How long? (TheRp)

Shy Shadow

Zombie Slayer

Lily sat down on the rock near the pear waiting for guest to arrive so far it was only her here, and she wasn't even the one throwing the party it was he friend Kate, but she was running a little late and wouldn't be here till later. So she was here to great all the guest. She really hoped they would show soon, It was starting to get late. She looked back at the house wondering if she should just go wait inside. It was getting a little windy outside. She hopped that everyone would get here without problem. She looked at her watch as she sat down on a big rock. The boat with the guest should be here soon.
Rikku walks up behind Lily and taps his palm onto her head, he was already on the island because he got the time a few hours...

"Hey. you alright?"
Lily nearly jumped out of her skin as Rikku taped her. "Oh hi and yeah... I'm Just wondering when the rest off the guest are going to show up?" Or if they are even going to show up. She turned to face him. "We should go inside it's getting cold," she told him.
"Yeah, im especially cold, i just woke up..."

He had basically been sleeping under a tree the whole time, it was a miracle he actually woke up somewhat in time. He put his hands in his pockets as he starts to walk backwards towards the house, but turns around and walks forwards to it.
"Where were you sleeping," she asked him, going up the old wooden stirs then onto the porch. She opened the old wooden door and walked inside. The outside of the house was much more different from the inside. It was so much more nicer and cleaner, and things weren't falling apart like they looked like they would on the outside of the house.
"Under a tree, which once the sun started going down, being in the shade was a bad idea, i woke up shivering... its good that i wear all this clothing, i would have frozen to death out there."

He gives off a laugh as he looks around the rooms, and sits down in a chair.
"You should have came and found me I would have let you in the house," she told him taking a seat herself. She stole a quick glance at her phone, she was starting to think that nobody was going to show up other than Rikku " How long have you been here anyway?" she asked him.
"wow," she said not expecting him to have been her so long. She wasn't even here that long. "So... You hungry?" She asked him.
"Nah i grabbed a bite from some of the tree's apples, im fine"

He said as he leant back in the chair, tipping all the way back and falling backwards


he let out a bit of a laugh but quickly quieted down
Lily was first concerned then when he let out a laugh she let out a small laugh as well. Then the wind started to pound on the doors and windows, and she shivered. The weather was getting worse.
"Yeah, I think there is a library up stairs there should be a fire place there," she said getting up and off of the couch. A fire place would be nice, at least she would be wormer.
Rikku quickly lunged himself forward and up, bringing the chair with, returning it back to the upright position, as well as standing him up out of the chair.

"Well then, no point in staying here"

He started to walk off towards the library...wherever that was
"Um... Rikku, The library is the other way," she told him laughing a little. She then started to walk up the stairs and opened the door at the end of the hallway. It was the library and there was a fire place.
As Rikku took another step he spun on his leg

"I knew that..."

He followed her into the library.

"Well, it looks like it has wood already, but how to start it..."
Lily took out a lighter from her pocket and lit the fire place. The room felt so much wormer and it made her smile. "Ahh much better," she said. She glanced out the window. "I hope there isn't a thunderstorm later," she said looking back into the fire. She was deadly afraid of thunder and lightning.
He sat down infront of the fire, his clothes being covered with the orange and red tint.

"Don't worry, it shouldn't be that bad, just some wind and stuff."
"Yeah," she said. "I have a feeling that nobody is going to come today," she said. Well this party is a blow. She though to herself, and she wasn't even the one who was throwing the party and she was here.
"Meh, alot of people can be a drag anyways, they get too loud..."

He laid back onto the ground and spread himself out.
"Yeah I guess," she said chukaling. She sat down near the fire feeling it's wormth. Then just as she was starting to relax she stiffened at the sound of thunder.
Another loud boom of thunder boomed loudly and Lily winced, "Y-yeah" she said her voice shaking. She had always been terrified of thunder.
Rikku sat up, went behind lily, took her hands, and covered her ears, then gave her a thumbs up and laughed a bit.

"Listen, it'll be fine, thunder can't reach in here, we'll be perfectly safe"
"T-thanks," she said her voice still shaky as she looked up at him. She kept her hands on her ears just till she got use to the thunder.

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