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Valeria shook her head. "Father Weston has made more enemies than I have. I followed his lead on most of our missions to Grimtham. Perhaps its an attempt to get at him, as he has retired from field work. I was promoted to his former position while he assumed the role of a High Inquisitor. I do not know of anyone that would have a personal quarrel with me, beyond maybe a civilian or two due to me killing a ghoulified loved one." she said, folding her arms.


Rosanna hummed to herself, as she sat in her room in the inn tending to all her equipment and gear. It had been a while since she had actually spent a night in an inn, as she usually camped outside of town. It felt nicer outside under the stars, honestly, compared to the stuffy feeling most rooms got. Eventually, she had her gear squared away. She decided to head back downstairs, checking to see if the inn had any beer to drink. Sure enough, they did. The good stuff, too. Daristein Ale.

She made her way over to where Galina and Erwin (and surprisingly the lich) were sitting. She managed to catch the last part of the lich's question as she walked up. "Bone powder? Why not just get some milk and rub it in those bones of yours." she said with a chuckle, before taking a swig of her beer and sitting down.
"...I was allergic to milk when I wasn't undead." Ethraeil replied, "Never touched dairy in my existence. Besides, pure calcium is better than a diluted source for skeletal maintenance."
Erwin sighed as Rosanna came over to the table.
So much for avoiding attention and eating in peace he thought to himself, but didn't voice his opinion.
Having finished his bowl, he took savoring gulps out of his ale glass. As he did, his sleeve fell back ever so slightly, briefly revealing a tattoo on the underside of his forearm. By the looks of it some sort of heraldric shield adorned by some sort of emblem.
As he placed his glass down, the sleeve once again returned to cover the tattoo again.
He turned to the lich once more, "I was under the impression that necromantic immortality would absolve one of personal upkeep."
"My soul remains eternal in this plane, however my body changes with the energies holding it together. I once had skin and flesh, when I first started out. That eventually gave way to a more permanent look of bone for the most part." Ethraeil explained hesitantly, "Hence, why I want my bones to be well maintained."
Camille raised an eyebrow at Mariette's warning, trying to scrutinize her words for an ulterior motive as per usual. "It would not be the first time a vampire has gotten in over their heads, a simple underestimation on their part is all it would take. But yes, we shall build a proper profile of the attacker, or attackers before moving forward. And I should stress that it is quite difficult to find me with my guard down, countess." she said with a matter-of-fact tone, folding out her hands to roll her wrists about.

"So how do we move forward then? Sit about this place for a few days, conducting our own investigations while the Senior Inquisitor gets more information delivered to us? It doesn't exactly seem like a terrible plan, but I prefer a much more proactive approach." the Escarian huntress admits. Soon her hands are at her side as she looks among the people in the autopsy room, trying to see if they had any suggestions to offer. While she was certainly skilled in tracking down vampires, she often aimed at well-known nobles and their estates. Granted she had killed many lesser vampires in her time, but she had the familiarity of her homeland to assist her, this island was completely out of her element. At the very least she looked to be quite cooperative at the moment, despite the vampires being in the room and speaking so freely. That said it was obvious she still harbored ill-will toward them but not to the point it would lead them astray yet again.
Galina shook her head at Erwin. "I can tell you're fun during the holidays."
She then stared at Ethraeil as he neared. "Sorry, no bonepowder here."
Aleister thought on the situation for a moment, listening closely to Valeria, Mariette, and Camille. It was undoubtedly a rough matter to be caught up in. There wasn't any easy answer to this, not at the moment there wasn't.

"If I may suggest, while we gather information, we should project an image of weakness. If our foe thinks us divided or what not, we may be able to goad them into action, and we can spring their trap back onto them when they find that we were in fact awaiting their move. I do not doubt that whatever did this is at the very least crafty. As we stand now, without knowing any of the who or what aside from these three bodies, we can really only start putting things together once we encounter this mysterious foe," Aleister explained, crossing his arms and propping his chin up on his hand. "Being too proactive now may be premature. Our enemy holds the cards. If they make the first move, we will at least know partly what we are dealing with. I rather react accordingly than commit and have the rug torn out from under us because we took a blind stab at them."
"...Perhaps we can do both." said Valeria, turning a bit to face them. "Some of us can persue a more active investigation. Snooping around Bromwich, talking to the locals about any suspicious characters they may have seen. Meanwhile, we keep an air of division between us like you suggest. It will make us appear even more divided, as we look as though we refuse to cooperate with one another. When whatever did this rears its head, we can strike and attempt to slay it." She glanced to the other bodies. "But keep in mind...whatever did this is good at what it does...very good. Be on your guard at all times. If it could take out one of our best hunters and two priests without them putting up a fight, then it can certainly kill us all as well."

She then looked to the other constable that was still in the room with them. "Please, alert the constabulary and instruct them to keep a very close eye out for any suspicious individuals in Bromwich. Also, if you see a frost lich, he's with my group. He will not harm you." she stated. The constable eyes widened at the lich comment, but nodded. "Yes, ma'am." he said, giving her a salute before departing himself.

Valeria looked back to the doctor a moment later. "Dr. Turner, I believe you know what to do with the bodies. Standard procedure for those killed by vampire bite. Seperate the head from the body, and cremate the two individually." she said, before looking down to Atkins' body for a moment. She went quiet, before glancing back up. "...do you happen to have Atkins' pocket watch? I would like to send it back to Father Weston." Dr. Turner nodded, before stepping over to a table behind him and pulling open the top drawer. He reached in, and drew out a single silver pocket watch. It was rather well made, with intricate designs etched into it along with the symbol of Velin.

He stepped back over and handed it to her. She quietly took it, holding it in her hand for a moment as if she were examining it, before tucking it into one of the inner pockets of her coat. "Thank you, doctor." she said quietly, before removing the leather gloves she had been wearing for the examination. She looked to the others. "Let's get going. We have little time left in the day, and it will be raining soon."


Rosanna noticed the tattoo on Erwin's arm as he drank from his own ale glass. She sipped from her bottle, before tilting her head a bit. "You know...you don' strike me as the royal type at all, honestly. Considerin' how you talk about royals, and your general attitude. Though that is a nice emblem there on your arm." she commented, motioning to his forearm with a finger. "Had a fallin' out with the family?"
Erwin took another drink from his ale and eyed Rosanna over the brim of his glass.
Setting it down, he rolled up the sleeve to reveal the tattoo.
The shield depicted a knights helmet, adorned with plumes, in profile, with two arrows crossed beneath it. Surrounding the knights helmet was 5 roses.
The tattoo was done in only black ink, and was noticeably faded. And from what Rosanna could tell, it might as well have been a heraldric family emblem.
"You get to ask for one clue, and I'll answer it truthfully" he replied with a humorless expression.
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Rosanna raised an eyebrow, eyeing the tattoo. She remembered that there were various ancient knight families throughout northern Atraca, Daristein, and Escaria from the Age of Darkness and prior. None that she could single out by name, though. She was from southern Atraca, and really hadn't had an interest in the knights of old growing up. Still. Erwin seemed to have a bit of an accent judging from how he spoke at times, so potentially it was from the northern areas. Perhaps the highlands, or even over in Daristein? The knights from the area where Daristein was now were a bit famous for their exploits in the Age of Darkness. Various myths and legends had spawned from that area, especially around the time of the extinction of the dragons.

"...You from the highlands? Over near Daristein?" she asked, scratching her jaw.
Erwin smirked slightly, "Yes. Yes I am". He replied, covering the tattoo once again. "And I overheard you're from somewhere in the south. Isn't that so?"
"If we are splitting up, then I would like to take a look at the scene where these murders took place. Might be something that the constables overlooked during their own investigation."

"Hopefully the rain hasn't washed away anything."
"Yep. Stonebank, an abandoned gold mining town down near Lusewich Ridge. Both my mother and father were from up north. Father was from the highlands, while mother was from Daristein." replied Rosanna, before sipping yet again from her bottle of beer. "I'm guessin' you're from one of those famous knight families over that way. Cut down a bunch of dragons and demons back in the dark age." she said. "Lots of stories floating around 'bout 'em. Friends I grew up with loved reading about 'em. I wasn't really all that into knights, though. Pirates were my thing."


Valeria nodded towards Theodore. Dr. Turner then spoke up. "The bodies were discovered in a barn just outside the wall past the east gate. One of the guards outside can take you to it." he stated, motioning towards the door.
"Excellent!" Theodore exclaimed as he removed his leather gloves. "Let us see if there is anything that can be learn from this." He looked towards Valeria before departing "And I will make sure that all useful information makes it's way to you, inquisitor."

The short man turned around and left through the door. Once through it however, he remembered to keep with appearances. Adopting a slight change in his walk as if he was frustrated and angry, even his tone with the guards wasn't his usual self

"The doctor mentioned one of you knows where the bodies were found. I require a guide to the area so it can be properly looked over."
Erwin raised his eyebrows slightly as he was taking another swig as Rosanna mentioned pirates.
He put his glass down and looked at her, "I already gave you one clue, so you'll have to wait for abother one." He replied with yet another smirk.
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The guard nods. "Yes, sir. Follow me." he stated, motioning with his shotgun in the direction of the alleyway. A moment later, Theodore was being lead through Bromwich towards the eastern gate. Once outside the wall, the landscape changed to plots of farmland and mountains a short distance away from the city. The barn in question was about a hundred yards from the gate, where a small farmhouse also sat next to it. A man stood outside the barn, moving small square bales of hay under a lean-to.

Valeria had been right about it being about to rain. Dark clouds had formed overhead, and droplets of water were already starting to tink against Theodore's armor and helmet. Simple sprinkle, though. The heavy stuff was a bit farther off. The constable lead Theodore over to the farm, speaking briefly to the farm's owner before motioning towards the barn itself. The signal that he could search it freely. "The owner said that he went in that morning, and just found the three bodies hanging upside down from one of the beams." said the constable, walking over and opening up the barn door.

Before the two could enter, though, a female voice spoke up from behind. "I assume you're here to investigate the murder of Inquisitor Atkins and the two priests." said the voice, forcing Theodore to turn a bit to see from whom it came from. Upon a large black horse sat a woman dressed in standard Inquisitorial armor and wearing a hat much like that of Valeria's, though shorter and cornered off on top. She had shoulder length blonde hair, and striking green eyes. Hanging from her hip appeared to be a sword. A rapier, much like Camille's, partially concealed by the woman's black cloak.

As she looked upon Theodore, she smiled warmly. "Forgive my manners. I am Senior Inquisitor Cassandra Bainbridge, of the Vigilant Order. I was passing through on my way to Airedale, and I decided to stop by and check in on whomever they sent to investigate the murders." she said, tipping her hat a bit and giving Theodore a slight bow from where she sat perched on her horse.


Rosanna sighed. "Damn. Thought I had it." she said, before chuckling and drinking more from her beer bottle.
"That indeed I am, mademoiselle." he returned the slight bow "Theodore Boivin. Current inquisitor and tutor." The sudden appearance of Cassandra surprised him. Usually there is some news when an inquisitor rolls into town as they tend to signal a change be it good or bad. But for one to just show up unannounced is rare. Still, this wasn't her destination, so the surprise is understandable. "I was just going to start searching the crime scene. Care to join me?"
Cassandra pondered the offer for a brief moment, glancing up to the barn before looking back to Theodore. "I'd be more than happy to, but I can't stay too long." she said, with a hint of a chuckle as she reached over and lifted up a sack she had hanging on the other side of the saddle. It was a tan color, with what appeared to be three rather large heads inside. A crimson stain covered most of the bottom of the bag, droplets of blood dripping off the bottom onto the ground. She let the sack back down, before gracefully dismounting the horse and strolling over.
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"Ah, the work of the inquisition never ceases, does it?" He nodded and remarked when he saw the bag. He allowed her to enter the barn before him. As he entered he began to examine the inside. "So far we know very little. The identity of the victims and that we are dealing with one vampire... or maybe twins?" The thought passed through his head just now. Two identical twin vampires posing as one could make sense as to how they could overpower three men and would hide their numbers. But that is just speculation on his part without concrete proof. For now. "They were killed and hung from one of these beams, drained from their blood." He looked around the floor, the wall and just about any part of the barn, trying to find anything that would seem out of the ordinary. All the while talking to Casandra "And that is it for now I'm afraid. We don't know of any motive or solid behavior pattern, nor do we have the identity or method of killing outside of bite marks. Additionally, the inquisitor had recently dispatched necromancers and another vampire before that. I suppose the frequency of misfortunes had made him something of a homebody for this town."
Cassandra looked about the inside of the barn as Theodore explained the situation. Once he finished, she spoke as she looked up to the central beam going over their heads in the center of the room, a part of the second floor of the barn. "I knew of the inquisitor during my previous ventures here. He and another inquisitor named Witlock frequently worked together, under another man by the name of Weston. I assume Witlock is the one leading this investigation." she commented, before shifting her attention to Theodore directly. "Three victims, drained entirely of their blood and hung from the beam above us I assume...its likely one vampire didn't do it, unless it was a very powerful or a very talented vampire." She looked about as Theodore was doing, checking the barn's floor as well as the individual sections inside.

"...I see no signs of struggle. I also see no blood stains. Perhaps they were killed elsewhere and brought here? Were there any marks on the bodies from a struggle?" she said aloud, as she looked about the rear of the barn.
"Only marking we found were bitemarks I'm afraid. No signs of suffocation, no stab wounds or signs of blunt force. And yes, inquisitor Witlock leads this inquiry." The lack of any evidence found so far was frustrating to him Perhaps a talk with the farmer would be more enlightening "My colleagues have concluded that these murders were bait for her. By whom we don't know. Constable, can you bring the farmer in here for questioning?"
The constable, whom was standing at the doors of the barn, gave Theodore a nod before disappearing out of view. Cassandra strolled back through the barn to where Theodore was, adjusting her hat as she stepped up. "A very interesting situation indeed. I wonder why someone would bait Witlock, though?" she said, looking towards the doorway to the barn. After a few moments, she finally shrugged. "I trust you, Witlock, and whomever else she brought will figure this out. An inquisitor's death is a big deal to the Order, and the killer should be quickly brought to justice." she said, before strolling towards the doors. "I wish you all luck in your endeavours! Be a dear and give my regards to Witlock, will you?" She glanced back to Theodore and smiled, strolling outside into the sprinkling rain and mounting her hourse. She gave him one final wave before trotting away.

A few minutes later, the owner of the farm and barn arrived with the constable. "You wanted to see me, Inquisitor?" said the man, dressed in typical farmer's attire and carrying his straw hat in his hand.
"And I wish you luck on your future endeavors as well, inquisitor." Theodore said as Cassandra left. As soon as she left, he turned his attention to the farmer. "Yes, just a standard round of questioning. No need to fear anything." He said with a cheerful tone "Walk me through your morning when you found the bodies, where did you find them, your reactions when you saw them and anything out of the ordinary you may have noticed or remember from that morning." As he was talking to the farmer, Theodore pulled out a pen and notes as he began to write down what they knew so far.
The farm's owner explained everything he could. Which seemed rather sparse besides the stuff he himself did. Daily chores on the farm, went inside the barn, found the bodies hanging from the beam, and called for the constables at the gate. It was as if whoever did it came and went like a shadow in the night. Typical for vampires, of course. They thrived in darkness. He did say he had seen Cassandra previously, though she was heading north towards Narthwich that day. Nothing peculiar about that, as she had proven that she was hunting with those heads stuffed in that bag of hers.

Eventually, the actual rain came, and the day turned to night. It was time to head to the inn, as a good night's rest would be needed for the work filled day tomorrow. When Theodore informed Valeria of the details of his search, she didn't seem all that shocked. Whatever had killed Atkins and the priests was extremely talented, and apparently thorough. What did interest Valeria was when Theodore informed Valeria of Cassandra. "Cassandra Bainbridge? I...know that name from somewhere." said Valeria, her eyes narrowing as she sat at one of the tables in the inn. Where she knew the name from, she didn't quite recall. Perhaps it would come to her after getting some rest.

Keeping with their plan, the group each got their own food and remained seperated from one another. The others that hadn't been at the motician's office were filled in privately by Valeria, so that everyone was caught up on the details of the investigation.


"So what do you think did it? Some vampire triplets? And why would they wanna draw the inquisitor here?" asked Rosanna, looking across the room in the direction of Galina. She was laying down on her bed, her hat resting on her stomach as she lay atop her bed sheets. She didn't need sleep. It was nice, every once in a while, but since her transformation into a dullahan she found that sleeping and food weren't really needed.


The rain outside grew harder during the night, muffling the sounds down on the street as well as in the rest of the inn. No longer could you clearly hear people downstairs eating, drinking, or singing. As Valeria settled down into her room, by herself, she decided to write the letter to Father Weston regarding what had happened to Atkins. She would also send his pocket watch, which had been given to him by Weston himself just like the one Valeria herself carried.

As she wrote, she didn't hear the footsteps of someone coming down the hallway outside her door. Really, none of the group did. The movement was so light and quick that they moved from the stairs to Valeria's door within a heartbeat. The door handle turned quietly, the brass knob barely making any sound, before the door was pushed in.

Valeria paused, and looked around.

Cassandra Bainbridge stood in the doorway, a toothy smile on her face and rapier in hand.


Rosanna shifted a bit, taking note of a faint feeling she was getting. It was much like the feeling she had before, when the group had spoke to the Colonel and his men just outside Bromwich's south gate. And this time, it was really close. Just down the hall in fact. Her eyes went wide when she noticed exactly where. Valeria's room. "SHIT!" she spat, springing up from her bed and grabbing her revolver.

The other supernatural members of the group would notice this as well. And those that lacked that particular sense would be alerted when a loud gunshot sounded off from Valeria's room.
Ethraeil had been sitting alone, in a semi-meditative state with a cross-legged disposition on the floor of Theodore's room. Even though he could sleep, he didn't need it. As such, he kept a silent vigil in the room. That is, until he felt a strange aura. The same as he felt with the Colonel on the road... right in Valeria's room. Immediately, Ethraeil perked up and turned his head towards the source. It was very close, and to Ethraeil this was not a coincidence. What's this now? Trouble? he thought as he quickly got up and exited the room and into the hallway, only for a gunshot to resound from it.


He sprinted over to the open door with a deep fear in his mind.

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