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Fandom Hunter X Hunter Interest Check

Sinny The Fool

Boogaloo Anarchist
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

~ The Lore ~

Within the past decade, many things have happened across the V6 countries and it's people. Ranging from new advances with scientific evolution after the discovery of a world outside what is known. It was found that the world they lived in was only a faction of what truly was. This place 'outside' the known world soon became known as 'The Dark Continent' and with this, a whole new outlook on human existence changed forever. First, starting with the V6, composed of great countries that are famed for both it's size, wealth and military. Each of these countries had finally come together in order to form an alliance, one that was set in place for the pure purpose of researching more about this new area known as the 'Dark Continent' as well as making numerous deals/trades to benefit each of the countries. Despite there sometimes being disorder between the figure heads of each of these places, in order to assure this 'outside' world is no threat to their own world; All grudges have been set aside...


The next thing that would undergo a change, was the Hunter's Organization themselves. While they were founded under the Yorbian Government and for over a generation have been know to work alongside with the Yobrian alliance. With the the two forces disagreeing with the other, eventually the Hunter's Organization was forced to detatch themselves from the government completely; instead the Hunter's Organization became a thing of it's own. A neutral party of complete discretion and just so happen to also operate under the same principle. With no government telling them what to do, the leadership of the Hunter's Organization was now of utmost importance - and the election for the new head of the organization became a vital process to the Hunter's Organization survival. While they do the same thing they have always done, they now seek out potential from every corner despite race, size, gender or past life. This year is an important year for the Hunter's Organization, as it also marks the day of their first ever public annual Hunter Exams...

So do you have what it takes to become a hunter? Do you have the tenacity to hunt? For the rarest species of these lands? For the hidden treasures of ages past? Will you or unexplored lands beyond the boundaries of humanity? For the magic and fascination that lie in these unknowns? Then succeed as the rare fraction of hunters at the exam! The hunter association is looking for the most talented... the most ingenious, the very best! This exam will mercilessly weed out those unfit to be hunters... one in a ten thousandth will make it to the exam, and the number of applicants to succeed can even be counted on one's hands. But if you are the genius we are looking for... then that success was meant for you!

Detailed - Hunter X Hunter (Detailed)

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Bolts said:
I'll have to just touch up on what I know so far but I could possibly do it.
If you want, Bur just so you know this rp may end up not needing any knowledge on the anime and just have a general interest - I won't be involving any major spoilers or including canon characters (Some families will be present but different people will take their roles) so there are going to be minimal spoilers to allow those who arent caught up or seen much of the anime can still enjoy this Rp and the anime without having to worry too much.
Yes, No, Maybe, Perhaps put me down as a maybe wait no...put me down as a yes!
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NekoChanBo said:
Yes, No, Maybe, Perhaps put me down as a maybe wait no...but me down as a yes!
Hahaha I'm taking that as a yes, hopefully a few other's are interested so I can try get this started.
Alright that's good to me, so just so everyone is caught up with information - the two main things you need to know before starting is that the location & timeline of this Rp will be decided through you guys mostly. (Basically, we can either make a plot based before the anime in the 1800's or 1900's where the 'Hunter's Association' first formed, one that is based on the same timeline as the anime but with different character's and lastly there is also a more futuristic idea I had as well).

If you don't know what the hunter's association is - that is one of the big things you'll need to know to join the Rp. This is the link, if you want me to tell you just let me know and I will PM you in the information instead (Since the wiki might lead to a few spoiler's from the anime.) For people who do know plenty about HxH nen will be included by for those who aren't as caught up I was thinking of having the start be the start of the Hunter Exams or when it just finishes since Nen will be included in this Rp.

Hunter Association
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Well before I set up the thread I wouldn't mind trying to get as much input from you guys as I can. For plot/timeline idea's I did have a few of my own in mind - I'll list them below and if I could get feedback or any suggestions on them or even other idea's we could go with would be great and would help me when it comes to setting up the thread.

Idea 1 - Based in the 1800's or early 1900's the Hunter's Associtation has just been formed, their HQ during this time won't be in Yorknew and the location will be somewhere underground and most likely based in a foriegn country. The plot for this will mostly surround the real life events of WW1 & WW2 with our twists with events, basically we will be making the reputation the Hunter Association has in our own ways.

Idea 2 - This one is a little more basic, based in the same timeline but the roles & characters will be completely altered and changed. This will have a plot a little more similar to the anime where new issues arise and the main character's will go and try deal with the problem. (This one will also most likely be based a little more around the criminal organizations and depending on everyone's preference I might even throw the Phantom Troupe in the mix for a main antagonist group)

Idea 3 - The timeline will be placed around a few decades after the events within the anime/manga, here the 'Hunter's Association' will be mostly dead after a large uprise in criminal organizations, foreign government organizations and mutual distrust between the Hunter Association & the rest of the world. Forcing them to either be killed or go into hiding this will be about the survival of the remaining member's of the Hunter's Association (Player's most likely won't be hunter's in this one as they will be more of a plot device). Here the main character's for the Rp will eventually stumble on a hunter and taught nen and basically what happened - eventually you will choose to join the cause and the plot will be about putting the 'Hunter' name back where it should be.

Obviously if you guys have any other idea's you think might be interested feel completely free to share them with me (As that's what this thread is basically for).
[QUOTE="Sinister Clown]Well before I set up the thread I wouldn't mind trying to get as much input from you guys as I can. For plot/timeline idea's I did have a few of my own in mind - I'll list them below and if I could get feedback or any suggestions on them or even other idea's we could go with would be great and would help me when it comes to setting up the thread.
Idea 1 - Based in the 1800's or early 1900's the Hunter's Associtation has just been formed, their HQ during this time won't be in Yorknew and the location will be somewhere underground and most likely based in a foriegn country. The plot for this will mostly surround the real life events of WW1 & WW2 with our twists with events, basically we will be making the reputation the Hunter Association has in our own ways.

Idea 2 - This one is a little more basic, based in the same timeline but the roles & characters will be completely altered and changed. This will have a plot a little more similar to the anime where new issues arise and the main character's will go and try deal with the problem. (This one will also most likely be based a little more around the criminal organizations and depending on everyone's preference I might even throw the Phantom Troupe in the mix for a main antagonist group)

Idea 3 - The timeline will be placed around a few decades after the events within the anime/manga, here the 'Hunter's Association' will be mostly dead after a large uprise in criminal organizations, foreign government organizations and mutual distrust between the Hunter Association & the rest of the world. Forcing them to either be killed or go into hiding this will be about the survival of the remaining member's of the Hunter's Association (Player's most likely won't be hunter's in this one as they will be more of a plot device). Here the main character's for the Rp will eventually stumble on a hunter and taught nen and basically what happened - eventually you will choose to join the cause and the plot will be about putting the 'Hunter' name back where it should be.

Obviously if you guys have any other idea's you think might be interested feel completely free to share them with me (As that's what this thread is basically for).

3 yay
I like all of them honestly, but 1 is my favorite! WWI-WWII sounds fun.

I'm totally okay with all three though!
YoungX said:
I would love to try out Idea 2. Seems like something everyone could do .
The second one would be a lot easier but so far it looks like people are liking the third idea more, in the end it will be up to majority vote and there are a few people I've PM'd which are also interested in joining so I'll probably see what they think and once that's done I'll go with whatever is most popular.
Also, this isn't as big but it revolves around Nen. If you don't know what Nen is, it will be explained in the official thread in multiple ways. (Such as the introduction scenes for the RP or when Nen comes into the story, on the mechanics tab & the link that I will leave below for anyone who doesn't mind finding out about Nen; but it's like one of the two most important things to really know about for HxH, the other thing being the Hunter's Association.)

Anyway, my question is do you guys want to choose your own Nen Category? Or would you like me to choose them based off personality traits? But just everyone knows, if you want to choose your own nen category that is fine but I'll be limiting specialist types to mostly NPC's for important roles etc, if I choose them though the chance of being able to make a specialist type could become greater.

Here's the link to the wiki page for Nen for anyone who either wants a mind refresh or to learn more about it because even when it get's mentioned in the anime the concept of 'Nen' has confused a lot of people; one of those people being me xD In the end I just ended up reading the wiki so I could understand what was going on so it will probably be a useful link some time or another.

Link: Nen
I think it'll much more interesting based on personality types. Plus it'll be like being in Hunter X Hunter where we don't know what to expect. That just my opinion though. Hue.

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