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Fandom Homestuck Roleplay: Sburb Omega

Well, against the challenges SBURB provides, yeah, she's not as strong a contender, but if you look at from the perspective of players fighting players, she's top tier, hands down. I don't really think anyone would be able to stand a chance against her in a 1v1 scenario.
I don't know. We've seen powerful witches (Jade) and heart players (Dirk), but neither Feferi or Nepeta were any better than the rest of their team.
A Witch like Feferi was able to bargain with the Horrorterrors in order to make the Dream bubbles so all of her friends could live on in some way, but wouldn't by default she would have some strange abilities to instantly kill people or give life to things? The world may never know considering she never got to God tier.
I was going off Dahni's theories-the one Elision declared is what we're filling in the blanks with in the character apps page.

This is an excerpt from her Witch of Heart analysis thingy

Dahni said:
They can increase or subdue a person’s natural instincts and make them doubt themselves at their very cores. They might break the rules of passion and desire itself, maybe being able to make anyone fall in love with anyone, including themselves. In this way they would also break the rules of the soul and the inner self, being able to change and manipulate who a person truly is. The making people fall in love with or hate each other probably falls into that. They manipulate and control people’s passions, wants, needs, and desires. They can make anyone desire anything they want and they can make anyone stop desiring anything they wanted to.
But I guess Crocia's natural advantage over PvP battles is just how the cookie crumbles in a fair way. Naturally, she fights a monster or some such, who can really even say Prospit or Derse beings have souls as simple constructs of the game?

This would make her abilities limited in certain fields yet very advantageous in others. It's what she deserves as a player fighting against such strong opponents.
I still find that she is powerful and has potential, buy in a way which is fair compared to others.

On another note, the frog breeding process works in a way which allows the Space player to breed frogs on their planet to a point where they eventually breed the Genesis frog and then throw its tadpole into their lit Forge (Volcanoe) and then their Denizen Echidna holds it until the Grist hord offering Is made?
One pattern we've seen with the canon Heart players is that they seem to unconsciously embody the 'heart means love' interpretation of their aspect. Crocia would probably embody this by playing matchmaker among the other players.
Pretty sure at least the Carapacians and inhabitants of each planet (example: Viceroy Bubbles Von Salamancer) have souls. Imps and such maybe not.

I imagine it'd end up along the lines of a "But it's so much EASIER to just stab them!"-type deals, akin to how Dirk would probably rather stab most enemies than spend several pages ripping souls out. With her stabbing them being the best route for fighting large groups, she would be better suited to amassing armies bit by bit or taking care of high-priority targets than bulldozing a large set of monsters like a Prince of Space, Bard of Life or Heir of Hope would, so yeah, I wouldn't call it that "unfair" even when SBURB is an inherently unfair/unbalanced game.

Seriously, you can't defend an Heir of Void. Their title literally means that they get nothing, are protected by nothing and can invoke nothing. They might as well have no title at all.

Frog breeding, summed, up, if I remember correctly, goes like this:

The space player locates a frog and gets its paradox slime. They then go back in time and find that frog and make it so that it was never there, thereby creating a paradox so that they get the frog's paradox slime instead of the frog itself. Everything else is correct, yes- eventually renders a genesis frog.
Oh, bybthe way isn't it Kat's post Cordial?

Maybe she would, but let's just leave it on a happy 'its still pretty fair' note. And actually wait for Villains input on the matter.

I don't recall that phase but I'll trust it for the time being.

Who wants to take a Registry so we can lay out whos KernelSprite is made of what?

Things like these can be posted in the Overview, you don't even need me to edit it in, just post it in the thread ifnit pertains importantly to needed general information.
I'll do it. I organize things way more than I should already. Just one thing - what's the text colors of each of the guardians?

Sprites are the color of each character's guardian's (post-scratch Pesterchum) colors.
Mmmm, usually all Guardians tend to be variations of the original kids' colors.

Lilian (Jame's Mother) - Whatever the Hell this is in comparison to this.
[QUOTE="Elision of Ecritures]Mmmm, usually all Guardians tend to be variations of the original kids' colors.
Lilian (Jame's Mother) - Whatever the Hell this is in comparison to this.

Al is Ryan's brodad.

Lilian's text color is #006666

Al's text color is #006969

I thought that color looked similar.

It's fine though, I'm sure we can find a way to make the near identical sprite colors hilarious.
Ryik said:
Pesterchum chat colors
Ambrosius: #5900B3 hypnagogicDepredation

Athena: #0080FF glaukopisGlaux

Crocia: #336600 lurkingVariable

James: #00B3B3 craetorCenturion

Katherine: #00FF00 epochalHarbinger

Ryan: #FFE135 arrantTachyon

[QUOTE="cordial Amphigory]Can Kat's sprite be this colour?

That color is #00B359

To compare, this is Kat's color. [#00FF00] and this is Crocia's color [#336600]

Frankly I see no problem with any color no matter how similar as long as it's not the exact same color.

A test to see how noticeable the difference between Lilian and Al's colors are side-by-side on a lot of text.


Okay maybe we do have a problem. These colors don't seem distinguishable by the human eye. The first 500 X are Lilian's color and the second 500 are Al's.
I'd prefer it if you changed your color, since I can't find any other shade of super dull blue with 69 in it. Muh thematicism.
This looks good for Lilian, a nice shade of magenta.

And additionally, some talk from the previous conversation about The Felt and a small Mention of Lord English has me thinking, do we want Lord English in our Session at all? We could devise villainous roles from Jack Noir, the Queen and King just as easily and explore a less dysfunctional sessions inner workings.
Personally, I think it would be more fun to come up with new villains. Additionally, maybe someone who wasn't as important in the canon sessions could be more of a threat.

On that note, what about the exiles? Do we come up with our own?
I vote for exiles in theory, but not in practice.

Exiles involves 6 more OCs and a new setting on our future Earth doing whatever the hell they're doing which in the end may not even matter the slightest bit. We can just say we have them but not actually RP them; they aren't actually meant to be interacted with directly in any way, and the Mayor/Parcel Mistress are an exception, not the rule.
Agreed, but who would we want as our Exiles, just to get a slight grip of personality? for some reason I have the feeling James' would be the Black King who was overthrown after a monster battle and somehow spared.
Who most fits the commands Ryan has been given so far...?

Draconian Dignitary, definitely.

I'm not sure if we should set it in stone yet though, since it restricts who we can and can't kill in our session. For all we know all 6 exiles could be a bunch of nobody carapacians, and really, they probably should be, since everyone except the white queen was.
I just realized the first to enter the game is supposed to be the last to become a server player. I knew this all along and yet we did it completely in reverse while planning.

...Have we made a terrible mistake?

[QUOTE="Elision of Ecritures]Ambrosius>Katherine>Crocia>James>Ryan>Athena>Ambrosius

Uh... We could still do that... Or should we switch up the order so that server players are brought into the game immediately after? It would basically be the exact same thing, just that you become a server player before becoming a client player. This seems like an easy thing to retcon with the discs, or we could just have Katherine enter now (Crocia as her server player) and James, wanting to stick to the order he made, tells everyone to take out the client discs and switch to server discs.

The new order would basically be the same thing in reverse:



While we're on the topic I'd also not mind switching to:


since Ryan as Crocia's server apparently has a lot of potential for shenanigans, and Ryan being James' server is a significantly more sterile dynamic than the other way around. This also puts the space and time players together, for convenient frog-breeding.
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