IC- Academy

Kazuichi felt his heart stop when the woman joked she'd eat him and get the marrow from his bones. But when she explained she was only kidding he let out a sigh of relief still careful not to get too close just in case it was a lie to make him lower his guard. He nodded his head when she mentioned eating cricket. "Oh yeah I used to eat cricket a lot." Due to living on the streets with zero to no money Kazuichi had to be resourceful eating bugs was the safest and easiest way to do so. Looking at the woman she gave off an different feel than most she was a strange case, not Kiyoko strange but strange none the less. "No Kiyo is the name of my big sis. I loss track of her and can't find her." He looked down a bit embarrassed when told he was young looking. "I'm 15 or is that still young, I'm nothing special really so please don't bother wasting you congratulations on me." 

Kiyoko while looking for Kazuichi heard someone say or say something similar to his name. Turning she saw a guy who seemed a bit off to her but that didn't matter what did matter was what he said. "Did you just say Kazuichi! Hey answer me!" She asked grabbing the guy's shoulder she needed answers and she needed them fast. Her mind began to wander and think of all the terrible things that could be happening to Kazuichi right now. 'What if he was eaten by a bear, or worse a robot bear, or worse worse a robot dino bear, or worse worse worse a robot dino bear with chainsaws for teeth!'

@Crimrose @LaDyGrEy
@Battlesheep He looked at him quickly studying him trying to figure out the type of guy he is. He seemed desperate ,but he had no idea what for though.

"My name is Cloud,but just call me Dante please and yes i think i will be leaving i dont really care for "crowded spaces" so goodbye" he told him walking off. He went back to his dorm and started to watch tv on his bed and relax."Well school will be starting soon so i might as well relax while i have the time." he muttered to himself
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"Wow what a...confusing person...Dante is"Ash said still trying to process what just happened.He scans the room, "Well the only people left are muscle head, boxer guy, and the little girl that keeps looking at me"Ash whispered to himself."Welp no reason to stay here"He said as he walked out and walked back to the dorm, he slides the key in and sees one lone guy in the corner. @Barred "Well who are you"Ash said quizzicly.
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Walking towards his dorm leaving icy footprints every step he takes (what could i learn at a place like this) He takes slight glances at the other people walking by

When he gets to his door, he opens it to find his 2 roomates talking "Hello.." looks at the sheet for their names "Spencer and Ashton, My name is Haku Hoshgaki" He said calmly

@Battlesheep @Barred
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Dante,getting bored of watching tv, gets up and then starts to walk around again. He leaves his dorm and notices there is a trail of icy footprints. "i guess we have a guy with some ice powers here." he says ignoring the foot prints. He then sees three people in their dorm and was going to greet them when he decided not to and instead walked off.He stomach started to growl a little bit so he went to the cafe room and paid for some food. After he got some Poptarts,he went walked back to his dorm.
After checking out his dorm, Haku decides to go outside

He creates a thick layer of snow all around him and begins building a snowman "..."
"Yes, that's my daughter, Alyxandra. She's 8 years old and human so no she's not a student here haha! But she's always with me so you'll see a lot of her. Though if she gives you any trouble let me know. She's a bit....eccentric." Lennex replied as a few beads of sweat began to form on his temples while he continued doing his handstand push ups. The teacher made it look practically effortless and it was then that he remembered he never gave his name in return, "I'm Professor Lennex. One of your instructors and I'll be teaching you in a little while. Hope your ready for that train wreck hahaha!" He said in good fun but there was that underlying tone of dread. Lennex truly planned on pushing every student decently hard soon enough to see where their strengths lied.


The little girl made her way over to the young man who now lifting dumbells and merely watched with wide, curious blue eyes. It was after a few reps that she began poking at his bicep and tilting her head in slight confusion, "How come my muscles aren't that big? I'm pretty strong too!" The girl proclaimed before moving to a 45 pound dumbell and while she picked it off the ground with one hand, she needed two to begin using it. It was quite a comical sight, watching her do a few repetitions with absolutely no technique but surprising to see that she could actually do them.

The little girl's workout was short lived though because after a few minutes....

"Uncle Kaziiiii~!!" Alyxandra squealed as she stopped her strange activities and charged full force at the tall humanoid man. He had merely waved at her but he knew that it wasn't going to be enough with this energetic little girl. She leapt through the air, arms extended, and crashed face first into the alien instructor's chest. His skin was made of very tough chitin, so naturally, Alyxandra got hurt from the full force jump. A good portion of her cheek had been ripped away like if she fell off a bike and hit the pavement, receiving bad road rash. Blood flowed freely down her cheek but the only thing it drew was a tear from the little girl's eye from the pain. "Owwww.....Tio! I said be softer!" She yelled at him as the damage had already begun repairing itself. She beat on his chest with her small fists a few times with the strength of a strong 16 year old human girl and kept repeating "Tio is stupid!" (Tio means uncle in spanish).


Now, under normal circumstances, Lennex wouldn't have hesitated to attack whatever the hell dared to harm her daughter, on purpose or not. However, this was his partner, friend, and Alyx's favorite adult next to her dad. It was also Alyx's own fault for charging the literal Titan in human skin and this was what.....the 340th time she's almost peeled a cheek off in one of her aggressive hugs with the man? The human instructor gave a heavy sigh as he finished his workout and flipped himself upright, sweat starting to drip down his temple. A few students had entered and left without much comment to say but that was to be expected.

"I'm thinking about doing something different this year. I'm thinking about dueling every student for a minute or two each to get a gauge on where they are at as of now. This way I can personally know how to approach each and every one of them. What are you thinking about this year?" Lennex asked Kazilek aloud. It often looked strange to others that one spoke and the other didn't but seemingly had a perfect conversation with each other. The looks they got sometimes were priceless.


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This was the one thing that Kozilek regretted every time he met with Alyx. Without fail the little one would try to tackle him and every time she would injure herself and start beating him. Although the ancient Eldrazi wished he could do something about his skin, but unfortunately he couldn't. He could only hope that she would one day learn to approach him at a little less speed. Kozilek sighed and knelt down hugging the child taking the surprising about of damage without issue, " I am sorry sobrina you know I would if I could. " Kozilek telepathicly told Alyx as he picked her up and put her onto his shoulders before standing back at his full 10 ft.  Kozilek would think for a moment before saying, " I think I will have them all attack me at once so I can see how well they will react to a..... stressful situation." Kozilek said with his inhuman laughter echoing in his parents head as he began planning.

(Sobrina is niece in Spanish)

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"Oh boy. I'd hate to be on the receiving end of your little mind games. By the way, I'd be careful with Alyx. One day she's gonna be much stronger than me and those little tackles are gonna knock your on your ancient Titan ass. Oh man, I look forward to seeing that one day hahaha." 

"Yeah! You watch Tio Kozi! One day I'm gonna be strongest girl in the world and I'm gonna take you down!" 

Oh boy. The girl inherited my stubbornness. Once she sets her mind to something it's over. Sorry about that Kozilek. She gets some of the worst traits of mine. The instructor said mentally to his telepathic friend. Whenever it came to more personal topics, he never said them aloud. He'd prefer to keep it between friends, which Kozilek was the only one he could truly call friend as of now. 


The little was giggling like mad when she added a whopping ten feet to her overall height. She felt on top of the world with her dad but with Uncle Kozilek, she felt like she could touch the stars. Visit the home planet that Kozilek told his really old stories from. Don't forget Tio. You have to take me to your home one day. When I get bigger OK? She stated mentally. She knew her father might have a heart attack if he heard her say that, as the galaxy was still in war and might continue to be for several decades. There were many times like this one, where Alyx showed an understanding that went well beyond her years and no one could truly tell why.

  "Wowwww, Polaris! This school is so BIG!" Lisette, a famous Alternian singer, squealed, her little sister Polaris following after her. The younger Alternian rolled her teal eyes. 

"Yeah, of course it is. What did you expect?"

  "Not this, obviously~! But that's okay! It only means I'll become a bigger star!"

  "....Yeah. Okay." Polaris shrugged, grabbing her sister's hand and dragging weaving her through the crowds. Where was that dorm assignment list? Obviously where the whole crowd was. Polaris narrowed her eyes. Crowds. Her worst enemy aside from paparazzi. She finally made it to the list, reading it carefully. 

  "Oh! I get Dorm #5! That's right next to #6!"

  ".....Yep. Later." 

  Lisette pouted as Polaris waved, leaving for her dorm. Someone obviously didn't know how to have fun....geez. What a party pooper.
Julie had made her way to her dorm room and noticed another girl ( @FemTheHufflepuffRiceball ) with short white hair and turquoise-blue eyes. Julie noticed how calm and passive she seemed compared to Julie herself, who was bright and energetic and always looking for some action. The girl smiled brightly and held out her normal hand to the other girl. A greeting and a handshake was always a good way to introduce oneself.

"You must be my new roommate!" Julie said. "I'm Julie! I hope we can get along this year." 
[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 255)][SIZE= 20px]MARAKOV[/COLOR][/SIZE]



Marakov continued his exercise, raising an eyebrow as alyxandria sliced open her cheek on the other teachers skin. He put it back down when her cheek healed, and quite rapidly. "Pity," Marakov observed, "With skin like that you wouldn't have to worry about the combat classes. If I could regenerate, I would've went straight to the military." Marakov was interested in the man who didn't speak at all, yet the two others in the room seemed to be completely understanding of what he said. Either he was in a room full of crazy people, he was imagining things, or the other teacher was telepathic. Marakov assumed (and hoped) it was the latter.

After a bit, a group of loud humans came into the room, laughing and joking loudly amoungst themselves. The group went about trying to use some of the more complicated exercise equiptment, but it was clear they had no idea how to use the gym's machines. Marakov watched, distatstefully, switching the arm he held the dumbbell in. One, particularly louder than the others, casually edging the group closer to the weights where Marakov resided. 

"Hey! Got any Idea how to work these things?" One of them asked. Marakov shook his head, not wanting to deal with their idiocy. One of them laughed. "Can't you talk? I'm prety sure James asked you a question." This warrented a glare from Marakov. "If a head-nod isn't good enough for you, I'd recomend having someone teach you basic human behavior." A few "ooooo"'s rippled across the group and 'James' smirked. "Hah! Don't you know who you're talking to? My father ownes Zorpacorp. If I ask you a question, you answer, politely." Marakov put down his weight, continuing to stare, clearly not intimidated. They were both of pretty equal stature, except for one was not dressed for physical activity with a tie. The other was Marakov Kelovin.

James was not letting up. "Heh. Who's your dad?" "Don't have one."  Marakov grunted. More laughter rippled through the group. "Well, mr no-dad, I'd say you aren't even a citizen. You aren't going to make anything of yourself. The best thing you'll get is a desk job in the mili-" His words were cut short, as Marakov had risen and gripped him by the collar. "I'm not making any promises, but if experience serves, all the wrong people are citizens. Some are ok, but most are made of money. With all that stuffing, they have no guts. And that means I'm holding a nice, squishy, punching bag."[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 255)] [/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]Marakov released his grip, and turned his back. [/COLOR]"But maybe you are an elitist. Maybe your insides arent all fluffy and made of cotton.You're welcome to prove me wrong in the ring."[SIZE= 14px] [/SIZE][COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]The group made more ooo'ing noises, and James' over inflated ego could not deny the challenge. "You looking for a fight? Well fine. You! Teacher! Over there! We're going to be using the boxing ring!" James grunted, placing his hands on the ropes and swinging his legs over. "We'll need one of you to referee, but there's a catch- No powers!" Marakov cast a glance at Professor Lennex, lightly clapping him on the back as he went to hop into the ring. [/COLOR]"Don't worry." [COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]Marakov said, [/COLOR]"I'll make an effort to have it finished before class starts."
School seemed like a prison or better (probably worse), a place where adults torture children with boring work and boring adventures. At least that's how Jacob thought about it. What about Helios Academy? The midget viewed as a whole new adventure. An exciting at that. He would be able to discover new things in his favor. New friends, expansion to his knowledge of species, and get education of how Alternians may use their powers. Not saying that he's a full Alternian, he's a hybrid of human and Alternian. Anyway, he listened or at least tried to listen to the first person, with faded red hair, on stage.  Mostly rules and an announcement about the headmistress not being here. Next up was a girl who captured Jacob's eyes, the student who got the highest whatever on an exam. She looks ... beautiful... the passenger to Jacob's train of though during the student representative's greeting. The student representative left the stage, bringing back the red-haired woman on stage. She informed the large group of students about the ID, saying things about the dorm mates and dorm rooms. Jacob looked at the back of his ID to see his dorm mate and room number. "So, 'Inki Mataki' is my roommate... funny name," informing himself. The red-haired woman continued with another announcement before dismissing everyone. She dismissed with a creepy quote, "It's time for you all to evolve... or die trying." That may have decreased my adrenaline, thought Jacob.

The midget ran out of the courtyard and yelled, "WOOOHOOO! YEAH!" Jacob was excited  (even though he may traumatized with creepy red-haired womanfor the school year. He jumping and dashing around the place. But, it abruptly stopped with his realization get to hurry to his dorm and get his class meaning he can't have adventures first. "OH NO!" roared Jacob, he jolted away with his enhanced speed. He was let down by the thought of not being able to explore the academy early. He was headed over to where the dorm rooms were located while bumping into other students.

@Jefferson @TheHappyPikachu
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Kozilek heartily chuckled inside the mind of his friend, " Don't worry about it Lennex. In fact that stubbornness of yours is kind of endearing. I truly look forward to the day she surpass us both. Though I must say I'm not looking forward to her punches." Then Kozilek addressed the little one on his shoulders, " Sabrina I will when you are older and stronger. I will warn you once more Sabrina. My home has been occupied by a powerful species that could beat even my entire family. I would not wish you to suffer the way I have suffered." Kozilek couldn't hide the anger from his telepathic message. This was one of the few times that Kozilek treated Alyx like he would her father. 

His thoughts were interrupted when the loud group of students came in and what was worse an argument began to break out. He was about to use his ability to make them cease their insignificant prattle. However they began looking for approval for their fight. "What do you think Lennex? Should we let them sort out their own differences or stop it for them?"

@shadowz1995 @Alstromeria
"Hahaha! Well, if you can't pound the lily livered rich boy in under 45 seconds flat I'll be disappointed." Lennex stated as he lept from where he stood, flipped gracefully in the air and landed neatly in the center of the ring. The instructor raised his arm and spoke in a commanding voice, "Alright so these are the rules. 1 round. 3 minutes. No powers are allowed. No low blows. All forms of martial arts are allowed. The fight will continue until one of you is rendered unable to continue fighting or until the time runs out. The timer starts when the first strike is thrown!" 

Lennex looked over to his partner and spoke mentally, Let them sort it out on their own. It's what it means to be young man growing up. You got to wipe your own ass. Let the young men settle their differences.


The little girl wrapped her arms around the top of her uncle's head and rubbed her soft cheek against him. She didn't comment on his anger because she knew it wasn't necessary. Alyx just wanted to show him that it was OK in her own little, childish way. 

She quickly perked up when she heard her father raising his voice and declaring the rules of a fight. Her eyes quickly became engrossed with the two combatants. Early signs of a true fighter it seemed.


After the awkward exchange, Mik hurried along and eventually made it to her dorm. She opened the door with a greeting on her lips, but unfortunetly there was not yet anyone here to greet. A little disappointing, she moved over to one of the beds, wheeling the luggage that had obviously been placed into her room over to the bed of her choice. She sat down, taking in the room. She was happy to be here, she couldn't get the smile off her face. But there was also a niggling bad feeling in her chest. As always, she shook it away.

- o -


Melora finally made it to the dorm that had been assigned to her. She took a deep breath when she arrived at the door, her heart was beating really fast. She wondered what sort of girl she was to be bunking with. Would she be nice? Smart? Rude? Strong? Aggressive? She had no idea, all she had was a name. After realizing she'd been standing there for far too long she opened the door. Sure enough, inside was her roommate, Irina Kitora. "Hello!" Melora said as she walked through the door and picked up her luggage "I'm Melora, You must be Irina! It's nice to meet you!" She said and held out her hand in greeting. @Blue Jay 

Hitsu watched as the pink alien from before swiftly ran off towards the dorms before hearing her name being called through the crowds, she turned her head to see a human girl beside her, the girl looked rather friendly and somewhat innocent to the seemingly infinite aqua eyes of Hitsu, though she was frankly too busy suddenly hugging the girl beside her to gather much more than that at the current time, it was a brief hug, one you would expect the overly-cheerful personality of the white-haired girl to give another. Before she stood back, an overly-excited smile plastered on her face, "Y-You really called me that! I didn't think anyone was gonna actually do it, I mean!- I'm really happy and everything I just didn't expect anyone to actually say it~ oh, no!? now I'm babbling, people often say I have a habit of this~ I'm so sorry, your crystal right? well I guess by people I mean alterians like myself and not humans maybe this is more common on Earth? What am I saying I've been here for quite a while now I really have no excuse!~…." She said quickly with a giggle, eventually taking a breath and knocking her own head lightly once with a fist in a playful manner and poking her tongue out a little for a moment, "I guess you also find it pretty hard to believe I scored highest on the entrance exams, right? I mean- I don't exactly fit the student representative kinda look~" She continued in a more calm and less frantic manner, her eyes now staring straight forward as her hands joined together behind her back as she continued to stroll along towards the dorms, her white hair settling around her shoulders after the previous jolting movements.


Once reaching their room Hitsu opened the door eagerly and stared around with a starry-eyed expression at the room, rushing over to a bed and flopping down on it after having placed her bag beside it, she had possibly the most baggage you could imagine fitting into her side of the room, it was full of strangely shaped cardboard boxes with fragile labels covering them. She sighed contently before flipping over onto her stomach and resting her chin in her hands, kicking her legs back and forth, "You wanna unpack first or head straight out to explore? I'd love to explore this place it's so huge!~ I mean, I knew it was big but this is amazing!?~" She said excitedly, she had a rather childish vibe surrounding her, someone who was seeing the world as though for the first time with each step, and yet it was common knowledge that an alterian with her appearance had to at least be past a thousand years old. And yet her cheerful optimism seemed a little off in a way that was hard to place, then again someone who was part robotic generally had some sort of quirk to their personality, "Or maybe we should go straight to class? I kinda wanna find that strange little girl who waved to me that was with a teacher, I never properly got to say hi and I think it's always better to reply to a greeting as soon as possible because otherwise one of you might forget and then you'll try and say hello the next day and it'll be like, who are you? And then it'll be really awkward, I've had that happen a few times~ Ah!? I'm talking too much again, aren't I?~….." She continued with an awkward laugh once again.

(Interacted: @LaDyGrEy Mentioned: @shadowz1995 @Lava)
Ah... She just left. Did Mira do something wrong? The girl, slightly disappointed but still smiling warmly, made her way to her dorm room. She looked around her. Nobody was there. At the dorm next to her, there was the purple-haired girl from earlier and another white haired girl. Mira blinked. She had never really been not included before from where she came from, it ought to be natural that a normal person like her would be left out in a school for supernaturals. Mira decided to head into the room and unpack, and she was thoroughly pleased by the room and its atmosphere. She set to work unpacking. Unpacking first was always important, it would make whatever came next much more enjoyable. The blonde girl didn't have much to unpack so she finished quite quickly and decided to wait outside the dorm room for her roommate. 
Dante relaxing in his room ate some poptarts while watching tv on his bed and began to think that maybe people had left the gym by now and maybe he could be in there,alone, and work out just like he planned. "Hmm i dont know if someone came in earlier than i did maybe they were really there to stay. Well maybe at least those other people are gone so I can have a spotter for me while i lift some weights. I guess I might as well do something with my time and besides there isnt anything good on tv anyway." he told himself decidedly. He got out of bed and proceeded to walk back down to the gym with his earbuds still playing music and him still eating his poptart. He played with some quarters he had in his pocket and gotten them out but held too tightly for anyone to recognize what they were. Once he had finally gotten to the gym he had seen two people in a fighting ring and were about to fight. "Interesting, I think I saw one of them using the weights when i came here earlier and the other one might have just got here.Based on the others clothes i can assume he's rich and looking at the smile on his face he is definitely cocky and most likely started this whole ordeal. Well if he isnt knocked out in under one minute flat then that would prove that the other guy is probably just some show off trying to look good and had guessed that the coaches was gonna be here so he could show them he his pretty strong or something so that way he might have to work out when the time came since he already proved himself. Nah i doubt that anyone would go that far just so they would not have to work with the rest of us. Maybe he is just trying to defend himself from some preppy rich asshole with too much cash and too much time,but i only thought that happened in the movies. Whatever I might be overthinking this."  he thought to himself with great detail trying to guess what had previously happened between the two opponents and then just gave it a rest. He then sat down on the floor and saw that the other people was here too. The two people that seemed like teachers and the same joyful little girl who seemed more into the fight than he did himself. He then turned back to the people in the ring and waited for the fight to begin and chewed his poptart while doing so.



Zaryn reared back at the sound of a woman's voice before realising it was another of his kind. He smiled...for the first time since he got here. "Delightful, these trees are so strong, they've grown well," he said with a chuckle, his hand brushing from the bark and down into the cool damp soil. 

"Tell me, what are you two doing here? Is it not dangerous?" Zaryn immediately warmed up to the woman, he had sensed she was pregnant, how couldn't he? They were both plants and they had that link.

"Want me to keep it a secret?" he asked with burning red eyes. Zaryn was a frightening man, but inside him he really was tender and sweet, just frightened of the outside world. His sharp hands drifting back up tbe bark, feeling the cool water circulate through it's giant trunk. 

That was before some other girl grabbed him. Zaryn leaped forward, flipping over the other Pocotarius and landing on the other side . 

"Don't touch me! You better be careful, you're lucky," he said with a growl, his hands coming up to his sides in a defensive position. Zaryn was Pocotarius but years of being on this planet sure did harden him.

"He's my roomate," he growled out his red eyes glaring.

@Nenma Takashi @Sgt Gomez


Crystal made a face, not of disgust but of pure joy. This girl was do human-like. She babbled like a girl on sugar and had that blush of a boy who'd spoken to his crush. It was cute. "Oh no, it's..." the british girl was absorbed into a hug and winced. "Sheesh that was a pretty suprise," she choked out then chuckled.

"As I was saying, it's not a problem, you wanted to, so i respected you! Besides it's no different from calling anyone major or private," she chuckled, Crystal's accent thick as she remembered the numerous Army terms. 

"Yes human, it's ok, you're quite like a flustered human actually, your joints, and your physiology is so unqiue," Crystal stared in awe as the two begun to walk their room. It was huge, large beams and the hallways were bright, clean and perfect. Everything she expected.

"Sure let's explore? Girl? What girl?" Crystal eyed the girls stuff with a worried glance but then chuckled when looking back at hers. Huge. Massive, every part of her room was stacked as well, just more clothing bags and the occasional weapon, concealed in guitar covers, trumpets, whatever. Rifles, snipers, hand guns, Army issued. 

"Don't touch my instruments, they are quite precious to me," she said with a smile. Crystal's eyes scanning the inside of the boxes. Weird.
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"I am fine, I promise," she smiles at the Pocotarius. "Only a few more months until the seedling is born. You never told me your name sir," she curtsies again. Before she could get a response though, Zaryn flipped over her. Amber blinks in surprise as the hardened Pocotarius flips over her. She could feel his sweet side when he mentioned the baby. She giggles as she looks at the other student who had touched him. "Please join us," she smiles and curtsies yet again. Her servant training was still wired into her brain. How could such a docile and innocent looking Pocotarius make it into this violent and ruthless academy? She didn't have the standing or the citizenship. She may have scored decently on the exams, but not as high as most of the other classes. The reason she got in was because this personality may have been docile and sweet, but there was a darker side to her.

Rose Twisted Root, was her name. The ruthless and maniacal side of Amber. She would do anything she could to win. Unlike the sweeter counterpart, Rose had control of the vines growing on her back and she was exceptionally strong willed. The mental fortitude it would take to maintain two separate personalities without going crazy is astounding. She looks at Zayrn again and smiles. "You are on edge. I thought you were more than a sapling," she giggles at her mockery of his reaction. She may have some odd wordings, but it was a way for others, that were not of her race, to understand her jokes.

@LaDyGrEy  @Nenma Takashi
[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 255)][SIZE= 20px]MARAKOV[/COLOR][/SIZE]



Marakov nodded respectfully to both his instructors, planting his feet in an L stance, hands balled into fists at his side. James took a cocky stance, raising his fists in front of his face. Unamused, Marakov used one hand to take his t-shirt off, tossing it to the side to reveal a fairly toned chest and abdomen. He was going to wipe the floor with this kid.

When Lennex dropped his hand, Marakov did't move. James however, advanced, throwing a punch. Marakov observed the angle at which it was thrown, taking a step to the side, ever so slightly as the punch wizzed by harmlessly. James jabbed again, once at his face, the other at his stomach. Fifteen seconds had passed. Marakov held his forearms in front of him, blocking the first punch, and flexing his abs to absorb most of the second. He threw one of his own, hooking his left over, but opening his hand at the last second, smacking James across the top of his head. James retreated, but was a little fazed about this. "Can't throw a punch? Don't non-citizens learn to fight out on the streets where they live?" He said, putting on a tough guy attitude. Marakov was clearly not happy about this, and aware that he only had two minutes left, simply stood, relaxing his shoulders and opening his other fist. Playtime was over. James lunged forwards, bringing his leg up in a roundhouse kick aiming for Marakov's head. At that moment, James knew, he done fucked up.

Like a cat, Marakov snatched James' leg out of the air with his right, and moved to the left. His other arm wrapped around James waist, and he lifted. Picking up the less toned man, Marakov arched his back, and slammed James down onto the ground bodily. One minute and thirty seconds left. However, James showed no sighn of getting up. He groaned in pain after choking the air back into his lungs. Marakov scoffed and turned away.

Realizing he had no chance to win this fight, James decided to do what most snobby rich kids did when they were loosing. He cheated. Opening his palm, he summoned a hunk of metal, forming a spherical ball. Hiding it behind his back, James stood shakily, then threw the metal sphere with as much force as he could at the other man whose back was turned.

Marakov sensed it though. Call it foresight, call it pradictability, call it what you want. He spun, jumping into the air and catching it with his right hand over his shoulder. Using the combined momentum of him and the sphere, Marakov spun backwards and clockwise, putting more force behind the hard, cold object. On the way around, Marakov whipped it backhanded at James. The sphere smacked into James lower jaw, and a sharp cry of pain escaped his lips. He crumpled to the ground, disoriented, and nearly unconscious. 

Standing over James, Marakov hauled him to his feet by the collar. "There vill alvays be someone better than you." Marakov said in his thick, russian accent, usually hidden, but changed to make a point, "In your case, you just found him." Marakov turned, and flung him one-handed out of the ring. The group of friends james had did multiple things. Some of them stood shocked. Two of them went to see how James was and support him. A couple just left. Marakov climbed over the ropes of the boxing ring and retrieved his shirt, glancing at his instructors. People were beginning to trickle in for the class, which would be starting soon. Only a few of them would have been early enough to see the last part of the showdown.
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"Though the custom of my own species is a bit different I think I can understand the sentiment. I'm sure the fight won't last too long anyway." Kozilek responded to his partner right before the fight began. Watching the fight reminded Kozilek of watching his sibling Ulamog fighting with the other species on their home world. The two opponents were on different planes of existence when it came to physical capabilities. Now perhaps Kozilek's grasp on human nature is still a bit flawed, but he had expected the loser to be killed or at the very least crippled. After all any fight Kozilek had every experienced was one to the death. Leaving an opponent alive and able would only cause problems later down the road. The Eldrazi Titan figured out that lesson a long long time ago when the empire he and his siblings had made came crumbling down because they hadn't killed the insurgents. " It is decided. The Winner is Marakov. Rest up before class begins. Your going to need it. " His words echoed in the minds of everyone present in the Gym. Kozilek was about to ask Alyx what she thought of the fight when the group of that boys friends tried helping him to leave the Gym. Apparently they had thought he needed medical attention, but Kozilek was quick to stop them from leaving. His words would once again echo for all to here, " Where do you think you're taking him? He is not to leave this Gym until class has ended. He agreed to the fight and even resorted to underhanded tactics. Just because two students wanted to blow off some steam before class doesn't mean we will accommodate them further. Bring him back here. We will be beginning shortly." Kozilek wasn't about to let a personal feud not to mention losing that feud be an excuse to skip out on instruction. In the mind of this Titan if they wanted to be coddled like babes they shouldn't have set foot in this school.

That being said Kozilek's tone shifted quite drastically as he turned away from the students to address Alyx who was still on his shoulders, " So what did you think of the fight Sobrina? Can you tell your Padre and Tio what the loser did wrong?" Kozilek voice was much softer than the very harsh tone he had been using just a moment before. It was almost sing songy like he was talking to a cute little animal.

@Alstromeria @Infinite @shadowz1995
Dante slightly impressed by the sat in silence and thought"Well maybe there are some others who are actually capable of some feats and maybe some could be a strong as me." He got up and looked one of the other boys friends and said to him "Leave unless you want the same to happen to you as well."which made the other boy run in fear. He still sat down eating the last bit of a Poptart and wondered what would be happening next. He turned and looked at the teacher who seemed to be very impressed by the boys feat and nodded in approval. He then got up and decided that he would wall over to the rich asshole and see if he was knocked out or paralyzed. "Hey are u awake you asshole? I can take you to the nurse but if I have to I'm gonna drag u on the floor and bump you into every locker we pass.But I think you would prefer that over staying here in here in humiliation and haw to be in the same room as the person who made you his bitch,twice.So on second thought I guess you should stay here and think about what you have done and maybe you can change your behavior for the better but knowing people like you,you won't." Then Dante leaned in closer and then whispered in his ear and said"I can't believe someone who has a similar power with me would lose,that's pathetic. I want you to go directly to the principle office or whoever the fuck runs this place and ask them to expell you you pathetic piece of shit." and then Dante looked at the boy with the thick Russian accent and told "Although he may have started it I don't think that you should make a habit of getting into fights here,especially when you knocked this guy out cold. I would recommend not at the very least starting another fight. You got lucky since these two teachers let you this time but you never know about the next. Also can someone tell me who and why the fucking kids here don't you think it's a bit dangerous letting in some random human child here." Dante told them with slight concern in his voice for the child.




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