Hybrid, Magic Camp

@Eevee Shadow

sarthiss let go of evee a long time ago, lol

just lettin ya know, cuz like, hey, imma stand up and drag my girlfriend around while I talk to people and play with fire, that's akward xD
Oh no it's fine *draggs person to face you* It's really no problem *pulls up chair while still holding person in a headlock* I just like to clarify. *grabbs bag of chips and starts eating still holding person*

bruh, gotta make a charecter sheet before you join. And read more of the story, your chara's no where near where ours are right now.


Bruh, you have like, three powers listed, pick one and stick with it xD
mmm. Well, read up on the story, we've got a bit of a romance going on, then find a way to get where the rest of us are, maybe go outside the walls with lynx maybe?
sorry, i missed the notification xD

you wanna say something eevee, or should I continue?

seeya tomorrow, I gotta go to bed.

I thought that you (Eevee) would be the only one with the shadow power, we got two people with earth, two with fire, one with ice, damn, we need somebody with like, water or something xD just sayin, I dunno
I think he did, lol

maybe some of the other users would like to take a turn, Eevee and I tend to jus go off on posting tangents round 8-9pm
Otays) sits in a tree watching people pass by trying to stay silent but shift and falls out of the tree and stays there stunned

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