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Fandom Hunter X Hunter (Detailed)

Which timeline would you rather for the RP to be based on?

  • During WW1 & WW2 where the hunter association has just been created

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • During the same timeline as the anime (Just with different character's for certain roles)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A futuristic timeline where the hunter association is struggling to survive?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Sinny The Fool

Boogaloo Anarchist
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

~The Marking of a New Age~

-Industria City-

The event has been announced! After three years the Hunter Exams is underway and five colossal blimps float bearing the Hunter Assocation's symbol over the grand city known for it's wacky and eccentric inventions. People are gathering from all over the City and even around, people travelling from all over just to get a glimpse for the grand event falling later that night. “The Industria Arena Night” where all the Hunter Exam final participants will battle it out in an all out royal to submission! The City is bustling and everyone is readying for the major event of the Night. The Hunter Association and all other aspiring hunter’s have travelled over the colossal blimps and are all preparing themselves for the starting stages of the Hunter Exams to begin. However what made this particular event so spectacular, is the fact it also marks the day of the Hunter’s Association becoming their own, individual powerhouse. The defenses of the City are as tight and guarded as ever, with many men on the ready for anything to go wrong the law enforcements have also up’d their game for the day; after all anything can happen on events like this..


All participants inside the blimps floating over the City now have to prepare themselves for anything. As they will soon find that not only will the Hunter Exams push them to their limits - but even the attendees themselves are preparing to play their part and are willing to do anything to obtain their goals, and just like always...The Hunter’s Exam is as dangerous as always, but will anyone even survive to see the final phase of this years annual Hunter’s Exam?


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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/maki.jpeg.42195b8ec2aca94c059808689b63e3fe.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="144436" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/maki.jpeg.42195b8ec2aca94c059808689b63e3fe.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Naomi did a final check of her stuff to make sure she had everything. She shifted through her backpack checking each item off in her head, mumbling them to herself. "Rope check, chains check, gloves check." That was everything she deemed necessary before leaving her hometown in the slums she couldn't wait to get back, she was excited to see the looks on her family's faces when she showed them her Hunter's license. After all she was fairly certain she would pass the exam she looked out the window of the big blimp. She couldn't get rid of the smile on her face not just because she loved heights, but she could feel it there were alot of strong people taking the exam.

Naomi could feel her heart beating faster and faster she was somewhat shaking even. She would seem like she was scared, to someone not paying attention. But it was nothing like that she was just so excited. She even began mumbling to herself as she waited for the blimp to land and start the test. "Maybe I'll find the fight I've been looking for here?" Naomi wasn't looking for some petty brawl or something like that. While she liked fighting what she was looking for was a no holds bar life or death fight, one she could very well lose one that pushed her to her very limits, the pinnacle of a rush.

For a moment she thought about her brother Jin she wanted to see him proud of her again. Like the first time she mastered parkour, but ever since he beat her up she only saw a face similar to one of her opponents. Like a prey shifty eye looking at a predator sitting next to them, like at any point they could kill them. But she threw that thought away after all why would Jin be scared of her. She was nothing close to scary she thought she was unaware that most people didn't find an excitement, in fights and being close to death. She was also unaware that those who do are considered very, very, very scary.



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Niklas Rabe

"I can make you as beautiful as a dahlia."

"Oh dear, oh dear, what should I wear this time around, hmmmm?" This question came from an averaged height blond male who seemed to be in his late teens. Currently, he seemed to be wearing what could only be called a school uniform consisting of a blue jacket over a white button up, completed with a blue stripped tie, black dress pants and black dress shoes. Humming to himself, he rummaged in his satchel, seemingly searching for something. Suddenly his face brightened, and any onlookers would be hard pressed to say that their hearts didn't suffer from a sudden case of fluttering due to the gleeful guffaw that rang through the blimp as he found something that pleased him. "Oooooooooh! I've yet to wear this outfit before! It should be... fun..." The last word was said in what could only be described as a seductive whisper. Smiling brightly to himself, he all but skipped to the nearest bathroom, all while making quite the show of it to anyone that was watching the blond, causing more than one blushing face, which only seemed to encourage him further. Cackling to himself, he stepped into the bathroom and not even a minute later he stepped out in a drastically different outfit.

Now dressed in a pair of dark blue jeans, a white leather jacket with a black t-shirt underneath, completed with a pair of black sneakers. As well his hair, which had been allowed to fall naturally to frame his face was slicked back, and his previously dull gray eyes were now a shimmering red. Twirling around once to get a feel for his new outfit, he flashed a dazzling smile at a pair passing by, once again inducing a blush from one of them. Chuckling with an ever so hidden undertone of insanity, he ambled along one of the many hallways while gazing out the windows of the blimp. As he slowly made his way to an unknown destination, he allowed his mind to wander to how exactly he came to be on this blimp, going to the take the Hunter Exam. Truthfully, the years after he had escaped his family, by killing them that is, had been fairly uneventful. He had no desire to commit crimes, well other than the occasional massacre, but even then he made sure to brutally murder those people wouldn't miss. Though, he supposed that brought it's own form of notoriety. Being called a sort of boogeyman did bring up some fairly interesting interactions, not to mention the delightful methods he had been able to such whispers of him to cause others to slaughter those closest to them. He would admit, that is the most amusing form of manipulation. Sadly, so very few people had the heart to kill their closest friends and family, no matter how hard he tried to twist their psyche and contort it to something to his liking. Truly, they'd be more willing to give their own life, and many had begged him as such, instead of committing the deed. Some of them he did kill, while others, the one who had given him the most amusement, he allowed to live with some extra mental scarring. They did fail him after all. He supposed that's why he came to this gathering of the people. With all this diversity, plus the amount of stress that the exam would cause the contestants there would be so many people ripe for the picking. Smiling widely, he conceded to the point that getting a Hunter's License would simply be icing on the cake.

Looking forward, he spotted a girl walking all by her lonesome down the hallway. Glancing around, a sinister series of thoughts began to unfold in his head as he noted that they were the only ones in the hallway at the time. As they slowly got closer to each other, he subtly made sure to move closer to her side, and as they were about to pass each other, he made a show of tripping, flailing his arms about as he fell towards the girl. To his ever increasing glee, she let out a squeak yet still managed to catch him before he hit the ground. Letting out a sigh of relief, he gave the girl a dazzling smile as he pulled himself up. "Oh goodness, that was almost terrible! I'm never so clumsy, I just don't know what came over me! It must have been you, my fair lady, as your stunning beauty enamored me so! Yet, you had also saved me from a potentially disastrous fall." Grabbing her hand, he bowed forward and kissed her knuckles gently. "I am Niklas Rabe, and it is my pleasure to meet someone as angelic as you. Please, I beg of you to allow me to treat you to dinner whence we reach the city." Seeing her go up the spectrum of red, he decided to finish off his little performance. "Alas, I would love nothing more but to stay and soak in the overflowing youth and beauty that you let off, but I must make my way to ensure I am ready for the upcoming exam. May I have the name of my queen so it may drive me to further heights of glory in her name?" The girl seemed stunned but never the less managed to stutter out, "A-Anna D-Demettri." As she completed her statement, Niklas burst into a whirl of movement that left him holding her in a dip with their lips inches apart. Leaning forward even more, he purposely nearly grazed her lips as he whispered into her ear. "Truly, a name befitting of one who puts the beauty of one thousand dahlias to shame." In another whirl of movement, Anna was now standing straight up once again, with Niklas bowed at the waist, one hand behind his back, one hand holding her's and staring her right in the eyes. "Till next we meet Anna Demettri." Straightening he walked past her, his mind full of ideas on how to corrupt his next victim. Back in the hallway, Anna finally snapped out of her stupor, and as she looked around, she found a blood red dahlia laying on the floor where Niklas once stood. Picking it up, she turned to give it back to him, only to find it gone. Looking around once more, she put the dahlia above her ear and promised herself to give it to him when she saw him again, never realizing that she thought "when" not "if".

In a separate part of the blimp, Niklas let a sinister smile grow upon his face as his eyes shimmered red.

Except the hair is much flatter in the front, and of course not black and white.
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Eliot Townsend

So this is Industria City?

A slim figure in nondescript green jack leaned forwards against the window, gazing down at the kaleidoscope of lights and shapes beneath her. It wasn't so very different from the city she had ran away from all that time ago, it was definitely flashier though. Flashy places were fine with Eliot though, flashy places and flashy people that drew everyone around them so that she could do what she wanted in the background without ever being noticed. That was definitely the way to be.

Speaking of flashy people...

There was some kind of commotion going on behind her, casually Eliot turned aorund, leaning against the railing now with her hands shoved in her pockets, scoping out the scene unfolding in front of her. Some guy was sorting through his bag, offering an enthusiastic running commentary as he did so.

When the guy re emerged dressed like some kind of greaser, or more accurately like an actor playing a greaser it was all Eliot could do to keep from smirking. He was way too clean and his clothes way too high quality to actually pull off looking like a street thug of any era but Eliot figured that wasn't exactly his intention.

I guess all sorts of people wanna be hunters mused Eliot as the flashy guy disappeared, even without him the room was full of odd characters which suited her just fine. Eliot closed her eyes briefly and exhaled. She was supposed to be getting ready but there wasn't much point, or rather, she was already fully prepared. Eliot was always fully prepared, ready to fight or flee at a moment's notice. That was what living on the run did to you.

Once I get my Hunter's license I won't have to run anymore. Everyone else can run from me for a change.

This time Eliot did smirk, a private little smile for nobody's benefit but hers.

Tristan L. Bane "The Whistling Death"

"Life is like a game of chess, play your pieces right and things just fall in place."

Interacting: Niklas Rabe

Location: Hunter Exam Blimp(?), Reaching Industria City

Objective: Getting to know other's

Mood: Null/Calm

Tags: @Exanis @AtlannianSpy @Nenma Takashi @Otakuyaki @Mitchs98

It had already been a rather long trip for L, starting all the way from Begerossé, but now they were nearing their destination. The rather dull expressionless teenager was sitting on a couch within one of the area's that served all the sweets & desserts, at the time he was ‘entertaining’ one of the new waitresses who kept everyone some what healthy along their trip. Having already stopped the woman on her way, Tristan had actually somewhat forced the woman to stay there as he picked off numerous desserts and other treats - while he obviously had well over his fair share the woman didn’t appear to have enough resolve in herself to do anything but stand and stare at the strange young man with a rather quizzical expression fixed on her face, something that was rather painfully obvious to spot out and Tristan decided to speak up while stabbing his spoon into his cake, taking a small slice and placing it in his mouth “Hmm, say ma’am you look quite nervous.” he asked the waitress with a tone fitting for his expression at the time.


While the waitress was caught off-guard at first she quickly straightened back up before clenching her hands & eyes shut while she done her best to try convince Tristan to stop eating everything on the platter.
“Sir! You must stop eating everything! You are the only one who has eaten from this today and it’s almost all gone!!” she said with a proud and rather loud tone in her voice. Most likely causing some odd looks here and there however the cake-eating teenager didn’t seem fazed in the slightest. In fact, by the time the waitress could even open her eyes Tristan had already riddled his way throughout the rest of what was left on the trolley, and the waitress would only be able to witness the last pieces of it on the young man’s spoon - stacked up marshmallow's that appeared to be stacked within a matter of only a few seconds and balancing delicately with his eyes gleaming towards the tower of marshmallow’s.


The waitress who was shocked about the situation began panicking about what might happen if her employer’s where to find out and the worst possible things whirled up in the young girl's head. Now that every last piece of food was gone, it meant that she failed at her job and her last attempt was all for nothing - and on top of all that she was partially shamed in front of everyone who mattered in the world, but for Tristan he didn’t really show any signs of remorse for his rudeness and in fact happily ate the rest of the marshmallow’s right in front of the waitresses eyes. It was at that moment, the girl seemed to flip all of the sudden.


“I AM GONNA KI-” Although the waitress was just about ready to show the rude hunter exams participant a rude lesson as she began rolling up her sleeves. Her talking was interrupted yet again by Tristan as he simply walked directly in front of her before making a sharp left to avoid contact and walking off without another word said. It was at this moment the waitress was truly stumped, but instead of trying to run Tristan down she decided to just give up - all she could hope for is that he would meet a bad end throughout the hunter’s exam..

After making it far enough that he could no longer see the waitress behind him, he finished off some left over’s on the edge of his mouth before letting out a heavy sigh and scratching the back of his messy black hair. Tristan wasn’t much of an imposing sight at all, in fact out of everyone else on the blimp he would seem to be one of the least impressive individuals of the pick. With his back slightly hunched down and both hands tightly tucked into the pockets of his black baggy pants. Tristan stood at an average height for his age, however with his lean body, dark baggy eyes & bare feet once he came walking through the main social area on the other side of the blimp many eyes came glaring towards him. Numerous large & stocky men who were all waiting patiently eyed Tristan off as if he was going to be lunch. Which considering he just ate the last of their food it could be very likely that was the case - at least that’s how Tristan felt.


’Mmmm, not many interesting people here..’ Tristan began scanning across the room, staring at pretty much everyone for quite extensive timing and while it was very unlikely anyone else in the room would notice. He was exercising his nen and essentially using his ‘analyze’ hatsu that allows him to gather basic information of anyone within the room, but it wasn’t until he laid his eyes on a particular individual who dressed up as some kind of greaser or thug - only much ‘cleaner’. What peaked his interest in the individual however, was the information he received from the individual. ’He’s trying to hide the dark, dark need inside of him..But I can see you.” Tristan couldn’t help but smirk and letting out a light chuckle to himself, which he covered his mouth with his right hand clenched into a fist.

He walked over towards the blond man’s direction, before deciding to take a seat beside him. Taking his general position with his knees being arched up and against his chest and both of his hands placed on his knee caps like always, however since this was Niklas’ first time meeting the strange baggy-eyed teenager it was likely that this sitting position would have came off rather odd.


First, Tristan gazed off the other way and hiding his face; being somewhat unsure what to actually say at first or how to exactly introduce himself. However with the ‘vibe’ he was getting from the individual he couldn’t just sit there in silence awkwardly gazing off into space. Biting the edge of his thumb for a moment he quickly thought of a few words before turning his head back around to Niklas’ direction and introducing himself “Hello there Niklas, my name is Tristan - but if you want you can call me ‘L’.” he spoke, this time with slightly more enthusiasm in his voice but the same, expressionless dull eyes as before..

Naomi took a deep breath everyone here was acting pretty professional and she needed to as well. That's what she thought she felt eyes on her and looked to see who was staring at her. She couldn't tell who it was but she did see something that made her sadder than she ever thought possible. The entirety of the table that held all the sweets was empty. Naomi fell to the floor overcome with sadness, she spotted one of the waitresses glaring at another participate. One with some leftover cake or something on his face that he ate.

Naomi could see all the eyes that seemed to try and piece holes into him as he walked. She knew what this was he was being marked. People were pinning him as an easy target and not paying attention to his eyes. Naomi's greatest foes had eyes like his people who did tons of drugs had eyes like that. They were the worst to fight back in the slums since most of them were crazy and unpredictable it made them hard to fight. Naomi knew not to underestimate guys like that but she couldn't overlook one important fact. He ate all the sweets. 'Drugy or not that guys gonna get a piece of my pie! I mean mind!'

She walked over to the walking don't do drugs sign as she did many other participants locked their eyes on her. She was taller than most of the males and all the females on the blimp she didn't care. It was the norm for her at this point she saw the dark haired guy was talking to someone. It was a very pretty man, she thought it weird for a second to use that word for him but pretty was the only one that seemed to fit. It didn't matter he wasn't the one she had business with Naomi pointed her index finger inches away from the man's face.

"You eat all the sweets!?" She asked very bitter about the matter her face was red, like her hair from the rage of not getting any sweets. Some looked at her perplexed as they didn't expect her to be so mad about something so well nothing. Some of those who had been eyeing her now were chuckling confident, she was not as tough as she looked. Naomi didn't notice she was too focused on Mr.Ate all the Sweets cause he's a huge jerk!

@Sinister Clown <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/air-master-03.png.7c6404a7691cac72b7dd370ecd90cc22.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="144631" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/air-master-03.png.7c6404a7691cac72b7dd370ecd90cc22.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Niklas Rabe

"They ask me why I killed my family, I ask them what they think of dahlias."

Niklas was simply enjoying the possible outcomes that could come of the fruits of his labor in his mind when somebody sat down next to him. Sparing him a glance, he noted the lanky male was dressed in a long white shirt and plain black jeans. Withholding a snort at the appalling appearance of the man next to him, he turned back forward and allowed himself to drift back into his thoughts. Before he could get too far in the topics of murder, torture, and everything decidedly not-nice, the man sitting next to him spoke up. Immediately, his attention was caught as his name was brought up. Leisurely leaning back in his seat, Niklas took his time turning to once again face Tristan, this time truly analyzing the expressionless man. After a few moments, Niklas nodded to himself and allowed a relaxed smile to cross his face, though there was a clear undercurrent of insanity present that would be noticeable by anyone sufficiently observant. "Well, I'd like to say my reputation precedes me but..." He makes a show of looking over Tristan once again. "You're not connected to anyone I've done... Business with, I suppose you could say, beforehand. So that brings forth the question..." He turns in his seat so his whole body is facing Tristan and mimics his pose. "How exactly do you know my name, and what exactly do you want?"

Tilting his head, he began humming while staring unblinkingly at Tristan. Soon enough he stopped humming then tilted his head to the other side. "I'll give you one thing right now. You're smart. Maybe even scary smart. At least, smart enough to see through my people face. And confident enough to approach me nonetheless. So that means you're dangerous. Yet, you've seemed to have taken a bit of an interest in me. And I've now taken an interest in you." Narrowing his eyes, he leaned forward slightly. "This all leads to one simple conclusion on how I'm going to deal with you." Then suddenly Niklas was once again leisurely leaning against the seat, genuine amusement and insanity shining brightly in his red eyes. "All cards on the table. While it would be fun to try and mess with you, it'd ultimately be a waste of time that I could have used to cause my newest plaything to either wither or blossom under my guidance. I'm sure simply interacting with you will give me the same amusement of manipulating those of weak wills and minds." Running a hand through his hair, he raised an eyebrow at Tristan. "In all, I must add three more questions for you." He raises one finger. "One, who are you
really?" He raises another finger. "Two, what do you think of dahlias?" He raises a final finger. "And three..." His expression hardens and he glares at Tristan. "What would it-" Before he could complete his sentence, a fairly tall and muscular girl walked up to the two and began shouting at Tristan. Blinking once and relaxing his face into his usual people smile he took a moment to quickly analyze her, then spoke up on behalf of Tristan.

"Oh, is that where he was? I'd wondered where he wandered off too." Elegantly rising to his feet, he bowed at the waist to Naomi. "Please forgive my brother for eating all the sweets. You see, he has a medical condition that demands he keep ingesting a large amount of sugar lest his body begin to run inefficiently. Normally, I would have brought along enough sweets to tide him over for the coming trip, as well as the Exam, but unfortunately our local sweet shop had closed down early and we were on a time limit." Straightening, he made his smile more sincere. "I understand, though, that means nothing in the here and now, and thus I'd like you to allow me the honor of treating you to whatever you may like as compensation for the thoughtless actions of me and my brother. Our lack of foresight has obviously caused harm to you, and I'd prefer to ensure that you come out of this situation as satisfied as my brother hopefully was." As he says this he gives Tristan an wry grin and chuckles. "Would that satisfy-"

He then blinked in surprise and shook his head in disappointment with a sigh of "Where are my manners?" He then once again bowed at the waist, this time with one hand behind his back and the other gently grasping Naomi's nearest hand as he brushed his lips against her knuckles. "My name is Niklas Rabe, and my brother's name is L Rabe. It is my pleasure to meet someone of your strength and beauty of which is greater than the most shimmering of dahlias that have survived the longest of winters." Looking up into her eyes, he flashed a shining smile to her. "May I be bestowed the boon of your eternal name, my Amazonian Goddess?"

@Sinister Clown

@Nenma Takashi

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Naomi looked into the blond's eyes they seemed to shine she guess this is when most girls turned red. Becoming stuttering messes but Naomi had seen his kind before those playboys back in the slums. Promising safety when it was just to get them to lower their guard then they were never seen again. She took her hand back and wiped the knuckles on her jacket not breaking eye contact. "My name's Naomi Campbell. If you really wanna make it up to me then I want some sweets."

Naomi decided to hold back on starting anything since she not only didn't know if this guy was lying. Plus everyone here must have some confidence in fighting and she didn't like the way he touched her so nonchalant. As if he knew that she wouldn't hit him or that if she did he could stop it. This was the first time in her life Naomi asked herself. 'Could I beat this guy?' Thinking that she couldn't hold back a smile and patted Niklas on the head. "You know what Nikky call me whatever you like I'll be expecting a nice bunch of sweets." She said letting her hand rest on his head for a moment she couldn't stop smiling. 'How strong is he I wanna know I wanna know I wanna know!' No she didn't want to know she had to know. Not knowing would drive her crazy so she'd play nice for know and maybe she'd get her chance maybe during the exam maybe after either way. She was going to fight him and she could tell it'd be fun.

@Exanis @Sinister Clown

Tristan L. Bane "The Whistling Death"

"If you are falling and pray to your 'god' for help..You will still find yourself hitting the ground."

Interacting: Niklas Rabe & Naomi

Location: Hunter Exam Blimp(?), Reaching Industria City

Objective: Getting to know other's

Mood: Null/Calm

Tags: @Exanis @Nenma Takashi

[FONT='Nothing you could do']Things unfolded quite quickly after Tristan decided to sit down and allow his own curiosity guide his actions by being upfront with one of the other participants named 'Niklas Rabe'. Who ended up turning his whole body around to face Tristan while also taking up the same posture and expression, almost as if Niklas was trying to imitate Tristan's posture. At least this is how the dark-haired teenager looked at it, and while he was rather surprised at the other participants reaction to L's rather direct approach before he even able to begin giving his long list of 'answers' to the long chain of questions he was given; Another one of the participants approached Tristan with a posture that riddled 'Pissed' and the angry lecture he was given after only confirmed Tristan's suspicions. [/FONT]

[FONT='Nothing you could do']
[/FONT][FONT='Nothing you could do'][B]'Why are women with short hair always so quick to get hot-tempered?'[/B][/FONT][FONT='Nothing you could do'] was the first thought that came to the dark-haired teenager's mind while he stared blankly at the 'manly' female. However it looked like Tristan's seemingly 'new friend' was already up to the task of resolving the issue using honeyed words as well as the occasional lie here and there. All of which appeared to work as far as Tristan could tell, and while he was in the perfect position he also took the time to analyze the woman who came to scold him for eating the whole trolley of sweets. While there wasn't much else to learn about her after she told the both of them her name and he figured that her lack of words directed towards him was good enough reason to not say much else, but the constant phrase of her claiming that he 'owed' her left a bad taste in Tristan's mouth and his exaggerated head notions along with rolling his eyes would have told more than words on how he felt about the topic.[/FONT]


[FONT='Nothing you could do']
Now that Naomi had left, it was safe to continue talking to Niklas - after all he didn't notice anyone else around paying enough mind to them anymore to care of what they were talking about. However, as he looked over Niklas he couldn't help but think [/FONT][FONT='Nothing you could do'][B]'One thing is for certain, he's highly confident in himself..Especially to think I would give him any solid information on who I am.'[/B][/FONT][FONT='Nothing you could do'] doing his best from smirking at his own thoughts. He simply stood up where he was sitting before walking up and approaching Niklas, placing his hands back in the pockets of his black jeans and looking off towards the exit of the blimp. "If you make it, I'll see you in the Hunter Exams..I get the feeling that we will be landing very shortly." he said, leaving it at that before starting to walk back off towards the exit. Tristan knew that Niklas would be left with many unanswered questions but in return Tristan was also left with more questions than he originally started with, it was at this moment that he couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense that things were bound to turn out interesting in this year's Hunter Exam..[/FONT]

[FONT='Nothing you could do']

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Haruko Kiyama

Haruko stood off to a corner of the blimp by himself staring out at one of the windows with a light smile on his face. He couldn't believe he was finally going to take the exam. He fully intended on winning to, there was no way he was going to waste his time taking the exam just to fail. That would suck. Plus he had the upper hand from the beginning, a frying pan! It was the perfect weapon of mass destruction designed to bash everything in its path and then fry up some lunch afterwards.

He chuckled lightly at his own fantasies and adjusted his glasses. In all seriousness though he was incredibly nervous. A good portion of everyone here was both taller, older, and likely stronger than he was. He'd have to rely fully on his smart thinking and tactics if he ever intended on winning this. Not to mention he'd have to make a few allies, that couldn't hurt.

Scanning the small crowd he saw a man standing off the to side alone smirking at everyone else much like he himself was.
Perfect. He thought to himself. Adjusting the hem of his skirt and his glasses once more he walked over to the man with a bright smile on his face. "Hey. So...what do you think about all this? The city and the exams, I mean." He asked, not entirely sure what to say.
Eliot Townsend

Mitchs98 said:
Scanning the small crowd he saw a man standing off the to side alone smirking at everyone else much like he himself was. Perfect. He thought to himself. Adjusting the hem of his skirt and his glasses once more he walked over to the man with a bright smile on his face. "Hey. So...what do you think about all this? The city and the exams, I mean." He asked, not entirely sure what to say.
Oh. Great... Eliot had heard the newcomer approaching but hadn't really reacted, hoping they were going elsewhere and just happened to be going past her. Unfortunately it didn't look like that was going to be the case. Eliot shot a quick sideways at the girl as she approached. Big smile, big glasses, skinny... great skin though thought Eliot, feeling an extremely mild twinge of jealousy. Not really hunter material at first glance. Probably looking for reassurance, looks about my age roughly, is that why she picked me out?

Eliot sighed internally, careful to keep her expression outwardly neutral. She'd have to be careful here, she didn't want to be rude, even if it was an easy way to cut an interaction short it made people remember you. If you gave people a dramatic story were they got to be the victim than they might end up dredging up that memory for weeks. No good. On the other hand being too friendly or helpful in a situation were there weren't many other friendly figures might end up with the girl glued to her side for the remainder of the exam which was an even worse outcome.

Eliot opted for a polite shrug. "Well cities are basically all the same underneath the surface no matter where you go." She turned to the window, looking down on the shimmering lights beneath them. "For the most part everyone just wants to keep their head down and out of trouble, so just do the same and keep your eyes open and you can usually avoid any issues. But the exam changes every year so it's pretty hard to have an opinion on it before hand, it's probably not even worth speculating. I don't think it's that kind of test."


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AtlannianSpy said:
Eliot Townsend

Oh. Great... Eliot had heard the newcomer approaching but hadn't really reacted, hoping they were going elsewhere and just happened to be going past her. Unfortunately it didn't look like that was going to be the case. Eliot shot a quick sideways at the girl as she approached. Big smile, big glasses, skinny... great skin though thought Eliot, feeling an extremely mild twinge of jealousy. Not really hunter material at first glance. Probably looking for reassurance, looks about my age roughly, is that why she picked me out?

Eliot sighed internally, careful to keep her expression outwardly neutral. She'd have to be careful here, she didn't want to be rude, even if it was an easy way to cut an interaction short it made people remember you. If you gave people a dramatic story were they got to be the victim than they might end up dredging up that memory for weeks. No good. On the other hand being too friendly or helpful in a situation were there weren't many other friendly figures might end up with the girl glued to her side for the remainder of the exam which was an even worse outcome.

Eliot opted for a polite shrug. "Well cities are basically all the same underneath the surface no matter where you go." She turned to the window, looking down on the shimmering lights beneath them. "For the most part everyone just wants to keep their head down and out of trouble, so just do the same and keep your eyes open and you can usually avoid any issues. But the exam changes every year so it's pretty hard to have an opinion on it before hand, it's probably not even worth speculating. I don't think it's that kind of test."

Haruko Kiyama

Haruko nodded silently. Well, he had actually meant what the man thought about the city itself...but he guessed he was right. A city, in essence, was just a city and nothing really all to special. It was simply a place where people lived and had fun like any other city in the world. Though, Haruko though this one to be much grander than any he had ever been to before...it was still just a simple city in retrospect. He silently listened as Eliot continued to speak, which more or less told him to keep his mouth shut and stay alert. He wasn't sure if he meant as far as talking to him or just in general, he figured it was the latter considering he seemed fairly kind.

He nodded thoughtfully when he mentioned the test changing every year and that it was fairly pointless trying to figure out what it was. "Yeah, I guess you're right. This'll be my first year taking the exam. I really hope I pass...though I don't even know what it is." He replied. "What about you? Ever taken the exam before?" He asked.
Eliot Townsend

Mitchs98 said:
He nodded thoughtfully when he mentioned the test changing every year and that it was fairly pointless trying to figure out what it was. "Yeah, I guess you're right. This'll be my first year taking the exam. I really hope I pass...though I don't even know what it is." He replied. "What about you? Ever taken the exam before?" He asked.

"...No, this is my first time as well," replied Eliot, after thinking about it and seeing no real benefit to lying. "I doubt it matters though. The hunter's exam... I get the feeling it's the kind of thing you either pass with flying colours or never have a chance at, think about it."

Eliot leaned back and shoved her hands in her pockets, looking thoughtful. "Hunters have to deal with all kinds of crazy stuff right? If you're the kind of person who just barely scrapes through then you'll definitely run into a situation you can't handle as a hunter right? You'd end up being a waste of a license. If it was me designing the exam, I'd probably make it so the participants thought they were being tested on one thing but we were really measuring something completely different. You know the kind of thing I'm talking about right? Like the test is a marathon so you assume that it's a test of physical fitness but really it's about whether you're smart enough to find all the hidden shortcuts. Or the shortcuts are a trap and the real, real test is whether you have the moral fibre to avoid using them,"

Eliot shrugged and gave a small, cynical smile. "Well I doubt the Hunter's Association really cares about our moral fibre, seeing as you can supposedly get away with murder once you're a licensed hunter. That's all the guys back home could ever talk about when they used to talk shit about getting hunters' licenses but it doesn't even scratch the surface of what you could do with one, the restricted information you'd have access to alone would..."

Eliot trailed off, wondering if she'd said too much. After all not everyone hung around with people who fantasised about getting away with murder.

[QUOTE="Sinister Clown]

~The Marking of a New Age~

-Industria City-

The event has been announced! After three years the Hunter Exams is underway and dozens of colossal blimps float over the grand city known for it's wacky and eccentric inventions. People are gathering from all over the City and even around, people travelling from all over just to get a glimpse for the grand event falling later that night. “The Industria Arena Night” where all the Hunter Exam final participants will battle it out in an all out royal to submission! The City is bustling and everyone is readying for the major event of the Night. The Hunter Association and all other aspiring hunter’s have travelled over the colossal blimps and are all preparing themselves for the starting stages of the Hunter Exams to begin. However what made this particular event so spectacular, is the fact it also marks the day of the Hunter’s Association becoming their own, individual powerhouse. The defenses of the City are as tight and guarded as ever, with many men on the ready for anything to go wrong the law enforcements have also up’d their game for the day; after all anything can happen on events like this..


All participants inside the blimps floating over the City now have to prepare themselves for anything. As they will soon find that not only will the Hunter Exams push them to their limits - but even the attendees themselves are preparing to play their part and are willing to do anything to obtain their goals, and just like always...The Hunter’s Exam is as dangerous as always, but will anyone even survive to see the final phase of this years annual Hunter’s Exam?


Industria City... How perfect. As a businessman, Industria City was not unfamiliar to Mochi. In fact, it was where one of his most prominent base of operations was located. With all the factories and businesses in the area, Industria City was attractive to people like him, and for them to be headed there...

"This feels so nostalgic." Mochi sighed as he leaned against the windows. Even though he was in optimum shape for the exam, Mochi couldn't help fight the feeling that he wanted to sleep against the window. Hell, his body could just melt onto this bench, but he was in the middle of... something right now. He was watching the participants that had made it along with him, and there were quite a few oddities among them. Most notable was the man who ate all the sweets... that man, "Pisses me off." Mochi finished his thoughts by muttering it aloud, not even realising that he did. Well, he wasn't anywhere close to anyone to hear, but he still didn't like it. He wanted some sweets too! Why should he dig into his own personal, delicious, glorious stash of food when there was free food offered to people such as himself? Well, he doubted that it would taste as good as he had hoped, and he was personally sure of the food he carried on him anyways, after all, everything in his bag was prepared by himself.

"Perhaps we'll land soon." Mochi looked down own his smartphone, watching his cursor on the GPS slowly approach Industria City.

~The Hunter Exams begin!!~

-Industria City-

As the blimps floated slowly over the grand industrial city, the Hunter Exam participants who had already passed through the numerous tests that came beforehand. The Hunter's were down to a number of 500 participants, which was a fairly impressive number considering. Numerous speaker's linked between all the blimps in all corner's from inside turned on as an important announcement was made.

"Attention everyone, we are about to land. I would ask for everyone to be ready as soon as we land and proceed to the building you see in front of you, The Hunter exams is about to begin."

The speaker's cut out and the blimps started shaking slightly as it they all began to take landing on a massive platform that were used as landing platforms for all five of these large blimp structures. One landing, two main doors from each side of the blimps opened wide and thus allowing everyone to exit within the fold. Hundreds of participants flooding out from the structures and all making their way to a large building before them, people from the City gathered around the border's cheering all of the participants on before heading inside themselves to watch the entire Hunter exams event for themselves.


From there all the hunter exam participants went inside where they would gather and find themselves each being handed one of two colors; red or blue. While none of the participants would know exactly what was going on, the cheering coming from the next doors they would be entering let everyone know there would be a crowd waiting for them.

@Otakuyaki @AtlannianSpy @Mitchs98 @Exanis

(Alright! So the first phase of the exam is going to be hardcore dodgeball, the idea is thanks to
@Nenma Takashi and the teams will be 250 people each. However, there is a small twist. The actual balls themselves ideally weigh 40lbs or 20kg's so they are fairly heavy, oh also just so everyone passes each of the main character's will end up on the red team for this phase.)

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Naomi looked out the blimp window as the announcement happenedshe stared in awe as the blimps landed. 'This is gonna be awesome!' She thought to herself sure that this would definitely be exciting, as everyone poured out of the blimps and entered the building in front of them. When inside she was given the color red on a sash of some kind. She tied it around her right arm and then looked around to see who else got red.

She was even more curious as to why they were being split into teams. Could they be having a team battle of some kind not only that but by the way they were split, she believed that this meant only the winning team woulf move on. At least that what she thought she wasn't too sure.
Eliot Townsend

So loud...
Thought Eliot irritably, wincing at the crowd as she allowed herself to be be buoyed along by the flow of participants. She didn't really approve of the exam being turned into such a spectacle but she supposed it made sense from the perspective of the association. With their recent move towards independence they probably needed all the publicity.

Not sure how I feel about being a walking billboard though... mused the teenager, accepting a bright red bandanna and tying it securely to her belt. We're being split up into two teams. observed Eliot, noting blue bandanna and other red ones. So it's some kind of team sport probably, but there are way too many people for most sports or games, hmm... Eliot glanced around, trying to get a rough headcount, she also spared a quick glance for the girl she'd been talking too earlier but thankfully they seemed to have been separated pretty conclusively. At this rate there's going to be at least a couple of hundred people on either team, that's way more than you could ever hope to coordinate, especially if they're strangers who are essentially rivals. So it's a team game with no upper limit on team sizes where teamwork isn't especially important.

There were a couple of games that came immediately to mind but there wasn't really enough to go on to pick one for sure Eliot realised, more importantly there probably wasn't much of an advantage to gain by puzzling out something that was probably going to be announced over loudspeakers in a few minutes. Whatever the game is, I doubt the usual strategies for it will be sufficient Eliot reasoned, her features set in a determined expression. There'll be some kind of twist for sure, the trick is top figure out what they're really testing.
Haruko Kiyama

Haruko had gotten little in the way of advice or conversation on the blimp. What Eliot said did make him think what kind of people the other contestants were though. The fact that someone would get a license just to get away with and commit murder didn't sit well with him at all. At that point he decided he'd purposefully try to make those he noticed or suspected of such lose, his own team or not. People like that couldn't be allowed to pass and be able to do such things.

Nevertheless when issued the bandana he placed it about his head, thinking it went quite well with his current outfit. That done he made his way to the exam area simply trying not to get squished by the massive throng of people. He was confident in his abilities for the exam. He wasn't sure what it was, but he knew he would be able to pass.
Niklas Rabe

"What do I want? Beauty, even in death."

Niklas looked about in a fair bit of amusement as he saw the group divided in two. Vaguely, he wondered if the upcoming event would allow him to kill someone, but he immediately set aside such thoughts. He could hear the crowd of pedestrians from here. He doubted the Hunters Association would allow such casual death and despair in front of civilians. He shrugged to himself. Oh well, a man could hope. As he took the bandanna, he glanced down at his outfit and frowned. This would not work, not at all. Disappearing into a large crowd of applicants, he stepped mere moments later in yet another different outfit. Glancing down at his black tank top, ripped jeans and sneakers he nodded his acceptance. Tying the bandanna around his neck, he then ruffled his hair, allowing it messily fall down and frame his face, his now purple eyes gleaming with barely restrained insanity at the upcoming event.

@Otakuyaki[/URL] @AtlannianSpy @Mitchs98 @Exanis

(Alright! So the first phase of the exam is going to be hardcore dodgeball, the idea is thanks to
@Nenma Takashi and the teams will be 250 people each. However, there is a small twist. The actual balls themselves ideally weigh 40lbs or 20kg's so they are fairly heavy, oh also just so everyone passes each of the main character's will end up on the red team for this phase.)


"Red team..." Mochi monologued to himself as he folded the sash neatly, before digging into his bag and pulling out a bunch of snacks and sweets he had made himself for the trip, "Man... I have to play a game now?" Mochi muttered to himself, in between his chewing and munching, "A game..." that might be hard for him to use his specialty weapons here... Mochi looked into his deep bag. Might it be against the rules to kill off the other team? Or knock them out of the game at least?

"Oi, midget! Stop eating here!" Mochi's ears perked up as his head suddenly swivelled, until his gaze landed on members of the blue team. It was a small gang of people, wearing a similar style of clothes: baggy jeans, large jackets, and beanies... and they had their blue sashes tied around their wrists. People were all staying away from them, and they seemed to reek of danger, "Do you realise how overpowering the scent of food is coming from you? What the hell are you even eating, it smells like fart!"


"Tapioca chips with powder of southeast Azian chilli paste mix and east Azian fermented cabbage..." Mochi replied curtly, munching on his chips without a care until something smacked into his bag of chips. A bullet? He didn't even hear it... Mochi suddenly gasped as he caught the real grasp of the situation... His bag had been torn apart! The chips had spilled out from the bag and were now all over the floor, in a mix of white and red.

"Oi, take care of your stuff! Did the fart in that bag explode or somethin'? It stinks!" the gang chuckled and walked away as Mochi felt the eyes of onlookers stare at him. Silently fishing a plastic glove from his bag, he stuffed the chips on the floor into it like a balloon and tied the end.

"Hmm..." the most colourful language was just about to roll off his tongue... but whatever... now he was pissed, and perhaps... he'll have a bit of fun, brandishing his red sash, he deftly tied it around his head loosely.

Off in the south eastern end of the stadium, there appears to be a swarm of people pressing and shoving against each other to reach the spectacle. At the eye of the swarm stands a tall man with long wavy hair in a suit holding a beautiful woman at each of his arms. The women looked bewildered and were frantically taking pictures with the man.

"Who is it? What's going on?" Asked a older woman.

"It's that lucky bastard." Exclaimed a man

"Oh my god it really is Bruno." Shrieked a young woman

"I LOVE YOU BRUNO!!!" Screamed by another man

This setting is nothing new to Bruno as he's used to being in the spotlight. They've only been in the building for 15 minutes and Bruno has spent the entire time bantering and striking poses for the crowd.

"All right ladies, I hate to see you go but we need to give other people a chance. I'll send you each a text tonight" whispered Bruno reaching to the small of their backs and sending them off. One of the woman whispered something to Bruno that put a smirk on his face, afterwards she grabs the arm of the other woman and disappeared into the crowd.

After signing a few more photographs Bruno jumped over the barricade separating the crowd, "Alright folks, that is all for now." The crowd let off a roar of disappointment.

"God they love me." Thought Bruno.

Bruno looks at the contestants, and noticed many have adorned a bandanna of some sort of red or blue. Come to think of it he was given one too but didn't register it's color due to being distracted by the two beautiful women he saw.

"Tsch, can't even talk to bimbo's without those shitheads bumrushing me. *sigh* who can blame them, I'm the shining beacon in their tiny lives, I can understand how they feel."

Bruno pulled out the bandanna he was handed, red. He begins wandering around the room greeting others with red bandannas. A skirmish broke out on the otherside of the room between a short punk looking kid with some hooligans wearing blue bandannas. He also spotted a young boy in a newsletter cap quietly contemplating off to the side. To his left was a tall quirky red headed woman. "So . . . those are my future competitions, huh? So young." Bruno thought to himself. At this very moment he felt his whole body go cold, as he felt a sinister aura nearby. He turns around and makes eye contact with a man in a black tanktop ripped jeans and sporting a red bandanna around his neck.

"The man in the black tank top didn't say anything, he didn't have to his killer intentions at this moment was clear, but . . . was he directing it at me?"
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Shimwa sighed and tightened his shoes as tight as they would go. This was right up his ally some people here weren't even close to his level and he would definitely demonstrate this. He peered around and decided to size up the blue team and the red team. "Four, no...maybe five here can stand a chance..maybe two can actually out league me by miles. The blue team stands no chance against us." He Would hold his chin mumbling though his true intentions were to actually display his physical and mental abilities to a minor degree. He couldn't help but notice that his bandana was stil in his pocket.

Picking out the bandana and thinking tight around his shoulder and thought about his father. "Could he be one of the examiners? Is that why he waited until now to allow me to try out? Hmm...if that is the case no one here will pass..." He continued thinking of scenarios as he finished tying the bandana. "I can't even jump to conclusions some people are actually pretty strong here. And I'm not exactly perfect either...I may slip up who knows?" He would continue mumbling to himself and knew that for every strong person in this room there was someone even stronger on another category. This could be bad...for Shinwa and for the blue team however if there were any time limitation parts of the test, Shinwa would have to stay concealed as he moved meaning hiding his presence and getting the task done quickly. This was what he was raised from a baby doing, this hunters exam would be something to push him further.

Tristan L. Bane "The Whistling Death"

"If you are falling and pray to your 'god' for help..You will still find yourself hitting the ground."

Interacting: No one

Location: Hunter Exams Phase 1

Objective: Start phase 1 of the hunter exam

Mood: Calm/Neutral

Tags: @Exanis @AtlannianSpy @Mitchs98 @Otakuyaki @Nenma Takashi @x B3457 R3L3453x @smkylerana

After walking off, Tristan left with many questions - there were definitely some interesting faces participating this year. Rubbing the edge of his children he asked himself "I wonder if they will make it?", he did get a strange feeling in his stomach about the thought. Judging from the looks of a few others; Tristan couldn't help but feel that even he would find a challenge of some kind here..

Spending the rest of his spare time on the blimp walking around and thinking, after an announcement was made telling everybody to ready for landing and move onwards to a large building. Tristan was one of the first off the blimp but his image would quickly fade among the dozens of others crowding around Tristan in order to reach a large and quite grand building. Like always, Trisan walked with his hands in his pockets, his head slightly down gazing toward the ground and a slight hunch on his back he entered the building to find himself in a room completely packed with people. There were a few other's working with the Hunter's Association handing out a blue or red colored band, when it came to Tristan he was given a red band which he simply tied around his left bisep area, tying it off with his teeth to keep it in place he looked towards the doors to the next room where numerous screams & cheers could be heard quite clearly.

Tristan looked around, curious about what color Niklas might have gotten; he wasn't able to really spot him out at the time with everyone else in the room squished together, but once a man who stood out from the crowd merely from his powerful presence (Not to mention, this person also knows Nen.) a rather small, lean figure emerged out from the crowd and stood up on a nearby bench. The figure had black spikey hair with black clothes to go with, as well as a bandage places across the bridge of his nose, he placed one hand on his hip and the other in the air as he tried grabbing everyones attention.

View attachment 321918

"AlRIGHT GIRL SCOUTS LISTEN UP!!!" he yelled, grabbing the attention of everyone within the room including Tristan; who gazed towards the figure with heavy-eyelids and his hands tightly stuffed into his pockets. In truth, without even needing to use his nen Tristan knew of the Hunter already, a blacklist hunter and a transmuter type - although Tristan never got to witness what hatsu the Hunter had, Tremki knew that he was considered quite dangerous..

After looking at the eyes all gazing upon him, Akito continued with an expression on his face that spelled out 'Get me out of here before I kill somebody' and the doors to the next room opened as the crowds cheering grew ever louder.
"Alright! So once you have recieved your team color you will go to your sides. This is going to be a good ole' game of dodgeball, you should all know how that works right? If you don't listen up...Our dodgeball consists of two-hundred & fifty people on each side with five balls in the middle. However, the balls you will be using weigh over 50lbs so don't expect throwing them to be that easy! The goal is to tag everyone on the opposing team, whichever team wins move onto the second phase of the exam while the losing team will be left with a long walk home..THAT'S ALL, NOW HURRY THE HELL UP AND GET OUT THERE GO, GO, GO!!!" Akito yelled almost at the top of his lungs, in truth the black-haired hunter appeared to be annoyed already just from having to talk so much, folding the both of his arms he simply watched as everyone started hoarding out the door.

After everyone was given a run-down of the first phase, Tristan began walking for the doors as the thought lingered in his mind
'Those are quite heavy dodgeballs, especially for average people..' it was at this point, Tristan considered not doing anything at all for this phase and just hope for the best. Although he was somewhat confident he could do well in this sort of competition - he also took into consideration other factors which could be play. What if there were more to the game than throwing the ball? Of course there was nothing pointing towards any kind of other test, but judging from how the Hunter's exam usually operated he figured there would be other tricks awaiting them..So as he walked over to his side on the quite large dodgeball arena he looked around at the other member's of the red team, hoping that they would be able to win this for him.

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Sinister Clown][border=20px Double DarkRed][bg=Black] [CENTER] [h=OPTION][FONT=Frijole]Tristan L. Bane "The Whistling Death" [/FONT][/h] [IMG]http://img01.deviantart.net/35e5/i/2009/074/f/6/l_wallpaper_by_rjdog1000.png[/IMG] [SIZE=24px][FONT=Frijole]"If you are falling and pray to your 'god' for help..You will still find yourself hitting the ground."[/FONT][/SIZE] [side=Left][FONT='Nothing you could do'][B]Interacting[/B][/FONT][FONT='Nothing you could do']: No one[/FONT] [FONT='Nothing you could do'] [/FONT][FONT='Nothing you could do'][B]Location[/B][/FONT][FONT='Nothing you could do']: Hunter Exams Phase 1[/FONT] [FONT='Nothing you could do'] [/FONT][FONT='Nothing you could do'][B]Objective:[/B][/FONT][FONT='Nothing you could do'] Start phase 1 of the hunter exam[/FONT] [FONT='Nothing you could do'] [/FONT][FONT='Nothing you could do'][B]Mood:[/B][/FONT][FONT='Nothing you could do'] Calm/Neutral[/FONT] [FONT='Nothing you could do'] [/FONT][FONT='Nothing you could do'][B]Tags:[/B][/FONT][FONT='Nothing you could do'] [/FONT][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/29627-exanis/ said:
@Exanis[/URL] @AtlannianSpy @Mitchs98 @Otakuyaki @Nenma Takashi @x B3457 R3L3453x @smkylerana[/side]

After walking off, Tristan left with many questions - there were definitely some interesting faces participating this year. Rubbing the edge of his children he asked himself "I wonder if they will make it?", he did get a strange feeling in his stomach about the thought. Judging from the looks of a few others; Tristan couldn't help but feel that even he would find a challenge of some kind here..

Spending the rest of his spare time on the blimp walking around and thinking, after an announcement was made telling everybody to ready for landing and move onwards to a large building. Tristan was one of the first off the blimp but his image would quickly fade among the dozens of others crowding around Tristan in order to reach a large and quite grand building. Like always, Trisan walked with his hands in his pockets, his head slightly down gazing toward the ground and a slight hunch on his back he entered the building to find himself in a room completely packed with people. There were a few other's working with the Hunter's Association handing out a blue or red colored band, when it came to Tristan he was given a red band which he simply tied around his left bisep area, tying it off with his teeth to keep it in place he looked towards the doors to the next room where numerous screams & cheers could be heard quite clearly.

Tristan looked around, curious about what color Niklas might have gotten; he wasn't able to really spot him out at the time with everyone else in the room squished together, but once a man who stood out from the crowd merely from his powerful presence (Not to mention, this person also knows Nen.) a rather small, lean figure emerged out from the crowd and stood up on a nearby bench. The figure had black spikey hair with black clothes to go with, as well as a bandage places across the bridge of his nose, he placed one hand on his hip and the other in the air as he tried grabbing everyones attention.

View attachment 321918

"AlRIGHT GIRL SCOUTS LISTEN UP!!!" he yelled, grabbing the attention of everyone within the room including Tristan; who gazed towards the figure with heavy-eyelids and his hands tightly stuffed into his pockets. In truth, without even needing to use his nen Tristan knew of the Hunter already, a blacklist hunter and a transmuter type - although Tristan never got to witness what hatsu the Hunter had, Tremki knew that he was considered quite dangerous..

After looking at the eyes all gazing upon him, Akito continued with an expression on his face that spelled out 'Get me out of here before I kill somebody' and the doors to the next room opened as the crowds cheering grew ever louder.
"Alright! So once you have recieved your team color you will go to your sides. This is going to be a good ole' game of dodgeball, you should all know how that works right? If you don't listen up...Our dodgeball consists of two-hundred & fifty people on each side with five balls in the middle. However, the balls you will be using weigh over 50lbs so don't expect throwing them to be that easy! The goal is to tag everyone on the opposing team, whichever team wins move onto the second phase of the exam while the losing team will be left with a long walk home..THAT'S ALL, NOW HURRY THE HELL UP AND GET OUT THERE GO, GO, GO!!!" Akito yelled almost at the top of his lungs, in truth the black-haired hunter appeared to be annoyed already just from having to talk so much, folding the both of his arms he simply watched as everyone started hoarding out the door.

After everyone was given a run-down of the first phase, Tristan began walking for the doors as the thought lingered in his mind
'Those are quite heavy dodgeballs, especially for average people..' it was at this point, Tristan considered not doing anything at all for this phase and just hope for the best. Although he was somewhat confident he could do well in this sort of competition - he also took into consideration other factors which could be play. What if there were more to the game than throwing the ball? Of course there was nothing pointing towards any kind of other test, but judging from how the Hunter's exam usually operated he figured there would be other tricks awaiting them..So as he walked over to his side on the quite large dodgeball arena he looked around at the other member's of the red team, hoping that they would be able to win this for him.


"Come on!" a shout echoed in the hall as the game began, but it was heavily toned with stress and struggle.

"So..." Mochi stood in silence, watching as the gang members he had confronted on the blue team barely lifted their dodgeballs. They were keeping intimidating, straight faces, but the sweat and the popping veins in their arms betrayed how strenuous the heavy dodgeballs were for them, "Are you guys gonna throw the ball or what?" Mochi untied the red sash on his head. His motivation to wreck them was quickly seeping away like the sweat that poured from the gang member's faces, "If you guys can't knock me outta the game... maybe you guys shouldn't be hunters?" Mochi curtly stated, his face blank with disappointment and boredom.

"Get outta here!" two gang members had propped their dodgeballs on the palms of their hands and fired them like cannonballs, propelled by their arms.

"Lame." Mochi stated monotonously as he sidestepped one of the balls, stretching his red sash. Due to their weight, they weren't easily thrown, and were hurtling slowly. This exam had been going slowly... and he had thought he'd find some interesting friends... but what a drag! So far, there's only been gluttons who eat all the sweets, and gangs who pick on singles like him... How boring...


"Oi! There's something amazing going on there!" people from the red team nearby were beginning to get distracted by a thin man in leather clothing, with peach coloured hairs, and a dead look in his eyes. The man was using his red sash like a sling to redirect the dodgeballs thrown at him by the blue team, all at the gang members. Even though several of the gang members were already out, he was still hurling the dodgeballs at them, crushing their ribs, toes, and fingers under the weights of the dodgeballs.

"Dammit... get him out, quickly!" a blue team member shouted as he threw another dodgeball, trying to use his own headband like a sling as well, but failing and sending the ball flying at an angle. That ball isn't even coming at me... Mochi watched as he readied his sash, stretching it in preparation for the dodgeball as he continued to dodge the other balls that were simply dropping by him. Rely on your instincts... loosen... now! Just as the weight of the ball was about to touch the sash, he loosened it and added more length to it, wrapping the dodgeball loosely in the sash. Coil... Mochi's deft arms wrapped the sash around it as he let it slide to the ball's side slightly. Pivot... Following in to the next step quickly, Mochi twirled on his right foot, narrowly missing a dodgeball where his left foot was to circle around the ball in a flash. Spin! Mochi twirled on his right foot like a ballerina, balancing his torso with his left leg to increase the arc of the ball as he spun one revolution.

"And release!" Mochi pushed at the sling held in his vice-like grip with his thumb, pushing one end off loose, causing the sash to slowly unravel, adding in a spin to the ball as he hurled it at the last gang member like a catapult hurtles a boulder in an arc. The last gang member screeched as the ball hit him squarely between the neck and his shoulder blades, and he fell to the ground, struggling to move, "What are you all watching... you'll get eliminated." Mochi's question trailed off as he looked around at the red team members who had gotten distracted by him, "Just work on getting rid of the blue team..." he ordered, picking up another dodgeball as he stared them down in the eyes.

"Yes!" the red team members who were nearby suddenly dispersed, picking up dodgeballs on their side of the court, out of both fear and respect for Mochi and his odd performance.

"So... gang losers?" Mochi returned his attention to the gang members on the other side of the court who were trying to target him. His voice was back to its chipper tone and higher pitch as he pondered, dodging the dodgeballs from the blue team, "No... that's not quite a good name. Whatever. I beat you, right?" Mochi chirped as he brandished the chips he had stuffed into the glove earlier, watching as one of the gang members, sprawled on his back, barely raised their head to watch him with his bruised face and swollen eye, "That means I get to do what I want... right?" he threw the glove of chips at the man's face, watching it burst and release the powder and chips inside all over his red, swollen face, before a dodgeball landed right on it, "You gotta knead the flavours in by rubbing them down into the meat." Mochi described as he dusted his hands, "That meat you call a brain has gotta be lacking, in flavours and more after all!" he pointed to his own head as he laughed, still sidestepping and twirling to dodge the dodgeballs thrown at him, "Now then... are you guys still up for more? There's still many more blue team members who haven't been eliminated... so we have plenty of time to play dodgeball!" Mochi shouted happily at the gang members, brandishing a dodgeball that rolled towards him, smiling as his voice suddenly deepend into a serious tone, "That's why you should play with me, yes?"

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