House Vahlour (Reboot)

By just hearing her name, Sazael's face became red and in a way, she was embarrassed. She thought it was weird that she was getting flustered over him calling her by name when this never happened when her family called her, but she simply pushed the thought aside. Sazael walked to where the hay bale was, sitting on it with no complaints. In fact, she was happy that he was kind enough to give her something to sit on. Aaron seemed a bit cold at first because he didn't speak to her as much, but hearing him talk more now made her even more happy.
Aaron looked back at her one more time before going back in the stable. One by one, he led out each horse. He made it a point to not look at Sazael and to focus on his work. Though Aaron was good at seeming like an unapproachable jerk, he got really embarrassed really fast. He'd blush whenever a pretty girl walked by, which made working in the presence of a gorgeous girl very difficult.

Most of the horses cooperate beautifully, with the occasional one who would struggle slightly. Aaron was able to soothe them quickly, usually by promising them a sugar cube or carrot.

Now, the final horse. Nightfare. Aaron nicknamed the horse 'Nightmare', since it always gave him a really hard time.

"Come on...!" Aaron groaned, tugging on the horse's leash. The stallion gave a disagreeing whinny, and Aaron sighed. "You're making this harder than it has to be, you know."

Aaron pulled, finally getting the horse to move...well, sort of. The stallion gave a loud neigh and decided to bolt at the moment Aaron was pulling the hardest, causing the stable master to lose his footing and topple out of the stable and into the grass.
Sazael liked watching the horses walk out into the fenced area as if they were running in the wild. Watching Aaron work was also something she enjoyed because she found it soothing, but seeing him have trouble with a certain horse made her train of thought crash. When he fell to the ground, she was a bit shocked, yet held back the urge to laugh. Even stable masters fall to a sly horse, she thought as she walked over to him, offering her hand. "Here. Are you alright?"
Aaron looked up, embarrassment written all over his face. He reached up, took her hand carefully, and pulled himself up. He accidentally held her hand for a moment too long, and quickly pulled away.

"I'm fine." he grumbled, moving the large rock and closing the stable doors.

That stupid horse, making me look like a fool.

Aaron huffed and crossed his arms, turning away from Sazael.

"That horse will be the end of me." he said, looking over his shoulder and smiling a bit.
Guys don't turn this into a 1x1 please...

Katie stopped and her eyes filled with tears as she looked back at him "you meanie!!" She started crying and ran off. She was gonna tell her dad cause, you know, she was a kind girl and got nothing good in return. It was always something rude said to her.
Caine's eyes widened. Yes, she was definitely going to tell on him. He watched her run off, and then backed up a few steps, accidentally knocking the pail of water over with his foot. He jumped back and sighed. He crouched down next to the stream and looked at his reflection in the water. All he saw was a useless street rat. That was all he was ever going to be, even if he wasn't homeless anymore.

It wasn't until Caine saw the ripples in the water created by his tears that he even knew he was crying. She was going to tell on him, and he was going to be thrown back out. Trying to regain composure, the boy wiped at his eyes with his sleeve.
Katie stopped running and looked around,not sure where she was now. She was lost and all she did was fall on her knees, crying for someone to help her get back home. She wasn't a girl that had picture memory.
(really guys, three pages!?!?)


Tristan ignored Jade's first comment about him getting sick. "A few actually, they are fairly close to each other so it shouldn't take us too long" He said. He got up from the table. "I didn't want to say this around father but there is also another issue I want your help with" He said, taking a quick pause. "There is a small group of bandits terrorising the high road that leads to the mountain city, Highfall. Its within our land so I figure we should take them out" he said. "So, will you ride with me?" He asked walking towards the door and as he walked by he rustling her hair to tease her a bit, then he smiled a little.
Jade sighed heavily hatting when Tristan got these missions in his head, it usually meant trouble of some sort. "I believe the question is rhetorical."She muttered quirking an eye brow at him before having her hair messed with. She growled softly smoothing it back into place as she got up. "I would advise you to reconsider taking on band of bandits your self but knowing your track record you'd sneak out and do it any way." She replied falling into step beside him.

"Well, I guess you do know me pretty well, and plus I won't be taking them on by myself..." He said putting his arm around around her neck and pulling her in close "You will be there" He said messing up her hair again then letting her go, making his way down to the stables. He walked towards the stables noticing his sister sitting on a bail of hay. "It's quite un-princess like for a princess to sit on a bail of hay" he laughed. "Nightfare..." He whistled "Come on girl" He said as the horse ran over to him and he scratched up behind its ear. "Aaron, can you have her ready within the next few minutes, and also a horse for Jade over there?" He asked. "Oh, and where is Caine? He's usually out and about by now..." Tristan commented.

(I hope you don't mind that I took Nightfare as my horse for Tristan, just seemed like the perfect match for Tristan)
Aaron sent a glare towards the horse as it trotted willingly towards Tristan, and then looked back at the prince and nodded. He gave Jade a short nod.

I just got this damn horse out...for NOTHING?!

"Caine's probably by the stream, refilling the bucket of water he was trying to throw at Saza--her highness." Aaron gestured towards Sazael, not daring to call her by her first name in front of Tristan. Aaron actually managed to lead Nightfare into the stables fairly easily. The presence of her owner must have soothed her enough to be a little more manageable. After putting the prince's saddle on the horse's back and readying her to be ridden, Aaron lead the horse back out and retrieved Reesa, a beautiful pinto who happened to be one of Aaron's favorites. After preparing her, Aaron lead the mare out as well.

He wanted to know where they were going, but didn't ask.


Caine crouched by the stream, still trying to hold back his tears.

I'm gonna be alone again because of that stupid old girl...dumb princess...

The boy rocked himself silently, trying to hatch a plan of what he could do to survive once he was kicked out. There would be no way he could sneak into the stables in the winter like the years before he had been hired.

"I hate her." he grumbled.
"Will you stop that" Jade grumbled as Tristan messed up her hair yet again. She undid her hair tie before retying her hair back up into a neat ponytail. She'd stopped bothering to braid her hair long ago when Tristan started his little irksome habit. She followed Tristan down to the stables smiling to Aaron and Sazael. "I swear she only behaves for you" Jade commented as Nightfare trotted over to Tristan. She couldn't help but smile slightly at the boy slip up but didn't say anything. Instead she looked towards the sky noting some clouds collecting in the sky on an otherwise warm sunny day. "Looks like a chance for rain, first time in two weeks." She refocused back on Aaron and the horse he brought out for her. "Ah, Hello there Reese." she cooed softly petting the mares snout. She didn't have a horse of her own but could ride almost any one of the horses in the stable just fine. Though there were a few exceptions, Tristan's she-devil of a horse was one of them. "Thank you Aaron. Tell Aaron I'll bring her back safe and sound." She reassured before climbing up onto the horse with ease.
Sazael was about to reply to Aaron before her brother entered the stables. "Aaron was kind enough to give me a place to sit. And you shouldn't be talking, since it's very unprince-like to get drunk every day," she countered. When she heard that Tristan and Jade needed a horse, she wondered where they were going. "Brother, are you and Jade going somewhere? Should I accompany you?"

He just shook off Sazael's first comment. "No, that's quite all right sister" Tristan said as he mounted his horse. "You still have a fair bit of work to do and I wouldn't want you to get into any trouble for not completing it" Tristan said, or in any trouble with bandits He thought to himeself. "We are only going to some country side farms to see if they need any help through dry season" he said.
Jade nodded slightly looking over to Sazael, "It should be a simple check around the outer farms. We should be back in a few hours at most" She reassured. "If you want to go out into town or anything when I get back I'll go with you." She offered before looking over to Tristan hoping this little errand would be quick and easy. "Ready to go?"
Hijoshikina said:
Amelina smiled and approached her father, kissing him on both cheeks.
"Good morning, father." she said, taking a step back. She gestured to the giant behind her and continued, "I was hoping Ulric could take me and Katie into town after breakfast. I want to go to the orphanage to give them our leftovers. It would make the children so happy."

Amelina always had a way of sugar coating the situation.

@Britt-21 @Hijoshikina )
Katie was leaning on a tree, crying because she was lost. So much for making a new friend! She wanted a new friend but the boy she had met only made her do things that she didnt know how to actually do. His mean comments hurt her feelings and made her feel like a bad child. She cried louder to the point of where it echoed
Amelina had no change in emotion at her father's words, though she couldn't help but feel slightly hurt.

"I request going into town to give food to the orphanage." she said. Her words were blunt alright, and they seemed even more so with her cold tone and hard expression. She wanted almost to sneer at her own father, but she knew the consequences for that.

Amelina had always been treated this way, ever since she was a small child. When she was younger, it was difficult to recognize her father's words and actions as "tough love". It made her slightly jealous that her siblings, especially Katie, weren't treated nearly as harshly as she was.
((For the sake of not having Katie out in the forest all day I'm just going to say the forest is near the stables.))

Jade walked Reese towards the main path into town her sense up at full Alert becoming more aware of her surroundings than normal. The grounds around the manor were usually safe however out side the protective wall was a different story. She heard the sound of a loud wail and furrowed her brow. That wasn't normal. She looked over to Tristan, "Stay here I'll be right back." she said before trotting off to investigate the sound, just to be safe. As she drew closer she was quickly able to tell the sound was actually crying. jade cursed under her breath and kicked her horse into a faster gallop reaching a small river which bordered the property and spotting little Kattie not to far off sitting at the base of a tree. There didn't seem like any threat around as she slowed her horse to a stop and got off. Jade approached cautiously in case there was some sort of bandit or thug but none showed their face. Thankfully the girl seemed unharmed. "Katie, what are you doing all the way out here?" She asked trying to keep her tone gentle instead of scolding like she used with the older Siblings.

Katie looked up at Jade, tears running down her face "I-I wanted to make a n-new friend and I-I found a boy but he said mean things to me!" she whined, crying more as she got up and hugged Jade's legs "A-All I wanted to d-do was play!" Katie loved making friends, but being in this situation made making friends harder on her
Jade smiled softly and picked the girl up. "Come now, No more tears." She said pulling out a soft cloth from her pocket and drying the the girls face "I know you want to play but you have to be more careful okay? You could have gotten hurt out here." She carried the girl back to Reese, she looked round noticing that Ulric was no where to be found which meant he was most likely with Amelina.

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Upon hearing the loud cry, Caine scrambled to a bush to hide.

"Crybaby." he grumbled, wiping away his own tears as he crouched. "Stupid prissy princess."

Caine pouted, knowing he was to be thrown out for sure because Katie was crying because of him. The one who should have been absolutely hysterical was him! So he hurt her feelings. Who cared? Now because of that he was going to be thrown into the streets.
Katie nodded slowly, sniffling as she wiped her tears away "All I wanted was to play, Jadey-Jade...." she looked up at her "And he was so mean to me..." she wondered why he was so mean towards her and why he made her do these so called 'chores'
Jade set the girl on the horse. "I know you want to play, Katie. Now who is this boy that was mean and left you out here?" She asked worried about who would have left the young girl out here alone especially if it was someone who worked for the family.

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