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Fandom Hunter X Hunter Interest Check

Ohh thanks for the heads up on that~

Also I am not too familiar with those types of rps but if HxH is involved I'll probably end up joining so I will check it out a little later
AtlannianSpy said:
Okay so I'm confused as to whether this is or isn't a thing. If it is I'm totally down and if it isn't but might be in the future then I am down at that as yet undetermined point in time.
I want it to be a thing, however I sorta need a few people to be interested (The last group of people pretty much went inactive). I'm not looking for much of a large group either - just enough people to fill the roles (Which will be protag and antag with a few factions in between) and people who are actually planning on sticking around because that's what happened last time.
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[QUOTE="Sinister Clown]I want it to be a thing, however I sorta need a few people to be interested (The last group of people pretty much went inactive). I'm not looking for much of a large group either - just enough people to fill the roles (Which will be protag and antag with a few factions in between) and people who are actually planning on sticking around because that's what happened last time.

Ahh that's a sad song I've heard before. Well I'm definitely keen if or when it happens, I might suggest though that splitting players into factions can be less than helpful if you're already struggling with numbers.
AtlannianSpy said:
Ahh that's a sad song I've heard before. Well I'm definitely keen if or when it happens, I might suggest though that splitting players into factions can be less than helpful if you're already struggling with numbers.
That is true and I already know that, but in saying that the roles for both sides aren't that much - and depending on who joins some people might want to make multiple character's anyway (Me being one of them). There is that, and I generally also like leaving antagonist roles open for other's. Although, if a few other's get interested I might just change it to just having a small group of Rp'ers who will all play roles of the 'main characters' I guess you could say and the antagonists will just be more of NPC's used for the arcs instead of rp'ers controlling them.
Okay reading that last post back I feel like I came off, I dunno dismissive or condescending or something which I totally didn't intend. Anyway you've clearly thought it through which I assumed was probably the case, I was mainly thinking of this other rp that is somewhat stalled out waiting for two factions to fill out.
AtlannianSpy said:
Okay reading that last post back I feel like I came off, I dunno dismissive or condescending or something which I totally didn't intend. Anyway you've clearly thought it through which I assumed was probably the case, I was mainly thinking of this other rp that is somewhat stalled out waiting for two factions to fill out.
Oh no, no don't get that impression I simply didn't know what else to say besides agreeing with you or confirming xD I didn't take it in any negative way at all. Factions won't be much of a problem really, since the only faction(s) I might be including are going to be the Hunter's organization, Phantom Troupe & the main antagonist group (Or if we only end up getting a really small group there will be numerous things made up for the sake of the plot). I mainly just feel that when actual people are playing the roles of both antag & protag creates more interesting situations within the Rp - and more entertaining fights.

I'm actually gonna tag random people who could be interested..

@Mitchs98 @Gabriel Leko @Hanjizoe @MaverickPun @Lexielai @Otakuyaki

Would any of you be interested in joining something like this? If not just ignore the post and sorry for wasting your time.
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It wasn't really your reaction, I just re read and it sounded weird to me. If it didn't give tou that impression then great, I'm just a little tired I think.
AtlannianSpy said:
It wasn't really your reaction, I just re read and it sounded weird to me. If it didn't give tou that impression then great, I'm just a little tired I think.
Yeah I understand it happens to me too~ even when Im not tired hahaha, but yeah I've thought through a lot of what I could do plot wise, since most of the antagonist ideas the author of hxh came mostly from DBZ (Most easily seen with Meruem). The thread was also half ready as well but everyone there wanted a slightly more futuristic setting but this time round it will be based in the same era but is AU meaning there are no canon chara. (This is purely so people who can't come up with a good nen idea they cn use a canon one)
Ill link the old one soon so you can start making a Cs but I still need at least two more people for the rp and Ill be remaking the thread as well, so if you know one or two people who might be interested feel free to tag them here



Apparent Age:

Actual Age: (Optional)





Blood Type:

Nationality (Make sure it works with Hxh's world):


Star Sign:

~Personal Information~

Appearance: (No realistic pictures; Please just stick with anime stuff, a written paragraph to support the picture is also reccomended but not required.)

Unique Traits(What are the main unique traits of your apeparance: (Optional)

Items/Gear: (Optional)

General likes:

General dislikes:

Character Personality: (4 paragraphs minimum)

Quirks: (Optional)

Mental Strengths:

Mental Weaknesses: (Minimum is 3.)

Family Members: (Optional)

Relatives: (Optional)


Crush/Spouse: (Optional)

History: (Two paragraphs minimum)

~Combat & Achievements~

Aspirations: (What does your character want to become or achieve?)

Affiliation: (What organization?) (Optional)

Hunter Type: (Or what type of hunter does your character wish to become?)

Achievements: (Optional) (This can be pretty much anything your character consider's an achievement)

Fighting Style: (Any martial arts? How does your character prefer to fight and what kind of method/tactics do they use?)


Unique Skills: (This can be combat & non combat)

Physical Strengths:

Physical Weaknesses:

You can do whatever BBcode you like & add stuff but that's the gist of what's there, also another note would be to leave Nen & nen type blank for now. Focus more on the personality and other traits, I'll be giving out who has what nen type.
[QUOTE="Lunaria Silver]Do we fill out the cs here?

If you want to, go for it.

[QUOTE="Lunaria Silver]Also what is the plot

Well at first, there won't be much of a plot and it's more or less just going to be introducing the character's of the RP as well as having them mingle and make some minor character progression throughout the Hunter exams. Once the hunter exams is done, the first arc will revolve around the main protagonists practicing and honing their Nen as well as having things interfere with that to spice things up.

All in all, the plot is going to be fairly similiar to what the anime has at least for the start. Once we start getting deeper into the plot, I'll start introducing the antagonist organizations which will be the basis of the plot. In saying that, I still haven't figured it all out since last time round the story was a lot different - but depending on what you guys want the Rp could go down several different paths. For example, last time round the Rp was based after the Hunter's Association was crushed by a larger government organization. (This will have different reasons to why it happened) and all the main protagonists were going to become 'secret hunters' . In this one, I might still make something like that happen but like I said - I still have some flushing out to do when it comes to plot, since HxH isn't very strict on exactly what can happen ANYTHING is possible.

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