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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Azathor clutched at the small blow he had received, but quickly shrugged it off as superficial as he was still up and about. Right now his focus was more on dealing with the enemy rather than his own well-being; such wounds could be tended to later regardless, given the stakes currently facing them with godly artifacts. And so, Azathor recovered his stance before lunging forward again at the beast that had managed to strike a blow on him prior.
As the group was beset by gluttony demons, Camille held her defensive position and would not allow them to reach the artifact behind her at any cost. For that reason when they entered her space she stepped forward to meet her foes, slashing widely to cut into the creatures surrounding her with flashes of steel. One made a swipe for her with its tail, the huntress sidestepping at the very last moment so that she could twist at blinding speed. The momentum of her movement saw her blades cutting even deeper into the chest of a demon, and she followed up the strike with a kick that maintained her space.

With the demons still standing, she grit her teeth and moved toward her wounded target. Lancing forth with masterful spacing, her blades were a blur of feints flowing like water before performing their surgical slashing strikes.
Since the fighting in the grand chamber and now here, in these wretched depths, it felt like it had been a lifetime since Aleister had engaged in life-or-death combat. He didn't miss it - he had always preferred more enjoyable methods of defeating a foe - but there was no denying the intoxicating clarity of mind it brought. It truly was a dance where no move, no matter how subtle or minor, could be missed without serious repercussion. The demons pressed onwards like the drunken louts they were and Aleister refused them. Light on his feet and quick on the trigger, he swiftly had to abandon his makeshift position at the grain bags and began his own dance in earnest, avoiding the heavy blows of the demons and delivering his own punishment in return.

Ever mindful of his ammunition and the quality of the bayonet attached to his rifle, Aleister kept moving, firing off a well-aimed shot when possible into a vulnerable demon. All the while, he remained vigilant of enemy reinforcements. This close to the artifacts, he suspected they wouldn't give up easily.
Dwarven Citadel - Lower Levels - Turn Two

Riberta's Group vs Greed Demon Squad

Sebastian = 3. Misses Greed Demon #3.
Constantine = 5 + 2 (7, Pistolero.) Acc. Roll = 11. Does 3 DMG to Greed Demon #10. Greed Demon #10 HP = 12.
Xiaòzhou = 6, 9 (Like Water, Returning). Chance Successful. Heals Riberta for 3 HP. Riberta HP = 11. Greed Demon #1 is stunned
(The Firm Grasp of Nature.)
Cassandra uses Crimson Sorceress! Chance Roll = 8. Chance Successful. Cassandra sacrifices 4 of her HP, and hits Greed Demon #4 for 16 DMG. Greed Demon #4 HP = 1. Cassandra HP = 16.
Riberta = 5. Does 3 DMG to Greed Demon #4. Greed Demon #4 is dead. Riberta regains 3 HP (The Cruel.) Riberta HP = 14.

--- --- --- --- ---

Greed Demon #1 is stunned and cannot attack this turn!
Greed Demon #3 = 3. Misses Sebastian. Chance to Counter-Attack (Point-Blank) = 9. Chance Successful. Does 6 DMG to Greed Demon #3. Greed Demon #3 HP = 4.
Greed Demon #6 = 8. Does 3 DMG to Riberta. Riberta HP = 11.
Greed Demon #7 = 2. Misses Constantine.
Greed Demon #8 = 4. Misses Sebastian. Chance to Counter-Attack (Point-Blank) = 6. Chance Successful. Does 6 DMG to Greed Demon #8. Greed Demon #8 HP = 9.
Greed Demon #9 = 9. Does 3 DMG to Cassandra. Cassandra HP = 13.
Greed Demon #10 = 2. Misses Constantine.


Rebecca's Group vs Gluttony Demon Squad

Rajko = 5 + 2 (7, Jakob's Focus Fire!) Acc. Roll = 15. Does 5 DMG to Gluttony Demon #1. Gluttony Demon #1 HP = 5.
Azathor = 2 + 2 (4, Jakob's Focus Fire!). Misses Gluttony Demon #3.
Camille = 4 + 2 (6, Jakob's Focus Fire!) Does 3 DMG to Gluttony Demon #2. Gluttony Demon #2 HP = 3.
Aleister = 6 + 2 (8, Jakob's Focus Fire!) Acc. Roll = 17. Does 5 DMG to Gluttony Demon #4. Gluttony Demon #4 HP = 1. Chance Roll (Jakob's Gitche Manitou) = 8. Chance Successful. Gravedigger executes Gluttony Demon #4. Gluttony Demon #4 is dead!
Jakob = 6 + 2 (Jakob's Focus Fire!) Acc. Roll = 17. Does 5 DMG to Gluttony Demon #5. Gluttony Demon #5 HP = 4. Chance Roll (Jakob's Gitche Manitou) = 4. Chance Failed.
Gravedigger = 5 + 2 (7, Jakob's Focus Fire!) Acc. Roll = 13. Does 5 DMG to Gluttony Demon #5. Gluttony Demon #5 is dead!
Rebecca = 7 + 2 (9, Jakob's Focus Fire!) Does 3 DMG to Gluttony Demon #6. Gluttony Demon #6 HP = 7.

--- --- --- --- ---

Gluttony Demon #1 = 2. Misses Rajko.
Gluttony Demon #2 = 5. Does 3 DMG to Camille. Camille HP = 17.
Gluttony Demon #3 = 9. Check to Deflect Attack (A Sister's Legacy) = Successful. Azathor deflects the attack and suffers no damage.
Gluttony Demon #6 = 4. Misses Rebecca.
Gluttony Demon #7 = 5. Targets Aleister. Chance to Dodge (Dance of the Vampire) = 10. Chance Successful. Counter-Attack Roll = 5. Roll Successful! Does 6 DMG to Gluttony Demon #7. Gluttony Demon #7 HP = 9.
Gluttony Demon #8 = 1. Critical Miss! Does 3 DMG to Gluttony Demon #10. Gluttony Demon #10 HP = 12.
Gluttony Demon #9 = 3. Misses Rebecca. Counter-Attack Roll (Ever Vigilant) = 9. Roll Successful! Does 6 DMG to Gluttony Demon #9. Gluttony Demon #9 HP = 3. Chance Roll (Jakob's Gitche Manitou) = 7. Chance Successful! Gravedigger executes Gluttony Demon #9. Gluttony Demon #9 is dead!
Gluttony Demon #10 = 7. Does 3 DMG to Jakob. Jakob HP = 14.

The battle continued, with both sides scoring more successful kills and thinning the ranks of the demonic attackers. Sebastian would fire a shotgun blast at the demon that he had been shooting at before, but would narrowly miss his target. The demon would attempt to counter attack, swinging its weapon at Sebastian once more, but Sebastian was prepared. As soon as he dodged out of the way, he would press the muzzle against the demon's torso armor and fire. The blast sent the demon flying to the side, almost dropping its weapon as it sailed through the air. In an effort to support its comrade, the same demon from before would strike at Sebastian, but would also miss. Sebastian countered just as quickly as he had the first demon, and fired another shotgun blast into the creature's back. Knocking it to the ground but failing to kill it.

Xiaòzhou would take the chance to cast a healing spell on Riberta, rejuvenating her slightly, before focusing his qi to stun the demon he had been engaging. The demon reacted as expected, appearing to be stuck in place for a moment. Confusion set it, Xiaòzhou watching it wash over the demon's face as he himself moved back. Cassandra, meanwhile, decided to abandon using her rifle for the moment. She would draw her grimoire out once more, and, using her teeth, tear another gash in her arm. As the blood oozed out, she would mutter a string of words under her breath. Soon enough, the same red shards from before would begin to form from the droplets of her blood.

A moment later, they would dart towards her foe and begin to rip through his flesh and armor. Like a needle through cloth, they would pierce, circle, and pierce again. It would all end, however, when Riberta grabbed the demon's head with her hand. A swift, upwards jerk would rip the demon's head off and take most of its spine with it. Cassandra was briefly surprised by the display, but Riberta grinned wildly. Her eyes flashed red, as she tossed the demon's head aside. However, two other demons would manage to strike both Cassandra and Riberta with their weapons while they were preoccupied. Angered by the sudden attacks, both turned to their new targets. Ready to fight.

Constantine unleashed a pair of shots at his new target, managing to strike the demon before it could return with its own attack. It would miss, swinging wide. However, its ally, whom had tripped over one of the corpses, was now up and also swinging. It would also miss, allowing Constantine to avoid being sandwiched between the two.

On Rebecca's group's side of things, Rajko, Aleister, Jakob, and the Gravedigger would score with their shots. Thanks to the Gravedigger's oddly quick skills with a revolver, two of the targets would be put down with head shots. For an old man, he was good with a Colt. Rajko's target would attempt to strike back at Rajko, but would miss with a wide swing. Another demon tried to attack the Gravedigger, but his swing would also go wide and hit his own ally whom was attacking Jakob again.

Azathor's swing at his target would miss, but thankfully, he was quick enough to deflect his opponent's swing. Camille would strike her foe, but wasn't quick enough to dodge the demon's return swing. Aleister would also be attacked again, but would easily dodge and counter attack with a gunshot to the demon's side. Rebecca would carve a gash through the demon's flesh that she was fighting, before dodging a return attack as well as an attack from the demon's ally. She would counter-attack the second demon, slicing across the demon's back with her longsword. As the second demon dropped to its knees in pain, the Gravedigger would fire off yet another shot from his revolver. Putting that demon down as well.

Soon enough, the supernaturally sensitive members of both groups would sense a powerful pair of auras appear nearby, along with a few other similar ones to the demons they were currently fighting. The Icons had arrived. They needed to finish this up so they could focus on the bigger threats.

"Why are you here?"

Claire approached the desk, but stopped just behind the chairs sitting in front of it. "The exact same reason I've visited some of the other Lords." she responded, "I'm investigating the rumors of House-aligned vampires helping demons out here in the Mortal realm. Getting involved in the war and helping with a potential demonic takeover of the realm." she responded. She lifted the shotgun, as she stepped over behind one chair, and let it rest across the back of the chair. "Happen to know anything about that?"

She then raised a finger. "Before you answer, know that I've visited Lovelace, Morgan, and Ossenfelder already. None of them know anything. I decided to swing by here next, because you were the closest from the Morgans. Nobody has specifically pointed at you, but with your House's reputation at times..."

Her eyes narrowed. "...one can never be too sure. So, I wanted to give you a chance to talk. Let's chat, shall we?"
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Azathor's eyes widened as the presence of the Icons flooded the air with their usual strength, and given that they were still preoccupied with their previous attackers it was likely that Thorgran was buying space for himself to nab the gauntlet. They were running out of time, and failure would be catastrophic given the danger Sazak posed.The urgency quickened the demon prince's heart as he focused, before unleashing his strength upon the enemy with a violent eruption of power.

Ability Used: That Which Dwells Beneath
Xiaòzhou gave a grin to the demon he had just denied movement, as he allowed himself the opportunity to have an overview of affairs. While they had taken hits, they weren't hurting too badly... but with the auras of the Icons emerging thereafter, the hermit grimaced at the thought of them besieging them in this state. The oni quickly recognized how they needed to speed things up, just to give themselves time to heal.

Xiaòzhou took a deep breath, knowing a strong AOE attack would be what they needed. And there was only one quick way of achieving this.

"...3 bèi Ziránquan," he muttered, "[Talisman ~ Scattering Shot!]"

Abilities: The 10 Trials of Adriel (3 HP) / Like Water, Returning (AOE Attack)
Constantine dodged the two demons that were trying to get him, but were too busy falling all over each other. He took a step back to give himself some space and reached inside his pocked and pulled out his deck. He tossed two cards towards the demons in order to push them back.
Guns firing, fists flying, teeth gnashing; just like old times, thought Jakob as a demon's claw slashed his chest. He was wounded, but smiled as he pointed his wicked shotgun at the demon. These demons were throwing themselves against the group, but they continued to persevere. Still, Jakob couldn't take that for granted after losing two of his detectives. He knew he couldn't act on his own accord without paying attention to his friends and allies. So he pointed, and sometimes shouted at his allies so that they could focus on their opponent. Looking for their weaknesses, and how to exploit them accordingly. It reminded him of those days in the trenches, when he and his unit had to charge through no-mans-land to fight against the Tsavanians. A deadly free-for-all, just like this.

Not far from Jakob, Rebecca was engaged in melee fighting with a demon, who swung at her, only for her to counter attack, slicing the creatures arm. That's when the Gravedigger emerged from his cover, aiming his revolver at the demon and firing. Blowing his head with one clean shot. He had claimed three demons, showing impressive skills that Jakob had never seen before.

"Thiasis' sake, old man! Didn't know you are such a good shot!" said Jakob, evading another attack from the demon attacking him. The Gravedigger didn't answer, simply walking through the fight. His wizened face obscured by the shadow of his hat, as he waited for the next demon to be near death's door. But then, Jakob realized that a new aura was approaching them. A powerful aura...

"Guys! A big demon is coming, I think... I think it might be one of the Icons!" he said, throwing his coat and hat away. Ready to enrage himself and embrace his beast side, should that be the case.
Having run out of ammo in his shotgun, Sebastian scooped up his harpoon gun off the ground and began to backpedal, covering his retreat with his Luger in hopes that he could buy enough time to reload the trench gun. The demons were relentless, however, and it would take a significant effort from his comrades to keep them at bay for long enough so that he could get the shotgun ready again, and in the meantime, those who could sense auras were detecting the Icons' appearances. Sebastian, however, couldn't, and would simply be forced to react to the events which were about to unfold.

She then raised a finger. "Before you answer, know that I've visited Lovelace, Morgan, and Ossenfelder already. None of them know anything. I decided to swing by here next, because you were the closest from the Morgans. Nobody has specifically pointed at you, but with your House's reputation at times..."

Her eyes narrowed. "...one can never be too sure. So, I wanted to give you a chance to talk. Let's chat, shall we?"

"Morgan and Ossenfelder?" Lucius spoke, hatred burning in his eyes. "Yes, you wouldn't start with the obvious... You're working your way up from the bottom, with Lovelace thrown in for good measure - all too keen and seemly, McLachlan. You're a lapdog for Karnstein, like all 'Enforcers!' There's nothing for you here, and you damned-well know it." He sat back in his chair, raising his chin as if imagining the matriarch of that most illustrious House looking down at him from somewhere far above, and scowled at her contempt. "Bah! This war... All this devilry... it's got Lilith's seal in all the finer details. She pulls the strings, and they dance. You dance! And she thinks I'll dance - that I'll bend my knee to her and her aristocratic whims, but no. Never."
Rajko fired, the corpulent mass of daemonic muscle and fat was ripped open, pockmarked by bullet holes. The snapping report of his pistol grew silent, pale smoke streamed up. The inquisitor sneered as its body ponderously stumbled, limbs only barely weighed down by the perfuse injuries, across the dusty flagstone floor. The grip on his weapon tightened. A rasp, cold, knifed through his throat like a sword over a whetstone. Eyes widened suddenly as a primal command issued from the darkest reaches of his mind. "Eviscerate." Pointing with his barrel to the voracious fiend, his voice tight and low, but loud to their ears.

Batimalism (Attack: Gluttony Demon #1)
Though her strike was true, her follow-through was sloppy enough to grant her a slash to her side from that tail. Camille grit her teeth with frustration, more disappointed in herself than enraged at the enemy. Refocusing, she worked on refining her evasion as she waited for an opening, yet soon heard Jakob's warning. "Let them come," the huntress said aloud, suddenly bolting forward with a great deal of momentum in her slashing blades to cut through the demon in front of her.

"They'll meet the same fate as those that came before them!"
Aleister ensured every shot he made was a sure one. He almost laughed at the idea now that once plagued him before he set out to join the group - had he brought too much ammunition? The answer was a resounding no. Whether the filth were large in number or stature, there seemed no end to the flesh that needed rending.

The sudden wash of a powerful supernatural aura gave him pause only for a microsecond, a muscle's twitch of recognition. Whipping away a splatter of blood from his cheek, staining the back of his fine gloves, he couldn't help but wonder if they had the strength to deal with what was coming - an icon, he suspected, if not more than one. "Have we not a bomb of great proportions?" Aleister asked, complaining loudly over the battle. "Or some other wondrous weapon? I'd rather not have to fight the whole Abyss with a measly rifle!" With a firm, meticulous flick, Aleister ensured much of the accumulated ichor on his bayonet was done away by inertia as he readied it once again, sighting down another demon and firing.
Dwarven Citadel - Lower Levels - Turn Three

Riberta's Group vs Greed Demon Squad

Xiaòzhou uses The 10 Trials of Adriel, as well as Like Water, Returning! Chance Roll = 6. Chance Successful. Number of Enemies Hit = 6. Xiaòzhou does 24 DMG (The 10 Trials of Adriel, Like Water, Returning) to all enemies except for Greed Demon #10. Greed Demons #1, #3, #6, #7, #8, #9 are dead! Xiaòzhou HP = 13.
Constantine uses Card Thrower. Attempts to hit Greed Demon #10 with two cards. Chance to Hit: 4, 3. Misses Greed Demon #10.
Sebastian = 6. Acc. Roll = 19. Heart shot!
Greed Demon #10 is dead!


Rebecca's Group vs Gluttony Demon Squad

Azathor uses That Which Dwells Beneath! Chance Rolls = 6 + 2, 6 + 2, 5 + 2 (8, 8, 7. Jakob's Focus Fire!) Does 14 DMG (That Which Dwells Beneath, A Sister's Legacy) to Gluttony Demon #3, Gluttony Demon #7, and Gluttony Demon #10. Gluttony Demon #3 and #10 are dead! Gluttony Demon #7 HP = 1. Chance Roll (Jakob's Gitche Manitou) = 9. Chance Successful. Gravedigger executes Gluttony Demon #7. Gluttony Demon #7 is dead!
Jakob = 6 + 2 (8, Jakob's Focus Fire!) Acc. Roll = 19. Heart shot! Gluttony Demon #8 is dead!
Gravedigger = 2 + 2 (4, Jakob's Focus Fire!) Misses Gluttony Demon #6.
Rajko uses Batimalism! Chance Roll = 6 + 2 (8, Jakob's Focus Fire!) Does 6 DMG to Gluttony Demon #1. Gluttony Demon #1 is dead!
Camille = 10. Critical Roll = 9. Does 6 DMG to Gluttony Demon #2. Gluttony Demon #2 is dead!
Aleister = 4 + 2 (6, Jakob's Focus Fire!) Acc. Roll = 16. Does 5 DMG to Gluttony Demon #6. Gluttony Demon #6 HP = 2. Chance Roll (Jakob's Gitche Manitou) = 3. Chance Failed.
Rebecca = 10. Critical Roll = 2. Does 4 DMG to Gluttony Demon #6.
Gluttony Demon #6 is dead!

The battle was heating up, but abruptly would find itself coming to an end as certain members of the group wished to finish off these underlings before the true threats arrived. Xiaòzhou was one of them. In a surprisingly quick and efficient use of his talents, he would eliminate nearly all of the threats that faced Riberta's group. One demon, utterly shocked by the sudden deaths of all his comrades, would soon find itself being put down as well. Constantine flung two of his cards at the demon, but both missed as the demon panicked and tried to run. However, it wouldn't get far. Sebastian took aim with his Luger and fired off one shot, which ripped through the demon's back and through its heart. It stumbled and hit the floor a few moments later. Dead.

Riberta straightened up, surprised by the quick end. "Scheisse, Takato. You could have done that at the start." she said, chuckling as she looked back to the oni monk. She then looked over towards the gauntlet, jutting up out of the coal and colored near black by coal dust. She walked over and, worried of how it might affect her, she gently picked it up with only a few fingers and held it away from her.

It looked much like a typical warrior's right hand gauntlet from ages past. Leather, with straps to secure it in place. The end of the fingers were cut off, exposing the wearer's fingertips to the open area and whoever or whatever they were attacking. She could feel the power radiating from it, just from being near it. Touching it was certainly something else, especially after noticing it seemingly shift in size while in her grip. As if it wanted her to wear it.

"Oh no, I'm not putting you on." she muttered, before turning around and facing the others with it. Now they just had to deal with the Icon that was approaching... which made their presence known after a moment.

"Fucking Sazak and his emergency meetings. He's worse than Taranoch was." said a female voice, rounding the corner of the archway into the room. "Oh, and of course they're here already."

What stood before the group was a well dressed woman, their outfit and trench coat made of black leather and trimmed with gold accents and jewelry. Her hair was long and brown, tied in a loose knot halfway down her back, and her piercing black and yellow eyes darted between each of the people in the room. At her flanks were more Greed demons, clad in fancy armor and wielding fancy weapons.

"Keggoth." spat Cassandra, stepping forward from amongst the group.

Keggoth's attention quickly shifted to Cassandra. She took a moment, eyeing her. Eventually, however, she recognized her, and her look of annoyance seemed to harden. "Well now, if it isn't one of the pitiful excuses for servants that Sazak acquired. A bit far from home, aren't you? You're not on your knees, either."

Keggoth took a step forward, motioning for the greed demons to wait. "I always wondered what he saw in you and that miserable wretch you were chained to. I told him that you two were going to be a problem, but of course, Sazak refused to hand you over to me. You would have made wonderful additions to my collections. Now, you're just a thorn in our collective sides."

"I wouldn't have it any other way, honestly." responded Cassandra, "Being a thorn in people's sides seems to be what I'm best at."

"Oh, but you're not the biggest one to me." stated Keggoth, waving a hand towards her chest. "The biggest thorn in my side, right now? That piece of shit vampire-turned-demon that you were chained to. She invaded my territory, took my capital, killed my lieutenant, and helped to set free one of my prized possessions!"

"When we're through here, in the Mortal Realm, I'm going to go home. I'm going to find that scum-sucking bitch, and when I do, I'm going to make her life a living hell. It'll be far worse than how you lived under Sazak, believe me. There's parts of my collection that would love to spend quality time with a woman like her... I can already hear the beautiful, agonizing screams." she continued. "I'll bring your head with me, mounted on a stick, so I can parade it around in front of her for eternity. You'll have a front row seat to it all."

The more Keggoth spoke about Mariette, the madder Cassandra seemed to get. Her hands had clenched into fists, her fingernails digging deep into her palms. Blood dripped from her her knuckles.

Keggoth noticed it, too.

"...Oh, am I touching a nerve?" said the Icon, a grin appearing on their face. She chuckled afterwards, before speaking again. "Perfect. Give into that anger, and let's see where that gets you. I bet that gutless worm of a wit--"

Suddenly, Keggoth (and the others) noticed Cassandra vanish. She soon reappeared, holding the gauntlet that Riberta was just holding. She had snatched it from her, and was now slipping it on and tightening the straps.

The gauntlet molded to the shape of her hand and arm, adapting to her form. However, the others soon noticed that the veins in her arm were starting to ripple and contort. They snaked up her shoulder, into her neck. They bulged and pulsed, as Cassandra's eyes turned a bright, burning red. Her pupils were almost pinpricks in her eyes, her facial expression now shifted to one of pure, unadulterated rage.




Keggoth went to speak again, motioning to her minions, but soon Cassandra would vanish again. Using her immense speed, further increased by the god artifact clamped onto her arm, she would rip through the Greed Demons like a brick through paper. She didn't even attack them; she simply ran through them. Exploding each in a flash of gore.

Keggoth would then feel a hand wrap around her throat, and in a flash, she would be slammed into the stone wall at the back of the tunnel behind her. The force of the impact created a large crater, sending cracks cascading down the wall on either side of her. Cassandra stood before her, the hand wearing the gauntlet latched around Keggoth's throat and squeezing tight. She was covered head to toe in demon blood, her fangs bared and her eyes wide.

"SHE'LL WHAT, KEGGOTH?" shouted Cassandra, spit flying from her mouth as she spat the words out. "SAY IT. SHE'LL WHAT!? WHAT WILL SHE DO?!"

--- --- ---
On Rebecca's side of things, the fight was a bit more drawn out. Azathor, determined to put an end to the fight quickly, would shed his vessel for a brief moment to attack three different demons. Two were cut down with ease, while the other would be severely cut before the Gravedigger put a revolver round through its skull. Jakob would also execute his target, planting a shotgun blast into the demon's chest and putting it down for good.

Rajko, using his werebeast abilities, would summon a wave of bats from further in the building to swarm and kill the gluttony demon that he had been dueling with. Meanwhile, Camille and Rebecca would kill off their foes with masterful sword work. Aleister would also kill his target, planting a three round burst into the creature to make sure it was down for good. Now, they had a bit of time before the Icon approaching would arrive.

Rebecca rushed back to the sacks, and began to lift them away. "Quickly. We need to get the artifact. I can handle its power if we can just find it." she stated. Aleister, Camille, and the rest would rush over, lifting and throwing away the cloth sacks. Eventually, they'd find it. The left gauntlet of Thiasis. It looked dirty, but still in good condition.

Rebecca quickly picked it up, looking it over as she held it. She watched it shift in size, appearing to resemble something she could wear. She shook her head. No. She couldn't put it on. This was the gauntlet of the Berserker. Who knows what it would do to her?

Soon, they'd hear heavy stomps. The Icon of Gluttony himself had arrived, entering the storage room. A fat man, clad in green clothes resembling the garb of the more wealthy class. A round hat sat atop his head, the brim turned upwards all the way around. He had rough brown locks, almost medium length, and a scruffy goatee adorning his mouth and chin. A large mole sat squarely in the middle of his left cheek. As he rounded one of the storage shelves, his eyes looked directly to Rebecca.

"...Ah, if it isn't the Saint. You've found the artifact. Good. I won't have to dig for it." he'd soon state, sounding as if he was holding in a burp. In fact, he was. He belched loudly, before slapping his chest twice. "Sorry. Just had a nice meal. Sazak's meeting went kind of long, so I got hungry."

"Bah! This war... All this devilry... it's got Lilith's seal in all the finer details. She pulls the strings, and they dance. You dance! And she thinks I'll dance - that I'll bend my knee to her and her aristocratic whims, but no. Never."

Claire shook her head. "Enforcers are decided by the collective heads of the houses. I'm not a lapdog for Karnstein, Lucius, and you know that." she responded. "Lilith and I are barely on speaking terms. Have been for quite a long time. The late Isabelle Karnstein pushed for me because I helped to stop a threat to all of you, not because I was in cahoots with them. House Steinhäuser ring any bells? The rogue inquisitor and his homunculus?"

She eventually sighs. "...Look, Lucius..." she said, before moving around and sitting in the chair across from him. She laid the shotgun in her lap. "I'm not accusing you of what's going on. Sure, maybe Karnstein is involved. Maybe not. I'm just trying to cover bases and get a feel for things throughout each house. I'm doing things by going a list. Checking things off as I go. Once I've visited each house, I'll go over what I know, and dig more afterwards. Its how I've always worked."

She then tilted her head. "Now, what makes you think Karnstein is involved in this? Lovelace mentioned Ruthven might have something to do with it."
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With talisman in hand, and glowing with a faint aura, Xiaòzhou trusted his bandaged hand forward and unleashed a volley of powerful blasts. The demon in front of him braced itself in vein, with the oni concentrating his best to resolve this fight as quickly as possible. With the attack finished, the aura dissipated, and the hermit groaned at even such a weak usage of the Adriel-infused Ziránquan. As he placed his hands on his legs to keep himself steady, the final demon was defeated, signaling Takato to begin healing as soon as he could.

"...were it only that easy at all time," Xiaòzhou simply replied, as he stretched to ensure his muscles were in good order and tried to heal himself and the others. Soon thereafter, Keggoth appeared, and a battle of words began between her and Cassandra.

As Keggoth began speaking more on Mariette, the hermit noticed Cassandra's state... and quickly worried. That worry would be validated moments later. With several loud cracks on his end from stretching, the oni looked to the others with a look which asked what they were going to do about this situation now.
In the blink of an eye, Cassandra was holding the gauntlet and fitting it to her arm. Sebastian couldn't believe that it had been so easy for her, and his expression changed from merely intense to alarmed. "Oh, verdammt nochmal!" he exploded, angry at everyone and everything for letting it happen.

He hadn't reacted even a fraction as strongly at Keggoth's arrival. However, even with his stunned reaction to Cassandra, he was still focused on the true enemy of the moment, and made a sprint back to his harpoon gun, snatching it, and one of its explosive missiles, off the floor and prepping it for launch, as he didn't expect defeating the Icon to be nearly as simple as Cassandra was making it look.

The late Isabelle Karnstein pushed for me because I helped to stop a threat to all of you, not because I was in cahoots with them. House Steinhäuser ring any bells? The rogue inquisitor and his homunculus?"

"It's never about how it starts, McLachlan," Lucius replied, before calming down a bit as the conversation took a less confrontational turn. "One moment, you think you're free, and the next, you're trapped in a web of obligations and social agendas. And then, before you know it, you're playing right into someone's hands without realizing it."

She eventually sighs. "...Look, Lucius..." she said, before moving around and sitting in the chair across from him. She laid the shotgun in her lap. "I'm not accusing you of what's going on. Sure, maybe Karnstein is involved. Maybe not. I'm just trying to cover bases and get a feel for things throughout each house. I'm doing things by going a list. Checking things off as I go. Once I've visited each house, I'll go over what I know, and dig more afterwards. Its how I've always worked."

"...Fine. let's get on with it, then," he replied brusquely.

She then tilted her head. "Now, what makes you think Karnstein is involved in this? Lovelace mentioned Ruthven might have something to do with it."

"Can you truly not see it?" Lucius replied, frustrated with her seeming inability to grasp what he considered obvious. "Every House dreams of ruling our kind, all of our kind, but for their to be an abyssal bargain involved, you need someone as hungry as I am to lead their followers into it. But in that same consideration," he adds, "it couldn't be me, because I have never tolerated the idea of answering to anyone's beck and call. That leaves you with a very short list, doesn't it, McLachlan?"

He drummed his fingers on the table for a moment to let the point sink in. "Ruthven is always the first suspect when vampires run afoul of the human race - Ruthven and me, and I know we've earned it. But ask yourself, whom does that serve? It serves the one on your list whom no one expects."
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"...Ah, if it isn't the Saint. You've found the artifact. Good. I won't have to dig for it." he'd soon state, sounding as if he was holding in a burp. In fact, he was. He belched loudly, before slapping his chest twice. "Sorry. Just had a nice meal. Sazak's meeting went kind of long, so I got hungry."
"Really now? My father sent you here?" Azathor said aloud in mock surprise, "Surprised you could even carry yourself for this long without getting a creak in your neck." The demon prince made a motion to his own neck so as to drive home the point. "He must really not like you, in fact... I bet he already has a replacement lined up for when we kill you." He then twirled his sword lazily before resting it atop his shoulder with confidence and pointed back to where he had come from. "Why don't you save us the trouble and just run off back through whatever gate you've gone through. Inconvenience my father for us would you? Or..."

He then pointed Belias' blade slowly over towards Thorgran, a smirk crossing his face: "Or, we could send you back to him in pieces. Your choice."
"Gods damn it, boy!" Constantine shouted looking at the carnage Takato left behind. He didn't even look at his cards missing their mark. The demon was dispatched anyway. "That was some killing." He savored their victory for as long as he could, because soon the Icon of Greed would make her presence known. The grin turned to a hateful scowl as he looked at the architect of greed in all her 'splendor'. She was focused on Cassandra at the moment, seemingly completely oblivious to his presence and that he was amongst those who raided her vaults, slaughtered her guard and made off with the bounty she had hoarded. But he knew her and her ilk. Her servants followed her word and her designs. She was just as guilty for what was done to him as Alch'ehn was.

He raised his guns to prepare for the fight, but Cassandra had enough of her before any of them. The pureblood was dancing with madness again, yet unlike some of the others, he didn't feel fear. Her rage was sharp, focused and burned brighter than anything in this foundry ever did. The wraith grinned once again and set his sight on the Icon.

"Well? You going to answer the lady or not?"
The inquisitor's hand clenched, his grip tightened around the sabre. He breathed, loosening the tension in his hands as the air left his lungs, head inclined slightly. He knew, however, that time could not be wasted. Rajko moved to the others, prising away the heavy, cloth sacks to find the artifact. They had finally located it, marred by dirt, but undoubtedly in a functional state. For a moment, the inquisitor believed that fortune had found them. The heavyset thumps of boots, ponderously shuffling through the storage racks, dispelled that thought entirely.

He spun, drawing his rifle on the rotund mass viridian-clad, carrying the foetor stink of daemonhood about him. His dark gaze fixed on the Icon, shambling and belching as he went. Rajko had been unimpressed. From the sparse selection of Icons they've encountered, the embodiment of their sins had made them predictable. He wondered if it was the character of their souls or the demands of their stations that molded them into their failings.

Rajko shifted, stepping slowly to the Saint, rifle still turned on the Icon. Unlike the previous Icons, however, he knew this would not be an easy or simple fight.
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With her demon foe slaughtered by a deft weave and fatal slashes into its vitals, Camille was quick to join the search for the gauntlet. With ease that may seem shocking to some, she hefted and tossed those large bags aside with a cool efficiency. Though time was of the essence, the huntress appeared more focused than panicked or rushed in these moments. She knew that they were certain to find the artifact, the real difficulty lied with what came after that.

When Rebecca held the gauntlet in her hands, Camille silently nodded and stood to her full height just in time to hear the heavy boots sluggishly drag themselves into the storage room. Quietly and quickly she unsheathed her blades and readied herself, expression cold and serious. Azathor was quick to quip after the Icon spoke, where she stared on with contempt and disgust. In the blazing heat of the approach to this room, she wondered silently to herself how this obese fiend didn't melt out of his vessel like pudding through a bag riddled with holes. Perhaps it would have been clever to say such, but instead she possessed a genuine question she spoke aloud.

"Why are all of you Icons so terribly cocky and overconfident?" Camille asked, turning her blades over in her hands. "Do you all forget that you bleed like any other creature? The choice Azathor gave you, while in jest, is not one I shall allow you to take. Not when I can remind you just how mortal you truly are."
With the gauntlet now seized, Aleister backed away from the growing energy of the approaching Icon. It felt as if a wave of pressure was building to burst, like the waves sent forth from the bow of a crushingly large ship. In a way, that seemed to be exactly what was emerging into the material world with them - the grotesquely corpulent form of Gluttony incarnate. The form disgusted Aleister and he looked away at once, his lips drawn thin. He had known portly gentlemen in his years, particularly when traveling, when the tired inns of the roadside often hosted the resting forms of plump men come to enjoy a roast over the fire before dozing off in the commons, their snoring going long into the night. Such fellows had always been of the jolly persuasion, eager for a good tale and quick to laugh and share.

The thing now present was anything but, a fitting example of the worst gluttonous excess possible. It was a wonder how such a creature had managed to break away from the dinner table for an outing here. Even though he knew himself to hardly be free of sin - Lust, perhaps, would have changed his temperament greatly - Aleister found himself disgusted on a truly visceral level. The arch-demon here was more akin to an overstuffed tick, a leech fat on the exsanguination of its betters.

Giving a quick look to the action of his delicate rifle, Aleister looked back up, doing so in a quick fashion to send his hair flashing over his shoulder. In this short and bloody journey so far, he desperately wished for the time to groom himself, a good bath and brush before a long rest. No such luck.

"To think a thing such as yourself would come here and waste valuable time away from eating," Aleister said, half-taunt and half-observation. "Perhaps if you had chosen to skitter away and keep to your own company, you wouldn't find yourself on the precipice of destruction. You'll die like all the rest. Maybe we'll dribble some of Sazak's fetid blood over your grave so you can get one last taste as the remaining vestiges of your soul dissipate into oblivion."
"SHE'LL WHAT, KEGGOTH?" shouted Cassandra, spit flying from her mouth as she spat the words out. "SAY IT. SHE'LL WHAT!? WHAT WILL SHE DO?!"
"Well? You going to answer the lady or not?"

Keggoth grabbed Cassandra's gauntlet clad hand, prying it away from her throat just long enough to cough and give a vicious grin. Then, she spoke words that pierced Cassandra's very soul.

"...She'll abandon you. You're unfixable, and she'll cast you aside when she realizes it. Just like everyone else does. Just like David did."

It then clicked for the rest of the group observing. Keggoth was intentionally doing this. Trying to make Cassandra snap and go on a rampage. Once the rampage began, there was no stopping it. Her insanity would take over, and she'd try to kill everything and everyone around her.

Cassandra's eyes widened. Keggoth grinned wider. "You know its true. Why fight the truth?"

Cassandra's grip seemed to relax for a few moments, her fingers loosening up as she started to release Keggoth. Soon enough, Keggoth was free, as Cassandra's hand pulled back a bit.

"Well, now that that's settled..." muttered Keggoth, rubbing her neck. As she looked over to the others, however, Cassandra's hand abruptly moved. Instead of grabbing Keggoth by the neck, she palmed her forehead in her gauntlet clad hand. With sudden and sharp force, she shoved Keggoth's head into the stone wall hard enough to cause another impact crater.

Then, she began to drag her along the wall, forcing her to grind against the rough stone. A smear of blood was left in her wake, as Keggoth struggled to free herself. She cried out in pain, before suddenly... they both vanished. Cassandra had used her immense speed again, but to literally skull-drag Keggoth down through the mine shaft. Those that could detect auras noticed that she had went further in, and those that couldn't could see the visible blood trail left in their wake.

"...Oh fuck." muttered Riberta, before looking to the others. "We need to go after her. Now. Before Keggoth gets what she wants."

She then stepped over and picked up Sebastian's gear, before hoisting the soldier up under her arm just as she had done before. Soon enough, she was darting out of the room. Following the blood trail deep into the mine's innards.

"He must really not like you, in fact... I bet he already has a replacement lined up for when we kill you. Why don't you save us the trouble and just run off back through whatever gate you've gone through. Inconvenience my father for us would you? Or... we could send you back to him in pieces. Your choice."

"No, thank you. I'm quite comfortable staying here. If I return to Lord Sazak without the gauntlet, let's just say where he'll send me isn't... all that pleasurable, from what I understand. Taranoch and Duke Ashwood are already there, you see."

Thorgran took a few steps towards the group. "As for being replaced... doubtful. I'm one of the originals, far more powerful than those two you fought before. They'll be replaced by some other lieutenants later. Me, however... I plan to live quite a long time."

Thorgran then pointed to Azathor. "I'm also eager to see what the fuss is about in regards to you. You seem to be giving Sazak and his favorite son fits, and helped to kill Azgon. Azgon had grown weak from stagnation. The rest of us, however, have not."

"Why are all of you Icons so terribly cocky and overconfident? Do you all forget that you bleed like any other creature? The choice Azathor gave you, while in jest, is not one I shall allow you to take. Not when I can remind you just how mortal you truly are."

Thorgran cut a glance to Camille. "The pot seems to be calling the kettle black, in regards to being cocky." he responded. He burped slightly, before continuing. "Of course I bleed. Even the gods bleed... and die. I know of my mortality. I'll be happy to show you yours, too."

"To think a thing such as yourself would come here and waste valuable time away from eating. Perhaps if you had chosen to skitter away and keep to your own company, you wouldn't find yourself on the precipice of destruction. You'll die like all the rest. Maybe we'll dribble some of Sazak's fetid blood over your grave so you can get one last taste as the remaining vestiges of your soul dissipate into oblivion."

Thorgran then looked to Aleister. "...You think you could actually kill Lord Sazak? Now? He would slaughter you." he responded. "But you won't make it that far. Also, this isn't a waste of my time, honestly. Once I kill you, what do you think I'll be doing with your corpses?"

He then grinned wide. "I've always wanted to try a saint's flesh. I heard it has a certain sort of spice to it. A side of vampire, werebat, demon prince, werewolf, and dashes of human will fill the dish out nicely."

While the others were speaking to Thorgran, Rebecca glanced down to the gauntlet. She was strong enough to control it. She controlled Gyasis's amulet. This would be a bit different, but she could manage it. They needed as much of an edge as they could get on these Icons. These were stronger than the one's that were around in her time. Fighting Sazak back then killed her in the end. This couldn't end the same way.

She quietly removed her left gauntlet, letting it drop to the ground, before slipping Thiasis' gauntlet on. She fastened it, pulling it tight, and suddenly felt a rush of power surge through her arm. The veins bulged, all the way up her arm and through her neck. She grit her teeth, as a near overwhelming emotion surged through her mind. Rage. Pure and unbridled. A beserker's fury. It was almost too much.

She soon began to approach Thorgran, marching along. Her armor clacked against the stone floor, her enraged gaze focused on the Icon. She muttered something under her breath, barely audible to the others.

What they could pick out was something related to Velin. What was she chanting?

Thorgran's attention snapped back to Rebecca as she neared, and he grinned. "Oh, you're approaching me?" he said, with a chuckle.

What happened next, however, caught him entirely off-guard.

Rebecca darted forwards, and drove her fist like a cannon shot into Thorgran's gut. The impact was so brutal and sudden that his stomach deformed temporarily, almost flattening out completely. There were audible cracks, as the force of the hit had sent shocks through Thorgran's vessel's spine.

The Icon stumbled back in total shock, clutching at his stomach. He groaned in agony, before doubling over. Then, he violently puked. Everything he had eaten, which appeared to be mostly meats like chicken and beef, was regurgitated onto the floor along with quite a lot of blood.

He stood there, shaking for a few moments, before looking up towards Rebecca. "W-Wai--" he sputtered, before another hit collided with his face. He was sent flipping through the air, colliding with the stone wall behind him and bursting through it. Rebecca followed, marching along. Still chanting something to herself.

The others looked on in total shock. However, they'd soon shake it off as the Gravedigger began to move after Rebecca. They would still have to kill Thorgran if Rebecca didn't, and there was still the other Icon here somewhere.

Claire listened quietly as Lucius spoke. He did have a point. The Karnsteins were who people thought of the most when considering the vampire great houses. There was a sense of power and prestige when around them, and more-so when actually part of the bloodline. Lilith Karnstein, head of the Karnstein house, was currently on a bit of a power trip and had been for quite a long time. Especially after the death of her mother and her sister's splitting away from the house and eventual death. She keeps only those loyal to the house in her circle, and only calls on Claire's assistance when something poses a threat to her or the house.

The only thing that made the situation any different with the Karnsteins at the moment is that they were a bit louder than the Ruthvens. Ruthven has been silent since the Ashwood affair. Karnstein had been busy.

"...You have a point." she eventually responded. "I'll look into the Karnsteins once I'm done with Polidori. The twins have been acting stranger lately, so I need to pop in and see what their deal is."
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Just as the others realized what was going down, Xiaòzhou yelled Cassandra's name before she vanished once more with Keggoth in hand. The hermit witnessed in worry how far Cassandra was going, and didn't need any convincing when Riberta suggested they go after her. The oni immediately moved to float, and charged after at speed.
Azathor was taken aback by the Saint's sudden burst of aggression and power, having not counted her among the more outwardly violent types in comparison to some of the other individuals they had come across thus far. The sheer strength to hurt Thorgran in such a manner was breathtaking to say the least. It was almost certainly the gauntlet's doing, which then made Azathor realize the potential greater effects much like Gyasis' own artifact had on him and the others in their bout on the shoreline. As a result, Azathor quickly dashed to follow the Saint as she continued to advance against the gluttonous icon and made haste to do his part in felling him.
"...Oh fuck." muttered Riberta, before looking to the others. "We need to go after her. Now. Before Keggoth gets what she wants."

She then stepped over and picked up Sebastian's gear, before hoisting the soldier up under her arm just as she had done before. Soon enough, she was darting out of the room. Following the blood trail deep into the mine's innards.


Sebastian was only surprised for a moment, and spent the rest of the time he was being carried angry with himself that he didn't expect to be snatched up like this again. "She's, uh, sensitive about her lovers, ja?" Sebastian shouted up at Riberta as she bounded along, having nothing better to say.

"...You have a point." she eventually responded. "I'll look into the Karnsteins once I'm done with Polidori. The twins have been acting stranger lately, so I need to pop in and see what their deal is."

Lucius sat back in his chair, grimacing with impatience. "If we're done here, I have matters of business to attend to. But once you get to the bottom of this devilry, find time to send me a telegram. I'll keep it for the next time you decide to question me," he says. Despite his words, however, Claire can tell that he's trying to hide his insecurity about the entire situation. A telegram confirming his suspicions might actually help him sleep.
"What in the..." Constantine let out as Cassandra just moved in the blink of an eye and vanished down the mineshaft. He could feel both their auras get further and further away. "Leave some of the bitch for me!" The wraith looked around the storage and found his own way down-an elevator shaft used to carry the bounties of the earth the dwarfs would dig up upwards from the mines to be stored. It was abandoned long ago at the bottom of the shaft, but he could make a rough guess on how far down it went. This was going to be stupid, but he wanted-no, needed to catch up quick.

Constantine materialized the ropes again and concentrated on creating more than what he would use for a simple lasso like he'd usually make. A lot more. One end he would tie to a nearby pillar and the other he'd toss down the shaft. If he was right, it would be just enough. 'Rope burn it is.' He grabbed hold of the rope and started to slide down, cursing himself that he couldnt make these things smoother as the burn started to burn though his palms. His only solace in this move was that he could feel the auras getting closer quicker and quicker.

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