Other How long do you think you'd survive in a zombie apocalypse?

With where I am right now? And if it happened suddenly, it mainly depends on where the zombies started, but to make it interesting, lets say there’s zombies everywhere suddenly, with how much tools I have, as there’s a whole workshop in the garage of my friends house, (where I am rn), I’ll be able to make weapons and perhaps some barriers of sorts, I’ll be smart on rations, and what not. So, if I am being serious, maybe at least a week or two.

But anywhere from a week to a month (if I’m lucky)
10 years ago, until it ended. Today?....... Maybe a few hours. XD Age screws with everything that used to be fun and easy.
With where I am right now? And if it happened suddenly, it mainly depends on where the zombies started, but to make it interesting, lets say there’s zombies everywhere suddenly, with how much tools I have, as there’s a whole workshop in the garage of my friends house, (where I am rn), I’ll be able to make weapons and perhaps some barriers of sorts, I’ll be smart on rations, and what not. So, if I am being serious, maybe at least a week or two.

But anywhere from a week to a month (if I’m lucky)
Tbh I’d probably be the first zombie that gets everyone infected.
Lol I'm in Texas. I'd be here with popcorn as all those with guns on them take care of the problem. Sure so many didn't want to wear masks in covid but zombie outbreaks are solved with guns. Most homes have guns around. I like my odds.

But realistically if the Texans don't take care of the problem? Ehhh...few weeks. I can survive and make things. Fighting iffy.
Around a week. I live in an apartment community and if we get the gates up and share supplies evenly then a couple of months
Around a week. I live in an apartment community and if we get the gates up and share supplies evenly then a couple of months
Do....would people actually share supplies like that? I see it in other countries but not in a place like the US
When you’ve got a gun, Heck Yeah! I’ve been playing Arsenal since i could say my name!!
I'd probably die pretty early. I lack the athletics or capacity to fight - even if I had a gun to use - nor am I a fast enough thinker to be able to fight or escape zombies. I do think if I was dropped in a late-stage zombie apocalypse I could survive a longer amount of time as I think I have the brains, patience and caution to navigate around such a place, just not if I'm caught in a sudden attack, plus my body has a relatively slow metabolism genetically which is helpful in situations with low access to food.
Depend on what kind of zombies we are talking about, the location and my current items on hand at the time.

Worst case scenario, a few hours, best case, a year, two years tops.
Probably less than a day, but not because of the zombies. Some of our neighbors are packing heat - and they aren't the most responsible gun owners. I shudder to think of what they'd to the neighborhood if the zombie apocalypse hit.
It depends, what sort of Zombies are we talking here, if they're Walking Dead zombie, we are good, I just gotta stay inside for a bit and live off of my chickens. Otherwise I will simply die.
I would probably give up and let myself be eaten on day one, I can't handle the stress of this and I can't even light a fire in the wilderness (even when I have the proper supplies).
I am afraid I would probably panic, but one never knows until they're faced with the actual situation... seriously, though, I don't have survival skills nor am I athletic at all... maybe a few days if I was lucky? Even if I were though, it's only a matter of time until I run out of the medications I need...
If it’s TWD zombies, my ego says I’d survive YEARS
I actually was in a Humans vs Zombies group in college and, if that's anything to go off of, pretty long. I'd give it maybe at least 4 days 🤣
Everyone is going to die of dysentery the moment the water stops working.

They'll be so many zombies that obviously died from dehydration associated with diarrhea.

I'm barely surviving the late-stage capitalistic apocalypse, so I honestly shudder to think about adding zombies to that mix. 🥲

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