[IC] Act 1.1 : Whisked Away... [In the Senate's Name...]

Re: [iC] Act 1.1 : An invitation to misbehave...

Silvanus opened his eyes as he heard the secretary announce that. He gripped his staff and stood back up, looking over at the others whom had apparently been summoned as well. He recalled when this means of summons had been more amusing. Now it was almost routine for him. It reminded him why he liked being out in the bounds of Creation where it ridge rules actually made things more... satisfying.

"Of course," he replied to the secretary.

He moved to follow now, waiting to see this latest upstart Chancellor whom was as a child to him in Creation's concept of age. Silvanus was always willing to assume a servant's role though as it made it much easier to manipulate things to his advantage. It was how he had the power and support he did, mustered from centuries of politicking and being one of the architects of the Realm's current society. This was a feat few could claim and one Silvanus often choose not to for his own reasons save for when it was time to play power broker.
Re: [iC] Act 1.1 : An invitation to misbehave...

The Cyan Nassak looked at the receptionist... and then a bit farther down at the receptionist... and then further down... and then further...

My, but that was a nice talent. He wondered how she came by it. Oh, he supposed that it COULD be something to the effect of multiple commoners or dragon-bloods, all shaped into the same form and observable personality. But that would hardly be an effective use of skill and power.

Hm... a mere illusion, perhaps? While certainly less wasteful than his previous theory, he wouldn't think it something that simple. Not here in the Senate. (The fact that most would assume this first rather than the previous hypothetical did not actually occur to him)

Temporal scaling? Split-body? Kage-b... no no, let's just skip that...

Hmm... the possibilities... Standing up, The Cyan Nassak smiled at the receptionist... well, the one nearest to him... and headed over toward the door.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Not really important to the scene, but why not? Bit of stunting to figure out what the effect going on is.

2010-06-23 01:43:46 The Cyan Nassak rolls 8 dice to Identifying 4,1,8,2,9, 7,2,10 (5 successes)
Re: [iC] Act 1.1 : An invitation to misbehave...

"Finally!" the Lion rumbled, and as he moved into the office, the muscles beneath his skin rippled, in start contrast with the nigh statuesque appearance he had while he was waiting. He shook his head once, his manes flowing and his tail moved with each pace into the office.
Re: [iC] Act 1.1 : An invitation to misbehave...

Given that the senate was within a freehold, and one that was larger on the inside than out, it shouldn't come as a surprise to find that the chancellor's office held that same quality as well, being far larger on the inside that could be explained by the actual senate building.

And thus, while the office could potentially have been miles upon miles folded on itself, it wasn't.

Being merely a few hundred yards in length, width and breath, with bookshelves here and there filled with scrolls, and various 'small' tokens of victory over past enemies of the Realm stood hither and thither on display.

At the center of the room were comfortable chairs arrayed before the chancellor's desk upon which rested several folders, presumably filled with details and such for the great heroes and heroines summoned this day.

Seated comfortably and sipping at a small saucer of liquid, the manner that wisps of vapor rising from said liquid could be seen as worrying if one were mortal, the chancellor provided the image of a genteel lord. From the ruffled hair, the sly slender gaze directed at those invited, even the goatee... those gave a certain disreputable air as if he was plotting something.

Against who or what, that was unknown.

Beyond the desk, some distance back rested a wall of glass and behind it, clean water, in which gracefully swam the chancellor's pet. Shimmering scales as of countless rainbows covering her lower half lending her beauty.

Said panoramatic fishtank, curved and gave definition to the office as it merged into the marble walls pf the office.
Re: [iC] Act 1.1 : An invitation to misbehave...

She may have shared more of herself than was strictly necessary with the young helpless maid if it weren't for the interruption. Nevertheless, she didn't want to leave wordlessly and so although her lips did not move in the least, she wordlessly exchanged an imperceptible aspect of herself with the young maiden, sharing it and letting it flow through her intensely, rushing through her veins as if the heady ambrosia of Yu-Shan itself. The feeling was incomparable and magnificent, clear as the first morning of one's life and as dreadful as the end of days. One could easily lose themselves in this subtle yet potent display of narrative dominance and essence, melting together into the sweet honey of wyld addiction.

The doll idly interacting with Essai soon vanished as if nothing but the fancy of another cruel master, only to reappear by Magdalene's side. They would be her honor guard, as befit one of terrible awe such as herself.

The presence of that secretary everywhere wasn't so much disturbing as unpleasant, somehow it didn't sit right with the young Lady of Terror, yet nevertheless she didn't intend to be rude "The wait was interminable, I do hope that this session was not as pointless and asinine as ever." but she still came off as it regardless, her casual impatience nothing more than an extension of her sense of self "Take care of yourself." she dismissed the secretary with a distant gaze before stepping forward toward the office.

She came in clad in the usual fabric of fear and surrounded by her elegant and magnificent dolls, the symbol of her dominion and sublime strength. She did not temper her beauty, no matter how improper, in any way, shape or form and such was after all her prerogative. After all, if one were to wish oppose her, they would need do so more constructively. She had not expected all of the people in the room to have been called for the same purpose as she however, she usually worked alone. She did make a token effort to conceal her displeasure regardless.

This wasn't Magdalene's first visit to this office and it held no more wonder or awe for her than anything else she found supremely banal. Advancing forward boldly, striding even with the elegance and precision expected from nothing less than the angel of death, she did not stand next to the folder which was definitely destined to her, instead standing to the side of the Chancellor and glancing intently into the large aquarium as she often did when she came to visit "Chancellor, I hope today's session was fruitful." her voice was faint, but everything that was left unsaid in the silence it left could fill many novels, she made herself clear as she often did more by what she did not say than by what she said, or rather today she did so for such was the way that she wished to do it.

Habits were clever little traps which the Raksha never quite fell into, instead building themselves routines which were yet more games to distract themselves from the dull stagnant reality of Creation. Smiling cooly and waving at the woman inside the tank, she mouthed the words "Remember me?" she did promise she'd be back after all and she was if nothing else a woman of her word.

Apparently, not amount of pomp or ceremony could force the Ringmaster of the Nightmare Circus to behave in any way which did not perfectly resonate with her purpose. The signs of a great Will and even greater Tale, dangerous weapons to wield amidst the vast stretches of this wyld residence.


Go Go Gadget Wyld Addiction!

Charisma 6 + Presence 6 = 12 dice

12d10 → [7,10,6,7,10,1,1,6,9,5,3,2] = 7 successes

Stunt 2

2d10 → [5,10] = 2 successes + 4 motes

Total successes = 9 successes
Re: [iC] Act 1.1 : An invitation to misbehave...

Contentious Sword smiles and nods to the secretary at his side. With long, bold strides he walked towards the office, regarding each of his comrades in time, but never staring.

Each step created a resounding clamor of jangling armor and mail, but it wasn't the expected cacophony. Each clank and jangle projected greatness and a sense of respect. The rattles and scrapes implied cautious curiosity and an air of anticipation. It was as if each echo was a small crier or courier, exalting Contentious Sword and the deeds that these heroes are yet to do. Before the door closes behind him, Contentious Sword's radiant locks flap without breeze, creating the sound of a sly wink that says "until next time" for the maid who served him tea.

Although Contentious Sword has dealt with the Senate on many occasions, he has never interacted with the Chancellor so closely, nor has he seen his office. Both impress him with their subtle expressions of power, and is that a hint of malice? The air tastes of mischief. Contentious Sword shows no expression, but the wry grin that wants to birth a cackle in his heart might as well be written in neon. Behind the ardor creeps a shadow.

The thoughts of valor and devilry subside as Contentious Sword becomes lost in the sight of the Chancellor's pet, until the Chancellor gets his attention.
Re: [iC] Act 1.1 : An invitation to misbehave...

Castellan Artagnan

Castellan Artagnan finishes his tea and slowly gets up, patting the maid keeping him company on the shoulder.

"Stay strong, Sister in the Dragons." he says to her smoothly, barest hints of a smile breaching his placid exterior.

Smoothing his robes as he stands, he walks deliberately towards the meeting chamber. This would be the first time Artagnan has seen the Chancellor's Office. Inwardly, he is in awe at everything inside. Noticing the tank and the being inside, as well as the chairs in front of him, he takes a moment to take in his surroundings. The fish-woman there was...unsettling...

Looking at all the others gathered here, he noticed that so far, he was the only Child of the Dragons present. An awkward moment indeed.

None of these emotions played out upon his placid features. He was in control. He would not be moved. Looking at the Chancellor, he states formally, bowing deeply:

"Lord Chancellor, it is an honor to stand in your presence. Castellan Artagnan, answering your summons. I am ready to serve the Senate."
Re: [iC] Act 1.1 : An invitation to misbehave...

Silvanus walked into the chamber, unimpressed by its grandeur. He had seen this room too many times to count. Had stood in it after the first days of its shaping and he'd seen it more than enough times. As a Magistrate he saw it still when the Chancellor wanted to give him an assignment, or complain about his actions. He could admittedly dismiss him but that would mean Silvanus would go back to being a Senator, something many did not desire to see happen.

He walks towards the Chancellor's desk and takes a seat, nodding to him out of respect of his position, not so much the man holding it. Someone had to be at the top but Silvanus didn't often like who it was. They were just another thorn in his side as he was in theirs. The fact remained that as much as Silvanus hated the system he had helped create, it worked. Also he was too useful to that system for it to kill or discard him meaning that few wanted him dead when they could throw him at threats so he could go to trick and annoy them rather than the Senate. A truly symbiotic relationship even if both parts viewed the other as a cancer.
Re: [iC] Act 1.1 : An invitation to misbehave...

"Chancellor, a pleasure to see you again, even on business," The Cyan Nassak greeted the Imperial Raksha. He bowed as he approached the man's desk, the glass he still held tipping dangerously with the motion, coming close to nearly spilling its contents onto the various paperwork covering the surface. Fortunately he straightened from the bow before that last fatal degree was turned.

As he rose, the Eshu noticed one of the display cases off to the side. "Oh, I see you found a replacement for the Chalice of... hrm... something or other, it was. Anyhow, what's this one then?" He began to wander off towards it, curiosity on his face.
Re: [iC] Act 1.1 : An invitation to misbehave...


Xytrisae stood up, or rather rose slightly as she uncoiled her snake's body from the chair that she had sat in. She raised an eyebrow as the Secretary made herself... appear almost everywhere, but Xytrisae merely smiled. "I must learn how to do that. I certainly must." She gives the Secretary a nod before she herself moves behind the others to enter the room, silently with the exception of her tail's bell that jingled with her efforts. Moving slowly she entered the room and the first thing she saw was the fish tank. Her eyes narrow slightly, it wasn't often that the Azure River of Sword and Song felt the need to imprison anything, sure the occasional fool that sought to enter the Magnificent Crystalline Palace of Fire and Air wrongly will get a moment or two tied to one of the spinning blades that adorn the Shining Melody Visage of Swords. But to place one in a tank? Well it just made her shiver slightly.

"I wonder what she must of done." Perhaps the answer lay with Magdalene, and that prospect weakened her curiosity, though only slightly. Regardless of the fish girl in the tank she moves naturally to her place and once again spends the minute or two to re-coil herself around the chair to make herself comfortable. Sadly her bell has fallen silent as she nods to Chancellor as she places a slender finger against the corner of the folder. Oh what secrets you hold, she says to herself with a slight chuckle.
Re: [iC] Act 1.1 : An invitation to misbehave...

The chancellor opted to ignore what Magdalene was doing to the poor fish woman in the tank. And really, it seemed to fit the ringmaster to play with pets, as long as they weren't you.

Instead he nodded in response to Castellan Artagnan, as of a politician greeting one of his voters, polite and letting nothing through his smile. At least, before he noticed The Cyan Nassak approaching the display case. "Ah... I would appreciate if you didn't go near that. It might be... adverse to your health in close proximity, let alone contact."

"Still, please... sit, sit, ladies, gentlemen, noble lords of the Realm," the manner that his gaze drifted over the group of raksha and dragonblooded indicated what he thought of them, respectful of their personal might, not scorning them for their lack of political connections. They were not a threat to him, per say, at least politically or socially. Thus, he was honest.

"As you, well know, I have called you here today to assemble of you a coterie of heroes," he paused and sipped at his saucer. Letting those he had summoned think on this. "Yes, I am aware that normally, assembled coteries would never have this many members in it."

"However, the matter for which have been summoned is of the utmost urgency to the Realm and Creation on a whole. On paper, your mission is to escort the diplomat envoy and ensure that nothing untoward happens while she negotiates the right of passage for her and you, her guards, further into the sultanate of Harborhead."

Here he lightly tapped the desk which pushed the folders into various hands, which contained further information on the locale and a list of whose who. "It is also ostensibly a show of force, to demonstrate that the Realm can and will project force if desired to the sultana Dejah Thoris. That her alliances with the Court of Orderly Flames and the Rain Princes will not protect her. And that it is in her best interest to submit to the wishes of the Realm."

"However, the primary object is to gain permission and avoid having to battle your way past Harborhead's forces. The objective is to seal a recently discovered 'That Which Must Never Be'. We suspect that it is one of the gates used by the Fallen Empress to field her original demon armies into Creation."

"At least that's the official reason on the mission papers," He paused and sipped at his drink after pouring some more into the saucer. "The unofficial reason that I have assembled so many of you into this coterie is simple. We can not be sure that this gate isn't already open like a crack in the filament of the world and that forces hostile to our Reality are not sallying into Creation."

"Our seers can not assess the state of the 'That Which Must Never Be'. The stars are silent on that. If it is gaping open and allowing entities inimical to our reality in. Or if it is closed and merely requires being locked."

The silence at the end of the chancellor's speech was meant to let it soak in. The sheer and absolute dangerous potential, which might become true. After all, it had occurred before, a single 'That Which Must Never Be' had opened and driven the first spirit of Mount Meru insane, tainting it with Yozi corruption and making it necessary to put it down.
Re: [iC] Act 1.1 : An invitation to misbehave...

Silvanus frowned slightly as he listened, not liking what this could implicate. He had no desire to see another war of the scale of what the Fallen Empress had caused before. He finally spoke up now as he decided to work out how this might play out.

"Chancellor, who is the envoy that we are to be escorting precisely? Also should we be concerned as to whether or not the Sultana is aware of this gate we are going to deal with?"
Re: [iC] Act 1.1 : An invitation to misbehave...

His slitted eyes moved over the tank and they looked displeased. They then moved with Magdalene without changing in expression, before looking at the Chancellor and they shifted to polite interest.

With polite interest he heard the Chancellor's reasons for the forming of this coterie and he nodded slightly, looking thoughtful.

Questions formed in his head, but he did not voice them, not until until those of the others were formed, giving him an advantage, for knowing what went on in their petty little minds.
Re: [iC] Act 1.1 : An invitation to misbehave...

Contentious Sword smiles contently, this is a worthy missions indeed.

As curious as the others, he waits for the chancellor's replies to the other's questions.
Re: [iC] Act 1.1 : An invitation to misbehave...

At the mention of the possibility of this 'That Which Must Never Be' being some sort of gate, even into infernal reaches, The Cyan Nassak's interest was instantly obtained. As such, even moreso than the comment of bodily harm from whatever new item was in the case, he was impelled to almost jump into one of the available seats to listen more closely to the briefing. Taking up the folder pressed towards him in one hand, he scanned through the papers within in an awkward flipping 'hop' of the folder to turn the sheets.

"About how long has the 'That Which Must Never Be' been... well... not active I presume, since you just said that that isn't known... But how recently was it discovered, and by whom?"
Re: [iC] Act 1.1 : An invitation to misbehave...

"The envoy is more a diplomat than anyone specific, I believe some of you might be familiar with senator Ciara Nami?" The name casually mention brought to mind one of the many, many belles of the senate, who battled with Cup, Staff and words. Still, not the worse of raksha to have at one's side. "As for the sultana being aware. It is a possibility, however, she will find out when you arrive and not before."

"As for the 'That Which Must Never Be'," Here he shook his head. "Our seers and astrologers found hints of it's surfacing amongst the tapestries of the stars a week ago, and we have narrowed down its locale in the days since."
Re: [iC] Act 1.1 : An invitation to misbehave...

Standing tall in front of the clear glass wall, she lightly press the tips of her fingers into it, not letting the bound anathema's attention stray in the slightest from her, keeping it captive of her malicious aura with but the slightest effort. Such was her nature that those who once drank at the bittersweet miasma of her Cup would never again forget it, their minds always wandering back to her. At least, with this one, she did need the reminder but the strange woman standing in front of her was more than willing to indulge.

Magdalene did not seat herself, choosing instead to remain standing behind the Chancellor, almost as if the looming shadow of a greater truth standing over him, though she made no overture out of it, that would be unnecessary. They had more of an understanding than that.

The silent darkness known as the Ringmaster did agree that this was excessive, an unusual number of members for even the largest of coterie to say the least, however how could she have predicted that their objective would be so quintessentially important? In fact, few probably even knew the exact nature and urgency of what they were facing, for the Ministry of Truth to speak up and declare the hunt open for That Which Must Never Be, she shuddered slightly at the thought despite herself. Knowledge could be a burden far more crushing than the weight of ages or the cold grasp of death or the sharp pain of tragedy.

"Chancellor." she spoke clearly yet calmly as she took one step forward, releasing the poor aquatic woman in the tank from her attentions "This is no laughing matter to say the least. Can we honestly afford to even wait this long? I suggest we ride out now and cut a swath as necessary through the sultanate. We cannot agree to any delays, the consequences would be far too dire." she didn't care for the petty lies they told themselves, the Fallen Empress was hardly more than a joke in poor taste she and a few other ancient ones told to themselves in the dark of the night to warm the pulsing shards of flint within their breast.

"Give me the word, Lord Chancellor Serpentine." she stares at him intently, giving him but the slightest glimpse of what might pass if they were but a single second late "You do not play with politics here." she does not consider the need to be informative toward the rest of the assembled gallery of heroes to be of any significant importance and as such she takes no step to inform them.

She is as ever unreadable, still it is hard to mistake her behavior for anything else than a significant disturbance on an otherwise quiet pond, as if tainted murky waters rising to the surface and spreading in an eruption of glorious apocalyptic destruction.
Re: [iC] Act 1.1 : An invitation to misbehave...

"Oh yes, let us start a splendid little war which would drive the Sultana into the hands of the very entities we may be trying to hinder. Because that obviously will not make our efforts more difficult," Silvanus retorted now, centuries of being on the Senate leaving him quite vocal on a number of topics like war.

Silvanus rose from his seat, one of the larger figures within the chamber. He looks around at them all before turning his gaze to Magdalene. He'd known and been frustrated by her antics long enough that he was more than willing to speak up.

"Violence too early will make the situation worse. We must strike with precision, not hammer at our enemies. That would delay us. War would only slow our progress and this would be war. No, the Chancellor's plan is the most sound for this. A powerful coterie will allow us to get closer more quickly to our true goal."

Silvanus remained standing with that said, his staff gripped in his left him as he looks on at them. He would not let them get bogged down in something troublesome.

"Should we need to use violence which is to be likely as tales such as these eventually risk such a thing, then so be it. But not until the time is right for it, until the story requires it."
Re: [iC] Act 1.1 : An invitation to misbehave...

"My dear Magdalene, while it is nice that you are taking such a proactive stance," The chancellor shook his head. "I do regret having to say that in this case, we will be taking things... slowly. After all, if worse comes to worse, surely there will be nothing that can stand in the way of so many of you."
Re: [iC] Act 1.1 : An invitation to misbehave...

"I'd also rather find out more about how this 'That Which Must Never Be' ended up there, or if it had always been there how it was hidden until now," The Cyan Nassak added. "Yes yes yes... If there are demons or Anathema or whatever about we should wipe those out, but really, just storming through? Hard to get information from severed heads and such... or however one leaves ones opponents..."
Re: [iC] Act 1.1 : An invitation to misbehave...

"War? This is no war." she dismisses the petty little man in front of her with barely even the grace of a single glance, she had no energy to waste on meaningless debate on the nature of conflict "It is the necessity of such a threat that demands urgency. Speed is the essence of violence, or would you ignore that? Perhaps, you seem rather ignorant of such ways." she makes little of his prowess and who could blame her, for one so old to speak with such imbecility.

"No." she holds her hand forward to silence them all with a wry smile "Perhaps there is truth in your words Chancellor. Doubtlessly I would survive such an event, but the Realm as we know it would not. What we now call reality, what we weave would prove itself fickle and vanish without so much as a trace." she slightly tilts her head, her eyes hardening as she leans into her own hand, nails brushing against the pale skin of her cheek "Your youth betrays your ignorance." she does not give him the respite of averting her gaze, clearly it is burning with higher purpose "To this day, I've yet to be wrong about such issues from the distant past, as one who's experience stretches expensively on the subject of The Days Before, I cannot do anything but speak of the serious of the situation." she glances around the room evenly, the pressure of her distaste clear yet not overwhelming.

"There is always time for games, but now I will not have myself be foolishly stranded by children." she lightly picks up one of her dolls, running one hand through her long golden hair "I see no problem with exterminating any who would place their own pride above the continued wellfare of the Realm." her lips curled into the promising smile for which many scorned her but many more feared even so much as her shadow "Many secrets sleep within the fogs of history, from which catastrophe unprecedented can rise if only by the ignorance of those who've come far too late to know better. There is no complexity to such a story, one could even call it cliche, but here we are faced with the notion that it is the script with which we are to deal." she presses her lips to her doll's forehead, holding it in such a way that only her bloody gaze is visible, drawing everyone to it almost with the inevitability of an astral eclipse bringing with it night where there ought be day.
Re: [iC] Act 1.1 : An invitation to misbehave...

"Your words are empty, Ringmaster. You do as you please and the Senate tolerates you because you are useful. You played your little games for amusement while I helped to shape this Realm. I do not falter in my service and I know the threat," Silvanus said with scorn. He wouldn't bother playing word games with her when it was clear there was no sport in it.

"But I also know the possibility of tales that may spring from this. I have lived in Creation long enough to know the slow game is more effective in situations like these. Rampaging around and slaughtering will do little, save amuse you," Silvanus replied with disdain. He had little care for such frivolous attitudes, nor for beings whom he categorized as selfish on that level. They were to be used and discarded, hopefully calcified perhaps as well.

"We will need to move carefully, for we know not what we face. Information is the most vital of weapons, not fear, nor armies, nor swords. Knowledge is power, power we will need to end this threat. One as old as you must acknowledge that even as you belittle those around you in your own foolish arrogance," Silvanus offered with a cold smile.
Re: [iC] Act 1.1 : An invitation to misbehave...


Xytrisae cast her eyes bewtween Magdalene and Silvanus a slender eyebrow raised. This That Which Must Never Be, had a sound to it that made her shiver slightly, a piece from the hateful Once Primordials? Still she listens to the talk between the pair and despite the harshness of Magdalene's initial desire Xytrisae could not help but feel something more within the words spoken. Silvanus on the other hand was as cold and as calculating as before. Well it mattered only slightly to the Azure River of Sword and Song. One's desire called for the drums and horns, the clamour of powerful War Song, and the other's was of the tastier intrigue softly and sneakily twinkling in the air as if it were mere simple rain.

Could she though deny the threat even vieled and hidden behind unknowns. Long ago she had, foolishly following a being whose power was as great as herself. Would she do the same, will the bite of fear once again sneak into her Heart if she were to ignore it? Well she supposed not, one way or the other they were to deal with this That Which Must Never Be. By guile, by innocent thought, or by War. In which case all that has been established since the Fallen Empress' fall might crumble.

"The Chancellor speaks true," Xytrisae says with a lilting tone to her voice. "We can move more swiftly as a Coterie, and carry just as much power a petty army." She thinks a moment a smile crossing her lips, "Would it not be more satisfying to go inside the Sultanate playing the game of guardians and yet heroes as we discover the ill That Which Must Never Be. Would it not be more satisfying to have the Sultanate itself praise us for rescuing them, whether they wanted us to or not, from this thing? Perhaps they are mere pawns? But we cannot know any of that, we cannot enjoy the sensation of the truth of it unless we go there in the name of Peace. However I do agree, we I think we need to move quickly. What is our expect time before we disembark on this journey?"
Re: [iC] Act 1.1 : An invitation to misbehave...

"Slow or not... I have had Ukko, the thunder beast, prepared to carry you. All of you hence forth to the capital of Harborhead after this briefing," His gaze drifted over the group of raksha and dragonblooded. "Are there any further questions or concerns? If so, please do raise them now or hold your silence."
Re: [iC] Act 1.1 : An invitation to misbehave...

Slitted eyes watched the exchange of words between the two Raksha with amused interest.

"Excellent statements. Both make very valid points." he stated and then he smiled, barring his fangs slightly, "And both points on their own are utterly wrong."

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