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Fandom Hunter x Hunter: The Beginning


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Hello, and welcome to the world of Hunter x Hunter! Here is the basic character skeleton. Use formatting and add extra however you want.







Skills (What can your character do to fight without Nen?):

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Clemont Santo








Clemont has a pretty standoffish personality. He's never looking to fight, or to prove anything to anyone. He only speaks when spoken to, because he doesn't bother socializing on purpose. He generally holds himself in a high regard, but knows when to back down and when he's outclassed. If you do get friendly with him though, he won't admit it. He'll start opening up. Making sarcastic jokes and the like. He's a good actor, able to lie to someone's face well.


Clemont grew up as a rather obnoxious child. He was born into a family of riches, the upper-class. He looked down on everyone, which irritated them. One day, his house was robbed, and all the riches his family once had were gone. In a vain attempt to regain the riches, his father set out to become a hunter, but word came back that he failed the exam. He didn't want his family to see his face again, so his whereabouts were unknown. In a fit of grief, his mother left with Clemont to join a travelling circus that would give them refuge if one of them could do an act. Duke volunteered to learn knife throwing. He did, and the act was a hit. As the circus travelled more, he improved, upping his flexibility, acrobatic ability, endurance, and combat capabilities. Soon, he felt he was strong enough to become a hunter. His mother passed away soon before he left, so he had nowhere to go, so he'd have to figure out his way by himself.


Clemont's only real combat style is his throwing knives. He can throw from far-distance and still hit his target. He can perform flips and acrobatic maneuvers while throwing the knives, which he learned to spice up his performance. He can also fight up close with them. They're small, but it makes for a very efficient hand-to-hand weapon when they don't inhibit your speed at all and can stab easily.

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? ? ?

Tristan James Taylor

  • Name:

    Tristan J. (Stands for 'James') Taylor


    TJ, Happy, Tristo.






    135lbs (61kgs)




    Pansexual (Prefers females)



"If you're falling and ask god to save you...You'll still find yourself hitting the ground."

? ? ?

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Real Name:

Laura Trake







Appearance Description:

She has blonde hair, with deep blue eyes. Her attire is normally formal school attire, with one braid constantly seen in different parts of her hair.


Mint is the type of person to always look on the bright side, though will understand if things get glum. Mint almost always knows what to say, and in a strange way is very intelligent about it. She won't babble out non sense and is able to win an argument rather easily. Though, shes not as readable as she may appear. She can take criticism, within reason. To retaliate, she will ignore comments made to her that she thinks are stupid. Besides this, her normal persona is playful and happy, while keeping her energy in check. Shes not one to bounce off walls.

Mint almost never gets upset, and if pushed over the edge will most likely break down without speaking. She goes into a solemn state at this rate, but is able to move on quickly. Her memory could use some work, but her observation skills are spot on.

Mint isn't one of the most ambitious people you'll meet, but if prompted will most likely do what she needs to. If she accepts said task she will keep at it until it is done. Her attention span is questionable, as it can get her off track easily. Her goals, if one were to be set by her, will be something she stubbornly follows.

Normally, she knows she shouldn't make goals for fear of overworking herself, but when it happens its something she knows she has to do. So, technically, a goal is huge for her. She rarely ever thinks of her skills as 'great', but will take compliments with a thankful demeanor. Almost no thought is put into a certain skill or trait she has unless it is pointed out, as she focuses on other things.


Mint is great at using her resources, when said resource is perceived by her. Specifically, she uses her hair brush for some surprising things. Why does she carry it around? She doesn't care about her looks in the least. She only feels uncomfortable when her hair gets knotted.


Talking, dodging, getting something done (If she decides to), flexibility, wood carving, observing details, and climbing


Chewing gum, snacking, brushing her hair and making braids with it


Grew up in a nice country side home where most people treated each other as equals. Mint loved the peaceful and tranquil atmosphere, where everyone knew each other and were friends. She was always tasked with finding things that were wrong in the area. For some reason, she always had this 'sense' when things got 'out of the ordinary'.

Her brother Gavin, about 3 years older than her, always yearned for a life of adventure and excitement. He wanted more than just watch some animals on a farm. So, when Gavin was around 15 and Mint was 12, he'd start disappearing. Mint's mother and Mint discussed where he'd gone, but they would always get off topic and talk about something else. When he returned the first time, he seemed... Different. It only got worse from there, as he began to be absent for days on end. Eventually, after a year these occurrences had happened, Mint's mother decided to question him about it.

He refused to answer her. After she gave up, Mint asked. Since Mint and him had always been close, he decided to tell her. He informed her he'd learned to use Nen. She soon became curious, but he only patted her on the head and left again. One morning, she woke up to learn that a gang of people raided their entire village. Using some unstoppable force, they took most of their crop. Some accused her brother, Gavin. And, she found out, they weren't wrong. As her brother returned again, he sought after her. Finding her alone, Gavin broke down and started apologizing. Mint got confused, but comforted him anyway. "It was my fault... I... I told them, I helped them... I couldn't... I wasn't st-strong enough sis..." He kept saying.

She kept whispering to him that it wasn't his fault. After a few minutes of this, he stood up silently with tears streaming down his face and patted her head one last time. After this event, he'd left again. She woke up the next morning to find him hanging from the barn ceiling, dead. She couldn't take her eyes away from the sight, screaming then crying and then screaming again. After getting over it, she vowed to learn to use Nen by becoming a Hunter. She wanted to know what exactly killed her brother...

Theme Song:



Often smells of mint, probably from the gum she chews.

Thus, the nickname Mint.

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"I have been called my things Melon Lord, Tofu but you may call me death...or Cece whichever you like."

Cece Zaken


"They ain't no age limit for this thing right?"

Cece is twelve years old.



"You know that is a great question I have always been told I was a women but I can't see it perhaps you want to check...what no what I am too much women for you to handle?"

She is female she thinks...(Between you and me she is)


"I'm a big ol ball of laughs"

Cece is fiercely independent, sarcastic, direct, stubborn, and confrontational. She appears to have the a carefree and adventurous personality and is very tomboyish in the way she acts and dresses,in contrast to the delicate doll her parents saw her as. Cece loves battling and takes great pride in her magic skills. She appeared eager to prove that she was as strong as anyone who could see and once claimed that she was "the greatest Chu Family Earth Style user in the world" earning her a swift butt kicking from her master. Cece's eagerness to prove that she can be independent often causes her to create a rift with most people she meets often thinking that when they want to help her it is out of pity and not because they just want to help her.

Cece is often brutally honest when criticizing others, especially her friends. She is vocal about her opinions on others regardless of status or age. Her occasional attitude or aloofness is likely related to her being the only child of one of the richest families in the whole world. Due to her time as a competitor and champion of the Chu family tournaments, she was an expert in verbally taunting and insulting her opponents. Toppa's most profound trait involved personal hygiene. She is accustomed to lying on the ground and walking everywhere barefoot leaving her soles soiled she also has a habit of spiting this stemmed from her wanting to simply spite her parents.

Cece does not let her blindness hurt her self-confidence. She has high self-esteem in regard to many of her abilities and was more than determined to show that she would not let her blindness deter her from living freely and fighting like everyone else. However, sometimes this acts as a ruse to hide personal insecurities. While it may seem strange to most Cece makes lots of jokes on the fact that she is blind and often tries to trick others who maybe searching for something however she hates it when others forget that she is blind and try make her read or look at something.



"You known sometimes I wonder how my life could have turned out if I didn't run away."

Cece was born fourteen years ago to Gokuno Rokurouta and her husband Hanka Rokurouta, who lived in a large house in the wilderness of the Azian Continent. Now it was discovered a while after she was born that Cece was blind which she inherited from her great grandfather. For the first few months of her life Cece's family seemed complete. Her mother would stay at home and take care of her, while her father go on various jobs as a Hunter in order to provide for the family. Hanka was a Pro Hunter, and because of the dangerous nature of his occupation he couldn't care for his daughter and make money at the same time. This led him to call on the help of Crawford Zaken, his father and a fellow Pro Hunter. The two would alternate hunts so that Cece would always be supervised as a small child, by someone other than just her mother. As Cece grew older, he began to hear about the work of Cece family as something she would like to pursue as well when she grew up. Hanka and Crawford gave full support to Cece's interest in hunting, and began training her in the basics by the time the boy was six years old.

Unfortunately, after returning home from an especially difficult hunt, Hanka fell into a deep depression, and completely lost interest in both hunting and teaching his daughter. As this behavior went on Cece heard her father's health slowly decline, and within two years Hanka was dead. While she was greatly effected by her father's death, Cece did not let this stop her from striving to become a Hunter herself. Crawford continued to train her to become a Hunter, to her mother up most displeasure.

Cece grew up a very isolated child being blind and with an overprotective mother did that, with Gokuno dictating the majority of his actions and interactions with other people unless Crawford was around. She knew very little about her father other than what her mother told her and what she could vaguely remember. This caused her to develop trust issues with most people besides her mother and Crawford, which unintentionally worked out in Gokuno's favor in her efforts to isolate her daughter. One day, Cece fell down some stairs and landed in the attic of her home, as s child she did the one thing that occured to her and explored the attic of her home. This was a place that had been off limits to her practically since she was born, but with her only company ever being her mother and Crawford, one has to find ways of entertaining themselves. While digging through some old documents in a chest of her mother's, she found something he'd never expect; piece of paper now being blind she could read them but she took them to Crawford who read them out to her.

In these letters contained evidence of not only Hanka status as a Hunter and his fate (something Cece already knew), but they also told of his obsession with tracking down a notorious thief known as "The Iron Ram". Her father had clashed with the thief several times and devoted a half decade of his life to capturing The Iron Ram, but finally gave up the obsession after meeting Gokuno. But most shocking of all was that Cece found evidence that her mother had in fact been the true Iron Ram, and had initially pursued Rag father romantically because he was close to bringing her true identity to light. Shocked by what she'd found, Cece confronted his mother with all the letters and documents, hoping she would deny them and explain. Instead Gokuno met him with fury, even striking her across the face for digging up those papers.

Feeling a new, deep hatred for her mother, Cece ran away from his home with help from Crawford, declaring she would follow in her father's footsteps and become a Hunter so she could put her mother in prison for her crimes. Following these events, Cece began training extensively for the Hunter Exam and even found a way for her to see. She had Crawford train her in the same fighting style he used one based off waiting and countering rather than all out attacking or defending.


"I'm like a bat but not a bat at the same time...its pretty damn cool to say I learned it myself."

Cece sees like a bat using Echolocation to see however unlike a bat which broadcast high-pitched sounds to do this Cece only needs to hear noise and a 'ping' of the Echolocation shoots out reveling the local area and most in it. This is much strong in small tight places rather than out doors places like caves, rooms and boxes and simply things like a twig snapping can cause this sense to pick up everything around her.

Other than her sixth sense (the echolocation) her other sense minus her eyes are extreamly acute for example she can smell the ingredients in food in front of her and if she knows them she can name them.

Finally she has learned a martial arts based on countering for a blind girl most think this impossible but thanks to her sense she can hear simply things like the wind moving when someone goes to punch or the rustling of leaves this gives her the ability to be able to use this martial arts well sometimes even better than a participation who is not blind.



She was born blind.

Her name Cece awkwardly means blind her parents named her this before it was known that she was blind.​
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Name: Odin Gibson

Alias: The Gargantuan, The Big Guy, Hercules

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Height: 6'7


Personality: Odin is a kindhearted man who tends to overwork himself, no matter how strong or how big his muscles get he would never be proud of himself. Odin is dedicated to getting stronger and has a motto to always work harder. He believes that most people don't get to their dreams because they did not truly try there best. He is also softhearted when it comes to fighting women as he sworn to never hit a female in his life. Odin can be humorous at times, and when he sees a time to train he will.

Bio: Odin grew up to a normal family, his father was a bodybuilder and his mother was a housewife, Odin always admired his father and called him the strongest man. Years later, Odin now at the age of fourteen, his father had gotten lung cancer although it can be treated by surgery his father didn't have the money, Odin then realized how the world truly is. His father told him that winning a few competitions doesn't give a good pay he told him how he could've went into studies and became a doctor, but he told him of his legacy.

He told him of how his father, grandfather and even great grand father were bodybuilders but they lived in generations with less competition, he told Odin to continue the legacy but become a hunter at the same time, he told him it will be hard and that he won't make it to see him when he is an adult but his father told him he had faith. His father died a month later, his house was sold now living in a apartment, his mother now working a minimum wage job.

Years of studying, and passing with average grades Odin at the age of eighteen decided to go on heavy duty training. Everyday he trained, pushing himself to his limit his body wanted to stop he felt like he was bleeding, his bones breaking he knew his body wanted to stop but his soul did not. Years of pushing himself to the limit, now 24 he still wasn't happy with himself, he decided he needed to take the hunter exam as he knew the advantages of being a hunter. He kissed his mother goodbye and promised her he will achieve true strength and told his mother he will bring enough money so she doesn't have to work no longer, but before he left, his mother gave him his college funds since he didn't end up going to college. He bought a anvil-warhammer and practiced it for a month, then he left to go to the hunter exams.

Skills (What can your character do to fight without Nen?):

Proficient Hammer skills: Although Odin only practiced for a month with his Anvil-warhammer, he is able to swing such a heavy weapon with amazing speed, he also learned many fighting techniques combined with his Weapon.

100% Muscle usage: It is said people only use 20-30% of their muscles, after pushing himself for eight years of vigorous training he has achieved this, he is able to use every muscle in his body to gain abnormal strength.

Muscle Absorption: Flexing his body he is able to become more durable then he is before by making his body more stiffer and can absorb some damage from an attack.

High Pain tolerance

"Today I will do what others won't so tomorrow I can do what others can't"
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  • 3577891322_815f04107e.jpg

    Name: Lee Sungmin

    Age: 17

    Gender: Male


In three words: Wandering sword hobo.

Name: Toyohisa

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Personality: Years of self-imposed isolation from people-situations has dulled Toyohisa's people-skills, making him both quiet and jarringly blunt when interacted with. That's not to say there isn't a somewhat decent person under the old, stale smelling clothes and disgruntled expression, it's just that Toyohisa has problems communicating that fact. When comfortable around an individual, he'll often find himself comfortable around their friends, becoming more talkative but no less stoic in his mannerisms.

To those with a sharper eye for people, it's evident that Toyohisa's mannerisms are not solely because of isolation as they resonate rather strongly with the image of an enforcer of a less than savoury organization. Perhaps a criminal once upon a time, something which would explain his once-expensive looking clothing now in disrepair, he seems to lack any interest in such things now. Another indicator of the potential softy beneath his vagabond exterior is his soft-spot for the young - although this appears as mere tolerance as opposed to disregarding their presence like he would others. It could be described as an older brothers approach to the young, protective of them yet not overtly caring.

While a swordsman at heart, Toyohisa is not quick to uphold his or anyone elses honour, but he does welcome an opponent who would fight him honourably - he would gladly return the gesture.

Bio: Toyohisa is factually not a "ronin". None the less, there are striking similarities between him and the idea of a ronin, the only real difference being that Toyohisa never worked for anyone that could be recognized a lord of the land. Rather he was an enforcer within the underworld of Jappon, a member of the bouryokudan from the age of twelve and a nationally wanted man by twenty. His life up to this point is like something out of a film, a quiet criminal swordsman who fought law enforcement, other groups and even those within his own to make ends meet, knowing nothing else from his poverty ridden childhood. Just like one of those films, that story did not have a good end, resulting in the death of his sole sibling, his near incarceration and self-imposed exile from Jappon.

"Hard times" is underselling how Toyohisa fell, knowing little more than some decent calligraphy and gardening to go along with his blade he had little to no prospects in the wider world, forced into the unglamorous life of a homeless part-time worker with odd jobs from town to town. Pleasant, no, but it served as a few years to think and mentally recover for the swordsman and for him to find new direction. Revenge was the goal, power and authority the means, and the Yorknew was the location. If he remembered anything about his life among the gangs, it was that he could find the people responsible for his sibling's death on a trip to a certain auction.

Becoming a Hunter is only a natural step forward.

Skills (What can your character do to fight without Nen?):

Experienced Combatant - Speaks for its self. Toyohisa is a natural in stressful combat situations, capable of reading the flow of a battle and working it to his favour.

Ninky? Dantai Kendo - The term "Ninkyou Dantai Kendo" means very little by its self, it's more or less a basic form of swordsmanship found within the yakuza groups designed with the express intent of being mouldable to an individuals preferences, teaching the values of defence, offence and agility equally. Toyohisa's own personalized variant of Ninkyou Dantai Kendo is the Westward Journey, created with the idea to be the most well-balanced advancement of Ninkyou Dantai Kendo, meaning that Toyohisa's offensive, defensive and speed capabilities are equally as well trained as the other. Iconic to Westward Journey is an a technique called "Saki", which seems to allow an attack from Toyohisa's blade to ignore distance. In short, Toyohisa is an incredibly well-rounded swordsman with no real weaknesses in his capabilities, but he lacks the raw immediate killing power of what something like Nobunaga Hazama's iaidou would have.

Danger Sense - Having lived most of his life in a rather tense environment, Toyohisa has developed a sort of sixth sense which alerts him of incoming danger. While this sense is vague, it at least gives him a general direction and the knowledge that he is in trouble.

Caligraphy & Gardening - Even criminals have to have hobbies.

Other: Toyohisa is at the very least aware of the existence of nen and its attainability.
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