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Fantasy How to Raise a Hero - Character Sheets



The Ultimate Cookie Muncher
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Seventeen - YOASOBI
How to Raise a
App Details
  • App Details
    App Details
    A warrior needs not concern themselves with matters within the purview of men
    Quick Note
    Hello Again!

    Just a really quick note. But anyone who decides to play a demon character must have their character somewhere other than Ragandris. When they transmigrate, their demon character will already be in one of the three mortal countries and they won't be able to go back to Ragndris.
    GIfted Stats
    ⒈Mana [Open]

    ⒉Strength [Taken by OldTurtle OldTurtle ]

    ⒊Knowledge/Intelligence [Taken by Nano Nano ]

    ⒋Aim/Precision [Taken by CasualTea CasualTea ]

    ⒌Charm/Charisma [Taken by Bloody_Death Bloody_Death ]

    ⒍Speed/Agility [Taken by Beann Beann ]

    ⒎Defense [Taken by Lucem Lucem ]

    ⒏Luck [Taken by Dawnsx Dawnsx ]

    ⒐Stealth [Reserved]

    ⒑Stamina [Taken by Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread ]

    ⒒Perception [Taken by Fluff Fluff ]

    ⒓Wisdom & Resolve [Taken by Nessi Nessi ]

    ⒔Dexterity [Taken by Worthlessplebian Worthlessplebian ]

    ⒕Affinity [Taken by Dovinique Dovinique
    Post-Isekai Info

    Gender & Pronouns:

    Age: (18+ please!)



    Social Status:

    Gifted Stat:

    Appearance: (Can be described with words, images, or both!)

    Pre-Isekai Info

    Gender & Pronouns:


    Country of Origin:

    Appearance: (Optional)
    Personality: (I don't expect this to change too much between the two lives, but if they do please make note of it!)

    Backstory: (Please describe a bit of their previous life, how they found the book, and what they did during the five years between when they entered the book and the start of the plot.

    Relationships: Aenean congue neque eu massa sodales interdum. In vitae lacinia nisl. Duis suscipit maximus enim, at mattis mauris facilisis eget. Praesent sagittis orci odio, in molestie quam venenatis ac.
    Skills & Abilities
    Carried over Skills: Anything they've learned

    Combat Data: Suspendisse sed arcu leo. In non viverra orci. Aenean sed congue nibh. Fusce malesuada varius gravida. Etiam vel orci a lorem sodales laoreet.
Code by Nano
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Yuel Ishtar

You can't die until I said so, now get up

  • Name: Yuel Ishtar

    Gender & Pronouns: female, she/her

    Age: 125

    Species: Angel

    Affinity: Fire/Light

    Home-Kingdom: Angiran Arcipelago

    Social Status: Homeless

    Gifted Stat: Stamina

    Appearance: Yuel usually stays in her mortal form. In her angel form she poses a pair of white feathered wings with some very noticable red streaks on it.

    Height: 5'4

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  • pE4LYFi.png
    Name: Serakiel of House Alakrite;

    Gender: Male;

    Age: 127 Years;

    Species: Angel;

    Home-Kingdom: Angiran Archipelago;

    Social Status: Former Noble;

    Gifted Stat: Dexterity;

    Height: 6'7" (199 cm);

    Appearance: His countenance had been that of a noble angel, ethereal in the sun's soothing light, brilliantly beautiful, but not unblemished — his face pockmarked, a memento of his fall from grace. His body is a svelte, tight chord of muscle entwined round a slender, lengthened foundation, sun-touched skin shimmering slightly in the shadows of his hood. His hair is a silver moon-hue, hanging loosely about his shoulders, dripping slightly down from his cowl. Gracefully decorating the hardened, brown eyes. Wings the colour of a serene ocean, stretched to the horizon, and silken to the touch.
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  • Basics:
    Morgan Rhoda
    Male (he/him)
    Home Kingdom
    Social Status
    Gifted Stat
    Morgan Minazuki
    Male (he/him)
    Country of Origin
    Japan/United States
    Once upon a time, Morgan Minazuki was your average Joe with unremarkable features and a shaggy head of black hair. Dark circles were tattooed under his eyes, and his skin was a sickly pale shade from hardly ever stepping out of his home. Whether it'd be due to anxiety or poor posture from constantly being curled on his gamer chair, his silhouette is permanently huddled and mousy. Like a fantastical magical girl transformation, Morgan became everything he ever wanted to be when he fell into the world of Prisma of Light. At some point during his ascent into adulthood, Morgan Rhoda's body seemed to have forgotten to shake off the last of its youthful vestige. With his slim build and doe eyes, it's easy to mistake him as a teen rather than the adult that he is. It hardly helps that Morgan’s creed for fashion is “cute and comfy,” which means his baggy, pastel outfits dwarf him even further.
    165 cm
    Clapping his hands together and resting them against his cheek, Morgan smiles sweetly. “It’s so nice to meet you!” Internally, he shrivels up and dies of cringe. ~~~ Five years ago, Morgan was the picture definition of a stereotypical basement dweller. He took little care in his appearance, shied away from human contact, and preferred the company of 2D characters. Although he was usually the quiet and gloomy sort, there was one sure way to lift his spirits: present him with anything cute and soft! Whether it’d be magical girls and boys, squishy mascots, or frilly outfits, he loved them all! Despite his love for all things cute, Morgan felt resigned to the fact that he was the exact opposite… until he was thrust into another world, that is! As Morgan Rhoda, he is as adorable as he ever wanted to be, so why not act like the magical boy that he always dreamed he could be? And so with every opportunity that arises, he tries to be as charming and winsome as the protagonists from his favorite shows. Key word: tries. Alas, Morgan is still an awkward, self-conscious introvert at heart. Each time he takes on the saccharine persona, he dies a little of embarrassment. He still finds human interaction to be a pain and tends to keep to himself. On the flip side, Morgan is far from apathetic. In fact, even as he loathes to interact with others, he cares a great deal for the wellbeing of those whom he considers his friends. He has a good heart and will genuinely offer any help that others need, even as he regrets his choices internally. To the few people whom Morgan has grown close to, he will unabashedly show his snark and let his true thoughts slip out.
Code by Nano
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The Prophet
Post-Isekai Information
Name: Alesana Flamehardt
Gender & Pronouns: Female [She/Her]
Age: 236
Species: Angel
Home-Kingdom: Angiran Archipelago
Social Status: Noble
Gifted Stat: Agility/Speed
Height: 177 cm
Pre-Isekai Information
Name: Emelia Glauser
Gender & Pronouns: Female [She/Her]
Age: 33
Country of Origin: Switzerland
A headstrong woman who isn't afraid to voice her opinion, especially when it comes to opposing matters. She keeps most people at a distance, preferring to maintain cordial relationships that are less likely to spur drama. Earning her trust is no easy task but makes for a loyal ally when granted. Like most angels, she possesses a savior complex as she always goes out of her way to help those less fortunate than her.
A successful prosecutor with an appreciation for fineart. Emelia Glauser grew up living comfortably as her mother was a famous composer and her father was a renowned curator. While she did not follow in either of their footsteps, she made a name for herself across northern Europe for being a reliable lawyer.

In her early thirties, her father suffered a brain aneurysm and passed suddenly, leaving Emelia and her mother to sort out his business. Upon digging through his belongings, she came across a familiar book from her childhood, Prisma the Light, one that she thought her mother had given away years ago. Reminiscing on old memories, she skimmed through the pages of the book, reaching the very end. With a flash of light, she was unexpectedly transported into a world she quickly deduced was the very same as the book she had read long ago.

Adjusting to her new life was quite a challenge for her. Years were spent understanding the person she was impersonating; luckily for her, she was good at speaking, avoiding suspicion for the most part. The person she was pretending to be was a noblewoman, Alesana Flamehardt, or, The Prophet. The winged individual was known to experience prophetic dreams in which she would swiftly deliver messages about her interpretations to neighboring countries if it concerned them. Her other responsibilities consisted of acting as a competent council member to the Lord of Angels, Tyrael Kadin. Admittedly, advising someone in power was far easier than interpreting obscure dreams but over the five years of pretending, she seemed to have found a balance.
Tyrael Kadin | Childhood "friends" thanks to their two families forcing interactions. Alesana is currently a member of his council but is not as active given her other responsibilities.
Name | Relationship
Skills and Abilities
Skills: Persuasion & public speaking
Mana Affinity: Fire [family] & Light [species]
Combat Data: A well-rounded arsenal of magic. With fire being the primary usage for offensive spells, light is utilized for minor healing and blinding enemies. A simple spear is also utilized in combination with her magic for close to medium-range combat.
  • Basics:
    Ray Nepenthos
    Male (He/Him)
    Home Kingdom
    Social Status
    Gifted Stat
    Rei Linwood
    Male (He/Him)
    Country of Origin
    United States
    When donning the guise of a human, Ray’s original and current appearance are remarkably similar, distinguished only by the slightest difference in the sculpting of his nose and a centimeter or two missing from his height—or has he become taller in this world? It’s difficult to tell given the heeled boots he’s taken to as his go-to choice in footwear. Even his voice and the way streaks of cyan have been dyed over purple hair have remained the same, though he’s figured out over the course of his five year stay that said highlights are somehow natural to this body. The only notable differences that people who knew Rei Linwood would notice are the length of his hair and the color of his eyes—a dull green whose edges melt into a bright magenta compared to the gold eyes of his former self. The demon hidden under a human mask possesses distinct features yet remains not quite as demonic as his brethren. His skin retains much of the same qualities as before, and his body lacks horns, a tail, or any of the other features stereotypical of his race. In their stead, cracks upon his visage give way to a swirling abyss, centered around his right eye, while a set of eight appendages akin to those of an octopus stem from his head in the place of his hair. Perhaps due to the presence of these tentacles, cutting his hair only results in it immediately growing back to its original length within half a day. After a few attempts, he gave up and let it be. The clothes he wears appear ill-suited for a traveler, but they’ve been treated with a solution that increases their durability. Though the fabric appears thin, the treated cloth is capable of protecting its wearer from a certain level of force from magic and slashes from a bladed weapon. Its effectiveness is diminished against blunt force and weapons focused on piercing, however. The zipper on the left arm of his coat opens up to a magic pocket which he uses to store his briefcase and any potions he preps before battle.
    purple/cyan hair
    green/magenta eyes
    186cm (including heels)
    fc: hoshirube sho
    A troublesome individual (read: pain in the ass) who lashes out like an ill-tempered cat at those who try to get too close yet gets lonely easily. His carefully curated public image of a polite individual was torn off the moment he found himself locked within an unfamiliar prison, no longer repressing his poisonous tongue and freely tossing condescending retorts aimed at the denizens of this strange world while wearing a mocking smile. Dwelling within a pool of bitter hatred toward Prisma Chevelle and her ilk, he chooses to remain aloof and unfettered, barely cultivating mere shallow and passing relationships at best. Seldom does he offer his services out of the goodness of his heart, moving only when the outcome or promised reward is to his benefit, though his coldhearted attitude softens a fraction when it comes to his fellow humans hailing from Earth. If it were the Rei of the past, he may have even found himself cultivating friendships among his fellow heroes, yet the current Ray exerts painstaking efforts to keep everyone at length. No amount of kindness can move the man who desperately wishes for nothing more than to depart from the world he so detests. Cynicism permeates every fiber of his being, and suspicion keeps his true thoughts locked up tight behind irritated dismissiveness or a mask of false propriety. To the few patient enough to decipher his preferences, he looks upon their efforts with extreme discomfort bordering on disgust, constantly wracked by a wariness that assumes all who approach possess an ulterior motive. Even genuine concern makes his skin crawl, and there’s nothing he considers to be worse than the amicable personalities who can’t take no for an answer. The only thing he detests more than that level of nosiness are those who preach about morals and goodness. They are the antithesis to his belief that justice is a fickle ideal, being either a corrupt web of lies and hypocrisy to excuse one’s actions or a cheap motivator for those who truly hold “good” and “honor” close to their heart. This mulish, stubborn manner of dealing with people coupled with a carefully tempered wit presents an image of someone who is incredibly selfish yet undeniably self-sufficient. And for the most part, he is. As the human deemed worthy of inheriting the Hero’s aspect of knowledge, he possesses an astounding mastery of Alchemy in spite of his current body being dearth of mana relative to others of his race. For what he lacks in raw power, he makes up for in resourcefulness. Even in the face of sudden and unexpected developments, he’s capable of reconstructing his plans to accommodate new factors on the spot. Unfortunately, he’s rather direct and ineloquent when it comes to “requesting” aid (if you can even call it that) for the sake of fulfilling these plans and tends to rub those with less tolerant personalities the wrong way. When he’s not barking at someone who happened to look at him the wrong way, Ray is typically seen stuck to Yujin’s side like glue. As if possessed by a completely different personality, words of (platonic) affection come to him easily when addressing his childhood friend. Though bits of sarcasm slip past his filter from time-to-time, the number of unkind words he’s said to Yujin can be counted upon a single hand, and the normally irritated twitch of his brow softens into a look of pure adoration for the man. In strict contrast to his usual skepticism, the mermaid is the one and only person whom he trusts wholeheartedly and would never doubt even if all signs point to his friend being at fault. As if to compensate for the two years they spent apart, Ray generally keeps a close eye on Yujin’s whereabouts and health, coddling him to the point where he turns his head immediately in concern if he so much as coughs once.
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  • Basics
    FC: Shamir | Fire Emblem
    Ashta Lecanor
    Gender & Pronouns
    Female [She/Her]
    Home Kingdom
    Hortensia Harbor
    Social Status
    Commoner, Mercenary
    Gifted Stats
    FC: Reze | Chainsaw Man
    Nabine Lucas
    Gender & Pronouns
    Female [She/Her]
    Country of Origin
    5'9" (176cm)
    Ashta cuts a striking figure with her cool-toned appearance. Her hair, a shade of dark teal blue, frames her face in a stylishly cropped fashion, a practical choice she insists allows for unrestricted movement during missions. While her eyes hold a mesmerizing hue of ultra violet.

    She is meticulous about her physique, adhering to a healthy diet and regular exercise regimen. This dedication has sculpted her body into a lean and toned form, with visible muscle definition that highlights her fitness. Despite her athletic build, she does not possess a bulky muscular physique, instead striking a balance that showcases her agility and strength.

    The proof of her life as a mercenary is etched upon her skin, in the form of faint scars that crisscross her body like battle-worn trophies. One particularly prominent scar traces a diagonal path from her right hip to her left shoulder, a lasting mark from the mission that left her unconscious for four months.
    Ashta’s personality remains largely unchanged, especially in how she presents herself to the world. She is still the same composed individual, rarely seen overwhelmed by her emotions. She knows how to regulate her feelings depending on the situation. However, unlike before when she concealed her feelings entirely, Ashta now allows glimpses of her emotions to surface, albeit in a controlled manner. She smiles more often and doesn't shy away from shedding tears. When upset or uncomfortable, she voices her feelings openly. In turn, she has become more attuned to the emotions and reasons of those around her. While she still doesn't speak much or initiate conversations frequently, she welcomes both small talk and deep discussions. Her reputation as a good listener remains intact, even if she isn't always able to offer advice.

    However, there are two main differences between Old Ashta and New Ashta. First noticeable change that often catches people off guard is Ashta's newfound inclination towards physical touch. Previously, she avoided contact, but now she embraces it. She hugs those she is close to when they meet, pats someone’s head to comfort or show pride, holds hands to ensure they stay together in crowded places, and even tucks a friend’s hair behind their ear if it falls over their eyes. Ashta's gestures are purely meant to convey warmth and connection, though sometimes they are misunderstood as signs of romantic interest. Her observant nature and ease with compliments, such as, “You look stunning today,” delivered with a deep gaze and a smile, or “Did you cut your hair? I think it’s a little shorter. I like it,” while touching the tips of their hair, only add to the confusion.

    Secondly, Ashta has lost her once-sharp leadership touch. Her eyes, once reflecting determination and clarity, now show confusion and frustration. Simple decisions, which she once made effortlessly, now require immense effort and lead to constant self-doubt. She often finds herself staring blankly at mission briefs and tactical plans, unable to recall the strategies that previously came so naturally. Her voice that was once full of command and confidence, now falters as she struggles to remember names, places, and the intricate details of their contracts. The charisma that used to inspire her team has given way to uncertainty, making it difficult for her to rally her team. During this period of adjustment, Inku has taken on the role of leader, allowing Ashta the time and space to hopefully reclaim the leader she once was.
    Touching People (???), Ballet, Sleeping under Tree, Swimming, Traveling, Wine
    Cute Nickname, Staying Home, Doll, Beer
Code by Nano
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  • Basics
    FC: Grace Howard | Zenless Zone Zero
    Rohen Walker
    Gender & Pronouns
    Female [She/Her]
    Home Kingdom
    Hortensia Harbor
    Social Status
    Commoner, Blacksmith, Alchemist, Gunslinger
    Gifted Stats
    FC: Anime Man with Bun | Google
    Rohen Walker
    Gender & Pronouns
    Male [He/Him]
    Country of Origin
    United States
    5'4" (173cm)
    As a blacksmith, her body is already conditioned and well tone with some muscular features. Albeit light, with her midriff often showing her abdomen, you can see some features that she works out regularly. Her short black hair is tied into a small tail in the back and a white streak of hair stands out towards the front of her bangs on the left side of her face. Her eyes are of an amber color and her skin condition is quite smooth only showing signs of some physical labor but no evident scars or markings caused by violence.

    She's quite energetic when it comes to adventure and exploration. During work hours, she's very diligent and serious in her craftsmanship and tends to shoo anyone away while she's tinkering with objects and mixing substances. This may even occur on the field as well and it'll happen for both her focus and safety of others. But downtime or even celebrations? The life of it, she'll liven things up.

    To elaborate, when it comes to work she tends to put safety first above all else. Despite her fields requiring experimentation which could often lead to chaotic and destructive results, that's even more reason why she would try to operate as safe as possible and holds any other craftsman under her belt in the same way.

    When out and about, off working hours, she tends to be quite the free spirit and ups the ante during celebrations when appropriate. She cares much about community that she'll help when available or even just lending an ear to one's troubles. As a man in her past life, there is also a sense of chivalry or the need to be a gentleman whenever possible. Even though it's a bit unfitting with her current situation, she still tends to do it out of habit.
    Obtaining useful knowledge/Information, target practice, blacksmithing, alchemical mixing, good food and drink, sleep
    Spicy food, sour food, politics, dirtiness
Code by Nano
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  • Hoederer.%28Arknights%29.full.4052844.jpg

    Name: Ba'al Loney

    Gender & Pronouns: Male (He/Him)

    Age: 238

    Species: Demon

    Home-Kingdom: Ragandris

    Social Status: Rich in heart, poor in everything else :c

    Gifted Stat: Strength

    Appearance: A massive, hulking wall of a man, the musclebound demon cuts a rather striking figure. Between his hardened, serious visage and towering figure, he parts crowds as easily as Jebediath did the Dead Sea. Wingless even in his natural demonic state, Ba'al's only indication of his heritage are the long, curved horns atop his skull which are honestly really inconvenient because for the first few months he kept hitting his head on every doorframe. Though unsubtle, they are a permanent fixture of his body because it's not like goats can trade in their horns for a pair of antlers. That would be cool though. Him with antlers, not the goats. Well the goats would be cool too, but that wasn't what he was talking about. Though his appearance differs sharply from his previous incarnation, even in the more mundane features such as his crimson hair and sharp, golden eyes, there remains an undeniable resemblence in his behavior reflected in the way he presents himself.

    Height: 7' (~213 cm)

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  • Basics
    FC: Bhima | Fate
    Raia Amantea
    Gender & Pronouns
    Male [He/Him]
    Home Kingdom
    Hortensia Harbor
    Social Status
    Nomad? Vagabond? Adventurer?
    Gifted Stats
    FC: IDK | Still Lookin
    Riley Ward
    Gender & Pronouns
    Male [He/Him]
    Country of Origin
    United States of America
    6' 6" (198cm)
    Despite his large size and other features causing him to come off as somewhat intimidating, Raia is far from the raging, battle-hungry warrior some expect him to be. More comparable to a large dog or a sunflower piloting the body of a tall oak tree, he has a very bright, energetic demeanor that betrays his appearance. He rarely expresses any anger or sadness, usually wearing a smile as he takes on the world with excitement and sparkles in his eyes. Although, he may occasionally pout here and there.

    Raia's top priority is always enjoying himself as much as possible and exploring new horizons. If there's a new experience to be had, chances are that he'll be going straight forward. He's of the opinion that he'll always regret not doing something far more than actually doing it, so it's better to do everything instead of nothing. Within reason, of course.

    The only thing he ever really puts above having a good time is helping others out when they're in need. Despite often acting like a kid who can't contain himself, Raia has a big brother mentality and he's always willing to lend a hand when it's needed. Even if someone isn't necessarily in need of help, he's likely to try dragging them into his activities and have them get in on the fun. Helping someone else smile makes him smile too, so a two for one deal is always great.

    He's a very loyal individual, placing more importance on other people's feelings than his own. The people he cares about are very important to him, and there is very little he won't do to make sure they're taken care of. He'll push himself to his limits and then some just to make them happy, seeing it as the natural thing to do.

    Due to how reckless and easygoing he can be at times, some people are of the opinion that Raia is nothing more than an airhead. They're not completely incorrect, as he's a bit lacking when it comes to education and common sense due to his previous life's circumstances. His naivety and oblivious tendencies can be chalked up to the same reason. However, he's still capable of showing maturity and taking things seriously when it counts.

    As much as he loves having fun, he will always place others first. He will not tolerate cruelty or those who step on the dreams of others for selfish reasons. When someone is in danger, he'll throw out all regard for himself and focus completely on keeping people safe. This is partly due to his unnaturally high levels of durability, but it can also be attributed to the way he views himself.

    Raia sees his chance at a second life as a gift, and he treasures it greatly. However, viewing it that way is a double-edged sword. He sees it as him living on borrowed time, and he lives every day to the fullest because he doesn't know when it will end. He uses it as motivation instead of fearing it like before, but it is a dangerous line of thinking. Because he doesn't consider the life to be his own, he will put others first. They can live much longer than someone who could drop dead at any moment. It's a messy contradiction in his heart.
    Dancing, Festivals, Reading, Live Theater, Any food, Every animal, Gardening, Studying, Training/Exercising, Dressing up
    Doing nothing, Violence
Code by Nano
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  • 04
    full name
    Blanc Abyssos
    home kingdom
    social status
    The Stealth Gifted

    Pre-Isekai Info

    Yoru Yomikawa
    Gender & Pronouns.
    Straight | He/him
    Country of Origin


    Blanc shares much of his human form's physical traits, stemming from how he feels more comfortable operating in a human body that resembles his past appearance. He sports snow white hair, a lean physique, and cold, calculating, red eyes that most would claim to stare right through their soul. His body is littered with scars from the numerous missions and conflicts he has been a part of, though he seems to feel almost a sense of pride and identity through them, choosing to still incorporate them in his human disguise despite being capable of freely manipulating his human appearance.

    His demon appearance surprisingly shares some similarities to his former looks, with a few striking exceptions. His hair is longer, reaching past his shoulders and being more akin to silver than snow. His eyes, still cold and calculating, now burn in a bright crimson hue. Most prominent of his features are his horns that form a unique pattern which some might say resembles a crown. He also has a pair of bat-like wings which he can summon or retract at will.

    He also uses another form whenever he is on a mission, dubbing it as "Noir". In this form, his white hair completely turns black, his eyes turn purple, and he dons a masquerade-style mask to help mask his identity. He also wears a suit imbued by defensive and agility-focused enhancement for added protection and freedom of movement.

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  • Basics:
    Xiaoyu An
    Male || He/Him
    Home Kingdom
    Social Status
    Gifted Stat
    Yujin Park
    Male || He/Him
    Country of Origin
    United States of America
    Xiaoyu has always been known for having a naturally soft pallet of colours. Long light blue hair and a coral tone for his eyes, really complemented his features and gentle expressions. At least, it complemented the original Xiaoyu well. The current Xiaoyu is the complete opposite. From beaming smiles to heated glares. Xiaoyu has an incredible range of expressions that match the rapid shifts of his emotions and if it weren't for his little habits, his former self would be completely unrecognizable. He remains about the same height as he did previously, and shares a similar complexion with his former self. But that's when all the similarities stop. Compared to the more vibrant Xiaoyu, Yujin had a very neutral natural colour pallet. Brown hair and grey eyes. With only a streak of dyed red hair to really pop out in contrast to everything. While Yujin does prefer the exotic look he has now, he does miss his old body a bit, it’s just what he’s used to. However, he is living the dream of being a beautiful mermaid!! Aside from the human parts, there are also some new features he had to get used to. First, the new blue tail he has. With sparkling scales that are various shades of blue and flowy translucent fins that fade into the soft coral colour that matches his eyes. Aside from his fluke, he also has two long ribbon fins coming from the side of his tail and his ears are replaced with finned ones as well. Unlike the rest of his fins, the ones on his ears stay regardless of if he’s in mermaid or human form. Yujin still tries to keep a part of his original self with him, while he’s in Zhonghai, he tends to wear the traditional robes that his family in this world always wears, but when he’s out and about on the surface he tries to mix in a bit of modern style with the traditional look. Still keeping on the hanfu coats, but enjoys mixing in hoodies and more casual wear that he finds in Hortensia. The nice flowy dresses are cool and all, but he still prefers the classic sweatsuit.
    hair color: light blue
    eye color: coral
    height: 5'7 || 176 cm
    faceclaim: Shunde Raw Fish
    Yu is one of the sweetest people someone could meet. Someone who lives in the now and tries to make the best of what’s right in front of him rather than trying to imagine things that are hundreds of years away from him!! If he’s always making himself happy now, then surely his future will always be happy. Always trying to be kind to others and always trying to make more friends, Yu finds himself being happier around others. He despises being alone. And in turn, it makes him seem very attention seeking. Which is true in a way. Those he is closest with know that he is extremely clingy. Very insistent on always being together. That definitely has annoyed some. But he just can’t help himself…he tries to stop himself, but he always finds himself sadder in emptier spaces. Many people get the impression that he’s ignorant and gullible. While that is true a bit true, he does know how to look out for himself. He’s a grown adult, after all? He’s always had a good intuition. Able to tell if people were genuinely happy around him or not. It’s not right all the time, but more often than not he can tell if people are coming up to him to be his friend or if they have icky reasons or don’t actually like him. Regardless, he’ll try to treat everyone nicely! But just ghost those he doesn’t want to have trouble with once he finally gets away from them. Or stick Rei on them to chase them away haha!
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  • Basics:
    Shion Vox Irae
    Female (she/her)
    Home Kingdom
    Social Status
    Gifted Stat
    Camilla Maes
    Female (She/her)
    Country of Origin
    A woman of many faces, a demon of many wiles and ruses, ploys and schemes, there's no one side to Shion that's universally known to people. A shapeshifter and expert illusionist, Shion can present herself howeverso she wishes, a shortstack blue haired kid one day, an elegant geisha towering over most everyone the other. Blessed with the ability to alter how people perceive her, cursed with a suspicious mind, it would be hard to truthfully nail down what Shion's true form is, but it seems that the one she 'woke up' in, a short frail girl with soft hands and a wicked smile, is what she's most comfortable with.
    hair color: dark blue
    eye color: crimson
    height: 152 cm
    faceclaim: Hinanawi Tenshi
    A trickster through and through, Shion is the model demon who revels in deceit and chaos. With venom in her words and magic at her fingertips, the young demoness isn't above playing dirty to get what she wants. With a carefree, almost arrogant attitude to her at all times, it seems that the words she lives by are 'use it or lose it!', as she certainly doesn't miss an opportunity to use every privilege and tool at her disposal at every opportunity. Conniving and treacherous, duplicitous and scheming, Shion craves to be the puppeteer who makes everyone dance to her tunes. She wasn't always like this, of course. Perhaps it is because of the shift into a whole new world that forced her hand, or perhaps it was the demon blood in her that catalysed this flip personality, but the Shion of old, the 'Camilla' in her was a shy, softspoken child at odds with the world. Perhaps it is simply a will to leave behind everything she used to be, and to distance herself from those memories as far as she could. Whatever be the case, Shion is currently simply an ambitious woman, raring to grasp life by the throat and extract it for all its worth. Enjoying the finer things in life, a chaser of affluence and influence, of power and prestige, she fits the mould of the noble countenance that she belongs to, an heiress who should carry herself as such. Over her twisted face is the mask of agreeability and pleasantries; Shion understands the power of words and actions and easily fits into the role that would make her the most liked. With the combined power of her magic and an ability to lie as easily as she breathes, she worms her way into people's hearts and pockets easily, and where there's even a single person, there's never a want for anything - she'll claw it all out herself! But she'll coat the bitter pill in sweet dew first, whisper honeyed words and hit them with the saccahrine sweet smile and appear to be the model friend one has craved all along. She's an excellent listener, and will always make you feel heard, even if it's often to server her own needs, and always seems to know the right thing to say. Needless to say, she's incessantly popular wherever she goes, and like a spider, she's always busy expanding her web. Because that's the side of her you'd always see, that's the Shion the world knows; whip-sharp, clever, but pleasant, agreeable, friendly and generous. Outside of the devilry and the cunning that one needs to survive in a place such as Ragandris, her friends, for lack of a better word, might see a more child-like, carefree side of her; a Shion who simply wants to enjoy life and all that it has to offer. See pretty things, eat tasty food, listen to good music, touch soft things and sing bad karaoke with her loved ones. Whether this is a carefully crafted veneer to bring everyone's guards down or whether it is a true vulnerability is a game of chance, as it always is with Shion, and would always leave you guessing why her pleasure always looks so sincere. One thing to be said for certain is that Shion is not stingy. She navigates life with an open hand; perhaps it is the privilege of the wealthy, the assurance of the demon who knows she can always get more, more, but money is an easy come, easy go for her, and she never feels the need to withhold any resources from anyone. Certainly, she'd like to be in control of what goes to who, and usually it's all an elaborate pyramid for her to cash in her favours when it suits her. But somewhere there may exist a morsel of kindness that drives her to share all that she has with those she implicitly trusts, paying off some dues no one knows about.
Code by Nano
  • Basics:
    Liera Worsh
    Male (he/him)
    Home Kingdom
    Hortensia Harbor
    Social Status
    Gifted Stat
    Wisdom & Resolve
    Walt Reed
    Male (he/him)
    Country of Origin
    United States
    Prior to being sent into the world of Prisma of Light, Walt's appearance was nothing to be amazed at. Sure, he was tall, but that's all he had going for him. He was lanky, seemingly never being able to gain weight or properly fit his clothes no matter how hard he tried. His skin was on the pale side, and his eyes had a certain "dead" look to them, like the man behind them was all gone. Upon arriving in Prisma of Light, Liera's body proved an unexpected change that felt like something of a blessing. What was lost in height, was more than made up for in a strong, capable body that was able to do much more than he could have done back at earth. But the most noticeable change, were eyes that had more life than the life beforehand, maybe not a lot, but still enough to notice.
    Dark Blue
    5'8 ft
    Fc: Felix (Mortal Savant)
    Liera is a hard worker, reliable, and will rarely give up even if the odds are stacked up against him. He has strong morals, believing that no matter what, the truth will always come to light, and justice will prevail. If Liera says he'll do something, he will move mountains to get it done, and he won't change this aspect of himself for nobody. But he isn't a robot, Liera isn't opposed to friendly banter, and is always up for good conversation when the time permits it. However, it is these same qualities that some come to like, that can make people hate him. Once he's set his mind on things, getting him to change his course of action can be extremely difficult, and it would take a someone extremely close to Liera to get him to get him to back down.
Code by Nano

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