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Theodore couldn't get a word in from the constant interruptions and finally the argument being swept under the rug. Whatever his true intentions of what he said, would be lost now. Hardly made a difference to him. It was clear that Camille would brush them off as just another 'bad day at work' like all her class tend to do. Half the country's nobility had passed through the university and most of them were the same brats with different icons meant to represent their family heritage. All the same exact arrogance and disdain for those born of a different lot in life. His eyes through the goggles remained neutral and focused on his meal, thanking Jakob for his cooking and turned it for the night until it was his turn to be on watch.

After that he couldn't sleep. Fine by him, he could wait. He rarely had the chance to observe the sunrise anyway. Not since what had happened. As the sun crawled its way over the horizon and cast it's first rays, he felt at peace and rejuvenated. As if the previous night hadn't happened.

After some wait, he walked over to his gear and began to prepare for the journey ahead. Everything was in order and in it's place. Nobody in the group had any smart ideas to play around with things they shouldn't and he was grateful for that. Be it to them or the gods, it wasn't clear. He approached his horse humming a song popular among the people living in the outskirts of Vierteaux, stopping only to say a good morning before continuing to hum.
Camille rolled her eyes at Wesley's acting, her patience not in the right place for such merriment. "I would not say I am ready just yet. I will have to find a fitting dress and proper shoes once we get there. At the very least we have a few days to prepare." she clarifies. "But a good morning to you nonetheless, monsieur. Bad dream or not, we are alive and ready to face the day's challenges."
Galina unsheated her dagger and placed the flat side of the blade on each of Wesley's shoulders. "Rise, knight of House Kholda."

Galina couldn't help but smile as she then returned the dagger to its place. Her expression then turned serious. "Let's hope that the gods watch over us during this arduous task."
Wesley stood from his knelt position and placed his hands on both Galina's shoulders gently. "I assure you. We'll finish this with ease. once the battle starts. I'll come to your aid if need be. no one will be dying in this group."
Erwin had finished one patrol before he turned in for the night. He certainly wouldn't have slept in this company were it not for Rosannas indifference and constant vigil that assured him he'd be left alone.

In the early hours he was awoken by Aleister as he left the camp to bathe, and decided it would be best for him to do so as well. He took great care to avoid the vampire and headed for another part of the river to clean himself.
As he sat naked on a smooth rock with the river up to his waist, scrubbing himself with sand and water, he stopped as he arrived at the tattoo.

Two more months... He thought with a sly grin on his face.

When he washed the scar he was extra careful, and a miniscule of pain appeared on his face. Which didn't mean washing it didn't hurt, of course. Erwin had simply learned to handle the pain emitted from the sensitive and ill-recovered injury.

After washing he performed some shadow boxing on the bank near his clothes. Since he couldn't afford the luxury of simply sitting around in the chilly morning to dry as Aleister did, he opted to do the exercise both to keep warm and dry faster. Well finished he returned to camp as the group began packing up.

After picking up his saddlebags he walked past Galina and Wesley on his way to his horse and overheard their conversation. As he strapped his bags in he heard Theodore approaching, since the scholars horse happened to be next his own.

"Stringing him along like an army recruiter." He said to Theodore whilst looking in Galinas and Wesleys direction before turning his head to his conversational partner, "A gold piece says the boy is the first to go."
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Galina was a bit taken back when Wesley suddenly grabbed her by the shoulders. She looked sideways in an effort to avoid Wesley's eyes which reminded her far too much of Artem.
"I, uh, thanks." She said with a low tone.

Straightening herself up Galina then gently removed his hands and placed them in hers. "Just stay on your toes. I can look after myself."

Galina then walked off, thoughts clouding her mind.
"2 pieces say he will have his first kill by the end and he will still be breathing." Theodore answered while making sure the strap was tight. "If he keeps following Galina around with those young boyish eyes, he will either bag himself a werebeast or prove you right quicker than you might think."
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"I'll take you up on that bet." Erwin replied as he swung himself up on his horse.

"However, I can't say I'm thrilled over our current prospects. Hunting a murderous trueblood at a banquet while unsure who among the guests are friend or foe will be a difficult and dangerous undertaking."
"Oui. She could be the only vampire there or have herself surrounded with just about every nightstalker on this island." Theodore climbed on his own horse before continuing "And we are on our own to add to it. We are, how do you southerners say, up shit creek without a paddle?"

"I suppose if this profession was simple and safe, experts like us would be unneeded."
Erwin chuckled slightly, "A adage worded so fancily surely sounds southern. I however, my short-statured friend, am from the highlands where we prefer the shorter and more direct version of the proverb."

He turned to Theodore and gave him a cheeky look, "That is, We're fucked."

He then mulled over his companions observation of the state of their profession.
"I suppose one could say that the reward increases with the difficulty of the task performed. And while the church is generous with praise, they are notoriously stingy when it comes to monetary compensation."
"A taboo topic about the church is how some within it treat it like a business. As such, we are saddled with some of the most obnoxious misers you'd ever have the misfortune to talk to should you try to take up the matter of compensation." Theodore's was getting annoyed just by thinking about the aforementioned misers. The memory of spending two weeks in back and forth negotiations for a simple increase in pay so he could afford travel expenses still causes anger in him even 5 years later. "Blessings of the gods are fine and all, but those don't put food on the table"

"Still, like any business, you are encouraged to work around obstructions."
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Jakob spent his night looking at pictures of his family, shifting through them while remembering the old days when he was back in Redgorge with his family. He continued until he eventually drifted off to sleep. The next day, he started loading supplies and gear, preparing everything for the rest of the way to Tresomin, when Aleister came back from the river after bathing. Jakob approached him with his hand on his head, projecting an apologetic look. "Uh...Al? I mean, sir..." he said, facing the priest. "I wanted to apologize...again." He cleared his throat, glancing away. "I didn't mean to offend you, sir. I realize now that while I was being sincere...I diminished your own experiences when comparing them to my own." He then looked back to the vampire. "I am sorry, sir. I'll let you be now." He then walked away, putting his hat back on while hoping that the vampire could see his sincerity in his words. He let out a sigh as he kicked dirt into the embers of the campfire. Hopefully next time, the inquiry will relax and not be at each other's throats.
Eventually, the group had everything packed and ready to go. Soon, they'd be off, heading across the open plains towards Tresomin. They passed through another rather large patch of forest, filled with mostly northern pine trees. There also seemed to be other creatures here. Occasionally, the group would catch glimpses of something out of the corner of their eye. Simple blurs, as whatever it was would disappear behind a tree rather quickly. Once some of the group spoke up about it, Valeria answered. "Dryads. We encountered a few on the way to Tresomin a few months ago. They're watching us to see if we bother any of the trees, or push into the forest. Just stick to the road and they won't bother you." she said, looking back to the others.

When they emerged out of the other side of the forest, the sightings stopped. Hills began to appear, as well as a vast swampland to the south towards Porthcrawl. Swamps were always rough to travel through, and various types of nasty creatures often lived in them. They passed by a rather large river, stopping briefly in case some would rather bathe there instead of in town, before proceeding onward. Soon enough, the town of Tresomin was in sight.

Tresomin looked much like most towns and villages down in Southern Atraca, honestly. Calm, devoid of any lavish buildings or even walls. There were no brick buildings here, as all of them were made of standard wooden boards and nails. Constables wore simple badges instead of a full fledged constable uniform, and simply carried a revolver alone. It had an individual bar, which Bromwich seemed to lack, as well as a few inns and boarding houses.

There did seem to be some activity in town today, though. Soldiers, in fact. Atracan cavalry. Valeria's guess had been right. The Colonel and his men WERE heading to Tresomin when they left Bromwich. At least there were very few soldiers wandering around the town. Easily avoidable, really. The group made camp outside of town, near the river to the west, before venturing in quietly.

The first stop the group made was, of course, to the tailor in town. It was owned by a nice couple from Escaria, apparently. Adventurous types. After orders were placed and measurements were given, the members of the group divided up and wandered around town. Hunting for any information on where exactly the party would be held. That came easy. A mansion to the southwest, known as the Bristol Estate. The mansion was owned by a man named Charles Bristol, an Atracan Baron. The time the party would commence? Tomorrow night. Now was the time to see who would be going to the event, besides Cassandra and apparently the Colonel.


Some of the group would find themselves the chance to actually take a decent bath inside Tresomin. Far better than river water, honestly. These were actually hot baths. While everyone did what they needed to at the bathhouse or at one of the stores, Aleister and Mariette found themselves sitting in the common room of Mellow Brook Inn. Modest in almost every way, it seemed rather quaint honestly. They were left to themselves, as most of the inn's patrons were either already asleep (as it was now past dark) or out in town still. The perfect time for a quiet chat about the coming party, or other matters.
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The night in the field was uneventful as the patrol finished its route and Ethraeil signed to sit on a stone to meditate for the rest of the evening before moving out once more. And when they moved, Ethraeil stayed silent within the carriage as they moved towards Tresomin, though he did perk up slightly when Valeria mentioned dryads. Upon arriving in the outskirts of the town, Ethraeil was instructed to remain back in the camp since he wouldn't be inconspicuous. As such, as the inquiry went about their way to enter the town, Ethraeil could only watch from the distance. As day turned to night, Ethraeil had already resigned to sit at the small campfire and meditate. That is, until Rosanna appeared and took her own spot near the fire.

"Are you not participating in the party?" Ethraeil asked.
Rosanna shook her head, as she walked over and sat down. "I'm goin', but the party is tomorrow night. I just got my...uh...dress measurements in to the tailors, and I gotta pick it up tomorrow. Didn't have much else to do in town besides bathe, and I can do that in the river there." she said, motioning over to the river near the camp. "Figured I can come back and keep you company." she then added, with a smile.
"Hm." was the only response Ethraeil gave for a moment before turning to speak again. "If that Cassandra is there again, what is stopping her from realizing your aura? Or anyone elses for that matter?"
"That's...a good question, really." said Rosanna, looking down into the fire. She thought for a few moments, before glancing back up. "Maybe there's somethin' in that tome that Aleister got from Valeria. Or in that book Mariette is always carrying around. Could hide our auras for a few hours. Not as well as Cassandra seems to be able to hide hers...but we'll blend in easy with the other bloodsuckers in the mansion, I think."
"But obviously, if things go wrong we will need a backup plan. How will you deal with a pureblood in a dress? Or for that matter, her lackeys which are bound to be within the mansion itself? There are too many variables that can go wrong. I don't like it." Ethraeil explained, voicing his discomfort.
"If things go wrong...we just gotta fight our way out." responded Rosanna, with a smirk. It was obviously forced. "I can fight naked if I gotta. Sure, its embarassin', but you don't worry about that kinda stuff when its a fight for survival. I'd just need someone to protect my head, and I can beat my way through to the exit."
"...I still don't like the situation. That is, unless, you get a... what's the term... 'ace in the hole'?" Ethraeil spoke, "Perhaps if they have a basement or a wine cellar, knowing the wealthy they usually do, I can be put straight under the party and monitor the situation."
The travels by horseback only presented mild discomfort for the Escarian noblewoman, missing her personal carriage with each passing day yet still able to do without. Being out in the wilderness was tranquil for the most part, and she kept telling herself that it was a worthy trade to the relaxing trips she would take all over the country. Of course the reason she took those trips was always less relaxing, but that was neither here nor there at the moment.

Camille's immediate order of business upon entering Tresomin was to secure a room and take a bath, events of the days prior as well as the group sleeping outdoors was more than enough persuasion. She found the process surprisingly relaxing despite how shanty the town appeared, but hot water to bathe in always did wonders for how livable she found a place to be. From there she embarked to the tailor, the Escarian couple recognizing Camille based on the golden necklace she wore, the crest of House Giguere displayed prominently. After that realization they were quick to provide with the measurement taking and deliberations on a proper dress for her. There did not seem to be any places for the Escarian to find some proper shoes for the party, but she decided that her current boots would suffice. They would be easy to hide beneath the dress anyway, and anything fancier might hinder her mobility when she would desperately need it for the party.

In time, her dress was finished, and the couple took great care to make something worthy of the Marquess' wardrobe back home. One might expect Camille to find no worthy craftsmanship from such a quaint little town, but she had surprisingly been cordial and thankful to the man and woman. In fact she was so taken aback by the dress that she paid the two of them extra for their effort, bidding them a fond farewell once everything had concluded. She would have to sort out her hair tomorrow evening, but the vast majority of the affair had been figured out. Now all that there was left to do was wait for the hour to draw near. The huntress chose to relax about the inn, reading and napping as she kept to herself. For once she decided not to train, as tiring herself out so thoroughly before what was certain to be a large fight seemed unwise.
Once inside of the town of Tresomin, Jakob took the time to have a nice shower. One of the few customs he kept from his university days were hot showers. That, and reading cheesy drama books. He then continued, washing his uniform and hanging it out the window of his room to dry. He took a deep breath, sitting on his bed and gently stroking his forehead as he thought of his family.

When the uniform dried, he eventually left the inn and headed to the tailor. He greeted the Escarian couple in a friendly and respectful manner, looking for a nice suit that would fit him well enough. They were kind enough to provide him with a finely made suit, which he tried on. As he looked himself over in the mirror provided, he thought to himself "This is what Lawyer Phillomon would look like, heh! Still lookin' good, though!" He thanked them happily, and payed them for the outfit, before changing back into his other clothes and heading back to the inn where he was staying.
Galina remained silent during the ride to Tresomin. She was unsure how to feel about Wesley.
To begin with it felt...unprofessional. Secondly it didn't feel entirely right.

He was no doubt handsome and seemed to be an honest hard-working man but the fact was that he reminded her too much of Artem- a man she'd never be able to replace no matter how hard she tried.

Galina sighed. There was also the fact that it could be a liability. Especially considering the enemy they faced.

Galina sighed yet again and scratched Boris behind his ears.


Once the party arrived at Tresomin Galina opted to recon the town as her outfit for the mansion party was already prepared.

With her hood pulled up she casually walked through the streets.

For safety's sake she had left her rifle at the camp and changed from her grey cloak to a brown one to avoid being recognized by Cassandra.

Galina then found herself at the bar. She pulled down her cloak and leaned in over the bar-counter.

"Excuse me, barkeep."

Galina placed a silver coin on the counter. "What's the latest news?"
"Well, I'm sure you've seen the soldiers lurkin' around." said the bartender, a short man with a thick moustache and what appeared to be a comb-over. He reached up and took the silver coin from the counter before continuing, cleaning out a small glass with a clean towel. "They're going to that party over at the Bristol estate tomorrow night. Protective measure, from what I heard. Colonel Wallace is also supposed to be there, along with some inquisitor lady from down south. Plenty of other guests too, it seems. The tailor here in town's been seeing a lot of buisness the past few days." he said. He set the glass on the counter. "Vodka? You seem the type." he asked, reaching under the counter and pulling up a bottle of Tsavanian vodka. "The accent, ya know."
Galina nodded and slid two more coins across the counter. One for the vodka and one for more information.

"Colonel Wallace? As in Stonewall Wallace? Any idea why a party would need protection by veterans of the war?"

She took a sip from her glass and nodded. "Just like home."

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