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The bartender took both coins. "There's a rumor that's been floating about that several lords and ladies from throughout the four empires are coming. Supposedly Duke Ashwood was even invited! You can kinda see why soldiers are around. Some other hired hands are being brought in to help out as well. Think I saw one of them yesterday. He looked like a mercenary, honestly."
Galina grunted. "I can see the need for security then."
She took another sip. "I am a freelance myself. Most of the time I do caravan-guarding. I don't suppose you know who to ask about the manor-job? Seems like good money."

Galina forwarded a gold coin. Tsavanian markings. Quite rare in these parts. "Your information would be worth alot. Maybe I can get a running start ahead of my competition."

With that said she let go of the coin and continued to enjoy her drink.
The bartender eyed the gold coin, before looking back up to Galina. "Ask for a man named Daniel Keswick. I think he's the one overseeing new hirings at the mansion. Its southwest of town, 'bout ten miles out." he said, reaching over and taking the coin. He quickly slipped that coin into his pocket, while the others had gone under the counter.
"Well, my dear Countess, the extravaganza begins tomorrow," Aleister said from his spot on the voluminous, comfortable couch. It looked as if it was swallowing the vampire whole. The cushions were a faded yellow, almost golden brown, and the stuffing within them compressed when one put any weight onto them. Sitting on them caused one to sink down as if they were in quicksand.

"I must admit I am rather excited. Its been far too long since I've graced the halls of a hopefully delightful gala... despite the people we will be joining with. It will be a shame if the place turns out to be full of the dreary or otherwise fanatical. And if this Cassandra is there, then that is simply worrisome. I do not doubt she'll sense us in an instant. And don't get me started on these cavalry troops roaming around. I guarantee you - they are trouble. I find it too coincidental that we all sensed something off about them, and now they are here."

He paused for a moment, sinking a little further into the couch as time went on. "Will you be using an alias or your real name at the party, Countess? I'm debating if I should do so for myself or not. If this gathering will have any relatively well to do and informed patrons, then most certainly someone will probably have heard of me. Though this far north it is somewhat unlikely. Oh, heavens! I hope I don't actually know anyone there. That would be positively dreadful."
Galina nodded towards the barkeep. "Much obliged."
She then took one last sip before taking off. Daniel Keswick. He could prove useful.

On her way back to the camp Galina spotted Inquisitor Witlock at a general goods store. She approached her.

"I have found a way in. Daniel Keswick. Oversees recruitment for mercenaries working at the mansion. It seems to be a fairly large contingent."

Galina paused to make sure that no one was eavesdropping. "There's more. Stonewall Wallace and his men will be there. A duke, Ashwood, will also attend the party alongside our friend Cassandra."
The loud sound of silver chains rubbing against one another was becoming more common, as the Tsavanian werebeast soldiers were pushed along by the Atracan troops. They were being prepared for execution, many of them begging to be spared or insulting their captors as they were dragged to meet their fates. Sergeant Jakob Phillomon stood there, watching as they were eventually lined up against a wooden wall at Fort Uuib. "Ready!" shouted Jakob, his unit of young soldiers shouldering their rifles. "Aim!" The Tsavanians were desperately trying to break their chains, some begging harder for their lives. "FIRE!" Gunshots rang out, and ten Tsavanians lay dead on the ground. "Bring in the next ten!"

Hours later, he sat in the canteen, surrounded by his unit. Laughing while eating a shepherd's pie. "I swear, the lieutenant has a stick up his ass lately." said Jakob, looking towards one of the privates. "But don't worry, I'll make sure things go smoothly." He then looked about the canteen, looking for one soldier in particular. Eventually, he spots him sitting far away from the rest. Corporal Howard Dewitt. A man Jakob had known for years, even before the war. A fellow Redgorge Local.

"Hey! What'cha doin' sitting here all alone?" he asked, stepping over and sitting in front of Howard. When Howard didn't answer, he pressed him. "...Howard? You alright?" The blonde man looked at Jakob with a forced smile, before answering. "Well, its not like I just spent all day killing fellow soldiers for no reason." Jakob let out a chuckle. "Fellow soldiers? They're Tsavanians. Not only that, they're freaks."

"Freaks, you say? Dunno, brother. Their begs for mercy sound very human to me." replied Howard, looking down at the table. Jakob watched him for a few moments, before clearing his throat and speaking again. "Howard...they're monsters. They stopped being human the moment they became beasts." Howard cut Jakob a look. "I don't think so." He glanced away, before continuing. "...you know, Jake, I've been thinking lately about these... things. Werebeasts, vampires...they're just like us." Jakob gave him a confused look. "Are you out of your mind, Howard? Did you eat the mushrooms growing outside the wall? Werebeasts are....that! Beasts! Savages without reason! And don't even get me started on those disgusting bloodsuckers!"

Howard groaned in frustration before snapping back. "Do savage beasts form close-knit families? Do they form societies like those bloodsuckers?" He looked Jakob straight in the eyes, leaning across the table. "Open your eyes, Jake. These things... werebeasts, they're humans who happened to get turned into beasts. And those blood suckers...you know how..." He groans. "...you remember back at Redgorge when they killed Lucy Grahams?" Jakob nodded. "...we went to school with that girl. And they staked her right in the town plaza and burned her to death because she fed on cows. COWS, Jakob. That...that sweet little lady didn't deserve that." Jakob found himself looking away, for a few moments.

"...I have no problem fighting for the Highlands, or defending Atraca...but executing these people just because they're 'monsters'? This ain't helping us win the war, Jakob." said Howard finally. Jakob closed his eyes, trying to understand what his friend was saying. Eventually, he sighed and opened them. "...I don't know. They are...Hell, I don't know! They're brutal things. You seen what they did to our boys back at Shredding Field!" Howard nodded. "Yeah. They're soldiers...just like us." Jakob looked away again. "I don't agree with you, Howard...I think I'd kill myself before turning into a freak."

Howard rolled his eyes. "What would you do if Cecil became a vampire?" The question shocked Jakob for a moment. He wasn't sure how to answer. "...See?" said Howard, after a few moments of silence. "You might not understand this...and that's fine. But I ask you to at least see where I'm coming from. These people...they don't deserve this." Howard then walked away, leaving Jakob alone to his thoughts.


Jakob snapped back into the present when a bottle of beer came to rest on the counter next to him. And the worried expression of a young and fair barmaid came into view. "You okay, constable?" she asked, with a hint of a smile. Jakob nodded. "Y-Yeah. Just...just a bit tired is all. Thanks for asking." he replied. She walked away, and he simply held his head as he thought of Howard.
Mariette listened to Aleister as she made sure her revolver was loaded with silver bullets. "In my county, les gens de la nuit know that I don't tolerate company of the less-than-proper variety. I've had some truly wretched, ghoul-spawning nothings arrested, tried and executed in the past for their ways and yet the rest regard me as a leader as opposed to a traitor. Not only will I use my true name, I hope that I'm recognized. The ones worth sparing will take my word, then, if I tell them they should vacate the premises before trouble arises." She snapped the cylinder into the frame and then tucked it into its holster. "Aleister, this is the first time the two of us have had to speak privately, and so I think I should be forthcoming with you. I drank the Romanov blood that Cassandra gave me, and before we go in there tomorrow, I think you should, too."
Aleister was nodding along as she spoke, figuring that if Mariette would use her real name, he probably would as well. It would be awkward otherwise to go by an alias - especially if he did end up knowing someone at the party. Usually most fellow vampires would catch on quick with these kind of matters, but there was no telling. An embarrassing moment like that at the party simply wouldn't do. He nearly missed the last thing she said as he was caught up in his thoughts.

".... you did? Well... I suppose that is okay... I was planning to give mine over to the inquisitor when she wanted it...." The blood must have not been poisoned or too dangerous since Mariette seemed fine, or so it looked. She wouldn't recommend him drinking it otherwise. However, in truth... he felt somewhat irritated. Why did the responsibility have to fall onto him to give up his vial while Mariette got to enjoy her own? The inquisitor had clearly recommended them not drinking it, and if it turns out they both did, then that would more than likely upset Valeria. He would prefer otherwise.

"Anyways... its no bother, I have plenty of other vials still, you know. I'm not so low that I need the Romanov blood. Though I appreciate your concern for my hunger." He was, of course, unaware of the additional properties of the blood.

He ran his hand over the couch cushion as he thought for a moment. It felt somewhat like ermine, though a little matted down with age and having lost most of its fluffiness. The cushioning within was remarkably springy still, so he figured they must have restuffed them but not reupholstered the outsides.

"If I may ask, what made you drink it? Were you not concerned that it could have been dangerous to your health?" He said, looking back up at her. "And are you not worried about how the inquisitor may feel about it? I mean, it was your vial, so what happened to it was your choice. I don't mind, truly. But with how everyone else in the group is so... so ornery all the time, they'd probably be in an absolute tizzy if they learned about you drinking it against the inquisitor's suggestion."


Earlier that morning....

Aleister noticed Jakob approaching him not long after he returned from his bath, and the man looked rather downtrodden. The vampire kept his expression neutral, but he wasn't in the mood for whatever tripe the constable wanted to spout at him now. However, it seemed like the constable was instead wanting to apologize. The man said his piece before walking off, leaving Aleister a bit flustered.

Just what was this man getting at? He seemed far too sincere to be faking it... but the likelihood that this man was some master manipulator was so ridiculously low that he couldn't even entertain the idea without feeling silly. Perhaps the constable simply was that kind at heart.

He couldn't help but sigh. It would almost be easier if the constable was the ass he had imagined. Looking back, he could see how he could have misinterpreted the constable last night. But it all seemed so insincere, so patronizing, so frustratingly... personal.

I've been around this thorn patch far too long. Maybe I'm catching their ire, like some sick disease. Ugh. If that puppy dog truly meant nothing by it, now I'm the one who kicked it for something it didn't even do. Gyasis, preserve me....

He decided he'd lighten up on the constable for now, but he still couldn't shake that feeling something was off about the man.
Valeria cut Galina a look of shock when Duke Ashwood was brought up. "The Duke is going to be at the party? That is not good. Not good at all. He could potentially be a target for Cassandra, or the Colonel. Or both." she said, muttering to herself before eventually going quiet. Eventually, she spoke again. "Good work. We need to inform the others tomorrow. We can plan out something ahead of the party, and potentially get some scouting done before the party begins. I'll be heading back to the camp. Stick around town and keep an eye out for anything new."


"...People are always in a tizzy over things, my young friend. That is why you must sooth their troubled hearts...and find a peaceful solution to their issues."

A near angelic voice was heard nearby, causing Aleister and Mariette to both look up to its source. It was a woman dressed in simple travelwear, wearing a dark green cloak. Its hood was draped over her head, concealing shoulder length brown hair. Her skin was like porcelain, with a faint trace of red lipstick marking her lips. Her eyes were obscured entirely by a light grey cloth, but she appeared to see perfectly fine through it as she walked over and sat next to Aleister on the couch. "...My apologies if I butted in, mes amies. I overheard some of your conversation...I believe you were speaking on the subject of Romanov blood?"

She offered her hand to Aleister. "...My name is Morgane." she said, a lovely smile appearing on her face as she seemed to look directly at him. Even with the blindfold. Her accent was quite clearly Escarian, but there was something else there too. Not just in her accent, but something about her entirely. Her aura was strange, unlike anything they had detected before. Nothing like Cassandra's faint aura, as Morgane's was quite clear and quite powerful...and warm.
Aleister looked around in surprise at the new figure who had joined them out of the blue. He was weary at first, but seeing the woman's apparel caused him to soften up. The woman's emerald cloak looked to be a simple journeyman's attire, but it matched her remarkable ivory skin quite well, from what he could see under her hood. The cloth over her eyes was a curious addition, and he assumed her to be blind, perhaps, but she moved around far too well for that. She had his attention in but a second; something about her seemed enchanting, and that was winning out over his initial weariness. Her aura was far too powerful and warm to be a pureblood... but that had to be the only explanation. Or... or a demon? No... it can't be that....

He gave her a pleasant, charming smile as she sat beside him, and he was sure to sit up a little bit on the couch so as not to appear so improper around company, even it they were unexpected.

"You are quite right on that, madamoiselle," he said, identifying her accent and phrasing immediately. An Escarian - no doubt she would be cultured. "And company is always welcome. Though our words on Romanov blood were... hypothetical and somewhat fantastical, madame, and not a conversation worthy of mention to bore you with."

When she offered her hand, he reached out to take it. "And I am Aleister. It is an absolute pleasure to-"

He gasped quite audibly as his hand finally gripped hers, his sparkling green eyes dilating and going wide as if in shock, or fear. An incredible heat like a winter fireplace blossomed to life within his chest. It was so shockingly painful as it was naturally comfortable. His pale face slowly began to redden to a pleasant pink hue as his eyes started to water.

His heart... was beating again.

"I... I-I... m-m-ma...dame..." his faltering voice was a soft but hoarse whisper as he stared wondrously at the woman, speaking with pure reverence. The cloth bound eyes... no... no... it couldn't possibly be....
Morgane continued to smile, a little wider. Words seemed to flow into his mind. Breathe, Aleister. In and out. I imagine its been quite a while since you've done so. Morgane tilted her head a little, as he continued to hold her hand. The tips of a pair of fangs poked out from under her upper lip. Savor it. The feeling of air in your lungs...your heart beating so strongly in your chest....Merveilleux, non? Eventually, after a few moments, she allowed him to release her hand. "I apologize if I scared you, cher monsieur. It has actually been...quite a long time since I've talked to someone else. Normally, I live a quiet life and keep to myself...you understand why, I'm sure."
When she told him to breathe, it was an instantaneous reaction. He almost didn't know he was doing it. Cool air filled his lungs for the first time in over forty years, and fearfully, he thought his lungs would burst from his chest at the exertion. It had once been such a natural and entirely automatic response, one everyone had since birth. And now he felt like a fish that had washed ashore with the tide. It was utterly alien and unfamiliar. It was terrifying. However, with a few seconds and her guidance, he was able to find the strength to slowly breathe out.

His mind was already awash with confusion and wonderment as he began to realize that he was not just in the presence of, or speaking to, but holding the hand of his goddess. Undite. But when she tilted her head just slightly to show off her fangs, Aleister began to tremble it what could only be described as religious ecstasy. Undite, the being in which he looked up to completely, who he gave his life to serve alongside Gyasis, who he absolutely adorned with his entire essence... was not simply a being of ultimate divinity... but a vampire.

Just... like... me.

The dampness in his eyes quickly turned to actual tears, which streaked down his blushed cheeks in black lines as his eyeliner smeared. The shock that came from his heart abruptly stopping once more as she let go of his hand brought some clarity back to his mind, but his body still felt entirely enraptured in the truest sense of the word. It was as if his heart had been momentarily thrust into the roaring center of an inferno and now it had been pulled out, to be safely swaddled in the familiar icy embrace that was death. The red warmth which had returned to his face for but a few seconds was already fading back to his usual milky white pallor.

The instinct to breathe had been reignited, and he found himself doing so without reason as his normal state of undeath did not require it.

"Mistress," he finally spoke up, putting more reverence into that single word that any other before in his entire life. "T-there... there is no need for an apology. If anyone should apologize, it should be I for... for looking so foolish."

His voice still had not returned to its normal smooth confidence, and he remained stuck speaking in a hushed whisper. As the automatic practice of breathing started to die back down, he found his hand gently clutching at his chest as if in search for that searing heat once again. There was so much he wished to convey to Undite, his goddess, but his mind felt as if it was full of fog. He had never been truly speechless like this in his entire life.

"Mistress... what do you require of me?" Aleister asked quietly. His eyes were still damp, with those bold black lines traced down his sharp cheekbones and slender face from his ruined makeup. He looked a little embarrassed, and not entirely unlike a lost child, but he managed to provide those words with the firmness they needed to show his absolute dignified sincerity. He would do anything for his goddess, and to realize now that she, too, was a vampire was far too overwhelming for him to truly grasp at the moment. He was still in a state of partial shock.
What the hell is happening!?

Mariette was just about to reply to Aleister when a third voice interrupted their conversation. Reflexively, the Countess scrambled backwards as soon as she caught sight of the visitor, even foolishly reaching for her holstered pistol before thinking, or rather, feeling better of it. This... "person" gave off an aura unlike anything else she had felt, but unlike Aleister, Mariette had no religious background to makes sense of the sensation. She watched in stunned silence as Morgane took a seat next to Aleister, took his hand and somehow... brought him back to life at her touch. Tears were streaming down his face, and even after he was restored to his normal deathly pallor, there stayed with him a different change. Aleister was utterly open and unguarded, vulnerable without fear.

In that surreal moment, Mariette was torn; her senses were telling her now that this visitor was worthy of her trust... perhaps even an angel. But at the same time, the sight of such power made her tremble, and much like when she first faced Cassandra. There was an instinct to run and hide that she had to ignore.
Galina nodded. "I'll try to get some rough numbers of the opposition. If I'm not back by dawn you need to get out of here."

As the two split up and went separate ways Galina once again pulled up her hood and tightened the cloak around her. She passed by a small tailor and bought a simple Atracan poncho. Good for keeping yourself dry and weapons concealed.

After that she started scouting out the inns. Galina eventually found herself entering a moderately large inn which seemed to have plenty of rooms.

A rugged sign at the front door identified the establishment as the Rounded Shield Inn.

As she entered she removed the hood and approached the innkeeper.

"Greetings. I'm looking for some friends. Mercenaries. We were supposed to meet up at one of the inns. I don't suppose you've seen them?"

Galina smiled and placed two silver coins at the counter. "The faster I can get to work the better."
"...Steel your nerves, as well as your faith, Aleister. Those that you travel with are not at fault for what they believe...it is simply a product of their environment and their experiences. You both must be a testament to what a vampire can be if you wish to earn their trust and respect....I had a similar experience with those that I once traveled with." she said, turning her head to face Mariette as she spoke of proving themselves. "Even the hardest of hearts, and most stubborn minds, can be changed. They may challenge you, react in hostile ways to what you are...but please. Forgive them." she said, before giving a bit of a chuckle. "You would expect these words from another, correct? He has the purest heart of all of us...it's why I fell in love with him."

She smiled at Mariette, before offering her hand for Mariette to touch if she wished. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Countess Mariette Desrosiers de La Cygne. I know of you, as I resided in Escaria for...a very long time. Your wine is quite divine. I had to move away, however, when Marquess Camille Giguere began her mission to exterminate vampires...I did not want to encounter her, even though I lived in relative seclusion..."


"Mercenaries? Uhm...there aren't any here, ma'am. There's a few soldiers staying here for the night, though. I can go get them if you really need to talk to someone." responded the female innkeeper, raising an eyebrow. "If you're talking about those men that showed up for the Bristol gathering, I believe that they set up a small camp near the Bristol estate itself."


Rosanna nodded. "If we sneak ya into the basement or somethin', you could bust in when things go south...still, there's always the chance someone might need somethin' out of the basement and accidently bump into ya."
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Morgane's words melted the ice on Mariette's nerves and made her feel as if the two had met before, on some warm and pleasant summer night. "Madame..." she said nearly taking the woman's hand before drawing back, ashamedly. "I- I do apologize, but it's been such a long time. What you did to Aleister... I barely remember what it feels like. I'm afraid I might miss it too dearly," she admitted. She smiled weakly. "Thank you for your compliments, my staff and I work very hard to retain our best practices, even in the face of technological advancements. We care deeply about the wine, we do... And as for Camille, I am trying to turn her away from such a vile hatred. I could have killed her several times over by now, but I believe that hatred is a contagious disease. If I were to commit such an act, it would spread. I'd rather cure it."

Now straightening up, she slowly began to grasp Morgane's true identity but nonetheless remained cautious not to assume. "Madame, are you... perchance... divine?"
Galina smiled and nodded. "Thank you but that won't be necessary. Have a good evening." With that Galina placed a gold coin on the counter. It was a Daristeinan one with a prancing griffin.

Galina then left the establishment, trading warmth and relative comfort for the grey muck outside.

She walked down the streets to the southern edge of the town where she spotted a couple of mercenary-looking men sitting about next to a carriage and a pile of wooden boxes.

Galina adjusted her gait to be more feminine, pulled down her hood and approached the men. "Hello lads, mind helping a lady out?" She asked while pouting slightly.

A folded piece of paper (in reality a receipt for her ferry ticket to Grimtham) was waved infront of the men before it was returned to a pouch underneath the poncho.

"I'm supposed to deliver a message to Keswick but the man seems to be everywhere and nowhere- I don't suppose either of you have seen him?"
"Then I will deal with whomever enter the basement accordingly." Ethraeil responded. "What will matter is trying not to go to a Plan B."
Morgane nodded. "In a way, chère. I went by a far more memorable name long ago." she replied, motioning a finger towards one of the rings on Aleister's finger. Undite. "...I like to walk the realm. See how things have changed...remember times long past." She goes quiet for a moment, before continuing. "As you can see...the Church's statements on us being dead are greatly exaggerated. We just decided that it was...just time for us to move on. Live private lives, out of the public eye. We all went to the divine plane, of course, but most of us grew restless there. Its just not the same. Velin is the only one still there. I don't really know what's going on in that head of hers these days."

She went quiet again, before looking back up to the both of them. "...Anyway, I heard you two speaking on the topic of the Romanov blood, correct?"


One of the mercenaries spoke up, adjusting his cap. "Oi, the Eshaxian lookin' fuck? Should be ova theah by the smithy. Gettin' his horse new shoes." said the man, his northern Atracan accent ridiculously heavy. "Tell tha' tossah we betta be gettin' paid double for dealin' with fuckin' bloodsuckas and wolves tahgetha." he added, before waving her off towards the blacksmith's shop at the north end of town.
Undite... no, Morgane's... words were like gospel to Aleister as he listened closely to her. He still couldn't quite believe that this was happening. To say it felt like a dream would have been incorrect. It was utterly surreal, like she was merely an illusion that had walked out of an opium den and into the real world. And to have had the honor to simply take her hand for only a moment....

While Mariette spoke up, he tried to compose himself further. His nerves were completely rattled, and while he could contain his excitement, it was chipping away at him on the inside. He managed to stop his breathing, but the tears wouldn't quite go away yet. Aleister finally had to dab at his cheeks with the back of his sleeve, which ended up smearing some of the runny liner further but otherwise drying his face for the moment until the next set of tears.

It would appear that she was just here to chat, for the most part, which was entirely fine with him. He had thought she was here to bestow some sort of divine mission upon him and Mariette, or perhaps chastise him for any of his sins. A friendly conversation in the parlor with his goddess was the last thing he had ever expected in all his life. Everything she said he took directly to heart, and to hear that he and Mariette were right in attempting to purge the prejudice and hate from the others in the inquiry.... It felt like he had been righteously vindicated. And he didn't miss that bit at the end... that she had fallen in love with Gyasis? Her casual speech on the others gods was unreal. His undead heart could only bare so much.

"Yes, mistress, we were," Aleister spoke up, clearing his voice. It was an inch closer to normal despite his embarrassed and nervous disposition. He did pause for a moment to ensure there were no prying ears nearby before continuing.

"We encountered a pureblood vampire, Cassandra, not so long ago. In a ploy to try and ambush her, we feigned to be traitors to our comrades, and she gave us each a vial of pure Romanov blood... post-transformation. Our inquisitor - Valeria Witlock - suggested we should not drink it, so I've not do so. But the blood was gifted to us, and Mariette consumed hers already, as is her right to do so." He spoke freely and without any embellishment or exaggeration, and especially without any lies. He already felt shameful enough for attempting to deflect the conversation earlier before he realized who she was.

"The Countess here suggests I should drink it... but I'd rather adhere closer to the inquisitor, if not simply for the benefit of maintaining our good grace with her and the others. I had initially thought the blood poisoned or magically cursed in some way, as I do not trust Cassandra, but that seems to have been incorrect."

He unbuttoned the top of his collar and reached into his robes to pull out the small leather pouch of blood vials he had. His fingers were a little numb and he fumbled with the latch for a second before he opened it, and he picked out the Romanov vial and held it out to show Morgane.

"Here it is. And... if you would desire it, mistress, it will be yours," he said, holding it slightly towards her.
Mariette fumbled for words as Morgane made it apparent that she was worthy of the reaction Aleister was having. But even knowing the true identity of the visitor, Mariette wasn't moved to tears.

She had once been religious, many years ago, but had become faithless some time during the early years of her immortal life. The struggle to endure against the hatred of her former loved ones drove her deep into despair and vindictiveness. While she never explicitly rejected the church's version of the spiritual nature of all things, she hadn't embraced it, either.

Looking upon Morgane was an awe-inspiring sight, but not one which would bring her to her knees in devotion. "To be clear, madame, our plan to ambush the pureblood Cassandra failed utterly. There's a very good chance that she knows we tried to decieve her, and is merely trying with this Inquisition. Nonetheless, I drank my portion in a desperate hope that it would somehow bring me closer to what she is. After all, she implied that her employer could grant us the same gifts.

"...And it did. Aleister, that blood is the finest I've ever tasted, and it enhanced every ability I possess for a span of three days. If we meet Cassandra again, if things go badly for the Inquisition, then you have a much better chance of survival under the blood's effects."

Mariette sighed and hung her head. "Madame, I am sorry if I've become a bad example of our kind in testing the Romanov blood. At times I am a coward."
Morgane listened quietly to both of them, before shaking her head at the offer of the vial. "Keep it." she said, offering Aleister a smile. She turned her head towards Mariette. "Do not worry, chère. The urge is already powerful enough, and you were given incentive to drink it. What I can offer you though is a few words of caution on it...as well as Cassandra." She reached beneath her cloak for something, and eventually drew out a rather thick book as well as a vial of blood. The book appeared well used, apparently centuries old and having been fitted with a new cover a few times. The pages inside, however, seemed well taken care of. The vial of blood was quite similar to the one that Aleister held in his hand.

"...You see, the blood of the Romanov line is powerful, as they are the most direct and purest line of Dire Werewolf...going all the way back to the original werewolves millenia ago. Their blood carries magical properties due to this, and affect different creatures in different ways. Mariette knows exactly how it affects a vampire. If a regular werewolf were to drink it, they would permanently convert into a dire werewolf. No, they are not forced to change and remain that way. Their bodies adapt to the blood and make it their own. An issue with it is that the trait is not passed on to others they bite or to their offspring. In short...a werewolf that drinks Romanov blood becomes a much bigger, stronger werewolf for life."

She set the book in her lap, inspecting the vial in hand. "Now, back to vampires and their reaction to the blood...it is addictive. Far more addictive than anything else. I have tasted it before, and I have felt the urges of it. Your craving for it will grow stronger with each vial. That's one of the problems. Another problem is that the blood alters the mind. You become more aggressive. Rabid, in a way. Drinking one vial full is the safest method, as drinking straight from a Romanov will drive you mad. There are always costs to these things. And here is where I get to Cassandra..."

She looked to Aleister and Mariette. "I've...met this woman before. Cassandra Bainbridge. She's...she's a troubled woman. I have heard multiple versions of how she was turned, through various sources. None of them are pleasant, and in everyone one of them...how she was turned was just..." Morgane's voice faded for a moment, before she eventually looked back down at the vial in her hand. "...Anyway, she is addicted to Romanov blood. As I said, Romanov blood alters the mind, and Cassandra is already a disturbed vampire. And now, she has become a pureblood. She is not a woman to be trifled with, in any regard."

Morgane then looked back up. "...I believe she saw through your trick. If she is a pureblood, and was using Romanov blood at the time, she saw through it entirely. That also means she is likely toying with your group...but she gave you the Romanov blood vials, which also means she genuinely wants you two to join her. She's tempting you two into joining her with the blood, and promises to be like her...she never intended to kill you all herself. She wants you two to kill your companions. Do not let her or her allies twist your minds."

"...How she became a pureblood is a mystery...even to me. Adona certainly wouldn't grant her that gift, and he is the only one that I know of with that kind of power...perhaps you two will learn soon enough how she has come to be this way. For now...be careful. Take care of your companions, and they will take care of you as well. Even if they seem to despise you...you're all in this together." said Morgane finally, before holding out the vial and book to Mariette. "I want you to have this, Mariette. You have traces of magic use all over you, so I know that you practice magic...as outdated as some deem it. This grimoire will be far more useful to you now than it is to me. I've carried it with me for countless centuries, but I've made sure to maintain its contents well. I have several other copies, so do not worry. I also want you to take this vial of Romanov blood that I've kept. It turns out the Romanov bloodline is also excellent for casting difficult spells. It was given to me freely by another Romanov."
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Galina did a faux salute. "Much obliged. I'll make sure he gets the memo." Before leaving she tossed him a silver coin. "Drinks are on me, lads."

Galina then made her way over towards the blacksmith. She made her way inside.

"Daniel Keswick?" She asked aloud, hands on her hips.
Mariette listened closely to what the goddess told her about the blood and felt a growing sense of self-loathing. Even if she had been excused for drinking it, she couldn't help but remember the impulses she felt when she nearly rushed into the inn after taking in the mind-altering power. Kill them all, she remembered thinking. It would have been easy to catch them off guard, and with all that strength and speed, there would have been no stopping her.

She had nearly fallen directly into Cassandra's ploy. A selfish thought crossed her mind: But what if that were best for me?

There was another flash of shame at the thought, but it was undeniably a compelling question. Morgane had admitted that whatever turned Cassandra into a pureblood was a process unknown even to the gods. It was almost as if Morgane was freely admitting that she couldn't match Cassandra's offer. All she could do was suggest vaguely that Mariette and Aleister might discover the secret on their own.

And yet, what kind of life awaited her at Cassandra's side? What good would it have been to shrug off the tyranny of the sun and walk under it's warm rays again, only to become a rabid, blood-crazed murauder in the process? She knew, at that moment, that Morgane was saving her and Aleister both. There was no salvation, no freedom at the end of the road Cassandra offered, just another set of chains to exchange for her own.

"You have my word, the blood won't touch my lips again, madame, unless I have no other option against our foes. This book," she said, taking the grimoire Morgane offered, "I'm sure it contains far safer and more useful pursuits. I thank you," she said, before adding heartfelt emphasis: "truly."
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Morgane smiled and nodded at Mariette, before looking to Aleister. "As for you, Aleister...I give you this." she said, before reaching up and unhooking something from around her neck. She then pulled it off and held it out to him. A necklace, with an odd charm at the end. It looked utterly ancient, like some of the relics from ancient times before the Age of Darkness that you would find in a museum. "This should help amplify any divine spells that you cast tenfold." After he took the necklace, she straightened up. "...I should be going. I'm sure that both of you have things you should be getting back to. I wish you luck in your endeavours...and I'll pray for you in the coming days. I am not one that can see fate...only Adona can do that...but from how he acted when we last spoke, change is coming."

She stood, but leaned close and gave Aleister a gentle kiss on the cheek. "À la prochaine, mes amis." she said, looking between the two, before quietly walking away and out of the inn.


A voice replied to Galina's call. "Yeah! I'm back here! What is it?" said the voice, before a short man came around from behind a wall with a few broken horse shoes in hand. "You lookin' for work or somethin'?"

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