House Vahlour (Reboot)

Sazael nodded to her elder sister before she left to see Father. It had been a while since she and her sister had tea together, just the two of them, and it excited her. Quickly settling down from her excitement, she cleared her throat before turning to Jade. "I will be doing my daily check-ups on the stable and armory later. I do not think you will need to supervise me at that time, but I suggest you watch over him," she said, gesturing over to her brother.

@Shura11 @kirito1337

"Uhh... yeah, I do have a little hangover" He groaned in a bit of pain from a head ache. The everyone started arriving and Tristan's head ach only got worse. "I wanted to go out to the country side, farmers out there are having trouble again seeing as its the dry season..." then the Giant and his two sisters arrived. "Uhh..." He groan and leaned back against the wall. "I'm going for breakfast" He said walking off towards the dining hall, not hearing Sazeal's last comment. He went in and sat down at the table as the cooks served him his breakfast. He looked down at it. Bread, cheese, egg and pig meat He thought to himself. Biting into his meat first, and swallowing, it he almost threw up. Its good but I can't stomach it He though to himself. He then went for the glass of water on side of him and took a mouthful then started to eat his bread and cheese. Then he went back to his meat and egg. Eating his egg in one bite and his meat as fast as he could so he got it all down into him before having to worry about the pain in his stomach again.
Jade watched over the sibling as they decided what to do for the day, spying Tristan wandering off mentioning something about farmers. She wondered in his condition if he would be able to beard the full light of the sun once they stepped out Then again the boy was drunk so often he might had been used to hangovers. Still she made a mental not to bring extra water to keep him from dehydrating. She smiled to Sazael "Alright then, I'll stick close to Tristan and make sure he stays out of trouble." She reassured "I hope you enjoy your tea with Amelina." She wished the young girl well before making her way to the dinning hall seeing the eldest song scarfing down his breakfast as if it were his first meal in days. "You know if you eat fast you'll just make your self sick later." She warned her voice in a lower tone to save the boys head from pounding. Jade liked to poke fun at Tristan when she could, especially when his misery was his own fault. However she tried not to pester him too much while hungover figuring his body would punish him enough. She sat across from him allowing him to finish his meal. "So which farm are we heading to?"

@SayuriTokage @kirito1337
With that, Sazael headed off to do her daily checks, setting aside dinner for later like most days. First, she would make sure the stables were in order before heading over to the Armory. She visited these places often and grew to at least know the names of the workers. Aaron Stone, age 24. His family is a line of stable masters who excel at raising fine horses worthy of the royal family. She, herself, was quite fond of animals and enjoyed visiting the stables. Eventually, she stood in front of the doors of the stables, knocking the doors gently. "Excuse me, this is Sazael Vahlour speaking. I have come to check on the stables," she said, her absolute confidence becoming clear from just that one sentence as she waiting for a reply.

Caine perked up slightly at the voice. It was Sazael...perfect. Finally he could have some fun!

The boy cleared his throat and called back, "Just a second...!"

He tiptoed over to a pail that was filled to the brim with water, fresh from the stream. It was supposed to be his and Aaron's drinking water...but Caine could replace that. Caine carefully lifted the pail, spilling only a few drops of water onto the ground. He would open the door, and before she knew it, the princess would be drenched! Oh it was perfect!

Caine walked towards the door. One, two, three! He swung it open.

"Surprise!" he yelled, throwing the water out the door. And in an instant, Aaron had jumped in front of the princess. Not a single drop had spilled on her, thank goodness, thanks to the stablemaster's quick reflexes. But Aaron was soaked.

Caine's expression changed from joy to pure horror. The pissed look an Aaron's face was enough to make a young child cry.

"I...I..." he stuttered. "I'm just going to..uh...get back to work."

And Caine slammed the door on both of them. Aaron sighed and turned shook his hands before turning towards the princess.

He said nothing, but examined her was traces of harm.
Sazael was clearly alarmed at the sudden attack, but was grateful when Aaron stepped in front of her. However, he was drenched. Suddenly becoming flustered, she checked her dress for something to wipe him with, but couldn't find anything. In a hurry to find something, she decided to just use her sleeve; after all, she could always change. With the long sleeve of her dress, she wiped his face. "Are you alright? I mean, thank you very much for protecting me. It's greatly appreciated. You should get changed," she said, her confidence from before turning into pure worry.
Aaron looked at her for a moment, and then gently took her wrist.

"You're getting your sleeve wet." he said, raising an eyebrow. He held onto her for a moment before releasing her from his grasp. Aaron raked his fingers through his dampened hair and sighed. He didn't have a spare change of clothes, but it was a sunny day, so he was sure to dry quickly.

He awkwardly looked away and mumbled, "He means no harm...though he's an idiot."

Aaron leaned closer, looking back at her, and silently examined Sazael, who seemed quite flustered. Aaron blinked. Why was she so worried? It was just water.

"Your face is red." he said bluntly.
Sazael cleared her throat before regaining her composure. It was easy for her to become flustered when something happens right in front of her eyes. "Ahem. Please excuse me. I'm just a bit surprised, that is all. I came here to check up on the stables. I assume everything is in order, " she said, her confidence once again beaming. As the second eldest daughter, she had to sound reliable and confident, but it was quite hard when she was near someone who seemed somewhat intimidating, like Aaron.
Aaron gave a small smile and replied, "Everything was fine the last time I checked, highness."

Aaron turned and pushed open the large door with a single arm. Caine shrieked like a little girl and immediately tried bolting passed Aaron, who easily caught the boy with his free arm.

"I'm sorry Aaron! I'm sorry! Don't kill meeeee!" Caine begged, trying to squirm away.

The stable master rolled his eyes and said, "Don't apologize to me, apologize to her!"

Caine looked up at Sazael, his big blue eyes watering, and cried, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

Aaron let Caine go, and he was gone within seconds. The man couldn't help but chuckle.

"Come on." he said, holding the door for the princess.
Katie heard screams coming from somewhere and she decided to go after them. She disappeared from ulric and her family members. Soon enough she bumped into a boy that was younger then her by a year "oh hello!" She said kindly
Caine jumped back, giving a slight yelp. He wrinkled his nose seeing that it was just a girl...wait. It was Katie. Of course, the young princess wouldn't know about the stable hand, but he knew about her.

He sucked in his cheeks, not saying anything in reply to her kind greeting for a moment.

"Hi." he said, crossing his arms. There was a pause. "If ya think I'm gonna bow to ya, just forget it!"
Katie blinked and tilted her head "Why would I want you to bow to me? Silly." she giggled and held her hand out "Want to play? My papa is talking with my sister...and I got bored so...I want to play with you!" she smiled happily, obviously not having a care in the world at this point. She just wanted a friend around her age. And Caine was the right kid
Caine wrinkled his nose and said, "I don't play with girls."

He crossed his arms and pouted slightly, looking at the princess cautiously.

"You'll make me have tea parties with you and play dress up! Sissy stuff." he grumbled. "Besides, even if I wanted to play, WHICH I DON'T, I have work todo and Aaron will kill me if I don't do it...unless..."

Caine's eyes sparkled.

"Do you wanna help me with my chores?"
Katie blinked "...I dont play teaparty or dressup..." she informed the boy "...Chores?" She asked, tilting her head slightly
Caine grabbed the girl's hand and started to pull her along.

"Yeah, chores! Cleaning and all of that. Geez, I know your a princess and all, but you have to know what chores are."

They two got to the stream pretty quickly, and Caine still had the pail with him. He handed it to Katie and ordered, "Fill this with water. That's a chore."
Katie followed and she looked at the bucket before putting it in the water and trying to pull it out "it's heavy"
Caine sighed and said in an annoyed tone, "Of course it's heavy. Chores aren't supposed to be easy!"

The stable hand then reached forward and helped the girl lift the pail.

"If you put one hand on the bottom of the pail, it's easier to hold." he said, putting Katie's hands in better positions as he talked.
Katie frowned "this isn't fun.." She said, putting the bucket down "I want to do something fun!" She whined and walked away "you're not fun. You can do your own chores or whatever they are!"
Caine narrowed his eyes and balled up his fists. How dare she say that to him? He was a hard, good worker. And for what? To have all of that ridiculed by some stuck up princess? Not on his watch!

"You stuck up, snotty, brat!" he yelled at her back. He didn't care that she was royalty! "I'm sorry that not all of us can just drop what we're doing just because you're bored! We have to work. Why? To support lazy little girls like YOU who don't know what working really is!"

Uh oh.

Caine immediately regretted saying all of that...oh no. What if Katie told her father? Would he throw Caine back out into the streets?

But he didn't care. At that moment, this girl was getting what was coming to her.

"That's why I hate girls..." he grumbled under his breath.
"Not at all. You are dismissed," Sazael said, her face as emotionless as ever, before the child was released. It didn't bother her at all that he tried to pull a prank on her. He was young after all. Sazael entered through the doors, only taking a step in to wait for Aaron. As she waited, she took note of the place.
Aaron closed the stable doors and leaned back on them, one of the horses nudging his face.

"Cut it out, Reesa." he mumbled, giving the mare a firm back on the snout. He silently watched Sazael, picking up a bucket of water. He walked through the stalls and splashed it into one of the drinking troughs.
Sazael watched as Aaron served water to the horses, her eyes staying on him for a bit before wandering around the stables. The place was overall clean for a stable and the horses seemed well taken care of. The horses didn't seem unhappy at all either, so she was pleased. "It seems as if you've been taking very good care of our horses. I thank you for that."
Aaron glanced back at Sazael and smiled. He found it amusing how she went from flustered to refined in a matter of minutes. Either way, she was rather cute.

Aaron almost slapped himself. Why was he thinking like that? She was a princess, for goodness sake! He was just..."hired help".

"You're welcome, highness." he said, matching her calm and collected tone. He blinked at her for a moment, and then said, " there anything else I can do for you?"
Sazael tilted her head to the side slightly, wondering what he was thinking as he smiled. Was he just smiling out of politeness and because she was the daughter of the King? If so, it made her a bit sad. "Excuse me, but I'd like to stay a bit longer. And you may call me Sazael," she said. This was the first time, besides her family, she's ever wanted someone to call her by her first name.
Aaron raised his eyebrows, slightly taken aback by the girl's request.

"Sazael..." he said under his breath. He bit the inside of his felt strange calling her that, but if it was what she wanted, who was he to disobey?

"Stay as long as you want." he shrugged, heaving a bale of hay onto his shoulder and backing against the door to open it. With only his foot, he nudged a large rock over a few inches to keep the door open. "I'm going to let the horses out, if you'd like to sit."

He tossed down the hay bale and gestured at it before going back in. The stable was thankfully located inside a fenced in area, so Aaron could just lead the horses directly outside to graze instead of leading them to a completely different pasture.

Aaron's cheeks reddened slightly. A hay bale? Really, Aaron? She's a princess.

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