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Hogwarts Will Always Be Home (BiancoangelloXShuPhoenix)

Imelda looked up at him, still blushing, her eyes wide in surprise. "Y-you really think so?" She said as she sat on a step and watched the moon.
"Hmmm... let's see shall we?" Angello reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small container with what appears to be water. "Don't ask why I carry this. My father always raised me to be prepared for anything... This is veritaseum" He puts a drop in his drink and then takes a sip and looks back at Imelda "Alright, ask me again." Smiling because he knows the answer will still be the same. He did not take into account if she would ask something afterwards though..
Imelda looked shocked when he showed her the veritaserum. Students certainly weren't permitted to possess it, but he had already taken it before she could protest, so she simply asked again, hesitating before adding, "a-also...I wondered if you, um liked me as more than a friend." She was simply curious, though slightly hopeful. She did not think to ask him whether he still used the notebook. She would feel awful if she did.
"Y-yes." The answer was as clear as the music that could be heard in the background. Angello surprised she asked such a question widen his eyes and covered his mouth blushing and stunned in silence as he stared back at her.
Imelda was quite surprised by his answer to her and stared at him with an expression that displayed her surprise for a moment. "Wow," she murmured, her cheeks hot and probably crimson now. She wondered how long the potion lasted and whether he would remember the conversation afterwards.
"wh-wh-why would you ask that..." he said looking at the lower corner of his eyes, blushed the same as her. He had only used one drop so the effects would only last a couple minutes. He never would have guessed that the conversation would take such a turn in this direction.
"I was curious!" She defended, "besides," she added tentatively, "I'm pleased with your answer. You didn't need veritaserum to tell me though." That was her slightly awkward way of reciprocating his feelings. She may have been sought after, but it didn't make her any better at romance than any other girl.
"There was no way that would have come out of my mouth without veritaseum" he confesses admitting to his shyness. He sits beside her silently and awkwardly until his hand just barely reaches for hers.
Imelda smiled, taking his hand and looking at him as they sat on the steps, "well either way...I'm glad you did," she said in a soft sincere tone that made her seem older than she was in that particular moment. After a moments hesitation, she kissed his cheek, the moonlight hiding from the window hiding her blush.
Angello didn't know how to reply and just stood there blushing. "It's getting really late... most people have already left, do you think we should... head back to the castle?" He said as his hand firmly grasped hers.
"That's a good idea," she smiled, "preferably before we get points docked from our houses!" She chuckled and kept hold of his hand as they made their way back.
Angello smiled gladly willing to walk her all the way to her tower. He never did care much for his House's points. Soon they arrived and he stood there not being able to go past the painting. "Well... I had fun!" He said smiling, still blushing from all that had happened.
Imelda smiled back at him as she responded, "me too! Maybe if there's ever another ball we can spike the pumpkin juice with levitating elixir so that everyone floats around the room or something," she laughed. She had clearly spent way too much time with the Wessley twins. She hugged him heartily before pulling away.
"Hehe.. I'm sure we could do better than that..." As she pulled away he waved at her. He would stay there until she disappeared into that painting. "I'll see you at the second task then?" He asked before she could go.
Angello made his way to the Slytherin dungeons sighing all the way. She had been his first crush and he had already confessed feelings to her. He didn't know what to make of it. Was it good or was it bad? He would guess only time would tell. He was eager to meet her at the second task. Once in his bed he started to remember his goals and his lack of concern for the methods used to obtain them. He started to think, she would never accept him if she knew that his interest in the dark arts had grown between the two years they met.
Imelda woke the next morning feeling exceptionally cheerful. She had enjoyed the ball more than she thought she would and wished there could be another one tonight, but at least today was the day of the second task, a day nearly everyone had been waiting for for the past four months. She was desperate to know exactly what would happen.

Angello walked near the conversation Harry and Neville were having. He started laughing in silence at the poor judgement of Harry in trusting Neville, he knew that gillyweed effects lasted about an hour on fresh water. He waited a bit to wonder if Imelda had arrived earlier and was already on the set stage in the middle of the lake.
Imelda accidentally bumped into Angello as she made her way through the crowd to the stand in which the task would be spectated. She muttered a sorry, not realising it was him for a moment.
"Hey you made it" As he tried to wave at her so she would notice him. "Where were you? " Dumbledore could already be heard trying to announce the event that everyone was so desperately waiting for to start.
Imelda grinned and went over to him, speaking quietly since Dumbledore had started the announcement. "I woke up late," she confessed with a laugh. "All that partying tires a girl out you know."
"Hehe... " Angello smirked at her remark. He had always had trouble sleeping so he would stay up very late at night, he was used to it. Suddenly the cannon is heard and all the wizards jump in the water with harry apparently choking "Look at harry" he said
Imelda frowned, wondering why Harry was hesitating. She crossed her fingers behind her back and watched. "Harry what are you doing?!" She muttered, urging him on. "Ugh, sometimes I don't understand how he can be so dim..."
"I heard he took some gillyweed from Longbottom, what an idiot... he is probably choking because he need water to breathe now!" Said Angello wandering why didn't Neville tell him about its almost instant effects.
Finally Harry realised what was happening and jumped into the water. As no one could see what was happening, the task was not nearly as interesting as the first and been and so Imelda quickly grew rather bored.

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