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Fantasy Hybrids

Revnoir barked his adorable high-pitched little bark at Iris, not wanting her to leave. He gave her the puppy eyes, sitting and curling his tail around his little paws. Everything about him was adorable right now. A little ironic if you knew what he does for a living.
Revnoir just wagged his tail, not saying a word. Not that he could in this form, anyway... He just watched her, and stood up. He took a couple steps closer to her, but he didn't want to stray too far from the treeline. Even he was a little intimidated by the sheer number of humans just a few feet away in the village.
Xillia looked overexcited that someone asked for her name.

"Xillia!" She said, finally having a friend who was actually a girl. Kano was nice and all but he was a guy, so she couldn't really relate.
Revnoir switched back into his humanoid form, and smiled.

"Seriousness? Who's serious here? Other than that cat." He said, sounding disgusted when he said 'cat'.
He growled right back, his ears slightly bending back. He may be kind to others, sometimes, but he deeply disliked feline Hybrids.
Fisa shifts into her human form sitting in the lotus position. "No it's not nothing. What's going on in the human world?"
Iris looked at him and laughed. "You think I would know? I haven't spoken to a human in months. I've been on my own most of the time."
(ahem... Fisa is a girl.)

"I'm in a sort of self imposed exile myself. Nobody in my village liked me, so I left, and joined another one. I still only live on the outskirts though, and I tend not to associate with people."
Rev laughed a bit, crossing his arms.

"You mean they exiled you because nobody liked you." He teased, a huge grin across his mouth.
"I don't recall asking for your opinion." Fisa looked at Revnior with a cold gaze. "Please shove it back up into your rectum where it belongs."
Revnoir gave Fisa an extremely hostile glare. "Shove it up your ass like it's any other guy's dick you whore." He was starting to get seriously angry. He didn't usually swear as much as that, let alone call anyone that.

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