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Fantasy I Was Fine Until You

Okay that was fair, he could imagine his own father would’ve done the same if he’d pulled a stunt like that but Arthur was nowhere near as rebellious as Silas was. Maybe that wasn’t Silas’ fault though, not entirely, Arthur wasn’t too sure what the king was like. Of course Silas inquired about Morgan, so that news had spread here. It was certainly scandalous, or celebratory, depending on who you were. It was big news and Arthur supposed that at least he didn’t have to go around telling everyone now. So Gawain must also know, no doubt that’s what he wanted to speak to him about.

What was fresh was the way Silas said it: gentle and caring. Huh. He’d expected anger, maybe even disappointment, at the way Arthur had disrespected Caroline, at making such a stupid mistake and one that was going to have big repercussions. He did finally look at Silas though when he mentioned his interests. He’d known since the first day he’d met Arthur? Was he really that transparent? Or maybe Silas was just good at reading people. At least he didn’t expand on that, Arthur still wasn’t sure whether he should tell Caroline, or even if he could.

Arthur sighed, leaning more of his weight on the balcony so he didn’t have to worry about supporting himself too much in case he started to feel weak, his legs already felt a little unstable. “She drugged me” he told Silas. “Gaheris said it was probably in the tea she gave me, which I drank a lot” he admitted. It’s not like Morgan had taken the chance of only bedding him once, the odds weren’t exactly in her favour there; this was more consistent and sustained abuse. “Apparently that’s something she does, drugging people” he clarified. He sighed again. “I should’ve listened to my father, he warned me about her, even Gawain did, but I wanted to believe she had some good in her. Not all her stories were lies, she told me about the abuse her husband gave her, about being sent away from her family when she was young and being locked up. I thought maybe it was a misunderstanding, that she wanted to make up for her mistakes but it seems I was mistaken” His voice was sounding a little raw. She’d lied to him, over and over and over. How foolish he must have looked to her and everyone else. And look what she’d made him do! He’d taken advantage of Kay and he’d ruined his relationship with Ethan. He was upset over it, hurt, and angry. He should never have been so stupid.

He forced a smile though, despite feeling a little faint, like his knees weren’t quite working. “But at least some good has come of it” he insisted, “we were sent here, to keep me from falling for any more of her lies” because whilst it was nice for Caroline to come back home, it was mainly as punishment and precaution for Arthur. “I....I don’t hate her” he breathed and it was true, almost so true it hurt. “She might not be a good person but she’s suffered a lot, I think I did her a favour on the way here” Most definitely, Morgan was probably be dancing at the news of Loth’s death. “I didn’t....there was no choice“ he insisted and now his chest was feeling a little tight, like it was hard to breathe and he was frowning. There had been no choice. Loth was going to kill him, he wasn’t going to stop, he’d already killed Caroline’s lady. “I killed her husband.“ And Arthur’s legs got the better of him, he couldn’t hold himself up anymore, his head felt like it was spinning as his back slid down the balcony railing, knees bent in front of him almost protectively. “I killed him” he repeated. He hadn’t really said it before, not aloud and he'd not really processed it, had done his best to keep his mind away from the subject. The air felt too hot, even though it was freezing out here, like his lungs couldn’t pull any in and he hated the way his heart was stuttering. He didn’t like feeling weak and he really should pull it together, he was going to freak out Caroline and she needed him to be strong anyway, they had enough worry already without silly old him panicking. And Silas didn’t need this, he had his own problems, but Arthur couldn’t stop himself, he must look ridiculous to them. Hey, at least he wasn’t crying, yet, no his eyes were wide though, panicked. He had no idea what was happening to him.
Arthur suddenly seemed so... Weak, Frightened. But Silas couldn't say he was surprised. Morgan's crimes suddenly was spilling from his mouth. And Silas looked out across the kingdom. Not moving. Just... Letting him talk. Then... He was collapsing. "Arthur... " Caroline started. Taking a step towards him. But Silas suddenly spoke up. "Caroline... Can you get him something to drink? " And he could already tell his sister wanted to argue. She wanted to stay at Arthur's side. Comfort him. But a small glare from Silas was enough to make her slowly back away. Looking worriedly towards Arthur. Before finally turning and leaving the two men behind. Only then did Silas finally face Arthur. Gently walking around and crouching in front of him.

Caroline would perhaps have been a comfort. But there was things she didn't know. Things Arthur couldn't speak freely about in front of her. But there was also things Silas wouldn't say in front of her. Gently Silas reached forward to cup the others face. Force Arthur to look at him. "Arthur... Its... Its alright not to be alright. " With that he was letting go of him. Settling down into a more comfortable position beside him. Silas then looked away. Frowning before telling Arthur. "...Perhaps she did suffer. But her pain gave her no right to inflict suffering on you. " Perhaps it explained what she was doing. But it did not excuse it. She was hurting people, Innocent people.

Still, Silas understood not hating her. He understood that feeling very well. As well as the feeling of blood on his hands. Silas then murmured. "....You know, I still love Ronan. F*ck, I loved the man dearly, And that... That doesn't just go away! It... I know what he was doing was wrong. He hurt others, He hurt me. But there was good too. And I... " Those feelings didn't just go away. They were complicated and lingered and perhaps Arthur didn't love Morgan. But the feelings were no less confusing. Perhaps they would always feel that way. Silas then murmured. "And I killed him, I had too. I still feel like theres red on my hands from it. "

Silas then looked to Arthur. His expression tired. He then told him. "That is the price of being a prince, Of being a king. People will hurt you, Use you. And you will have to hurt others. Because you haven't a choice. " Running away suddenly felt once more tempting. Silas had half a mind to suggest it to Arthur. But he doubt that would be welcomed. So instead, He leaned forward and wrapped his arms around Arthur in a hug. Arthur seemed like he needed one.
Arthur was vaguely aware of Caroline speaking but he wasn’t really with it, all he could focus on was the feel of blood on his face, the sound of his sword slicing through Loth, the way Loth had slumped in the snow. He felt sick, like he was going to blackout but then Silas’ hands grounded him a little. It was just a simple touch but it reminded Arthur that he wasn’t back in the forest, standing over a dead man. He wasn’t even dwelling on his memories with Morgan yet, not properly. He let his eyes lock on Silas’ and breathe, actually breathe for what felt like the first time.

Arthur understood what Silas was saying, could see himself saying it even, but that didn’t mean the words sunk in. Morgan had been traumatised, she was just doing what she knew. And it wasn’t all her fault anyway, Arthur should’ve known, should’ve listened. And he had to be alright, he was the prince, he couldn’t be having a breakdown, he needed to be strong for his kingdom, for his father and for Caroline and for everyone else relying on him. Oops, there went his breathing again.

He leaned his head back, trying to listen to Silas’ words and calm himself down, to stop being such a mess. They’d not even been here a whole day and he’d already gone and done whatever this was. Ronan. Man, he couldn’t imagine killing someone he‘d loved, of all people. Loth had been a threat, someone horrible and dangerous, who had no love for Arthur, Silas had had to kill the man he’d been with for a while. And here Arthur was the one making a scene. The hug knocked whatever self resolve he had out of him and Arthur could feel the tears now. He was such a mess. He felt like a kid again, he hadn’t felt this vulnerable in years, nor this out of control. “I don’t want to hurt people“ he sniffed and it sounded so childish, so stupid and naive but Arthur wasn’t someone who was content to hurt people, even if those people were bad, he couldn’t condemn them wholly. He was going to have to work on that.

”everything’s gone so wrong” Arthur mumbled, trying to stop the tears with the palm of his hand. “I was supposed to get married, love my wife, have a bunch of heirs and eventually be king. It’s not exactly a hard plan to follow” and he laughed but it wasn’t funny. “All I’ve done is disappointment my father” and maybe Silas wouldn’t relate to Arthur, or maybe he would all too well. Arthur wanted to please his father, had always looked up to him, but they’d been at odds recently and it hurt to see the anger in Alexander’s eyes, to know he’d failed his expectations.
Arthur was soon breaking down, And Silas was ready to give him a shoulder to cry on if he needed it. He didn't want to hurt people. Silas didn't want to either. But it was a harsh reality. Still, Once both men probable had been able to distance themselves from the idea. That changed when they both were forced to kill. Had Alexander felt the same way? He'd probable killed when he was even younger then them. And that... That was a sick thought. Silas then shook his head. Ah, Disappointing ones parents. That was something Silas knew very well. Soon telling Arthur. "Welcome to the club. " His gaze then became more firmer.

Silas then told Arthur. "That was your fathers plan for you. Yes. But he's not you. You can make your own plans. " Like running away for example! Except no, Arthur wouldn't do that. But he didn't need to constantly be worrying about the path his father laid out for him Silas figured. Silas then pulled a bit away from Arthur. Telling him. "Lets... Do something for yourself. Don't think about your father, Don't think about the past, Don't think about the future even. Just... Do something right now. " Silas was then moving slowly to his feet.

Offering Arthur a hand in hopes of helping him up. "Lets ditch this place. Go to town for a couple hours. " They could be back before the kings welcoming party if they wished. Though Silas could hardly bring himself to care over such things. They could tell Caroline where they were going. Maybe she'd want to tag along. Though Silas figured it might be better if it was just the two of them. Silas then grinned at Arthur. "C'mon. Stop being a good little boy for a bit. Being rebellious can be nice. " Besides, Arthur's father was hardly here. So they didn't need to worry about him getting angry!
Arthur felt so silly. He was a knight, of course he was going to hurt people! But he hadn’t really come to terms with that fact, he hadn’t been in any real battles until recently and it’s not like he’d grown up in a war zone like Alexander had. Arthur sniffled a little at Silas’ words, he didn’t want to have the same relationship with his father as Silas had with his, it didn’t look very nice. But Silas wasn’t wrong, maybe Arthur should get out of his father‘s shadow for a bit, do what he wanted to do, and what better time than now, when Alexander wasn’t here to judge him.

Arthur’s eyes widened a little as Silas suggested they run off for a little bit. Arthur had done that before, the day before the wedding and chasing after Loth but it’s not like that had been well received by anyone, his father had made him whip Kay for his own running off! Arthur took Silas’ hand though and pulled himself to his feet. He stayed still, making sure his legs were steady, that he wasn’t going to collapse again before he looked at Silas, going to wipe away the rest of his tears. Oh...he had the grin on his face, it did cheer him up a little but he was still worried, scared.

”I can’t be gone for too long“ Arthur insisted, trying to get rid of the rawness in his voice. “I....I need to be back in time to talk to your father“ They had that news to tell him. “I can’t be late” he insisted. “You're father probably already hates me” he whined, pushing a hand through his hair and trying not to imagine what the king thought of him. Arthur would feel bad leaving Caroline behind but it depended on what they were doing, like if they were drinking, Caroline probably shouldn’t be a part of that, Arthur probably shouldn’t be either, especially not if Caroline was around, he tended to start kissing men when he was drunk.

”I’m sorry for being such a mess” Arthur apologised and he hated how self pitying he sounded, how small and young. “It won’t happen again“ he insisted, even though Silas had said that it was alright to not be alright, Silas probably didn’t want to have to deal with a prince having a panic attack. What a sight both of them made, Arthur a bit shaky on his feet and with red rimmed eyes, and Silas with a bruised face. Did Arthur really want to be rebellious when all it had gotten Silas was abuse from his father? “I think after you seeing that, I’m entitled to hearing about some of your worries” he murmured quietly, even though he’d been a burden on Silas, Silas could be a burden to him, he didn’t mind. “It doesn’t have to be noW” he murmured. “But I’d like to know” He’d like to help. Maybe Silas would spill it if they got him a bit tipsy.
Silas was a bit surprised when Arthur seemed to so readily agreed. But it made his gaze soften a bit. He had a feeling Arthur needed this. Some time away from it all. A soft laugh came from him. Telling Arthur. "Well, My father hates me most of the time I think. So I guess we'll be facing that together. Won't we? " Those words felt very true to Silas. Goodness knows his father never behaved like he loved him. But Silas didn't want to linger on that subject. Silas then shook his head. Telling Arthur. "I expect you to let it happen again. You need it too. and its better for me to be here with you then someone else. " Did Arthur even have anyone else he go to? Silas wasn't sure if him and Arthur were even friends. But Arthur was perhaps still able to be more honest with him then anyone else.

But then Arthur was turning the question around on him. And wouldn't it be a heartfelt moment for Silas to share his own troubles and worries. He was normally someone that was fairly expressive. He didn't tend to have a filter. He was looking away then. "I... " For the moment it seemed words weren't finding him. He wasn't ready to talk. But he soon looked back at Arthur. "How about I tell you something a bit happier? " It wasn't exactly a subject he could really talk to others about. But it left him excited.

Silas then let it spill to Arthur. "Me and Lance kissed. " Silas was then looking flustered. Continuing. "He... He was there for me, A lot during the journey. He protected me. " That had been perhaps what started Silas's whole crush. Silas had confessed his feelings to Lance before. But he hadn't thought they'd been shared. Wouldn't have pushed the matter. Silas then told Arthur. "He... He confessed he liked me, Was interested, And it just sort of happened. It.. It didn't go any further then that. I had some stitches from uh, Getting stabbed with a knife that he didn't want to risk upsetting." Poor Arthur probable was going to have some issues with this. Because he certainly knew about Lance and Caroline. Also Silas getting stabbed was probable a important matter that Arthur might want to come back too later.

Silas then seemed rather embarrassed. He was lovesick and didn't really know what to do. Telling Arthur. "I... I haven't had something like that. Someone that felt like they genuinely cared since... " Since Ronan. But Lance was different. He cared, He wasn't trying to use him. And maybe that was why he didn't have any recent bedroom partners. Because he felt serious about Lance. Didn't think Lance would be too pleased with that. He didn't want to mess up anything. This was too nice to mess up.
No offence to Silas, but Arthur didn’t think being on the King’s bad side was in his best interests. He could very well start a war if he upset the king that much. But he was probably a busy man, likely wouldn’t spend too much time with Arthur. It was good to build a bond with Silas though, they’d both be kings in time so a friendship now would hopefully continue good relations later. Arthur frowned at Silas’ insistence that it should happen again. Why? No one needed him to be weepy and panicked and.....useless. But it was nice that Silas was offering to be there for him. Even back at home, Arthur had found it easier to be around Silas, more like he could be himself without hiding so much but were they friends? Arthur would like to be.

Silas was clearly still struggling with whatever had gone down, maybe he’d tell Arthur after some time had passed but at least Silas was talking now. Whatever air Arthur had regained was knocked out of him again at the sucker punch of that news. Lance had kissed Silas? Liked him? Was Arthur going insane? He opened his mouth and closed it several times, trying to ground himself And boy was he shocked but Arthur tried not to let his skepticism show, or his possible anger. Either this was one big misunderstanding, surely right? Or Lance was one hell of a hypocrite and definitely should’ve brought that up to Caroline! Unless she knew? Surely not.

”are we talking about the same Lance?” Arthur asked, still frowning and just incredulous at the idea. Silas hadn’t seen the way Lance had interrogated him and Ethan, had even hurt Ethan, or at least let Mason hurt him, but Lance had at least expressed his distaste for homosexual relationship to Silas. “You know, the religious one who is very much against the idea of men together” he pointed out. Silas looked happy though, like he really was into Lance and Arthur didn’t want to upset him but this couldn’t be right. He really needed to write to Lance, but that was the sort of message you didn’t want intercepted. Maybe he should talk to Galehaut? He knew Lance well, probably better than anyone, this had to be a mistake.

And maybe under that he was a bit hurt because he’d kissed Lance, to no reaction but to be scolded. But Lance seemed interested in Silas? Seemed royalty really did have a thing for Lance. “Galehaut knows him better than me but....It just seems unlikely” he admitted, and he didn’t know what he hoped for. He didn’t want Silas to get all down in the dumps but if it was true then it didn’t mean great things for Caroline. Speaking of, Silas should probably not mention this to his sister but Arthur didn’t think saying that was going to be inconspicuous. “Even so, Lance is back in my kingdom, he’s got his son to look after, I don’t think he’ll be coming back Silas” Arthur told him, even if there had been something between them, it was best for Silas to move on. “I’m sure we can find someone else to care about you, you’re not that annoying” Arthur joked but his heart wasn’t fully in it. What a mess this was.
Silas had expected Arthur to be surprised. Didn't even seem to believe it. But Silas had been there. He knew what had happened, Or atleast believed he did. "Indeed, The same one who chased me out a window. " He clarified. Just to make sure they were on the same page. It was strange. But Silas had spent a lot of time with Lance. They had gotten close! Silas then confessed. "I... Earlier that day I had told him I was interested in him. But I didn't expect anything. " Silas really hadn't, He wouldn't have pursued it any further if he had the slightest inclination that Lance was uncomfortable. Arthur hadn't really asked for any of those details. But Silas just wanted to tell someone about it.

Silas then told Arthur. "Later, He called me pretty, And we freaking cuddled. That... " Oh, Lance really should have explained his lack of interest. Because Silas was truly very wrapped up in all this. Galehaut knew Lance well? Silas didn't really know him, Though he had heard the name before. Speaking to a stranger about such things hardly interested Silas. Arthur was different though. He knew him. Then he was pointing out that Lance was far away. True, But they'd see each other again. He wasn't gone away for forever. Right?

Silas then told Arthur gently. "I don't want to find someone else. " Lance had protected him much of the journey. Been there for him. Silas wanted that feeling again. That friendship- Well, More then friendship in Silas's mind. He hardly pictured many other people doing such things for him. "I don't want to mess anything up, Because if- No, When he comes back. Then I'll have ruined that. " He would have ruined something good. He wanted someone that cared about him in his life. He cared about Lance too... He had to try, Or atleast hope everything would work out.
Silas seemed convinced of this connection he had with Lance, maybe he was right and Lance had just been a hypocrite and maybe he was the player that the other knights often alluded to but it didn’t sit right with Arthur. He’d seen the way Lance looked at Caroline, even though they’d argued much of the time, he couldn’t imagine Lance would also be messing around with Silas. Wasn’t that crossing a line? And Silas was so convinced that he didn’t want to know about anyone else. Arthur really needed to get a reply from Lance, he didn’t want Silas pining for the rest of his life or rushing back to their kingdom only to be upset when Lance rejected him.

”He’s got Galahad to look after, his dad as well, and Galahad’s mother” he told Silas, he’d seen Elaine wandering about. “I don’t think he's come here” But Arthur had a feeling this was a losing battle, Silas was stubborn and clearly had been thinking about Lance for some time, he didn’t want to cause an argument. ”I can’t believe you got stabbed” Arthur murmured. “Please tell me it wasn’t one of the knights?” He asked although some of them had probably thought about it, Silas could be a bit of a nuisance.

”Has it healed alright?” He asked. Maybe Silas would have a cool scar now, a reminder of his adventure. ”you know Caroline really has been worried about you” he told Silas. “Me too. But we’re here now, means we can hang out again” he insisted. If Arthur could come to Silas then Silas could come to Arthur. “Although, I should not be in charge of where we go, I’ll get lost” he told Silas, after all finding him had interrupted his tour of the place. it’s not like he knew any quiet places to relax or pubs to go to, he only just about knew where his room was!
Silas was ready to argue, Say Lance would come. Or that he could go see Lance! But then Arthur was changing the subject. Perhaps for the best. His gaze then looked down to where he was injured in his side. Before saying. "No, It wasn't. But Gawain did attempt to murder me multiple times. " That wasn't a joke. Gawain might very well have killed him if Lance hadn't been there to stop him. Silas then pulled up his shirt a bit to show the wound. Silas had never been shy about showing himself off. The scar was certainly still there, Probable would remain. But it had healed up by now and no longer caused any pain.

Silas then let out a sigh. More tense conversation it seemed. He was ready to reply. Try to brush off there worry. But then the door was opening. Glancing back, Caroline had returned from her quest of getting water. Looking worriedly at Arthur and striding over. "Are you okay? " Caroline asked. Worry clear in her voice. She could see where he had been crying and it didn't ease her concern. But then she was looking to Silas as he said. "I'm taking him into town with me. I think he could use the time away. " He wasn't sure if Arthur would want to answer if he was alright. Hopefully this would give him a way to avoid the question if he wished.

Caroline seemed like she wasn't exactly pleased by this. She probable didn't want Arthur to leave her side for multiple reasons. But she didn't argue. She wasn't going to make a fuss when Arthur had been so clearly in distress. Perhaps it was for the best. Still, Caroline soon murmured. "Are you sure? Will you be okay? I can come with. " Silas really didn't think Caroline following was a good idea. It would limit what they were able to say. So he shook his head. Saying. "Nah, I think it'll be good to have some guy time. " He then sent a glance towards Arthur. As if seeking confirmation.
Gawain? Arthur hadn’t expected his cousin to be a problem causer, he was well respected knight! Then again he’d probably been extremely stressed about Gaheris. Silas was probably just exaggerating about the murder part. Arthur eyed the scar curiously, must’ve hurt judging by the scar but at least it had healed rather than becoming infected. And Silas didnt seem any worse off for having it.

Arthur tensed slightly as Caroline returned, which wasn’t intentional, it just broke the privacy of him and Silas. Arthur tried for a smile and a nod as she asked if he was okay. Maybe okay was pushing it, but he was more in control, wasn’t going to start crying again. She didn’t need to worry about him. “I’ll be fine” Arthur promised her. “I won’t be gone long” a glance at Silas there. “And when I come back we can talk to your father” he insisted. He felt bad doing this, going off with Silas when Caroline was his sister, had been so worried about him and clearly wanted some family time, and she was already worried about herself and this pregnancy, now he’d gone and added to her problems. But Silas was right, Arthur would be more comfortable without Caroline. He squeezed her arm reassuringly with a now more convincing smile. “Maybe you should talk to your lady?” He suggested with a hinting tone. Her eldest lady knew about the pregnancy, might be able to calm her, and answer any questions Caroline might have.

Guy time with Silas. Arthur wasn’t a particularly laddy individual and all his time left alone with Silas had been arguments or soft conversations. Maybe they should round others up, like Vere? Maybe that was too much though, Arthur would like to ask Silas about him, see if he knew his parents. He’d promised he wouldn’t let them lock him up again. He couldn’t exactly ask Ethan, might be a bit awkward and Kay was a slave so that might not be well received. So, maybe it was just him and Silas, great, time to bond! “I’m not joking Silas, I don’t want to be gone too long” he pressed. His father already thought Arthur was a bad egg probably, they didn’t need to enforce that idea. At least he could trust Silas not to prompt him to sleep with him as he’d done before, what with this infatuation for Lance. And maybe they could bond over that? “Where are we going?“ he asked curiously. He had no doubts that Silas probably knew all sorts of seedy places, destinations that Arthur had no business being in and would never have dreamt of.
Caroline was a bit crestfallen. but she forced herself to smile at Arthur. Nodding her head. She wasn't given much chance to speak up. Silas was already taking Arthur's arm and hanging to tug the other behind him. Perhaps had he not been so worried about Arthur he might of lingered, Or if he knew about Caroline's pregnancy. But that wasn't the case and he felt like the sooner the two left. The better things would be. Thus. Caroline was soon left behind. Arthur was talking though. And Silas soon snickered. "I know, I know. We won't be out after bedtime! I promise. " He mused teasingly. He'd need to keep a eye on the time. But... Even if they were late. It was hardly that big of a deal!

Silas then started. "I was thinking we could go visit some local brothels? " His tone serious at first. But he soon broke into a smile. Looking back at Arthur. "No, I think perhaps just seeing the town should be enough. " Getting drunk was a option. But Arthur was worried about making good impressions on the king. So perhaps that was something they'd need to avoid for the moment. Still, That was fine. They didn't need alcohol to have a nice time.

Silas faltered a bit as he took a few steps further away from the room. Looking around cautiously. He then whispered softly. "Come on. Lets not be too obvious. Follow me, I'll show you a more private way to leave the castle. " Less guards to interrupt them. The castle was a bit place, There was plenty of locations one could sneak out from. But Silas was planning to seek out a servants exit. Such spots should provide them plenty of cover. Silas thus kept walking.
Arthur pouted slightly at Silas’ teasing, but he was being playful too, still, he didn’t want to make an even worse impression on the king! Arthur missed a step in the surprise of Silas’ suggestion, stumbling a little “Silas, I don’t think th-“ he started to protest when Silas gave him a grin and he sighed, partially in relief. Silas was joking. Arthur couldn't even begin to imagine how awkward he’d be in a brothel, it wasn’t exactly his scene. Seeing the town though sounded nice, although he was aware that should he be recognised, he might not be that well received. Silas had told him before about how the people from this kingdom weren’t very pleased with the wedding but those closest to the castle might be a little less rude about it hopefully.

Of course Silas knew loads of ways to sneak out of the castle, Arthur had never needed secret passages or unused exits back home but he’d always been restrained by his father’s expectations rather than any sort of physical barrier like a guard. Its not like Arthur was the type to run off growing up anyway. “Did you teach your knack for escaping to your sister?” He questioned. Because Caroline was also her own little escape artist, frequently climbing out of her window to hunt for lizards or in other cases try to run or to escape her sadness. ”I assume you know she climbs out of windows a lot” he murmured. Maybe Silas didn’t know about his sister’s lizard hunting habits or her own sneakiness but she must’ve learnt it somewhere and Silas hardly set the best example of behaving.

Arthur guessed he should probably remember this route although he couldn’t see why he himself would need it, unless he was with Silas. See, this is why his father had him followed because at every opportunity Silas got, he slipped away. But Silas probably liked slipping away in order to get away from his father’s eye. A repeating cycle. But Arthur probably shouldn’t judge too much, Silas was doing this for him. Arthur did his best not to draw too much attention although he clearly wasn’t from around here so that might not be easy. Arthur was sneaking off and he hadn’t even checked how the knights had settled in, or Vere or Kay, speaking of. “I brought Kay with me” he admitted, Silas might like to know since he’s the one who suggested Caroline give him to Arthur but also some of their arguments had come from Kay. Arthur needed to talk to Kay really but he could do that later.
Silas looked towards Arthur as he talked. Slowing down after a bit. He then confessed. "No- I wouldn't bring her with me. Though I do know she tried to follow sometimes. " Silas was willing to handle himself being scolded. But he hadn't really wanted his little sister to go threw that. Silas then grinned. "Her original room had a tree outside it she'd use to escape. " He explained. Suddenly coming to a full stop. Dipping quickly into a room and returning with some coats. One he tossed to Arthur while the other he put on himself. Pulling the hood up. It wasn't really for the cold, Silas could handle the chill. But being recognized could be annoying and this provided some help in hiding oneself. Silas then told Arthur. "She never went as far as me. " She didn't go to town to party like he did. No, She always remained near the castle. Also tended to get herself into less trouble.

Silas then continued. Dipping into one hallway. Then threw a side door that led to another hallway. This one far less maintained. Occasionally as one walked a servant would shuffle past them. Hurrying to whatever there duties were. Barely paying any attention to Silas. They likely knew the princes antics and didn't want to involve themselves. Silas was paying attention to Arthur as he walked though. Looking back to him. He was a bit surprised by such news. Silas and Arthur had never gotten along when it came to Kay. Silas still held such opinions. But he seemed to realize that now was likely not a good time to bring such thoughts up.

Silas still murmured. "I'm surprised you'd bring him here.. " Arthur wanted Kay to be treated more like a human, This was not a good place for him to be then. Silas then finally stopped at a small door. Glancing around for a moment before pushing it open. Seemed they had reached the exit. But it wasn't completely unguarded. It was a route into the castle after all and a guard stood leaning against the wall outside. Looking towards the princes when the door was opened. But he did little more then raise his eyebrow. "Dragging someone else into trouble this time I see? " The guard asked. Silas seemed unbothered by the question. Musing. "Indeed, Seeing as I can never get you to join me? " His voice low. The guards expression flickered to one of amusement. "... Yeah, No. I'm not too interested in seeing what would happen to me if I left my post. Doing this is trouble enough. " And he reached out his hand expectantly. Soon Silas was dropping a few coins into his hands. Before nodding to Arthur. "When your on duty, I expect the same deal is to be applied to him. " The guard got coins. They got a easy way to escape. Much better then climbing threw a window or some dusty old sewer. The guard then gave a nod. But he only seemed to be half paying attention now. Counting the coins in hand.
So Silas was at least award of his sister‘s antics even if he hadn’t personally encouraged them. He did seem amused by them though. At least Caroline was more responsible but then again if likely wasn’t difficult to be more responsible than Silas. Arthur took the cost gratefully, pleased for both the anonymity and warmth that irs give him. He wasted little time in getting wrapped up in the coat and pulling up the hood. Arthur made sure to keep up even though he looked around them as they went, servants didn’t seem eager to interrupt them. Was the king aware of this escape route? If so surely he’d put more resistance here but perhaps he wanted s controlled and monitored way for his son to slip out rather than force Silas to find more inventive ways.

Arthur winced at his own actions of bringing Kay here. “I admit it was slightly selfish of me” he murmured. “I didn’t exactly have many friends when I left home” People had been divided over Morgan’s baby and those approving weren’t exactly his friends. Plus, Kay had probably been pleased to spend more time with Caroline’s lady before her untimely death. “Besides, I didn’t exactly trust my father to look after him, he was uh....injured before we left” he admitted and he sighed, just another sin to add to the pile. “Flogged, by me, but not my choice” might as well tell Silas.

It seemed the guard was unsurprised by Silas and Arthur rolled his eyes because of course this was something Silas usually did. And it seemed Silas expected Arthur to use the same route in the future, although Arthur couldn’t imagine why he would. Surely Silas’ father would let Arthur walk out the front door? Or maybe Arthur really was going to be feeling this place as a punishment as Alexander intended. Arthur pressed closer to Silas, curious: “is the price always the same or does he charge you more when you’re father‘s especially mad?” And it was slightly teasing although maybe Silas’ father was always equally mad at his son. “Is he a friend of yours? Do you even have friends?” Arthur asked and maybe it came out a bit harsher than Arthur meant it but Silas seemed a bit lonely even if he could charm some people.
Seemed Arthur had no one to look after his little pet. Shame. But Arthur kept talking and Silas found himself tensing. Flogged? Alexander at forced Arthur to whip his own slave? Sure, Silas didn't see Kay as a human. But he knew Arthur did. Knew that would have effected him. Though Silas knew not what to say as comfort. Besides. His own relationships were being questioned. Silas glanced back towards the guard. But they were already starting to get some distance from him. "I mean, Fathers always mad at me. Maybe if dad wasn't upset I might get a discount?" He mused, Doubtful. But it was possible. Though Silas hardly cared about the price. Then Arthur kept questioning and indeed. he did come across as far meaner then he likely intended.

Silas glanced away. Uncomfortable suddenly. But he did say. "No, Its just business. " Silas didn't answer the last bit. Didn't want to. Hopefully Arthur wouldn't push it. Besides, They had other things to focus on. The castle was luckily basically in the center of the city. Meaning they did not have to travel far before one began to see more buildings and commoners and small things like that. Though being still near the castle, Things were far more... Richer then further out. Silas had no intentions of taking Arthur to the more shady places of the city. That would not do Arthur any good.

Glancing around, Silas seemed to be in thought for a moment. Eventually looking back to Arthur. "Shame, getting drunk is off the table..." He murmured in thought. Before he suggested. "C'mon, I think the most beautiful places in the city is one of the old temples. This time of day we hopefully won't have to deal with anyone. " Perhaps seeing pretty buildings would be boring to Arthur. But Silas had some respect for gods once worshiped often. It felt like a good place to see in the city.
Arthur didn’t quite notice the way Silas had tensed, hadn’t been looking for it. The punishment had affected Arthur but that’s what Alexander had been going for, he knew his son would care more about others being punished than himself. Arthur hummed thoughtfully, if he had to guess, Silas and his father wouldn’t start to get along soon, whatever rift was between them had been there a long time and might be too entrenched in history to cross. Caroline seemed fonder of her father however, maybe their arguments didn’t spill over to the princess?

Arthur did notice that Silas didn't answer his question about having friends, so that seemed like a no. Arthur could commiserate on that one lately although would Silas enjoy having lots of friends? Arthur was a fairly social person, used to having someone around, whether it be his mother or the knights, but Silas might have grown used to his loneliness by now, although that didn’t mean he enjoyed it. Oh well, Arthur could be his friend. “we can get drunk another time” he promised Silas with a playful smile. He didn’t think he’d gotten drunk with Silas before, oh...except that time Silas had slept with his father. Okay, not dwelling on that, Arthur didn’t particularly like alcohol but he did enjoy the slight buzz it gave him, the way he could relax once a bit tipsy.

Arthur’s own kingdom subscribed to different religions than the one here although Arthur himself didn't practice any. He still found the stories and sites fascinating, besides he was hardly going to badmouth someone’s beliefs. “You don’t strike me as someone who prays very often” Arthur mused, no Silas seemed far too hedonistic for that but then again Silas was good at surprising him. And religion was a good point, he’d never really thought about Caroline’s, not something that had sprung to mind, did she need a place to pray back home? “Do you go to the temple often?” And now that sounded a bit like a pickup line: do you come here often? But Arthur was curious, maybe Silas liked to get some peace and quiet away from the castle and his father and just admire the beauty of the city. “I should’ve given you a tour when you visited us” Arthur murmured, it would’ve been the best thing to do, show him around rather than leave Silas to figure it out but well “then again you were rather rude at first, and it didn’t seem like you needed my help in the end” He seemed to have orientated himself quite well in the end, and to be honest the rudeness hadn’t died down either, still he supposed it had become slightly better than Arthur walking in on him and Ronan.
Silas glanced back at Arthur at his statement. Raising his eyebrow a bit as he teased. "Well, You don't know me that well then. " That probable would come as a surprise. But Silas did carry many beliefs. Just they weren't the same as many of the beliefs that came from Arthur's kingdom. Silas though didn't think Caroline nor his father carried such feelings. If anything, Silas wasn't sure if they believed in anything. If they did they had never mentioned it to him. Perhaps that was just something one didn't openly speak about? Silas then said. "...Not as much as I should. " Silas during his escapes tended to go to far more scandalous places. But that wasn't to say he didn't go to temples from time to time.

Silas then confessed to Arthur. "When I was younger, My mother made a point of taking me whenever she could. Telling stories. I... Its hard for me not to enjoy the place. " It carried many good memories. Silas might not have cared as much about such things had it not been for his mother. She had cared deeply for it. And while Silas doubt he was as devoted. His mother had certainly left him with a respect towards such things.

Silas then gave a mock gasp at the mention of himself being rude. "Excuse you! I am never rude. I am a delight. Thank you very much. " But it was clearly a joke. He then looked forward. Telling him. "I doubt I'd enjoy a tour of anywhere in your kingdom. It was far too hot, And I felt like there was a spider around every corner. " He mused, Sure, It had its benefits. But Silas could not see himself living in such a place. As many troubles as there were at home. He much preferred it. Silas then told Arthur. "But, I wasn't rude to everyone. I was polite to your dad. And I have been good to you, I could be far worse. I could describe everything regarding your fathers bedroom antics in detail. " He threatened. Yeah, Arthur really probable wouldn't want to hear or think about any of that.
Arthur guessed he didn’t know Silas that well, he knew enough to get a general impression of the other prince, had witnessed enough to guess a bit about his psyche but they hadn’t spent much time together without devolving into some sort of argument or disagreement. Sort of made it hard to discuss ones religion. Arthur could understand Silas’ sentiment, he understood finding comfort in a mother’s presence although Arthur was far more fortunate to have his mother still living. He couldn’t imagine her being ripped away from him, well, he could, but only in nightmares or his worst thoughts. It was nice that Silas had something to remember her by, a bit of her passed on.

Arthur laughed as Silas insisted he wasn’t rude, yeah right! “Like your kingdom is any better?” Arthur complained. “I’m going to get frostbite” he muttered, he much preferred the warm, besides what were a few spiders? Silas was just being a scaredy-cat, unless he had some past spider based trauma that Arthur wasn’t aware of. His smile soon slipped though and he sent a glare towards Silas as he brought up Alexander and the little romo he’d had with him. “Don’t you dare” he threatened, he did not need to hear that! No son needed to know what their dad was like in bed. Arthur soon realised that he now had his own card to play back now. “Not unless you want me to tell you about Caroline’s bedroom habits?” He suggested with a slight smirk. Silas had been the one to prompt Arthur to sleep with Caroline although had been rather upset when he’d taken him up on that advice, and maybe Silas also wouldn’t like to think about Lance having been there that first time.

Arthur was not like Silas but still, he felt like he should be able to have some revenge. “You don’t reckon I can seduce your dad for a bit of payback?” He put out there although it was clearly not serious and Arthur wasn’t even sure Silas would care, although the prince clearly had some daddy issues. “I was going to suggest that we could be friends but then you reminded me of your horrible misdeed so I feel I must not revoke that invitation” Arthur mused with a side glance at Silas, really, who’s friend slept with their dad? Totally not fair. Silas had even sent Alexander a stupid little trophy for him to remember it by and Arthur had froze when he first saw it, just confirming what Silas had insisted, Alexander really should throw it out rather than have it sat on his bedside table.
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Silas was smirking as Arthur complained of frostbite. Asking. "What? The big tough knight can handle a bit of cold? I thought you guys could handle anything. " He hadn't been the only one to complain. During Silas's journey he could recall plenty of the knights complaining. Unused to the harsh weather. Still, Silas preferred what he was used to over strange spiders! But the topic was soon focused more on the two's relationships. He snickered slightly at Arthur. Arthur was very much welcome to try his luck with Silas's father. Though he didn't picture his father giving Arthur much attention! Silas's nose soon wrinkled a bit though at the mention of Caroline. Yeah, No. He most certainly wasn't interested in hearing any of that.

Arthur kept talking and Silas suddenly stopped and moved to block Arthur's way. Looking up at him. He then teased. "Oh? I don't think you've ever been interested in friendship? " Silas's eyes were half lidded as he practically purred. "No, I bet your a bit Jealous though? Aren't you? " Silas knew he was a handsome man. Had used such things to his advantage plenty of times. And maybe he was leaned close to Arthur. But it was for little other reason then to tease him. Silas though just as quickly spun back around. Leaving Arthur behind as he held out a hand, Gesturing in some direction.

"We should perhaps be a bit quieter talking about whatever little perverted fantasies you have in mind. The temple is not far and I imagine the priests would be rather horrified if they overheard us. " Silas was a brash person. Would love to embarrass Arthur with such things. But he did care about the temple and didn't want to risk offending anyone working there. Perhaps was even a little nervous of offending any gods that might linger. Speaking of. Silas then told Arthur. "The temple we're going to follows... Older beliefs. Just be polite and you won't anger any gods. " Silas was very serious in his wording. He believed such things could be angered. But as long as they behaved themselves they'd be fine.
Arthur glared as he was teased. It was freezing out here! This sort of weather made bears wish they’d never been born, little old Arthur could be forgiven for his grumblings! He'd grown up in the sun his whole life, this was a whole new and horrible experience for him. At least Silas kept his mouth shut about Alexander though, the threat of talking about Caroline bringing them to some sort of truce for now, although if they were being honest, Arthur probably wouldn’t reveal such intimate details because it was unfair to Caroline and embarrassing to himself whereas Silas had far fewer qualms about his own information.

He blinked in surprise as Silas stopped in front of him and began teasing him some more, he knew he was playing, Silas liked playing games like these and Arthur huffed in response, so what if his cheeks had darkened? It was cold out here, that’s all. Arthur took a moment to get moving again, shaking his head, he should’ve pushed Silas and his smug look away. Arthur rolled his eyes as Silas called his words perverted fantasies when they’ were probably the most openly sexual words he’d ever said outside of a bedroom, maybe even inside one.

Arthur could tell Silas was serious, could feel the tension which had grown with it. “I’d like to point out that out if the two of us, I’m the polite one” Arthur reminded him before nodding and pressing his lips together. He would behave, as always, and follow Silas’ lead. He didn’t believe in gods per say but he certainly didn’t want to find out they existed by angering them. It’d be a change to see Silas serious though, or at least serious without being extremely angry or upset.
Silas could be polite! its just normally he wasn't unless he wanted something. For example, He'd been polite to Alexander. Though we all knew what he was after with such. Still, Silas didn't argue. Just snickered slightly. Finally, Turning a corner. A small temple was coming into view and it... Well, It was odd. Many of the building around were large and grand. And the building itself was lovely. It was not as large as one would expect. Not when one considered how much Silas seemed to appreciate the place. Also, Unlike much of the city that was made of cold stone. This was wooden. Silas then glanced back towards Arthur. "This is probable one of the oldest locations in the city. Its been here since before this place was considered the capital. " He explained. Though Silas was unable to say exactly how old.

No one was really around, Which Silas wasn't surprised by. It was the middle of the day and many were busy. besides, Not all of the city even followed such old beliefs any more. It also ment that Arthur and him didn't much need to worry about being disturbed. Outside the small temple. Silas paused for a moment. Glancing about and murmuring quietly to himself. "Now where- ah, There. " Silas then seemed towards a little figurine that sat on the railing outside.

The figuring was a odd one. Depicting a creature with features of many different animals. But mostly seemed to resemble a dog with wings much like that of a insect. Silas then told Arthur. "So, This isn't any sort of god. Just.... A story. " Silas then gestured towards the figurine. Clearly referring to the strange critter. Silas then said. "They say, The spirit here is very lonely, And if you pet him he'll take that as a invitation to follow you. If he likes you of course. Supposedly he'll bring good luck if he does cling to you. I uh... " He then scratched the back of his head. Telling Arthur. "I figured you could use some luck. " He seemed to quickly be realizing this perhaps seemed a little odd. He was basically asking Arthur to pet a statue. That was weird. But too late now.
The temple stood out, thought not in the usual way a building stood out; usually it was class and fancy architecture which made a structure stand out but the temple was simple, understated and wooden. In a city of stone, it looked inviting. Arthur was surprised it was still standing given how old Silas said it was, although he imagined it had undergone repairs throughout the years. It seemed charming though, even if the city seemed to have moved on without it.

Arthur followed Silas and looked at the figurine they stopped by. It was certainly a peculiar creature and Arthur could imagine it’d be interesting to a little boy visiting here with his mother. He listened to the story, eyes flicking towards Silas at the end. He thought he needed some luck? That was sweet, even if Silas seemed a bit embarrassed about saying it. Silas looked cute when he was embarrassed, seeming more modest than he had any right to be. Arthur smiled and reached out to pet the little statue; it couldn’t hurt so might as well try. “Do you not need any luck?” Arthur prompted. Sure Arthur was having a tough time but it seemed like Silas was too. Maybe petting this statue would help Silas out, or at least reassure him a little.

“Did you ever bring Caroline here?” He questioned and He would’ve thought that surely Silas would’ve taken his little sister here at least once. Maybe Caroline didn’t believe in the gods at all, hadn’t known her mother, but would Silas not have wanted her to experience something that his mother had shared with him, try to share a bit of his mother with Caroline, or maybe it was too painful, or just something Silas wanted to keep to himself to preserve. Had Silas prayed a lot after his mother’s death? Or had it reduced the faith in him. Arthur didn’t think it’d be nice to ask, even if he was curious.

Instead Arthur decided to share with Silas, it wasn’t fair to pry too much and not tell Silas anything in return. “My mother used to take me to pray with her when we visited her homeland” he mused, mainly when he’d been young and he didn’t remember too many of the details, just the soft sound of her murmurs. “I don’t think she prays much back at home though” and he wondered if that upset his mother but perhaps it was the wrong place for it, maybe her gods and her beliefs were geographically bound. And in this place where Silas’s mother had taken him, it seemed maybe fitting that Arthur may be able to pray to protect his mother from her labour, pray for Morgan who would be the mother of his firstborn and pray for Caroline who too was pregnant. “theres a lot of things she doesn’t do at home that she does around her family“ and maybe it’s because the culture was different, there were different expectations. She always seemed more defensive at home, not that he could say she ever seemed truly relaxed anywhere.
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Hey, Just decided to mention. I’m probable not going to be able to post for a few days. Really sorry. I’ll post as soon as I can!

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