Hybrid, Magic Camp

Ey! I found that you made another RP, the zombie one i'm in I'm in the middle of trying to get two people to trust me and they won't friggin say anything, and the other one I'm in with you i'm waitin on the battle mage guy. Mind if I join in?
Hey, I wanted to know if it's still possible for me to join in! ^ ^ If so, just PM me or reply to me and i'll get my CS up there.
It's up to evee, but we need more people, so I'm sure she won't mind. I think she's gonna start.

Evee, we doin the turn order thing or just free post?
We need more people, but im not in charge. Evee will probably say yes, but im in another rp with her where we do turns, and its just starting, so i'd just throw up a post and wait for evee.

I used to do a site that was military oriented so there was alot of chaos, this turn thing's new for me as well. idk

I am LIKIN' THIS!!! keep it going guys!
Evee, I have an idea. Sarthiss can't see evee because the shadow power is triggered by two emotions, fear and curiosity! She was afraid of drowning, so that turned her to shadows when she tried, and when she was curious about Sarthiss she unintentionally turned invisible!!! Yea, yea, good idea?

If it's not ill edit my last post, but that's where my thought process is going.

This guy thinks its a good idea.


Idk, lol, we kinda just got out of hand. Quick question, did you find us or the other peaple downstream?
K. Now we get to merge stories! Sweet!

albinope, not sure what timezone you're in, but its getting late here. Now we should alternate turns in this order to include all of us,




K? eevee's charecter is really shy, and she speaks more with actions than with words.

I'll be on for about 15 more minutes, then I gotta leave.
Ah, me too. So Eevee's next. Lol, theres two other people, but one's from the philipeans so its like, I dunno, 2 in the morning for them so we kinda were going in couplets there for awhile.
Eevee and I are in another one, its got some magic and stuff too. its got 5 people so far, and the guy before me only posted once early this morning, so we got a full round done and he hasn't wrote back yet xD . Guess that is the downside.
mmm. Well, thats it for today, im goin to bed. Tomorrows friday thank god. Anyways, seeya after eevee posts.
Science lesson if you heat one part of a metal object it will travel down to the cooler end that's why cooking utensils have handles. (Sorry I'm a science nerd Future Engineer Turn Up)
yes, i understand that, I am too, but the fire stays where he puts it because he isfire allighned.two colliding forces don't really mix, avatar shit and such.

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