House Of Freaks

Shy Shadow

Zombie Slayer
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Max got up. The sun shined brightly through the window, and she rubbed her eyes. She stretched out her arms along with her big long brown wings. She stood up, her feet touching the icy floor. She got changed into her white t- shirt and red pants. She pulled in her wings and they hid under her shirt. She combed her hair only to be put back into a cute messy bun. She then went into Lily's room where she was still sleeping. She opened the blinds to let the sun come in and Lily groaned.

"Rise and shine, time to wake up," she ordered Lily pulling the blankets off of her. She always had to wake her up or she would sleep in all day. Lily gave another tiered groan and sat up, rubbing her eyes.

"Come down stairs I am going to make breakfast ," she said leaving Lily's room. She then went to the kitchen and started to wipe up some pancakes.


After siting there a bit trying to wake up just a little more she got up and out of bed and looked at what she was going to wear. She put on some booty shorts and her flowy white t-shirt. She looked at her outfit in the mirror before heading down stairs for breakfast, making sure non of her scares show. She almost forgot she ran back to her room and graved her hoodie putting it on top of her head to hide her ears her tail was already hidden. Then she checked on more time to make sure nothing showed. For a minute she almost passed for normal. Then she hurried down stairs.
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(I will just come across the house while walking.)

Dawn stood up and continued to walk in the streets, she pulled her hood over her ears and stayed in the shadows of the buildings. She was pretty hungry but she could go another day or two without some source of food and water. She sighed and wrapped her arms around her stomach and sides, looking left and right to make sure she wasn't being watched by any civilians.
(yeah that's fine :) )


Max realized that maybe she cooked to many pancakes. She staked then up on a plate and pulled out some butter and a tub of syrup. She placed it on the table and the sweet aroma filled the air. It began to get hot and they had no air conditioning so she opened the window, letting all the hot air slip out.

"Yummm something smells good," Lily said coming down the stairs dressed, her perfect wavy hair sat on her shoulders.

Dawn was burning up in her attire, just like most days, but couldn't take anything off. She walked into a semi-open area and sang quietly to herself. How long has it been since she has had a proper meal or shower? Since she has changed into decent clothes? She just shook her head, not really wanting to think negative right now. She looked up at the bright sky and groaned, wanting to take her jacket off.

Max opened another window over the sink and noticed a girl in a big hoodie and baggy jeans, as Lily started eating. She looked hot and sweaty. I wonder... if maybe she is like... no no way. Soon Lily noticed the girl to and then she looked at Max. The began to stare at each other. The girl looked like she needed a place to stay... but what if she was human and if she saw her wings or Lily's ears or tail... She didn't even want to think about it. Max gave her a warning glance that she better not, it was to risky. She looked back with her big green puppy dog eyes.

"No," she finally said out loud, but it was to late Lily was already out the door.


Lily ran out the door and into the blazing sun. Everything was covered so she looked normal to anyone who just saw her. As she got closer to the girl she got a better sight of her. She did look hungry and tired. "Hi, My name is Lily. Me and my sister live right there and are just having breakfast we thought that maybe you would love to come and eat. My sister made to much. Or if you don't want to stay we can wrap some up for you," she said with a friendly smile. Then her nose cought some sort of smell. It smelled familiar. Kind of like her in a way.
Dawn jumped up, startled and tensed up against her will. She didin't know if sh could trust them but she was starving and extremely hot. She looked at the girl for a few seconds before looking at the house then back. She could already smell the food. "Um, okay. I'm Dawn." She nodded her head in her direction as a greeting before waiting for the girl to take her inside the house.

"That's a pretty name," she said then took the girl by the hand and brought her inside. She hoped that Max would ask nice. She had a strange feeling that this girl wasn't normal... She smelled like... like her. She stepped inside.

"MAX Look who I found," she said with a smile but it dissapered as Max gave her a disapproving look.

"Hope your hungry," she told the girl and made her a plate.
Dawn tensed even more when the girl touched her but she made herself relax as she walked inside and nodded her thanks at the other girl. She sat at the table and took a bite of the food. Dawn moaned when they food went into her mouth but blushed and ducked her head when she realized Lily was still there and continued eating.

Lily smiled as the girl ate her food. She knew how the girl felt. Her and her sister were running for a couple months till they found this house. But maybe this girls History was different. Lily began to finish up her plate.


Max ate her food and finished it up. She was nervous to have this girl in her house and she didn't even know what or who she was. Yet it did seem like she needed some help and that she was hungry. "If you want more food there if plenty more," she politly told the girl. Trying to make herself more relaxed. Yet she kept her eye on the girl.
Dawn finished up her food and got some more. "Thanks." Dawn noticed that they both smelled different. Lily smelled kind of like her and Max smelled like... well she couldn't place it but she knew it wasn't human. Maybe they both had a past like her, well the experimenting and torturing part, or maybe they were at least like her. She shook her head, not wanting to get her hopes too high just to have them crushed. 
(sorry I have to go somewhere so I'll be on later)


Max could sense that this girl was different and she knew that Lily could tell to. But they couldn't say for sure, and it was way to big of a risk to just ask her if she was or wasn't human. So she would stay quiet, she just prayed that Lily would too.


As much as Lily wanted to tell the girl what she was, to find out what she was she knew it was better just to keep her mouth shut. She stood up to put her dishes in the sink , but her fork fell. Once she bet down to retrieve it her hat slipped off of her head and revieled her furry ears. She quickly put her hat back on and prayed to god that she didn't see. She stood up and she saw that Max was frozen, to see what the girls reaction was.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/171280.jpg.5c6d0b0344372ace470b6ceb7f10c629.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2400" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/171280.jpg.5c6d0b0344372ace470b6ceb7f10c629.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Even after having lived here for a few months, a bed was a marvel that Darien had yet to become fully accustomed to. It was so easy to sink into the mattress and sleep away the day. So easy, in fact, that when he finally rose to consciousness he found the sun was already risen - something that had not happened to him since he lived with his parents. Walls were a luxury he was growing used to, as well. He yawned, stretching and disturbing a small cat who was asleep near his head.

"Mph, sorry Hyun-ki," he mumbled as the tabby glared at him in distaste before getting up, stretching, and moving to a sunnier location in the room. Darien shrugged - he would be forgiven when it was food time, he knew - and got up, stumbling through the morning process of getting dressed, stopping occasionally to greet an animal - be it a bird or a dog or a cat or toad or whatever else he had brought back with him and what had elected to stay that morning - scratching ears here, ruffling feathers there, enduring a peck or receiving a quick lick in greeting. By the time he was dressed his hair had been picked through by what had once been a pet store lorikeet and was now an only half-tamed bird who had to stick to the rafters to keep from being eaten by the feline population of the boy's room. He halfheartedly carded his fingers through the birds nest his hair was trying to become, forcing it to lay at least somewhat flat. He shrugged on a pair of shorts, ratty and patched up but still wearable, and an equally worn t-shirt followed suit. Forgoing socks - he couldn’t afford them, and they weren't really necessary anyway - he pulled on a pair of sneakers that were more duct tape then they were actual shoe, and headed downstairs. Hopefully no one had gone to the trouble of lighting the stove due to his oversleeping - his main contribution to the home was being a permanent, free heat source, but sometimes he overslept and people had to do their cooking with the sort of fire that cost money and used up supplies due to his excessive comfort in his bed. He always felt bad when this was the case, but he couldn't really help it, now could he.

"Morning, anyone know what time it is? You didn't have to cook without me lighting the st- oh" his cheerful greeting rolled to a stop as he saw a stranger at the table and how stiffly frozen Max and Lily were - and, more than that, the open distribution of Lily's ears. Strange girl. Freakish nature flashing out on top of Lily's head. Frozen Max. Uhm. Uh-oh? They probably hadn't meant for this stranger to see exactly what kinda weird-o abnormalities they were.

"...hey there. I'm… I’m Darien. Uh, Lily, you wearing that ear headband again? Isn't that, uh, kinda kiddish at this point?" he tried, though it was obviously a poor cover up lie in an attempt to make the ears seem fake rather than a truly grown part of the girl's body. He had no doubt the stranger would be able to see right through it, but… he'd tried?

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/57a8bdc89f27f_flat220x200075t(1).jpg.66e8868492ec5bbb83589b7198d117fd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2401" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/57a8bdc89f27f_flat220x200075t(1).jpg.66e8868492ec5bbb83589b7198d117fd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

It's always five o'clock somewhere isn't precisely true, but in Bangladesh it was about five-thirty and that was close enough for her. It was late, and she'd been jumping countries for the last several hours in all time spots, and wasn't keen to continue until she'd gotten at least a little rest. Closing first the outer, then the inner doors to her shop, Cora carefully locked both and allowed herself a moment to breathe. Immediately her shoulders lost their tense scrunch, the lines of her back relaxed, muscled unclenching as a long breath blew out of her and she… deflated. Suddenly she was not a stubborn and shrewd shop keep who would sell only to those both worthy of her wares and able to afford them, she was a woman who was tired with age but pleased with life, both parts mixing together to some form of almost-contentment. She moved across the shop, closing drawers and locking up things too dangerous to be left to their own devices, then made her way out of her room and down the hall. She slipped into the kitchen, quietly starting to make herself a cup of tea, taking out what was necessary and pointing at different objects in the room until they started brewing themselves.

"I'm making tea, does anyone want anything else while I'm brewing?" she called towards the other room. She paused a moment before adding, "Ah, and if we're out of anything make me a list. I had a good few hours and I'm going to go to the store and pick some things up to restock."

Mike yawned and raised up with his legs still on the bed.He yawned and rubbed his neck twitching his noes a little and grabbing a carrot from a small bag of them on a small table next to his bed/He nibbled on the carrot and then got up and stretched.He shook his hair a bit and put on his classes making more clear to his eyes.He yawned once again and then when to his dresser and pulled out a outfit."Another day another bag of carrots"he said as he laughed quietly to himself and hopped over to the bathroom and took a shower then came out with a towel wrapped around his waist.He took another carrot and hopped over to his clothes and slipped them on.He wiped off the water mist from his glasses and put them on.Before going downstairs he grabbed another carrot and went out of his room and slid down the railing."Good Morning My Beautiful SnowFlakes"he said happily and with a big smile.He walked over to the fridge and pulled out some carrot juice and drank some as he nibbled on his carrot in his hand.He plopped down on the couch infront on the tv and just sat there.
(back for now :P )

Dawn saw someone else enter the room from the corner of her eyes but ingored them for right now. It makes since though, because the girl smelled just like her, which was part wolf, and they didn't want her to see it because she might be a full human. She chuckled under her breath before turning to the other person in the room. "Really poor cover up by the way."
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/tumblr_mim53oX6ir1r5n34uo1_500.jpg.25eb018b5cc8a7f8651a6fc25e8b4f2d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2405" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/tumblr_mim53oX6ir1r5n34uo1_500.jpg.25eb018b5cc8a7f8651a6fc25e8b4f2d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Ah-" Darien flushed in embarrassment, the rise of blood to his cheeks dusting his darkened skin a deepened rose verging on true red, the flare of embarrassment making his internal temperature rise slightly, though thankfully not so much that it set off some of his... less desirable reactions. Of course it hadn't worked. Stupid of him to try. Stupid stupid stupid. Of course that was something he was good at, right? Being stupid.

He sighed a little, scratching the back of his neck with one hand and looking at the floor. Dumb. She probably thought he was as thick as a rock now.

"I just- I- she- we-" no point, no point in trying to cover it up because he'd just sound like an idiot again and maybe he shouldn't talk at all. Searching madly for a reason to switch subjects Darien latched on to a strand of voice he heard from behind him.

"Good morning, my beautiful snow flakes"
Mike. Oh, thank god. An excuse to stop looking like a complete fool in front of this stranger. Darien turned halfway towards the living room where he heard a body - presumably Mike's - hit the couch.

"Morning Mike! We have an, uhm... guest?" He called over, then looked curiously back at the girl. After a moment of hesitation he questioned, "who... who are you, exactly?" directing the inquiry towards her. "And how'd you find this place?"

"Woah new people haha"he said as he hoped up and kissed his lover on the cheeks then walked over to the the new guest."Hi there.Welcome.What species are you?"he said as he looked at the girl and nibbled the rest of his carrot.
Dawn paled slightly but sighed, knowing that everyone here was most likely abnormal. "Um, I'm Dawn and as for my 'species', I am part wolf like Lily." She turned away from everyone, not really liking the attention, and went back to scarfing down her food in a not-so-graceful way.
Mike hopped in front of her."Well i'm Mike.I'm part bunny."he said as he bit into another carrot and smiled at the girl."I can see you don't like to talk much?It's ok i talk a lot.It's like i never stop hehe even in my sleep probably"he said smiling as he watched the girl.
Dawn smirked slightly at Mike. "No talking is fine, just not one for attention for... certain reasons." She finishes off her food and puts the plate in the sink before sitting back down where she was before.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/reize__s_love_interests_by_meago-d596mtn.png.78f22d221a2e56a45ba3a92b98b44e1f.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2408" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/reize__s_love_interests_by_meago-d596mtn.png.78f22d221a2e56a45ba3a92b98b44e1f.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"He does, actually. It's... kinda cute," Darien chips in, throwing the comment over his shoulder as he moves toward the kitchen. Time to score some food.

Dawn chuckles as she looks around at everyone, wondering what their story was and how they became what they are. She shook her head and looked out the window. What was she going to do now? She was happy to know that there were other people kind of like her but she didn't know if they would let her stay here or not. "Well um, thanks for the food but I should probably leave now..." She trailed off as she got out of her chair.
Mike giggled as he sat next to the girl "So how'd you stumbled across this place?I'm sorry if i'm bothering you i'll go with you want ergh sometimes people walk away from me because i talk to much i guess.But i try not to i just have a lot to say sometimes and yeah."he said as he looked down for a minute the bit another piece of his carrot.
Dawn sat back down in the chair and turned to Mike. "Um I was just walking along the streets and happened to come across Lily. She offered me some food so I came in and... yeah." She realizes that she was still wearing her jacket and put the hood part of it off her head, happy that her ears could finally come out.

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