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Realistic or Modern Home for Unwanted Magical Children

"Lookin good" he said putting down the mirror. " I'm gonna go nap for a while. I'll see ya around." He said as he started back for his room.
Richard overheard the conversation between Dakota and a new kid who arrived at the home. It was saddening to discover Dakota's ailment. He could also hear Dakota's hair fall to the ground after being cut. Richard couldn't really understand he thinking behind that as he would have cherished the moments of having hair while he could. Wondering who Angelo was with, Richard got off from his bed, took his earbuds out and knocked on the door of Angelo's room. (@Enchanted Dreams you still in?)
Passing a kid in the hallway who was knocking on another door, Felix nodded to him and said "Hey" as a hello, and continued to keep walking.
Crispin bounced up from nowhere, no doubt due to his super speed. "Hi there!" he waved energetically. "I'm Crispin!"


Hi sorry I'm late! (Hopefully not too late... xD )
Freddy took a deep breath, closing his eyes tightly. "Okay, focus..." he whispered to himself, before transporting himself to what he hoped was the kitchen. Instead, he found himself in the same room as Dakota, Crispin, and Christian. He sniffed the air, before letting out a whimper of disappointment. "Um, if anyone is in here, sorry for randomly popping in. I'm trying to improve my aim," he said quietly, his tone apologetic. (sorry that this is late hhhh)
"Hey there!" Crispin grinned. "I'm Crispin! That was really cool! Can you do it again?" he asked excitedly, bouncing in place.
Freddy jumped at the sudden voice, before continuing, "Um, thank you, but I don't think that would be best. I can't really see where I'm going, so I could end up on the roof, for all I know..."
Dakota hugged Christian randomly, looking at her bald head through the mirror. She smiled just a bit, she rarely smiles. She let go of the hug, and wiped away a single tear from her cheek.
"No it's fine," she said, another tear coming out of her eye. "It just," she paused, "I really never thought I would have a friend who would be so nice to me and do stuff for me." She rubbed her eyes.
"And I never thought I could have a Good and cute friend like you for all the Two weeks Of memory I have left..." He looked at her. "At least I will have you to help me, right?"
"Of course," she said tearing up. She wiped her tear off with her sleeve. "Sorry about this," she said. Dakota said again, crying, "Oh my god I was never like this before."
She smiled and accepted the kiss from Christian on her forehead. She smiled, hugging him again, her smiling a bit. "When you lose your memory I will make sure I tell you who everyone is and who I am," she promised.
Dakota lay her peach fuzz head against Christian's chest, smiling just a but just as before. Tears were rolling down her cheeks. "I..I..I-" she stumbled out, "I just never had a friend before... let alone someone who was this kind." She cried a bit more, forgetting about the others in the room.
"I just can't thank you enough," Dakota said. She never cried this much in her life. "Do you want to um..." she said softly. "Wanna go somewhere?" she asked.
(She does not wear dresses) She looked at her clothes. Her black pants and red and black sweat shirt covered in hair clippings. "Oh, yeah," she said. Dakota grabbed some clothes from her suitcase and ran into the bath room. She changed quickly and changed into a pair of jeans and a black and red t shirt with black fingerless gloves. She walked out throwing her old clothes into a suitcase.
"Where ever you want to," Dakota said grabbing Christian's hand. "I think it is about 3:10, and we have dinner at 6:00 remember." She thought for a moment, wiping away the rest of her tears.

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