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i used to check out the old exlated compendium site for ideas and fireworks, but then it disappeared to elswhere i guess, so i googled "exalted" and found  abraxes page and from there jumped here.
So im pretty sure i googled it way back in the day and i really missed the whole choosing of your Own exalted theme but anywho the good ole Quicksilver roped my back in cause he's crazy like that and gives me water when im having a mean panic attack
WW forums. Was lurking, and saw someone complaing about old EC being gone, and clicked on a link to the new one
I lurked forever on the original Exalted Compendium.  When it shut down, I haphazardly did a search some time later, and stumbled upon this.
I said another site, because I'm pretty sure I first heard of the ECR from Alabrax's fansite.

It's equally possible that I found her on Google though.
Â¥ou can thank (or curse) Hanat-Osul and Gustav for introducing me to this site. Gustav is my storyteller for the Abyssal game I'm in, and Hanat-Osul was the leader for the solar game I joined until he left. Loser. :-p
I used to hit the old EC all the time. When it came time for me to actually start playing the game (as GM, this time), I told all my players to go hit the EC - only it was dead. Thankfully, this site surfaced not too long after, while I was still looking for its predecessor.
I used to browse about the old EC from time to time... but stopped after yoshi disappeared.

I looked through for it again and found the ECR instead   :D
I've been putting off responding to this for a while.

I'm not entirely sure how I found ECR.  I first visited a few months ago trying to find information on artifacts in Exalted 2E and, in particular, an approximate guide for power level given x amount of dots.  I don't remember if I found anything pertaining to that.

Having started work on planning a 2E campaign and having more-or-less stumbled over Anathema, I refound ECR and lurked for a bit.  I didn't think to register a user until I realized that I was having issues keeping track of which threads I had read.

Recently, I've found out that most of the players for my planned campaign are moving vast distances so I think I'm out a campaign.  Oh well.
The ECR has always been here. It was waiting with hot coffee when the internet was opened in the 1700s, and when the first clientele entered that eerie place it fashioned a keeper and a warden to manage them and give it a sense of authenticity. To keep the teeth hidden.

Now, years later, the ECR still thrives, and none can say for sure when they first found it. Only Flagg, the tongue of the great beast, knows.
i used to check out the old exlated compendium site for ideas and fireworks...
lol.  That covers it.

I put other.  Was on the EC site but work and other interests took me away and then I noticed it was missing.  Found redux when I googled to find EC.
Found the old compendium back in the days via google.

Damn I blessed and loved Yoshi in the first days of my campaign... :D
Someone on the WW forums posted a message asking for exalted stories online and one of the links provided was to Keychain of Creation...once I read all the back pages I inevitably found myself checking the other links at the top the page and found myself pleasantly surprised that there was a real solid forum group here.
I am not even sure anymore how I found this site. I think it was thorugh a search engine. I used to practically live on the old site with Stillborn, Joseph, Mempo, and more. It then dissapeared and a couple of weeks later I found out about ECR and was happy again.
my ST of 4 years told me a few years ago that there was an Exalted forum on the 'net, and some guy in it called Jakk Bey did not hesitate to call asswipes "asswipe".

i immediately joined.
Perhaps the person is using a hat to wipe his ass, then puts it on, becoming a asshatwipe.

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