How many of you are former (or current) Earthdawn players?

Lets have a show of hands.

  • I used to play Earthdawn

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  • I still do.

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Hmm, I had a grand old time in our game, fighting a long running plot with Verjigorm all the way to 12th Circle and many years in game. The war with Thera and the airship and ground battles that took place with it. Incredible.
Honestly I've thought of making some of the horrors in Exalted, like the Other Things the Primordials left in Elsewhere, things that may have frightened even them. I may just do it, because...damn. I'll write something up further later.

But yes, we had many an encounter with avatars, his cult and the Verjigorm himself in the latter part of the game. Jonas (our lead character) and the party won after a seven hour fight x.x All the tricks and everything, false leads and targets, cult members, using the environment. It was nuts.
Exactly. You could do all kinds of stuff. Perhaps the horrors were behemoths that didn't pan out, became hekantonkhire, maybe something from Elsewhere. The Things Which Should Not Be Named. That which lies beyond the fire light and in your mind. I like the idea. I might make a write up soon, maybe tomorrow or so. Have to squeeze it inbetween work.
Cheesemaster?  I don't want to know.



Okay, I lied, I lied!  I want to know about the Cheesemaster!  I have to know!
Indeed he was. I think we need a think tank to convert Horrors to Exalted, label them a submision called "Things From Elsewhere." I think it'd be a good thing to throw at players for mystery, perhaps never even to see or really find out about. Just a creepy mystery amongst the many of Exalted. Perhaps a mystery that pursues them, haunts them.
Hear hear!

How would you handle Horror marks?  

I can imagine the paranoia among players after they begin finding tainted artifacts.  Mmmm...

Hey, wait.  This could actually force players to use their virtues.  Whoa!
:lol:  God forbid that. But horror marks could be tainted artifacts and the like. I think it would be a splendid idea. New creatures to fight or simply use as the boogeyman for hte Exalts. Can't be cocky about something you can't even see nor have ever read the stats on. I think that would be epic. Imagine a dreary northern town, the characters come in only to find that the symbol of a mysterious cult, a cult of dark god worshippers of The Wormskull; have executed their contact about them in this town, stuffing works down his throat and ritually cutting off his head as warning.

Imagine Verjigorm or jethuthra in the Exalted world.
Considering the number of Yozis and their components who have yet ot be named, making one or three of them the entity whose souls are represented by Horror homologs isn't too far a stretch of the imagination...
Agreed. I'm going to have to start plundering the Horrors sourcebook for ideas.

As an aside, I think Parlainth beats the crap out of Rathess any day.

>.> I'd agree there. That city was an interesting spot in all of the Earthdawn games I was in. By interesting, I mean deadly.
I know this post is a bit late, but I've been reading up on Earthdawn again, and if I had a few of the books and what not, I'd make a huge epic game. Starting back either in the days of yore, during the birth of Thera, the PCs would be Theran Adepts from the early School of Shadows or whatever walk of life they wish.

The other would be a contemporary game, using the 'modern' Earthdawn setting. I've just got ideas swirling in my brain...
i started RPG with Earthdawn that was 10 years ago, almost 11, i got the core rule book as birthday gift, 2 days after i was the ST of my very frist RPG game, no need to say that it was a disaster ^^'
Wow, I've been coming here for months and never saw this poll.  I GM'd Earthdawn for about 6 years.  Good times...  Good times...
I agree. While I like the world and mythos of Exalted more, I had more fun playing Earthdawn -- though that probably has more to do with the people involved than the game itself.
Agreed, we all had a ball in Earthdawn. Fighting Thera and the Horrors ftw. I still remember the time we tried to take on Triumph.

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