Other How Do You Deal with Your Anxiety?

I have had anxiety since I was in my preteens. Of course back then I didn't know what it was. More often than not I would stay awake most nights until I passed out. I would have frequent panic attacks and vivid imaginative scenarios in my head of random people breaking into our house. It was probably my most common delusion I had. Other times I would freak out at social situations, fear about going outside in general. It was hard trying to form a coping mechanism to deal with it. Medication really didn't help much and I hated who I became when I was on it. More or less every night I would imagine worlds in my head. I would go to my land and become a different person. I would play their story in my head. When I was rping, I would imagine where it would go and was excited to continue said RP the next day.
In a sense it did become part of my routine. As I have gotten older, I still use that if I get too panicked or overstressed. But I also make lists of things I have control of in my life. Things I want to accomplish. I'm trying to focus more on those things and it has helped a bit.
That being said, I'm still a lonely introvert who if you ask to venture to a random event alone will most likely reply with a "NO"
I'm still working on trying to make friends.
It's a process.
Normally I don’t get anxiety attacks but when I do I just talk to someone I really trust to help calm me down. It feels good hereing from someone who you have a mutual relationship with to tell you everything’s gonna be ok
I very much do have social anxiety. More often than not it wins the battle, but I'm slowly trying to work with it. Getting back into the RP community is something I hope helps with that. And to stick it to my anxiety, I'm posting here. ^__^' Baby steps, right?
I just try to breath. My social anxiety I don't know how to deal with because I get very aggravated when around people for more than an hour or so. It's like everyone's voice becomes nails on a chalkboard so I just leave wherever I can get away; closet, outside, my room. As for my anxiety in vehicles and elevators, I have to keep telling myself everything is okay. I was in a car accident 3 years ago and ever since I literally almost cry when I hear the car speeding up or other cars are too close. So, I have to tell myself it's not as bad as I'm thinking and then just breath.
I don't deal with anxiety, I usually let it consume me, however unhealthy that can be- 💧
And uh, well, I do have bad anxiety, which makes it possibly even worse.
I uh, nowadays, it calms me enough to be in the presence of my boyfriend and let him calm me down but- yeah...
I’m not very good at dealing with my anxiety on my own, since all of my coping mechanisms are really unhealthy and tend to make things worse. What keeps me functioning is the support I get from the people closest to me. They can’t make my anxiety go away, but having someone to lean on really helps me. (I know that not everyone is fortunate enough to have people in their life who can help them with mental health stuff, but I’ll gladly be a friend to anyone who needs one.) Take care of yourselves, guys! <3
Oh boy have i been scared of talking to people. Then I started working in retail, which somehow helped me a lot to get some thick skin and stop being afraid of coming out of my shell.
Today I can proudly say I went from being very introvert and socially anxious to being an extrovert who loves meeting new people.
I sometimes, in random situations, still find myself being a little nervous, especially when I'm around people I just have nothing to talk about with (the famous awkward silence), but I mostly remind myself that I don't need to play the entertainer for anyone.

If just my claustrophobia would have disappeared, too X'3
Often enough I spend the night at the station after conventions and festivals, because I just literally am not able to enter a super crowded bus or train X'3
Whenever I'm anxious I do one of 2 things either just go to Sleep or rock out with my friends if nobody is free I just sleep my anxiety only lowers when I'm with my people
Ya know I have tried quite a few things to cure it, and everything I do only helps minimally. I lift weights, sleep well, meditate, but the best thing I have found was simple but not easy.
I faced what caused me anxiety. I let myself be anxious and pushed through, until my anxiety weakened considerably. While I still have anxiety, it's not nearly as bad and I can deal with it better.
For me it's stupid, but I simply chew gum and listen to music. Chewing something brings me back when I spiral, since I can focus on something else. Bonus points if it's mint gum, since it's a pretty strong taste.

I don't really like for people to touch me when I panic, but afterwards a hug can be soothing

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