Other How long do you think you'd survive in a zombie apocalypse?

I guess if I tried and I was really lucky, I think I could last a week at least. That's if they're the slow, shambling type of zombie...
Depends on how long the outbreak takes to truly kick off everywhere. But probably not long as I simply would not want to.
Okay so like, in the beginning of the outbreak, I could last a while (maybe). Someone weird approaches me, looking sick and confused, I'd carefully, calmly (or so I think), walk in the other direction. But then in the middle of it, I'd definitely be the terrified little hermit that I am, and hole up in my house or something and just-- forget to go look for food. The zombies wouldn't kill me, I'd simply die of starvation cause I'd be too scared to leave the house XD
if whatever it was that turned you, and it became air-born? not very long.....
Honestly though depends on the intelligence and the qualities of the zombies,

we talkin "Last human" "crossed" or "Zombies vs robots" depends but would probably end with my head on a big ol stake

Walking dead? Would probably last as long as I keep my eyes and ears open.

Barring I don't die from another person
I’m not lasting long. If anything happens to my glasses, I’m immediately a goner. I don’t have good stamina, and the only weapons we have in the house are knives. I’d have enough sense to wear clothes that would hopefully make it so a stray zombie bite isn’t the end of me, mostly denim and leather. But as far as fending for myself and finding food, I’m gone.
A few months to a year, worst case. That's assuming I manage to keep a decent food stockpile and survive the first winter, of course.
realistically, no more than a week on my own. I'd need either a big group or a strong companion to survive long.
A few months to a year, worst case. That's assuming I manage to keep a decent food stockpile and survive the first winter, of course.
good point, food and water a big issue, which I hate they never address in "Last Human" (Manwha)

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