House Vahlour (Reboot)


Tristan followed Jade for a bit and began to hear his sister crying. He was about to speed up but something caught his eye down by the river. He noticed Caine hide in a bush. Tristan headed over to the bush and grabbed Caine's shirt on the backside of the neck and lifted him up putting him on the back of his horse. "I can be pretty dumb sometimes, but I'm not stupid. I know you play pranks and you don't like girls, so what exactly did you do now?" he said as he kicked his horse into a gallop. He made his way towards Katie and Jade.
Sazael simply nodded to her brother, who she trusted enough when he was being accompanied by Jade. She watched as he and Jade went off into the forest before looking back over to Aaron, waiting for him to carry on his work. Soon, she would have to leave to check the other places.
Katie sniffled "I dont know....he had brown hair..." she said, looking towards the sound of a horse running. Soon it revealed her older brother and the boy who made her cry. She pointed "He did..."
Jade looked behind her seeing Tristan trotting up with one of the stable hands. "We'll it seems we found our trouble maker." She muttered. "How about we settle this back at home." She said looking between the two kids before hoping back on the horse and the group trotting back to the manor not wanting to linger out in the open much longer. There was also no telling if anyone was looking for Katie or not so it was best to get her back sooner rather than later.
Caine didn't bother trying to get away. He didn't even say anything.

He'd accepted his fate.

Already planning where he would go after he was thrown out, Caine silently sat.

Until Katie pointed at him, blaming him for what happened.

"She was bothering me while I was working." he said quietly. Sure, he was angry, but he'd get the blame no matter what he said. It was no use getting hysterical.

He wasn't a crybaby.

"She wanted to play but I couldn't. I felt a little bad, I guess, and I tried to teach her how to fill a bucket with water. And she insulted what I have to do every single day, and said I was no fun."

Caine felt his lip quiver as he finished, "She doesn't understand that I can't just not do my job! I'd be thrown out! But it looks like it'll end up that way anyway."

He quickly rubbed his eyes, trying to be tough. He WAS NOT going to cry.

As the group got back to the manor Tristan got off Nightfare and set Caine down. Tristan looked down at Caine and hit him on the top of the head, only hard enough to make him winch though. "Apologise to my sister, and Katie, father needs to hear nothing of this understood?" he said. Then he looked over to Aaron. "Aaron, make sure you work this boy extra hard for the next week, and if necessary, don't let him eat if he doesn't listen or tries to pull any more stupid pranks" he said. then he looked to Caine again. "Of course, if they are smart pranks then I'm all for it" he whispered in Caine's ear. He then looked at Jade. "Shall we try to depart again?" he asked.
Jade got off Reese and set Katie down on the ground. She smirked slightly seeing him deal with Caine, honestly the only thing the boy was wrong in was leaving the girl alone even then he stayed near by. "I want to make sure Katie here get back to Ulric and there no more misadventures for this one." she ruffles Katies hair before kneeling down to her level. "And you I know you wanted to play but remember next time let Ulric or your dad know so they know where you are and you don't get lost again." She scolded the girl not wanting another repeat.

"Ow!" Caine exclaimed at the sudden hit. He rubbed his head as Tristan spoke to Aaron, though he didn't care. The king wasn't going to hear about this! He was saved!

Aaron nodded at Tristan and said quietly, "I will watch him closely, and I take full responsibility for what happened, though I respectfully ask that Katie does not distract him by coming to the stables unattended."

Caine saluted at Tristan's last comment to him and said, "I'll do my best, sir!"

He glanced at Katie and Jade, about to argue that SHE was the one who was stupid and ran off, but decided to keep his mouth shut.

Aaron roughly nudged the boy and shot a look at him. Caine groaned, then looked at Katie.

"I'm sorry."

He didn't mean it. Aaron glanced back at Sazael, but quickly looked back at Tristan."
Katie nodded at Jade, sniffling again before looking towards the boy "You should be! you didnt have to be a big meanie..if you were working you could have said so..." she lowered her eyes and petted the horse softly. loving how the fur felt
Aaron immediately stepped forward, in front of Caine, and said to Katie, "M'lady, with all do respect, he is trying to apologize to you. He may not be perfect...or even decent--"

"Hey!" Caine interrupted.

"--but calling him names isn't going to help anything." he continued, ignoring Caine.

This was a perfect example of why Aaron hated socializing, especially with royals. He almost always ended up saying something he'd regret...but even though Caine annoyed him, Aaron would stand up for him. She might have been a princess, but it was regular manners to not call others names.

Caine pouted.

"I'm better than decent..." he grumbled.
Hijoshikina said:
Amelina had no change in emotion at her father's words, though she couldn't help but feel slightly hurt.
"I request going into town to give food to the orphanage." she said. Her words were blunt alright, and they seemed even more so with her cold tone and hard expression. She wanted almost to sneer at her own father, but she knew the consequences for that.

Amelina had always been treated this way, ever since she was a small child. When she was younger, it was difficult to recognize her father's words and actions as "tough love". It made her slightly jealous that her siblings, especially Katie, weren't treated nearly as harshly as she was.
Tybalt nodded.

"And you are bringing Katie with you? I guess that's alright.. She needs to see more of the outside world. Make sure she doesn't wander away. Of course, Ulric will be accompanying you. Always. Am I understood? I hope I am. Despite being my heir, there are people in Heavenstone that would leap at the chance to kidnap or murder you for a bounty. I seriously doubt anyone would put a bounty you, thank the gods I have no enemies, but it's better to be safe than sorry." Tybalt said, standing up.

He went to his daughter and gave her a hug, patting her head and smiling.

"Ah look at you. You're growing up to be such a fine young woman. That reminds me.. I do have to find a husband for you.. yes.. Well, you have my permission to go. Ulric, you know you're duty."

Ulric nodded and banged his arm against his chestplate as a sign of a vow. Tybalt nodded approvingly and waved them away.
Katie looked at Aaron "He started making me do these 'chores'!" she pouted, crossing her arms and looking at the floor "Why am I being talked to like if I did something wrong!"
Amelina didn't mind Ulric always being with her. She had enough privacy considering her stature, and he was a good companion. He didn't say much, but knowing he was there gave her a sense of security. She wasn't so comfortable with the idea of someone kidnaping or murdering her...not that they would be able to.

Amelina's arms were trapped by her father's embrace as she awkwardly stood there as he hugged her. She smiled at his kind words, but that smile faded as he mentioned finding her a husband. She'd never argue about it, and would willingly marry whomever her father chose...but she never liked the idea of marriage. Even if she happened to like the man, chances were if she married him, he'd try to take her power. All of that training would be for nothing.

"Thank you, father." she said, giving a deep curtsy before leaving. Her next stop was the dining hall.


Aaron sighed and knelt down, saying, "I'm sure he didn't know that beautiful princess's are far to lovely to even think about doing icky chores."

He smiled slightly as Caine cried, "What?!"
Katie looked at him "But he didnt mind me doing it.." she still had her arms crossed "I dont have friends, thats why I wanted to play because I knew he was the only boy here around my age..."
Jade restrained from rolling her eyes, for someone who demanded manners she sorely lacked some. "Katie... not everyone has time to play. Even kids your age have chores they have to do." She explained wanting to keep things from escalating further. "Now don't be mad at Caine because he had work to do. I understand that you were bored but not everyone can stop their work to play with you. If you want someone to play with maybe when I take you back to your dad you can ask if he can have someone come to play with you who doesn't have work to do." She suggested before getting up and taking the girls hand. "Thank you Aaron, hopeful this won't repeat it s self. I'll be right back to take Reese out for a ride with Tristan after this one is back with her proper guard." She said before leading the girl away back to the main house to keep from any more bickering.
Sazael simply stood back from the arguing group, watching their quarrel before Jade took Katie away. She let out an inaudible sigh as she turned to Aaron and Caine once again. She understood that he was still young and foolish, but at least he could be a bit well-behaved. After all, he was working in a royal environment.
Aaron nodded, and took Caine by the collar and pulled him back to the stables.

"First of all, I should fire your butt right here and now."

Caine lowered his head in shame.

"Second, I can't always be there to get your sorry self out of trouble!"

Caine sighed, and was about to apologize, but was interrupted by a hug.

"But I'm glad you are alright."
Ulric bowed to Tybalt and followed Amelina out.

"Keep them safe Ulric." Tybalt called after him. Tybalt sat in his chair, relaxing. There was nothing to be discussed so Tybalt laid back on his seat and shouted for a cup of wine.

Ulric followed Amelina to the Dining Hall, looking around for Jade or Katie.
Jade lead Katie through the halls intending to take her to Lord Taybalt until she heard the familiar clink of armor and peeked into the dinning hall spying Urlric and Amelina. "Ah there you are." She said entering the hall with Katie in tow. "It seems the youngest of the siblings decided to wander off in search of a playmate. Ended up out by the stables and got one of the stable hands in a bit of trouble." She explained letting the girl run of to her sister and guard.
Amelina requested two large baskets for the food when they arrived in the dining hall.

Suddenly, Katie and Jade were there.

Amelia sighed at Katie upon Jade's words and gave the girl a look, but did not scold her. She'd probably had enough of that from Jade...though she had a certain stable hand in mind who might have been involved.

"Thank you, Jade." Amelina said, excusing the guard.

Receiving the baskets from a maid, Amelina's began to fill them with food.

"Katie...father has agreed to let us go into town, but you must promise me you won't wander off. If you want to go somewhere, tell Ulric and he will escort you. I'll be in the orphanage the whole time; do you understand?"
Katie nodded softly and watched her sister "yeah.." she was rubbing her eyes, waiting for her sister to finish up "All I wanted to do was play for a bit because I dont have anyone to play with.."
Jade smiled a bit glad the whole situation was done and over with. "No problem. Stay safe girls." She said before nodding to Ulrick and leaving the dinning hall making her way back to the stables. The morning had only started and there was already problems, she Hopped it wasn't a sign of things to come. She arrived at the stables shortly seeing Tristan thankful in the same place she left him, for once. "Alright. That's all settled." She said swinging back up to Reese. "Shall we make our way you to the farms before the rains roll in?"

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Amelina closed the baskets and raised an eyebrow at Katie.

"Am I not good enough for you?" she teased, handing a basket to her sister. "Besides, you're thirteen years old. It's time to leave off childish mannerisms and behave more didn't matter as much when you were younger, but you are a lady now."

Amelina ruffled Katie's hair and said, "Maybe we can play when we get back."

With that, the heir took her sisters hand and started out the door.
Katie pouted "But I dont want to be a lady! I wanna be a child!" she crossed her arms as she followed her older sister. "But can we play hide and seek? Or tag?" she grined with a giggle.
"We will see." Amelina sighed, smiling slightly.

The heir had previously decided that they would walk. Town was right outside the gates, and the orphanage was only a few minutes away. Besides, Ulric could watch them better that way.

The two posted guards automatically unlocked the gates and swung them open as the three approached.

"Here we go." Amelina smiled.

((I'll let Aki describe things I don't wanna screw things up)) @Akihito
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