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Fantasy House of Opportunity OOC

What to do with this RP?

  • Close up shop. Better luck next time.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Proceed as you are now.

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • 1 week to wrap up scenes and create extra/replacement characters, then start new plot point.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • End all scenes now and start new plot point.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Nah, she was brainstorming with me about her character as she was making him.

That's interesting! I've heard of mahwa before, never manhua.
Interesting, never heard of that kind before. Is the story good? And what character are you referencing specifically?


They might be the same thing, just different spelling. They're pronounced nearly the same.
Mahwa is Korean manga, so makes sense that manhua is Chinese manga. Been forever since I sat down and read a manga.

Yotsubato is the best!
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KamiKahzy said:
Interesting, never heard of that kind before. Is the story good? And what character are you referencing specifically?

They might be the same thing, just different spelling. They're pronounced nearly the same.
I can't really describe the plot very well since I haven't read it in the longest time. The character that I'm referencing is Ma Hongjun (also a fire chicken guy who claims he's a phoenix along with other similarities).

Also, manhwa is Korean while Manhua is Chinese

Oh my god, @Turnip!

Edit: I usually stick to manga. Mahwa is too lovey dovey for me; never tried a manhua.
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KamiKahzy said:
"Chicks don't dig a slob doh. Ya got soy stains on ya crotch."

"L- ladies dig soy sauce"

Nano said:
Is your character semi-inspired by that guy from Douluo Dalu?
Wow I can't believe I ripped off a manhua I didn't even know about! Let's just keep it hush hush between us, though... But seriously, I'll have to check it out sometime, sounds pretty interesting!

You'll be glad to know that I have now officially updated Mago's character audition with his beautiful mug. Many thanks to you again my dear!
No problem! That reminds me, I'll need to edit Hayato's post with his extra stuff too.
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I suppose I should make my presence known in here.

I'm playing the hotel worker tengu Takeru, nice to meet everyone!

As well as the ones in here I already know ^^
I've been debating on how much to elaborate, he's an old character of mine reworked into this setting (only minor tweaks)

He's very kind, sometimes overly so, he would give you the clothes off his back if he thought you needed them. He can be gullible and easily tricked given this kind nature, as well as the fact that his lifespan as a spirit could be considered at an infantile state. Due to his previous life's nature he will be easy to corrupt, before becoming a spirit he was a human prince in the mortal world consumed with greed; his death was in cold blood while still young. This gave cause to his rebirth as a tengu in the spirit world.

Basically he's like a baby as far as understanding the spirit world and interacting with people. Can speak eloquently like royalty and is very mannerly.
Ha! I had someone use that same face claim for a Tengu character as well, except their character was a chain smoker and an asshole to boot.
[QUOTE="Edric Yuma]Hi Alb! You seem to have your character much more planned than mine :o

Hey Edric!

It happens when you use an old character, some might call it cheating but I just say it's good for development ^^
@Teh Frixz @Edric Yuma @Turnip @waifu @simj22 @Nano @AngstyAlb

So I just thought of something fun for each of us to do while we're waiting for the RP to open. Mago really does love cooking, and he especially enjoys it when other people like his cooking. With that in mind, I think he'd like to make a point of learning certain people's favorite foods when he remembers to ask.

So tell Mago your favorite foods! It'll help flesh out your characters a bit and give us something more to work with than just pure personality come launch day.

"Favorite food? What're ya talkin' about, I love ALL food! Bwa ha ha ha! Eh, I guess I gotta pick somethin' doh, yeah? Ehhhhh... Ya know, call me crazy, but dere aint nuttin' betta den a fresh watta'melon on a hot summa' day. Bahbecue an' all dem udda' juicy meals gots a special place in mah haht, lodged right up inside mah ahteries. Ha! But dere aint nuttin' dat can beat dat summa' time nostalgia."


"An' you, chicken lips! I catch you widout a hairnet again imma tear out dem fethahs you call a hairstyle. I run a clean ship heyah!" -chucks a uniform bandana at Hayato's face-
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KamiKahzy said:
@Teh Frixz @Edric Yuma @Turnip @waifu @simj22 @Nano @AngstyAlb
So I just thought of something fun for each of us to do while we're waiting for the RP to open. Mago really does love cooking, and he especially enjoys it when other people like his cooking. With that in mind, I think he'd like to make a point of learning certain people's favorite foods when he remembers to ask.

So tell Mago your favorite foods! It'll help flesh out your characters a bit and give us something more to work with than just pure personality come launch day.

"Favorite food? What're ya talkin' about, I love ALL food! Bwa ha ha ha! Eh, I guess I gotta pick somethin' doh, yeah? Ehhhhh... Ya know, call me crazy, but dere aint nuttin' betta den a fresh watta'melon on a hot summa' day. Bahbecue an' all dem udda' juicy meals gots a special place in mah haht, lodged right up inside mah ahteries. Ha! But dere aint nuttin' dat can beat dat summa' time nostalgia."


"An' you, chicken lips! I catch you widout a hairnet again imma tear out dem feathahs you call a hairstyle. I run a clean ship heyah!" -chucks a uniform bandana at Hayato's face-
Hayato's favorite food is corn pudding! Sweet, yet delicate... exactly his type. And the corn.

"Bkawk!! Alright, boss, I'll work with ya. Don't go thinkin' it'll be enough to tame this mane, though."
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Right, I'm guessing all of our characters know each other to some extent? Since we all just didn't start working there at the same time. Does everyone know Mai's alter ego then?

KamiKahzy said:
So tell Mago your favorite foods! It'll help flesh out your characters a bit and give us something more to work with than just pure personality come launch day.
"Huh? M.. my favorite food?" Mai's face reddens immediately. "Um, I really like hanami dango. I think they look so cute! They taste good too! I always save the pink one for the end, it's my favorite color. It's kind of hard to explain, but I get a nostalgic feeling when I eat them.... Maybe I liked eating them before too? Oh no, I'm hungry again!"

Also, I made an interest thread for a RP. Please check it out!
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