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Fantasy I Was Supposed To Become a Hero but Got Stuck in a Deadend Job Instead [Reboot] (Modern High Fantasy)


Upon hearing Yashi's words Viole laid down on one of the metal countertops so Yashi could do it comfortably while standing.
Well, this was akin to a doctor's appointment so Viole did as he was told, he took a deep breath through the nostrils and slowly released the air from his mouth as he did many times during martial arts practice. 'Not like it will be more painful than getting your arm mangled.'
Viole thought to himself when he was told to inform Yashi about any pain, through his practice of martial arts and a particular mindset Viole can bear most pain with no difficulty after all that was what they taught him.

"I do indeed feel a bit more relaxed than usual, but it could be because it feels like a massage to me so far."
Viole said as if to try and thin out the atmosphere and make a little joke out of it, albeit it did feel good right now, well better than usual so still good.
"I might be good at magic theory Yashi but please do slow down, with the big words. Just do what you have to do. If you believe you can do it now then do it, if you don't believe you can do it then let's do it later, and don't worry about the pain I can handle a lot of it so just do what you think is right k?"

Replied Viole to Yashi's worries with a small smirk on his face, albeit it wasn't a proper decision Viole would still leave it to Yashi as she is the smarter and more knowledgeable one about the subject. And yet within a short period before Yashi began her work he added a few words.
"Oh and on the littlest off chance something bad happens like bad bad, either keep the books under my bed to yourself or burn them, and for the body..... Do whatever with it just don't put girl clothes on it. And if it does turn out good il gladly take you up on the magic lessons, I might be good at theory but putting it to practice is a whole other thing, of course, during that time you eat here for free."
Viole agreed to the treatment and voiced that if anything should go wrong, that Yashi take care of his stuff. "Don't worry about it. This was the safest option. The other options could leave you stunted or actually put you in serious danger. Anyways, this shouldn't be too difficult. It will hurt though. I will try to be quick, thorough and try to limit your pain." Yashi said.

She then began to concentrate mana into her fingertips. The fingernail of her left index finger began to glow in the white light of light magic and she etched a glowing circle into Viole's upper back and neck at the position where the blockage was. "By the grace of Azakataar, soothe the pain by my touch." Yashi chanted. She then touched in the center of the circle she had etched and the area within the circle briefly lit up. "Now it shouldn't hurt." She then chanted again, but only the name of the heretical god Azakataar fell before Yashi began to speak in a language that barely anyone spoke anymore. "Azakataar, krushk kara vanaa patap, ktapa mindan." After those words, Yashi's fingers went into Viole's skin like it was soft butter. She managed to grab the artery and kneaded it like bread dough, continuously stretching and healing the part of it that was too narrow. After a couple minutes, she pulled her fingers out and the skin and tissue had healed as if nothing had happened.

"There, we are all done. It will feel weird for a little bit. Also, here drink this, it will strengthen your body after the procedure. But watch out, it is a little bitter." Yashi said and smiled. She grabbed a small vial from a satchel and put it on the table next to Viole. "Also one more thing, I hope you keep silent on the Azakataar thing. I could make a lot of enemies if word got out that a light magic user got their source and blessings from Azakataar. Ignorant minds like to say that anyone who uses light magic without the blessing of the goddess Ia is a heretic or even a demon worshipper, especially when it is one of the old gods. Using forbidden light magic got me kicked out of the arcane university. That is how serious the matter is. But I am sure I can trust you."
Fionnghan "Finn" Loganach

Mood: Info Here
Location: Info Here
Mentions: Info Here

"Speech" Thoughts

Finn eye lit up as Viole extended the offer to let Finn water, causing him to inhale the rest of his food. Whether or not he did chew the food was questionable but he would silently follow Yasha and Viole into the back, doing his best to stay in the shadows and simply, observe. It was a strange thing, magic that is. Some were beautifully blessed by it, others seemingly cursed and some, barely had any or none. Finn would find a spot to sit, listening intently to Yasha explain what she was doing to Viole, knowing he has once read something about mana once. A very long time ago but it was a time. More than he was trying to find ways to give himself more without destroying his body but, that was a lot harder than he thought it was.

So he sat and waited, listening. By the end of the lesson, Finn would quietly, begin to move the door to leave, only stopping as he heard the unfamiliar language being uttered and turned his head. He didn't want to cause trouble. That's for sure, and he didn't want to put someone who didn't need to be in trouble in trouble. His eyes went wide, hoping that he would simply be able to, slip out the door and pretend he heard and saw nothing. That is the most IDEAL situation. So to try and do it the most effectively, Finn, well, attempted to teleport just outside the door and-


He landed on top of some shelf in the kitchen with bowls that clattered loudly, some falling to the floor, revealing, or more, re-revealing his presence in the room as Viole did invite him back and Yasha never said no. Finn, perfectly fitting on the shelf stood like a gargoyle, bright yellow eyes now staring down at the two as he tried to think of anything to say. Teleporting really was his only magic and, he wasn't always the best at it. Much better and had more success than cooking but, that was a low bar to jump.

"Uhhhhhhhh, teleportation mishap?"
With an unsure chuckle, he simply waited. All he wanted to do now was to crawl home and hide under his covers. This might be why he didn't have friends, at least in school.

"Might need to also take some magic lessons huh? Haha."
He tried to joke and really had no idea what do do now. Teleporting out might just lead to him getting stuck again.

coded by archangel_
Throughout her treating of Viole, Finn's sneaking around hadn't gone unnoticed. Yashi however didn't let it break her concentration and first spoke to Finn when the treatment was over and Finn had had an accident while trying to escape the kitchen. "Did you think I wouldn't notice you?" Yashi said before turning to face Finn with a sinister grin. "A teleportation mishap you say? Maybe I should give you magic lessons after you are punished for spying on others."

The part about punishment was just a joke, but with Yashi you never knew if she was serious or not. Yashi could somewhat notice the presence of mana without needing to touch someone, but touching someone would give her a clearer picture and it could even help in hand to hand combat to temporarily disable the enemy's ability to use magic. The control over mana flow and being knowledgeable of it could however allow her to help others improve. "I can help you if you need it. Though acquaintances have to pay a price that good friends dont have to pay. I will teach you to use mana more efficiently for let's say a tin of manaherb snus?" Yashi said. Manaherb was a herb that gave proficient magic users a euphoric high and increased mana regeneration. However it is addicting if smoked. Yashi preferred the snus which were chewed instead.
Fionnghan "Finn" Loganach

Mood: Embarssed > A calm panicked
Location: Kitchen > Outside the diner
Mentions: Megilagor Megilagor TanteRegenbogen TanteRegenbogen

"Speech" Thoughts

Finn let out another nervous chuckle as he looked down from his current perch and began to swiftly climb down as if this was not his first time doing this. It was only fair since Yashi never said yes to the original offer though at least Viole wouldn't mind. Once he had scampered down from the high shelf he was on, he gave a deep bow either way, knowing either way, he was probably in the wrong.

"Forgive me either way. I will still get you some manaherb snus but unfortunately, I wasn't gifted with mana like others but, it's alright. Thank you though," he said, before standing up and beginning to take a step backward towards the exit of the diner, wanting more than anything else to run away yet, his thoughts were interrupted by a loud blaring from his phone, followed up by other phones beginning to blare, the sound many would recognize to be the town alert system. So, he pulled out his phone to check out what it was.


Like many others, He had been trained to react to this situation and knew what he had to do. He looked up to Yasha and Viole shoving his phone into his pocket and began to back peddle even fast out of the room.

"I...I'm going to go help," He said, not explaining much other than putting his arm behind his back and seconds later, pulling out a gun, which yes he always carries his license around because it's very rare for many to have such a weapon. Soon he spun around and bolted out of the room, jumping over the counter and soon out the door, not sure where he was going but, how hard could a dragon and small herd of wyvern be to fine?

In school, he was taught every level of danger and disaster and many different creatures could be classified as what. Even if it wasn't something he had to learn, Finn was an avid reader and learner so, it didn't matter anyways.

All that schooling for nothing, can't even get a job at the local police force.

He huffed quietly maybe only a bit down the road of the diner before stopping, squinting his eyes as people in the street were running away and one person in particular was running towards him, holding something. He rubbed his yellow eyes and blinked a few times, squinting as he put two hands on his gun before hearing the call of the first wyverns and soon, the dragon coming to form the direction he was facing, and more importantly, behind the man who, Finn could only describe as holding something vaguely, egg-shaped.

coded by archangel_
"Well, bottoms up I guess" Said Viole as he took out the cork using his teeth from the vial and drank it all in one go.
"Oh believe me Yashi it's less bitter than what a boss makes when someone is ill, that thing is so bitter thick and black, one could say he was feeding us tar. Although I am heating a lot after what you did and that vial but I still feel good. And don't worry about Azakaatar thing, it's not like I don't have my secrets which could make me out as a heretic."

Hearing the Alert blaring about Viole shut down his phone, before speaking to one of his personnel "Everyone giddy up, your staying here and defending the fort, also Tina do check under the counter to see if the BFUDT is glowing or not."
"It's glowing chief low glow but it's turning up."
"Well, now we know who effed up the situation. What you know is that Boss keeps getting in trouble so why not have a thing which indicates two things? When he gets closer to her, and if he is in danger. And since it is glowing it means both."

After fully clothing himself Viole stepped out of the diner and stood beside Finn still burning up while looking at the person running towards them.
"Yep, that's boss, the same old coot as always."
Having made certain of it and glancing at his enemies Viole gave his body a few good stretches and began to circulate mana around his body first at low amounts and low speed but slowly and surely increasing both the speed and amount.
Such exercise only made Viole's body heat up more albeit now it was evenly around his body and not just in two spots, it was probably his body reacting to how much mana was now circulating in his body with no problem.

"Well, any plan on how to handle the situation, or at least how to bring some of the targets lower, cause I don't think I will be able to properly jump to them in my current state."
Yashi's phone started blaring. It was a disaster level warning. Seemed that a dragon and wyverns were attacking the city. "That is a disaster level incident here? Back at home, hunting wyverns was something every adult should know. Dragons are a little more dangerous." Yashi said. Soon it became apparent why the creatures were attacking. The owner of the diner seemed to have do something with it. Yashi tilted her head and pondered: "I am guessing he either disturbed their slumber or stole an egg."

Yashi began to flex and make calm movements, sloshing her mana towards key points of her body. "I wonder what I should fight them with. With summoning, I could summon a wyvern of my own. With abyssal magic, I could open a small portal on their backs and I could stab... I mean have an eldritch horror stab them. Because, you know, I can't jump that high, even with concentrating my mana into my legs."

Yashi thought, maybe she could summon a wyvern like those in her home country, fly on it's back and hope she could just punch the wyverns out of the sky by enhancing her strength with mana. Abyssal magic may be a little too dangerous to use within a populated area. "Say, if someone could break the dragon's scales or create a small wound, I could try climbing on it and either turn it's mana against it, if I can handle that amount of mana or use light magic to stop it's heart or wreak havoc upon it's anatomy, because light magic can be used offensively, you know. It is just sacrilegious to light mages and followers of the empire's deities."
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Fionnghan "Finn" Loganach

Mood: Calm panicked
Location: Outside the dinner in the street
Mentions: TanteRegenbogen TanteRegenbogen Megilagor Megilagor

"Speech" Thoughts

Looking up at the taller male, Finn would glance back at the man running, squinting his eyes as it did look more and more like the owner who did help Finn early on.

"Well, I'll be damned. He still gets into trouble like this?" he asked, though mostly thinking aloud to himself. He rolled his neck and shoulder, soft cracks could be heard as he took a few steps forward. "Not entirely sure, been a hot second since I've been out of school. I should have enough to shoot a few down for ya, and in a worst-case scenario, I'll act as bait." He said to Viole, mentally giving himself a pep talk.

Before Finn could dash off, Yashi's voice cut in and he turned to look at her. Break the scale? Guess it's time to test that aim. And Finn nodded slightly. "I got it. If you can deal with the dragon leave the Wyverns to me, and someone make sure citizens nearby are okay," he said before dashing off towards the herd coming at them, inhaling deeply as he took a stand only feet away from the Dragon and took aim. The outside world seemed to shut out for a moment as he waited, the diner owner running past but he paid no mind as he slowly brought his gun up, rather small than one others might use due to his size but none the less the little crystal inside of it was powerful. With a click of a button, the safety was off and then he pulled the trigger.

Having been so long since he had really used a gun, he was thrown off by the slight jerk of the backlash, throwing his arm up over his head as a single bullet-like ball of energy shot at one of the many joints of the dragon's wing, a loud roar could be heard throughout town as two more shots echoed following by more cries. Two at the wyvern coming at him and one more at the dragon's wing, the beast began its descent down toward the ground but not enough damage was done to fully knock the dragon out of the sky but just, temporarily disable the dragon. And all of their attention turned to the young goblin and soon they all charged at him. "Shit," he whispered, then began to run again, in circles, simply trying to dodge claws and wait for another opportunity for a decent shot at the dragon, the more major concern.

coded by archangel_
Location: The Diner -> the street

Gunhild didn't budge from her seat as the others went to the back of the dinner to do the attunement. She wanted to give them some privacy, besides, she still hadn't finish her soda. The calm atmosphere of the diner was disturbed when everyone's phone suddenly blared a loud warning. She was almost choked on her soda because of that.


The elf mumbled at herself. People inside the diner started moving to evacuate themself, though Yashi and some other decided to help facing the incoming beast. Meanwhile Gunhild sunk on her seat. She never face a dragon before so she wasn't sure how she would fare against them, but on the other hand she should at least try to help. She dragged her feet outside and joined the group. She really wasn't sure what to do so she just hang in the back and listened to Yashi, Viole and Finn discussing how to beat the dragon.

"M-maybe we can go talk to the dragon?" Gunhild hesitantly suggested.

"f-forget it." She immediately withdrawn her own thought.

The goblin decided to go ahead and launched the first attack, Gunhild watch attentively so she could measure the strength of their enemies. The gunshot was surprisingly able to at least stun the dragon briefly as it lower its altitude to recover. Meanwhile the wyvern marked him as danger and began pursuing the goblin in circle. Gunhild felts like she get more understanding of the beast's strength from that display.

"I don't know if I can break the scale but I think I can disable the dragon for some time." Gunhild said to Yashi and Viole. She looked at the running goblin to pressure herself. There's no time to hesitate. If they didn't act now things might turn ugly. The wyverns were distracted and the dragon fly low enough for her to reach. Gunhild picked a small twig from nearby bushes and concentrates, pouring her mana into the twig. In just a few seconds the twig grow from something smaller than a finger into a full-fledged wooden spear as tall as the elf.

"W-wish me luck," Gunhild took one last deep breath before running towards the dragon's direction. As she was running, the ground beneath her suddenly crack and a tall ramp made of soil and ashphalt rose from the ground, giving her a way to leapt right towards the dragon's head.

Rooting spear, go!

Gunhild threw her spear forward. The dragon didn't seems to react much about it, probably because a wooden pointy stick wasn't a thing that supposed to harm it. In this instance though, that was the dragon's biggest mistake. The spear pierced right into its left eyes, and another loud roar of pain shook the city. The elf landed on the dragon's head and activated the next phase of her spell. The dragon felts an extreme pain on its left eye as the spear drains nutrient directly from its surrounding, it grows roots that spread deep inside the veins. The dragon trashes in pain on the sky as it tries to pull the spear out but at that point the spear was already in full bloom and a gigantic lush berry bush had fully grown on its eye. The bush's stems were white and long, as if it was grown from a plant that never see sunlight, its leaf was dull grey and the berries that dangles were blood red. The dragon lost control of its flight, it keeps flying in circle as it gradually descend and crashed onto the ground. Gunhild was grabbing the dragon's horn the entire time, her eyes were widen in shock. That would be her first, and probably last time, rodeoing a dragon.

The dragon lets an angry roar and stood back up on all four. Its left eye was completely covered in the pale bush so the dragon only uses its right eye to look at the three figures in front of it. Two humans and a goblin. The dragon opened its mouth before letting out a stream of fire from its mouth towards them, scorching the ground and exploding a car that got caught in its breath attack.

TanteRegenbogen TanteRegenbogen Megilagor Megilagor 606 606
Viole did not dare approach the dragon while Finn was being chased by wyverns, after all, he knew the little man and he cared for him so his priorities shifted a bit. Viole preemptively moved himself further away from Yasha and Gunhild and closer to Finn and the wyverns chasing him. Then so as to prepare for a big attack Viole began doing stances from the martial arts he learned while channeling as much mana as he could into his body and the air around him. Slowly but surely wind began to pick up around Viole and swirl around him ever so faster and sharper. With a bit of control of mana and his stances, Viole gathered all the flowing air around his arms which began to cut into his sleeves, after all, he did not have perfect control over his mana especially since Yasha unlocked it for him just today so drawbacks did happen, but he was ready to rescue Finn from his predicament.
"Finn Duck Now!" Yelled Viole as he finished preparing for his attack, winds roared around his arms beginning to slowly scar his flesh as he waited for Finn to duck before unleashing his technique upon the wyverns.
As soon as Finn hit the floor Viole unleashed his technique on a much bigger scale than during the times he practiced it back at his household, and to honor the magnitude of this technique he spoke its name rather loudly unbeknownst to himself.
"Dance of the Great White Dragons!"
The name for this technique was fitting, for two streams of air soared from Viole's arms towards the wyverns, twisting and turning as they flew as if they engaged in a beautiful dance and roaring just like a dragon would. Upon impact with the wyverns, the wind began to cut into their wing membranes and weaker joints and scales, one could even say this technique aimed for a death of a thousand cuts, but it was not enough to kill the wyverns, sure it did some damage but not enough to ends its life, but it did manage to damage them enough to bring them plummeting towards the ground while disorienting them, essentially making time for Finn to escape further.
Interactions: 606 606
Others in the scene: TanteRegenbogen TanteRegenbogen , Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread
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Yashi watched as the others took on the dragon and wyverns. She waited for an opening as long range attacks by her hand could his bystanders and her best chance at dealing with these creatures within a settlement was close range combat. Finn managed to damage the dragon's wing a little. Gunhild managed to take out one of the dragon's eyes to which a big plant was growing out of it now.

Angry, the dragon breathed a plume of fire towards them. Yashi managed to save herself behind a stone wall. When she came back out, she saw Viole making short work of the wyverns. "Huh. Looks like alleviating the blockage worked wonders." Yashi said before concentrating her own mana into her legs and hands. She concentrated mana into her legs to quickly lunge towards the dragon. She just needed to get on it and get to one of it's wounds. Yashi narrowly dodged the dragon snapping at her and managed to climb onto it's back near the right wing. She found a small wound. "That should do. I need to be quick." She said before laying her hand on the wound. Yashi quickly chanted in an unknown language and shouted: "Azakataari healing reversal! Rot!"

The dragon screamed in pain as the area around the wound became necrotic quickly and it's right wing became unusable. The dragon shook Yashi off it's back, but luckily Yashi could land on her feet. She quickly ran away to gain distance between her and the dragon. "I expected it wouldn't be enough. But it should make things a little easier for the rest of you." Yashi said. "It was enough to kill a human ten times over, but that wont kill a dragon. Not by a long shot. I am not sure if I cant get that close again, so I guess it is up to the rest of you."

606 606 Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Megilagor Megilagor
Fionnghan "Finn" Loganach

Mood: mildly exhausted and sick
Location: street outside dinner
Mentions: Megilagor Megilagor Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread TanteRegenbogen TanteRegenbogen

"Speech" Thoughts

Alot was happening at once. Finn did his best to distract and keep himself out of harm's way, his eyes darting around as he watched the others spring into action after himself. However, even for as dexterous and high stamina as Finn was, he was beginning to feel tired, which wasn't normal for him yet his attention was drawn to Viole as he heard his name. Trusting the other male, he was quick to hit the deck, dirtying his once clean clothing to see the wind slicing at the wings of the wyvern, soon every create was down at some point. Finn would roll back onto his feet, and give his gun a few smacks on the side as it glowed faintly.

"Thanks, Viole!" He shouted back, looking back to the roaring of the dragon caused by Yasha.

He took a deep breath, wishing he had more suitable gear for such a fight but he had a few more shots before his gun would be effectively useless and needed time to cool down, or dunk in water (an effective short term cool down method but can cause long term damage). First, the wyverns in his path. Some were a bit closer to death's door and he would decide to swiftly finish the job off. Two crashed between him and the dragon and during their recovery time to stand back up and regain their senses, two loud BANGS of Finn's gun could be heard as for a moment, bullets of energy dug themselves into the chest of 2 of the wyverns, screeches could be heard throughout the town and they began to bleed from those spots near their hearts and struggle to stay up, easily able to be finished off as he dashed towards the dragon.

"Great work Yasha! Sure we can do quick work of this," he said sliding to a halt right in front of the dragon.

"You there! On the dragon! Jump off!" He shouted, not entirely sure who was on the dragon, and scanned over the beast. There were several weak points of a dragon. The eyes, joints of the wings, parts of the underbelly that were not called, and, if some could manage it, if the scales were somehow (by a miracle) injured or even slightly dislodged, a well-aimed shot could do hefty damage. That was not the case and all Finn needed was to get a clear aim of the eye. After all, behind the eye was the brain, and that would be the most effective.

As the dragon would rear up, head thrashing about trying to knock off Gunhild, Finn would shoot once more at the right damaged wing, another roar echoed as the beat claws smashed into the ground just in front of Finn as he jumped backward.

"Now just stay still you giant lizard," he grumbled, readying himself unsure if he could get a straight shot once the timing was right, he would shoot at the other eye, clicking his tongue as it was slightly off but, efferently blinded the beast causing it to thrash about in anger, making it more vulnerable parts more accessible.

"Viole! It's blinded! You can finish it!" Finn shouted, eyes wide as the dragon trashed around and the tail coming for him yet, just barely in time, he was able to teleport backward and out of range, hand over his mouth as he felt sick to his stomach since this was his 2nd time teleporting today.

coded by archangel_
Location: The street

The world seemed to be violently jerking in all directions as Gunhild tried her best to hold onto the dragon's head. Initially she wanted to wait for an opportunity to launch another attack right from the dragon's head, but in reality she ended up using all of her focus simply to stays hanging there. The others launched several more attacks that weaken the dragon further, but it's not until Gunhild heard someone yelled at her to jump off that she finally let go of her grip, letting the momentum launched her away for some distance before she gracefully landed on the ground like a cat.

Another loud bang could be heard and now the dragon was rampaging randomly as it was now completely blinded. The elf let out a yelp and ducked as the dragon's tail passed above her head in a wild and unpredictable swing. The dragon was desperate and would do anything to get them away. Gunhild backed off from the dragon until she was in a relatively safe distance before putting both of her hands on the ground and start chanting another spell.

Despite her rather unconventional expertise, Gunhild was still a druid, and Quarrytown was her territorry. She promised her mother that she would protect the city. She didn't know why the dragon was attacking the city, but the moment the dragon hit the ground its fate was sealed.

"Get away from the dragon!" She warned the others as her spell started working, the ground underneath the dragon started to crack and sunk.

Natural caverns, underground rivers, abandoned mining tunnels, old sewer system and the newer sewer all combines into Quarrytown's unique and complex underground structure of interconnected tunnels of various origins. What Gunhild was doing, was simply locating the nearest of those many tunnel and use her magic to corrode the ground between that tunnel and the surface. The dragon's thrashing definitely help speeding up the process.

Urban manipulation: Sinkhole

The ground beneath the dragon collapsed, sending the beast tumbling down into the sewer tunnel below. The tunnel was barely large enough to contain the dragon so its neck, head and wings was still rising above the street while its body was buried in the sewer. If only they fight in the residential district she would probably be able to bury the dragon completely as that place had bigger sewer system but this should be enough to stop the dragon's rampage temporarily.

TanteRegenbogen TanteRegenbogen Megilagor Megilagor 606 606

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