home for the strays or is it the home of no return?

twilight sparkle

Yaoi lover
there is a nice manor on an average street. but it is anything but normal! there are nekos of every kind running amuck! then you see some started disappearing one by one never to be seen again! -creepy music- will you survive in the home and escape or fall to your doom?(sign uphttp://www.rpnation.com/index.php?threads/the-home-for-the-strays-or-is-it-the-home-of-no-return.6873/)

Nichole walked into her new home. Satis house which means enough. Susan smiled kindly but behind that smile held a dark evil look.
(Hello!!! *flies in dramatically then bows!* First post!)

Mizu scratched his neck lightly and yawned softly as a soft breeze swept past him. His tail swayed along with his medium length hair in the wind. His ears flicked a couple times too. He was standing in the front yard of the mysterious house. He stood, hands in pockets, gazing ahead. It seemed as if he were...waiting for something...or someone. Perhaps he was just staring into space.

Zebra skipped around the house, her bunny tail wiggling back and forth. She was in a good mood as usual. Her red hair bounced above her shoulders as she searched through the home. Being a very curious girl, she scampered everywhere, through every room and basically examining everything.
Tama walked around her house with a smile on her face and her favorite song playing in her head, Rainbow Veins. She hummed the song as she walked outside and to the woods. She swished her dark black tail back and forth with the whitish-grey tip swaying along too. She bent her ear back and the fuzzy tips faced toward her back. She giggled and smiled as she heard the birds chirping and the sun rising. She loved the mornings, she was (as she always called herself) a morning bird and always woke up happy for the new day that came after the last day. Tama walked over to a tree and looked at its bright pink blooms on the tips of the branches. "What beautiful tree." Tama smiled and then kept walking in the woods with her worries far behind her.
susan said"come in come in!" leading her to the kitchen. "here sweetie please eat!"smiling. she handed nichole a bowl of beef stew with something extra.... nichole's ears perked up. "t-thank you!" eating happily. afterwards she suddenly felt sleepy. she yawned and susan lead her to a room. "sweet dreams..."as nichole laid down. she then smirked walking into the back where there were two beat up nekos. "now have you learned?" they huddled together scared. she cackled and took the chainsaw from its holder. SLICE SLICE! susan laughed happily as she killed off the nekos it gave her a rush! she didnt care about these kids she hated them!
Mizu shivered, sensing an unpleasant feeling coming from somewhere, maybe it was just his imagination. He blinked a couple then looked down at his feet. He let out a small sigh before finally proceeding inside.

(Omg.... O.o ....scary lady!!!)
(scary O.o ) She walked toward a building that had a sign saying on the side of the house, Susan's House. She thought it was a new neighbor and decides to knock and say hello to the new neighbor. Tama knocks on the hard wood door and waits for a someone to answer.
Nichole woke up sleepily and crawled to the front. she opened the door."hello?"rubbing her eyes.she was still under the effect of the drug in the soup. Susan walked to the front and dragged Nichole away by her tail. CRASH "OWWWWW!!!" CRASH!
Tama heard crashing and a girl screaming, 'ow' along with dragging noises. She says aloud now scared in a freaked out voice. "Oh my gosh what is happening in there???" Tama flicks her tail and tries to wrench open the door, she felt as though someone was in trouble. The door was locked and really hard to unlatch, so Tama banged against it with her right arm, only making her arm sore. She could not open the door what so ever.
-Tama found a brick and the window, she threw the brick at the window and dove into the house looking for the sound. She found the sound behind a locked door. Tama banged on the door with her fists and kept her ears back facing the wall behind her and her fluffy black tail flicked back and forth as usual and she banged on the door with her fists as hard as she could. She wanted to safe whoever was being hurt.-
(I'm back, again! Sorry for randomly leaving)

Mizu shivered again; The sudden screams, then complete silence was absolutely terrifying...especially since it sounded like it came from within this very house that he was in. Rather shyly and quietly he stuttered a whisper, "H...H-Hello?" He didn't expect a reply and didn't receive one anyways. He began walking through all the halls...taking. aution of everything.

Zebra eeped in fright when she heard the cry. Nobody would find that sound pleasant. Her eyes widened a little and she bit her lip. Nothing but the quiet ecchos of her breathing could be heard from her position. She was curious about where the screams from and also why.
nichole quickly tried to open the door to escape. "HELP SOMEONE ANYONE!"beating on the door. susan smirked and unlocked the door. "come here sweetie i wont hurt you...."giving a kind smile holding out her hand. nichole took the hand not knowing what was to come. when she stood shakily susan put a cloth over her mouth. nichole screamed and struggled! BAM! BAM! she kept banging susan into the wall.//help someone please....//before blacking out.
Zebra raced into the room following the cries, screams, and banging that she felt ringing through her bunny ears. "This has to stop!" The noise was spooky and waiting for something or someone to show up...but then nothing comes...it's creepy, the feeling of waiting for something just pop out infront of your face unexpectedly.......the waiting was the creepy part. She stormed into the room. The crazy lady who was known by the name of Susan stood before her, a passed out girl too. She took a step back.
Susan smirked picking up Nichole by her hoodie. "i wasn't gonna kill you yet but you must be taught a lesson!"taking her to the back room. there were blood splatters everywhere plus the bodies of her latest victims.
Zebra was surprised that Lady apparently hadn't seen her as she walked away; She was standing infront of her when she entered the room, not directly right infront of her but in her sight. She was relieved but she was still scared for the girl. "Kill?"
Nichole was thrown into a chair and strapped down. it was actually a table. Susan hummed getting out her utensils as Nichole stirred. she thumped a syringe some mixing it. she then injected it into Nichole's arm. a loud ear piercing scream came from her.
Mizu had peeked into the room just as Zebra arrived. He almost screeced when she appeared but luckily didn't. They both felt the urge to race into the room and save the girl...but neither of them seemed to have the guts t do so at the moment.

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