IC- Academy

The fight drew to an expected conclusion with Markov as the obvious victor. Though Lennex was disappointed that the fight lasted over a minute, he could tell that the Russian combatant was merely toying with his prey, so it didn't bother too much. Lennex was about to raise his hand to declare the victor but quickly put it down as he noticed the cheap shot that James had tried to land. Normally, that would be inexcusable but Lennex had been through the fires of war. He had known what it was like to fight with your life on the line and that meant using everything and anything. Nothing was too dirty if it meant your survival. If Markov was going to make it out there as a soldier then he needed to learn how to deal with these situations. Which he did wonderfully. Using the momentum of the hurled metal object and his own twisting motion, Markov nailed his opponent with a finishing blow that made Lennex cackle in amusement. "HA! Nice one." 

Lennex was about to pick the boy up when his combat training partner sent the resounding telepathic message.  Kozilek had more than a fair point and the professor decided to just leave him there instead. 

One of the witnesses of the brawl began taunting the fallen combatant and that left a foul taste in Lennex's mouth. Do what you may with the defeated but don't humiliate them further. Defeat is a horribly acrid taste as is. There was no need for more. Then the boy said something else....

It was quite literally the blink of an eye. The human's body became a blur and was inches from the student's face in an instant, "Listen boy. Curse in front of my daughter again and it will be YOU in that ring with me. And you won't leave the ring walking. Never in your LIFE will you refer to her as 'that fucking kid' again. AM.I.CLEAR.BOY?" The Phoenix was absolutely furious and one more word from the student other than affirmation and it would not end well.


Alyx had watched the fight with great interest and was quite dissatisfied with the quick conclusion. When her uncle proclaimed the winner, it actually drew a small pout from her. "That was really short. That other guy was really weak Tio." As the activity began to settle down, Kozilek's question echoed in her head and she responded aloud with frightening accuracy, "He was slowww~. Way too slow and way too proud. He couldn't see that the winner guy was holding back. Daddy does that a lot so I can tell! Then he broke the rules and got a timeout hehehe! Serves him r-" Her words were cut off as one of the random people inside began questioning why she was even here, to which Alyxandra cleverly responded, "I've been here at this school longer than you have. So why are YOU here you big du-" Again her words were cut off as her father was suddenly in the boy's face and saying something she couldn't hear but this instantly had her worried and she began hitting the top of her uncle's head in distress, "Tio. Tio! What's going on?!"



Dante stood his ground as he was not about to be pushed around even by a teacher even if they could move faster than he could,although he did understand why he got so defensive since that his daughter so he simply replied with "Sure thing boss." and walked off back to where he was sitting and looked at the kid and chuckled a bit as he went and sat back down in the corner where he was before. He then looked back at the teacher who confronted him before and yelled "I think you are going to be my favorite teacher!" and then turned back the other and said"No offense."  He put some earbuds in his ear and started to listen to some music as he he laid down with his eyes closed. He thought to himself "This might just be a fun year after all. Wait did that little kid just tell me she has been here before? What kind of father would let a kid here,hmm unless...she must have some powers herself.Probably the same as her old man.  That would explain how she was allowed to be here since her dad didn't seem like he was a fool.No quite the opposite. He is lucky he is a teacher or I would've kicked the shit out of him. No I wouldn't. If he is a teacher here he must be strong and even if I am a narcosis Im no fool.He would kick my ass if we were to fight. I probably should think about how to handle myself just in case that were to happen. If they have a boxing ring here then I wonder what else they would have...they may just have a cage. I could believe if they did I mean what if some students got out of control  after all. That would be perfect if we had to fight. Now I have a plan." he thought confidently 

Hitsu nodded and giggled with a smile, "I won't touch ya' instruments~…." She replied in a chipper manner, jumping back off the bed and glancing back at her own boxes with a giggle, they were full of computers and cables, evident by the certain exposed parts of machinery, although why someone would bring such items to a combat-based school was rather beyond reason. She went over to crystal and looked over the girl quickly, raising an eyebrow in an inquisitive manner before smiling once more, "Your talents to do with your eyes, isn't it?~…." She suddenly asked, pointing to the girls face innocently, "Even when you first entered you kept staring at the guards as though you were looking into them or somethin' of course I initially passed it off as your species form of- what's it called? Observing a potential mate? something along those lines~…. But you were looking at your stuff as though they were see-through or somethin'!~" She finished, she was oddly observant despite her appearance, something that tended to catch people a little off guard.


"So, exploring it is!" She continued, grabbing the girls hand and pulling her outside after poking her head through the doorway, beginning to half lead, half pull her along as she went out of the dorm area. Her hands were cold, not surprising considering the palm portion and fingers appeared to be made out of some type of metal, she looked round in awe at the scenery, even though she'd already taken some in during the assembly it was a tad crowded to really appreciate just how lovely the surrounding sakura tree's were whilst in full bloom, the scent of their flowers filled her nose and she smiled eagerly her heightened senses often lead to some rather unpleasant or awkward situation when it came to scents, but in this case the sweet and almost refreshing sensation given off was a nice wake-up call to the girl. It was then that she caught the spectacle of another group near the trees a short distance off, "I wonder what they're doing?~…." She asked more to herself tan the girl beside her who's had she now let go of, having a short attention span was admittedly one of the girls biggest faults, adding even more to her child-like aura.


(Interaction: @LaDyGrEy Mentioned: @Nenma Takashi @Sgt Gomez)
Zaryn cringed, he forgot to answer the girl and was in theory about to before the other girl approached  him from behind. That was not a good idea, his body coated itself in a sickly thin layer of poison as he nodded to the girl. "Zaryn, my name's Zaryn," he said with quietly but a small inclination towards the girl. 

"Not too long then, but why are you  here at a school like this? It's dangerous, and being pregnant is not good," Zaryn thought wearily, this woman would be unprotected...his sister...her child could die. "I'll give you protection, or help or whatever you need," Zaryn scratched where he was touched and shivered.

"Next time, be careful, you're lucky I was calm and it was only my arm, I'm a poisonous plant, do not touch me again, you may have a rash, immense itching but nothing serious," he said sternly, staring down the girl before listening to Amber. 

Zaryn chuckled, a warm handsome chuckle from his mouth. "I'm 1000 years old, I turn 1001, in a good few months," he settled down next to the Pocotarius, still on edge at the touch of another.

@Sgt Gomez @Nenma Takashi


Crystal raised a brow, admiring the gadgets and shrugged. Everyone had hobbies right? She was about to shift her instruments before the girl called her out. "My eyes, yes, I have the ability to see into/through things, like X-Rays, MRI, thermal, Ct Scans...Anything like that of course, for an example, I can see all the wiring in your body, your plating, metal joints and structures, it's amazing, your nerves system is truly advanced," Crystal geeked out with a smile, this girl like technology, perhaps they could help each other? 

Before long Crystal blushed, MATE. She didn't notice until she thought the scene through again. "Not at all, reminds me of home that's all!" she waved her hands up in front of her, like a no gesture before one of them being crunched and grabbed.

"Oh ok then! Let's get this show in the road Hitso-Chan!" she chuckled, Crystal gladly running after the girl, she was so exciting and youthful. Fresh!

Before long the two stopped, 2 plant people were by the trees and a what appeared to be human girl standing by them. The boy plant looked tense, the female very relaxed and docile, the human, jumpy and excitable.

"Pocotarius are generally relaxed but I don't trust that guy," she gestured to the male plant and shrugged. "He's probably fine! I'm sure they are just having a chat though!" Crystal chuckled with a shrug and rubbed her hand.

"Hmmm, after you, the girl remember?" 

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The multiple blows to Kozilek's head from a panicked Alyx didn't exactly feel the greatest. If he had been anyone else she should have probably broken their skull by now. "It's alright Sobrina, your Padre is just helping the child correct his language as that is not the way a man should address a lady." Kozilek explained and gave Alyx a gentle pat on the head with one of his fingers. "There is no need to be concerned Sobrina. Your Padre is strong, after all he has been the only one to best me in single combat." Kozilek said with a chuckle.

Turning his massive body to the students who was foolish enough to curse with a child in the room Kozilek spoke directly into his mind, " We've no need for cages Dante. If a student is foolish enough to go berserk they won't leave this room whole,but if you truly think you could match him you will find out soon enough the gap between the two of you."  Finished with the student he proceeded to sit down were he stood beside the ring and rested as he waited for the class to begin.

@Infinite  @shadowz1995
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Hitsu was interested by the girls ability and more than a little curious on how exactly guards reminded her of home, although, with the current wars going on it was a fairly easy assumption in its own right. She was too busy staring at the group to listen to Crystal's remarks on her thoughts about the situation, seemingly looking around them and slowly moving closer, once again dragging Crystal along behind and giving no sign of what her intentions were. "You said you were interested in my structure did you?~" She asked trying to attempt some more small talk, "I'm glad, considering I programmed most of it myself." She followed up with a slightly smug expression. Soon arriving in front of the strange collection of peopled blinking a few times, the boy appeared to be on high alert where as the female of his species beside him seemed almost completely calm, that being said a little mocking  for one reason or another, then there was a human girl who appeared to think of herself more than a little highly. Going against what her room mate had said she considered the latter to be the most risky, simply her body language indicated as such. "Hello!~ I'm Hitsomuri, but please feel free to call me Hitsu, I'm the student representative that went up on stage and hit my head!!~" She said, gesturing to the wooden platform nearby before giggling and rubbing the back of her head awkwardly, playing off the incident as though it were all part of her plan, she her forehead could most defiantly assure you it wasn't on the schedule. 


(Interaction: @LaDyGrEy @Nenma Takashi @Sgt Gomez)
Kiyoko didn't care that the guy didn't like to be touched he even almost reminded her of Kazuichi because of it. But since he didn't know and was only his roommate she clicked her tongue. "Whatever so your just his roommate meaning you haven't seen him?" She looked around then to the others walking up. 'I don't wanna be in debt to anyone but what if it's my only chance to find Kazu?' She swallowed her pride and looked to the others. "Do you maybe think if you see a short boy who is no doubt scared you could send him my way. But don't and I repeat do not touch him, he's terrified right now I just know it."

@TheHappyPikachu @LaDyGrEy @Sgt Gomez

Irina Kitora 

Irinia turned around from where she had been unpacking her luggage when she heard someone at the door. She grew tense as this was the moment of the truth, the girl she would be spending an unknown amount of time with in this room.

Please don't be Argonian.

Luckily for her, in walked a Pocotarian. A rather beautiful one at that. Her hair was made of bright flowers and leave of all shades of colors and sizes and there was a pleasant fragrant fruity smell that seemed to cling to the woman. She was also incredibly tall, towering almost 6 inches above Irina's own small stature. She was not intimidated however, the alien woman looked like she wouldn't dare to even harm a fly. Irina smiled and extended her hand to Melora, taking the green hand in her own and giving it a firm shake. "Very nice to meet you Melora." She almost added I'm so glad you're not an Argonian but decided not to after a thought.

"Guess we're going to be living together for a while now hm?" She said, trying to start up some casual conversation while she went over to her bad an sat down. "I've never had to share a room with anyone before, have you?"

Truth be told Irina had never had to share anything with anyone being an only child in a rich family. She was so used to only being concerned for herself. Perhaps this would turn out to be a good thing for her if she and Melora got along.

As she sat on the bed sunlight streamed in through the window she had opened earlier. Though it lit the whole room it was noticeably more so on her side. Irina's eyes widened a little as she made a connection. "Ah with you being Pocotarian you should probably take this side of the room instead, there is more natural light over here." It meant she would have to move all of the stuff she unpacked but she didn't mind. From what she knew of Pocotarian they were damn near just sentient plants and benefited greatly from natural sunlight. It would be much more beneficial for her than for Irina. "So lets switch sides." She said with a smile and got up to move her things. @Lava
Ash thinking the boy wouldn't answer him went outside the dorm to find a small village of snowmen "What the fuck are all these snowmen doing here...geez you're gone for 5 minutes and this happens" Ash says this while pulling out his lighter. He flicks it on and with a simple thought "forward" a blast of flame melts everything in his way."Well...hope no one misses those." Ash starts walking down the hallway to start exploring the halls of the massive building. Then walk to the gym again right in time to see a sweet backhand of some connect with some rich kid. "Right on look at the guy go" Then Ash notices the kid from earlier and some teacher he guessed, but he then turns back to the action. But just like that it was over and nothing else was happening besides some painfull groans and the really muscular guy talking in a Russian accent. With nothing else happening Ash returns to the dorm hallway finding it soaked because of all the melted snow." It's like a water park-" Ash was cut off by a man yelling about a daughter and that's when ash decide to go into the dorm and not face what was out there. 

Felicia Bernard

(On mobile, no color text.)

"Getting in at all is an achievement. 15 is a young age, at least to me. If I remember correctly, humans are still growing at that point." Felicia was making the assumption that the boy was indeed a human, at least from his initial reaction to her. Apparently Kiyo was his relative, and he had to have been calling out for a reason... Right? Standing upright and adjusting a stray canister, Felicia looked back to the boy. 

"So, would you like some help with your search? I can already tell you yelling isn't gonna work. Your choice." She figured helping teen couldn't hurt too much, since there was time to waste anyway. Best case scenario, she could get a favor in return one day. 'For the hive... I guess.' "If you want me to find her, give me a description. I think I've seen that name too... "

@Nenma Takashi
Kazuichi nodded his head quickly as the woman asked if he wanted help. "Yes please thank you. She has short white hair, and red eyes um she a little shorter than you and has an air of confidence to her. Is uh is that good enough?" He asked not sure of how well of a description she needed in order to find Kiyoko. "Oh she'll also be looking for me, no doubt so be on the look out for someone well looking out." 

Jacob became exhausted after running to locate his dorm. He lacked the common sense of using the back of his ID to look for his dorm at this time. Oh man, I really need some help here, thought Jacob. The small teen was on his knees, looking as if he was defeated. "CAN SOMEONE HELP ME?!" Jacob accidentally yelled out. The small teen quickly covered his mouth with both of his hands. Might've too loud right there, but maybe someone is going to help me? questioned Jacob. He felt like he wasn't going to do anything until did something. So, he just laid on the floor as an obstacle or to trip someone.
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Zaryn cringed, he forgot to answer the girl and was in theory about to before the other girl approached  him from behind. That was not a good idea, his body coated itself in a sickly thin layer of poison as he nodded to the girl. "Zaryn, my name's Zaryn," he said with quietly but a small inclination towards the girl. 

"Not too long then, but why are you  here at a school like this? It's dangerous, and being pregnant is not good," Zaryn thought wearily, this woman would be unprotected...his sister...her child could die. "I'll give you protection, or help or whatever you need," Zaryn scratched where he was touched and shivered.

"Next time, be careful, you're lucky I was calm and it was only my arm, I'm a poisonous plant, do not touch me again, you may have a rash, immense itching but nothing serious," he said sternly, staring down the girl before listening to Amber. 

Zaryn chuckled, a warm handsome chuckle from his mouth. "I'm 1000 years old, I turn 1001, in a good few months," he settled down next to the Pocotarius, still on edge at the touch of another.

Hitsu was interested by the girls ability and more than a little curious on how exactly guards reminded her of home, although, with the current wars going on it was a fairly easy assumption in its own right. She was too busy staring at the group to listen to Crystal's remarks on her thoughts about the situation, seemingly looking around them and slowly moving closer, once again dragging Crystal along behind and giving no sign of what her intentions were. "You said you were interested in my structure did you?~" She asked trying to attempt some more small talk, "I'm glad, considering I programmed most of it myself." She followed up with a slightly smug expression. Soon arriving in front of the strange collection of peopled blinking a few times, the boy appeared to be on high alert where as the female of his species beside him seemed almost completely calm, that being said a little mocking  for one reason or another, then there was a human girl who appeared to think of herself more than a little highly. Going against what her room mate had said she considered the latter to be the most risky, simply her body language indicated as such. "Hello!~ I'm Hitsomuri, but please feel free to call me Hitsu, I'm the student representative that went up on stage and hit my head!!~" She said, gesturing to the wooden platform nearby before giggling and rubbing the back of her head awkwardly, playing off the incident as though it were all part of her plan, she her forehead could most defiantly assure you it wasn't on the schedule. 


(Interaction: @LaDyGrEy @Nenma Takashi @Sgt Gomez)

Kiyoko didn't care that the guy didn't like to be touched he even almost reminded her of Kazuichi because of it. But since he didn't know and was only his roommate she clicked her tongue. "Whatever so your just his roommate meaning you haven't seen him?" She looked around then to the others walking up. 'I don't wanna be in debt to anyone but what if it's my only chance to find Kazu?' She swallowed her pride and looked to the others. "Do you maybe think if you see a short boy who is no doubt scared you could send him my way. But don't and I repeat do not touch him, he's terrified right now I just know it."

@TheHappyPikachu @LaDyGrEy @Sgt Gomez

Amber smiles at the poisonous one of her kind. "You mustn't worry about me, my friend," she offers him a warm smile. "I may be only 20, but I have wisdom beyond my years. My...sister will always be there to protect me," she references Rose. "You your skin is covered in poison? That seems pretty....bad for wanting to touch anyone," she blushes. She didn't want to admit it, but she hadn't seen another one of her kind in a while. Her parents didn't count! She smiles at him and rubs her belly before watching the two other people walk up. Amber quickly stands up and curtsies. "Hello friends," she says. She really needed to work on not looking so docile all the time! But it did give her an advantage because no one saw her as a threat.

Amber watches the people converse while keeping quiet. She swore she kept seeing the girl named Hitsu sneaking glances at her occasionally, but who wasn't? Seeing a pregnant plant? That was a sight to behold. The breeding process was rare to see, well at least where she was born, because there was a majority of humans in the neighborhood she was born in to. "M-My name is...Amber..." she stutters quietly in barely more than a whisper.
Zaryn furrowed his brows, "fair enough, you known where you and your sister can find me," he said with a smile before nodding slowly. "It regulates itself, sometimes I am not covered, sometimes just my fingers, I mostly have control over where the poison comes to," he gave a small smile, his bright eyes looking at the two new comers and the others there anyway. Zaryn looked to the girl who touched him and inclined his head towards her, "Yes, I will, much like me then, we can keep our distance, " he then scanned the other two with a slight frown, feeling the skins rays warm his skin and fill him with energy. He growled slightly in his throat but nodded. "Hit-so-mori?" he said aloud unsure of how to pronounce this new name, he just made sure to resemble it to moron considering she was a klutz and smacked her head on the mic. Embarrassing. He wasn't so fond of her enthusiastic attitude but then again, he wasn't fond of anyone other than his sister and Amber so far.

"Zaryn," he said flatly, his body in an awkward tense but relaxed but maybe tense kinda situation, he then positioned his body at an angle, slightly over Amber but enough to make sure she could see and wasn't too over protective. 


"Oh ok then let's move, one two feet are moving," she said with a smile as she walked forward with a relaxed step approaching the two Pocotarius and human, she smiled and waved. "I'm Crystal, human I guess, pleasure," she lazily saluted and rested her hands on her hips, her posture perfect and her eyes staring at everyone in turn. Healthy male, nothing wrong, the human girl seemed ok too but she guessed she'd probably die of normal old age, maybe develop a problem later on in life but what surprised her most was the female currently seated, whilst one could mistake her for having a little extra in her stomach, the other option was pregnancy. She saw the sapling in the, was it right to call it a womb? A baby even? Crystal didn't know what the physiology was of the other species but she guessed she'd learn it at this school. 

Crystal kept her mouth shut, the child was strong, she thought anyway and it didn't look too long before her due date would happen, her eyes were like an ultra sound and well what wasn't her eyes? She could see everything, but she had to imagine like a switch to change sights, it was quite weird but she was well accustomed to it. Crystal gave a sympathetic smile and nodded towards the woman. Crystal looked at the other girl and gave a big smile with a wave. "Uh well, Crystal and I'm not from this Country I'm from the UK, for those of you that know," she gave a thumbs out and nodded. Pikachu your tag does not want to work. @Sgt Gomez @Nenma Takashi
It had taken him weeks to arrive at the school and upon doing so he had been nearly completely drained. Six and a half days walking across the bottom of the sea, he had nearly no sunlight. So rather than go inside he rooted himself, hardened his skin into bark and grew many leaves to absorb sunlight. All making him look like a normal tree, he sat there for hours...

after the woman had given the speech the others went their own ways and root stayed, gathering energy...

it was nearly sundown when he was finally charged fully, the leaves fell, the branches and limbs retracted, and the bark softened. He walked toward the main gate of the academy which was still open, and entered he figured he would need to speak with the one who spoke. However, nearby he sensed them, others like him, the whole purpose of his coming here. 

He immediatly changed his direction and began heading towards the nearby gathering.

"Who...Are...?" He asked with a pause between each word. His mastery of English was pitiful at best. The other pocotarian however would be able to read his thoughts as if he were a plant. 

Who are we? His thoughts would sound pleading, as if he needed the answer. 

@Sgt Gomez @Nenma Takashi @LaDyGrEy


(hopefully that's enough filler to cover his lateness ;)  ) 
As Irina talked Melora's smile got brighter.  She was so kind and considerate! On the surface at least it seemed she had a wonderful roommate. She shook her hand happily "Before he got his own room, I used to share one with my... I guess you could say... foster brother?" She answered "He's a human, he's at this school too but he's very social and probably already has his own crowd of friends." She shrugged "But it'll be nice to have a roomie again... so lets get along, hm?" she asked smiling happily and delicately sitting down on her bed.

the girl then offered her the bed next to the window "Oh, how kind! Thank-you very much." she wasn't going to ask her to move but the thought admittedly had crossed her mind. Prudently she gathered all of her stuff and moved towards the smaller woman's side. She would have to find a way to thank her properly later. "So you know a lot about my race then?" She asked the girl curiously "I lived with humans all my life, I'm here to discover more about myself really. How about you? why'd you enrol here?" she asked the girl

@Blue Jay

Hitsomuri stared at the group awkwardly, the boy having moved slightly in front of the assumed pregnant female of his race. She glanced at the girl behind him a few times before turning to crystal who now introduced herself as well, the whole gathering was somewhat awkward, the midday sun shining brightly down on them of which you'd think the pale algerian would try and avoid but yet she stood directly in its rays without so much as a care in her mind. She opened her mouth going to speak once again before- well, the best way she could describe it was a giant tree walked up. As odd as it sounded, "Wow! There sure are a lot of plant-people around here!~" She giggled, "And yes, Hitsomuri, please just call me Hitsu though, my full name makes me feel so old~…." She sighed with an awkward smile, rubbing the back of her neck a bit as she flopped down a little, it was true that alterians lived for a long time, and although by any human's standards Hitsu would be ancient from her world she was in fact only a teenager, be that a rather intelligent one but nonetheless a 'child'. She soon regained her normal air of confidence and straightening up, "As much as I do love this little convention of greetings and all, we really should start heading to class~ The gym isn't exactly close and I feel a certain obligation as your Student- thingy! To tell you that~" She continued, taking another step towards the group and gesturing over a certain way with her hands, the metal bottoms of her feet once again clicking against the grounds surface. 


(Interacted: @Sgt Gomez @LaDyGrEy @Jefferson @Nenma Takashi)
( @TheHappyPikachu oh where oh where did my roommates go :,) )

Julie looked over at Mira. 

"Wanna go to the gym together?" She asked her new friend. 

The blonde girl nodded and the two started walking silently together.
Amber blushes as the other Pocotarius covers her ever so slightly in case of an attack. She could protect herself. Amber closes her eyes, the vines on her back begin to come to life. "Move," she says the the Pocotarius, there was a visible change in her posture and wording. "Hello my sweets," She giggles with a little bit of menace. She quickly kisses the Pocotarius on the cheek sensing that there was no poison there. "Thank you my knight." She began to leave before turning around. "I agree with the robot, we should get going. I wouldn't want to miss beating up someone," she smiled. Her eyes seemed to have turned a shade or two darker and her vines swung like tails on her back.

@TheHappyPikachu @LaDyGrEy@Nenma Takashi @Jefferson
Saiko wanders around the Academy, his mind lost in thought. In one hand is a piece of paper and in the other is a pair of scissors. He cuts out several holes in the paper, creating a snowflake. A trail of paper scraps trail behind him as he litters them all over the floor. Saiko has no concern for the environment whatsoever, and thus doesn't bother picking up trash. After his artwork is complete, and quite beautiful, he encases the snowflake inside of an extremely clear glass cover that he creates on the spot. He sets it in his bag and continues walking along the hall.

Saiko decides to head over to the gym, looking to practice his "Talent." After all, nothing is perfect. He is no exception. At his side is a leather pouch, containing who knows what. After walking for a little bit, he finds the gym and kicks the door open. With a large smile, he yells to everyone in the room, "Helloooo everyone! I'm ready to fight!!" He performs a very wide wave. Quite an eccentric approach to greeting everyone, if I do say so myself. Nonetheless, he is serious in every way possible, despite his seemingly happy expression. He walks over to the exact, and I mean EXACT center of the room. Saiko's very particular about things like that.
Kozilek inwardly sighed as one very loud student just waltzed on shouting a greeting at everyone. Kozilek very carefully got up so as not to shift in an way that would cause his little Sobrina to fall. Looking towards Lennex Kozilek asked his fellow professor, " It's about that time shall we begin?"  Kozilek kept an eye... or two on each of the students within the room. From what he could remember from the roster they were missing a few students. Skipping out on the first day perhaps? 

Kozilek then addressed Alyx, " If you like I can show you my home world as we wait for your father to finish his part of class." The Titan offered mostly because she seemed genuinely interested with things not of this world. Though he didn't want to show her his siblings or his children. Their forms were not something to show a child. 

@shadowz1995 @Kyon @Infinite 
Saiko takes a seat right on the floor where he was standing. He pulls out another piece of paper and cuts it into a star; not nearly as extravagant as the snowflake, but still pretty. Just as he had with the flake, he surrounds it in an extremely thin layer of glass. The glass shapes to match that of the star. He hums quite loudly as he makes a few more crafts and places them in his bag. This is simple to keep him occupied until he may fight. Otherwise he may just snap and fight anyway. Slowly, however, boredom overcomes him.

Saiko lies down on his back, his arms and legs completely sprawled out. "Awww! I'm boooored!," he exclaims. "Someone entertain me!" The scissors are still in his hand, but all of his glass-covered artwork is in his bag. He has a maniacal grin on his face. His pupils are small, but his arms are open wide.

@shadowz1995 @Infinite @SleepyBuddha 
[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 255)][SIZE= 20px]MARAKOV[/COLOR][/SIZE]





Marakov grew more and more irritated by the minute, despite blowing off steam by lifting and fighting earlier. First, a cocky newcomer had gloated over James, acting like he was the one to show him up. He held his tounge though, keeping his arms folded, posture rigid, and eyes cold. The other teacher (Kozilek, asumably, that was the only other name listed as "combat instructor" on his class sheet) kept the students from getting James medical attention, sternly enforcing the results of the fight. He apparently asked Lennex's daughter what she thought about the combat, and Marakov was pleased with the answer she gave out loud. Glancing over to the student, he could see that his mouth was very swollen, and not only was there a huge welt on his face from the impact of the sphere, he had difficulty keeping his mouth shut at one end. James was clearly in pain, and Marakov wouldn't be suprised if the blow had dislocated his jaw.

The cocky man had made a rude remark about Alyx, and Marakov would have said something to him himself if Lennex had not got in his face. What an ass. Marakov hoped he didn't have any more classes with him. Both of the teachers were handling themselves well, despite the  unproductivity and non-functionality of the class. The respect he allready had for the two professors spiked immediately.

The last straw was the smartass who barged into the room late, scattering paper everywhere and remarking that he was bored. Marakov turned to him, face stony. "You wouldn't be if the professors weren't being constantly interrupted. Unless if you intend on using a paper star as a weapon, put it away. This is combat, not art." Turning to the rest of the class, Marakov made it clear he'd had it with obnoxious and disrespectful behavior. "I didn't come here to sass off to the professors or bully other people. I came here to learn." 
Saiko turns his head over to the man ranting about "unproductivity" and the like. He semi-listens and waits for him to finish speaking. A chance to be entertained? That's what Saiko thinks about it anyway. He turns his entire body to the man and shrugs, still smiling. "Ahhh,,, I guess I'll have to just respect that! You look like you've been through a lot already, after all. I pity you." He remains seated on the floor anyway, the papers at least put away now, "I'll choose to respect your wants, for now." Saiko sits there, unphased by the angry student. After all, his points were weak. Look at him! He's the one making a scene now! I'm not the only one at fault for the halt of class, he thinks.

@shadowz1995 @Alstromeria @SleepyBuddha @Infinite
Dante, who was still in shock after having a person read his mind, was still sitting in place on the ground and had turned his head after the newcomer had came in demanding a fight. He thought to himself"Who the hell would come into a class room ask for a fight out of no where? He must have been insane. He watched as he gave a sly remark to the man with the Russian accent telling him that he will "Respect his wishes" and he found that funny. He found this man childish and a fool, but Dante found that he did have one thing in common with him he is cocky,no even more,as while he does have an ego he wont outright say he is superior to everyone in the room,even if he may think it. He spoke under his breath "This is going to be an interesting day at the very least." and turned up the volume in his music. He then got out a second Poptart he purchased and started eating it and thought to himself "I wonder if this place has snow cones..." while laying down on his back nearly asleep at this point.He then thought about each person in the room separately,trying to guess their powers and how to combat them"

Russian Boy: unknown but he has some athletic ability and has some form of strength at the very least since he was able, to push back that rich kids metal sphere hard enough to break his jaw and knock him out.Fathering Teacher:He has increased speed since he was able to come to me faster than i could ever even hope to see,but that couldnt have been his maximum potential,no there must be much more and if I am correct his daughter must have some sort of increased speed too. The Other Teacher:He has some telepathic ability hence he was reading my mind but that cant be it.After all he is a teacher here and there must have been at least one other telepath here before me and to compare one with another would be insanity,so there has to be more to his power than meets the eye,what it is however,I dont know. New Guy: I saw him playing with some paper earlier and it seemed as if he had done something to it but the angle of his body made it to where I couldnt see,however when I got a glance at it,it looked as if it was see-through.That has to have something to do with his power. Whatever the faster i know their power and their limits the faster I know how to defeat them or worse,kill them. At this type of school I dont think we will have that problem though not with a speedster teacher and a mind reading psychic here." he thought calmly to himself as he relaxed on the floor in a smooth manner with his hands under his head and his head facing the ceiling. He then fell asleep while listening to rap music in his ears and a Poptart on his stomach.

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