,10,3,6,1,8,8,4,2,6] = 4 successes)

(20:48:04) Danakir Odeiron: (Why yes, her Awareness is low too!)

(20:48:11) Danakir Odeiron: (She's a specialist like that.)

(20:48:23) Danakir Odeiron: (At least all her Attributes are high X)


(20:58:20) Haku: A tinkling at the back of her mind if sufficient to warn her... that there were charms in use, ones meant to hinder her, to obscure the clarity of her vision.

Certainly, the sensation is somewhat similar to shaping effects... even if it was based on the precepts of Creation and aligned to its tamed and stratified essence.

Someone or something was trying to hide from her.


(21:04:53) Danakir Odeiron: "Can you feel it?" she asks of Ciara Nami with the slightest tension at the back of her throat, gaze burning a hole through the very earth itself as she silently curse this combative will that denies her the prize she seeks. There is... something there, that much she's certain of now.

If only she were more aware of the supernatural above the superficial, but it never truly interested as it might have been best for it to.

A few moments earlier she'd considered the idea of sending forth thousands of flying dolls to explore this place in her stead, but now she knew that it would likely be in vain.

Would she have to smoke out some rats?


(21:09:32) Haku: "Indeed," With that, the dragon rose higher into the heavens... preparing to dive upon that which would fool her much like a bird of prey.


(21:11:51) Danakir Odeiron: "This form is rather useful, I'll give you that much." she chuckles softly, rather shocked herself that she could find any use for that dreadful courtesan. Not that she'd accept the title, but in Magdalene's mind it fit like the finest glove. Suddenly without any warning hundreds of gossamer strings extend from every bit and part of the puppetmaster's clothes, clutching tightly against Ciara's ebony body as smooth as metal.

After all, otherwise she just might fall off, which would be completely disgraceful.


(21:12:54) Danakir Odeiron: (Consider this a stunt on any eventual Dexterity + Athletics)


(21:18:51) Haku: "You might wish to consider gaining an assumption along those lines, yes?" the dragon snorted once as she hung at the apex of her ascension before flipping over... and descending at speeds that would surely have torn anything not secured to her.

The howling wind around the doll mistress and her... mount is enough to clear her mind and reveal a hidden ziggurat. "There.... do you see it?"


(21:23:08) Danakir Odeiron: "Magnificent!" she exclaim with unrestrained glee now, the strange melodious strings of sadism playing background music to her undisputed joy that they managed to overcome this deception with only the slightest effort, as was right and good. She refrained from commenting on her assumption, after all this was fishing for compliments if she'd ever seen it.

Arrogant swine.

Just as they are about to go over it and before it might flash out of sight, the hundreds of strings holding Magdalene snap off so that she can jump off gracefully and land on top of the ziggurat. Otherwise she just might waste this golden opportunity!

At worst, she might fall to the ground, which would be painful and slightly shameful but she probably wouldn't be worse for wear.

And frankly, anything less bold and dramatic just wouldn't have suited her aesthetics.

And what just wouldn't do at all.


(21:24:26) Danakir Odeiron: (Yes, I'm saying that falling off the giant dragon is a MINOR INCONVENIENCE :P )

(21:24:30) Danakir Odeiron: (Go go Exalted lol)(


(21:28:13) Haku: Perhaps it was a wise decision for her to separate from her partner... given the cthonic mass of flesh that launched itself at the dragon before the pair vanished beneath the soil.

A chimerae... how... rare and utterly surprising to find one in this day and age.


(21:29:27) Danakir Odeiron: (Did she land on top of the ziggurat?)

(21:34:10) Danakir Odeiron: (Siiiiilence xD )

(21:35:56) Haku: ooc - num... is up to you to stunt

(21:36:01) Haku: ooc - stunt like you always do

(21:36:07) Danakir Odeiron: (I just did, didn't I? xD )

(21:36:14) Danakir Odeiron: (I can add to it, if you want)

(21:36:16) Danakir Odeiron: (Stunt whore :P


(21:40:12) Danakir Odeiron: Quickly accelerating down through the air, the Raksha would soon crash against the ziggurat if she does not take control, the fact that her partner is so suddenly assaulted only adding to the urgency of it all. Still she is not worried in the least and takes stock in her quiet confidence that she cannot fail. Forcing herself in an upright position with practiced and inhuman ease more akin to that of a cat than that of a human, she prepared herself to this landing of hers even as she aims carefully for the summit of the structure.

Seeing that she simply won't reach the right position, she lose no time in fixing that little problem, launching hundred of strings in one thick gossamer rope with impossible unison suiting her whims and great mastery to cling to the very tip of the building, allowing her to swing herself around and use the momentum at the last instant to throw herself up and onto the roof.

For some reason, she suddenly felt like wearing red spandex with a spiderweb pattern.



(21:40:33) Haku: ooc - 3 die

(21:40:42) Danakir Odeiron: ooc Spider man, spiderman... *singing* 8D

(21:40:46) Danakir Odeiron: ( xD )

(21:43:49) Danakir Odeiron: (She uses Wyld Communion to boost that to 4 stunt dice, spending 5 motes... but she gets back 8 motes so it's okay. 8D)

(21:44:47) Danakir Odeiron: (14d10 → [2,7,5,3,4,6,8,10,2,2,6,7,9,7] = 7 successes)


(21:47:59) Haku: The top of the ziggurat is oddly enough a nice cleared region, more than sufficient for her to stand upon. Certainly, it was large enough for her to fight upon if necessary.

In the distance, Magdalene can see the fight that her companion was enduring with one of the wyld touched lunar as trees and assorted landscape exploded upwards along with assorted screaming and such. It was almost... almost enough to drown out the sounds of prayers from within the ziggurat.


(21:50:54) Danakir Odeiron: Even as she approached cautiously from the nearest entrance leading into the depths of this strange, blasphemous, towering 'temple' to the forsaken gods of Heaven, she listened intently to the actual prayers being drowned out, wanting to catch at least fragmentary words so that she might identify their... nature.

It is a simple task, but again memory is a treacherous thing and though hers might very well be unmatched by any mortal in this world, it is at times not up to the ask of retaining the entirety of her experiences...

For she is indeed ancient.


(21:51:10) Danakir Odeiron: (Intelligence + Lore, prayers to whom?)

(21:51:24) Haku: ooc - 2 die for awareness, and for your lore roll...

(21:51:40) Danakir Odeiron: (Make it 3 die, the charm is a scenelong.)

(21:53:04) Danakir Odeiron: (Perception 6 + Awareness 2 + Stunt 3 = 11d10 → [7,5,5,9,5,9,10,6,3,9,1] = 6 successes)

(21:53:47) Danakir Odeiron: (Intelligence 6 + Lore 2 + Stunt 3 = 11d10 → [2,8,7,3,7,1,4,9,8,5,4] = 5 successes)


(22:07:39) Haku: The chanting continued onwards despite the explosion or furious battle in the jungle beyond... still, it meant that there was a chance for the raksha to hear what was being said.

The words, the candance. While the words were alien, the tone and pace weren't. After all, were not prayers in the end at their heart the same?

This was no different, here the words were directed at the golden queen of heaven, and of the eventual conquest of Creation, and assorted such nonsense that one might find from a cult that served an anathema.


(22:15:59) Danakir Odeiron: So nothing more than another doomsday cult to the Anathema, it'd be almost some sort of disappointment if it weren't also rather expected. They'd seen it in the stars after all and if the breach were already opened then there would simply be nothing more that could be done but despair.

Cloaking herself in the very absence left in her wake, she forgets her presence even as she travels down closer and closer to the faithful gathering. Soundless such that even ghosts would pale with envy, even the air around her forgot the meaning of her warmth, for the world itself could not remember her. Such was the incredible might of her story as a deadly stalker that Creation itself stable and crude would conform to it, whether it wanted to or not!

Soon she found herself to the right location and peered at what was going on, giving herself a few seconds to decide on her next move.


(22:16:08) Danakir Odeiron: (Being-Nonbeing Approach activated)


(22:21:57) Haku: Sneaking into the building was easily done, as was finding the source of the chanting and prayers.

The cult, such as it was, seemed comprised of assorted bestial tainted barbarians, one of many such easily found groups of humans in the threshold. The figure they were venerating, however, that... that was a surprise.

She had... seen, met, fought that dawn caste solar before before things changed. That she still lived could be deemed a surprise. After all, solars were seldom allowed to live past a century... let alone the two millennium since That Day.


(22:23:11) Danakir Odeiron: (!_! *Just realised something*)

(22:23:12) Danakir Odeiron: (Um....)

(22:23:23) Danakir Odeiron: (The Chancellor never gave me any tool to seal the Gate ;__; )

(22:24:00) Haku: ooc - the key staff?

(22:24:05) Danakir Odeiron: (Yeah)

(22:24:18) Haku: ooc - it was with you when you arriverd?

(22:24:25) Danakir Odeiron: (Sure, that werks)

(22:25:15) Haku: ooc - also Lyta!

(22:25:27) Danakir Odeiron: (Lyta?)


(22:27:59) Danakir Odeiron: Frankly, if she could feel the embrace of fear then she would have felt a pang of it in the pit of her stomach. This eerie ghost now walking as if flesh and blood. Could she hope to defeat her? Probably, it would certainly however prove to be apocalyptic in scope, with the entire region dying in a cataclysmic clash of titans unlike any other.

Presomptuous, yes, but she still felt confident. Nevertheless she could remember the great power back then, so how much more could it be now? To think for even a second that such a tremendous creature would sleep in the bosom of the world was inconceivable. She could have likely decimated the Realm if she bothered to assemble an actual army.

And to think that a Solar would ally themselves with a chimera? Something didn't add up. It really didn't.

But for now, she didn't have to worry, with her present there then she could seek the Gate lower in this place. Once it was safely sealed, she could deal with this petulant child reborn from ashes.

At least so she hoped, the alternative was... unpleasant.

If anything, she could remember the one elder Solar she witnessed in all her years.

Invincible doesn't describe the half of it.

Regardless, this is why she stealthily made her way around the place, looking for the signature essence she came to expect from such a place of celestial power and authority. She could like still feel the echo of holy glory in her dark bones.


(22:29:33) Haku: ooc - 3 die... for sneaking, and searching

(22:30:16) Danakir Odeiron: ooc - What roll for searching?

(22:32:16) Danakir Odeiron: (Dexterity 7 + Stealth 7 + Stunt 4 + Being-Nonbeing Approach 5 + The Stride of Nothing 5 = 28d10 → [5,1,9,9,9,9,9,1,1,6,1,3,4,6,5,9,6,7,10,7,9,10,3,8,9,3,2,3] = 15 successes)

(22:33:05) Haku: ooc - awareness, investigation, lore, ocult

(22:34:05) Haku: ooc - up to you

(22:35:18) Danakir Odeiron: (Perception 6 + Awareness 2 + Stunt 4 = 12d10 → [2,10,10,7,6,5,2,4,5,9,9,5] = 7 successes)

(22:35:40) Danakir Odeiron: (Somehow it is ridiculously obvious which areas Maggie specializes in lol)


(22:42:35) Haku: Of course, it likely was that chimerae had been tamed by the solar to serve as a fearsome guardian... but that was another thing to deal with later.

Searching downwards and inwards soon reveals that there had been a pathway leading to the exterior of the ziggurat from a massive hall within it. Admittedly, said hall had a collapsed entrance to the corridor that led straight out into the jungle.

The gate certain seemed to fit her memories of what one of the entrances to Yu-shan was like... as well as the manner its doorways were shut for now.


(22:46:53) Danakir Odeiron: Bringing forth the fearsome way artifact from Elsewhere, Maggie lets the strange staff floats before her as she activates it as had been instructed previously to her. She didn't know the details or understand the full implications, but it didn't matter. After all, as long as this Gate was sealed, then things would be just dandy.

Then she'd have to contend with an actual challenge for once.

Her lips curled into a wide grin, her eyes gleaming with almost maddened intent as she lets a small shiver rise up her spine, she couldn't wait! It'd been so long since she last faced a foe worthy of her great story!

Yet another sublimely exquisite trophy would soon adorn her hall of fame and her legend would spring anew for every Raksha from here to the Realm to the deepest reaches of the Wyld to talk about with excited awe!

Yes, a suitable challenge considering the stakes for sure!


(22:52:31) Haku: It is... almost a pity that the gate wasn't open as that would have been a challenge for the ringmaster of nightmares to deal with. Thankfully, the key worked as noted as gossamer filmed over it much like an oyster's pearl was formed from mucus that covered an irritant.

Eventually, the gate resembled more a shimmering mother of pear that looked like it might have been grown from the ground before it simply faded into nothingness with the key...


OOC - please do make a willpower + essence roll

(22:54:17) Danakir Odeiron: (I give myself one stunt die from my Style pool, which turns into 2 stunt die through the Wyld Communion charm)

(22:56:23) Danakir Odeiron: (Willpower 10 + Essence 5 + Stunt 2 = 17d10 → [1,2,2,5,10,4,6,5,2,6,10,7,5,4,2,3,8] = 6 successes)

(22:57:10) Haku: ooc - *nods* you barely remember the key, but do remember that the gate is gone.


(22:59:23) Danakir Odeiron: This felt weird, almost oddly familiar, somehow she couldn't distinctly remember what the key looked like. At least, she could clearly remember that she'd fulfilled her mission objective for now. Now, to get out of here in one piece and then show this ghost of the past just what world of pain she signed up for when she defied her.

She'd make it suitably spectacular for sure, she figured, as she made her way to the ziggurat's exit on ground level.


(22:59:40) Danakir Odeiron: (I think this would be a good spot to stop for now, as I'm reaching the point where I'm dropping in quality :P )

(23:01:05) ***Haku slips ooc

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