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Fantasy I need dedication

Johnny R McAvery

Magic still exist for those willing to see.
I want to do a good sized group Role Play. Players will need to be dedicated, they don't have to post every five minutes, but I need perhaps for each member to post about 3 times a day or so. I don't think I am asking for too much but if I am let me know. Also I still hammering out a plot, theme, and that sort of know what I might want to do. So I'll provide a list. We can negotiate.

Harry Potter themed RP. Post battle of Hogwarts

A wolf pack, nothing like the Merge Rp. It would be just a single pack, not too big.

An orphan based Rp. Essentially a bunch of Orphans work together to survive

A group of mutants, mostly who have physical attributes of animals

Then finally one dealing with elemental phages. It would probably be a group of wizards and or mages teaming up to stop the big nasties.
Im interested! I kinda like the wizard one. I've always been a fan if the elements. :D
Awesome feed back everyone. This is about the size I was looking for as well for a group. We might be able to join all the ideas as one. I mean I can see a connection to each. This is just a spit ball but something like Mutants with elemential powers that are also orphans. But seriously let's figure out which one we would all be pretty happy with.
[QUOTE="Johnny R McAvery]Awesome feed back everyone. This is about the size I was looking for as well for a group. We might be able to join all the ideas as one. I mean I can see a connection to each. This is just a spit ball but something like Mutants with elemential powers that are also orphans. But seriously let's figure out which one we would all be pretty happy with.

xD I think that will be a nice combination
Hello there! I totally like the ideas (especially the orphan wizards xD ) Please do include me when making this rp, as I would love to be apart of it as well as daily postings.
Okay then lets try this. Everyone can make whatever character type they want. Be wizard, mutant, mage, wolf, etc. BUt they are all orphans.

Just keep this in Mind. Mages specialize in one form of magic..... Well let me post something else up. Give me a sec.

Magic users:

Two types. Mages and Wizards

Mages: Fall into two categories. Adept and elemental.

Elemental mages: Use the powers of the four elements, they can branch into a few smaller ones such as ice, and lighting. Mages can either specialize in just one element or all of them. It depends on their skill level.

Adept Mages: Basically anything not elemental. This can be darkness, like shadows. Necromancy, control over plants, runic magic, you get the idea. These guys would be specialized in only that type of magic. Trying to have a multi-discipline is too complex.

Mages can use technology for the most part.

Wizards: They can use any type of magic . They must use incantation in order to operate. They often have something like a familiar. This can be a spirit bound in an object or animal. The big reason is the amount of magic and knowledge they need.

Wizards can't use technology. They simply don't mix, the magic in wizards fries circuit boars and the such. They can use really old technology though, something like a radio. The less circuit boards the better it is for them to work with


All magic requires energy to be used. So if a mage lift a huge boulder that will tax a lot of energy. If a wizard preforms a tracking spell it requires a lot less energy. The best way to refill is sleeping and eating.

Side notes:

Wizards tend to need a lo more concentration to perform magic. With mages the magic comes from within. Often times with both mages and wizards their powers will manifest at a young age. Young kids can perform strong magic that many adults struggle with. This is because they have a lot of imagination and see the world differently.

I wrote this a while back. So I had it on file.
Oooh. I though that shadow and light are considered secondary elemental? Whatever it's your rp! :D
I just looked up types of magic so I could find a certain kind of magic that I couldn't remember the name for and shadow and light were under elemental. Haha wikipedia. Such novices. Anywho, what book are you talking about? I am slightly interested in this book.
OH I thought you were speaking of the Two branches of mages. As for the light and shadow I don't see them under elemental because elementals are more earth bound. Light and shadow is almost ethereal. They engulf everything in some from or fashion.

As for the books series it is skuduggery pleasant.
Okey! I was just making sure because.. Whatever lol. I shall look into the book series thank you kindly!
SUre thing. It is by Derek Landy. He actually doesn't have a place for liht and Shadow magic sort of falls under necromancy but I didn't agree with that part.

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