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Fantasy I Was Reborn as a Demon But Getting Revenge Will Be Difficult OOC

i mean otherwise how would Yuta be a shrine priest/guard, if they have no gods.
Also I would like to add as lore that the demon society, at least on Orchard Island, is neither patriarchal nor matriarchal. Such as family or clan head can be based on first born child or merit and doesnt depend on whether the child is a girl or boy.
Yes I want to get moving. Its been busy at work lately, hasnt it? Megilagor Megilagor
yeah been busy at work, still have two hours left today. we are getting 2 hours of overtime each day for the past month but we get a paid break from 20th to the 10th cause of it.
it might actually take me a bit longer to write the post cause it seems i am suffering a bit of a writers block, making the process of writing a post slow and painful.
it might actually take me a bit longer to write the post cause it seems i am suffering a bit of a writers block, making the process of writing a post slow and painful.

I know that feeling, I’ve got writers block on at least 3 stories I’ve been writing over the years
the part which pisses me off the most is the fact that i can write stuff, like i have no writers block..... but when i sit down to write this one it just nopes itself into existence making me not write this.
ok that a lie iv got some stuff written but its kinda forced so not good at all.
the part which pisses me off the most is the fact that i can write stuff, like i have no writers block..... but when i sit down to write this one it just nopes itself into existence making me not write this.
ok that a lie iv got some stuff written but its kinda forced so not good at all.
it's like you're thinking about it all day when you aren't writing and it's all making sense and shit but you sit down and you gotta put it into the english language it's hard to translate it.
it's like you're thinking about it all day when you aren't writing and it's all making sense and shit but you sit down and you gotta put it into the english language it's hard to translate it.
exactly. except without translating it to English language, but making it proper English, making it sound/read right, make it have a decent flow.
but my biggest curse/caveat i always close my eyes and imagine the scene, how my character would act, move and etc, and trying my darndest to transcribe that into my writing so another person could just close their eyes and imagine the same thing if not at least a similar one.
and now i can safely say i hate myself for trying to make a great post and not being able to do so
but it is there, my post does exists soo.

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