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Fandom Hunter X Hunter (Detailed)

Which timeline would you rather for the RP to be based on?

  • During WW1 & WW2 where the hunter association has just been created

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • During the same timeline as the anime (Just with different character's for certain roles)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A futuristic timeline where the hunter association is struggling to survive?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Naomi watched as most of the people taking the exam ran for the balls but they seemed to lack the strength to throw them that hard. She saw someone on the other team come running up to the front and threw the ball by spinning. She caught the ball much to the surprise to the man and others around him. Naomi looked at the ball sure 50 pounds was heavy but she had lifted and thrown around guys bigger than that back in the slums. This game reminded her of a game she used to play with her brother and his friends but they called it dodgerock back in the slums. Naomi reeled back her arm and threw the ball and it slammed into the stomach of the one who threw the ball at her knocking him to the ground.

After that everyone on the other team began somewhat avoiding her she wanted to go get more balls to throw, but no one was throwing her way that was when a small girl then again everyone was small to Naomi most of the time. The girl offered to go gather balls and Naomi would then throw the ball and take someone out. Naomi smiled taking the ball and throwing it hitting someone in the side and sending them sliding across the ground. Naomi turned to the girl and gave her a thumbs up. "I like ya I'm Naomi and sure I'll be your cannon you be my loader!"

"500 jerks fighting over possession of 5 balls . . . I'm not going to waste my time fighting over those balls." Bruno put his hands in his pockets walks to the back of his team and pulls out a portable gaming device and begins to play a game of elves and wizards. He wonders, "who was that guy from before? He made it seem like he wanted to kill me. But as soon I was distracted by the examiners announcement he disappeared . . . Meh I'll worry about it when he tries to kill me." Bruno stood in the back disinterested in the whole fiasco but was watching it through his periphery. "DO SOMETHING YOU LAZY SHITHEAD" Yelled a spectator. "MAKE ME MOIST ASS!!" Bruno would retort. Normally Bruno would be the first in line for action but the idea of being pressed between 250 sweaty people, some with body odor and bad breath, turned Bruno off.

Red team took the lead, the giant girl and the punk kid were doing the bulk of the work eliminating the others. A game like this could drag on, the red team can eliminate scrubs all day, but between the cycles of saves and eliminations of 500 people this is an extremely inefficient method. 50 of the blue team has been eliminated but it hasn't been met without resistance. They call her Midori, a teenage girl with a red wig and a red suit with triangle patterns on it. She appears to be an easy target and has caught 5 balls thrown at her already. What is disturbing is that 3 of the balls thrown at her could've caused grown men to tumble, yet her palms stopped the ball as nothing more than a minor inconvenience. "Not even that kid with the sash or the giant girl can get her out, she's too damn good at catching." Thought Bruno.

Midori then relays the ball to her grandma, Midoko who stands behind her, after hugging and feeling up the ball as if it were her child she would make sure the coast is clear then clumsily run forward and does a underhand toss. The ball slowly floats in the air to the Red teams side. "Haha, that is so cute." A man said as he walks towards the ball. With one hand out he was confident to catch the ball, even if it was 50 lb. The ball slipped out of his hand to the ground. Your out signals the examiner. The next guys to attempt to catch her ball suffered the same fate. It slipped out of both hands of the second man. The third and fourth tried to team up and catch it together; it fumbled out of each other's hand before it landed on the ground, eliminating both of them.

They work as a team, together they had eliminated up to 11 of the red team. "Shit, even the punk kid and the giant girl wouldn't be able to eliminate them with Midori in the way."

Then there is the man with the Aluminum bat, the world famous former baseball player, Henry "The homerun king" who was fired for going on a roid rampage and beating an opposing team member nearly to death. Like Bruno he was standing around just waiting for the dust to settle while nonchalantly blocking any balls coming his way. "That bastard isn't going to be a small task either."
Niklas Rabe

"There is no greater pleasure in life, than the breaking of a mind."

Niklas looked around, fairly uninterested, as everyone burst into motion, throwing the heavy dodgeballs back and forth. He didn't even want to bother with this if he were to be honest with himself. Ducking under a ball that seemed aimed for his head, he gave the thrower a piercing glare that froze him in place, causing him to be easy pickings for his teammate who picked up the ball from behind him. That done, he kept up his lazy stroll through the chaotic mess that was the first event, looking around for Tristan, only stopping to glare at anyone that attempted to hit him with a dodgeball. The nerve of those people, honestly. Couldn't they see he was busy doing something much more important than throwing balls around? If they truly wanted his attention, he was more than happy to break their fragile wills and make them his puppets, but he doubted that. Oh well, he could always do it anyway. He wondered where Anna was, and just as he thought that, he saw a flash of her on his team. Good, at least he'd have more opportunities to corrupt her.

Going back to his search for for Tristan, he saw Naomi working together with... A girl? Boy? No, a girl. An extremely hard to spot girl, but a girl nonetheless. It seemed they were working together to get rid of the other team, which was all fine and dandy for him. There were also a few others on the red team that seemed capable, but unfortunately, that was the same on the blue team. He shrugged to himself uncaringly. Eventually, there would come a time when he would likely have to help out, but now was not that time. That time was likely to take quite a bit to arrive considering the steady back and forth that was currently taking place. Spotting Tristan, he casually made his way over and stood next to him. "How's it goin'
bro? Havin' fun so far?"

@Sinister Clown

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