Hollingwood Academy For Gifted Teens [Inactive]

Endless Love

Reality TV Junkie ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Vampirelovee submitted a new role play:

Hollingwood Academy For Gifted Teens - An old boarding school in Maine located at the top of a cliff which overlooks a raging ocean.

Only the most talented students are admitted at Hollingwood Academy, and though it may be hard to get in, it is very easy to get out. The school is run by William Forbes, better known as Principle Forbes, or Headmaster Forbes. The school is lavish, quite the beautiful structure with ancient decor and styles. However, is there an odd twist on the student body's actual species? Odd 'animal attacks' have been reported around the school with snake like twin bites on the neck or he...
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The rain around Hollingwood came crashing down from the dark grey storm clouds overhead, followed by a rumble of thunder and a strike of lightening in the distance. A white limo pulled up in the front driveway of the enormous academy, and when the door opened, the ever so school renowned Candice Forbes stepped out with a groan at the weather. Behind her were two other girls, all blonde as if it was a requirement. One held an umbrella and hurriedly opened it to hold it over all of their heads, not wanting to have their perfectly done hair ruined by the awful Maine weather. Candice had begged her dad many times to move somewhere else, preferably California. She even used her mind control on him a teeny bit, but for a change she hadn't gotten her way that time. The two girls who walked alongside Candice were relatively similar in appearance. Felicity, to her left, had platinum blonde hair, worn in waves and braided around her head, sporting a pair of sparkly big brown eyes and red lipstick. And Elizabeth, to Candice's right, had a more warm hair color. Much more similar to Candice, perfectly curled around her shoulders. What really someone might notice about her however, was her cat like green eyes lined with black winged out eyeliner. They both wore floral upper thigh length dresses, Felicity's yellow Elizabeth's red. Candice however wore a pure white skin tight miniskirt, light lacy pink top that bared a tiny peek of her stomach and matching ballet flats, a white gold lined coach bag slung over her shoulder. She refused to carry a backpack. The 'squad' began to walk towards the school's main entrance, Candice reapplying her light coral pink watermelon scented lip gloss as they did so, a buttler dressed in a suit and tie opening the door for them. The girls didn't give him so much as a nod, all but Candice who flashed him a toothpaste commercial worthy smile.

Elysia was glad that it had been such a miserable morning. The sky was an unappealing grey with thick clouds that had brought storms with them. She had always enjoyed thunderstorms. The ferocity and beauty they displayed reminded her of her own kind and she felt comforted by the angry weather. Storms were beneficial in other ways too. She had been able to move herself into the academy with little trouble. Although she often equipped a parasol while the sun was in the sky - her pale skin just couldn't take the damage it might do! - it would only have been troublesome to insist on holding one over her head while she pulled cases behind her.

Sia had left the view of the angry, rolling waves from her bedroom window in favor of one of the courtyard, in the hallway. While the sea was beautiful, her interest lay with the students of the academy for the moment. She wanted to see if she could identify others of her kind among the arrivals. She had grown very curious of this boarding school when she'd learned of it's popularity among the vampires in the area. She had traveled alone for so long now that she was eager to pause and spend time with others again.

The school was very beautiful, despite the weather. She had been particularly impressed by the luxurious quality of the bedrooms and was pleased that everyone seemed to have their own room. It would make things easier when it came time to feed and she only had to worry about one human waking up. Elysia smiled to herself and leaned forward to rest her forearms on the windowsill as she gazed out of it. Her hair hung loose and in natural waves around her shoulders. She wore a sweet, cream dress to give the impression of innocence - after all, she couldn't have people know what she really was - a pair of over the knee socks and grey boots on her feet. She was free from jewelry and often didn't wear it, save for the odd pair of earrings here and there. She was not a materialistic person by any means. Even if she did enjoy the finer things in life every now and then.

Sia's attention was drawn to a white limo as it pulled up in front of the building and she watched with mild interest as three female humans exited it. The one in front was most likely the daughter of the founder and Elysia was curious as to what kind of person she was. She hoped that she would not be surrounded by spoiled little rich girls and boys. Someone, surely, would be interesting.

Straightening up again, Elysia made her way downstairs. She had not yet been given any instruction on what to do with her time but imagined she was supposed to be somewhere doing something productive.

Joshua hummed to himself as he played his violin, at first it was a soft melody, however as he played it took on a more forceful and dark tune similar to the outside sky. He stopped and set the violin and bow on one of the bedside tables. It was a huge room and he still wasn't sure if he would stay here at the school just because his parents wanted him to. Shrugging off the thoughts he walked out into the courtyard and began to stroll around, wondering if he would be able to find a place to climb besides the ocean side. With a sigh he looked out and saw a limo pull up. "I wonder who the new girl is" he thought to himself as she got out of the car. "Seems like a spoiled brat." his mind was made up. With another sigh he looked around the courtyard again, and walked inside the building.
The clicking of Felicity and Elizabeth's heels sounded through the hall, though Candice had decided not to wear them. Even if she looked rather small when she didn't. The girls who sandwiched her in the middle began to talk about something even she didn't care about: The struggle that there was not yet a lipgloss that was both shiny and long lasting. Instead of agreeing and nodding her head, Candice's thoughts drifted off to think of a few people who'd watched her from the window. One of them had been a boy..not bad looking in fact who'd given her a look as if she were Paris Hilton. But it wasn't just him. There was a girl too. She was blonde with fair skin and blue eyes that reminded Hannah of her own. Yet she didn't give her the same look the boy had, it was more a look of interest than hatred or annoyance. Wait, why was she paying so much attention to them just because they were looking at her? People always looked at her, either with envy, admiration, or longing. Sometimes just plain love. Candice overlooked it, but secretly admitted to herself that she'd be nothing without it. It'd be hard to lose the sensation. Yet even her, Candice Forbes, the Barbie of the school, minus the light freckles on her cheeks and short height, was envious of the girl she'd seen in the window. Was this competition or a new recruit to the team? Speaking of team, as cheer captain it was Candice's responsibility to get some new girls on the team. Just maybe..she tapped her chin thoughtfully as the posse made their way to their first class, Science.
Shamus was walking outside with his guitar case on his back. A little storm didn't stop him. He'd seen worse in dublin. He was an outdoors man. One of the things his father taught him, so he made tree and stone his home. The guitar was hearty and strong just like him. He saw the limo. "Oh great here comes her Royal Highness candice. I just hope it isn't like last year. I wouldn't want a repeat of that." He began to remember last year. "What a strange girl and a strange year."
Damon walked slowly into the school, not minding that the rain was thoroughly soaking him. He loved the smell and the sound and the feel... he had been extremely glad when his father had mentioned they would be heading to Maine... The name itself was close to 'Rain' which it only ever seemed to do so far... Damon reveled in it, however. He turned to look at the fat splashed on the ground as the rain fell one last time before heading inside and shaking his sopping hair out of his eyes. He was beginning to feel a slight chill from it but pushed aside the negativity that might come about from the feeling, instead enjoying just the feel of cold- just as long as it didn't get too cold.

Sticking closer to the sides of the hallways, Damon glanced at the people around him. He caught a glimpse of a couple of girls turning the corner that looked more like life sized barbies than anything and wondered what kind of personalities they had. He didn't want to stereotype and just classify them as the annoyingly preppy or overly snobby being that usually came with those looks... He was curious about the people in school in general.

Deciding it would probably be best to head to class now and feeling a bit of excitement for what might be discovered in that class today, Damon headed to his locker to collect his books- careful not to splash water on them. He also snagged his notebook before meandering to class. His eyes continued to rove around, taking in the people near him and ears catching snippets of conversations that at times Damon realized he didn't want to know more about... and other times he did want to know. It was crazy to think that all these people had lives and thoughts just like he did... A small smile curved the edge of his mouth as he walked through the door to the classroom, greeting the professor cheerfully before taking a seat at the front.
The squad sat in the middle of the room, Candice giving in to some air kisses and hugs somewhat carelessly. Same old, same old. The girls who sat around the trio, and even the ones who were far away stared with envy. Candice rolled her eyes tossing some platinum gold hair over her shoulder so that it swished over her back. Whatever. Felicity and Elizabeth knew that look, they both laughed and nodded agreeing. Candice wasn't the only one getting those looks, they had their fair share too. The professor Mr. Nellon started doing something boring like introducing himself, so Candice naturally pulled out her fuzzy pink sparkly pen and clicked it to keep her entertained over the horribly passionless sound of the instructors uninterested voice. A redhead kid had looked their way, she'd given him a little nod but not much else. Why had she done that? Candice usually stuck to only talking to male models and football players when it came to eye contact or conversation. This was a weird day.
Shamus realizing the time walked into the school. "Crap I am going to be late." He grabbed his books and walked into his first period class. He was wearing just a plain old tee shirt with a flannel shirt over that, with some blue jeans and some hiking boots. He walked into the class and instantly saw candice. "Oh crap" He thought. He just walked in and sat down in one of the desk near the back.
Joshua had a free track that morning. He thought it was odd, a free period. "I should talk to someone and see about an extra class." He wandered about the school halls. Peeking into certain classrooms and listening in if anything interesting was going on. He never stayed more than a few minutes eventually, however, he made his way to his counselor and knocked lightly. "May I come In?" he asked politely. He heard a muffled yes and opened the door. "What do you need Joshua?" he scratched the back of his head and asked. "I was wondering why I was given a free period was all, and if I could change it." his counselor rolled her eyes. "You were at the top of the class last year, and you nearly worked yourself to death to be there. This year I want you to rest more." Joshua shrugged "I was -near- the top and I'd rather be worked ragged than sit around all day." he said a little sharply. The woman behind the desk sighed "How about I set you up for an independent study class?" Joshua thought it over "Will I Get full credits for it? If I will yes gladly." The woman clapped her hands good, now get out of here tomorrow you'll need to go to the library." Joshua smiled to himself and walked out of her office. "Might as well look for a climbing spot for the next half hour I guess." he thought to himself as he began to wander again.
Damon was surprised when the lead Barbie nodded his way. Of course he knew who it was... of course he did, there were few if anyone who didn't know the Principal's daughter. Candice. But she didn't usually acknowledge his presence so he was a little off balance to say the least. He had meant it when he said he tried not to judge them by their outward appearance of behavior and for Candice to do something so human. It was strange. It had Damon scratching at the back of his neck in confusion as he opened his notebook and pulled out his text books for the start of class.

He watched with mild interest as droplets of water fell onto his notebook and caused a few of the blue ink lines to blur. He pushed his damp bangs away from his eyes only to have them flop back on this forehead again, causing Damon to sigh. He didn't really know why he put up with this particular hair length. He sighed heavily again as he wrote down the title of the class and the professor's name wearily. He was old enough that he shouldn't be in this class but he hadn't taken it at his previous schools and he needed the credit to graduate apparently... best to get it out of the way asap. It was slightly strange sitting in a classroom full of people younger then him but it wasn't entirely unpleasant.

As Professor Nellon spoke Damon scribbled down notes, having no rhyme or reason to his process besides making sure to get all the most important points down and putting a star next to anything Nellon emphasized. Science was truly a fascinating subject- even if it wasn't particularly Damon's forte... he wasn't very good at being precise which was something that you needed to be to excel at science. Every now and then Damon would lose focus and begin to doodle idly in open spaces of his notes, curious about the rumors he had heard about the school. He wondered if they held any truth... but pushed the thought aside, attempting to focus on taking thorough notes even though his mind no longer felt like focusing.

Elysia found it a little more difficult to breathe once she'd descended the stairs and joined the mass of students rushing about to get to class. Of course, she didn't need to breathe at all but she enjoyed it. Just not so much when doing so caused a burning thirst in the back of her throat. She had been careful. She had fed only yesterday and had been sure to really sate her thirst so that she would not lose control on her first day being surrounded by so many young humans. She'd had many years to build her restraint, too, but it only took one really powerful scent to send her into a feeding frenzy and no matter how old and experienced she was, she had to be cautious, always.

Sia's eyes had darkened and her gums ached with a need to release the full length of her canines as she made her way down the hallway towards the office. She swallowed, though it didn't make much of a difference, and satisfied herself with the promise that she would feed later once the excitement of the first day had died down.

Stepping into the office, Elysia approached the desk and watched as a woman in her late fifties spoke on a phone and jabbed keys on an outdated computer. She waited a moment or two but when it became apparent that she wasn't going to be seen to, she cleared her throat and rapped her fingernails on the counter top.

"Excuse me."

The woman sighed and dropped the phone to her shoulder as she finally turned her eyes on Sia. "Yes, what is it, girl?" she asked, barely holding back her frustration at being interrupted.

"Elysia," Sia corrected firmly and the older woman blinked twice at her before hanging up the phone and giving her her full attention. "Elysia," she repeated and Sia smiled brightly at her, her attitude lightening at once. "Yes, it's my first day. I wonder if you could give me my timetable?" she asked sweetly, resting her chin on her hand while she waited.

"Ah...yes. Of course...Elysia Rosetta, yes? Here you are." She lifted a sheet of paper out of one of the many files in front of her and slid it across to Sia who picked it up and scanned it quickly. "Unfortunately we wont have your books until the morning, so you'll have to share for today. Here's a map of the grounds in case you get lost," she added helpfully, handing over a second sheet. Sia took this too and smiled once more.

"Thank you. I'm sure I'll find my way," she replied before exiting the room and stepping back out into the hallway.
Lucas sat in the back of the class room, half asleep. He was tired from the almost eight hour-drive from New York to Maine, having arrived barely an hour ago. He opened his backpack to find an energy drink as their teacher entered the class room. He didn't want to actually fall asleep in class their first day. Due to the cold weather, he had decided to change into a dark turquoise hoodie, and a couple of beige, slim chinos. He had always enjoyed wearing them; they looked okay while being really comfy at the same time.

He looked around in the classroom as the energy drink began working, and noticed the blonde gang. Typical of a school like this to have a gang like that. He didn't really mind them, though. They looked really pretty, maybe he'd go say hi later.

He enjoyed his room, it was a lot bigger than the one he had in the apartment at home. And the queen size bed... oh, how he looked forward to sleep in it.

He chuckled lightly as a guy came in the classroom, a little late. The guy sat down beside him, and looked a bit stressed. It was fun, he thought, how different everyone in this class seemed. The blonde gang, this hiking guy, the soaked, seemingly carefree guy at the front... It would be fun, he thought, seeing how they all would act around each other. Being a new guy, he didn't quite know anyone yet, but he looked forward to it.

Sia glanced down at the sheets in her hands once she'd entered the hallway again and noted that her first class was to be science. She groaned softly and then turned her attention to the map she'd been given to see where the classroom was located. The worst thing about all of this was that she had to actually attend the classes. Hopefully some of them would be interesting but it would be tedious to have to repeat things she had already completed in the past. She had never been one for science. English, perhaps, would entertain her a little more.

The hallways were clearer now that class had started but Elysia did not hurry herself. After all, she had an excuse and the longer she could remain outside of class time, the better. Even so, she couldn't miss too much time. She needed to keep a low profile if she wanted to remain here for the year. It would be unfortunate to have to cut her stay short.

Finally reaching the door she had been aiming for, Sia opened it and stepped inside. The teacher, Professor Nellon as the list had told her, was already in the middle of his lecture and she smiled sweetly at him as he looked up. She closed the door behind her and took a few steps further into the room.

"I'm so sorry I'm late, Professor. I've just arrived and needed to pick up my timetable," she explained and he glanced down at her almost empty hands before back up at her. She smiled innocently at him, again.

"No books?" he asked and she shook her head. "Alright, well find a seat next to someone and share for today. I was just explaining that..." Sia tuned out and turned to face the students, her eyes flickering around the room and looking for some sign that she could join someone. She still hadn't come across a fellow vampire, but there was plenty of time to seek them out.
The girl from earlier had came in late..with an excuse however. Candice put one sunkissed leg over the other (Vacation in Hawaii over the summer). She gave her a look with her signature Barbie blues and quirked a brow playfully. It couldn't hurt to tease the new chick, right? Meanwhile Elizabeth was batting her perfectly mascaraed lashes at some guy who'd came up with a cheesy pickup line and Felicity was painting her nails bright red under her desk.

Being the genius and math and science that she..horribly unfortunately was, Candice pulled out her purple notebook and opened it to the first page, writing a heading in her slanted cursive, dotting the I's with hearts instead of dots. She didn't pay much mind to the others, though she still very well knew the eyes were on her. Mr. Nellon had wrote a list of scientific equations on the blackboard in yellow chalk, and Candice had swiftly copied them down and written her solutions..correct of course.

"Well I might as well give you this since you've finished all the work," Mr. Nellon said, placing a flyer for a school welcoming dance on her desk, "next year you're sure to be moved to advanced." Candice flashed a heart melting grin at her teacher, blinking and looking up with a face illuminated with happiness. He just continued walking, sneaking an eye roll as he moved to the desk behind her.
Shamus didn't need to really take note. He had a photographic memory and could just look at something and take a snapshot of it. It help with music, and with lyrics. He tried singing, thought he wasn't really good. He should stick to play his sax and guitar. Which was hanging from the strap on the back of his chair.

He watched the teacher hand out the flyers. "Sweet, I wanna see if I can either Dj This thing or be in the band." He whispered to himself. He began to think. "This might be awesome if I could be working in the band or DJing. I could show off my talent, and make people know why I am here." He folded the flyer and put into his pocket.

Sia recognized the girl from the Limo, Principle Forbes' daughter, if she was correct and when the girl lifted her gaze, Elysia decided she would sit near her. Of course, she was flanked on either side by the two other blonde girls, but there was an empty desk just behind them and so she moved towards it and sat down. All she had with her were the two sheets she'd been given in the office but she hadn't really planned on doing much work, regardless. Besides, Mr. Nellon didn't seem incredibly interested himself and was passing flyers out.

As he set one on her desk, Sia pulled it towards her and smiled as she read. She had always been fond of dancing, though the style had changed dramatically since she was human. She missed the swing, jazz and blues of the early 1900s and how couples would come together for slower songs. Now, it seemed to be all grinding and gyrating hips. That could be fun too, of course, but she would like to dance the way she used to. Perhaps things would be different, here.

Scooting forward on her seat a little, Elysia gently tapped the shoulder of the blonde girl in front of her. "Could I borrow a pen?" she asked, smiling sweetly, again.
Damon took note of any interesting characters that arrived to class or was already in the classroom. Of course there were the Barbies.. maybe they were as shallow and snobby as they acted at school but some reason Damon didn't think that was all there was to them. There was another guy that sat more towards the middle- the only reason Damon had noticed him was because of the glint of a silver chain. He had kind of watched the guy a short while to see if it was a normal chain or if it had anything attached and that it had a silver cross made it even more interesting. There was the guy seated next to him who didn't have a notebook out or anything written down and yet he didn't look like a slacker... Damon wondered what that guys game was.

Damon continued working through the equations on the board. struggling with a few. Plugging in equations was fairly easy for the most part- the mathematical side of Science made sense to Damon for the most part. He really loved math- even if he wasn't all that good at the Geometry or word problem part of it. Brushing his hair out of his eyes once more he finished the last of the equations and sat back, feeling rather proud of himself. He looked down at himself, taking in the charcoal turtleneck and the light blue vest he had decided to wear along with his denim jeans. It wasn't entirely stylish... but it was comfortable. He just hoped that the clothing being soaked wouldn't ruin it. At least it was beginning to dry out now.
Joshua quickly gave up the search for a rock wall, he'd a have to ask one of the teachers maybe or some faculty member. He shrugged and walked passed what he thought was the science room. Taking a peek inside as he slowed his stride to linger a bit longer he noticed a few people that seemed interesting in the class. Among them the brat, a few guys who looked fun to hang out with, and another girl behind her, although the brat and her seemed to be talking which made him question himself, maybe she wasn't -all- bad.... or at least it looked that way. With a shrug he was about to move on until he caught a glimpse of a flyer the teacher was handing out. "A dance huh?" he mumbled to himself. "They never have any slow music that's actually good these days." he gave a mental sigh and looked at the board, amusing himself by completing them in his head. He wondered if he had them completely correct as he made his way to his room, he could always use more violin practice.
Shamus kept taking snapshots of the board with his mind. he loved having a photographic memory. He wasn't the best with math and science. In fact he hated it, he found it pointless, but they had to teach and he would learn. He took out a big book that had staffs as if he was looking at a piece of sheet music. He started to scribble out some notes. He was write some music, that popped into his head. He ignored his teach but he kept writing the music. It was a slower song, something that a person could squeeze up close to there girl and slow dance. After a while he looked at it and began to get a sense of a latin beat behind it. He hummed it a little, and it started to sound good.
When Candice's eyes fell on the flyer her eyes sparkled. Instantly thoughts of her outfit flooded into her mind. This could only mean one thing: Shopping. Candice looked from Felicity to Elizabeth, and they had already seen the flyer and were thinking just what Candice was. Other people looked pretty excited, too. Candice twirled a light blonde lock around her finger, sneaking a glance at Shamus who looked just as excited. Probably for the music entertainment, no doubt he'd get in.

The sound of the bell ringing triggered students to flood out of their classrooms, books in hand. The three girls grabbed their books, and in their case coach bags, and started for the door. "Hold up." Candice exclaimed, holding up a dainty finger, nail painted sparkling gold to match the specks in her eyes. Felicity and Elizabeth stared at her, raising both their brows as if to ask why. Candice took towards the new girl, the very same one she'd seen in the window. When she stood in front of her Candice smiled. "Hey," She dug into her purse to pull out a flyer.

Hollingwood Bears' Cheer Team

If you have been given this flyer, you have been given an invitation to join our cheer team! Tryouts start next week, and uniforms will be given to the ones who make it. Wear a tee shirt, ponytail, sneakers, and get ready to have some fun!

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/images-2.jpg.be33089e90c886b43e782d1c2214d546.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17631" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/images-2.jpg.be33089e90c886b43e782d1c2214d546.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Think about it.." Candice mused, her left eye dropping into a wink as continued to lead the way to the next class.

(I'm going to just pretend that the day went by and they're all in their dorms or something, you can also go out if you've got a car or something to go somewhere. That's what I'll be doing.)

The day was exciting, mainly because of the dance. The blondies were all in the back parking lot of the school, and Felicity was unlocking the door to her silver porsche. Candice lowered into the passenger seat, Elizabeth in the back. Felicity pulled out og the grey gravel drive and onto the road. A couple of times Elizabeth would mutter a curse over her friend's terrible driving. Soon enough the pulled into the parking lot of their favorite coffee shop, Grounded.



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Damon wasn't entirely interested in the dance. It probably wouldn't have music that would interest him and he disliked attempting to dance to that kind of music. Folding up the flyer and settling it in his notebook nonetheless, Damon was happy when the bell rang and he moved on to his next class.

The day passed by in a seeming rush. One minute Damon was sitting in class, scribbling down notes and working on homework and the next it was the final bell and they were on their way home. Or well, people who weren't joining sports teams and or staying after school for other reasons were. Damon wasn't sure which sports team he wanted to be a part of but all of them appealed to him. He had even jokingly told his father he'd try out for the cheer-leading squad- there were guys needed on them, right?

Not seeing a try-out time for the cheer team Damon chuckled to himself- glad of the excuse not to try out. Passing over the basketball tryouts- although he could defend he couldn't shoot and that was dangerous and made him a weakness to the team- Damon eyed the Volleyball team try outs. He never understood why people deemed it to be a girl's sport, finding it to be challenging and fun. Taking a mental note on the time and the days those tryouts started Damon then went off towards the library to check out a couple books before he started on his way to the dorms.
Joshua sighed as the final bell sounded. In his last year at his last school he had placed second in the class, and found this unacceptable, so to fix such an embarrassing thought he made his way out of the school building with his books and notes. "I wonder if I can find a place outside the school to work at..." he mumbled to himself. He never really liked studying either where he lived or where he went to school. For some reason he never seemed to get as much work done. He made his way out of the school and to the parking lot and hopped onto his motorcycle, putting on his helmet he decided to just roam around town and look for some sort of coffee house to sit in quietly. After awhile of searching he nearly gave up before spotting a place called grounded. "Well that seems good enough." he thought aloud as he pulled into the parking lot. He made his way inside as he pulled off his helmet and sat down in a corner table. Getting himself set up with his books and laptop he went to the counter and ordered a coffee. Now fully prepared he set to work..... until he noticed the brats that were also in the shop "Dammit really?" he thought to himself. "Oh well, as long as they don't bother me. I'm sure they're not all bad."
Lucas tilted his head as the new girl entered the classroom. He felt a sudden interest for her, as her face wore a mixed expression of innocence and experience, like she was a lot older than she seemed. His gaze changed once the teacher handed out some flyers to him as well. After school activities... he hadn't thought much about that yet. Maybe he'd join a sports team or something art related...? He had never practiced much, but he enjoyed doodling stuff from his memory. The doodles were often random memories, pictures caught up by his eidetic memory.

Some things, he wished he didn't remember so clearly, like the day he found his mother lying dead in their backyard. The pictures often came up in his dreams, or rather nightmares. He had been fourteen at the time, old enough to imagine what had happened. Something had ripped apart her neck, and it could look like it was an animal attack, but no animal was near and the neck was the only thing that was hurt. He had been suspicious ever since then, of whether all horror stories really were only that; stories.

He shook off the thoughts as he heard the bell ringing. He got up from his desk and put away his notebook. He moved on to his next class, and began writing out submissions to an art class as well as the soccer team. He noted the first practice they would have this afternoon, and kept moving on to the different classes of the day. He was a little sad that he really didn't have much time getting to know the students around here, and hoped the dance tonight would change that. The school day came to an end, and he went to his room to change into his sports outfit. He wasn't the strongest guy out there, but he was quick and his coordination was pretty good. This got him into the team, and the guys seemed welcoming. He went back to the dorms to shower, pleased with the day's outcome. It had been a good first day, after all.

Elysia had just risen from her seat when a second flyer was placed on the desk in front of her. She didn't need to lift her head to know it was the Principle's daughter - whose name she still hadn't managed to catch. The scent of her blood was similar to that of her father's whom she'd had the pleasure of meeting briefly upon applying to the school. Sia scanned the page as she picked it up and laughed lightly. She had never imagined herself joining a 'Cheer Team'. She wasn't one for outdoor activities. After all, she couldn't risk a sunny day. Not if she wanted to avoid the feeling of her skin burning off her bones. How would she explain that away? Even so, Sia didn't want to offend the girl. Clearly this was something she was passionate about, so she glanced up at her and smiled.

"I'll think about it," she assured her, waiting until the other girl had left before chuckling and glancing back down at the page. Maybe they practiced indoors. Perhaps all of their games were indoors. She might consider joining, then. Hmm...English next. Her favorite subject. Perhaps the only likable one, in fact. She should have applied for a faculty position rather than actually attending the classes. It was incredibly tedious.

The day passed by quickly enough and soon Sia found that she had the rest of the evening to herself. She was becoming increasingly thirsty. Being around thirty hot blooded teenagers at a time was really tearing down her control. Then there was the wave of people she was caught up in between classes. She'd been so close to their dainty little throats. It would have been so easy to snap one of them and bring them off to some darkened area of the school with her. She needed to be careful, though. She didn't want panic to taint the blood she was going to drink and she certainly couldn't afford any deaths.

With thinning patience, Sia made her way back to the dorms. She passed by a couple of the males from her first class that morning and smiled at them though she didn't stop and talk. Instead she made her way back to her own room. When she entered, Sia left the door open a crack. She had to appear to have no secrets - nothing to hide - if she was going to avoid detection while she was here.

Elysia had asked them to help her bring her piano up to her room that morning and it rested a little inside the doorway now, just where she'd asked them to leave it. She was not a materialistic person by any means but she so enjoyed to play and she would need a way to relieve stress when she wasn't getting her fill of blood. She sat down in front of it now and began to play, the tune slow and a little sad.

"Five days after, Black and Red collide. The motion sickness passed, I'll be the first...to stand. Behind that weathered door, I thought it would be safest. My head is dizzy now, I thought we'd overcome. We might not make it home...tonight," she sang softly, her eyes slipping closed.

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