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Fantasy Hysrai Dragon School

Ren walked with his group but kept his eyes closed, he was feeling for mana, and there surely was a lot. He could see with his minds eyes vast rivers and streams, patterns and sigils, symbols that seemed to line every surface. He could see the veins and points of the dragons of his comrades, so much raw potential not yet utilized. Even Thalassa had a whole store unused mana that she had yet to figure out. What caught his attention were the growing pools in his new friends. Each one had a small pool of mana that he knew wasn’t there the day before. Fletch’s had grown exponentially, he could only imagine that’s what caused the small out of control soell in the morning.

In time his comrades would tap into it. They would awaken, and Ren knew he would have to help them lest they burn their own life force out.

“Already the group seems to be splitting up despite the objective….” Said Thalassa.

“I’m not their father, they know where they need to be…” ren projected as he continued.

“Yes but one is being harassed by two males…”

That one forced ren to open his eyes. Taking a moment to get used to the bright sun he looked around for Tellina. Sure enough he saw her in the garden, but the two males were already walking away, her dragon have done his duties as her bonded.

“How long did it take him to get to her?” Ren asked.

“A few moments….i think there was a delay in his reaction.” Thalassa responded.

“That may be an issue….ill talk with them later…” Ren said as he gently patted the top of her head.

He noticed fletcher walking off, going the same direction as the men, Ren sighed. “His little crush is going to lead him to do some stupid things I can already tell….if we’re a team, we’re all an extension of one another. Meaning when one of us fails…we all fail.”

“must you be so stoic my little cuttle fish?” Asked Thalassa.

“I worked hard to get here, and if we’re going to be the heroes of this kingdom, it would be wise to be reminded of that. I’ll talk with everyone once we’re done with the water blasted orientation.”

“Hey Tellina! Come on! We’ve got an orientation to get to!” Ren called out, having noticed fletcher returning and speaking with Tristan.

“They distracted me from my mana meditation…” he projected to Thalassa who only gave him a soft laugh.
Alex had been lost in thought as he walked with the rest of his group. As a result, he failed to notice everyone else temporarily breaking off while he thought about his condition as a Morph. Could he do more than change genders or was that it? While he thought about this, Carmine had left his back, afraid that her partner might trip and bring her down with him. As he thought about the possibilities of his power, Alex could not help but notice an itch manifesting on his left arm. Funny enough, it was this sensation that snapped him out of his thoughts as he finally looked at his surroundings while absentmindedly scratching his forearm, the texture beneath the sleeve feeling, off somehow. Not smooth, but rough and bumpy? Curious, not to mention unsettled, Alex rolled up his sleeve, his eyes wide in shock as his mind registered what he was seeing. Where there used to be finer hairs, was now a collection of black reptilian scales. A tentative touch revealed them to be quite smooth actually. The roughness he had felt earlier was likely caused by the edges catching on the sleeve. Worse, they were spreading. "Ah crap."
Alex quickly covered the scales back up, already having plenty of things to worry about without this development. Something wrong Alex?
Alex turned to Carmine, not bothering to wonder why she was actually on the ground instead of his back as he answered. You could say that. He then transferred images of what he had just found on his arm to her mind.
Really? The red dragoness craned neck for a closer look at the affected area. It certainly smells different from usual.
You think I should let the others know now?
Why not? They already met Alexandra.

"Ugh, why is this so complicated?" Alex groaned as he held his head, his scales just starting to peak from the edge of his sleeve while Carmine did her best to help him calm down.
Fletcher glanced at Tristan as he stepped up beside him, mentioning he'd see him in detention. A slow grin tugged at the corner of his lips, a flicker of mischief sparking in his eyes. He gave a small nod, meeting Tristan’s fist with a sideways bump.

"Yeah? Don't keep me waiting too long. Wouldn’t want me having all the fun."

There was no doubt in his mind: he and Tristan were going to get along very well. Maybe too well. Then Tristan mentioned Tellina. Fletcher’s grin faded, the sharpness in his gaze softening.

"We need to keep an eye on her. Those two will be back."

No doubt about it. Trouble never just disappeared. It always circled back. Fletcher made a mental note however, he caught that Tristan noticed his little crush. Probably everyone did. He'd need to act more natural about it moving forward.

By the time they rejoined the group, Fletcher instinctively did a headcount, scanning every face, making sure no one had wandered off or worse ended up with more nobles. Everything seemed in order… until he met Ren’s gaze. The look Ren gave him made their instructor look soft. Cold, cutting: enough to make Fletcher, for just a second, feel like he’d been caught red-handed. He kept his expression neutral, almost innocent, but Ren wasn’t buying it. Maybe they should make the guy a warden or something. He had a talent for making even Fletcher feel like he had a guilty conscience. Fletcher broke eye contact, shaking it off, only to glance at Alex and immediately do a double take.

"Uh… Alex? You good? Because your arm is black."

What was with this group?
He barely had time to process one disaster before another flared up. He sighed, dragging a hand down his face.
Yeah. It was going to be a long day.
With a groan, Alex lifted his head from his mismatched hands and turned to Fletcher. "I'd like to know what was going on too."
Alex inspected his modified limb, the scales seemingly done spreading for now. The scales covered his left arm and hand like a shoulder length glove, reaching just below the joint. His fingernails were also thicker and lightly pointed, similar to a crocodile. Still quite dexterous and functional. Turning his hand palm up, the scales were smaller, finer and lighter in color. Alex tapped some of them, noting the barely hollow sound they made as well as the smooth texture. He flexed his fingers, the scales adding a slight stiffness while allowing full range of movement.
Alex sighed. "At least I won't have to worry about armor fittings when I get this under control."

Tellina & The Strange Occurrence

Tellina had come over at Ren’s request, standing quietly as the Orientation leader conversed with the teacher who had just handed Fletcher a detention. She had been entirely unaware of the situation and had no idea Fletcher had gotten into trouble because of her.

Nearby, a young girl with beautiful black hair stood off to the side, her locks swaying gently in the wind. Tellina barely spared her a glance—likely another snobby noble. What did catch her interest, however, was the large black dragon beside the girl. It was almost as massive as Ke’oke’o, yet its opposite in color. The contrast intrigued her.

Ke’oke’o remained close, his presence a steady comfort, though his focus was elsewhere. The white dragon eyed the black one curiously, his wings twitching in anticipation. Tellina could feel his longing—he wanted a friend, perhaps even a playmate.

Her attention was abruptly pulled away when a voice cut through the air.

"Uh… Alex? You good? Because your arm is black."

Tellina's head snapped toward Alex, eyes widening as she took in the dark scales spreading up his arm. Her pulse quickened. Was this a disease? Or was it connected to his Morph abilities? She wasn’t sure, but Ke’oke’o sniffed at this arm, then let out a low growl—the scent was off. Different.

Professor Lirien Veyne Enters

Summoned by the Headmaster, Professor Lirien Veyne had made her way down to assess a peculiar case—a new trainee named Alex. His Morphing ability had reportedly fluctuated, and she had been called to administer a potion to help stabilize him. She was also instructed to introduce a new dorm member, but that was secondary in her mind.

After speaking briefly with the Orientation staff, she was pointed toward a group of students and their dragons, all huddled rather suspiciously around a single student. Bingo.

Striding forward with purpose, Lirien wasted no time.

“Well, let’s see what we’ve got here.”

Without hesitation, she grabbed Alex’s arm and turned it over, inspecting the dark scales now covering his skin. Her expression remained unreadable—this was hardly the strangest thing she had seen.

With a practiced motion, she pulled a small vial from her satchel and shoved it into Alex’s hand.

"Alright, drink up!"

There were no reassurances, no soft words of comfort. That wasn’t her job.

As Alex took the elixir, she crossed her arms and observed.

“You’re a Morph, son. A powerful one.”

Her voice was direct, unwavering in its confidence.

“You’ll learn to control it with practice, but that elixir will help suppress the outbursts. Should keep you from shifting unintentionally.”

She wasn’t entirely sure about the gender-switching issue she had been told about—but that was a puzzle for another day.

Once the potion took effect and the scales receded, Lirien turned her attention elsewhere.

"Alright, onto the next thing."

She motioned toward the black-haired girl who had been standing nearby.

“This is Sylphia. She’s had a rough start, but she’s joining your dorm. Welcome her or don’t—not my job.”

And just like that, Lirien was off.

She disappeared across the yard, where a deep emerald dragon waited near the barn. With a flick of her braid over her shoulder, she strode away, the dragon following at her heels like an oversized shadow.

Tellina’s Reaction

Tellina blinked as the Professor left as abruptly as she had arrived.

"Well... her class is going to be interesting."

She couldn’t help but smile, a small laugh escaping her lips. Lirien had been a firecracker, the type of teacher who didn’t waste time or sugarcoat things. Tellina found herself liking her already.

Ke’oke’o, however, didn’t quite understand what was so amusing. To him, the Professor had simply seemed normal—perhaps even familiar in her directness. Still, he enjoyed Tellina’s lighter mood after the strange incident with memory.

Then Tellina’s gaze turned to Sylphia, waiting for the new girl to say something, introduce herself, or explain why she was there.

For now, she would give her the chance to speak.
Thankfully once out of sight of her old "roommates" they where more than happy to forget Sylphia had even existed. As the rest of her walk remained uneventful she was met with a staff member just before she had reached the doors outside who explained not only her rather immediate dorm change but that that had apparently effected which orientation group she would be attending. Then without much of a chance to process the woman hurried off, the doors swung wide open behind her.

After another few heartbeats Sylphia slowly stepped out, a gentle gust of the cool morning air pushing her ebony hair behind her shoulders. Neirros while yet still silent, strode after his bonded– neck arched pointing his chin towards the ground as his gaze curiously flicked between each new dragon. Though his deep black gaze never lingered and now his attention was back on the task ahead. With his claws gently scraping the ground he kept a safe distance between himself and Sylphia, enough to be barely seen in her peripheral vision. Soon they had reached the edges of the group and stopped, the dark reflective scales of his belly bouncing rays of the suns' light with every movement steadied leaving some mid reflection to appear white in contrast.

Just as soon as Sylphia had reached the group the woman again hurriedly spun around marching right up to the center of a small commotion. While unable to hear most of what what was said the woman was gone a moment later. Catching just the tail end of her name being spoken Sylphia tensed but left her face calm, nearly expressionless. It would've taken an idiot not to notice that while she herself was dressed as if on her way to a garden party in her slim deep navy dress accented with bronze plates resembling armor on her corset and shoulders, while those just a few yards away resembled armed guards which likely meant they where commoners. She knew what their opinions would likely be about nobles and decided saying nothing was better than sounding stuck up as one would expect. Sylphia's eyes wandered and found their way to the array of dragons, each was different and unique to their bonded yet they all shared the same look in their eyes. It was a knowing look, one that made them look almost lost in thought, she knew most bonded solely communicated mentally with their dragons. She herself hardly remembered Neirros was there most times, after multiple times being caught off guard the dragon now stayed further away like a shadow looming just a glance away. His stoic and silent nature was off-putting but oddly left a pang of guilt or was it regret, to see him trying to keep his prescence out of the way.

Sylphia caught herself lost in her thoughts and snapped back to reality, on autopilot her years of presentation took over. Stepping forwards she pinched two small pieces of fabric above either thigh and dipped her head in a practiced and perfected curtsey,

" It is lovely to meet you all, I am Sylphia Maldwyn of Baron Maldwyn "

Her voice was soft and harmonious, lifting her head a chill ran down her spine. "Did you have to add the title?!"
Ren tensed upon seeing Alex’s newly showing form, “crab cakes….ploymorph magic is beyond my skill set….” He said to them before a woman pushed through their group. Without prophet identifying the stranger he got defensive. Hand extended to the ground as he began to sap water from the very soil before realizing that the wiman in question had the look of an academic about her. The way she spoke and carried herself told him she was more than likely one of the teachers.

With a quick shake of his hand he undid his magic and let the water fall back into the ground. The woman, whoever she was forcefully handed Alex a vial, commanding him to drink up, delivering news of a new member of their motley crew and then suddenly leaving. In and out like a tide on the beach.

“What in the name of the abyss was that all about? Didn’t introduce herself or anything….” His attention snapped back to Alex, “Alex you alright? The potion helping in any way?” He asked him.

The new girl that the stranger mentioned stepped forth, her literal shadow following her before ren realized it was a dragon that competed against even the darkest of onyx stones or obsidian. She did a curtsy and introduced herself, a daughter of a Baron. Ren took a moment to think, “nice to meet you, I’m Renellius Riptide….whats a Baron?” He asked, his island having no royal titles or anything of the like, his people being more tribal in nature they had a chief, war chief, master huntress and so on. Titles that conveyed their skills as a benefit to the tribe. So to Ren, the word Baron was new and unfamiliar. The only non tribal word he did know was King, the very title his people swore fealty to.
Fletcher nodded once to Alex. At least he wasn’t diseased, cursed, or the victim of some noble’s pettiness. He’d seen enough of that. His group was better off without nobles.

A woman suddenly pushed a potion into Alex’s hand before vanishing just as quickly. Fletcher barely reacted, only following her with his eyes. She was in a hurry. Fine. At least she wasn’t here for him. His gaze flicked to Tristan for a moment, instinctively checking that his partner-in-crime wasn’t in trouble.
Then the new girl was introduced. It didn’t take much to tell she was a noble. His luck was running out. His eyes narrowed slightly as he studied her; soft hands, uncalloused. She had no idea what kind of target she made. How easy would it be to take anything he wanted from her? Did she even know what a bandit was? Could she wield a weapon? Probably not. His weight shifted as he sized her up. The only thing remotely intimidating about her was the dragon at her side, its black scales catching the light. At least that might keep her alive.

Warm breath brushed against his shoulder.

"Give her a chance, Fletch," Alara murmured. "I know you’re not a fan of nobles, but not all of them are bad. Think about why she was placed with us."

Fletcher considered that. Most likely, she hadn’t fit in with her last group. That was worth noting. Perhaps there was more to her than he had thought. Could she wield a weapon? She curtsied, introducing herself as the daughter of a baron. Definitely a bandit’s dream target. Ren, ever the open-hearted one, welcomed her with ease. Fletcher’s jaw tightened. He glanced at Tellina, gauging her reaction. At least she seemed willing to let the girl speak. He exhaled through his nose, then looked back at Sylphia. His nod was slow, measured: acceptance, but only for now. Alara was right. The girl deserved a chance. And if any nobles dared to make trouble for her, they’d be answering to him.
Alex did not even think when he drank the elixir, downing it one gulp. The elixir burned down his throat before he noticed the black scales receding back into his skin without leaving a trace, as though they were never there in the first place. Even his nails had shrunk back to normal.
"Don't want to do that again." Alex sighed, turning to Ren. "Better now."
Alex flexed his now scaleless fingers, like the joints needed a good stretch after removing a relatively tight glove. Not to mention the relief from being able to feel the air on his skin.
Alex turned to their new roommate. Sylphia acted quite formal, curtseying as part of her introduction.
Alex placed his right hand against his chest as he introduced himself. "A pleasure to meet you Sylph, I'm Alexander Fornow."
And I'm Carmine. The dog sized red dragoness had climbed back onto Alex after his scales had disappeared, eager to get a better look at the newcomer.
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Tristan got a brief moment to see Alex's transformed arm before he noticed a woman marching towards them. When she arrived the woman inspected Alex's arm gave him a potion and had him drink it all within a minute then she introduced a student their age as if delivering a package. The newcomer was quite stunning and carried herself well even if he could tell she was tense. It was when she introduced herself that a few things clicked.

"Baron's daughter explains how she carries herself, she was raised to. Though she seems nervous rather then arrogant." Tristan spoke to Ryvyne.
Ryvyne nodded. "Her bonded follows her like a shadow Interesting."

Tristan saw how tense Fletcher was the moment Sylphia approached Tristan guessed he didn't have the best experience with noble's

Tristan fully focused on the conversation just as Alex had finished his introduction. Tristan was a little surprised by Ren's question thinking Sea Elves had noble titles themselves but apparently that wasn't true though he never investigated the social structure of the people. Maybe he should fix that soon.

"Name's Tristan nice to meet you Sylphia." Tristan walked up and held out his right hand towards Sylphia for a hand shake.
"And I am Ryvyne. I keep this one from getting himself in too much trouble" Ryvyne shallowly dipped her head while nudging Tristan with a foreclaw.
"Hey I thought the sandworm would make a cool mount if I tamed it!" Tristan exclaimed before realizing he just spoke out loud leaving him to awkwardly smirk
For what felt like the longest pause as her words broke the groups previous conversation Sylphia could only hear the sound of her own heart pounding in her chest as a couple of her new roommates gave her less than delighted stares. One elven boy in particular looked like he was about ready to draw his weapon and end her on the spot, though a small nudge from the green dragon perched atop his shoulder softened his glare. That's when the first voice broke the silence, from the nearby blue elf. Not only was she unfamiliar with his specific lineage he was just as baffled by her own which was somewhat of a relief. Her hands released the edges of her dress as she stood back up straight.

The next to acknowledge her came from the one whom she had seen the group surrounding just a few moments ago, although she hardly caught his name as when his brilliant red dragon spoke she flinched. The thoughts yet unspoken felt like a whisper from a disembodied voice just out of reach. Still a wildly unfamiliar concept to wrap her mind around but it brought her attention to her own dragon hovering just behind her. At last Sylphia turned her eyes to the final stranger who caught her off guard when she recognized his approach, hand extended. Quite a tall young man though his voice was gentler than the rest, or at the very least not baffled like the blue elf. In a smooth and delicate motion she lifted her own right hand and placed it in his as the other came to rest on her collar, picking at the thin chains of her necklace.

" Oh my... "

She whispered just under her breath as the small interaction between him and his dragon broke out. When the boys voice turned towards the sarcasm from his bonded Sylphia quickly covered her mouth as a giggle bubbled up. Shaking her head she stepped back with Neirros' breath now on her shoulders,

" My apologies, I have never actually spoken with anyone so informally and I myself am not exactly used to being bonded quite yet "

After a brief pause to glance at the dragon just behind her she continued

" You and your dragon act as if old friends...... Like you have always been together "

Hearing the somberness of her words as they escaped her lips Sylphia quickly stepped to the side with a nervous chuckle and a shake of her head,

" How rude of me, I have not introduced you all to my bonded... Erm this is- "


The male dragons voice was quiet but powerful as it rumbled through the mutual mental connection. The spines on the back of his head raised resembling a mane and making him look larger as his wings opened ever so slightly. They where quite possibly his most outstanding feature, large and leathery running down nearly the entire length of his body. Their dark scales matched the matte black of his upper half, in contrast to his glossy stomach his back reflected no light appearing as if they absorbed the light instead like a living shadow.
━ ✦ A Prophesy to Rival the Last ✦ ━

The new girl carried herself well. Tellina watched as the boys fumbled over themselves in the presence of Sylphia, yet the black-haired beauty managed a perfect curtsy. Regal, composed—an image of nobility that belonged in court rather than among dragon riders.

As Tellina observed the girl who would be joining their dorm, an old memory stirred. The prophecy. She had not dwelled on it much since the previous day, when it had seemed as though the pieces finally fit. The group felt like a rising force, bound by fate, acknowledged by their teachers, even foreseen by a seer. They were meant to be together. But how could another be added now?

“Bound by loss, forged in exile, they will stand where kings shall fall.” The words haunted her thoughts.

Each of them had suffered. Loss, displacement, exile—these were the threads that wove them together. Alex, burdened by his shifting. Tristan and Fletcher, searching for purpose through the choices that had left them adrift. Ren, quite literally a fish out of water. Misfits, all of them. But Sylphia? A baron’s daughter who had known privilege and comfort? She had only gained by becoming a rider. What did she know of exile?

Tellina’s certainty hardened. This had to be a mistake.

Ke’oke’o lingered at the edges of her thoughts, his silent presence steady, watchful. He did not speak to the others but shared his thoughts with her, brushing against her mind with gentle insistence.

“She could very well be more than she seems.”

Ke’oke’o, ever the optimist.

Tellina scoffed. “How will she stand where kings fall? Break chains and burn wings? Did you see that curtsy? She’s nothing but another pompous noble.”

The white dragon hesitated, the steady warmth of his thoughts wavering. He disliked the idea of someone being misplaced. Yet, even in his uncertainty, he leaned toward Tellina’s conclusion. She was right—if this girl were bound to them, then surely fate would have placed her in their dorm from the start.

The arrival of their orientation leader, Persephone Stilt, pulled Tellina from her thoughts. She noted the name but paid little mind as they set off through the castle grounds. Persephone pointed out the training halls, hidden paths into the forest, and entryways that led into the fortress’s depths.

The castle itself loomed above them, an ancient, formidable presence carved from the very bones of a mountain. Its walls were dark stone, weathered by salt-laden winds, ivy creeping up its sides as though nature itself sought to reclaim it. Spires pierced the sky, their banners fluttering against the ocean breeze. Inside, the great halls stretched vast and imposing, its vaulted ceiling heavy with chandeliers of iron and dragon-forged glass. The bathhouse, a surprising contrast, was a sprawling oasis of warmth and steam, its mineral-rich waters drawn from deep beneath the cliffs.

Ke’oke’o, ever curious, dipped a paw into one of the pools, the salty warmth drawing a pleased rumble from his chest. Tellina smirked and turned toward Ren, wondering if he, too, would find solace in the waters beyond mere fountains.

The tour led them through a massive iron portcullis into the wild beyond. The forest stretched before them, a labyrinth of towering pines and twisting oaks, their roots gnarled and ancient. Persephone spoke of hidden hunting trails, deer paths winding through the underbrush where dragons could stalk their prey. Tellina listened with mild interest but was more intrigued when they reached the training grounds—a wide clearing carved from the wilderness, the earth scarred from years of combat. Their instructor, she realized, was none other than the same one they had encountered last night—the man who had spoken to Ren about his fountain.

As they neared the cliffs, Tellina felt a shift in the air. A lingering tension from the previous orientation group, a nervous mana that clung to the wind. She soon understood why.

Beyond the forest, the land abruptly ceased. A vast expanse of grassland gave way to the endless ocean, the world seemingly ending in an abrupt, dizzying drop. The sea stretched beyond sight, its surface rolling in massive waves, crashing against jagged rocks far below. The sky above was open and endless, an infinite dome of blue unmarred by clouds.

Ke’oke’o motioned southward along the cliffs. There, sprawled in the sun, lay Virendros, the massive dragon slumbering amidst the charred remnants of his nap. A patch of smoldering grass still glowed near his tail, evidence of a fiery outburst.

Ke’oke’o chuckled, sending Tellina a vision of the boys who had harassed her moments ago,, sneaking too close to the great dragon—only to nearly be incinerated when they woke him. Tellina smirked. It was a satisfying thought.

They were granted a break there on the cliffs, the sea breeze warm against their faces. Tellina welcomed the respite, particularly since Ren had promised them fresh fish. She approached him and Thalassa, the words coming easily.

“You did promise us a fish.”

She seemed to not have to ask him twice, he would be longing for the ocean after so long away from it. Tellina busied herself preparing a fire, setting their little camp well away from Virendros. The group was clearly pleased to be free of the castle’s stone walls and breathing open air once more. Tellina avoided Sylphia, unwilling to let herself be drawn in. She had more pressing concerns. The prophecy’s warning echoed in her mind—“Beware” and “Chains will break.” But the worst of all: “Aldren’s sky shall darken.”

She was not ready.

Persephone eventually left, displeased that they refused to follow her schedule. Tellina did not care. The day was perfect—the sun warm, the ocean breeze carrying salt and freedom. It reminded her of old days, of stolen moments on the beaches with friends, sharing laughter and stories of the highborns they served. Simpler times.

Ke’oke’o stirred in her mind. “You have it better here.”

She did, she agreed. But it was not simpler.

As Ren returned with the fish, Tellina helped him prepare it, seasoning it with the salt Tristan and Fletcher had gathered. The fire crackled, the meal promising comfort and camaraderie. The sky remained clear, and Tellina knew they would return here often—the ocean for Ren, the cliffs for the dragons. Ke’oke’o had taken to diving off the edge, plummeting with reckless speed before spreading his wings at the last moment. It was exhilarating to watch, and Ke even invited Ryvyne to join in, challenging her to a contest of nerve, along with the other dragons.

It was all so perfect.

Until it wasn’t.

The world around her faded into mist, the present dissolving, and something unseen, took hold. The air smelled of rain-soaked stone, salt, and blood. Tellina stood on the edge of a vast chasm, the earth beneath her feet crumbling away, as if rejecting her presence. Across the gap, five dragons stood in a semicircle, their riders barely visible in the flickering twilight. But something was wrong—one space remained empty.

A sudden wind howled, tearing through the vision like a living force. It carried whispers, voices of the past and future intertwining. She does not belong. She will break the bond. She will complete the bond.

Then, the sky split.

A dragon, somehow familiar to Tellina, plummeted from the heavens—its wings a storm of black and shadow, its eyes burning with fire and fury. Its rider clung to its back, dark hair whipping wildly, her presence both commanding and uncertain. The five dragons stood unwavering, their eyes reflecting the storm above as the chasm between them trembled—its edges stretching, shifting, reaching, as if reshaping itself to embrace the piece it had long been missing.

The voice returned, louder this time, no longer a whisper but a command:

"The flame was counted, the circle made—yet shadow lingers up above.

Unbidden, unbound, yet fated all the same."

"She walks the path not chosen, bound in name but not in heart.

Magic fated, wings bestowed—one life stolen, another embraced."

"When the sky is torn and the stars are drowned,

the uncounted flame shall rise once more."

The chasm cracked, and before Tellina could react, the ground gave way. She fell, the world rushing toward her, the dragon’s burning gaze the last thing she saw before—

She woke.

Tellina lay sprawled on the ground, her body twisted as if she had been flung by some unseen force. Strands of hair clung to her face, tangled and wild, her breath ragged. Then—her eyes snapped open.


The same eyes. The burning eyes she had just seen.

She screamed.

Ke’oke’o was already there. He had been mid-dive when he felt her slip away from him, her mind suddenly untethered, yanked into something beyond his reach. He had torn through the sky, his wings beating with such force that the fire they had built was now little more than embers scattered in the grass. He had wrapped himself around her before anyone could react, his body coiling protectively, his presence an unyielding barrier between Tellina and the world.

But he had felt it too. The vision. The salt, the blood, the wind howling with voices not meant for mortal ears.

Tellina thrashed, her limbs jerking as if still caught in the grip of unseen hands. Then, her lips parted, and she spoke—not with her voice, but with something deeper, something that sent a primal chill through Ke’oke’o’s bones. The words poured from her, ringing through the cliffs with an eerie weight, each syllable dripping with prophecy.

"The flame was counted, the circle made—yet shadow lingers up above.
Unbidden, unbound, yet fated all the same.

She walks the path not chosen, bound in name but not in heart.

Magic fated, wings bestowed—one life stolen, another embraced.

When the sky is torn and the stars are drowned,

the uncounted flame shall rise once more."

Silence followed. Even the wind seemed to hesitate.

Then Tellina screamed, a raw, soul-deep sound that cracked the moment apart.

Ke’oke’o turned sharply, his gaze locking onto Neirros. A dragon of shadow and storm, powerful, dangerous—Tellina’s vision had been filled with his kind. His breath rumbled low in his throat, his mind still brimming with the fear and fury of the vision. Instinct overrode thought. He lunged.

The two dragons collided with the force of thunder. Claws met scales, wings snapped open in defiance, fangs flashed as they wrestled for dominance. Ke’oke’o was blind to everything but the need to protect. To strike before the vision became truth.

Then, just as suddenly as it had begun, Tellina’s mind returned to him—steady, present, hers again.

Ke’oke’o faltered, his breaths ragged, his muscles tensed to strike again. But Tellina was there, stepping between them, pressing her hands against his face. Her touch, her thoughts, her presence anchored him, soothing the wildfire of fear burning inside him. He exhaled, his body shuddering as the fight bled out of him.

Tellina stood still, breathless. The cliffs, the fire, the sea—all still there, yet overshadowed by the weight pressing against her chest.

She turned, slowly, her gaze landing on Sylphia.

The girl’s dark hair fluttered in the breeze. The new girl. The outsider.

The contradiction.

Tellina wanted to reject it, to cast her aside as a mistake, a noble’s daughter playing at their struggle. But the prophecy had spoken.

And The White Flame was not yet whole.
Fletcher and Tristan walked along the beach, gathering salt—of all things. He had gotten decent at spotting it, thanks to Ren’s quick lesson, though he still found the task dull. Alara had gone off to test her skills with Ke and the others, and while Fletcher didn’t love the idea of her freefalling before opening her wings, she was small enough to pull it off with ease. That shouldn't change much when she was bigger. Then, he could pull off real stunts. For now, though, he focused on the task at hand.

The air was crisp, the scent of salt and sea filling his lungs. It was strange, seeing nothing but water stretching out beyond the horizon. He’d grown up surrounded by land, forests, and mountains. Here, there was nothing but the vast unknown. It was unsettling... yet awe-inspiring. He scuffed his boot against the sand and bent down, spotting a seashell. It was pretty and he pocketed it to give to Tellina for later. He searched more and found another chunk of salt before glancing at Tristan with a smirk.

“So… I’ve seen how you look at the new girl,” he said, voice laced with amusement. Finally, he wasn’t the only fool catching feelings. Tristan gave him a knowing look, and Fletcher knew this would be something they teased each other about from now on.
Once they’d gathered enough salt, they returned and found Alex. Small talk followed, Fletcher intrigued by Alex’s ability to manifest dragon-scale skin. “Can you do that on command?” he asked, brow raised. “Change the color, too?” The three talked until Ren returned, carrying fish, just as promised. How did he catch all that so fast?

Dinner was simple, but Fletcher had his priorities in order. He made sure Tristan ended up seated next to his new fascination, while he himself sat directly across from Tellina. Her frustration was written all over her face, the same kind he knew all too well. He didn’t know her past, not really, but knowing what the bandits were like… knowing their shared hometown… it wasn’t hard to guess. His chest tightened. She’d suffered. Maybe not in the same way he had, but enough. That much was clear. Come to think of it, he didn't know a lot about all of them...something he'd need to fix. First thing's first however:

He needed to talk to her. Alone.

Later, as he and Tristan cleaned up, he considered the upcoming detention. Maybe he could learn something from it. If Tristan even showed up. “You’re not ditching me for your new crush, are you? She’s invited to the party,” he teased. He felt Tristan's grin form but it was interrupted.

The thrashing started.

Fletcher turned sharply, every muscle tensing as he caught sight of Tellina on the ground. His eyes grew slightly at the sight of her on the ground. Her dragon was already at her side. His gut twisted. What happened? His eyes scanned the area, searching for some noble fool stupid enough to mess with them. But then—

Tellina spoke, her lips barely moving.

“The flame was counted, the circle made—yet shadow lingers up above.
Unbidden, unbound, yet fated all the same.
She walks the path not chosen, bound in name but not in heart.
Magic fated, wings bestowed—one life stolen, another embraced.
When the sky is torn and the stars are drowned,
the uncounted flame shall rise once more.”


Fletcher stood frozen, the words hanging heavy in the air. He made it so the wind stilled. His pulse thundered in his ears.

Then she screamed again, a reminder he was failing at keeping her safe.

His heart jolted. He needed to move; needed to stop whatever pain was consuming her. He moved the same time Ke did, lunging for the black dragon as if light and shadow had collided. Thunder rumbled overhead as Fletcher raced for Tellina.


He was already reaching for her before he even realized it, instinct taking over. But then, she stood.


She moved to her dragon, stopping him before turning to the new girl. Their eyes met, and Fletcher felt his stomach turn. Something had shifted. He didn’t know what, but it was there, crackling in the air between them like the moments before a storm. Tension.

He flicked a glance at Tristan, silently asking if he knew their next move. When no answer came, his gaze snapped back to Tellina. She had seen something. Heard something. Felt something. And whatever it was, Fletcher was going to figure it out.

He would protect her.

Alara landed on his shoulder, her voice low. “Be very careful moving forward, Fletch. This is a delicate situation. And you are not good at those.”

Fletcher snorted. Understatement of the century. He was a shoot-first, ask-questions-later kind of man. But this? This required patience. Control.

For her sake, he would try.
Just as Ren thought, the tour was boring. He followed the land dweller tour guide around, seeing this, seeing that. Learning some history about a tree, and few about other buildings, none really interested him. The tour guide had failed to go over the magics of the area which didn’t help in any regard on alleviating Rens boredom.

Although one thing that at least helped his annoyed mood were the springs, without even a moments notice he reached out and felt their energies. So much life, so much natural power in these pools. Wellsprings that bore gifts from Mother Earth. He reached further, and with a clasp of his fingers he felt the turbulent waters, and they responded. He moved his hand to the left, and they followed. He moved to the right, and again once more they followed, with a happy sigh he released the waters before looking back to the tour guide. He was rejuvenated now, more motivated, maybe all he needed was some water.
“Finally….” He muttered as they got to the cliffs. Before him was his domain, the great blue expanse that is the ocean. He listened to the guide a bit more before deciding to blow her off and commune with the sea. He closed his eyes and reached out far, feeling the primordial force of the sea, mingling his mind with its energies, and it in turn seemed thrilled at his return, like a mother greeting her child that she hadn’t seen in so long. He was happy, a genuine smile upon his face as he felt the oceans tender embrace in his mind. Though he was brought out of his stupor by Tellina, who reminded him of his promise to get everyone fresh fish. He didn’t hesitate, now was the moment for him to physically commune with the sea. Without a moments notice he ran and jumped off the cliff, bringing a hand up to command a spout of water to catch and collect him. And sure enough the geyser exploded upward, engulfing ren and dragging him back below its depths. Thalassa of course following suit, this would be her first time in the ocean and she wanted to finally experience the true feeling of the memories ren shared with her.
Ren only now realized he should’ve gotten some more challenging game. The fish he caught were captured within minutes, he only took a bit longer to finish speaking with the ocean, showing Thalassa how to access all the ocean had to give, and teaching her what she can and can’t eat.

And now he sat in front of the fire as Tellina cooked his catch of the day. He eyed everyone around the flames, his mind wandering as to what they could bring to the table, what they could learn or be taught. And more importantly, at the fact that their mana continues to grow within them, like a small core that winds its way around their very being. He would soon need to teach them how to harness and control it.

He peace was broken by Tellinas sudden outburst. Her thrashing and speaking in riddles gave him cause for concern, to the point that the ocean behind him became protectively turbulent, the waters beginning to bubble with unease.

Her dragon coiled around her even as the woman screamed, what caught him off guard was the sudden attack on Sylphia’s dragon. Ren got up, but just as quick as it happened it ended. Tellina was in front of her dragon, but what he didn’t like was the gaze she gave to Sylphia.

“Alright that’s enough!” Ren yelled thrusting a hand forward, the ocean exploded behind him as a thin wall of water separated the two, it was about 15 feet high and extended for a bit. Ren ran in and stood in front of Sylphia, “Tellina…I don’t know what the hell is wrong with you, but you need to control Ke. We do not attack eachother! I don’t care if you don’t like her, or if your find her intimidating or whatever stupid arbitrary reason you might have. But as long as we are assigned to one another we will talk things out. It’s not even the first damn day of class and already there are issues!” He looked at her, a disappointed and angered gaze written upon his visage, “let this be the last time something like this happens….” He said to her. There was a tiny amount of cracking as the water wall slowly began to freeze, its constitution tied to his emotions.

“Otherwise…” he continued, “I’ll have to do something about it.” He said to her, “the same goes for all you!” He said to Fletcher, Tristan, Alex, and even Sylphia. “We are a team, and I will remind you every day of that fact if I have to. Whether it be verbally…” he looked to Tellina and Fletcher, “…or physically….even magically if it gets that far.” He added as he turned to Sylphia, “come on….” He said gently leading her away from Tellina, right now he only focused on separating the two from eachother. Thalassa did the same, pushing against Neirros, who was slightly larger than she was, away from Keo and Tellina. She was going to follow in RENs steps and act the peacekeeper and authority if needed. “Classes haven’t even started yet…” Ren muttered in annoyance.
The school was gorgeous, massive, and full of history with a prescence she couldn't identify that left her skin buzzing. She could only hope it was the rich magic she had heard so much about. The bathhouse was a surprise, many families had used it as a bragging point in their own homes but she had never seen one in person and now realized what all the fuss was about. She already found herself planning a trip there. As the tour took them back outside and past the gates her eyes only widened, the trees and their gnarly roots, the vast clear sky almost begging them to fill its horizon with dragon wings, and finally the ocean. It's steep cliffs and calming prescence where just was Sylphia had needed after catching the looks of the others throughout the rest of the tour, she didn't know if they would ever calm down but here everyone relaxed. Making their way down to the water Sylphia nearly tripping over her own shoes, barefoot was more comfortable anyways, with the sand between her toes she gulped the salty air down as if she had ran her whole life just to get to this relaxing place. The blue elf had somehow disappeared and that's when the thought clicked in her mind, sea elf, although the embarrassment was blown away by the wind.

As the rest of the group began creating a fire their dragons bounced off back towards the cliffs to play, while Sylphia remained accompanied by her large shadow. Settling onto a nearby rock and digging her feet even deeper into the sand she made sure to give the others a wide berth to enjoy themselves as friends. Though this was when the sea elf emerged from the ocean hauling a small batch of writhing fish,

"When did he-?"

Her baffled thoughts paused and Sylphia laughed quietly to herself as she realized that's exactly where she should've expected him to be.

Back at the fire the fish where expertly cleaned and resting on spits to roast, though humble in nature Sylphia couldn't deny the smell was enticing. Her stomach rumbled. Though she had never expected to be invited to join the impromptu meal, nor had she thought to accept as her body simply drifted towards the food once promted, entranced by hunger. It was then Sylphia noticed their seating arrangement, not that she was surprised one of the few who was actually rather kind to her sat beside her but that earlier she swore she heard mention of the "new girl" in a teasing manner. Deciding to ignore whatever she thought they had been talking about she soon found a piece of the cooked fish in her hands, dangling from a stick no less. While crude it was quite tasty.

After the meal came to a close Sylphia moved to stand, planning to visit the water and rinse off the sand in the waves. That's when the writhing started. Her eyes snapped towards the sound of flying sand and murmurs which quickly turned to eldritch chanting. The blood left Sylphia's face as she heard the words, recognizing the subtle clues seemed to be talking about her own situation. A hum started in her ears causing the hairs on her arms and neck to prickle and raise. The sky darked and Neirros was suddenly at her side, she could feel the tension rising and the humming got louder only broken by a piercing scream from the girl. Her dragon had almost materialized coiled around her, the growl in his throat drowned out by the growing humming. Sylphia felt as if her skin was on fire when suddenly Nerirros forced her to the ground with his tail and leapt forwards producing a snarl. She watched the flurry of black and white tussle through snarls and the flying of claws, neither really landing a solid hit. Sylphia reached a hand out instinctively towards her own bonded the humming raced down towards her fingertips and for a brief moment she swear she saw small sparks flicker to life. It all came to a sudden halt with a booming voice, as did the dragons scuffle. The sea elf put himself between her and the girl with the white dragon, the ocean responding to his distress formed a wall of water to solidify his words.

Sylphia soon found herself back on her feet and led away as the sea elf, Ren, muttered to himself his face twisted in a mix of frustration and concern. Neirros gave Ke one last look before departing after his bonded with a snort and a flick of his tail, pushing a small amount of sand at Ke in defiance.

" I never meant to cause any grief for you or your friends, forgive me "

The words spilled from Sylphia's lips as her mind tried to process what just happened,

"A prophecy? The uncounted flame? What was it all supposed to mean?"

Neirros pushed his head into her hand, the dragons black gleaming eyes filled with something she had never seen before, concern.
Tellina stood in stunned silence, her breath uneven as Ren’s fury shot through the wave he had summoned. The air hummed, charged with emotion, their powers flaring. The trees stood unnaturally still, the very ground beneath them thrumming with restrained force.

Ke’oke’o rumbled low in his chest, a growl that sent a shiver through the tense air. How dare Ren tell Tellina to control him? He was no one’s to command! His claws twitched, the urge to lunge at the small blue elf burning hot in his veins. He would show Ren exactly what he thought of such an insult—

But Tellina’s touch, light against his thoughts, held him back.

Not now.

She turned, searching the gathered faces, and found Fletcher. Alara was perched on his shoulder, her sharp eyes wary, but Fletcher himself looked only concerned. The sight grounded her.

At least she still had him.

Tellina glanced at Ke’oke’o once more, assessing. Unharmed. That was something. The tension stretched between them all like a drawn bowstring, the silence heavy, expectant. Finally, after a beat too long, she moved toward Fletcher.

“So… that was a lot.” Her voice came out softer than intended, rough from the screaming she barely remembered.

Ke’oke’o had filled in the gaps while she recovered, recounting everything that had happened while she was unconscious. She hardly recognized the version of herself they described—the one who had screamed at Neirros, her voice laced with something beyond herself. But the expressions on her friends’ faces told her it had been real.

“I saw something,” she admitted, lowering her voice. “Something… with the words.”

She wanted to tell him everything. To have him listen, to help her make sense of it all. To steady her. Was she expecting too much from someone she had only just met?


But she wanted it all the same.

Ke’oke’o nudged her lightly, a steadying force at her side. His presence was a comfort—constant, unwavering—but he was no help with riddles. He would learn, in time. Dragons grew wiser with age, and Ke’oke’o was nothing if not a fast learner. But this prophecy, like the first, was beyond him.

She turned her gaze back to the small circle of allies she had left. Fletcher, Tristan, Alex—her friends.

Ren was too angry to rely on now.

So she held onto the ones who remained.
Alex did not pay much attention to their guide as he glanced around. The place was indeed quite massive, but also somehow unoppressive.
Probably because they had dragons in mind when they built this place. Carmine mentioned, having sensed her partner's thoughts.
Alex silently agreed as he followed the group, not wishing to be left behind.
Eventually, they reached the ocean, the gentle waves seemingly calming everyone's nerves. It was not long before everyone split up; Ren diving into the water with Thalassa to gather fish, Fletcher and Tristan looking for sea salt crystals on the shoreline, Tellina starting a fire, and Sylphia keeping her distance from the rest of them. Meanwhile, Carmine joined the other dragons, diving off cliffs and flying freely without a care in the world. Alex smiled as he decided to gather extra driftwood for the fire.
When everyone had returned, Alex turned to answer Fletcher's inquiry about his ability. "That was a fluke. I can probably change the color but it's going to take some time before I can control it properly."
Alex quite enjoyed the fish, having to restrain himself from eating like a starving animal it was so good. It was not until everyone finished eating that everything seemed to go wrong. Tellina starting thrashing, Ke'oke'o attacked Neirros out of nowhere, Ren split both parties, and Alex yelped as he instinctively curled into ball with his hands over his head as a different collection of dull red scales covered his body which more closely resembled a those belonging to a pangolin. The problem with that last bit? His weapons were on the ground while his clothes were torn. And now, he was shaking while Carmine tentatively knocked on one of the scales.
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Tristan paid enough attention to the orientation to know where things were but otherwise found his mind occupied with Sylphia and everyone's reactions to her. Tellina and Fletcher seemed to distrust her outright, Ren was a little curious and Alex seemed mostly indifferent for the time being. Tristan saw how the addition created an imperfection in the proverbial steel. The question was could the steel be reforged and when it was would it be stronger or weaker for it. Tristan watched as Sylphia admired the castle stonework eyes passing over every mural and banner, she seemed more at home in a library then a noble's gala.

It was around noon when the group took a break for lunch, and Fletcher and Tristan found themselves gathering salt as Ren went fishing. Tristan was gathering loose rock salt when Fletcher spoke. “So… I’ve seen how you look at the new girl,” Tristan could hear Fletcher's grin. Tristan turned towards Fletcher and grinned as he shook his head. Deciding to leave commenting on Fletcher's 'crush at first sight' for later.

"You know it is understandable why Fletcher would think you have a crush." Ryvyne commented.
"Sure, but I don't really know Sylphia."
"So it's not off the table? Understandable, she is pretty by your standards" Ryvyne teased.
"I never said I was a monk but I would like to think it would take more then a pretty face for me to consider dating someone."

Ryvyne gave an approving grunt as the group went back to their cooking fire. There they delivered the salt and waited for the fish to cook. Tristan did not miss how Fletcher sat in such a way he found himself sitting next to Sylphia. Tristan just enjoyed the fish and from the sound of it everyone else did too.

Things were going well, Ryvyne was competing with Ke'oke'o the other dragons as Fletcher teased Tristan about his promise to visit him in detention later that night but before Tristan could reply Tellina screamed.

Fletcher reacted a second faster but Tristan sprinted towards the noise and that was when he seen it. Tellina was thrashing about as if trying to escape something then suddenly, she paused and spoke.
"The flame was counted, the circle made—yet shadow lingers up above.
Unbidden, unbound, yet fated all the same.

She walks the path not chosen, bound in name but not in heart.
Magic fated, wings bestowed—one life stolen, another embraced.

When the sky is torn and the stars are drowned,
the uncounted flame shall rise once more."

Each word sounded doubled one voice was distinctly Tellina but the other was ancient layered over Tellina's like an off key note but filled with so much power Tristan could almost feel it. A subtle burning throughout his body a throbbing in his head. Tristan reached for Ryvyne hoping to anchor himself against this power whatever it was he had no time to consider.

Ryvyne grasped Tristan's consciousness, acting as a soothing balm to the burning. At that point Tristan was too focused on shielding himself he had only a vague awareness of his surroundings. Then as if slighted by his resistance the burning grew creeping across their bond. Sweat dripped down Tristan's face as he hardened his mind against the pain while keeping stoic. Then like some twisted chemical reaction it grew. Tristan and Ryvyne kept themselves upright and quiet by sheer will and using each other to brace themselves. Then as fast as the pain came it disappeared leaving nothing but a dull throb in Tristan and Ryvyne's head.

"Thank you Ryvyne I don't want to know how bad that could have gotten if you weren't there ."

"Always Tristan, we are one soul in different bodies I will do anything for you as I know you would for me." Ryvyne nuzzled Tristan's side as he worked on wiping the sweat off his face and making himself more presentable though the fatigue was still there.

- “Something… with the words.” Tristan heard Tellina speak as he and Ryvyne fully regained their awareness and from the sound of it Tellina was explaining her experience with that poe- no prophecy. Accounts of prophets and seers speaking a prophesy was recorded everywhere in both documents and fiction and the common thread was an odd reaction from the seer. Be that a blank expression, thrashing or just blankly writing it on a page depending on the power involved.

It seemed that Tellina got visions with her own prophecies, marking her ability as very powerful. So Tristan gave Tellina his full attention and a small nod, he could not comfort her or get rid of the fear in her voice but he could listen.

Ryvyne sent an image of Alex curled in a protective ball of scales as she walked up to him and gently nudged Alex putting just enough strength that he could feel it. Tristan let Ryvyne help on that front while he waited on Tellina to continue.
Fletcher’s gaze locked with Ren’s. The child of the sea had woken on the wrong side of the tide, apparently. He was blaming Tellina, as if she could control her dragon while unconscious. As if she’d let it rage unchecked if she had been awake. The moment she was up, she stopped the beast—but Ren was still acting like she’d had a choice. And worse, he’d already taken Sylphia’s side. Fletcher clenched his jaw. He didn’t understand Ren’s blind acceptance. Trusting too easily was how you got stabbed in the back, especially by a noble.
The sky darkened, thick clouds rolling in like an army on the march a crack of thunder rolled, his strength increasing. The tide surged, waves crashing onto the shore with wild, unrelenting force. That wasn’t Fletcher’s doing. He knew that much.

This was Ren.

A silent war sparked between them—the storm and the sea.

Wind howled around them, dragging salt and mist into the air. The storm clouds stretched lower, pressing against the earth as if the heavens themselves were weighing in on the conflict. Fletcher’s fury burned deep, steady, like the pull of the tide, but something else stirred within him. Something fierce. Powerful. Unshakable.


His aura surged, raw and commanding. It was neither a threat nor an attack—just a presence, one that acknowledged Fletcher’s strength while demanding restraint. Fletcher exhaled sharply as he turned his head.

Beyond them, a hurricane churned in the distance.

It was already fading, unraveling into restless winds and scattered rain. Fletcher’s fingers twitched. That had been them. Their magic had collided, clashed, and for a brief moment, nearly torn the sky apart. His eyes flicked back to Ren, and in that glance, an unspoken agreement passed between them. They’d talk about this later: about all of it.

For now, the" fight" was over.

Ren turned and left with Sylphia, likely to comfort her. Maybe she needed it. But Fletcher wasn’t ready to trust her yet. Nobles had a way of tearing groups apart, and if tonight was any indication, she was already rocking the boat.
Maybe that’s why her last group cast her out.


Alara’s voice was firm, grounding.

He blinked and exhaled, rolling his shoulders. She was right, he was being cruel. If he expected to be accepted as a former bandit, he had to extend that same courtesy. Noble or not.
Tellina approached, and without a word, he pulled her close.
They had a lot to talk about. She was right about that much. And, if he wasn’t mistaken, she was something more now, something different. A seer. He didn’t know what that would mean for her, but one thing was certain.

"We’ll always listen."

Not Iwe. Not yet.

He caught movement below and glanced down. Alex had curled up into a tight, scaly ball. Fletcher stared. How?

It didn’t matter. A small smirk tugged at his lips. At least something tonight felt normal. He shrugged off his cloak and draped it over Alex, letting it settle like a shield against the cold night air.

"Coast is clear… literally." His voice was quieter now, steady.

Then his eyes shifted to Tristan, who was watching him closely, ready to listen. Fletcher nodded once, then turned toward the fire.

"Let’s sit." His tone left no room for argument. "It’s time for some answers." He directed everyone back to the fire. Some comfort would be nice.
Ren was leading Sylphia away when he felt it, a mana surge. He could smell the air, a storm, the winds picked up. He paused and looked over his shoulder. He knew it, Fletcher was giving him a stare, and to ren it was no surprise. “Told you his crush would be trouble….” Ren projected to Thalassa as he paused to stare Fletcher down. Aeromancy, just as he thought, he could see the storm brewing in the distance. If that was what he wanted, Ren tapped into a small amount of his own power to increase his presence, the ocean answering his call as the waters began to churn. Ren knew what this was, it was an awakening, a primordial power for some that could turn uncontrolled if not maintained. And right now he worried for Fletcher, not because of a fight no, because if Fletcher didn’t take back control his body would destroy itself.

He kept up the pressure, tapping a tiny bit more to continue. Almost as if silently stating that he acknowledged his power. Ren was all too familiar with failed awakenings, and he knew the pride that primal magics themselves had. Fletcher looked away, over his shoulder, and when he turned back his gaze was normal. The sea elf internally sighed, releasing his hold on the ocean. “He passed…thank the mother of the ocean…” he projected once more.

“You were that worried? He seemed ready to fight,” said Thalassa.

“Of course I was, I don’t want to have to bury a friend I just made,” Ren said to her. “And no surprise he wanted to fight, I scolded his crush, he had every right to be upset. He and I will talk later, did you not see that gaze?…perhaps since you are a dragon it may not have meant much to you but to us, he and I need to have a sit down. And I may need to start his training soon….real soon.”

Turning he saw Alex rolled up as a ball, and without clothes. “Alex?!” Ren said running up to him. Fletcher was at his side, covering him in cloak. “Good thing you’ve got an affinity for capes,” Ren said to him teasingly, trying to show he had no hard feelings.

Looking back to Alex he spoke, “Alex…your power is out of control..if you’ll allow me…I’d like to try something. I think since you haven’t tapped into your power your gifts will continue to remain out of control….but I think if I awaken it early we can get you to at least reverse your current form…” he said extending his hand to him. “Clasp my wrist and we can begin…it may feel weird the next part but I promise it won’t do you any harm.”
Sylphia's head was spinning, Neirros pushed his head closer now resting his cheek against her ribs

" This can't be happening..? What that girl said about a path not chosen I- "

" She's right "

The unfamiliar deep voice broke the swirling onslaught of thoughts racing through her mind, her eyes found his and tentatively she responded

" What do you mean? "

" Those words that plague your mind with fear and guilt only do so because they are true...... I chose you Sylphia Maldwyn– but you did not choose me "

The thoughts where slow and calculated as if he expected her to scold him, yet he continued

" It was not an accident that brought us together... But fate, and yet from the moment our minds became one and I saw the full extent of the life you have lived and felt the things you have felt I-"

His wings fell slack slightly before tucking back in as Neirros let out a sigh. Sylphia brought her other hand to the dragons snout with a tightness in her chest.

" I do not wish to be a burden but I will always be by your side to the ends of days...I only hope one day you can accept this fate as your own "

As the dragons eyes searched those of his bonded her hands trembled,

" Neirros I never- I'm so sorry, I hadn't realized or well I may have just thought the feelings where solely my own "

She hesitated then smiled softly

" I'm glad we where brought together, and although it seems I've forgotten you're only a baby I promise to try harder to accept things as they are "

Glancing back towards the rest of the group where Ren had retreated back to, oddly surrounding the same member as before, she heard the boy who had been glaring so menacingly ushering them closer. Trying not to catch his gaze again she crept towards them, unsure whether his intent was to bring her into their huddle as well she merely focused on retrieving her shoes. Hovering only a few feet away, hand extended towards her black heels with Nerirros now keeping himself relatively glued to her side as his eyes stayed alert towards Ke and the other who may still hold ill-intent towards Sylphia.
Alex's scales briefly stood on end after Fletcher placed his cloak on him before lying back down. The area was quiet now, except for the waves lapping at the beach. Hearing Ren's idea, Alex quickly decided he had nothing to lose and slowly extended his right hand from beneath the cloak. "I'm not coming out from under here. I'm... Less than presentable."
Alex soon found Ren's hand before clasping his wrist with a grip like iron. "Do what you must."
Fletcher and Ren stood locked in their silent battle, tension crackling in the air between them. Tellina watched as the clouds churned, the wind howling with an untamed fury. The sea raged in kind, its earlier rhythmic waves now transformed into wild, frenzied forces, colliding against the cliffs in their hunger for destruction.

Then, just as suddenly, the world exhaled.

The wind softened, returning to its usual gentle caress, and the waves, though still restless, lost their violent edge, retreating to their lazy embrace of the shore.

Fletcher had backed down.

Rolling his shoulders, he turned, his gaze meeting Tellina’s before he pulled her close. She all but collapsed into his embrace, relief surging through her. Someone who understood. Someone who stood with her.

She fought the prickling tears behind her eyes as she glanced around. Sylphia was off fetching her shoes, Ren had turned toward Alex, and—Virendros? Nowhere to be seen. Had he left before, or had the storm driven him away?

Her cheeks burned. This entire afternoon had unraveled into a nightmare. The vision, the awakening of their powers, the sheer force behind them—it was more than she had ever imagined possible.

Ke’oke’o remained at her side, an unwavering presence as the group slowly gathered near the fire, drawn by Alex’s morphing issues. Tellina bent down, tossing more driftwood into the embers. Ke’oke’o let out a soft breath, a small wisp of flame curling from his lips.

The fire roared to life.

Tellina curled her knees to her chest, gaze flicking toward Ren. Even as he helped Alex, the irritation still simmered beneath her skin. Where had his concern been when she was writhing on the ground, consumed by a vision she could not control?

But her frustration wavered when she caught sight of Sylphia.

The girl stood on the outskirts, hesitant, unsure. And why wouldn’t she be? Ke’oke’o had attacked her dragon, and she had been met with hostility simply for being assigned to their room.

Not just their room.

Tellina’s breath hitched as the prophecy’s words stirred in her mind, shifting, settling into place.

Unbidden, unbound, yet fated all the same.

Sylphia had not chosen this path, and yet it had been thrust upon her.

Ke’oke’o followed her thoughts, his mind latching onto the words he had heard.

She walks the path not chosen, bound in name but not in heart.

The realization struck them both. Ke’oke’o huffed, a mix of frustration and reluctant satisfaction—his instincts had been right. Sylphia had not come to them by choice just as she had not become a noble by choice, but Fate had placed her here nonetheless.

Tellina sighed.

They had to make this right.

With a deep inhale, Ke’oke’o rose, stretching his long body before slinking toward Neirros. His pride was vast, but he was not above humility—to a point. He kept low to the ground, his spines pressed flat in a rare display of submission. Tellina felt him reach out tentatively, his mind brushing against the black dragon’s in a silent, wordless apology.

She turned her attention back to Sylphia, hesitating only a moment before motioning for the girl to join her by the fire.

“I’m sorry,” Tellina said quietly, her voice steady despite the knot in her stomach. “Ke’oke’o is usually very friendly, you know… He was just afraid. I was too.”

She said nothing more, tucking her face against her knees as a wave of embarrassment washed over her. Fate had brought Sylphia here, whether they were ready for her or not. Tellina regretted that her first reaction had been rejection.

Now, all she could do was hope Sylphia would accept her place among them. Fill the empty place on the chasm cliff that Tellina had seen.

Join their Prophecy
As Ren and Fletcher brought their magic to bare Tristan felt his head throb and insides tingle uncomfortably before Ryvyne once more helped him and the pain became more manageable. "You should tell the others about this soon Tristan, I don't know what it is but these symptoms can't be good." Ryvyne pleaded.

"I will as soon as we sort out our current set of problems, no need to drop this on everyone right now. As long as I don't have some archmage decide to cast war magic right next to me and everyone calms down I will be fine."

Ryvyne snorted "Fine you stubborn fool! You will tell them before the day is out."

Tristan grinned, "Of course if this is what I think it is I believe Ren can help."

Soon enough Tristan felt the headache and pain subside as Ren and Fletcher stopped their showdown. Now able to think strait, Tristan took the time to look around and spotted Slyphia a little ways back from the group. While Ren was running towards a prone Alex and talked to him for a bit. To round it all up it seemed Tellina had come to some sort of conclusion on her recent prophecy and aimed to bury the hatchet with Sylphia, and hopefully that meant Fletcher would start to come around himself and they all could leave this tension behind them.

Because Tristan really did not know how long he could survive if some magical dick measuring contest broke out every hour and caused his own awakening mana to riot before he could get a lid on it. Tristan read the primers for many of the common mana types and how awakenings manifest and what was happening to him was in none of them and he foolishly skipped past the mana control reading into basic magic theory 'because it was more interesting.'

"Well Slyphia I officially welcome to our marry band of misfits fortunately at least half of us can cook and one of us can create dust explosion hazards at will." Tristan announced hands outstretched as if he was presenting a product and a grin on his face.
Things were finally settling. The storm had passed, at least on the surface. Sylphia returned with Ren, who immediately went to Alex’s side. Fletcher noted the way she avoided his gaze. He didn’t flinch. He was used to that reaction, the weight of his past didn’t fade just because he had left it behind. To the world outside these walls, he was still a monster. A thief. A killer. It didn’t matter if you were rich or poor, weak or strong. The bandits always got what they wanted. He had been no exception.
He adjusted his stance, letting the moment pass. She’d learn in time he wasn’t a threat unless she made herself one. They were a team, sure. He'd be civil. That didn’t mean they had to be friends.

Tellina spoke, offering a quiet apology. A good sign. Less fighting meant fewer distractions. Fletcher gave a short nod in response, his gaze shifting toward Ren. Their earlier dispute wasn’t finished. That conversation would come. Then Tristan spoke, officially welcoming Sylphia. He went over how half of them could cook and then...

"and one of us can create dust explosion hazards at will."

Fletcher had just taken a sip of water. The second the words left Tristan’s mouth, he choked, coughing violently as he spat the water out. Hie shot a look straight to the culprit, eyes narrowing like a silent promise of revenge. That absolute menace! He’d get him back for that one.

His gaze flickered to Sylphia, measuring her reaction. Would she even dare look at him? Whether she did or not, he exhaled, dryly remarking,

“Yes… fear me, for I wield the devastating power of dust explosions; the mightiest of all fire hazards.”

his image was hardly intimidating now, but that was fine. He’d sulk about it later, maybe curse Tristan for taking away his fear factor with a brief moment of weakness. Alara hopped off his shoulders, stretching. Her voice filled with wisdom.

“You’re not a bandit anymore, Fletcher. So you’re not a monster. It’s time to let that life go and embrace this one...all of it.”

Fletcher didn’t answer right away. Instead, he let his gaze drift over the group, watching each movement and reaction. He rather liked the idea of things going back to as normal as quickly as possible. Perhaps...not be a monster. Time would tell what would happen. For now he'd let the cards fall as they would. He leaned back, silent and taking in the moment. There wasn't much else to say. He had detention soon anyway.

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