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Fantasy I Was Fine Until You

Lance was worried about her saying something dangerous; she always seemed to come out with something odd at the wrong time. Arguably, Lance might agree with her that Galahad was more important than the King, at least to him, but it wasn’t necessarily something you said, and he didn’t trust her interest in his son. But she was forgotten briefly as he hugged his father back. That’s what he’d wanted! A nice welcome home from his family but not all his family was playing along with that. Antonio did glance at Gavin briefly as he pulled away, not out of fear, although he was wary of the girl and her delusions but more to make sure that Lance hadn’t done anything to her but she seemed okay.

Merlin must truly be crazy if she thought that Lance would give Galahad up to her. He narrowed his eyes as she continued and he had to admit that Merlin did seem to help people, was nice to those she chose but this was his son and he’d seen some of her methods, the dead animals and the blood, he didn’t want Galahad involved in whatever she might do to him! He’d probably be traumatised maybe even seriously hurt. But...she did seem to be offering him something. What he was missing? He couldn’t hear, that’s what he was missing, but he didn’t see his Merlin could give it back to him, yet....it was still tempting. But no, she was too vague and Galahad was too precious to risk.

”Don't you dare take my son” Lance warned, he’d rather she didn’t touch him at all really but he didn’t want to say something like that and have he’d do it just to spite him. He moved closer, protectively, but he was aware that if he tried to take Galahad away from the dog that his son would not appreciate it and the dog might also bite him. Antonio had no idea who this woman was but she seemed to be talking to Lance like they knew each other so they must have picked her up on their trip.

”Care to make some introductions?” Came another voice as Alexander entered the room, looking at Merlin curiously. He wasn’t unused to people dirty from journeys and fights and quests but Merlin was something else. She was certainly an oddity but there must be a reason she was stood in his throne room. He let his gaze sweep over his advisors, Lance and, Gavin. Best for those two to stay apart as much as possible, one of the agreements of Gavin’s loose arrest had been that she didn’t try to harm Lance any more, they’d see how that went but he didn’t think any one was holding their breath after what they’d found in her basement. Alexander was in a fairly good mood, Malia would give birth any day now and he hadn’t had to deal with any trouble from his other child seeing as he was far away and in another kingdom. Lance nodded in respect to the king. “This is Merlin” he explained. “We found her on her journey home and whilst unusual, she has been helpful” he admitted, that would tie in with the news he was about to give.

”she informed us that we were being tailed” Lance explained. “We met up with Arthur’s group and took shelter in a nearby town where it became clear someone wanted to hurt us, particularly the prince and princess” Not exactly the easy journey they’d been hoping for. “It, in the end, turned out to be Loth.“ Gavin might be interested in the next bit of news. “He’s dead” And Alexander was certainly surprised, Loth was tough and violent and nasty, a formidable fighter and a mountain of a man, he would’ve posed a serious challenge to take down. “Well done, you must’ve-“ Alexander started to congratulate because there had been a warrant out for his arrest but lets face it, no one really thought that would happen, he either wouldn’t be caught, or he’d die. And by killing him, Arthur was no longer under threat from his revenge. “It wasn’t me” Lance cut off Alexander. “Arthur killed him” And wasn’t that even more surprising. He knew that his son had foolishly tried to challenge Loth in the woods, ending in Kay being flogged, but Arthur hadn’t taken him down, had almost no experience compared to Loth nor any of his sheer brutality. He was proud of Arthur and his skills, what an impressive feat, although he hadn’t truly wanted Loth dead but if he had to pick between Loth and Arthur then it was no contest.
Merlin frowned a bit at Lance. But didn't speak. head tilting to the side. But while she was quiet. She still eerily refused to take her gaze off Galahad. Didn't even look at the king to acknowledge him. Luckily she didn't move from where she stood. Just remained quiet. Gavin was finding this all odd. But any thoughts regarding Merlin's strange behavior were soon forgotten. No, Instead Gavin's gaze shot towards Lance in surprise. Eyes wide. "He.. He's gone? " Arthur had killed Loth and Gavin... She wasn't convinced she believed it. Not without seeing the body. And even then, A part of her wondered if he'd somehow crawl his way out of hell to return to tormenting the family. Lance seemed to be telling the truth though, He had no reason to lie to the king. still, It might take some time for the information to sink in for Gavin. One of her tormenters was gone. She was safe from Loth...

Merlin finally pulled her attention away from Galahad. Muttering. "The beast desired a death, It got one. " She then turned around. No longer looking to Galahad. No, Her attention was on Alexander. "Gold blooded a tiger sits. Strong and fierce. But not notable. Not when compared to the claim of thy father. Or the story of thy son. " She summarized. Arms crossed. Of course Merlin couldn't keep her mouth shut in front of the king. She had to behave with her weird antics.

But Merlin then said. "Led your blades back to your feet. Once more they'll grovel at your side. Show of goodwill, Now, I wish to make a deal. " Oh... Yeah, This wasn't good at all. Merlin then hummed. "Send those who fear too easily away. They will hinder bargaining. " It was spoken more like a order. As if she expected the king to do exactly what she said. By now, The dog seemed to pull its own gaze away from Galahad. Stepping away from the boy and taking a seat next to its master. Eyes on the king as well. Though The dog wasn't able to focus on the king for long. Not when Galahad was scrambling after the doggy. Excitable petting it once again.
Lance glanced sideways at Gavin as she spoke. He didn’t like her but her father had died. He knew Loth had clearly not been a nice man and the siblings had clearly suffered at the hands of their parents but Loth had been her father, he didn’t know if that made his death better or worse. Gaheris had been surprisingly silent about the whole thing so he had no basis to go off of, it’s not like Lance knew what Loth had put her through. Probably best if they didn’t go running to tell Morgan this news but she’d find out eventually. And how would the kingdom react to the prince killing a war hero? Loth had threatened his life, and many approved of Arthur’s baby with Morgan so it might go down quite well, prove the prowess of Arthur and how good a fighter he was.

Merlin was soon being weird again and had both Alexander and Antonio frowning. Seemed she wanted to make a deal with the king but what she wanted, Lance had no idea. Alexander had glanced at Lance for some sort of explanation about this strange woman and he sighed. “yeah she does that” Lance murmured. “I’m not sure how, but she’s very good at knowing things. She may be a great help” Lance offered, not that they were currently at war or anything but information was always good to have. As long as she kept her mouth shut about Lance and Caroline, then Lance had no problems with her.

Those who fear too easily? Who were they meant to be. His advisors? Always worrying about the best course of action or Lance who worried about everything going wrong and his son? Or maybe just everyone. Maybe it was best to keep Lance, he knew her, might be able to interpret her better, and Gavin was smart, he wouldn’t mind her staying. He could always talk to his advisors later if she said something interesting so he waved them off. Antonio looked at his son with concern, hopefully he wouldn’t provoke Gavin and that this woman would not aggravate the king. “I’ll meet you at my rooms” Antonio told his son, walking towards Galahad to scoop him up and take him with him. Hopefully the boy wouldn’t be too upset to leave his new doggy friend. Antonio would need to tell Lance about Elaine being here so he could do that then. “what’s this deal you’re proposing?” Alexander questioned. What did she have to offer him and what on Earth did she want in return?
It seemed the king was willing to speak to Merlin. Though he hardly knew what to expect of her. Still, He listened and sent most out of the room. Leaving only a few behind. Gavin being one of those that remained. Though she was perhaps not as focused on Merlin as she should have been. No, She was too wrapped up in her own thoughts regarding her father. Still, She forced herself to focus on things and pay attention.
Once everyone was gone. Merlin tilted her head to the side. Staring at the king. "I want Galahad. " Lance had refused her. Seems she was going right too the top. On the bright side, That was probable the most understandable sentence she had ever said. "The weapon won't give him. Fair enough. But allow me to mark his room and let shadows in. They'll make him better. " Merlin had left strange symbols in rooms before. When Loth was around she claimed they were for protection, To keep bad things out.

Merlin then grinned at the king. "I also wish to remain in his presence. Weapon cannot bid me from seeing the child. Could not keep me out anyway. But curtesy ask. " Merlin then lifted her hand. Showing three fingers. Telling Alexander. "In return, I'll tell you three truths. Things that have or will come true. They cannot be stopped. But can be prepared for. Knowledge is power, Yes? " Of course, Merlin spoke in strange ways. So whatever these truths were, The king might not even be able to understand what she was referring too.

Gavin was frowning. She could hardly imagine this strange woman knowing anything useful. And while Gavin didn't like Lance, She cared for children. This... Didn't sit right with her. "What sort of things do you know? " It was possible she had over heard a noble saying something of interest. But even that didn't feel worth make a deal over. Merlin's gaze snapped to Gavin though. "I see what others wish to hide. Hear dirty whispers in each. " Yeah, Gavin couldn't picture that being the case. But Merlin must have decided proof might be needed. "You were prey, Prey to men with noble stances. Now you rip, rip, rip into men. Predator now. Except you've been caged, Confined. You still crave the flesh, Yes? Wish to sink your teeth into them. " She then flickered her gaze to Lance then back to Gavin. Taking a step closer and Gavin tensed. But she kept her chin up. Saying. "You regret hunting the frail. No sport, But you want him. You want to taste him. Make him weak, Make him prey. Make him beg. "
Merlin was difficult, she had been the whole journey there. It’s not like she’d been horrible, she hadn’t hurt anyone or stopped them getting home but she’d been contrary and strange and far too cryptic. Her demand was not cryptic at all though and Lance straightened at her request, tension thrumming through his whole body. He didn’t hate Merlin, didn’t think she was particularly ill intentioned but she was still a stranger really and this was his precious son. He didn’t want her scarring him, physically or emotionally. And he didn’t know what sort of influence Merlin might impart to him. He didn’t want his son thinking Merlin’s behaviour was normal.

Alexander was surprised by her demand, most people asked for money or power or armies, she simply wanted a child. Galahad was not his child to give but as ruler, they came under his domain. Lance was in servitude to him but loyalty to one‘s king didn't always outweigh the protectiveness of a father. He, too, was fond of Galahad and he knew Malia would never forgive him if he caused the little boy to get hurt. Seemed Alexander had a little time to consider as Gavin was focused on. Lance watched and he didn’t understand all of what was said, he hadn’t heard the whole story regarding Gavin but it was clear the last part was about him. He was not going to be easy prey for Gavin, she would not get away with what she’d done either.

Alexander brought them back to the request though. “Lance, your thoughts?” He asked, because it was important to know the man’s stance. Lance’s gaze snapped back to the king. “I would prefer she stayed away from Galahad, her symbols normally involve blood and and I don’t think letting ‘shadows in’ sounds very helpful” Lance reported to which Alexander hummed thoughtfully. “But is she dangerous? Has she a record of causing harm?” Alexander posed and Lance frowned, studying Merlin thoughtfully. “no,“ he conceded. “so she poses no risk it Galahad” Alexander furthered.

Still, it was a lot of access to give a strange woman to a young boy for only three secrets. “How about regular visits?” Alexander suggested. “You get to see him at least once a week but not alone” Alexander added, Lance was not going to agree to letting her just take him with no one else for ages. “I’m not sure what you want with him but no harm is to come to him” Alexander stated. Lance still wasn't happy with the deal but it was better. He might agree to the symbols if he saw them first, if she explained them. Merlin may not like those terms though but surely she would be willing to compromise somewhat?
Merlin's attention was soon being pulled back to Lance and Alexander. Something that made Gavin a bit thankful. She didn't like the woman's gaze on hers. But Merlin was frowning and did not seem pleased by the kings offer. Still, she seemed to concede slightly. "Perhaps it will do for now. " She though wasn't fully giving up. Thus Merlin told the king. "But you could not keep me away anyway. Still, One truth can be given for that. " Not three. No, Not yet anyway. Perhaps in the future the deal could be changed or she could be persauded to say more.

Merlin seemed to have decided the deal was settled. Making the deal was more politeness in Merlin's mind. What were they going to do to stop her from doing what she wanted? Lance had barely controlled her during the journey. Merlin then told him. "Pick what truth you wish to know. The growl, The gold, Or the serpent. " Merlin mused. Her arms crossing as she stood there. Head tilted to the side.

Gavin was still tense, But she found herself asking. "What truth would be the most important for us to know? " Might as well try to get as much information as possible. Merlin blinked at the question though. Grinning. "A growl is short but carries fear. Kings blood is gold. Though the crown is linked also with scales. " Yeah, Vague as always. Hopefully Lance would be able to understand Merlin well enough. Really, Her information might not even be that useful if they couldn't understand it.
It seemed that Galahad was getting a strange lady in his life then, yay! Hopefully Merlin would grow bored of her visits but with such insistence in the first place that was a little hard to believe. Lance was already dreading these play dates. Maybe Lance hadn’t been about to control her on the journey home but here there were more knights and there were dungeons and plenty of people to keep her in line if the king found her annoying. He couldn’t just chuck her in a cell and never visit her although Lance supposed she might do something strange to get out.

These supposed truths were vague and cryptic, and her explanation hardly helped. A growl? Was she referring to someone? Or an event? And gold, that sounded nicer, and it was to do with his blood so that was intriguing, possiblt important. But the serpent? Linked to the crown. Could be talking about Morgan really, or she could be referring to Arthur for the gold. Alexander supposed that he might get the other truths out of her another time but they didn’t even know if they’d be good this time. “The gold” Alexander decided, it was probably important to know about his own blood.

Lance was frowning, Merlin didn't seem like she was having one of her clearer predictions. He wondered if that was on purpose because of the refusal to give her Galahad like she’d wanted. Hopefully this truth she spit out would be more decipherable but Lance didn’t have his fingers crossed.
Merlin seemed delighted by Alexanders choice. She was smiling darkly and soon told Alexander. "Gold runs in your blood, As it does with each member of your blood. " She then took a step back, As if thinking of the best way to phrase things. Her gaze then settled on Lance. Studying him. Merlin then continued. "But not all is what it seems. Fools gold will soon appear. Beautiful as gold, But it is not the same. " Merlin then drew her attention back to the king. And it seemed that was it.

Gavin was somewhat confused. Though... There was some ideas circling in her head. Thus she decided to press Merlin for more answers. Asking her. "What exactly is this fools gold? " A better explanation would be nice. Merlin shrugged her shoulders. Telling Gavin. "Not gold. A fake, A pretender. Though fools gold will fool itself. " Gavin then shook her head. Her gaze lazily returning to Alexander. Expression one of amusement.

Merlin then turned. As if to head towards the door. Waving her hand and telling them. "You have a truth, Take it as you will. I will return when I wish to see the boy. " And with that. Merlin was heading out the door. Leaving the king, Gavin, And Lance alone to deal with the information. Gavin was uncomfortable. Merlin clearly seemed to know things judging by what she said to Gavin. But the woman wasn't completely convinced. Looking towards Lance. He probable wasn't pleased to speak to Gavin. But she still asked. "How... Reliable is she? "
Maybe Lance had been wrong about Merlin not being malicious because that smile was certainly concerning. He also did not like the way she looked at him at all and he narrowed his eyes at her suspiciously. Was this secret about him? Did he want to know? Well, he knew what he didn’t want the king to know. Good thing Merlin was cryptic in then end after all! He could try and decipher what she meant later because it seemed like she was talking about him as well and he didn’t understand it but wasn’t that the point?

Alexander wasn’t exactly enlightened by her so called truth but it was somewhat intriguing. A riddle almost. She was talking about his blood; Arthur? Or perhaps his new child which would be born any day now? Was she implying that one was false, maybe not his or not worthy of the throne. It was something to mull on for she wasn’t giving anything else up and was in fact leaving.

Lance looked at Gavin, tempted to ignore her but he would act civil around the king and he wasn’t that petty he didn’t think. “More than I would like” Lance replied. “As I said, she knows things.” He explained. “I don’t know how but the whole trip home was her saying things she had no business knowing” She knew even things which hadn’t been told to anyone else so how on Earth had she come about them? It made no sense. “Well, I am sorry Lance about forfeiting your boy for that information but if she meant him harm surely she would not less us know she wanted him?” Alexander spoke, which was a good point. And he was a busy man so he turned to leave again “givd your full report to your father” Alexander instructed and then swept out which maybe wasn’t the best idea, it left Lance and Gavin alone but Alexander didn’t have time to babysit them.
Merlin's meaning was left up in the air, But perhaps that was for the best. Secrets could be dangerous things after all. Speaking of dangerous things. The king soon was getting up to leave. Gavin was suddenly very aware that he was leaving Lance and Gavin alone. Perhaps that was intentional. Sure, Lance couldn't physically harm her. Not without earning some sort of punishment. But there was a decent chance words would be spilled. But Gavin wasn't nervous. Gavin wasn't a trained knight. But she could yell and there was likely guards posted just outside the throne room. She was safe.

Gavin's gaze flickered towards Lance. Suddenly saying. "She was wrong. " Gavin announced once the king was gone. Shaking her head. "I don't want to eat you. " That was too simple, Too easy. She wanted him to suffer. Though... Gavin had surely been feeling cravings. A longing for old habits. With her father gone she could get away with so much. Gavin's then was looking away. As if in thought. This really was likely Gavin's first time even speaking to Lance. Sure, She had seen him with her brothers before. But there had never been a need to talk to him.

Gavin then muttered. "I want you to hurt. " Her voice quiet. Gavin didn't need to be loud though her words were harsh. There was little point in pretending to be nice. Gavin hated him, He hated her. Neither would be swayed from those opinions. In a way it was nice. Gave Gavin something to focus her emotions on. She didn't need to worry about grieving over her husband. Worrying about her siblings. Feeling betrayed by Agravain. She could just focus on hating Lance.
Lance didn’t really want to physically hurt a lady, he wasn’t particularly violent despite his job. Didn’t meant that Gavin didn’t want to physically hurt him and he would defend himself. He frowned as she talked to him, not for one second has he thought that Merlin was being literal when she’d talked about biting into people and tasting, but Gavin’s words made him think that perhaps he’d missed something. He didn’t know Gavin that well, he normally hung out with Gawain when he was home although that friendship was so clearly out the window and the siblings didn’t really talk much about their home life and Gavin was married off so he’d never heard too much about her either.

”And I want you to stay away from my family“ Lance replied. He watched her for a moment before continuing. “I know you all blame me for what happened to Gareth but it was an accident” he explained. “I care about Gareth and I’m so thankful he saved me but I’m also really sorry about what happened to him” He did care about Gareth, he had been going to mentor him after all! And Lance had watched over him whilst his brothers had been away. They were friends! Not that Gavin would likely care for his apologies and his affection for Gareth. The only reason Gareth and Lance had been there anyway had been because of the wedding, although Lance wasn’t blaming Agravain or Caleb. Gareth had objected to the wedding, hadn’t wanted to go, and Gawain hadn’t wanted Lance there because he suspected something between Caleb and him, not that Lance knew about that.

“But that accident, gives you no right to touch my family” Lance insisted, not even really himself, she should just accept it for the tragedy that it was and spend time with her brother rather than plotting revenge. “I spent ages away from my son just to get your brother back” he reminded her. “Agravain didn’t bring him back, Gawain didn’t bring him back, I did” although Gaheris was not nearly as likeable as Gareth.
Gavin narrowed her eyes at Lance as he spoke. Clearly she wasn't even willing to think about not blaming Lance. She needed someone to blame and he was the easiest target. Thus she snapped. "Don't you dare say you care, If you cared you would have protected him. Gareth never would have gotten hurt, We wouldn't have to live in constant fear of each day being his last." Sure, He was getting better. But that was hardly saying much. He couldn't even walk. It would be so easy for them to lose him. Gavin wanted to hit Lance very much. She wanted to strike him and make him hurt. But she couldn't, She stood little chance in a physical fight against Lance and the king would surely be annoyed with her if she did.

Gavin then growled at Lance. "Oh, A son you care so much about. The son you didn't know existed for how many years? " Gavin then shook her head. Struggling not to raise her voice as she continued. "You were probable under orders to get Gaheris. Don't pretend it was some noble sacrifice. " He was loyal to the king. He'd do whatever the king demanded. And Sure, Gavin wasn't sure if the king himself had requested it. But Gavin figured it was likely he was involved.

Gavin then kept up. "Don't worry, I have no plans of touching your family again. Because unlike you, They are decent people. Still, I love how you pretend to care. Did you know your little girlfriend is here? Barely knows where she is. Was she like that when you met her? I bet she was. " Anything to think worse of Lance. She could just imagine him abandoning the girl. Wondered if it was the only time? With as many girls as he was rumored to be with, Well... It was a surprise more kids weren't hanging around.
Clearly Gavin didn’t understand the concept of an accident. He hadn’t want to hurt Gareth, he wasn’t a monster who just wanted to hurt people randomly, and if he could’ve saved Gareth then he would’ve. Yes, he did blame himself a bit, but he also knew that he couldn’t have done anything. And Gavin was one to tall, she was under arrest, had she gone to see her brother? No, she’d gotten herself on palace arrest by the looks of it, but even so, the king would probably let her go and see him.

How had he been supposed to know about Galahad when their group had left before she’d even found out she was pregnant? If Lance had known what would happen, he would’ve stayed, of course he would have. And he was upset that he’d missed Galahad’s earliest years but that didn’t mean he didn’t treasure his little boy now. She really thought the worst of him, that he would’ve left Gaheris in danger if he hadn’t been under orders? Because he hasn’t been, the king had not asked, the only reason he’d gone in the first place was to make sure Caleb was looked after and she hadn’t even been there for the whole journey!

Her next words hit him like a horse: girlfriend? Here? Well she definitely wasn’t talking about Caroline because they’d been heading the other way. Barely knows? “Elaine’s here?” He breathed, shocked and slightly confused. She’d said she was leaving, not coming back, he was glad she hadn't disappeared though she had mentioned to him some of her fears about hurting Galahad. And hang on, Gavin really thought he would’ve taken advantage of her like that. “I am not the monster you think I am” he disagreed. “No excuse me, I need to go talk to my father and find Elaine” he insisted, going to leave the room. He had more important things to be doing than arguing with Gavin about him not being a despicable person.
Lance certainly seemed shocked to hear Elaine was at the castle. Which made Gavin frown. It seemed Lance was eager to seek out his little girlfriend. Though Gavin made no attempts to stop him. Simply watched him as he left. Her nose wrinkling before she looked away. Now that Lance was here. Gavin planned to put more thought into actually hurting him. But that was something she had to take her time with. She couldn't be obvious with it or else the king would surely punish her more harshly.

Elaine was perhaps in a better state then when Lance had last seen her. More taken care of. But that did not mean she was okay. She still no longer had the same glint in her eyes as she had when she was younger. Seemed far frailer. And her mind was a mess. But, She did seem to retain a little bit. She could sometimes recall Antonio's name for example. She understood he was helping her and for that she was thankful. Lance would not know of how bad a state she was in and it perhaps would be a shock for him to find out.

Elaine probable would be shocked to see Lance too. She was unaware of his return after all. But she had become more curious of the hallway outside of her room. No doubt from hearing the activity outside. Though the servant that always hovered outside her room would hardly let her leave. Always ready to shoo her back inside should she take a step out of the door. Still, He didn't lock her in the room. Simply left the door open with him standing guard. Occasionally chit chatting with her as to keep her company. Elaine liked him, She couldn't remember his name. But he was a nice servant. Not all were kind.

That was the scene Lance would likely come across. Elaine's room was right next to Antonio's. So seeking out his father ment he'd surely find Elaine. But she was smiling now. Laughing even at times from some silly joke the servant had muttered. And the man had a look of amusement on his face as well. Only turning more serious when he spotted Lance. Quickly he was straightening more and averting his eyes. Causing confusion to cross Elaine's face. Before she too looked up to see Lance. Her expression still remaining confused for a few heartbeats. Before realization seemed to cross her face. "Lance...? "
Lance felt his father probably should have told him Elaine was here but then again he hadn’t really had much of a chance. Lance was sort of glad they Elaine was about though, it would be good for Galahad to have his mother around and they could help look after her. She was safer here. The laughter drew Lance’s eyes and there he saw the mother of his child. Beautiful as ever and right there! Back when he’d been with her, it’d been hard to imagine her at the castle, her kingdom’s attitude not being very friendly. But there she was.

Lance rushed forward, going to pull her into a hug and squeeze her. “Elaine” he couldn’t help but say, just to check it was real. It was good to see her. He pulled back a little and went to cup her face. “Are you okay? What made you come back? I’m sorry I wasn’t here” he said, he’d been away, he didn't know how long she’d been here but he was sorry he hadn’t been around to help her out. He didn’t know that Antonio had someone seek her out, because she’d wanted to be left alone really, but Lance was happy to see her. Maybe he should calm down a little though, he might be overwhelming her.

Then he felt the need to apologise even more. “I should’ve been here for Galahad, I’m so sorry I was away” he told her, he’d promised to look after their boy but he hadn’t even been here. “I won’t leave him again.” He insisted although he was going to have to at some point because Galahad would not want him hovering over him when he was older. “He doesn’t even remember me, I was gone way too long” he sighed. But that wasn’t Elaine’s problem, Galahad would never forget his mother, she was far more worthy of their little boy than he was.
Elaine was standing there, Frozen as she stared at Lance. As if uncertain of what to do. But when Lance pulled her against him and wrapped his arms around her. She was quick to return the hug. Burying her face against his chest as she tightly clutched him. Then Lance was pulling a bit away and she looked up at him. He was talking, Asking her questions and all Elaine was having trouble keeping up. "I... " She started. But soon faded off. Then Lance was speaking about Galahad and she perked up.

Elaine then started. "You... You met Galahad? " That would probable be Lance's first clue that something wasn't right with Elaine. As she started. "Oh Lance... He looks so much like you. I... I finally found you? " And the last part seemed almost like a question to herself. Glancing away. That was when the servant decided to step forward. No one had probable explained things to Lance. And well... He perhaps wasn't the right person to do it. But some explanation was needed.

Thus he started gently. "Sir Lance... I think it would be best you talk to your father regarding this... Elaine, She... She isn't all there. " He tried to put gently. Though he seemed to realize this was not a easy subject. "I do not know all the details. But I believe she suffered a head injury in her youth. " Lance would probable notice soon enough just from speaking to Elaine that she wasn't right. She wasn't the same as she had once been. Elaine was frowning. Looking at the servant. "Dad... He..." She seemed to falter before quickly looking back at Lance. Grinning brightly. "But that doesn't matter. Lance! You... You need to come meet Galahad. He looks so much like you... "
When Elaine had visited him, before she’d tried to leave rather permanently, Lance had seen that her mind was troubled, that she wasn’t as coherent as she’d once been but it still hurt to see her this way. She didn’t even seem to remember that meeting, or giving Galahad to him. So it seemed this....forgetfulness was a permanent thing judging by the way the servant spoke and well, that would explain the servant in general, keeping an eye on her so that she didn’t wander into trouble or get lost. At least now someone was taking care of her rather than leaving her to fend for herself.

He nodded at the servant in thanks and went to take Elaine’s hand as he led her to the door. He knocked before pushing it open and leading Elaine inside. And Antonio was right where he said he’d be. “I was going to tell you about her” Antonio told his son, he hadn’t been planning to keep it a secret. “When you left, I thought Galahad might cheer up if his mother was there and a servant found her in town” Antonio explained. “She’s more clear on some days but she has a habit of wandering somewhere and then forgetting. Malia was not very pleased when she ended up in the King’s chambers” he explained, so yes, it was best that someone made sure she didn’t walk into the more restricted places.

”she told me she was leaving” Lance explained and he was watching Galahad whilst he said it because he’d been put in charge or looking after his little boy and now he didn’t even remember him. “i...I didn’t think she’d come back but I’m glad she’s here” he admitted. Antonio wasn’t necessarily going to tell his son about those diary entries though, they were heartbreaking, he wasn’t sure if Lance could take them. “I took her to the medic, but he didn’t think there was much he could do for her” Antonio added. Lance was happy to see Elaine, even if she wasn’t the girl she’d once been, he still loved her, still thought it was important Galahad spent time with her and knew her, but she’d also admitted to locking him in a closet when her thoughts got bad so they’d have to watch out for her bad days.
Elaine found herself clutching Lance's hand as he took hers. As if she partially feared that if she wasn't holding onto him, He might disappear. She didn't care where they were going. Simply glad to be with him. Though she paused a bit as they entered Antonio's room. Inside little Galahad was playing with a few stuffed animals. Happily amusing himself and not noticing the door opening. But when he did look up and see his mother. He was quickly grinning. Stumbling to his feet and rushing to his mothers side.

Elaine hesitated a bit. As if she was still uncertain about how to behave around Galahad. By now, She no longer freaked out being in his presence. But there was still uncertainty there. As if she feared getting too close. Not that Galahad understood that. Eventually she did though reach down and picked him. Smiling gently before looking back towards Lance and Antonio. They were speaking. And she was doing her best to follow the conversation. But it was difficult for her.

She knew well enough who Antonio was. Could remember his name sometimes atleast. Though today was not one of those days. "He...He's been helping me. " She told Lance. Really, This all probable was rather grim for Lance. He had seen her when she was young. When she was cocky and adventurous. A brilliant girl with a lot of potential. She had managed to keep going, Even with her issues and a young child to take care of. At least now she was in a safe place. Elaine then looked to Lance. Telling him. "I wanted to go with you, I tried... But I couldn't leave. " And she seemed to be referring to when they were young. Elaine might not have been able to recall recent events. But she seemed to remember things before her injury well enough. Maybe she struggled to tell them everything. But she still remembered it. "I wanted to say I was sorry... I said some nasty things when you went away.. I think I called you a b*tch? " Yeah, That was probable pretty accurate with young Elaine. She had a attitude and had been rather upset when Lance left. She probable had called him plenty of curse words.
It was sweet the way that Galahad dropped everything he was doing to rush to his mother. He understood that Galahad looked like him but next to Elaine you could see the similarities, the pure brilliance of his smile, the way his eyes sparkled and the sweet curve of his face. Suddenly he felt very domestic, standing with the mother of his child and Galahad, like they could’ve been a proper family, maybe married and happy and together. But things weren’t quite that simple, as much as he wished they were.

She couldn’t leave? What had kept her there? Had she been unable to, physically? Had she been stopped by someone or too weak because of the pregnancy or had she stayed home because of her family, because she couldn’t bear to leave all that she knew? But she was here now, because she was strong and nothing could stop her. He smiled softly and even laughed gently. “Yeah you probably did“ he agreed. “There’s no need to apologise” he reassured her, stepping closer and going to stroke Galahad’s hair. He‘d inherited some of her redness. “I shouldn't have left” he murmured. He’d loved her, but he’d been young, on a mission for his new kingdom, maybe he hadnt realised how fully he’d loved her until he’d came back, and he’d only just settled down at the time, hadn’t thought about moving again, especially not to a place so hostile. But he should’ve, or at least asked her to come with him. He’d been lovesick for weeks after they’d returned, missing her. He had sent letters but he had figured she was mad at him for leaving and that’s why he’d never gotten a reply, maybe they hadn’t made it to her though.

”I wrote to you” he admitted. “For months” he murmured, not that he’d ever really told anyone about it. “when I got no reply I guessed you didn’t want to hear from me, but I should’ve visited” He really had missed her, they’d had some good times together, young and carefree. It had almost been like a dream, like another world. “I’m sorry i let you down” If he’d visited maybe he would’ve been able to prevent her injury, get her away from her father and raise Galahad together.
Elaine once certainly had a mouth on her and was someone easily set off. Fiery. It was hard to say if it was her injury that had calmed her, Or maybe age. But much of that fire was gone. Her gaze by now had begun to drift down. Away from Lance. But that quickly changed at his next words. Surprise clear on her expression. "You... You did? " There was no way Elaine would have ever gotten those letters. Her father probable burned them as soon as they arrived. Something she knew probable happened. But there was something nice about Lance's words. Knowing he hadn't just walked away completely. That he had tried to reach her in some way.

Elaine then sniffled. "I wish I hadn't snapped when you said you were leaving. I-I... I had been planning to propose. And I should have. I should have. But I was just... " She was mad, And hurt he had been planning to leave. Really, Had she asked then. Lance probable would have accepted. Elaine could remember such feelings. It was a regret she had held onto for a long time. Her father would have disagreed. But Elaine at that point had hardly cared about his opinion. She loved Lance. She would have runaway with him had she been given the chance.

Elaine was in thoughts of the past. But she was soon losing track of everything when Galahad drew her attention. The little boy shifting and seeming excited to get back down and return to playing. Elaine didn't resist. Simply hugged him tighter for a moment before setting him back down. Watching the boy scurry away to one of his toys. "He... He looks like you. You get to meet him now. You'll see, He acts like you too. He's sweet, And he's brave like you. Never stops... I can't keep up... Never can..." Her voice faded slowly. As she simply watched her son, Smiling softly.
Lance regretted leaving her like he did, he should’ve gone back to see her. He’d dated a lot of people,
and he’d had his heart broken a lot but Elaine had been one of the few he could’ve seen himself settling down with, he’d loved her so much. Funny and bright and fierce, beautiful and smart and strong, she’d been like a dream he hadn’t wanted to wake up from. And as if things couldn’t get any more heartbreaking, Elaine revealed she’d planned to propose. He’d never actually been engaged, never gotten that far but he knew he would've said yes if Elaine had asked. Lance knew his father wanted him to settle down and get married but he was going to have to wait a bit longer.

Of course she’d planned to propose, she was, or had been, so bold, Lance had Been too busy trying to savour the time they had left to think he could extend that time through marriage. She’d always been the smarter of the two. They hadn’t gotten married, obviously, but he was glad she was Galahad’s mother, that they had a son to mark their love with. She’d been one of the greatest loves of his life and Galahad was testament to that, he wasn’t from some one night stand or girl he didn’t remember, he was from someone he’d truly loved. Lance put an arm around Elaine as she put down Galahad. “I bet he’s smart like you and strong like you” Lance replied with a small smile. Maybe he’d be fiery too, although Lance himself could be fiery.

”Galahad will be friendly with you again soon” Antonio piped up to reassure his son and honestly, Lance had forgotten he was there a little. “but he should be who you’re spending your time with. Stay away from Gavin” Antonio warned. “She wants to hurt you and that’s a lot harder to do if you stay away from her” honestly, the women in Alexander’s family! Lance looked like he wanted to argue but Antonio shook his head. “Take Galahad, get away from the castle if you have to but she dangerous and you won’t be the first man she’s hurt” She’d killed people, eaten them, he didn’t want to know what she had in store for Lance. Maybe he could take Caleb up on her offer to stay with them a bit, although going to stay with other people who wanted to hurt him probably wasn’t what Antonio meant. Lance would see, he didn't much get on with Agravain on a good day and Gaheris was a nuisance and Caleb was going to have a baby so he didn’t want to impose but he could probably help out A little, give Caleb a reprieve from her husband and keep an eye on Ruth and see Gareth.
Elaine didn't hesitate to lean against Lance when he wrapped a arm around her. Her head resting against him and things were comfortable. Safe... It was something Elaine hadn't thought she'd ever really get to feel. Lance at her side with Galahad giggling in the background. Finding Lance had seemed like such a difficult task for so long... But he was here, And he'd take care of Galahad. Elaine no longer had to worry every night.
Antonio then was speaking. And perhaps it broke a bit of the sweet moment. But his words were important. Not that Elaine really knew the context of all this. Someone was trying to hurt Lance? That was enough to cause some alarm.

Antonio was right, Gavin would constantly be lying in wait, Waiting for a chance to strike if Lance lingered at the castle. It would be harder for her to get that chance if Lance was not near. That wouldn't stop her from trying. But it would provide some safety. Staying with Agravain might be a bit dangerous too... But Agravain's methods were more likely to be a physical fight. Something more obvious and if that was the case. Lance likely could defend himself. Not to mention Caleb would be around to keep her husband in line.

Elaine though was looking up at Lance, Confusion and alarm clear on her face. "Someone... Who wants to hurt you? " Antonio was also mentioning taking Galahad away. Which ment her son was probable also in danger. So much for everything being safe here. "Will you be okay? Whats going to happen? " She fretted. If there was one bright side to all this. Gavin was unlikely to target Galahad. She had no desire to hurt a child. Seemed to regret harming Antonio. So that ment the only one she'd try to harm out of this would probable be Lance. There was a low chance she'd try and involve his family again.
At least Gavin had admitted she would no longer hurt his family, but Lance couldn’t just leave his son again, he supposed he could potentially take Elaine with him too but that might be too much of an imposition on Caleb. And at least here servants could look out for Elaine, Caleb’s place was not staffed so well. Gavin would have more trouble reaching him whilst she was confined to the castle, and hopefully she might calm down after time although...it had been a while since Gareth’s accident so they’d see. At least Agravain was more obvious with his attempts against Lance, his tactics were more bullying whilst Gavin was more sneaky.

“its going to be fine” Lance reassured Elaine although she’d likely forget the danger soon anyway. “I’m not going to let anyone get hurt” he insisted. “I’m just going to stay with a friend for a little bit until it blows over, it won’t be long” he told her. And hopefully it wouldn’t be, he didn’t want to stay with Caleb forever, just until hopefully the initial anger at seeing Lance returned home safely wore off, he was praying that Gavin ran out of steam before he had to do anything drastic. “It’s just a misunderstanding“

He smiled reassuringly at Elaine and went to run a hand through her hair but Antonio looked a little more dubious, he didn’t think Gavin would give up so easily. “where are you going to stay?” Antonio inquired curiously and Lance couldn’t help but hesitate knowing his father wouldn’t approve. “Caleb’s, she offered me a room and I trust her” Lance explained to a disapproving hum from his father. “It’s not Caleb I’m worried about, it’s Agravain.” Anotnio replied, “you know he gets sent on the most violent quests, he’s an angry man, although I will admit Caleb seems to have calmed him down” Lance tried a confident smile at his father this time. “Agravain’s no problem, at least I know what to expect from him” Although He was aware that Agravain could possibly rip him in two if he tried. and he wasn’t scared of Gavin, she was just an unknown and clearly had his father spooked, he didn’t want to stress him out any more. Lance turned back to Elaine. “Don’t let him stress you out, I’ll be safe and back before you know it” he promised her, he wasn’t going to purposely put himself in danger, probably. And he could use it like a vacation, not being in charge or a whole troop of men and worrying about navigating back home, just some time with his friends and his son.

(I just had a sudden thought that we haven't really had any enemies to lovers sort of pair, except maybe Caleb and Agravain at a stretch. The thought of Lance and Gavin getting together just sort of sprung to mind is all But I know Lance is pining over Caroline and doesn’t trust Gavin and Gavin obviously hates his guts, but they’re also just recently lonely, Gavin having lost her husband and Lance without Caroline. Like I don’t think it’d really be a proper relationship cos I could totally see her still trying to kill him and everything. Im not even sure it’s possible, just occurred to me is all. )
(Honestly, I'd been considering that as well. It would be a really interesting pair. Though I don't know how would be the best way to get them together. I feel like it would be just like really sudden. Like one moment there screaming at eachother, Venting all there frustrations out on the other person. Then the next there making out and they aren't really sure why. It just sort of happens. Things might progress further, Could you imagine Gavin one night telling Lance she forgives him, And confessing she loves him. Then the very next day is the day he ends up having to kill Gaheris and like everything Gavin and Lance has sort of built together just shattering. )

It was a good thing Agravain had been far calmer lately, Which hopefully he would remain. He likely wouldn't want to stress out Caleb. So there was a decent chance he'd remain peaceful around Lance. Caleb cared for the man afterall. She'd be furious with Agravain if any harm came to him. Of course... Gaheris wasn't as kind and Lance might need to be careful leaving Galahad alone with him. The rotten boy very well might try and hurt him. Elaine tilted her head to the side as she listened to Lance. Seeming uncertain. But the man was promising to return and that was nice. "I'll miss you... " She murmured softly.

Galahad might not be completely pleased to leave his mother and grandfather behind. He didn't much remember Lance. Thus it would take time for them to build any sort of bond. But Galahad was a sweet boy so was unlikely to fuss too much. Speaking of Galahad. He was soon getting up. Stuffed animal in hand as he rushed over to Antonio's side. Holding the toy up and seeming to want the old man to join him in his play. A happy smile on his face.
(I feel like they’re probably both quite passionate people so it’d be easy for things to bleed over and not know how they’re really feeling or why they’re doing what they’re doing. Oh that’s really sad cos Lance doesn’t want to kill Gaheris, just another sort of accident whilst he’s trying to protect himself and Gareth but Gavin’s not going to believe him and it’ll be like she never should’ve trusted him, like she was right the first time. And Caleb’s going to think he’s an idiot or that there’s something wrong with him if she catches wind of it. I can see him sort of alluding to it with her for advice, like he needs to talk to someone to make sure he’s not going crazy)

He smiled at her, he’d miss her too, they’d only just reunited, but he couldn’t stay away from the castle permanently, he’d still have to come back every so often, just best not to stay there too long. He still had a job to do though and a life to live, he couldn’t hide away. “I’ll come see you” he insisted. “And if not, i’ll write you letters” he promised. That might be better, something physical she could hang onto and reread, unlike a visit which might slip her mind.

Antonio took the offered toy and wiggled him for Galahad, making him doing a little dance before going to hand the toy back. “You should pack then, the sooner you’re away, the sooner you’re safe. You can send me the report of your trip later” Antonio insisted. “Make sure you pack Galahad’s toys” he added and Lance nodded dutifully before going to scoop his son up and take him to get their things but not before pressing a kiss to Elaine’s cheek. He'd be back. And hopefully it would be safer at Caleb’s but Alexander didn’t know that’s where Lance was going so let’s hope he didn’t grant Gavin permission to go see her brothers, although that would be a bit mean since Gareth wasn’t in much state to move. Maybe this was foolish, Lance might be trapping himself in a house with at least two people who hated him and a possible third visitor, although Caleb and Ruth would surely be helpful to him. And Lance didn’t know about Caleb’s dog but Galahad would love to play with it, it’d be a good bonding time for them.

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