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Fandom How about a blue exorcist Rp?


Some Nerd with Glasses
Just like the title says, would anyone be interested in a Blue exorcist (Ao No Exorcist) rp? I'm trying to work out a basic idea, but I just wanted to see if anyone was interested so we could try and work some kind of story/plot out.
Perfect, let's just see if one more person is interested and we can get to work on it.

So, did any of you have anything in mind? I have a bit of a basic idea, but I'd like to see what you had in mind.
Not really xD I was thinking whatever we do, it's be like a new set of kids, children of satan cuz like idk rin and his bro get married have kids and grand kids and so the genetics is passed on xD of course not everyone would be a child of satan, we could tho O.o like 7 kids all distant relatives my many generations all somehow get together xD oh that's be funny and interesting haha idk just spitballing random ideas :)
eh, I'm kind of thinking of no children of Satan aside from Mephi...there can be halfbreeds, but not that many.
I like the idea of the RP taking olace several generations after Rin xD although it has been a while so I might have to look at the wiki xDD
So does that mean that most of our characters would be related?...that's weird and wrong at the same time xD
Oh, I don't think they should be related xD by generations I meant that I like the idea of the roleplay taking plce after the events of the anime (or manga) xD
Yeah, but I thinking of something like Rin finally wins and takes satan's place in hell...kinda stopping more children of Satan...Something like that.
yup, and is also consumed by the blue flames...technically making him just as brutal as Satan, but knows not to make any offspring.

All of the meister classes would still be there, everything would pretty much be the same aside from that.
Yes, you will have the choice to either be a human or a half breed, but if you choose to be a half breed you can't reveal your identity unless it is absolutely necessary!
Isune said:
Yes, you will have the choice to either be a human or a half breed, but if you choose to be a half breed you can't reveal your identity unless it is absolutely necessary!
Oooh alrighty then! I feel like the others may want to go with half-breed so I'll go with human to give us a little bit of diversity if that's okay. o u o
true that makes sense xD didn't think that through to well haha

half breed being half devil/satan/whatever its call?

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