Hi! I know I've been posting a lot here but I really haven't been able to figure this out and I'd love some help when it comes to tabs. I don't understand how people are able to customize them. How do you make tabs with different backgrounds, no borders...etc. I see people who have tabs stacked, others who have them on the sides... etc. and what I've noticed too is that the tabs always open where they should (so if a tab is in column 1 it'll still open up in column 2). Basically, I've seen people make tabs look absolutely stunning and I have no idea how to do it. I've tried my hand at picking apart codes to try and understand but I can't. All the youtube videos I watch require divs too, so I'm truth be told at a loss. This feels like my white whale and I'm ready to conquer it. If anyone knows any links to tutorials that could help, I'd also love those.
I used this tutorial: freebies 3.0 however I found I couldn't customize or move anything so I'm still pretty stumped.
I used this tutorial: freebies 3.0 however I found I couldn't customize or move anything so I'm still pretty stumped.