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Realistic or Modern Howl


Elder Member
Billy & Cassie

"Attention ladies and gentlemen, we seem to have come across some...technical difficulties. The conductor has gone out to assess the situation, luckily we've stopped just a couple miles away from our destination, so if we come across any major problems help is just about an hour away. Please remain calm, I understand that some of you might be concerned, but I assure you that everything is under control. Remain in your seats, do not, I repeat DO NOT leave your cars. Train attendants will now be making their way through each and every car, to make sure that everyone is okay. I only ask for those that might have been hurt, or injured in any way after the sudden stop, to move to the front of their respective cars if possible. This will make it easier for the attendants to apply first aid when needed, thank you for your cooperation."

Billy let out an exasperated sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose as he repeated the words over the trains intercom for a second and final time. After slamming the receiver down much more loudly then necessary. "Of all the fucking times for something like this to happen, it has to happen on my last day aboard this train. My last fucking day!" grinding his teeth in frustration, he quickly made his way to the door leading outside. Taking a moment to peer through the circular window set into the door, he sighed again, turning to lean his back against the door and shoving his hands deep into his pockets as he did so.

Cassie silently watched for a moment, nervously biting her lip as she watched her coworker lose his cool. She stared over at him briefly, before quickly looking down at her feet as he looked over and his eyes met hers. "Sh-shouldn't we be going out their and making sure everyones okay like you said? Someone might have gotten hurt..."

"You go ahead and take care of that, I need to stay here and make sure the conductor gets back inside safely. He's been gone for nearly ten minutes, and theirs still no sight of him, hopefully everything's okay out there."

Cassie opened her mouth to protest, but decided against saying anything, what he said made sense. She'd just have to muster up the courage to face the passengers herself. Get yourself together girl, you can do this. Their are men and women out their who are much more frightened then you, they need reassurance, and nothing less then that. You. Can. Do. This! Taking one last look over at Billy, who had went back to looking out the window, she put on a brave face before grabbing a first aid kit and slowly making her way over to another door at the end of the car. Placing her pale hand on the doors cold metal handle, she closed her eyes, taking a moment to steady her breathing. A couple of seconds passed before her grip finally tightened around the door handle, and she calmly but slowly pushed the door, trying to look as unperturbed as possible as she made her way into the first car.
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Callisto stopped herself from go in further forward when the train came to a sudden stop. She looked around surprised and listened to the man over the speakers explain the situation they were in. After he was finished, she grit her teeth and looked at the ground. "Goddamit! We were almost there!." She pounded her fist on her leg. Castillo shook her head as she looked down the aisle.

She looked back and forth, but did not see a train attendant yet. "I wonder if I can get away with a quick one." She said softly. Castillo pulled a pack of cigarettes out of her purse and tapped the box twice in her leg. She again made a quick look down the aisle and pulled one out.

She slipped the cigarette into her mouth and pulled out a lighter from her purse. Callisto lit the cigarette and took a deep breathe and exhaled very slowly. She felt very relaxed, watching the smoke as it left her mouth. "I've been waiting to do that ever since we got on." She stated to no one in particular.
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She had made her way through several cars without incident, a couple people had fallen, but had received nothing more then minor bruises. She was relieved to discover that unlike her coworker, most people seemed to be remaining calm. How long that would last though, she had no idea. Her forced smile quickly became a frown, as she entered one of the cars towards the rear of the train, and the smell of cigarette smoke caused her nostrils to flare. Although the frown was gone just as quickly as it had come, her lips curling upwards into a pleasant smile, as she scanned the seats looking for the smoker.

"Miss! Miss!" someone suddenly shouted, waving their hands wildly in the air in order to get Cassie's attention. "Can you please come speak with this...hoodlum seated across from me? Apparently she has poor eyesight, and didn't notice the NO SMOKING SIGNS plastered all over the train, in plain sight! I started to say something myself, but I feared that my words would most likely fall on deaf ears."

Cassie looked over to the voice coming from an eldlerly women, the look on her face told her that if she didn't handle this situation quickly, she'd take care of it herself. Cassie continued to smile as she made her way down the aisle, expertly weaving her way around the passengers feet, without so much as a glance downwards. "Excuse me ma'am, I understand you might be stressed, but can you please extinguish that cigarette? It's disturbing the other passengers."

"God damned youth these days, no respect for anyone, not even their damned selves. Don't you think your being to nice? If I were you I'd..."

"Please be quiet." Cassie said sternly, matching the older women's tone. "I'm the attendant here and I'll handle the situation how I see fit. Your opinion isn't needed." the old women scoffed, visibly taken aback by the response she had been given, but shut her mouth nonetheless. Cassies' smile widened, now giving her full attention to the person who had caused this mess in the first place. @Pink Gorilla
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Callisto glared at the elderly woman who was smack talking her. She took on last inhale and blew the smoke towards the old lady so it would get right in her face. Callisto smirked then put the cigarette out on her jacket sleeve. She put the stub back in her purse in a side pocket and looked back at the attendant.

"Since you asked nicely." Callisto said and put her lighter in her purse as well. She tapped her fingers on her seat and smiled again. "What time do you think we will be up and running again? I'd hate to disrespect my elders for very much longer?" Her smiled turned into a wicked grin as she shot a quick look at the old woman.

Relief washed over Cassie as the young woman seemed to comply without protest, although it only lasted a moment, as Callisto decided to get back at the old lady in THE WORSE way possible. The elderly lady reared back in disgust as the smoke reached her face, letting out an obviously exaggerated wheeze and rising to her feet with more speed then someone her age should have. She clutched a wooden cane in her right hand, raising it high in the air, the tip of the staff scraping against the metal ceiling as she swung downwards a moment later. It was clear that she was aiming for the young womens head, and without thinking Cassie stepped in between the two. She raised an arm defensively, a loud crack echoing up and down the cabin as the gnarled wood connected with her wrist. She winced, but grit he teeth as she tried her best to keep from crying out in pain. Her arm was wrenched downwards, and her eyes widened in fear as the women raised the cane again, this time aiming for her. It all happened so fast that she barely had time to raise her uninjured arm in defense, not that it woud help much.Cassie closed her eyes and looked away, waiting for the second impact that was sure to be much worse then the last... @Pink Gorilla
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Callisto reached up and grabbed the old woman's arm with her right hand. With her other hand she grabbed the cane and threw it down the aisle. Callisto was honestly shocked that the woman had done that. She had tightened her grip on the woman's arm and stared at her.

"Didn't your mother ever teach you that it is rude to hit? You need to learn some manners." Callisto said through gritted teeth. She released the woman's arm. "Sit back down." Callisto looked back at the attendant and her face softened. "Are you alright, hun?"

The old woman scowled, seemingly unperturbed by how out of hand the situation had gotten. She raised a bony finger, jabbing Callistos' chest, spittle flying from her mouth as she spoke. "You most certainly haven't heard the last of me, none of you have." she said, deathly calm, her piercing gaze meeting the much younger women's. "I'll make sure you go to jail for assaulting me, and that this wench loses her job." she smirked shrewdly, the pain on Cassie's face seeming to fuel her own enjoyment. "I refuse you stay in this car any longer, I'll be moving to one of the front cabins, where hopefully there are much less degenerates then in this one." she then leisurely began walking away, snatching up her cane as she approached the door leading into one of the middle cars. Everything was still for a moment, as passengers watched the women leave with bated breath, several relieved sighs sounding throughout the car as the women disappeared from sight.

"Th-thank you." Cassie stuttered, her watery gaze resting on the floor. She couldn't believe things had gotten so out of control, would she really lose her job because of this incident? It was then that the tears started flowing, she had people back home depending on her. If she lost this job, who knew how long or how hard it would be to find another. Cassies' vision blurred as tears cascaded down her cheeks, culminating at the tip of her chin, before dropping to the cold metallic floor below. Cassie knew that by crying she was only making the chances of keeping her job worse, but she couldn't help it. She had been like this ever since she was a child, once the tears started flowing, they wouldn't stop until all of her pent up emotions had been released. So she stood their sniffling, arms hanging limply at her sides, as all eyes rested on her. @Pink Gorilla
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Michael sighed. He was sitting among commoners and he hated the strange scent that they passed off. It was rather unfortunate that his forgetful parents had once more forgotten to order a first-class ticket for him, forcing him to sit among the peasants who occasionally glanced at him as he sniffed in disgust. The train ride was a boring one and no one located in his car was of any interest to him. In fact, they were all obese men and little children who walked and ran around randomly in boredom, trying to find any sort of entertainment. Unfortunately, I left in a hurry, unable to pack anything that can particularly interest me. How boring... Michael thought, slowly drifting into a deep, dreamless slumber.

And just like that, Michael slept, awakened, slept, awakened until finally, after what appeared to be days... Or hours, the train came to a sudden halt and as the passengers stirred up, Michael jerked his head and observed his environment, hoping to get a glimpse of what was happening. Seems like we are here. He thought, grabbing his belongings when a voice came from above, telling the passengers that some sort of problem had occurred and something was malfunctioning. "Brilliant... Of course, these pathetic trains would malfunction like this." He whispered under his breath, upset at no one in particular.

Despite the warning of the train conductor, Michael stood up from his seat and walked forward in boredom. He needed someone to entertain him and that someone was not in this car. As he walked from one car to the next, he suddenly heard conflict and turned his body to see three people in conflict. After some trading of words and fist, the old woman walked off on her own, leaving the two younger woman on their own. With a giggle, the boy put on his sunglasses and walked up the two before clapping. "Delightful, a great show you two put out there." He said, combing his hair in show.

@BloodyKharma @Pink Gorilla
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Callisto sighed as the train attendant began to cry at the threats of the old woman. She wrapped her arms around her to comfort her. "Sh, it will be fine. She can't do anything, no one will believe that old hag." Callisto stated. She felt a bit awkward holding this stranger as everyone else was staring at her. Callisto felt the tears falling from the attendants eyes.

Callisto turned her head when she heard clapping from behind her. "Shut the fuck up, kid." She looked him over, looking at his outfit and then stared directly at his sunglasses. She thought he looked like a preppy douche bag. "Why don't you go crawl back into the first class hole you came from." He was taller than her and looked slightly more built, but she wasn't exactly pudgy either.
Cassie & Billy

Her own sobbing drowned out the sound of anything else, and she was slightly comforted by the woman's warm embrace. As her sniffling began to die down, a door from another car opened and Billy stormed into the room.

"What the hell happened here?" he demanded, glaring past everyone, and over Cassie's shoulder. It was more then evident, that the smug bastard standing behind the two women had caused this commotion. "Did Dickless here make her cry?" he shouted, grabbing the boy by his collar and pulling him closer. The guy had a few inches on him, but that didn't bother Billy at all. Their faces were now inches apart, and Billy spoke through gritted teeth. Either he was unaware of the worried looks some of the passenger were giving him, or he simply didn't care. "I hope for your sake, she says otherwise."

Cassie's warm hand on his shoulder, caused his grip on the boys collar to falter momentarily. He glanced over at her out of the corner of his eye, his expression softening as he watched Cassie struggle to regain her composure. She opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out, spare tears still lingered at the corners of her eyes. Billy sighed, his grip loosening on the boys collar. "Get the fuck out of here." he barked, standing his ground as he let the young man go, watching him closely just in case he decided to retaliate in some way.

Michael shrugged in response to the older woman's comment. She was quite short in comparison to him and very tan. Very very tan. A tattoo took the majority of the woman's face and in general, she was not very attractive... Hence, Michael took no attention to her... especially since her breath stunk when she talked to him. Ew... He thought, tempted to go back to his car to grab a bottle of mouthwash for the woman. The woman's personality didn't appear to be very attractive either. Upon first sight of him, the woman had already broken into some sort of temper just from the instincts of a first impression. Although the first impression might not be necessarily wrong, it was not the brightest way to judge people. "Well, greetings to you as well. Unfortunately, I was unable to get my hands on a first class ticket in time so I had to sit among a bunch of commoners such as you. Why don't you go grab a bottle of mouthwash so your breath doesn't smell like a skunk?" Michael said sarcastically with a sly smile, keeping his sunglasses stuck on his face.

Michael was about to move closer to the other woman who seemed younger than the tanned tattoo woman and of course, this one was unattractive as well. However, Michael had noticed that she was a train attendant and hence, he might be able to get some sort of fun out of her. That was the moment another guy walked out from nowhere. Almost immediately, the man grabbed onto his collar as he jumped straight into conclusion. The man barked out some words, most of which Michael paid no attention to. Michael let out another one of his prideful smiles before patting the dust from his shoulders and taking off his sunglasses, showing his face at the brightest. "Conductor. Know your place... I wouldn't want you fired from your job when my father gets your company bankrupt just because you grabbed onto my priceless collar. Now, I guess it is time for me to say goodbye for now. I seem not to be welcomed here. If any of you three want to come by and apologize. I'll be in car number 4," Michael said and started walking before turning his head at the two women, "Especially you two." With a wink, he walked out of the car to head to the fourth car.

@BloodyKharma @Pink Gorilla
Callisto glared at the boy as he walked out of the car. "Thank God he told me which car so I can go kick his ass." She said. She turned back to the train attendants, more specifically the girl. "Sorry about all of that, hun. Sometimes I don't know when to stop." She stated to the girl.

Callisto turned to the guy and looked at him. "It was my fault. I smoked and she came up and asked me to stop. I did, but I may have also upset an elderly woman in the process and then that kid came in like fucking royalty." She explained to him. "So, blame me."
Cassie & Billy

"I'm not the conductor, you idiot." Billy shouted after Michael, his entire body going slack as the boy moved on to the next car. He let out a long sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose, then turning to face Callisto and Cassie. @Chensillas

"I was wondering what that old crones problem was, when she stormed pass me on my way here, and now I know." as he massaged his temples, his eyes narrowed to slits, as they came to rest on Callisto. "As much as I'd like to chew you out, I have more important...matters to attend to." he had almost said 'problems', but caught himself at the very last second. Their was already enough drama going on aboard the train, he didn't want to agitate the passengers even more. "Cassie, mind getting it together and coming with me." he asked, his gaze softening somewhat as he looked over at her. Although anger flared in them a moment later, as he saw her left arm hanging limply by her side. "Who the fuck did this? That old hag?" he dropped down to one knee, picking up the first aid kit Cassie had dropped in all of the commotion. "I swear, I leave you alone for a moment and your getting into fights with people who are already at deaths door." he chuckled, clumsily bandaging her arm. "Not that it was your fault." Billy glanced up at Callisto accusingly. "Can I trust you to not cause any more ruckus aboard this train, or will someone else get hurt for your sake?" @Pink Gorilla
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Callisto began to get pissed off at his tone. Yes, it was her fault this all started, but she didn't know that the old lady was that crazy. Once again, no filter. "Hey, I didn't know that skeleton was going to start fucking swinging at people so why don't you back the fuck off?"

Callisto knew she probably shouldn't have said it, but she boiled over. She tried comforting the girl afterwards as well before he even shown up. He didn't know the whole story. She already seen how accusatory he was to the other guy. She shouldn't have been surprised she thought to herself. "The only think might do is attend to someone in train four."
Cassie & Billy

"Go ahead and beat that asshole up if you wish, just make sure you find an empty train car before doing so. Otherwise, the both of you will find yourselves out in the cold. Capiche?" he grumbled, not bothering to wait for her response, as he took Cassie's free hand and began to walk away.

Cassie willingly let him drag her along, turning to mouth the words 'thanks you', nearly tripping over her feet in the process. A few people chuckled at the sight, while Billy only scowled, catching her just before she hit the ground. "This day just keeps getting better and better." he mumbled, making sure she had regained her balance, and then tugging at her sleeve as he made his way to the exit.

"Um, excuse me!" someone at the back of the car suddenly shouted out. "A couple of minutes ago, you said the conductor had gone out to 'assess' the situation. How long does that take exactly? Surely by now you'd have some good news, and we'll be on our way in no time, yes?"

Billy frowned, not liking the way the man had worded what he said. Worry flashed across his face, but he was quickly replaced by a look of indifference. "He's still outside, once I here from him I'll be sure to let everyone know over the intercom."

"Don't you people have walkie talkies, can't you just ask him how things are going right now?"

"W-well we do, its just..that..."

"It goes against company policy, plain and simple." Cassie suddenly chimed in, pulling her hand away from Billy, as she took a step forwards. "In these types of situations, we're to speak with the conductor in private first, and whatever information he relays to us will undoubtedly be given to you as well. I know you've all been greatly inconvenienced by what's happened here, many of you were probably expecting to be at home, tucked away in bed. Well so were we. Patience is key here, so please bear with us for a while longer. As soon as we get word from the conductor, you all will be the first to know." she did her best to look around the car and meet everyone's eyes, offering each and every one of them a charming, yet slightly exhausted smile. "Lets get going." she told Billy, moving past him, using her uninjured arm to open the door and head into the next car.

Blly stood there dumbfounded for a moment, blinking rapidly as he looked back at the passengers, before coming to his senses and rushing after her.
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Takatsuki Sara

Sara put down the book she was reading, as she noticed how the train screeched and come to a halt in what looked like the middle of nowhere. This kind of thing never happened to her back in Japan, unless something really important happened. So she turned off her music player, putting off her headphones just in time to hear the important bit of the announcement.

"...Please remain calm, I understand that some of you might be concerned, but I assure you that everything is under control. Remain in your seats, do not, I repeat DO NOT leave your cars. Train attendants will now be making their way through each and every car, to make sure that everyone is okay. I only ask for those that might have been hurt, or injured in any way after the sudden stop, to move to the front of their respective cars if possible. This will make it easier for the attendants to apply first aid when needed, thank you for your cooperation."

Their car, filled with youngsters from all over the world, started to come alive with conversations and jokes and laughter. Botan patted her in the shoulder, inviting her to play poker with a small group of people. She smiled, deciding that playing cards and socialize are much better than continue reading her book. But that's when Akito and Kentaro, her friends from the same group, came back inside the car with a stupid grin on their face.

"Fight! Fight!" They reported. "There's a fight in front!"

"A fight?" Someone asked.

"Yes! Between this smoker and a rich looking boy and-"

The door slid open, a woman stepped inside with annoyed look on her face with a man following closely behind him. Akito and Kentaro sat in the row behind Sara, bend their body closer and whispered in Japanese. "Them!"
Chae Ji-hye

Ji-hye sat, scrolling through the various notifications on her social media accounts, her friends in Korea apparently missed her just as much as she missed them. She lost herself in thought, swiping through her photos and flickering between a bunch of different applications on her phone, as the train came to a sudden halt. A conductor, Ji-hye assumed, started speaking over the intercom. Ji-hye missed the majority of what the man said, she had earphones in with music on full blast. A bit anxious and unsure of what to do, Ji-hye got up from her seat and started to wander through the train. She noticed that no one else from her car had gotten up, but instead of finding out what was going on from someone in the same car as her, she decided to try and find an attendant.

As she got to the end of car number three, she pulled the door open into the fourth and stepped through. Everyone in car number four was seated, except for one young man who seemed to have just come from the other direction. Ji-hye decided to ask the man instead of trailing through the rest of the train looking for someone.

"Excuse me," Ji-hye held her hand out as she walked closer to him. "Do you know what's happening? I had my earphones in and then the conductor started speaking," She paused for a second to smile and catch her breath. Ji-hye reminded herself to pause for a few moments before continuing speaking, which gave her the time to realise that she didn't actually need to say anything more. Instead, she rested her hand on the seat next to her and tapped her manicured nails on the plastic section of the headrest. Smiling whilst slightly frowning as she waited for the young man's reply.

Callisto got annoyed with the guy. The other attendant had turned around and thanked her. Callisto smiled and began walking the other direction. She wasn't go after the boy, yet. That would come later and it was gonna be satisfying.

Instead she went towards one of the door for fresh air. She walked past the people whispering in some other language. Sounded like Japanese. When she got to the door, it was locked and she couldn't pry it open. "Goodamit." She muttered. Callisto leaned back onto the door and rested her head. "I hate people."



She stared out into the open plains of white gold-the snow barely visible just 10 ft past the window-beyond it was only darkness, black as night. The scenery didn't change a bit, only the clouds in the sky as the train travelled northbound. Nothing changed even when the train stopped. Pallas wrapped her sweater tighter around her body. Her eyes calmly wondered up and down the plains-her head slacked against her limp hand and her knees tucked in under her chin. She looked back down the train hallway towards the many people that were getting up from their seats.

Everyone seemed to be scrambling around. Her eyes drifted towards the fight and she sighed to herself. This was supposed to be a peaceful ride and yet everyone is raising a commotion. It was nothing more than a delay. It was Canada after all, and looking around the train, there seemed to be a number of foreigners. It was almost odd for her to hear different languages being spoken--her town was so rural, she was used to loud mouthed english speaking Canadians. The delay was no surprise, roads closed at the governments discretion, public service halts, and it starts back up again. The heavy snowfall and cold temperatures has this affect. It was probably ice on the tracks.

She pulled a book from her bag, burying her mind into the story. Hopefully this delay won't last too long.
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Michael sighed as he left the car. He had meant no harm with his moment of clapping. All he was seeking is literally for a great entrance to the scene. However, it appears that his appearance had given him a bad impression and well, maybe the way he talked as well. Still, he didn't have a single regret towards what he had said and done as he is, of course, Michael, son of the world's most famous lawyer. There was nothing in this world that could scare him. Nothing on this train at least. With yet another heavy sigh, he walked back into his car. At least I got the attention that I need. He thought, quite pleased with himself as he combed his hair and put his sunglasses back into his pocket. It's unfortunate that I made some unnecessary enemies from such as small action.

Distracted by his thoughts, he was unable to notice the Asian woman that was in front of him at the moment. He looked up when the woman spoke with a slight Eastern accent. From habit, he began to study the girl, her features and her personality. Of course, he started with what was the most important feature in his opinion... Her looks. The woman was rather attractive and cute, unlike the tanned girl that he had a bit of conflict with not too long ago. She seemed quite intelligent from the way she spoke... Or maybe it was due to his stereotypical thinking. After listening to the girl, Michael began to speak, "Nothin' much. Seems like there is something wrong with the train." He said simply, making sure that he was pulling up his left sleeve to show off the expensive watch that he had there. "Well, any opportunity is a good opportunity for a new 'friend'... How about a cup of tea?" He asked, sitting down and inviting the woman to sit across from her. "Staff!" He shouted, unsure whether the train offers such a service.

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Cassie & Billy

The two began making their way to the front car as quickly as possible, as they stepped onto a car that seemed to have particularly more young people then the rest, they did their best to ignore the excited chattering coming from all around them. These must all be foreign exchange students. Billy thought to himself wistfully, looking around at all the young students who were on the road to pursuing their dreams. I don't have a reason to be jealous, they may have a head start, but I've already enrolled in school and I'll be catching up with them soon enough. Anything they can do, I can do, age isn't a factor. I just have to make it through one more night of this shit. He frowned, his eyes lingering on a group of friends who seemed to be paying them more attention then the rest. @Koala

Cassie had already made her way into the next car, and stopped as she saw the posh guy from before standing in the middle of the aisle. He seemed to be speaking with another passenger, and she was relieved that he hadn't noticed her yet. She turned slightly, expecting to find Billy directly behind her, but he seemed to be lagging behind and was still in the other car. Biting her lip, something she did whenever she was nervous, she continued forwards until someone shouted:


She groaned inwardly, realizing it was the rich boy from before, but her pace never faltered as she approached where he was seated. "How can I help you sir?" she said, as kindly as humanly possible, offering him a half smile. She hoped for her sake, that he wouldn't notice how red and puffy her eyes still were. @Chensillas
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She watched a young man walk by her dressed in the conductor attire, seemingly staring at the foreign exchange students. This doesn't seem right... she thought to herself. She adjusted her casual posture to be more appropriate and proper and poked his arm.

"excuse me, are you the conductor?" she asked. "how long is this delay going to last? I think the passengers are starting to get agitated." She looked around, her eyes darting to the rich boy ready to fight with a smoker, then past them to a few other groups that were getting loud and swearing. It was a simple gesture, not so much to remind herself of the chaos, but to give the man a hint that things were getting out of order very fast.

(Geez. I guess someone has to do it....)


Michael sighed, before the Asian girl that he was facing was even able to sit down, the staff came by. Indeed, it was the staff from before. The blonde weakling that seemed to have broken down from an old woman's wrath. At least, that was what he saw and what he saw was what he believed. With a sniff of disgust, he avoided eye contact with the woman. Of course, Michael had no pity for her. Her own weakness was her own problem and something that she needs to fix on her own. In Michael's opinion, these were the types of people who didn't stand a chance in society... If they broke down from an old woman's empty threats. Then again, not everyone can be like me. Otherwise, life wouldn't be fun. Michael thought, beginning to speak to the staff with a fake smile to counter the fake smile from the staff.

"Greetings staff. I'd like two cups of tea for this nice lady friend I have here and myself. Unfortunately, I have no money in my possession at the moment but all should be fine. You can simply place in on my bill. Once we reach our destination, I will be sure to pay your company. I presume that this is acceptable, eh?" Michael said, raising an eyebrow as he looked at the staff member, giving her a tilted look as if to challenge if she disagrees otherwise.

@Koala @BloodyKharma
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"Man I wish, sadly, I'm just a lowly train attendant. Here to attend to your wants and needs." he chuckled wryly, failing to hide the bitterness in his voice. "And that's what I'm on my way to find out now, was their anything in particular that you needed?" despite everything that had occurred recently, he managed to give her a wide smile, and her being drop dead gorgeous helped more then he'd care to admit. His sea blue eyes took in every detail of her face, then began to drift lower, although he stopped himself at the last moment. Averting his gaze, the tips of his ears reddened ever so slightly. Embarrased, his eyes remained transfixed on the window by her side, where the world was bathed in such an inky blackness; that the whiteness of the snow didn't even show through. The most her could make out, was the row of trees lining the side of the tracks, their branches seeming to reach out of the darkness ominously like damned souls seeking to escape hell. It was then that he decided it would just be best to stare back into the girls emerald eyes, which is exactly what he did. Oddly enough, his worries seemed to melt away the more he focused on them. A forest of evergreen trees flashed through hus mind. The leaves on the trees matched her eyes, and he wouldn't mind getting lost in such a place if someone like her was by his side.

What the hell am I doing?

He suddenly thought to himself, blinking several times, looking around him to see if anyone else had noticed his strange behavior. Without a doubt though, he was sure that she certainly had. "I-I think I'll be on my way." eyes lingering on her for the briefest of moments, until he finally looked away and quickly began making his way towards Cassie. @Azuria


"No need to worry about paying sir, we'll be offering everything on the house tonight, due to all the trouble we've put the passengers through." she responded coolly, her smile never faltering. "Is their anything else you'd like?" her eyes darted between Michael and Chae, waiting for their responses. She secretly hoped that the girl would take note of her companions rather rude behavior, and perhaps put him in his place. She gave the girl a side ways glance, hoping she would catch on. @Chensillas
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[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla]Callisto got annoyed with the guy. The other attendant had turned around and thanked her. Callisto smiled and began walking the other direction. She wasn't go after the boy, yet. That would come later and it was gonna be satisfying.
Instead she went towards one of the door for fresh air. She walked past the people whispering in some other language. Sounded like Japanese. When she got to the door, it was locked and she couldn't pry it open. "Goodamit." She muttered. Callisto leaned back onto the door and rested her head. "I hate people."

Without warning, a soft thump could be felt from the other side of the door. If Callisto didn't feel it the first time, it was almost impossible to miss the second time, this time it was much louder then before. The third time something thudded against the door with enough force, that many of the passengers seated nearby were shooting her funny looks, as if they were accusing her of making the noises.
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