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The Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment
Forums like this one, and the old EC, thrive on an influx of new blood. Without new users and new ideas being introduced, they'd eventually degenerate into the same people, retreading the same ground over and over again.

So far, this site's seen a healthy flow of newbs. I'm interested to find out how people found this place?

Please leave more detail in this thread after you vote.

The user Haku, and the WW forums were my direction.  I had been involved in a discussion with Haku, amongst others, about Lunars (typical) which led to him posting some information on the Exalted Wiki.  I found that website convoluted and (for the most part) uninspiring for my purposes.  I noted that Haku had posted the info on two other forums, which led me here.  (The other site he posted on I never looked at and don't remember what it was at the time).  All in all, I found these forums to contain worthwhile threads, though I post here most infrequently of all the forums I visit.
kakitashinsumi said:
The user Haku
Duh... I just added another option for "Someone on this site", and took the liberty of moving your vote there.

I found it through searching for all kinds of background material for my campaign, and when I realized it was a better version of the Exalted Compendium ( that I had checked out, but never liked.. thought it was filled with junky ideas ), and had a great forum base, I stayed around :)

As you've probably noticed, Ive been pretty active the few days Ive been here ( since Dec 25 or so )
I found it after the old EC went down.  If I recall, Still set the Redux up and then posted it on the WW forum under the name "PSpider", so I went for the 'from another RPG site' option.

Havn't looked back.

Blame The Little Fireball.  She popped me a message a short while after making the hop herself.  

We need that girl back here.  She, in the vernacular, is a pistol.
We need that girl back here.  She' date=' in the vernacular, is a pistol.[/quote']
I'll harass her next time I see her on AIM.

Tany? Yeah... I see her now and then on AIM... she's somewhat active on the Freedom Stone forum... ^_^ ;;;

And yeah... I kind of spammed my Faint Moon idea all over the place... I think... mmmh White Wolf Forums,, here and maybe the Freedom Stone forum... this is besides the Wiki ^_^

Yeah... I'm kind of like a exalted-slut who goes where-ever there's exalted stuff... and looks relatively interesting.
I was a huge fan of the compendium, then college/work got way to busy and I sold all my exalted books (had mostly all of them) and left the community. While I never posted really, I found tons of great information. When life slowed down a little, or maybe I sped up hmmm, I googled exalted compendium because the site was down, and tada! I am here
I'm one of the players in Hanat-Osul's ongoing story.  He talked a lot about how much info there was on this site.  I figured it'd be worth checking out.
I voted "other" but I guess Google played a role too. At university, I overheard someone say "Dex + Dodge" and the response was "mutter mutter Essence" and I turned around and said, "Damn, you're talking about Exalted and they said "yes".

Still, I cannot stress this strongly enough: base your marketing campaign around similar random occurrences.

I asked if they knew the guy who does the wiki, cos at one point it was herded by a guy in my city, related vaguely to the uni RPG group. They said yes and we got talking websites and I mentioned I prefer forums to wikis for this sort of thing, and they said there was a new Compendium, and later I googled around and found it.
I found the old compendium via google. And when it went down I went to the wiki to see if anyone knew what happened, and found Haku and eventually Stillborn, and then joined this back in May. So I put google, though it's kinda a mixture of all answers.
You can blame Forn Clakes and the WW forums for my odious presence hereabouts.

I can't emphasize this enough: this site is severed-head-and-shoulders above the previous EC.  Stillborn, memesis, cheetah & whoever else runs this joint are on top of their shit.  Gentlemen, I raise the roof to you.

Also, I haven't seen that Gearbox dude around, so I'm happy.  God, I hated that kid.
I had some contact with the old EC, and once day when I remembered it I googled up and here I am.
How I found it...

Alabrax linked to it, and I went to get some char sheets after unsuccesfully attempting to use the Internet Archive Wayback Machine to res the old Compendium, and I saw a link here...

Gods bless you Stillborn, this site has been a wonderful resource to my whole group.
Well, you told me to sign up Still.....

I didn't get around to it for a while but, hey this is really the first forum that I've posted to.  I'm usually not interested in spending time on sites like this.  I have to say I'm having fun here.
operations said:
I found it via Alabrax's site.
I wish he'd fix that link in the sidebar. It doesn't work without the 'www."

Technically, I, too, found this through Alabrax's site. But, having said that, I found Alabrax's site through Google, and this was the second site I was going to check out. But, as I said, techincally, it was through Alabrax.

And I have to second Hanat Osul's praise for the site monkeys. You guys do a fantastic job. I'm, like, hooked. I haven't ever really posted to forums before. Haven't really read 'em, either. I did one or two 10-12 years ago but just didn't find them that interesting. That's all changed now. I'm like a junkie who needs his fix. It's 2:30 in the morning, I should have been in bed at least an hour ago, and yet, here I am....
I found this sight through the Wiki, after the old EC went down. I was a huge fan of that forum at the time. it beat the everlovin shit out of the WW forum. this is much better than even the old EC though. I think its the lack of Joseph. I really hated that guy.
i didnt look for it, i can sure as hell tell you that! i wouldnt ever look for a dump like this!

lol j/k i love this place.

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