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Realistic or Modern Home for the homeless Children

Name: Anna Maria Young

Age: 19

Personality: Anna is a very caring person, and she feels everything with a passion, so she will sometimes overreact to situations that she's in. For the most part, Anna is sweet and quiet, until she gets angry. She is smart and tries to always find a resolution to situations.

Appearance: (I don't know how to post pictures, so here's a description) Anna has short blonde hair, green eyes and a bright smile. She has sheet pale skin and is a very small person.

Name: Emily Kay Love

Age: 14

Personality: Emily is shy once you first meet her, and she will hardly say a word until she is ready to speak to someone. She often sits by herself and can read for eight hours straight without being distracted or getting bored. Emily is a very loyal person, and once you become her friend and she yours, hardly anything can change that.

Bio: For years, Emily's parents constantly told her how she was not good enough, and when she turned eight, she woke up one morning and found that she was the only one left in her home. She was in the system before coming to this new home because her agent could find no more families willing to take a girl her age. Emily has an eating disorder, and hardly eats anything. She feels guilty when she eats.

Appearance: Emily has long brown hair, hazel, big, down-turned eyes, light brown skin, and a tiny figure from not eating.
Name: Christen Maddox

Age: 25

Personality: Gentle, kind, caring. She cares greatly for the younger generations, especially really young kids. She is tolerable of troublemaking kids, but not when it gets to be overly much.

Bio: Christen has been jumping between orphanages, helping out as a caregiver in them. She herself was a orphan, and can understand most of the kids. She has come to the home hoping to join the staffing as a caretaker.



((Thought you could use some help in care-taking/care-giving ;P Also, i`m going to make a kid as well, see below.))

Name: Piper Autry

Age: 3 a month from 4

Personality: Sweet, shy, goofy, Piper is a very lovable little girl. She often keeps back to herself, though. When a family or parents are mentioned, she begins to cry. She is very attached to a small white rabbit doll, that her adoptive mother had given her on her first birthday.

Bio: Piper`s real parents had died shortly after her birth, leaving her with an adoptive family. Piper`s adoptive parents cared for her for the first two years of her life. They had decided to movewhen she turned 3, and during the process of it, they ended up leaving Piper behind. A neighbor found Piper where she had been playing in the attic, though by then she was tucked in a ball in the corner, crying to herself. The neighbor calmed her down, then brought her out of the house, along with her stuffed white rabbit, which she had refused to let go of. The neighbor brought her to the home.


Name: Johnathan Dudley, "That's Mister Dudley to you!"

Age: 27

Personality: Intense, insistent on manners, respectful, very intolerant of rudeness. When his authority is directly challenged, he can become a little harsh, not making him the most popular with kids sometimes. Believes instilling a sense of responsibility is more important than happiness sometimes.

Bio: Johnathan lost his parents in a fire when he was younger, suffering a nasty burn to his leg that has left scars that never healed fully. He was passed around in the system until he eventually wound up in an orphanage where he served out the rest of his adolescence. He was bored constantly and became somewhat restless but took up numerous pursuits to try and ease his feelings of emptiness and anger. Eventually, he settled on boxing and carpentry. He hoped to turn one or the other into a career.

Neither really worked out once he left the orphanage, he became a decent amateur fighter but not a pro contender and he never found someone to apprentice under to realise his carpentry dream. He took up a job at the home to fill the time as he worked on both and just never really left, becoming somewhat comfortable in his surroundings as his drive evaporated.



This but less muscular and not without the tie, rose or stripe on his pants.

((k thanks))

Name: Sol Ifris

Age: 15

Personality: Sol is very kind hearted, but his morals and ideas get in the way of his golden heart kindness, he ends up getting into fights when someone has totally opposite morals with him, and sometimes he can never stop himself until he has beaten his adversary to a blood pulp, some call him soulless sol, and the fact is that he believes them sometimes, with all the bad he has done he never truly thinks himself a good guy. But the only reason he gets into fights is fo what he thinks is good, he always fights to help another, its just the way he is. Sol is very selfless and cares about little, but once you have entered his life he see's it fit to help you out even if he hates you.

Bio: Well, as I said he is kind of a trouble maker, so what he did... let me tell you a story.

You see at the age of fourteen sol was already very athletic, had good grades, had a good school life, but most of that was all just a mask to hide his true emotion's. Because when he went home he was brought to find that his mother was always sick, his father had died, and his useless older brother beat him and his mother with no remorse, one day when he came back. Sol came to find that his brother had killed his mother, And it happened right in front of him, His brother was going to kill him as well, and sol fought for his life, killed his brother in self defense. The cops had gotten involved and several of his relatives wanted to take him, he was taken by his grand parent's. But he had no reason to stay with them so he ran away. And that is how we came here



All accepted. Sorry I took soo long to respond. Fyi this is another one of my accounts.. I just forgot my password for the other account ^~^
It already has

[QUOTE="Snow Frost]Or if you prefer, it's in Roleplays. Realistic. Home for the homeless. Please RP there if you've been accepted.. fyi everyone here so far has been accepted..

Utdfan22. Please edit your post on the rp, I need at least two paragraphs. It says in the RP and in here, the first post "I will expect at least two detailed paragraphs. I don't expect the paragraphs to be perfect but at least get the grammer right"
Sorry, again, about my single paragraph on Christen. I tried to make up for it with Piper. There wasn't much to post about Christen.
I'll reply sometime tomorrow. I have classes during the day and practice after that, so from 7:44-5:00 Ish I will only be a available in small incriminates and on Mondays I won't be on between 5:00-7:00 instead of my normal practice time of 3:00-5:00 and Tuesdays I have double practices so I may not be on much those days. Fridays and Saturdays are often performance days, FYI, so idk how much I'll be on those days either. I'm sorry I have a crazy schedule, but I do post on breaks or whenever I have a spare moment, and I reply more than it sounds like I would, I swear. I joined another RP site and I'm on plenty to reply.

Tell it to the angels

You're already dead
Alright.. and it's ok.. I said two paragraphs.. I didn't say it had to be for each character XS

Plus it's going to be the same with me.. I have to go to school... ^~^
Please try not to post ooc (out of character) in the RP.. I don't want the RP to become a chat.. ~^~

It's ok if you forget or you accidentally send a ooc... just try not to get carried away with it... I have to go to bed.. school tomorrow and I don't want to be late..

I'll post tomorrow after school...
By filling out the CS on the first post... XS make sure you read the rules.. yes.. you may fill a CS out for me to approve/disprove/help you with.
Name: Austin Kost

Age: 12

Personality: Austin is a very curious and shy individual. He's skeptical about everything.

Bio: Austin grew up in a very loving household. His mother and father gave him plenty of affection and made sure he knew what was right. He loved to learn and often read books that were about science, the universe and inventions (often creating his own). His parents died in a car accident when he was 6 after they hit a patch of black ice on their way to pick him up from daycare. He went from home to home but never stayed anywhere longer than 2 months. He's arriving at the home today and isn't confident he'll be here long either.


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