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Fantasy I Was A Villain But Was Reborn As A Demon In A Devastated World To Redeem Myself [Out Of Character]

And my schedule might get busy soon even more anyway, because I am helping with two startups for family business
Because something has came up family member has fallen on they’re bad knee and they could barely speak or get up or even move struggling I couldn’t call anyone else because they shooting it down had to call a ambulance
If you need a couple days to post we can wait. We dont expect you to post within a day.
Well, can you answer this one question I waited for several days now is it required for them to wake up their memories during the attack? That main issue I’ve been having.
I asked it like two times already I just want to know it so it will make it easier for me to make it a post
Well, can you answer this one question I waited for several days now is it required for them to wake up their memories during the attack? That main issue I’ve been having.
If you look at what you posted in OOC, it was unclear whether you were asking a question or just asking yourself something.

But the main thing of the plotline is that the trauma from the attack awakens their memories.

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