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Horsehair Worm

Yup. That's the description.

So, my house, by the hole, small wooden fort with loft. We're sitting inside. We have our weapon of choice sitting next to us. There is also a map of the property in front of us.

Dunder pointed to a map, trying to figure out a battle plan. "Where do you think the zombies will Come from?" he asked Avery. He picked up bow and quiver with 30 arrows, and stood to look out the window.
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"Probably from both choke points, which I have set traps at, and quite likely from the clear route there..." Avrey said, pointing in the distance. "If it's a worm, can't I just eat it? I am a bird..." Avrey snickered at his terrible joke, picking up his spear and shield.
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"Um, no." Dunder laughed. "If you eat it, you will become one of them! That would be bad. A violent Avian weirdo. Also, I don't recall you setting up traps, what kind did you put out there?"
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"Oh...loud ones. Quite fun, to see a limp go flying away at mach five." Avrey snickered, kicking at a rock. "I wouldn't worry, I got this! Just like last time!" He said, ignoring the fact that he almost died "last time"
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"The last time we saw a zombie, it looked just like a normal human," Dunder says, desprately trying to find a solution to the terrible situation, "how are we gonna tell friend from foe? I guess the victims will be unable to talk, or respond to our tests that we can put them th-" Dunder looks out the window to find a figure slowly approaching the fort. Two more are behind it. "Don't attack, they might be survivors, lock the doors and windows and follow me!" Dunder ordered, climbing up the ladder.
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Avrey sighed, bored. "Can't we just ASK them if they are friendly?" He locked the doors and windows with a yawn. "Seems like the logical thing to do." He said, following Dunder. "Great plan, take a bird with a Spear, coughmeleeweaponcough to the rooftop. Bravo with this logic." Avrey commented sarcastically.
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Dunder opens a hatch that leads up to the top of the roof. Exiting the tight loft space into the fresh air, he turns, and easily climbs the steep roof. Dunder let's out a gasp of alarm. He can easily recognize the figures. "Caullin! Gavin!" he calls out to his two friends. "Are you zombies?! Say something!" He yells. "What's up?" Gavin calls back casually, as if nothing is wrong with the world. "What's up!? The zombie apocalypse, that's what's up!", Dunder calls back, playing along with the horrible joke.
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"You talk too much." Avrey said, leaning back and closing his eyes and pretending to sleep. "You act like the zombie apocalypse is the end of the world." He snickered quietly. "If people weren't stupid, this wouldn't happen. Never trust a human to do an Avian's job." He said snidely, slipping off the roof and onto the ground, landing silently. He ignored the two people approaching, and kicked the door open, breaking the hinges. "We'll...fix that. Later..." he said, shrugging.
"(Bleep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)" Dunder yells, cursing Avery's stupidity. 'That door was our most important form of protection, and now you've gone and destroyed it!" Gavin and Caullin walked through the door, wondering what the fuss is all about. Then they saw that the door is not open, but lying on the floor, completely usless, and all because of the Avian standing right next to them. "Now you've done it, gone and killed us, you have, screw you, you fricking bird human weird hybrid piece of (bleep)!" Dunder shouted, and stormed out of the fort. "What was that about?" Gavin asked.
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"Racist!" Avrey yelled in response to Dunder's outburst. "I think he get's frustrated when I'm cooler than him." He snickered. "I'm Avrey, I assume you two are Caullin and Gavin then. Well, let's go find a Dunder." Despite his smug attitude, Avrey was actually quite offended by Dunder's comment.
Dunder sat, leaning against a tree, arrow knocked, bow drawn, ready to shoot. He has just witnessed a spectacular, but horrifying sight. A boy, he recognized him as a kid from his school, had just ran out of the forest, gasping for breath. Then a figure with no expression, no recognition, no emotion in its face, had emerged from the trees, pressed it's hand to the boy, and they both collapsed. Only the boy stood once more, and it's face was just like that of the still collapsed figure. The boy was now a zombie, and the other person was dead. Dunder had his bow pointed at the zombie. He did not want to do it. He probably couldn't do it. But he had to. If he was gonna survive, it was every man for himself. He gulped, and got prepared to release.
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Avrey found Dunder, leaned against a tree, arrow knocked. "Hey, Wazzup Stupid? Why did you run away like a little baby? Was it because I broke the door? Or because I'm just too good." Avrey mocked, smirking widely. "Why do you have an arrow kn- Oh...Oh.." Avrey's smug smile faded. "Well, no different from the others, fire away." Avrey said, glancing at Dunder. He looked to be in emotional pain, and somehow Avrey knew that Dunder knew the zombie he was about to release the arrow into. An instinctive and sympathetic coo came from Avrey, who looked down.
"Avery.... I feel wrong," Dunder whispered, "I know there is a cure, there has to be a cure. These are innocent peo-" the zombie turned to face in the exact direction of the pair of survivors. Dunder immediately stood, and bolts off to the fort. "Run!" he shouts. " Don't kill unless you have to! I'll be back with a better solution!", and he disappears into the ruins of his fort.
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(Sooooo you gonna join?)

Avrey nods, following Dunder in a slick sprint through the shrubberies, and into the fort. "What's your plan?" Avrey asks on the way, curious. Suddenly, a loud, but muffled boom is heard off in the distance. "Oh dear..." Avrey said, looking grim. "That's the first..." a few more booms went off, getting louder and louder. "And they are coming..." A very loud boom was heard, and the explosion was in eyesight. "To us.."
"Screw the plan!" Dunder leapt down with his bow over his back, along with his quiver. He was also holding 2 rocks and a pice of rope. "We need to go, NOW! CAULLIN, GAVIN, AVERY, FOLLOW ME!" he bellowed, running straight towards the zombies. "Trust me, I have a plan", he says before he plunges into the Horde of 13 zombies. This is nothing compared to the incident at Wal-Mart. That was around 50 zombies, and we still made it through. I can do this, he thought as he was running, trying to avoid the mindless creature's pathetic attempts to try to spread the infection. You're gonna need a lot more than that to take me down, he thought as he emerged from the crowd, unscathed.
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"Great, he's got a plan, we're doomed." Avrey said, in his typical sarcastic mood. He lept after Dunder, ducking behind his shield as he charged through the zombies with Dunder. He squawked in alarm when one of the grabbed his arm. He turned on the Zombie, bashing it with his shield. "Don't. Touch. My. FLUFF!" He yelled, yanking free and sprinting after Dunder, Caullin and Gavin took their way around the horde, which was still following them at a slow pace.
Dunder impatiently waited for the group to catch up; obviously they don't have a sense of urgency. When they finally catch up, he continued running to the pickup truck. He opened the door, rushed Gavin and Caullin in, orderd Avery to drive, and hopped in the back as well.
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"D-D-Drive? I've never driven before! Why do I have to drive?!" Avrey said, looking at Dunder nervously. He squawked, jammed the key into the key-hole, turned it, and took off. All he had to do, was hold the pedal down, and steer the wheel. Would be easy, but the pedals were ment for human feet, not talons, so he had a hard time adjusting speed and keeping it steady, plus he was shaking nervously, gripping the wheel tightly. "W-Where to D-D-Dunder?"
"Do you know a good hiding place where we can camp out for the time being?" Dunder said, vigorously working at a very difficult knot, that will tie the two rocks together, but still leave a section of rope in between them. A new weapon-but-not-a-weapon that he could use to wrap around the zombie's legs. In his mind, the plan was foolproof. "Whatcha makin?" Caullin asks. "You'll see...." Dunder replied. "Avery, take us to the school."
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"It's called a Bola, and they a- OH GOD!" Avrey screeched like a hawk, swerving out of the way of a few zombies. "I think I just had a heart attack.." he said, his heart beating and his breath quick and hasty. "So...school...right here..." Avrey finally made it to the group's destination, and parked in the lot. "Let's go." Avrey said, hopping out of the truck. "Glad that's over.." he mumbled.
Dunder and the group quickly hopped out of the truck, and ran inside. Flying through the halls, dodging a zombie here and there, but most of the school was empty, as it was a Sunday. Dunder led the gang into the gymnasium, and eventually into the locker room. Everyone did a quick check to make sure that it was empty, and fortunately, it was. Dunder slumped against a locker, once again absorbed in his work. But he was fumbling with the knot, partly from the shakiness of his hand, and partly from exhaustion. It was getting late, and he was tired, they all were. They needed sleep, but they also needed protection. They needed someone to take watch. Dunder reluctantly volunteered.
"You don't have to take watch, I can, if you'd like." Avrey said, offering to take his place. "Actually...let's both take watch." He said, smiling and following Dunder out. "Hey, uhm...about what you said earlier." Avrey brought up shyly. "That kind of...reallyhurtme.." He finished quickly, avoiding Dunder's eyes.
"Yeah, about that.... I'm sorry. I was planning on talking to you about it. I was just mad. You kicked down the door, and I threw a fit. That happens sometimes. But this isn't a time to get mad. Or hold grudges. If we're gonna survive this thing, we need to work together in peace. Yes, eventually we're going to do things that make each other mad, but we just have to let it go. And about earlier, I'm terribly sorry, but can we just forget about the whole thing? I didn't mean to-well, I did at the time-but I take back everything I said back there, ok?"
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Avrey smiled, glancing over at Dunder. "Yeah...true..." he said. Without thinking, Avrey walked over and hugged Dunder, humming warmly."What a situation. A bird and a human, against the bloody world..." he mumbled, falling asleep slightly.

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