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"I was just thinking about Colkirk earlier, constable. Excellent suggestion." said Valeria, as she watched Mariette and Rosanna return. Rosanna simply flashed her a thumbs up as Mariette tied her mule back to the carriage before climbing in. "Let's get moving." she finally said, before turning back around in her saddle and proceeding onward.

The group proceeded on, travelling the cobblestone road through the countryside as they moved northward towards Bromwich. Occasionally, the group would pass by other civilians, living out in the wilderness away from the major cities. Most seemed friendly enough, offering a wave as they passed. Others simply ignored them and continued their daily duties. Mostly chores like cutting wood or tending to small plots of crops. As the sun eventually crossed the sky, moving to the west, the group eventually arrived in the small village of Colkirk. The homes here were more rugged looking compared to some of the ones they had seen in Airedale, made of wood and logs. The villagers welcomed them warmly. Well, mostly warmly. They avoided the lich and vampires in the group as soon as they saw them step from the carriage into the fading sunlight.

The group set up a small camp just outside the village, as Colkirk itself lacked an actual inn. Aleister and Mariette were allowed to roam around during the night, in the event that either of them needed blood from the animals in the wilderness around them. Meanwhile, Rosanna found herself fishing from a small pier on the northern Basway lake. Easy way to kill time, as she didn't really need to sleep. The hunters of the group and the lich took turns keeping watch around the main camp, as some didn't trust the idea to the vampires of the group.

The next day, the group continued on. Conversation was much more controlled compared to the day before, after Valeria's scolding ended the discussion of vampire morality. Eventually, the group would reach the Bromwich Hills and then Bromwich itself.

Bromwich was much like Airedale, though a bit smaller and sandwiched between two mountain ranges in a vast valley. There were also more buildings made of pure wood as compared to those made of stone and brick back in Airedale. As the group neared the gates, they paused to see another group venturing out to where they were. It appeared to be a group of soldiers, all dressed in the standard dark blue uniforms of Atraca's cavalry with a cutlass strapped to their belt and a revolver on their thighs. Each rode a brown colored horse, and had a single shot rifle shoved into a rifle holster on their saddles. At the front was a man riding a white horse, with long brown hair tied into a ponytail and wearing a black cavalry hat atop his head. As the group neared the inquiry group, they paused.

"Afternoon, Inquisitor. Heard you might be headin' up this way." spoke the leader of the group, eyeing the various members of the group before looking directly to Valeria. Valeria tipped her hat, recognizing the man. "Good afternoon, Colonel Wallace. Yes, we've come to investigate the slaying of a fellow inquisitor and a few priests as part of my inquiry into the island." she responded.

The colonel shifted a bit in his saddle. "Yeah, that's why I came too. When one of you inquisitors get killed, it gets the locals riled up. Military presence calms 'em a bit." he said, with a nod.

Rosanna gazed upon the man, tilting her head just a bit. "...Ain't you that colonel that got popular durin' the war? Colonel Gabriel Wallace?" The colonel nodded, shifting his hazel eyes to look in her direction. "Yeah. The same one. Now I'm the commanding officer here on Grimtham."
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Jakob immediately recognized the man. He saluted him, while proudly saying his rank and unit from the days of the war. "Sergeant Jakob Phillomon, 12th Infantry Regiment. Pleasure to finally meet you in person, sir." he said, with a tone of admiration to his voice. "Never had the chance to meet you during the war, sir, but it would have been a great honor back then."
The rest of the journey to Bromwich was pleasantly uneventful for Mariette. After re-boarding the carriage, she briefly explained to Aleister what her sudden departure had accomplished, but in a hushed voice, so that their conversation would be private. "Mademoiselle Giguere is a coward after all," she said. "She may come after us yet, but not in the open. Not while Inquisitor Witlock is in charge. Despite what she said about killing you or me if we failed to be useful, she froze when an opportunity arose to do exactly that. Be watchful, mon ami, she may choose to strike when we are unawares of her intent. Second, I can safely say we can rely on Roseanna, in addition to the Jakob and Valeria..."

Soon after things had settled down, Mariette rested her head against the curtained window of the carriage and fell asleep, a practice she would repeat going forward. The stopover in Colkirk was peaceful as well, and during the night, Mariette entertained herself by trying to hunt wolf. She didn't find one close to town and was weary of wandering off, however, and so she gave up on the affair and spent the rest of the night journaling and talking with Aleister. Another sleep brought her to Bromwich, and as the Inquisitor spoke to Colonel Wallace, Mariette was still soundly sleeping with her head against the window.
"A man of ambition then." Said Galina with a sly smile as Wesley finished his story. She ignored the drama around them, hoping to avoid take sides.

"Perhaps I'll commission you to paint for me one day." Galina smirked.

"I'll make it worth your while."


During the stay at Colkirk Galina chose to instruct Wesley in some rudimentary takedown-techniques against vampires in close quarters.

Due to her experience in tracking and hunting in urbanized industrial zones she also shared some general advice for preparing yourself should you need to pursue a vampire through isolated, dark and enclosed areas with some strategies working well inside mining shafts.

Galina also provided some basic (albeit limited) knowledge regarding werebeasts, such as taking them down during transformation.

After some convincing and a couple of gold coins Erwin pitched in to fill the blanks.


As the Atracan patrol and Colonel Wallace arrived Galina was a bit taken back. She grabbed her reins firmly and steered Boris forward, stopping next to Inquisitor Witlock.

"Stonewall Wallace," said Galina with a grin.

"My men still tremble at your name. I hope yours still do whenever Kholda's Hand is mentioned."
The colonel's attention shifted to Jakob as he spoke up, and he smiled. He then returned Jakob's salute when he finished. "Always nice to meet another vet." he said, before looking to Galina as she rode up next to Valeria and spoke. He instantly recognized her accent, and his eyes narrowed. Yet he kept his smile, which turned into a chuckle. Some of his men also joined in, laughing a bit louder before quieting down. "Oh, we remember Kholda. We also remember that slaughter that happened at the end when you Tsavanians decided to screw around instead of finishing us off. Remember the snapping twigs and limbs? The howling, gunshots, and screams? The soldiers ripped to shreds by fangs and claws? Because we certainly do."

He looked back to Jakob. "Worst place to have a battle is in a gods forsaken werewolf hunting ground."
"Why is it that every military person talks to the other side they just lost to in a challenging manner as if they expect it not to turn to ego competition?" Theodore wondered out loud. The question wasn't directed at anyone, but he still felt that it needed to be asked.
Jakob looked to the Colonel with a smile. "I know that more than anyone, sir. Me and the 12th were in the first battle involving werebeasts. Those early weeks in the war, we had to improvise." His expression shifted to a solemn one. "...a lot of wonderful men and women died during those days. From both sides. Something we can all agree on." he says, while looking between the Colonel and Galina.

He then looked to Theodore. "Nationalistic pride, son. We all have it in some shape or form." He then let out a chuckle. "Us Atracans say we won the war, the Tsavanians say they have the better army, the Escarians say they have the best women, and so on..."
As Rosanna listened to everyone talk, she couldn't help but get a strange feeling from the Colonel. Actually, it wasn't just the Colonel. It was his whole group. It was just...barely there. Something was off. Were they supernatural in some way? They weren't vampires...they lacked the telltale red glow of the eyes and fangs. And they couldn't have been purebloods either. Purebloods, from what she heard, gave off such a powerful aura that you could feel it miles away if you bore enhanced senses. Couldn't be banshees, as all of them were male...they were still alive too, so not liches or anything of the undead nature. And certainly not dullahans. She could spot her own kind real easy.

Perhaps they're werebeast? Its possible, after what they went through in the war...but...some of them are wearing silver. She could see one just behind the Colonel wearing a silver necklace. Such...such an odd feeling. Maybe they're demons? Angels? No...no, the feeling ain't that strong. Same deal as a pureblood. What is even going on?

Eventually, she shook her head. Maybe she was just having an off day. Probably nothing worth mentioning to the others for now. "Gotta get that last shot in, even if the war's been over for ten years." said Rosanna, motioning to Galina.
Galina chuckled before glancing over her shoulder. "No need to worry. I'm not trying to start a fight. In fact I believe that no one won during the war."

She looked at Wallace. "The Atracans were and still are our equals. It is a fact and for that they have my respect."
As Ethraeil sat within the carriage he was focused on his book once more, that is he was until he felt the faintest presence. He perked up a little, and looked in the general direction of the Colonel and his group. Even without direct line of sight, he felt something radiate off of them and as they talked Ethraeil chuckled quietly. There certainly is more than meets the eye with them. he thought to himself with amusement. I wonder if anyone else recognizes this?
The Colonel chuckled once again. "You can believe what you wish, though the politics and maps say otherwise." he responded, before looking back to Valeria. "I wish you luck in findin' your fellow inquisitor's killer. Maybe we'll run into each other again during your inquiry. I'll buy you and your friends a few bottles of whiskey." He then gave her a bit of a salute, before motioning forwards. A moment later, he and his men were moving on. They passed by, heading down the road before turning onto another heading west. Likely going towards Tresomin, or perhaps Porthcrawl, considering the current quarantine there due to the plague.

Valeria watched them depart, before looking to the others. "Lets head on into Bromwich." she said simply, before flicking the reins of her horse and trotting forth.
Galina shook her head. "Always a pleasure to meet old friends."
She looked towards Witlock. "Forming up at the rear."
Camille had been utterly silent from that point on, no doubt back to thinking on whatever tends to occupy her mind in those long stretches of silence. When the group camped just outside Colkirk she dedicated some time practicing a ways away from the group. Quietly and intensely she practiced movements of her body and rapier, dueling an invisible opponent and throwing daggers incredibly quickly at a nearby tree stump. All the while, she kept her distance from those vampires, knowing that they might already be plotting something against her. It would only be a matter of time, she thought, they would see things her way when they inevitably struck. They always do. Sleep found her rather late in the night, and she awoke and got back to the journey without incident.

The chat with the colonel and the war had absolutely no bearing or interest to her, as all war talk was the same. As it took place she held her intense gaze on Bromwich, only moving her body to offer a nod to Valeria as she got her horse to trot inside. It seemed her silence was entirely intentional, and if she had to prove that she wasn't some child to the inquiry she would due so easily. After all, most all of her hunts were conducted by herself, so ignoring the others would be quite simple. Just focus on the task at hand and everything will fall into place.
As the Colonel's group moved on their way and the carriage moved forward as well, Ethraeil took the opportunity to speak out. "If I may speak, Mistress Witlock," Ethraeil spoke towards outside the carriage for the first time, "I'd watch out for that group again. They aren't as normal as they seem to be."
Valeria glanced back to the carriage after hearing Ethraeil's statement. "...Nothing here in Grimtham is normal." she said simply. She knew that first hand, during her previous trips to the island with Father Weston. She couldn't count the number of times she had encountered something strange and out of the ordinary. If those soldiers weren't normal, then the reason why would reveal itself soon enough.

The group entered through the gates of Bromwich, emerging into a courtyard-like area. Citizens wandered about, moving between shops and along the narrow streets. A carriage passed by here and there, as well as a few people on horseback. A pair of constables strolled up to Valeria, recognizing her armor as that of an Inquisitor's. "Welcome, Inquisitor Witlock. We can take your horses and such to the livery stable, if you wish. Father Bartley sent a letter ahead and we got some rooms set up for you and your group at the inn up the street. We'll take your bags and equipment there." said one of constables, motioning up the street to a rather nice looking inn. The sign out front read 'Brisstone Lodge' in fancy silver lettering.

The other constable then spoke up. "If you wish to inspect the bodies, we can take you over to the mortician." he said. Valeria nodded, before swinging her leg over the horse and dismounting. She did need to inspect them, as to confirm that it was done by a vampire and not by a human or some other creature. She looked back to the others. "If any of you wish to join me, you may."
Camille hopped down from her horse, gently dusting off her pant legs as she looked to the constable as she pat the steed before walking off. "My travel bag is on the horse, go on and take it to my room." she said aloud, removing her shoulder bag and putting it on her horse.

"I will accompany you for the inspection, Senior Inquisitor." Camille answered, stepping on over with her hands behind her back.
Mariette had somehow been roused by the fact that the group had reached their destination. Perhaps it was the change of background noise, from one of horses' hooves against cobbled roads and the general empty soundscape of nature versus the dull murmur and activity of a township. Whatever the case, the Countess lifted her head, cracked her neck, and began to pay attention to what was happening. The party had stopped for a moment as someone addressed the Inquisitor about their stay in Bromwich, and offered to lead her to the mortuary for inspection. At Valeria's invitation, Camille offered to join in, and Mariette felt as if she should be present as well, not just because she wished to see the Inquisitor's expertise on display, but just in case she could offer any insight on how the murders may have taken place. She softly opened the door of the carriage and deployed her parasol, careful to shield Aleister from the sun as she stepped down and closed the door behind her.

She yawned loudly into her hand as she hid her face from view under the umbrella's edge. "I will also accept your offer, mademoiselle."
Aleister spent a lot of the journey in reflection, or otherwise speaking mostly with Mariette and on occasion with Ethraeil as the carriage moved along the countryside. He was very pleased that Mariette had returned, not just for her safety, but so that he could have some common company.

It was difficult to admire the landscape during the day, but their overnight stop at a smaller village allowed for ample time to explore the area and otherwise relax. Like his fellow vampire, he took some time to sleep and rest, as there was little more they could do when confined to the carriage. The sun was a cruel beast, truly.

He, like the other supernaturals, caught a whiff of something a little off about the cavalry troops that they spoke with a while back, and his mind had been occupied with wondering what it was he detected. The lich voiced his concerns on the matter, but even it... he... didn't quite know what it was they were detecting. A curious situation, to say the least.

Once inside Bromwich proper, Aleister placed his fancy hat back on his head and adjusted it so that the sun could not shine upon his face or neck. The red silk ribbon he was so enraptured with was tied just beneath his chin to keep the hat in place, and he looked every bit a flamboyant dandy. He even had on a pair of typical white gloves, common with most nobility. Not a single inch of skin could be bare to the sun, though he had some sorcery to ease the pain as needed. At the moment, that didn't seem necessary, but he monitored the cloud coverage and the state of himself and Mariette closely.

He kept near to Mariette as they left the carriage. Aleister was content that his hat served its purpose in a most excellent manner as he fully stepped out into the daylight. It kept him shaded and cool, it was fashionable and soft, and it was entirely elegant and pleasing to the eye.

Seeing Camille join with the inquisitor, and Mariette do so also, Aleister felt it was appropriate to keep informed on the matters important to the inquiry.

"I will come along, too, mistress," he said to Valeria. It seemed to be a habit of his to refer to any superior woman as mistress, as was customary to many male vampires. The only ones in the group who could count as such were the inquisitor and Mariette, naturally.
Galina jumped off Boris and gestured towards Brisstone Lodge. "I'll head to the inn to make sure our belongings are properly delivered and so that we have enough rooms."
Jakob helped the rest of the constables unload the luggage, before taking off his constable hat for a moment to clear some sweat from his bald head. While helping his fellow lawmen, he couldn't help but listen in on Mariette and Aleister. He wanted to help his fellow lawmen put things in place and ensure that their belongings will be properly stored, but he felt responsible for ensuring the safety of both vampires. While he didn't dislike Camille, he certainly didn't trust her with them, especially after the things she said to the Countess. He let out a frustrated groan, as he put his cap back on. "I'll go as well, ma'am." he said, giving the inquisitor a smile. "Perhaps you might need my detective skills, eh?" he chuckled, stepping up next to Aleister.
"I'll be joining you in inspecting the bodies, inquisitor." Theodore said as he got off his horse. "I'm very curious as to what we can learn from the autopsy."
Rosanna tipped her hat towards Valeria and the others. "I'll head over to the inn with Galina. I'll be tendin' to my own horse, though." she said. "Might get a drink, too, if there's a saloon or bar 'round." She flicked the reins of Rayham, moving on away from the group towards the livery stable where the constables were taking the other horses. She'd eventually emerge carrying her gear, strolling further up the street to the inn. The carriage was also taken on to the inn, so that the unloading of the luggage would continue a bit quicker.

Valeria looked to the others that volunteered to join her, and nodded. The constables were surprised by the pair of vampires that had made themselves known and were travelling with Valeria. Vampires out in the daylight? Most, if not all of them, usually skulked around in the dark. Valeria looked to the constables, and noted their expressions. "They're with me. Now, the mortician?" she said, changing the subject of their attention back to where it should have been. "Oh, uhm, right this way!" said one, motioning for the group to follow before strolling off down a street to the left.

The group followed, strolling past various homes and shops along the street. Some eyed the group, examining the two vampires in particular, but eventually continued on when the constables urged them or when Valeria cut them a look. Eventually, they arrived at the local doctor's office. The mortician's office was just behind it, where a few other constables were standing with what appeared to be double barreled shotguns. "The guards were a 'just in case' measure, ma'am. I'm sure you understand." said the constable that was leading them. Valeria nodded, as he glanced back to her. "I do indeed, constable. You can never be too careful when dealing with potential undead or vampires." she responded. They strolled by the guards, passing through the gate of an iron fence and into a small courtyard.

The mortician's office was a typical two story building, common throughout most of the cities in Atraca. A dark angular roof sat atop the building, covered in what appeared to be wooden shingles, while the rest of the building was constructed of the typical dark colored brick common among numerous buildings across the land. It honestly matched the doctor's office next door, and could easily be confused as just another section of the building. It was likely the mortician's office and laboratory were downstairs while his residence was on the second floor.

As the constable walked up the small set of stairs to the front door, giving it a knock, Valeria glanced up to the sky. It was particularly cloudy today, the clouds themselves a dull grey. Looks like it might rain today...or perhaps tonight. Eventually, the door of the building opened, drawing her attention. In the doorway stood a middle-aged man, with short black hair peppered with grey splotches and streaks along the sides over his ears. He wore a pair of glasses, and had a neatly maintained goatee. His outfit was quite formal; He wore a long sleeved white shirt, a pair of suspender straps draped over them holding up a pair of black pants. The belt he wore was made of leather, with a silver buckle fastened at the front. On his feet, leather boots. Useful in this environment, but they didn't quite suit the outfit.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Turner! I have with me Senior Inquisitor Witlock and a few of her companions. She's here to see the bodies." said the constable, stepping aside to show the man the group following him. "Ah, yes. Come right in." said Turner, taking a step back and waving them inside.

Valeria ventured inside, removing her hat as she went. Dark oak furniture, white wallpaper with small black diamonds, and black painted doors with dark metal door handles greeted them inside as they all stepped in. "My name is Doctor Russell Turner. I am both the coroner and mortician here in Bromwich." said Turner, as he extended a hand to Witlock.

"Pleasure to meet you, Dr. Turner. As you've heard, I am Senior Inquisitor Valeria Witlock. I am leading an inquiry into Grimtham Isle, and made my way here upon hearing of the death of a fellow inquisitor. These are my companions in this inquiry." responded Valeria, shaking his hand and motioning to the others with her. He greeted each of them, before motioning towards a door in the back of the hallway behind a staircase. "Please follow me to the laboratory. I have the bodies prepared for examination." he said finally, before strolling away.

The group followed, looking about as they walked, before stepping through the door into a large open room. To say the room was clean was an understatement. The walls were solid white, apparently made of what appeared to be stone, and the floors were covered in a white tile. Three bodies were laid out on metal tables in the center of the room, stripped clean of their clothing with white sheets draped over them. On a small tray near each of them were metal utensils, used in the examination of the deceased. "Please, use these." he said, offering each of the group a pair of leather gloves.
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"Let's get right into the meat of things, then." Theodore said as he maneuvered his fingers inside the leather gloves "What have you found out so far about the victims?"
Erwin had elected to stay behind at the inn as well. Having stowed his horse and removed his saddlebags he made his way inside. Acquiring a bowel of chicken stew, he made his way to a secluded table. Removing his coat and hat, Erwin sat with the left side of his face towards the wall. Thoroughly isolated, he began eating in silence.
As the party was led to the mortician's house, Jakob couldn't help but interact with his fellow constables. Asking their names, how long they had been on the force, then talking about trivial things in a friendly manner. "So any good fishing spots aroun here? I sometimes go fishing on the Sundays and get some pollock. Lots of it near the shores of the island." he said to one. The constables then talked about various other fishing locations. Mostly rivers and nearby ponds.

Once they arrived at the mortician's home, he nodded at both guards before following the inquisitor inside where they were introduced to Dr. Turner. Jakob paid close attention to the interior of the home, curious about the good doctor. Once they were lead inside the morgue, he was instructed to put on a pair of leather gloves, which he promptly did without question. Theodore began asking questions, as Jakob strolled over and began to look at the bodies. He was not a professional in any shape or form, but being a constable, he had worked with corpses before. As he looked upon one of the bodies, he noticed it was a bit shriveled. "Huh...uh, doc? Do these fellows have...well, any blood?" he asked, cautiously poking the toe of one of the priests.

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